KillerKap ago

be more specific anon

magaveli ago

HILARIOUS!!! I had 19 CCP before i commented here, now i have 13 CCP. it looks like goats can herd me down below 10 if they choose... two sides to every coin, etc etc...

magaveli ago

I am ANON and I am QRV, but i need 10 CCP, so do with me what you choose GreatAwakening Fam, i will respond in kind accordingly

WinOneForTheQuipper ago

From the very start I notticed that both the QRV and QCR boards were created by the same person, SensibleStoner, at the same time. Also noticed the similar usernames of BreadBox and BreadTwists. So what does this say about the Q sanctioned board, the new 8chan board and the TA subverse?

numina18 ago

I don't know what you are talking about, so I guess I will ignore the infighting. I like this site and the other one, too. The only thing is, I can't figure out how to start my own post. What do I put in there to get it in here? I sent something to Qanon, because I didn't know how to put in the right title.

rpn68 ago

This whole thing gives me a gamergate-sized headache with a touch of /baphomet/ retardation.

divine_human ago

@NeonRevolt, you have yet to give me the respect I deserve and politely asked for.

@srayzie, honey, you fucking dont need neon revolts respect. your value and your dignity is in no way dependant on his approval.

we dont ask others for respect; we respect ourselves and others, and if they dont align with what we model, we withdraw our attention and affirm our boundaries.

he doesnt respond? so what the heck?!

its his loss when he shows asshole behavior. the entire Q community is watching and, as somebody said in the comments, vampires cant exist where the sun shines.

i for one am curious to see what more true colors show under the awakened eyes of the audience. most people cant deal with fame, lol. but even NR has chances, just show some integrity and things may sort out.

you and this sub you created and maintained for 8 months (?) are not dependant on his acknowledgment, apology or whatsoever. you know you are doing a good job, and so do the people who have been here for a while. what else is needed? this is not a popularity contest.

i know, all this bashing hurts and its fallout needs to be vented, in order to unburden heart and mind. the past week was full of it and community was holding the space for it.

as i see it, its time to put on our bog gals/boys pants and move on. fuck NR. fuck TA. fuck all the games and just move on. this is a beautiful sub and when you keep handling it with integrity and get over the hurt, it will draw the right people.

in regards to CCP farming: the voat system is as it is. its a protection but its also an annoyance for genuine newbies.

when i perceive a comment as valuable and adding to the pool, i upvote it, no matter who is the user. its understandable that Q people feel drawn to interact with other Q people first and not dive into the greater voat community so they naturally come here.

lets not block them. lets see how things are going to unfold. i trust that the dust is going to settle soon and the cream is going to float up on its own accord.

srayzie ago

You’re right. It just pisses me off that I’ve worked hard to make this a good subverse. Then he causes people to doubt me. That’s messed up

1stNomad ago

I am new here. I appreciated the welcome and details. There is more at stake here than any of us know. Let’s get back to work. President Trump and Q needs us. May God bless America!

usmcobra ago

errrrr isn't any post saying that CCP farming isn't allowed, almost certainly encouraging people to up vote you for taking such a stand, which is CCP farming at it's most basic?


It is a Möbius strip of logic...

reaper70 ago

Hey, even though I was a long-time Voat lurker, I was more than happy for you guys to take me in. I have no qualms about the culture or the hazing. Made me laugh a few times, actually.

We have bigger fish to fry and need to stay united. There are enough elements out there as it is trying to divide us. So thank you, old goats, for your welcome and giving us a roof over our heads and three squares a day. :-)

desertpatriot ago

I don't understand the point of the whole "take back Voat" post on 8chan, unless it's just to divide and distract people. Voat was never theirs to "take back" in the first place (or mine, for that matter, since I'm as new here as most of the other redditfugees). Besides that, Voat is opensource, the code is freely available on GitHub for anyone to clone. If there's really a problem with this platform and the culture here (I don't think so, but just for the sake of argument), there's literally nothing preventing anybody with money and some basic server administration skills from starting their own site. That seems like it would be more productive than starting an online war to "take back" a platform that you'll never really own or control (and that can be taken down by its actual owner at any time if it becomes more trouble than it's worth, leaving you again with no platform).

RightSideUp17and6 ago

i am observing all three Q-verses on Voat. I cannot be concerned about points, so to speak, in the sense either they are earned, or not. if i have not shared something of USE than no points accrue. I am allowing the organic process and either they add up or not. From day one for me it is never to try to curry favor/votes. Just want to put my 2 cents in to help forward the mission. Still learning, and when you enter another realm, and trust me, this IS another realm, it is to learn the ways of the realm in order to ADD TO not SUBTRACT FROM. Even w/ my background, Q is teaching me a lot more about sorting out info/intel/data-assessing the veracity of the source, etc. Anytime the source has a big arrow sign in their hand pointing to MEMEME i watch out. Seen it w/ Corsi, et al. Thus the viewing the three Q sites here. There is a reason to pay attention to the goats-learn the goat "walk". I might not be a goat, but i will do my part. ThanQ to all those old goats, as above, who are HELPING us to navigate this Voat world. Get over the division, peeps, and lets get focused on what we are here for. We ARE in this together! There is also more beyond Rid it-so i monitor all. Concerning free speech: mine might not be the same as yours, that is, in how i speak, BUT i respect your INHERENT right to speak as you will. Don't assume my not using certain words means i have any problem with yours.This is very key-do not assume criticality and judgement outright. WWG1WGA does not mean we are all the SAME. Godspeed.

srayzie ago

You don’t have to use the words lol. Stay and you’ll become a 🐐

RightSideUp17and6 ago

'preciate it. where we goat one we goat all. lol thanQ for what you do, for who you ARE. doing comes from being.

srayzie ago


AreWeThereYet ago

As far as I've been able to determine - it ISN'T the women that are acting like drama queens... It's the guys.

N the stomping around niggerfaggoting everything just looks like a temper tantrum. lol

madhatter67 ago

I heard @srayzie groped neon revolt at a party when they were at school!

That's my prediction for the next accusation!

srayzie ago

You weren’t supposed to tell anyone 😂

SearchVoatBot ago

Bleep bloop, someone mentioned this submission!

