14344996? ago

You do need to be humbler, indeed. Starting with carrying the "moderator" moniker as some badge of honor. Bunch of self-agrandizing nobodies. What you have to say is important, or not, based on it relevance, usefulness, insightfulness, and how aligned it is with truth. Your opinion does not carry any more information or relevance or importance because you were a "moderator" on reddit. NOBODY CARES THAT YOU WERE A MODERATOR AT re/GA?

14085712? ago

Stop trying to spread your roots here also. Fuck you fagmod

14062269? ago

Even as an anon you cant stop jerking yourself off. Quit honoring yourself douchebag. No ine cares that you were a mod. In fact that makes you look like a faggot.

14055922? ago

Your words make me wish I could meet you.

I am truly touched. I am so very grateful to be even just a tiny part of this Great Awakening. No better way to describe it. I have been described by my family as a misanthrope. There is some truth to that. I am fond of saying that I love the cow but I hate the herd. I can count the people I call my friends on one hand and have fingers to spare. Now I have Millions of friends! Real friends, and I don't even know their names. A very bittersweet irony. But for this time it must be this way. I pray that our movement will be all that we hope for, and much much more. God bless and protect Donald Trump, his family, and all the other selfless souls that surround him. God Bless and protect all of you my new friends and your loved ones, I love you all. And God bless and protect America, and every other soul in every other nation.

14042606? ago

















14039855? ago

Bleep bloop, someone mentioned this submission!

'According to Dr Corsi Jr, NeonRevolt, QRV is ran by the same mods as theawakening' was posted in v/GreatAwakening and includes this reply from @divine_human:

detroit was bad management which wasnt transparent.

see, i was as shocked as most folks when i learned that penshitlord whom i have known from TA is mod on QRV. i wasnt aware of 8bit but if he is the one who wrote this, i resonate with it and enjoy watching this social experiment unfold.

similar to the citizens over-watching their government, community needs to over-watch their moderators. public mod logs are the tools. everybody can see whats moderated. up to not, nothing on QRV.

thus, even if the heaviest censor mods of TA (former reddit GA) were on the mod board of QRV, how can they abuse their mod power if everybody watches their every action?

and yes, its true, they can something more, like write up and sticky a 'how to voat' and some inspirational words here and there.

i for ne want to keep thing open: let all these subs prove themselves. and let the people choose what they like.

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14037464? ago

Bleep bloop, someone mentioned this submission!

'Remember FISA is about transparency, why is QRV anon?' was posted in v/QRV and includes this reply from @14037454:

Read this


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14034810? ago

Thank you for your sincere, passionate and loving words, you've made my day a whole lot brighter.

14034212? ago

nicely worded post with sincere overtures///good

14033293? ago

Finally some of us are getting it!!! Very well said.

14032683? ago

I GAVE UP on voat ..... been here since day one and still can't post .... 8chan much better and more likely to endure,

14032064? ago

Bleep bloop, someone mentioned this submission!

'CCP Farming here is NOT allowed! NEON REVOLT - Here is your chance. - v/QRV is the Official REDDIT Replacement sub says Q. Not official Q subverse.' was posted in v/GreatAwakening and includes this reply from @divine_human:

Why is QRV anon? Why block the ability for users to create normal voat points that would allow them out of the cattle pen?

QRV on anonymous upset me at first, too. my main point was that i couldnt block spammers, lol.

but yesterday, i noticed that i posted an article there that i would not have posted here because i wouldnt have wanted to take all the shit for it, heheh.

anon throwing shit at anon doesnt hurt anybody. its easier to stay detached from feedback, nobody can make themselves a name or ruin a reputation. ego-mind doesnt have much power here. pretty juicy, this freedom; just put out your thing and stay dis-identified from and neutral towards the fall-out.

yesterday, a QRV mod who was also mod on TA posted this and it spoke to me, i feel a genuine soul and the 8chan spirit.

as i perceive it, QRV has a different purpose than GA. QRV will receive a lot of traction from lurkers and be filled with tons of information but anonymity doesnt foster community building. this is where GA is strong, its already an established community where newfags can integrate in.

QRV is the perfect solution for the lost redditors and the infighting between TA and GA. when two are quarreling, create no.3 and be all free.

yes, all free. look at their mod logs. when i looked last night, all 3 logs were empty. no censorship whatsoever. i guess the old goats who, on saturday, trolled the board to the maxx respect this 8chan principle because yesterday, i hardly saw any spam and trolling.

ahh, yes, the CCP issue, you cant gain any on QRV. then fucking go other places on voat and interact with people. there is not only QRV, there is GA AND an entire voat community of freedom-loving souls, waiting for this flood of refugees to engage in community and integrate.

for those who dont want that, well, lurking and commenting doesnt need CCP .

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14032005? ago

Your twitter is anti President Trump?

14031099? ago

Nice !! Thank you for your work on Reddit. It was a good sub. I am glad we are back together here. I don't recognize anyone, which doesn't matter, we are together. ( I would recognize SerialBrain2, tho… )

14030090? ago

As someone who was previously involved moderation-wise with something Q-related, I 100% concur with you. Anonymity is great - as it allows an equal voice to all. It is therefore the ideas of an individual post, rather than who has posted it, which is most important.

I also offer these extra tidbits.

  1. One must be as strong mentally and physically as humanly possible of themselves to better protect their loved ones.

  2. Be discerning of those who seek to do you, or the people you care about, harm - and do not afford them leeway to do so.

  3. Never stop educating yourself - it sharpens your wit and your bullshit detector. Something that initially sounds like bullshit might open a door to a new opinion on things.

  4. Despite what some parts of society might tell you - it is never a bad thing to love who you are as a person, your loved ones, your heritage, your country, and where you have come from. The only people who spew this hatred are those who hate themselves, and they do this precisely to divide and conquer so that they can trample you, best you and take exactly what you hold dear to you. Shatter through their illusions.

A chain is only as strong as its weakest link. We traverse the path, together, or together, we all fall.