'More QRV shenanigans' was posted in v/GreatAwakening by @GoodGodKirk and refers to this submission.

This notification (#942) was posted automatically by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress this notification by adding a query(?) to the Voat link. More information here.

inareth ago

It seems to me that the CCP system is designed to keep people from being able to suppress things they don't want seen. Anyone can contribute, anyone can promote stuff that seems useful, but the ability to bury things is something that should be done sparingly and carefully, so you have to earn it. This makes sense, and it should give pause to see a group (or several groups) of people trying to destroy protection for their own ends.

And that's the key I think: For their own ends.

NiggeroniFaggitoni ago

How is that a straw man argument? Her entire post was literally alerting us to something she has seen, and this is coming from a person who has actually stood up and defended these people quite a bit and tried to extend the olive branch multiple times and give them reasonable doubt until she was given personal proof of otherwise.... and as soon as she was she made a post pointing that out two other people. So to bitch about that is to bitch about her pointing it out. Now the fuck else are you supposed to interpret that...

NiggeroniFaggitoni ago

How is it her way or the highway? I think you're getting your subs confused, her way or the highway would imply that she silences or bans people that don't agree with her narrative, considering she rarely bans anyone for anything at all you can talk your shit all day long and she won't blink... and hasn't in all of the months she's modded here. If she was acting like you, misogynisticly, claim she is then wouldn't she be over emotional and silencing people by banning them left and right?? or at least trying some other type of emotional response tactic? But that simply isn't the case and never has been, but that doesn't fit into your little narrative of her biggest mistake in life of, apparently, being a woman...

AreWeThereYet ago

I'm setting up a "go fund me" to purchase tampons and midol for blood N honor - if anyone wants to donate...

Light_Guard ago

We're dealing with the left trying to derail our Supreme Court justice confirmation, Iran blaming us for an attack on their parade that was probably a C_A attempt to instigate a war, foreign intelligence push back on releasing the FISA documents, and the conversation is about this? Really???? Our country is at stake. Our freedom is at stake. We have a war to fight and win and it's not about anything to do with moderating and CCP points on VOAT or any other social media platform politics.

NiggeroniFaggitoni ago

Then don't let the door hit you on the ass on your way out. It isn't as if this is the only place you can get your information or have discussions on research...

NiggeroniFaggitoni ago

So when she sees suspect things going on she shouldn't at least let everyone know what she has seen? Hmm... I think I would be personally pissed off at her if I found out that she had some information like this and withheld it from us, considering Q has said many times to be careful who you follow.. of course that road goes both ways, but until someone releases some private messages that make @srayzie look suspect like this.... I won't be holding my breath.

Christosgnosis ago

and yet subscribers go up across all three subverses

v/QRV as an anon subverse has its value, but so do the subverses where CCP can be earned

the soap opera war is just distraction at this point

Plenty going on in the QVerse that is a billion times more important

WhiteRonin ago

Ahhh @9-11 is here!

Did Q actually check every site and which subs existed or did he just recommend a sub because it had a large population.

New folks: 9-11 is a shill watch out for him!

AriGuis ago

FFS! I personally am getting tired of the name calling, subverse bashing, mod bashing, freaking infighting over the last week. It is becoming absurd. You have a choice of three subverses!! It doesn't matter which one you freaking choose, which one you think is the best or if you choose all three. This is just plain ass stupid to see everyone acting like jealous little kids because someone else has a better toy.

I am tired of seeing some of my reddit people coming on the board stating that we are going to dominate Voat, we're going to downvote all the old goats into oblivion and other such trash. "Oh, we're going to be the best board." That's not the freaking point!

I remember that this is how The_Donald feels about themselves. And I remember how WE felt about that. Who got banned? Not The_Donald! Twice now our boards have been banned! They are too big to be banned, they said. I have been all over Voat and seen what people are saying on other subverses about us. So now we are being compared to them. That is just plain bullshit and I have been watching this shit go on for days. And these are comments from those who didn't come and attack us....

"This shit is getting old, this qrv crap is flooding us and its all random /thedonald shit everywhere. Is this how their gonna try and choke us out now? Flood us with random anon bullshit till we get annoyed and leave? I dont know if anon subs should be allowed on All, it seems to be a major exploit for brigading."

"Maybe this is like an Islamic infiltration... Will they eventually spread and take over the whole site?"

"So they're openly upvote farming and trying to get enough brownie points to downvote which they will then use to downvote all the "old goats". In this way, they hope to replace us"

"I just got a look around QRV. I actually thought voat was hacked for a second. They are cringy, weird, faggoty and do not fit in here but there is apparently hundreds of them. Either that or they are making dozens of alts each. They seem to want to "convert" voat which is a disgusting thought since my initial impression is they are r/thedonald from murdoch-murdoch"

"I'll never understand you guys and your obsession with fucking upvoats."

"They would interpret it to mean whatever they want. They're just like any Democrat voter."

Do we REALLY want to look like this to others?

Do we REALLY want to be compared to this? "The T_D crowd, basically."

Yeah we were banned by dirty play, we knew it was coming. We were warned. We should have been more prepared. V/GreatAwakening has been here for sometime. And no I am not choosing sides here. Why did we not just join up with them instead of coming on with our own board, like a bunch of elephants, without any consideration to them? Maybe Voat should have put up some border walls to keep us "refugees" off their land. Cause that is how some of us acted. No, we panicked and ran off half cocked!

I have been on the Trump train since the primaries, The_Donald, WikiLeaks, CBTS, Great Awakening and Q since day one. I post some, but mostly lurk. All I freaking want to do is learn, and I have seen and shared some awesome research. But this shit going on is just getting in the way. I've also noticed that is turning people off. Not redpilling anyone with the Q movement.

I keep reading that upvotes don't mean shit on Voat. So I went exploring. You know what I found? Freaking little upvoting!! But you go to QVR and upvotes are off the charts and Front and All were freaking wiped out with QVR postings for the several days. We came in here as guests, but it has turned into a freaking invasion and it is making me rethink being in any of the groups here. I've spent time here for the pizzagate research when it was moved off reddit. And I visited V/GreatAwakening as well.

And you all wonder why we were treated badly by the old goats. I think we deserved it coming in here all arrogant and thinking we were hot shit. This was NOT how we behaved on GA,so why now??? And yeah, I'm fucking pissed. WE are dividing your OWN selves. So downvote me to oblivion cause I don't give a rats ass. Bombard me with the hate, I really don't care. We should have been more considerate to others. I'm not here to please you, be your friend or otherwise. I am here to learn and pass the information we find on to my friends and family who are truly terrified about what is going on around them. This is what I see going on so what makes us think that others aren't seeing the same thing??!! So come on with the hate I feel it coming, just like all the hate from the left. I feel that too! It's coming off everything around us, POTUS, his family, the Q movement, Judge Kavanaugh and all other things that have anything to do with conservatives. Doesn't need to be here, but I sure am seeing and feeling it.

Yeah, I'd post this to all boards, but I haven't been out there bombarding the boards so I can post something that is never going to make it to the Q team.

kalgon ago

Like many here I've blocked QVR so v/all isn't v/qvr, it simply doesn't exist to me

But that's the first time I did that here, just goes to show how visually annoying that particular sub is

divine_human ago

great posts, thanks for speaking my heart.

srayzie ago

Everything will work out. It’s ok. Take it easy <3

AriGuis ago

Thanks srayzie. Just everything I am seeing has gotten to me. This thing going on with the Judge, though. That's the worst. I am a victim 17 yrs at the hands of 4 family members. Guess I just let out my anger without disclosing that about myself. I'll be fine.

srayzie ago

It’s ok. We all have rough days. Hugs

moblodite ago

I am new here and first thing I did was read the rules, "no asking for CCP is a rule" IMHO.. Anyone asking for CCP or suggesting anyone else to voat up or down should be suspended, Myself have never been on reddit.. Just follow Q on other forums, I have never really joined in on the patriot discussions till I hot here, and for only being here for 1 day I see mostly Conservative supporters but also have seen many haters and flat out nasty people. I try to keep in mind what I learned years ago online. {Don't feed the trolls} I think join the discussions that help & support the cause and ignore the rest. I don't care one bit about points I am here to learn and help spread Q & hope. Hell.. I don't even use points at stores for a discount!! As for Respect... Respect is earned.. Not given.

AriGuis ago

Actually, I have a different take on respect. I'll give you respect, but you've got to work to keep it. This is through long experience, believe me....

moblodite ago

Agree, I like that answer. That's why the WALK AWAY movement is spreading so fast, So many Democrats have lost all respect for their leaders

Le_Squish ago

Thank you very much for your honest dialog.

Truth2Light ago

Great perspective. Thank you. I, for one, will keep this in mind going forward.

GoBackToReddit ago

Wall of text

Dare I say, this "newfag" gets it. Questionably accurate but I'll play along to see what happens.

I am here to learn and pass the information we find on to my friends and family who are truly terrified about what is going on around them.

This is normal believe it or not. Once you open your eyes to the actual trash, the reality of your life changes. It's not just politics, 90% of your life is a lie. The more you learn, the crazier you sound. Next thing you know you'll be trying to explain to people how corn is in all your food and parts of pigs are made into everything, shoes for example... and people will look at you like you're fucking retarded. You'll know when it happens.. people will start talking to you less and your group of "friends" will whittle down. Then you'll stop using shit like facebook and that number will whittle down... then you'll truly understand what a cell phone is.. and your friends will decrease in number again. Your only option to gain knowledge and keep those people is to bite your tongue while your opinion of them changes.. you have to hide your power level, to coin a phrase. And all of that isn't even the real deep shit.. that's the novice level.

With that said, beware the false paths... there are many and most of these Q people are firmly on one or two. I can't say when that started but I can say as soon as "the movement" (another bullshit slogan groups use to feel more correct about themselves) got MSM attention, it became compromised. See pizzagate for an example of the same thing. It was once a "legit crowd sourced investigation" (as in claims were verified to some degree. Few loose connections.).. it got too much attention.. then the totally unverifiable, really weird shit started cropping up...

Getting back to Q:

I mean really... anonymous on the internet.. against the government... in America... it just doesn't work that way (in the context of how "Q" operates). He.. and I do mean he, is a larp. While the followers may have put together good information here and there, Q is still a larp. People are free to hero worship that shit but that's my opinion of it. It has been interesting to watch though. It's gone from just a chan larp to a full blow marketing tool, "the Q brand".

FBIanon.. I stopped following it but it seemed like it was a good start. I don't know where it went but my money is always on larp first (Q failed to come out of that box for a host or reasons).

The opportunity:

I can say whatever I want.. it's the internet after all. That does not mean I can't change my mind.. though it would be an extremely tough sell on the Q thing. If people have links (to sites that are not shady as fuck.. I check registry information and such), I'll read. Some links to known sites I won't follow, such as facebook or Archives are always proffered. When I get around to reading it I'll probably have some questions.. shooting links and not following up is no way to change someones opinion of a thing.

AriGuis ago

I gotcha and to each his own. Larp or no larp. Been a conspiracy theorist a long time since Waco. Yea, old fag here. Is Q a conspiracy? Perhaps. Agree "90% is a lie" And can count friends on one hand. I have not lost friends because I am a true loner and choose my friends carefully. Neighborhood hermit is what they call me. I go to work/come home. People are mostly shit in my opinion. In my line of business I come across all kinds and no thank you to most. I don't use facebook, what's the point? And cell phone is only to call family or use for work. So yeah, understand what you're saying.....Cheers

AbsolutelyZak ago

You beat me. I got FB still but no phone. I'm still learning.

GoBackToReddit ago

You're going to do just fine here.

pablo123 ago

Glad you got that out. When you have a point and your intentions are to stop division, it come through in your words. I just read something from your heart. It's like when my mom would beat me as a child, it was out of love so the memory keeps me as honest, as the smile it puts on my face when i recall the beatings. May I suggest a nice hot bath,(lots of bubbles), and consider the bastards spanked. You could use a little you time so your rested when we will all need a maintenance wack in the future again. WWG1WGA brother.

SearchVoatBot ago

Bleep bloop, someone mentioned this comment!

'Q member expresses earnest reply on Voat Migration' was posted in v/QRV by @2740366 and refers to this comment.

This notification (#943) was posted automatically by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress this notification by adding a query(?) to the Voat link. More information here.