14030079? ago

As someone who was previously involved moderation-wise with something Q-related, I 100% concur with you. Anonymity is great - as it allows an equal voice to all. It is therefore the ideas of an individual post, rather than who has posted it, which is most important.

I also offer these extra tidbits.

  1. One must be as strong mentally and physically as humanly possible of themselves to better protect their loved ones.

  2. Be discerning of those who seek to do you, or the people you care about, harm - and do not afford them leeway to do so.

  3. Never stop educating yourself - it sharpens your wit and your bullshit detector. Something that initially sounds like bullshit might open a door to a new opinion on things.

  4. Despite what some parts of society might tell you - it is never a bad thing to love who you are as a person, your loved ones, your heritage, your country, and where you have come from. The only people who spew this hatred are those who hate themselves, and they do this precisely to divide and conquer so that they can trample you, best you and take exactly what you hold dear to you. Shatter through their illusions.

A chain is only as strong as its weakest link. We traverse the path, together, or together, we all fall.

14028986? ago


14027548? ago

What a fuckin circle jerk. You guys done sucking each others dicks yet?

14029461? ago

Nope. Plenty of mouths to go around. Get in line.

14026258? ago

Thanks for the good words.

Humility is key. It is not thinking yourself less, but rather thinking about yourself less and less often. of yourself. Its about the republic and our children.

14025033? ago

So glad we’re getting Q folks together again. Really appreciate the comment about no racism or homophobia needed here. Amen!

14024133? ago

Thank God I am anonymous and say what I really think now! I still think you GA moderators are a bunch of faggots. The trash you brought in from Reddit can go fuck off back to Reddit, and if I get into one more conversation with some Fox parroting twat nugget who fucking lectures me on either my language, or how Israel is our best ally (no one can tell me at all what we have ever gotten from that one sided relationship), I swear to God I am going lose my shit. Making your posts anonymous is for weak willed and weak minded people. WWG1WGATFO. I am actually getting tired of you guys. You talk about Q like he is superman and Jesus incarnate. Fuck, I saw a post saying they had a dream that Q told him Oct 6th is when the world goes black for 3 days... Seriously? Is he supernatural now? Is he literally the second coming of our Lord? You guys are like Jim Jones's cult followers. You act like you're strapping on body armor, going to the range daily, learning how to do land nav and survival skills.... but in reality, you're a bunch of fat, middle aged unhappy cunts who need something or someone to believe in. Now I would love for the Q phenomenon to be real, but you guys are like cult followers. You are wearing me out.

14032256? ago

So many of them are utterly clueless, and act senile. "We need to love the niggers and the oven-dodgers, even if it means our families and our people fade away."

14034747? ago

Like this faggot:

[–] @Christosgnosis 0 points (+0|-0) 2.9 minutes ago

Or maybe Q simply realized that the shear numbers of the r/greatawakening community would soon be the vast majority of Voat and end up down voting the Hitler worship and racial hatred dogmatism shilling of the old Voat goats

Q always thinks a situation through and this calculus is very simple to foresee" They think they can change everyone else's opinion to match theirs, through sheer force.

14023917? ago

But first you gotta earn the social credits. Just like Chinas Google stranglehold. How am I gonna downvote the shills (who are all upvoting each otjer) unless I get the officials +s?

14023182? ago

Great post! I will never be able to post on Voat, I feel sure, because I can't figure out the system, and it seems to be overrun by obsessed, one-track-mind, control-freaks who were here before us...so most of the non-political subs are dead in the water. But AMEN, to anonymity. If we can't earn CCP on this sub, does that mean that we cannot lose it, either? Because if so, that would make it almost worthwhile. I find 8chan/patriotsawoken a bit easier to navigate and read, but it's nice to be able to see Voat, too.

Where we go one, we go All!

14026973? ago

I felt the same. For days I thought that I would never get to post any new topics on here. But what i did was I went to https://voat.co/v/theawakening and participated in a few of the latest discusions on there. Tried to make some good points etc. Overnight I went from 0 CCP to over 21.

14023061? ago

The anti-jew sentiment is against everything Q had said. Leave your personal biases at the door, they prey on us being divided...

14022105? ago

You are a fucking idiot

14021486? ago

Cool story. Q is fake btw.

14021176? ago

Bleep bloop, someone mentioned this submission!

'Have you ever wanted to see what a cancerous growth looks like?' was posted in v/whatever by @justsayingmayne and refers to this submission.

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14021066? ago

Anonymity + ability to upvote or downvote. Like 8ch on steroids. Very powerful! Use it wisely.

14020002? ago

As a previous member of GA let me say fuck you censoring pieces if shit

14019510? ago

The fix has been in from the beginning... Light overcomes darkness.

14019349? ago

Welp sounds kinda faggy but was correct and a good read.

14019069? ago


14018848? ago

For He made Him who knew no Sin, (not of Adam's seed, pure, holy, agape love, full of grace & unmerited favor) and made Him to be Sin for usthat we might become the Righteousness of God IN HIM.II Cor. 5:21

14018712? ago

a message within a message within a message

14018669? ago

Wisdom paired with humility in seeking Truth = Great Awakening Formula

14018092? ago

Beautiful, brought tears to my eyes. "we stand together in the millions and together we chant, WWG1WGA!"

14017777? ago

Thanks for that! I have so much love for the anons, patriots, and bakers all over the world! WWG1WGA!

14017669? ago

Fuckin A. Excellent post sir anon. Godspeed

14017543? ago

As anons we are one and unstoppable. Thank you for your service and God bless the Q collective

14017240? ago

Im glad we are now on voat so I can say with impunity, FUCK YOU. The MODS of /r/GA are a bunch of hypocrites and traitors and fucking deserved what happened to them. I told you, you bunch of motherfuckers that your hypocrisy would come to bite you in the ass. I got banned a few days before this happened, by you dipshits for nothing. Let me reiterate my entire point, FUCK YOU.

14016816? ago

Thanks, We've got this Anon.