Nadeshda ago

You earnest reply is greatly appreciated Sir and I hope more read this.

WhiteRonin ago


Nah, we just wanted you to NOT be reddit.

We hate reddit because of power mods. We search and destroy power mods.

As for the rest. GA was wide open to welcome you all. And old goats like me would have probably sat back and only watched to see what happens. But yep, power mods didn’t want to loose their positions or earn them back.

Anyways, welcome. I hope you like our GA!

I’m just a lurker here and target stupid points.

KillerKap ago

QRV is anon, GA is not. No overlap. Srayzies board is fine. leave it be. theawakening is the shit sub that should be disbanded. Q isnt endorsing it and now it has no reason to live.

KillerKap ago

theawakening is shit. QRV is not. this sub has been here from the beginning. the awakening needs to shut down. the same shilly mods there were on reddit being generally retarded. I watched them make mistake after mistake, allowing concern trolls free reign, and deleting perfectly helpful posts. there should be no feud between QRV and greatawakening. one is normal voat culture. one is a runoff for 8ch traffik with no ccp, no egos full shill reign and full anon fuckery. no overlap.

WhiteRonin ago

TA went Chan. Regrouped came back as QRV.

Qrv has zero transparency but people want FISA declass. Lol which is it?

divine_human ago

Qrv has zero transparency

plz explain. QRVs mod logs are empty. what other transparency are you looking for?

KillerKap ago

Honestly, QRV is to keep 8chan from too many plebs. they were fucking over our board. We couldnt care less how bad these anon voaters are gonna have it or how transparent it is... as long as they dont shit up our boards anymore with their useless meandering posts.

NiggeroniFaggitoni ago

You know as well as I do it's the whole "we're going to go over there and take over their site with our sheer numbers" bullshit that's got everybody all riled up.. it will calm down in the coming days, but I feel sort of bad for an anonymous subvs that has no way of protecting themselves from thousands of old goats, most of who couldnt give a shit less about Q Anon and simply don't want normalfags shiting up their website.

KillerKap ago

I have no idea how thats going to play out. Ive been on pizzagate and ga from forever ago. its the reddit fags that fucked this all up. fucking retarded that Q had to step in... then TA faggots STILL argue about it (just shills)

Leeloo8me ago

Wow. I’m voat illiterate so I had no idea. I appreciate you opening your doors to us. I’m here to learn and share ideas only. You won’t have any problems from me lol.

srayzie ago

Oh you’re fine. I’m nice. So many of you guys are such nice people. I just have to deal with the punks too. Welcome <3

RufusTFlywheel ago

Fag. Goat subversus are for tard. Q only posts on the Chans. The only reason you're goats is cuz you're too tarded to be anons. Or you like vote fagging so much. Eat a bag of dicks faggot. Q is not on VOAT, is he?

Type-o-Negative ago

Then why are you here then mr /pol/ fag?

WhiteRonin ago

Why are you here? Post that in QRV ;-)

Oh right duh!

NiggeroniFaggitoni ago

Oh shut the fuck up and eat a bag of big throbbing cocks, what color they are is totally your choice. God knows you already have a preference.

stekky75 ago

I agree with you that NeonRevolt is not to be trusted. I also question the purpose of this sub since Q not only went out of his way to make a NEW one but directed everyone to the new one and said to stay together.

Seems to me the v/theawakening AND v/greatawakening should close their doors if the mods agree with Q.

I get it, you put time into building a community here. The reality is you were not selected and the whole is greater than the individual.

divine_human ago

Seems to me the v/theawakening AND v/greatawakening should close their doors if the mods agree with Q..................The reality is you were not selected and the whole is greater than the individual.


because Q endorses one sub for reddit refugees, all others should close down? really?

its what sheep would do. the leader told us this one thing and every other thing he doesnt mention is bullshit and should be ignored. followership at its finest? nobody thinking for themselves anymore?

sorry, doesnt work for liberated sovereign beings. call them goats.

a goat goes where she wants to go. a goat checks on all the herbs growing on the ground and chooses to eat which ones smell good to her. tomorrow, other herbs contain the required nutrition and she will choose to eat those.

i agree that /TA has somewhat out-lived its purpose. it will die on its own accord if this is what serves the greater good. let people decide where they want to put their attention on.

v/GA has been online for 8 months or so. it has an established userbase that honors voat culture, and its very welcoming to ex-redditors on the Q train.

my gratitude goes out to this community that opened its doors and arms to us.

why should this sub go when a new sub comes? makes no sense whatsoever.

srayzie ago

No, that is NOT what Q said.

Q says Good home for ex /GA/ Redditors

Type-o-Negative ago

Look at it like this; immigrants who come to our country had to assimulate to the culture and that was that.

Why should some internet fucking shill mod retards who were in full control and knowledge of the actions taken place well in advance on the day of the bans and responsible for the mass influx of refugees in the first place get to make demands and drama as soon as they reached shore?

I dont know where you are from, but in USA, we call the invaders.

Thnk about that for awhile.

stekky75 ago

Weak cultures always die to stronger ones. The world has a LONG history of it.

I posted here only because this entire thread reeks of desperation.

WhiteRonin ago

Q didn’t make a sub. He only recommended one.

madhatter67 ago

Yep....and to be honest it's best that people congregate there and gradually see what else voat has to offer....that way it will be grudual assimilation for them and us

One thing Q has never suggested is that people limit their sources of information....if he did I'd have real concerns about what he is up to

NiggeroniFaggitoni ago

Yeah the board that's been here for 8 months with zero issue, and is a direct extension of a board that has been here well over a year before Q even existed, should just shut the doors because some newfags come along.. your logic just never ends does it?

WhiteRonin ago

Lots of people think q made qrv. Lol. He didn’t make a sub.

Type-o-Negative ago

Interesting word: redditors = editors?

[reddit replacement] has a killbox


petevoat ago

Looking more and more apparent that NR is controlled opposition. Whether he was before we don't know but when money talks, we can almost safely assume they are shills

WhiteRonin ago

He’s could also just be making a solid profit of thousands of people. $15 x 4000 Ts = $100k

Type-o-Negative ago

Wow!! Great investigative work on these v/theawakening control freak mods hell bent on doing the things they are supposed to protect their subscribe in the first place. Sometimes it feels like these people are members of [p]antifa[gs]’s cyber division than something more sophisticated like the clowns in action, but who knows, maybe clowns only hire people involved in pantifags and that was a job requirement as the only caveat besids doing drugs and possibly have a penchant or inclination for sexually abusing children.

In terms of the Voat system, these cancermods helped me understand how to circumvent the system that is designed for the Voat subscribers protection SPECIFICALLY from being CENSORSHIP by the MODS THEMSELVES.

If you are a a/theawakening subscriber, and not part of the problem because those mods have tons of alt accounts that do all the down-voting on the stuff you think it is important or spent a lot of time posting, you have to ask yourself why would these “patriotic” mods want to do that? If you dont know, maybe it might time to understand why.

I wont insult anyone’s intelligence and just assume you all know that YT take their cideo view stats very seriously. You know why though? Because it provides intergrity so people will trust those numbers as factual. Well Voat takes their votes seriously too as a baseline that provides integrity to factual posts and replies to offer its subscribers a free speech platform that isnt jerry rigged and wonky from articial numbers of downvoting and robots. You really have to ask yourself: why all the focus on just downvoting? Do you like or enjoy being censored? If you hate MSM because it, why would you put up with it here?

One more thing to think about is the BO and mods have offered these people to a chance to come together and talk about it, they get met with saul alinsky quotes of hate shouted across the fence instead. A few of us including myself have even called them on the carpet to defend themselves and explain, but we get met with silence and the most definitely the loudest silence is coming from NeonRevolt who just like the MSM is completely ignores this hot off the presses story when they are know for getting the most current stories out asap. I have called out both @NeonRevolt and @RonaldSwansong whom is a v/theawakening mod and they pretend they dont hear it.

If it walks like a duck And talks like a duck, It must mean it is a duck.

WhiteRonin ago

Pretty good.

You still haven’t figured out the power of anon ;-) QrV is anon. It has a weak point too! That is the power of anon at work too!

PM of you want this clarified. I ain’t posting in public the concept and proofs.

I’m O- too lol

AreWeThereYet ago

This has been educational. A lot has been clarified. Couldn't figure it out - but now I have a better picture.

This board has the dynamic of a Trump rally - people get along because they have a common goal. The others are - hate to say it - just like the opposition we have been fighting. And some of us have been in the trenches waiting for reinforcements for a long time.

I don't know srayzie - but so far everything I have seen by her is legit. She's level headed and intelligent. Not a despot or a piper.

Glad I'm here.

Type-o-Negative ago

Please do PM me, I am definitely interested!

NiggeroniFaggitoni ago

It just keeps piling up for them doesn't it?....

Type-o-Negative ago

You know funny besides saying your name out loud laughing my ass off about it today is I bet all these fuckers wished they didnt ban themselves off reddit. They lost total control and tried to rig it and now its totally fuckedI envisioned these tards banging their desks and kicking the dividers their little office cubicle work station and swearing up a storm that this whole thing totally blew up in their face. These people are just so fucking stupid, its like they never look at the big picture before making a so called calculated move.

Now they are losing control of the narrative too. If they dont get banned for circumventing the Voat Rules, it will just be a sub with bots mods and alts. Think of it as a cemetery. Dark and dead.

Hell, I would bet on a game of checker with these retards.

NiggeroniFaggitoni ago

Oh I'm sure you could salt a new ocean with the amount of tears that have been shed over the power-plays they thought they made, and horribly failed on, in the last two weeks. Thank God for people like you that aren't easily swayed by the tactics and are way more interested in being a real Patriot and turning them down from both sides, but alerting us to the shenanigans at the same time.

Type-o-Negative ago

We are all in this together and that is what they fear. After reading Soro’s “The Last Election” I will whatever is required to keep that from happening to our Republic.

If this ever (forum groups) makes it in the books, I want to be on the right side of history. Thank you for your kind words Patriot.

Caveman_in_a_suit ago

You're a stand-up gal, keep up the good work

adogrocket ago

This post is a home run and thank you. I lurked here for about 8 months but signed up officially when Reddit went to shit. I decided the best way to enjoy my time here was just assimilate to the rules, participate, lol at the hazing, and appreciate the welcome. Other people though it was OK to game the system if they could. IMHO if you don't wasn't to respect the rules of the place you choose to join it reflects on your character. Your take on NR seems about right from what I see from an observer

Shizy ago


adogrocket ago


Gofer1 ago

I'm glad to be here. The other 2 subs don't thrill me. It was a rocky start. The refugees were ill mannered and controlling. The goats were pissed at the normies. Once I got my bearings I'm finding voat rocks! I wish I'd found you guys earlier.

divine_human ago

exactly my thoughts and feelings <3

Shizy ago

At least you're here now!

Gofer1 ago


DeepSeaDive ago

As a GA refugee, I have been trying to be a respectful guest and make sense of the dust-up going on around here amongst the GA boards. I appreciate the hospitality that this board has extended, above & beyond, and I really hope everything comes together sooner rather than later because divided we will fall. We're in this together to the end.

WhiteRonin ago

Watch out for the operatives that came from reddit. GA here has been under god by getting for a while.

I’m not a qcucmber but I do pay attention to this sub for various reasons. If anything, it has gotten my respect because of the people who were here before you came.

amarQ144 ago

I am setting up a new site...a "CCP exchange" if you will...farming will be encouraged and rewarded. You will be able to, as an example, exchange your Chinese Communist Party membership for a Concealed Carry Permit...looking to trade those Cum Crusted Panties for a Cotterless Crank Puller?...Got a Certified Computer Professional and think'n ya might like some Chocolate Cream Pie?...we are here for you...always anomalous and humble...very very humble, and we know what ya want before you do...cuz we stare at goats...

vintagedaisy ago

I’m having a Craft Cheese Party but would love some Cotton Candy Puffs

I almost downvoted you at first until I realized you were joking about the CCP farming lol

Sykotic ago

Thanks for the heads up.

Ashamandre ago

Wahk Wahk Wahk Wahk get your boolsheet outta here! If there's anyone comped here, it's you.

Skeeterdo ago

Well that I can agree with.

Olimpia8 ago

I forgot to say thank you for offering help..ThanQ!