14016812? ago

my post about the r/GA mods deleting posts to suit themselves with no good reason even if the post was about Q and that I hope it doesnt happen here....got deleted lol

yup voat is all about freedom of speech

14016557? ago

Thanks for sharing, great stuff! WWG1WGA

14016548? ago

Never concede your self ownership. Never concede your right to use your own discernment, draw your own conclusions, and decide for yourself what is probably true or probably false. And never become so committed to any belief that you reject any evidence that you're wrong. Scientific theories must, by definition, be falsifiable. "Future proves past."

14016245? ago

Amen and thank you.

14016164? ago

Kill yourself

14015907? ago

Good to see some humility...a lot of you could learn from this faggot dipshit ga mod

14014953? ago

so true, knowledge should be free , helping the fellow man, teaching others is all a gift from God and He in His wisdom blesses you with it. Thank you for this post I am definitely saving

14014837? ago

TRUTH is timeless... thanks so much for writing this.

14014764? ago


14014600? ago

Love that post and thanks for your work on GA. That was my first Reddit experience...lol...you can imagine my neural reboot that first few days!

14014335? ago

What an incredible post.

Anyways, the last thing I wanted to add was that I learned is that we are going to remain a secret love. We are doing this because we love our country and its citizens. And we are doing this in secret. For their benefit. For our benefit. Just as Q came to us in secret, we do the same. In this way, the enemy never knows our hand, never knows our next move, never knows when or where we come from.

Little sauce to go with the above pasta. In ancient Greek, secret is sacred. Thank you for the sacred knowledge you dropped on us anon.

14014311? ago

The mods from /GA acted like gods and were so full of themselves and then they came here with that bullshot.

"Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character, give him power"

14014148? ago

It's been said, "Love covers over a multitude of sins." And, "Love your neighbor as yourself." Hugs to you all, and keep following Jesus, who is the Light of the world.

14014071? ago

Thank you for this post. I think most often people think of anonymity as a veil for hiding behind, but in today's age in internet personality, it can be very liberating for content and ideas to be what speaks, regardless of who speaks them. WWG1WGA is a movement of the people, by the people. Not a platform for personal gain.

14013869? ago

"It's amazing what can be accomplished if you don't care who gets the credit" - Someone I can't remember

14013803? ago

Thank you for sharing this. It is very well throughout and put together.

14013668? ago

Well said

14013607? ago

If ur not a comped mod, thx

If u r a PAYTriot like the old GA comped mods funneling ur mod team articles to the top of the board for $$ views, & banning legit OG content, then fuck u niggerfaggot.

14013580? ago

Ahh wisdom and such beautiful words! THANK YOU!!!

14013472? ago

Oh my, brought tears to my eyes! THANK YOU

14013374? ago

looks like a step in the right direction. i think the r/GA mod team lost their way a long time ago. some of these things were brought to your attention by the people who were subjected to your teams nonsense. our opinions weren't good enough then and apparently it took you going to 8chan boot camp to get a reality check. so good for you. now try contributing a little more and actually provide a few months worth of content to make up for the months of censorship and control you exerted onto our movement. now this may come as a surprise to you but we don't need your approval or direction. all we need from your team is to learn a lesson and stand down.

14013063? ago

Hell yeah, I dont post much, didn't on reddit and I don't on here. Alot of the stuff the goats post in an attempt to scare us off with redpills was stuff I already knew. All I do here is upvote worthy discussion, I'm so glad we found a new home for people that just want to bring justice to the wickedness that plagued our world. I really wish when this is all over, we can all meet up somewhere and celebrate. Cheers patriots.

14013049? ago

Speaks for me Anon <3

14013047? ago

No more divide and conquer. It is time to unite & prosper!

Good post, fellow patriot. I can relate to what you say about ostracizing... I've definitely distanced myself from a few friends talking about the Q stuff. Most of my real friends are either interested or still supportive of me despite different viewpoints so I look at this openness as a sort of filtration system.

We are the ambassadors of truth. It is best to drop things slowly but steadily to people, images work well. If you overload people with info at once, it is overwhelming and people are likely to reject you. Just a tip.

14012979? ago

Thank you!

14012197? ago

540 degrees of awareness.

14012163? ago

Thank you. Good Bless!

14012107? ago

I agree

14011993? ago

Brimming with Love, Hope and Humility. We are all human and when we are able to learn and grow, we succeed. Thank you so much!

14011481? ago

Spot on Anon! WWG1WGA

14011024? ago

Im new and wanted to post something and ask some Question and couldn't post because not enough ccp.. I just wasted all that time typing and couldn't post it..... Frustrated!!

Can I get some love and get 10 ccp so I can get some fellow Patriots input!?

14032276? ago

Here's a downvote for vote begging.

14011022? ago

I thank God everyday for this Constitutional Republic and the Founding Fathers who fought hard to bring us the freedoms we enjoy today. Thank you Q for Honoring those documents and the men that wrote them and those who fought and died for them. Thank you

14010962? ago

This is beautifully said.Thank You

14010948? ago

Great post. Thanks.

14010908? ago

I, for one, was thrilled to wake up to find this new avenue! I've been all around, here and there and everywhere, and stuck with FB because it was the easiest. Time you know. Only so much to go around. Spending all my time waiting for drops was creating isolation in my world. I had to put that down and step back to family. Thanks to all of us "silent majority". Thanks to all anons who just want to be a part of the "fix". I do drop some red pills here and there. But I don't harp on it. I just let it go. Maybe in the future those little nibblets will make sense to them. Looking forward to this new adventure!

14017355? ago

Hear, hear! ♥

14010798? ago

Instead of money to maintain and expand capacity of a central server farm, I have a vision (many others do to and have done real work to lay foundations) of architecting a truly distributed type of platform that is based on Torrent, blockchain, and custom FPGA implemented cryptographic firewalls (devices that use no off the shelf CPUs from Intel, AMD, or any of the ARM CPUs, as those will have Deep State back door access manufactured into them). In which case capacity expansion will come through those that procure server nodes and add it in to the platform. This will be how we devise the Internet for the rest of the 21st century if we want to preserve freedom. But it will take time, effort, organization to realize this vision. It won't be something that can roll out prior to the midterms, IOW. But it's the way forward if we want to remove the ability of any one entity to dominate and control.

14010693? ago

I read on the q research board "if we don't win this" - all future generations will curse us" . I believe it. I can't stop resenting the Normies who refuse to think critically about anything. I keep red pilling but I don't argue and say "one day soon you will see how the President helped save the world". Nonetheless, my family rather not admit they are living in a "slave garden". I can't blame them, but one day they will also see the Truth. WWG1WG1

14010618? ago

This is very helpful! ThankQ.

New to Voat. Q sent me. And trying to figure how to navigate this forum. How do I remain anon, when replying when Voat requires that I create a username?

14010661? ago

This reply is anonymous -- unlike others I have made?? Confused.

14010572? ago

Usually just a lurker but well said!

14010510? ago

lol, is that you Neon ?

14010366? ago

Beautiful. Absolutely. "We won't have time to care when good establishes its place for eternity." When studying Art History, Linguistic Anthropology, I starting noticing that my favorite quotes from the "ancients" were the Anons. I find it fascinating that, through anonymity, we create an unseen space of authentic connection. Wild! Who knew! Maybe transparency doesn't mean what we always assumed it meant. Many wise ones in the past spoke of how seeing, hearing, and speaking might create 'noise,' not illumination. But, we DO need this platform (a bridge) for our 'voices in the wilderness.' This whole 'op' seems Puckishly clever. I still think Shakespeare is in Q+. Once Sun Tzu was revealed to be (in part) inspirational for strategy, I started thinking about Lao Tzu (the finger pointing at the Moon is not the Moon), other Anons, and Shakespeare. We ALL go.... Love and Peace.

14010174? ago

In this era of constant identification, I think most of us forgot what it is like to be anonymous. There is great freedom, truth, and liberty in that. Thank you!!

14010130? ago

1 Corinthians 13:13 New International Version (NIV) 13 And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.

14010093? ago

**Nice speech! The last paragraph holds the key and should be the foundation of what we seek; a world where we are free to love one another because the boundaries of race, hatred, PC and group think are banished at least for a time.

As a Christian man I believe that love is the best foundation we can have, and I also believe the source of all love is found only in Jesus Christ who died a brutal death to pay the full penalty for our sins to secure our redemption and eternal life.

There is man's love which rises and falls with every day and sometimes from hour to hour. Then there is God's love that never fades because it is eternal and created in sinful humans by a merciful and all powerful and loving God. Man's love is Phileo - friendship love. God's love is agape or love that loves even the most heinous person knowing full well that Christ died for that person and can change the most vile of men into saints of God. One love is temporal - the other eternal. **

14010017? ago

Amen. This made me cry with happiness!

14009918? ago

I so agree with your message about information being free. One thing I've noticed through all of this is that people that are reporting the Trump/Q information (the independent research/reporters) are primarily relying on donations. Sure, they sell some products too, but I think that the ones relying mostly on donations are a huge gift to our understanding of true freedom. Our society has gotten way too greedy.

It has actually helped to change my focus going forward. I have been wanting to teach others how I became healthy and stay that way. But, I'm not someone who wants to "sell" products all the time. If I can find something I truly feel others need, then I will promote it. But my main priority is to get all of the wonderful information I've learned since 1999, when I first became interested in natural healing, out to the general public. Money is not my priority. It never has been. So, I am going to follow the lead of others and give it all away. If people want to donate, they can but this information is so important and I love the idea that even sick people, that certainly cannot afford to pay in most cases, will be able to get it. And, it also takes the burden of feeling like I have to be selling, which I hate, off of me.

14009855? ago

Hallelujah! I can't remember the last time I read something that filled me with so much hope! Freedom, that's what it's all about.

14009814? ago

how do you use this board? i'm so confused

14009801? ago

Patriots, hello! Please help me (and others) understand something: How will we know when Q posts? Has Q posted anything on Voat since migrating over Friday night? Will Q have a separate thread? Will there be a way to filter just for Q posts (as I was able to do when accessing Q via https://qmap.pub/ and https://qposts.online/)? I am so excited and humbled to be a part of this community; this Great Awakening. Trust the Plan, folks, and WWG1WGA! Cheers, WSA

14010116? ago

I believe Q will only post to 8chan, and we'll use qmap, etc. I believe the mods may lost Q drops here..no sure. But we are now here since Q approve this verse for us to gather and stand strong together. I'm still learning too! WWG1WGA

14010667? ago

I thank you, friend, for this explanation. Also, I went back to qmap, and Q does indeed specify that Q posts woul continue on 8ch and that Q will not directly contribute to the Voat discussions. Thanks again to you and all others who have chimed in. This is so great! Winning! Cheers, WSA

14009711? ago

Just got here and registered. I guess we all have some learning to do regarding format but WWG1WGA can't wait for October's surprise. As always get out and vote. We have to stay RED. Thank you Q

14009632? ago

ThankQ for sharing. Humility -- this is something that will need to be the foundation of how we recover to ensure we do not end up in the same situation 100 years from now. The bad actors all had greed and pride in common -- we need to break that.

14009593? ago

This is a great primer for anyone new to the censor-less world. It requires thick skin. Those spewing such things - nigger, kike etc. - don't (necessarily) say such things because they believe or represent those views, but if you can't tolerate hearing or seeing those words then you will be unable to put your sensitivities aside and seek out truths that might shatter your world view.

Every contributor has an opportunity to add to the revealing of truth, truth is refined by ideas being challenged... Stifling speech is what led to the need for this new board. Expect 'Free Speech" to be vigorously defended here. Suspend your sensitivities and Engage your critical thinking skills and be apart of The Great Awakening!

United We Stand

United We are Strong

United We will Win!