Olimpia8 ago

Thank you for this info!

ResearchingTheTruth ago

REALLY??? Now you are going to divide us? Not falling for it. I trust myself to know who is truth and who is not. Stop telling people what to believe - that's not the purpose of Q.

If you really followed Q you would honor that we are to stay together and stay strong.

WhiteRonin ago

Then why did QrV and theawkaening not join forces under Ga?

Ah right! Mods want to keep their power. They wanted their own power zones.

Why is QRV anon? Why block the ability for users to create normal voat points that would allow them out of the cattle pen?

divine_human ago

Why is QRV anon? Why block the ability for users to create normal voat points that would allow them out of the cattle pen?

QRV on anonymous upset me at first, too. my main point was that i couldnt block spammers, lol.

but yesterday, i noticed that i posted an article there that i would not have posted here because i wouldnt have wanted to take all the shit for it, heheh.

anon throwing shit at anon doesnt hurt anybody. its easier to stay detached from feedback, nobody can make themselves a name or ruin a reputation. ego-mind doesnt have much power here. pretty juicy, this freedom; just put out your thing and stay dis-identified from and neutral towards the fall-out.

yesterday, a QRV mod who was also mod on TA posted this and it spoke to me, i feel a genuine soul and the 8chan spirit.

as i perceive it, QRV has a different purpose than GA. QRV will receive a lot of traction from lurkers and be filled with tons of information but anonymity doesnt foster community building. this is where GA is strong, its already an established community where newfags can integrate in.

QRV is the perfect solution for the lost redditors and the infighting between TA and GA. when two are quarreling, create no.3 and be all free.

yes, all free. look at their mod logs. when i looked last night, all 3 logs were empty. no censorship whatsoever. i guess the old goats who, on saturday, trolled the board to the maxx respect this 8chan principle because yesterday, i hardly saw any spam and trolling.

ahh, yes, the CCP issue, you cant gain any on QRV. then fucking go other places on voat and interact with people. there is not only QRV, there is GA AND an entire voat community of freedom-loving souls, waiting for this flood of refugees to engage in community and integrate.

for those who dont want that, well, lurking and commenting doesnt need CCP .

NiggeroniFaggitoni ago

No one is telling anyone what to think or do.. Just like my post a day or so ago, all I can do is give you my opinion... between this and @type-o-negatives actual picture proof, I think it's time for quite a few people to do exactly what Q has told us a million times and do your own research and think for yourself..

I'm still waiting for some actual picture proof or evidence that @srayzie, or this subvs is compromised in any way, shape, or form..

of course you should be watchful for people trying to divide the cause, but you should also remember that Q has told you numerous times to be careful who you follow and trust. now if someone just made a post it simply said "these people are bad and take my word for it" then you should be suspect, but when it comes along with well-thought-out information and even private messages that should really make you throw some red flags up, then it becomes time for you to do your own digging, but don't pretend any one is forcing you to do anything because that simply isn't the case.

srayzie ago

I’m not dividing. Where do you see that?

My whole point in making this is because I’ve tried to bring people together since day 1. People are welcome to go to ant sub they want. But, not to just come earn CCP. If you’re taking what i said as division, you’re interpreting wrong. I’m willing to work it out. It’s a 2 way street. It can’t only be me trying. This isn’t about the Q followers. This is about the mods and what they’ve been doing and allowing happen.

DamnLiquor ago

you can't reason with the shills, never satisfied. You'll learn that eventually

wokeasfook ago

In case you didn't notice its Q and you theawakening fags dividing Q supporters on voat so theres that. We already have a Q board that works very well with a trusted moderator. Why we need a new one with cucked reddit faggots voat farming?? Upvoating every new submission 1000 times before any verification or credibility added. They are turning this into another reddit. Nobody here wants that.

MadWorld ago

@NeonRevolt, you have yet to give me the respect I deserve and politely asked for.

Please be transparent and reply publicly on VOAT. Most of us are curious and no longer trust you. The only reply you’ve given me that had any substance at all was on Gab, where your fans donate to you, (including me until last week.) How about you reply HERE, since it is US that you made a deceptive post about.

(((Vampires))) don't survive in transparency or under sunlight.

divine_human ago

well said.

bopper ago


srayzie ago

This woman has done just fine. The fact that you have issues with me being a woman, is a reflection on you, not me.

NiggeroniFaggitoni ago

Yes that was ridiculous... I got a lot of love yesterday but I also got hounded a lot too for my post. I guess we're not supposed to call them like we see them... Regardless of whether or not the olive branch was extended from day one.

DamnLiquor ago

you being a woman should have never been allowed to slip, these assholes will use anything they can grip their shitty claws upon.

I dislike your views many times, but I'd never attack you like a pussy liberal that supposedly respects women will attack any and everything. The American people are fed up.

MadWorld ago

9.2k subscribers here in /v/GA, you are doing a remarkable work!!! Those refugees will be coming to this subverse as soon as they are able to see through those bullshits from their (((mods))).

DustinFromVancouver ago

Ya--I think this is a great site--Why is Q not mentioning us?? You can't even get on that other site.

divine_human ago

Why is Q not mentioning us?

that would have meant taking sides in a popularity+control fight. silly idea.

Q trusts the 8chan board owner. he brought the 8chan tradition of no moderation whatsoever - QRVs mod logs are empty - so everybody can anonymously speak their minds.

lets take it as an experiment. its fun. it doesn mean that anyone has to abandon another sub for it.

You can't even get on that other site.

you need to change your settings - wheel at the upper right hand side - to allow NSFW content, then you can open the page and subscribe.

you can also subscribe to the set puttitput created that contains the feed of GA, TA, and QRV here

srayzie ago

Thank you!

trackmeplease ago

Great highlighting the differences between v/GA and v/QRV.

There is a place and a place.

WhiteRonin ago

FISA is about transparency. QRV is about hiding.

wokeasfook ago

The entire past fortnight has been really fishy.

Q's Q&A was fishy as fuck.

This new /QRV subverse is fishy as fuck. Noting but voat farming and now i've noticed i'm getting downvoats where i wound never expect downvoats.

We are certainly under attack. It feels like a coordinated attack so that is most likely what it is. All you have to do is go to the QRV board and look at the shear volume of upvoats on every single post. Posts that would be scrutinized much deeper here on regular voat before getting the tick of approval.

It just comes across as a pit of disinformation with no way to weed out the false or misleading stories..

I for one will be staying right here and waiting this out. Our immune system is strong.

fuckreddit872319 ago

Majority of the refugees are still working on getting enough CCP to be able to downvote and get the shill comments off QRV threads, right now every comment is an upvote fiesta

Truth2Light ago

That's it. Plus many of us (and a lot now showing up) thought all up voats were counting towards CCP. Most of us were jumping in without figuring out how things work first and pissing off the old goats. Guilty. Another thing WWG1WGA and the shills follow. At least here, it will be easier to keep them at bay.

srayzie ago

I saw the upvotes! I agree with everything you’ve said. But someone mentioned Q’s Tripcode was stolen again. I think Q would have told us that by now. I do think the Q & A was strange. Maybe it’s disinformation that is necessary. But the weirdness going on since the day that the Reddit sub got banned has just been weird.

When it continues day after day, you have to wonder.

4wheels ago

We will have to wait and see. The Sky is falling week will def. be interesting.

divine_human ago

i think the Q+A was a bandwidth check. it showed that 8chan cannot host the redditors and the anons cant work anymore. thus, the creation of QRV.

I think Q would have told us that by now.

agreed. Q posted on /patriotsfight the next day where only Q can post which is a comfirmation that everything is ok.

srayzie ago

i think the Q+A was a bandwidth check. it showed that 8chan cannot host the redditors and the anons cant work anymore. thus, the creation of QRV.

How does that work? I’m not techy

divine_human ago

neither am i, lol. Q2225 states that there were 412,000 visitors to 8chan during the Q+A. it was all over the boards that 8chan couldnt handle it.

srayzie ago


v888 ago

I think the Q&A was strange too. Q being wise ? "We are not Alone" could mean 1. We are not alone because God is With Us or 2. We are not alone because there are aliens. Consider the vastness of space - it is vast -so this answer has double meaning also. Q wants us united so would not want split the "movement" . I agree with the disinformation angle as well. I am waiting to see a Gematria decode of these drops. Could it have been "4am talking point " Q style- to get cnn in a frenzy? Or could it be a message that was not for us? Popcorn !!

wokeasfook ago

Yep i agree with everything you said. I'm very suss right now. Taking everything with a grain of salt.

What i will say is the prevailing narrative seems to have changed since then too. We've gone from "we're in the final innings" "this is it" "finally they are going down" "everything will be known" "this is the final act" type of rhetoric to a very subdued rhetoric where at best we can expect a resignation or 2. Nothing more. No mass awakening anymore. No vindication for those of us who have given up everything and everyone in our lives to fight the deep state for years and years. Long before Trump or Brexit or Pizzagate or any of those big "normie grabbing' stories.

I was led to believe we would finally be vindicated. Finally the entire world would have to accept that what we have been trying to tell them for years was true all along.

Now i see a completely different narrative that seems to be tapering our expectations and i don't fucking like the direction it is going one little bit.

srayzie ago

Maybe that’s just the feel of it but when we put it into perspective over a longer period of time it may make sense.

wokeasfook ago

I hope so. We have a healthy level of skepticism here and so the truth usually finds its way to the surface. Fingers crossed we are still moving towards a great awakening but it just doesn't feel like it anymore.

Skeeterdo ago

Funny enough it's the man acting like a bitch in this situation, all he had to do was say sorry and the peace could have been kept.

We've all seen this shit before. Reddit mods want to retain their status, only to come here and get shit on, lose a quarter of their platform because others get their eyes opened.

FatLadySings ago

Wow....I thought my family was

singlebrain1 ago

thanks for welcoming us. I am a reddit refuge. Just lurking for now.

Olimpia8 ago

Same here..I was new on reddit when it hit the fan, so i’m just getting info and trying to figure out who is trustworthy and who is not.

WhiteRonin ago

Who is transparent? FISA is transparency. QRV is not.

GA is reaching out to you all to join as patriots. Theawakening handed out bans like free beer.

Use logic and always stay woke!

Sheneyney ago

Same here, I don't like all this division when we need to be on the same team for the mission at hand. Exposing and taking out bad players within our government and bringing them justice.

Olimpia8 ago

Traitors is more the truth.

srayzie ago


poeticmutiny ago

I’m super confused by the amount of ridiculousness going on here with NeonRevolt. What the actual fuck?

srayzie ago

If you read them all the posts, it shows everything.

bopper ago

Chiefly, or one main thing ... there is a simple ping list here on this sub that we've used for many months.

For some reason NR said they (the people on this ping list) were shills or CIA or shady or something like that.

Then when oldtimers here corrected him he wouldn't back down or apologize or make a correction.

So now his motives are being questioned (to wit, he possibly was throwing shade on this sub and building up the other one, that he himself was associated with).

Something like that.

WhiteRonin ago

He wants to sell $25 Ts and $58 Hoodies.

Of course he can’t back down!

themagarhino ago

Maybe just maybe the mods are so busy that they overlooked chatting with you. I would be really surprised that they were deliberately disrespecting you.

Grace will keep us together. Give each other grace and take less offense. Unless you see a troll. Then we should all dogpile the troll and pummel them to death. :P

DaraChaos ago

I see that you're new here.You missed all that went on last week.

srayzie ago

No, I’ve had one ONLY approach me in the comment section of a post and he had attitude. That was @Drogeanon who informed me that he knows they aren’t infiltrated because they are always on discord in discussion. That’s weird to me.

themagarhino ago

I am sorry. Thank you for what you have done so far. :)

DrogeAnon ago

I was simply responding to your attitude and attempt to paint us in a certain light alongside the claim that you'd tried to reach out to us when no one received any message from you during that time. My information also included the fact that we had a mod log that a few of us kept a close eye on and questioned any strange activity we saw. Nothing weird about any of that.

srayzie ago

I didn’t have attitude, when you replied to a comment, I didn’t even know you were a mod at first. I reached out several times. Out of 13 mods and a post right on your very sub with over 200 upvotes didn’t catch your attention! Seriously?