14009585? ago

What is the best way to deal with the many voices that constantly flood this sub with racial slurs. Almost every post contains comments/replies from these assholes. They are trying to associate truth and free-speech with racial hatred and bigotry. You moderators of GA did a great job of stopping this crap, but I don't know what we are going to do here on VOAT.

14009880? ago

I felt the same way at first, and didn't quite understand what the heck was going on. But now, in hindsight, I was forgetting what freedom is all about. Being free to express what you want to express. Freedom of speech is not for popular speech. How could I possibly forget this? Just because I was feeling a little uncomfortable with the things being said.... how could I forget this core principle? What? I want some moderator to come and "protect" me from the ugly words? WTF is wrong with me? That is not freedom. I can choose to allow things to enter into my world or NOT. The choice is mine.

You either have freedom, or you don't. You have to choose one or the other.

14009501? ago

Sincere request: Can this please be stickied to the top of the page? It's really THAT good. It would be very helpful as a reminder and also for new people that come here, and I'm guessing there are going to be many, many, many people in the weeks and months to come. Thank you, anon. Whoever you are, I'm really glad you are here. WWG1WGA!!

14009390? ago

Your post was a pleasure to read! Thank you!

14009281? ago

Beautiful, OP!! I love my Q family. WWG1WGA!!!

14009121? ago

Thank you for your work.

14009001? ago

Thanks, agree with you 100%! WWG1WGA! Hooah!

14008925? ago

Let's keep this about Q and the wonderful work that President Trump is doing. Downvote the bigoted statements so that the left cannot point to this sub and lump us all together with crazy.

14008797? ago

That right there is a God centered patriot!

14008757? ago

It was very liberating to post anonymously. Usually it is nerve wracking because shills hit below the belt. But it felt great to be able to write with no fear!


14008704? ago

Thank you for this! The good people who love this country need to stick together. Its critical if we are to restore this country to greatness.

14008585? ago

Money should touch this movement and help @putitout fund the site

14008452? ago

@ 2738198

Awesome post. We need more minds like yours in v/GA

14008403? ago

Our movement will be the "unsung hero" of the people. But this is a good thing. We focus on the goal, not any one of us. While I am a firm believer of individualism as a forefront of freedom, collectivism does have it's time and place. Like now.

Regardless of who we are as individuals, we all share one common trait here: We are proud patriots of our respective nations with concerns for our future and our children future. In times of great need and importance, we come together as a collective until the storm has passed, then we return to our lives and futures as individuals. Knowing to balance these things is the key to harmony and peace.

When all is said and done, we'll need to make a pledge and teach ourselves and our children to recite and remember it. About a time when we put our differences aside for the greater good and to defeat an unspeakable that slowly crept in and divided us when we were too busy focusing on ourselves and our groups. We forgot that we are all one people with similar hopes and dreams of a meaningful life. While that meaningful life may be different from person to person, it is a common desire we all share.

We need to remember. To never forget. That our future is shaped by our actions, and crumbled by our inaction. That whaterver the future may hold for us as a people, we will walk that road together.

Where we go one, we go all.

14008258? ago


14008191? ago

I was outed as a donor to Trump and my business was flooded with the deep state journalist. I refused all interviews as I believe who i give to is private and none of their damn business.

14008182? ago

Your lines go down like oil! I am glad that people like you are on the road here! God protect you and feel embraced by me!

14008025? ago

Excellent post Patriot. The description of your soul searching and willingness to be introspective and critically analyze yourself, the circumstances at large and the importance of our cause displays the fullness of your integrity.


14007973? ago

Thank you so much for the honest reflections. Your beautiful post reflects the good heart of a Seeker. It echoes what many of us are going through trying to to be helpful. And thank you to all Moderators of the Q-based subs for your behind-the-scenes efforts. God bless!

14007944? ago

Nice post my friend. Solidarity WW. WWG1WGA!

14007923? ago

Awesome! WWG1WGA! 🇺🇸

14007915? ago

Former moderator of r/GA here also. Straight back at you soldier. Its been one hell of a ride. One day up, the next day down, the day after that somewhere and nowhere at the same time. What a trip. I'm done with this movement. I'm going to keep fighting no matter what. I need a break to clear my head. Has Q dropped today? Its hopeless, we can't win. WWG1WGA MAGA! I can't take it anymore, its all too much. Oh cool, President Trump is doing another rally, must watch. I'm so alone, no one cares or understands what's at stake here. Q has dropped again, awesome. And that's just a Wednesday :P

What a ride its been. But here we are, and where are we going to go? Make a deal with Agent Smith to go back to the Matrix? Impossible.

Great post. Thank you. WWG1WGA MAGA 100%

14085788? ago

We are here thanks to your work as a mod. Basically what i'm saying is, since shill mods definitely need this explained, fuck you; i'm glad you can't see your own dick.

14031291? ago

Thank you for your work at GA. It was a good sub. I, too, am impatient. I am a South African white, and our time is running out. like sands through an hourglass. I have a plan A, plan B plan C, etc, for my family. I have not given up hope, and if I haven't ( with the ever-present threat of a mob invading my home, and killing my family ), then you have no excuse for giving up hope. We are worldwide together, and just want peace, between ALL people : no color, no religion, no class, will divide us: I am ready to fight for that world - I expect you, as a former GA mod, to do the same. That said, Thank you for your work, and Godspeed, patriot !!

14007846? ago

I was just on twitter and did a search for https://voat.co/v/QRV - Lots of ppl tweeting this but sadly not enough. What was striking to me though was that I didn't see one tweet out from any of the 'famous' Tweeters that I follow - not a one, and I follow quite a few.

Yes its great this in an anonymous board . It will teach us not to be followers, but to make our own minds up about things and to research for ourselves.

14008153? ago

I'm here!! And maybe it just takes a little time. I went to those "trains" and posted about moving over here. Maybe that will help get the word out????

14007820? ago

Wonderful post. The last bullet point was especially moving. We do love this country and I look forward to its success.


14007815? ago

Thank you! WWG1WGA

14007697? ago

Wow inspirational

14007694? ago

Very wise. Thank you patriot.

14007682? ago

"You must be shapeless, formless, like water. When you pour water in a cup, it becomes the cup. When you pour water in a bottle, it becomes the bottle. When you pour water in a teapot, it becomes the teapot. Water can drip and it can crash. Become like water my friend."

Bruce Lee

The STRENGTH of THE PEOPLE will become the new reality.

14007556? ago

WWG1WGA! Thank you for the post, and thank you for moderating this board. Continuing to pray for protection and discernment. Trust the plan!

14007550? ago

very well spoken patriot.... God bless..... we are in this together and to the end..... we stand at the ready....vigilant....never faltering ..... waiting ..wanting.... WWG1WGA.

14007541? ago

A great way to bring Humility and Love to the equation... Well done!

14007486? ago

In the fight, only the message matters! Hopefully, up-votes will bubble the most important Truths up to lead the way. WWG1WGA \o/

14007473? ago

Great post!

14007370? ago

I’m thankful too but more important than the one great post, I’m reading all the comments and people in this space are articulate, wise, and thoughtful. It means, we are amongst mature people who, forget religion, even politics, love the USA and what our founding fathers stood for. Even non-US citizens are here and they love the USA.

I’m a proud American because WWII vets saved my family from torcher, starvation, and murder, so we were raised with a deep love of the USA and the freedom it provides.

14007326? ago

Unfortunately this is the last place left to go. All the racist “free speech” low life’s make me sick with their shit mouths and IMO it undermines the Q movement. Seems like this is pretty much the social media ghetto. Hope Q knows what their doing.

14032215? ago

So Q sent you here to get an education on the jews, but you reject it... It's people like you that give your cult a bad name.

14044762? ago

Shilling easy? Can’t be with all that Soros cock in your mouth.

14045255? ago

"Everyone who isn't senile or retarded is the enemy"

Good luck with that.

14007429? ago

I like to see it this way. When the enemy carries a big stick, you better carry a big stick. As much as optics and PR will be damaging by fellow Q followers with their racism and antisemitism, in a way, it was a necessary defense and reaction to the closed mindedness of PC culture that has overtaken our society. Extreme oppression leads to extreme expression. I am not justifying it, but it was natural. Tell me I can't do something? I will do it 10 fold. Only when we have a peaceful and free society will this behavior become loosened. For now, the wolves are out and howling for truth and justice. We are going to be bringing everyone on board. The good, the weird, and the ugly.

14007307? ago

Great post. I whole heartedly agree.

14007252? ago

>says "thank God for anonymity".
>in a thread breaking his own anonymity to namefag and appeal to authority.

Fuck off, faggot.

14007451? ago

Appealing to authority? Or recognizing authority?

14008501? ago

I think it's an appeal to authority. "Hey, I'm scientist man, and the this is the way it is", that's an appeal to authority even if the authority is themselves, right?

Either way, dropping anonymity to pat yourself on the back is a faggy thing to do. I say that as a black man, and an expert on the subject.

14007153? ago

I REALLY REALLY LIKE THIS ---- "Evil is not only out there on our TV screens and government offices. It is within us as well. Something to be wary of continuing forward. I know that without a doubt, there are negative energy encircling us, trying to find holes and breaches within the ranks to create implosion. This is their strategy in action. Divide us. Split us up. Make us run around pointing fingers at one another." THANK YOU

14007087? ago

Some Day they will be in the shadows while we are in the open!

14007083? ago

Wonderful post, thank you for helping me keep in check

14007058? ago

Very well said! #MAGA #WWG!WGA

14007057? ago

Well put!

14007016? ago

Very well put. Thank you for taking the time to post this.

14006952? ago

I agree with the other replies of praise and thanks of this post. My Applause !

14006899? ago

We do live in interesting times.


14006884? ago

Thanks for your Info

14006824? ago

I'm not crying. You're crying. Just beautiful.

14006822? ago

Pathos, Logos, Ethos Emotion, Logic, Character Anonymity eliminates the concerns of character and leaves a pure argument that can be based on emotion or logic. Clearly, arguments made with logic will always be superior. We tend not to care about feelings, only truth.

14006773? ago

Thank you for this post. I am new here and this warmed my soul and gave me so much hope, joy and great advice. Knowing we are all working as one gives me such strength.

14006738? ago

Great post man I am honored to be apart of all this

14006735? ago

“Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might. Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.” ‭‭Ephesians‬ ‭6:10-12‬ ‭KJV‬‬

14007789? ago


14006708? ago

New here, still getting used to this new website, WWG1WGA

14006637? ago

Beautiful...very well said! Harnessing positive energy now more than ever is so critical. It’s the best way to fight back against the enemy. As we continue to gain momentum, and continue to let OUR LIGHT SHINE, the enemy will break.


14006601? ago

ThankQ for all your contributions Patriot

14006573? ago

RESPECT! Thank you.

14006558? ago

Good way to start my day., On both 8chan & redditt I was only a lurker, even though I'm quite vocal on twatter. Like so many, I joined voat & subscribed because of Q. This noob is learning the ropes here & am enjoying reading everyone's perspective.

14006501? ago

I will heartedly disagree with one point. No one has a "RIGHT" to another person's labor. Do you believe q does not draw a salary for his work? In the United States of America, since when is profit a dirty word? I decide what I will or will not pay for based on my wants and needs. That is freedom. That someone asks to be reimbursed for their labor and expenses is not in the least an indicator of veracity. Everyone has to eat.

14032307? ago

Good little paypiggy.

14006500? ago

Bravo!! Great post, needed to be said. We are the good guys in this fight between good and evil and should present ourselves as such. Our fight is not against flesh and blood but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world (Eph 6:12), let’s stay focused without petty bickering that divide us.

14006473? ago

Great post, I totally agree. As far as the money goes, we should probably donate to VOAT though. It costs money to run servers. If the anons on this board even just donated $1 each, that would help them expand for the future. As of this writing QRV has 9,400 subs, what if all 60,000 from GreatAwakening showed up here? Would the servers be able to handle it? Is there enough bandwidth?