No, I don’t remember keeping a mod log. But every time you reply you give me a little more information that just makes yiunguys look shady. Why would you do that when this is Voat? It’s not Reddit. New usernames. That is some sneaky stuff you guys pull. People have lives and families. 13 mods on discord chat all the time, because you said 24/7.

What is your goal? To already target users? Can you see why so many feel the way they do? I could have came here and made a SerialBrain2 username. I could have decided I was going to shill and play him. That scenario can happen to anyone. So now, should a user be targeted by a mod team that are all on discord thinking that they need to be private investigators?

It’s that same investigation that had v/GreatAwakening falsely accused infiltrated when you all knew the truth. If that’s your investigative work, then you should choose another role.

DrogeAnon ago

Raising spurious claims about our motivations and reasoning, as you are still doing here, is what I regarded as 'attitude', and responded to.

No one received any messages from you. I was talking about us and the mod log on Reddit that allowed us to track and ensure there were no bad actors. The same thing though much less detailed is here on Voat. "That is some sneaky stuff you guys pull" - there it is, the attitude. What's sneaky about new usernames? Do you know what the old ones were? Does it matter? Still misrepresenting what I said. Logically I could only have meant that the Discord was busy all the time with whoever happened to be on at the time. Not all mods were on all the time. But it seems you want to turn that into 'something dodgy' somehow so you keep pushing that 'weird' interpretation of what I said.

What goal with what? Our only goal has ever been to focus on content - Q drop discussion. We have never had time or care for drama. "So many" are just fine with a feed that focused on Q drops. Our mod team do not care about private investigations but it seems you'd like to tell that story. We have far more important things to focus on than 'investigating' anyone or performing covert ops under secret usernames.

We are average community members who applied to do a simple job curating content and we believe this movement is important enough that we kept our focus on that mission and eschewed acts of ego, power tripping or drama - external or internal. We made mistakes but we kept to our focus. People still trying to ascribe acts of ill intent to us seem to have some other agenda than "Unity not division". You have no idea what 'we all knew' and did not know. I can tell you that we all did not know any truth about v/GA which is why we stayed out of it. There are no secrets to tell despite the best efforts of some to generate them.

themagarhino ago

You two need grace.

magaveli ago

noted. got it. also please note - some of us just want 10 CCP to post on the ANON board. so if you see this activity and you see less than 10 CCP, perhaps you can not whip them. help them get to 10 and see what happens, yes some seem to be triggered by 100+ CCP voat fuckers coming in and downvoting but you dont really note that above, but whatevs, breh, wwg1wga, sorta

NiggeroniFaggitoni ago

because you get CCP by participating, not by begging for it so why not try to treat this like Reddit and go find some subvs' forthings that interest you and participate in them like you would anywhere else and you literally have the CCP you need in no time at all.

You see that I didn't have a problem getting there myself. Although I do have a 1.8 year old account I started when pizzagate first moved over here, but this name sends the newfags screaming, so it's way better... Quickly separates the bitches from the not bitches.

nan_ren ago

Getting 10 CCP in a normal fashion is really not that fucking hard though. Read stuff that interests you and make some comments. Why is it considered to be such an ordeal? If someone has so little interest in this place that they can't earn 10 CCP or even 100 for that matter, then why come here at all?

It's the principle of it, too, mainly. When you first show up at a new place, whether it be an online community, a party, or a foreign country, you respect the rules that have been established there. If you don't, you make yourselves look like assholes and of course people aren't going to be nice to you.

Most recent arrivals here are from Reddit. Unless things have changed since I was there, most of the main subs have similar karma-based rules for the same reasons (to post new topics), and their karma requirements are considerably harder to meet than 10 CCP.

srayzie ago

People can also partipate instead of breaking the rules. It’s good Voat has this set in place. I’d not, there would be a lot more shills. It encourages participation. It’s not that hard. I went thru it.

DaraChaos ago

Just venture out into the rest of VOAT and make some useful comments. You only need 10 ccp to submit a thread. I see you already have 19, so you should be able to do that now. 100 ccp is only needed to downvoat, btw.

pairadocs ago

Whether its government handouts or Voat votes and points, I just have a hard time being a taker. I feel so much better at the end of the day if I am an honest contributor to whatever I am involved with. I see it as a personal life goal, that everything and place I am involved with be better off because I was there. Once I outgrew adolescence, I just can't stand being a begger anymore.

AperionPatriot ago

It's really not that hard to come in and post a couple constructive comments or even communal jerking one another off with WWG1WGA posts when a Q post is being discussed. If you do farms and everyone blindly participates, it makes it very easy for shills and bots to infiltrate and get the votes -they- need to do the shit they like to do.

Optional_Reading ago

I follow all the Q subs here and did on Reddit before the ban hammer. V/greatawakening seems to be the most inviting.

pairadocs ago

Thanks v/GA mods. You put all of what my thoughts and feelings are so well.

srayzie ago

You’re welcome :)

FreedBy45 ago

Well, I thank you for myself & other Reddit refugees. You took us in when we were homeless...grateful.

Truth2Light ago

Yes. I'm grateful for all you've done. Thank Q.

srayzie ago


NiggeroniFaggitoni ago

You already know we have your back!

Rainmakr ago

Thanks for welcoming us.

srayzie ago

Thank you for being here. 🇺🇸

tracej ago

Wow. Crazy stuff

DJB ago

NR, respond or default to shilldom. Idk a fuckin thing about you mate, but have heard people I trust vouch for you/read your articles. A real motherfucker responds when called out respectfully like this. You either reply or you run and pretend this never came before you, but either choice = you replied. No 5th mister manzie. slaps ruler in hand

furryfish17 ago

Hear, Hear! Well said, friend.

White_pride_cis ago

@neonrevolt is a faggot whose prolapsed anus is irritated because he has no power here. Even as a mod, we the plebs can still see what goes on. On Reddit and 8chan, there were ways to handle things behind the scenes to manipulate. Here, they don't have that choice. Where has @neonrevolt been? Obviously not here, despite what Q says. Remember Goy, Q took 2! Yes, two whole photos from his posts. That means they're pretty much BFF's at this point.

DJB ago

does "even a broken clock is right two times a day" apply here? 😕

DamnLiquor ago

no it doesn't shitbag