I'm new here, but I'm sure there is some way to donate to VOAT. Do people agree or not?

14006408? ago

A secret society that which we oppose. Yet everyone is invited to join and nothing shall be kept hidden

14006385? ago

Nice! I've been around these ideas for awhile and one thing always comes up...if you depend on views/ads/clicks/donations/patreon to be involved, you will be constantly compelled to alter your views/presentation to increase that which provides you financial support. IMHO, it's best to have another means of financial support if possible.

14006362? ago

I am a firm believer that all of us must find ourselves.. Who we really are deep within. I am so tired of the manipulation of information done to manipulate us in order to control us. Thank you for this post.. True freedom happens as we liberate ourself within as well as on the exterior.

14009209? ago

Very well said. Thank you!

14006278? ago

Thank you!! WWG1WGA!

14006208? ago

Hello fellow Patriots,

The loss of /GA simply shows the power of the people, we have lost accounts with numerous different corporates Google, Twitter, etc. We lost r/QProject a few days after /GA if anyone wants to go rummage over the remainder check out u/TechnicalPause … If any one is able to recover posts this would be very beneficial > https://www.reddit.com/r/greatawakening/comments/801gxl/where_you_affected_by_a_technical_pause_21218/ Time to rebuild :) Round 2 ...

14006107? ago

Well said!!

14006068? ago

Wonderfully said. Humility and anonymity will stop the egotistical infighting we've seen between so many mods. It was so off putting for those of us trying to foster unity in our communiy.

One day, in the next life, we will all know each other.

In fact I expect us to gather together...where we will all know the part each other played in the greatest human collective operation ever.

14014674? ago

Dear "wonderfully said," now that made me tear up.

14006059? ago

Too gay;didn't read

14006055? ago

"A day where we do not need people who scream, "nigger" and "faggot" to pose as a direct opposition to the extreme political corrective society we live in." WELL SAID

14005981? ago

Thank you, I must say I agree

14005972? ago

On the first point: No one person speaks for the group. The reason we allow Q to speak for us, is because Q is able to observe all that surrounds us. Thus, Q is able to make decisions that we agree is best for the movement. Q watched our plights as we roamed around the internet, looking for a place to settle down so we can once again continue where we left off. Q stepped in and made the call, and called upon patriots we can trust. Something that would have been difficult for any of us to do.

I wouldn't say that Q speaks for any group of people. Q is the reason this group of people came together in the first place, to read his posts and analyze their meanings... and most importantly, for everyone not to lose hope - that something is going on behind the scenes with proof (in the future) to backup his claims.

14005957? ago

Well stated

14005952? ago

I got here kicking and screaming a bit, but now that I'm here I agree. Thanks for sharing your heart.

14005931? ago

Well said. I've never used Reddit or Twitter and see FB's efforts to censor, as well as YT. Q's post directing us hear was a clarion call for deplorables across the world.

14005906? ago

TY. Im looking forward to this. My first stroll through VOAT was a little surprising.

14032318? ago


Many are still too blind to see.

14005850? ago

What the fuck are talking about suck ass. When you guys came over here they should have given you the support that they did for themselves.also the new patriots awoken at 8 chan is ran by one person, the owner; Had the great awakening got help at Reddit we would not be here today. These fuckers did nothing but pull a power play move and divide the movement. They put thier puppet people in charge. Same as it has always been. Nothing has changed. You guys got fucked. You busted your asses at Reddit and this is your reward. To get fucked by a bunch of power abusing fucks. They have divided the movement. Many of are leaving because of this. You are a weak bitch for not speaking up. Fuck you 8 chan I've read your conversations, I know what you are doing., You are not patriots.

14005742? ago

I am a Patriot. And I will Fight Fight Fight! So that this great country will not be a laughing stock. So that my children will have a greater chance to fight for their FREEDOM.

14005684? ago


You have nailed it on the head.

I appreciate the explanation anonymity. That makes sense to me.

I have know for a while that money and resources should be defined separately. You clearly understand its purpose and have reinforced my own thoughts.

This is a spiritual movement; a shift in consciousness .


14005629? ago


God Bless America, PRESIDENT TRUMP and family, Q and all Anons dedicaed to the cause!


14005615? ago

WWG1WGA... hopefully in peace, but prepared to fight for what's right!! Tired of being deceived. I have awoken. Thank you to everyone here and all those fighting this fight that I don't even know about. I appreciate you. I support you.

14005594? ago

the r/GA page had gone downhill the last few weeks it was up, mod(s) were removing posts that didnt suit them even if it was a good Q post and they banned me when I called them out on it lol hopefully this doesnt go that way

14005586? ago

Reading this brings to the forefront what I have felt in my soul for so long. There is a spirit in all of us and part of that spirit is freedom. This country was formed with that as a basis and we are all privileged to be living at this time in history. I don't profess to be a great writer but I do know that I want to leave this world one day hoping that I have left my devotion to the GOD of the Bible and my love of this country for my 4 children to see. It is for us to all stand up at this time but more importantly it is ALL for our children and our children's children. Let no one lead these little ones astray. ThanQ WWG1WGA

14005584? ago

Yes I agree, very well thought out and heart felt. I am somewhat new to all this and am on a learning curve as far as posting and the such. It feels me with hope when comming across post such as this. God bless.

14005528? ago

One thing that we didn't have to deal with on GA was this constant Jew this, Nazi that. EVERYTHING has to do with these things on this site and it's really irritating. Especially, since half my family is Jewish.

14032161? ago

Scurry back to 8chan, oven-dodger.

14013347? ago

The Jew Nazi thing is not from all goats on voat. I've talked with them and believe that some of them are sincere. I even agree with their views on revisionist history. However, I feel it is "us" against the evil part of the government, a government controlled by wealthy crazies from many religions. We just want to be free. We just want to be able to believe in a religion or doctrine that doesn't hurt other freedom seeking people. We are all one and WWG1WGA.

14013389? ago


14009162? ago

Then why not ignore it? If you feed it it will grow.

14007987? ago

I'm sorry for your struggle. There is a Jewish problem in this country, but it's not all Jews. It's unfair to say otherwise.

14007506? ago

Makes me sick. VOAT has tons of losers on it. Hope it doesn’t undermine the movement

14007901? ago


14007896? ago

Losers like you. GTFO to Reddit.

14013682? ago

I would hate to see QRV become infested by shillbots.

14006647? ago

You're going to have to choose to believe.



We are saving Israel for last.

Very specific reason not mentioned a single time.


14007911? ago

Good post.

14005812? ago

Because of anonymity. You have to ignore that here. You will only drive them on if you show that it gets to you.

14005936? ago

It's in many of the titles. I wish there was a "Hide Button" so I don't have to constantly read them. I guess I could just leave the site and go to my "safe space," but I want to hear about Q. Not this other crap.

14008513? ago

Yet you have no problem reminding the Goyim about "The 6 million" and the Holohoax 24/7.

14005872? ago


14007927? ago

Said like a true cuck.

14005520? ago

Thankyou for the post.
If only people realised that in a way the Q movement brings us closer to God.

14006664? ago

The only way to God is reject the Synagogue of Satan.

14034096? ago

True that but to reject the Synagogue of Satan you must also "get out of her my people..." and walk out on organized religion a recommendation that reminds me: have you ever researched the similarities of the Jewish temple services in this day and age with those of the catholic church? How about the symbols shared, have you looked into them? Yuugee rabbit hole right there ...

14007172? ago

“He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life: and he that believeth not the Son shall not see life; but the wrath of God abideth on him.” ‭‭John‬ ‭3:36‬ ‭KJV‬‬

14007305? ago

They answered and said unto him, Abraham is our father. Jesus saith unto them, If ye were Abraham's children, ye would do the works of Abraham.

But now ye seek to kill me, a man that hath told you the truth, which I have heard of God: this did not Abraham.

Ye do the deeds of your father. Then said they to him, We be not born of fornication; we have one Father, even God.

Jesus said unto them, If God were your Father, ye would love me: for I proceeded forth and came from God; neither came I of myself, but he sent me.

Why do ye not understand my speech? even because ye cannot hear my word.

Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.

And because I tell you the truth, ye believe me not.

John 8:39-45 (Jesus to the Pharisees aka The Synagogue of Satan and direct ancestors of modern Jewry.)

14005516? ago

Good post, warms my heart. You've grown (spiritually). And you probably wouldn't have done this if there wasn't anonymity. btw. What has a (nick)name to do with an opinion? We're no famefags. fistpump for /u/8bit.

14005514? ago

What a wonderful post. It made me smile from the inside out. I have chosen to distance myself from some of my friends because even though I understand that they are brainwashed and their lethargy is the result of it their unwillingness to even 'consider' the truth about the worldwide assault upon children and its demonic nature makes me angry. I can't sit and laugh and listen to music and zone out with them as though all is right with the world when I hear the children cry. I can't keep silent about the horrors that I know engulf us. So I love them from a distance that enables me to restrain from lashing out at them for their lethargy that feels like a selfish detachment from the darkness of reality because it's not comfortable, it interrupts their pursuit of personal gratifications. I KNOW that's not it. I KNOW they're brainwashed. But it's horrible to stand in the midst of them seeing monsters in my mind while everyone around me thinks I've lost my mind.

My friends and family have always acknowledged and valued me as 'the smart one'. The well read one who knows a little bit about everything and a lot about much. On the matters of truth seeking, spiritual warfare, the denizens of the dark, God's message, NWO, weather weaponization, child sex trafficking, CIA evils, they look at me as though I've sprouted a second head. It's hard. They've ALWAYs respected what I had to say and listened with an open mind because I had EARNED their trust in my intelligence, honesty and diligence. I can't worry about it. That's a distraction. I love them from a distance and interact for brief periods that don't extend beyond my ability to contain the truth in silence.

14034381? ago

I think the lambs must remain lambs..They or many want to enjoy life while we are half glass empty guys...THAT IS THE BURDON of the cross one bears when the spirit sees through...As frank zappa once wrote...some people do it some see straight through it and some wear pajamas if only they knew it...some dont want to know and Q says only if you want to know....Some cant handle the quick onslaught of new knowledge and they topple like a top unbalanced...or like 3rd world people thrust into the western world...it is too much...

14030136? ago

Sometimes you have to let them learn the hard way. They will come to you in time and say "Damn 14005514, you were right. About everything".

14016217? ago

Well said. I am in the same boat with family as well, as I'm sure a lot if us are. But in the last few months, I have finally started to see some of those planted seeds start to sprout, in some of the most condescending & dismissive of family members. It gives me hope & strength to continue shining a light to guide the ones willing, to go down the rabbit hole.

14015779? ago


14025679? ago


14014473? ago

I have been invoked eith a discord chat group and each and everyone have expressed exactly the same thoughts and experience. You are not alone and finally there is a movement pulling us all together...no matter the level of our redpilling. My son redpilled me 6 mos b4 the 2016 election. Ive been all over the place and am happy to have ended up here. Peace and blessings.

14025593? ago

Thank you. Peace and blessings to you as well.

14011072? ago

Dear "What a wonderful post," many of us feel the same way and have felt the same ostracism. The only ones who don't feel that are the shills and maybe the misguided Jew and Black haters who I fight at every turn. I am the Jew woman who is ostracized by my own half Christan, half Jew family. I even have some black step grandchildren in my family. The only ones who do not fight for all children are the ones who do not see the divinity in all humans. May they learn the way of Jesus who taught us to love all rather than the weaponized version of whatever religion they grew up with.

14025296? ago

Thank you so much. Keep up the good fight.

14017700? ago

God Bless you and your family. Whenever I see the Mossad/Deep State shills -or just plain ignorant people who want a scape goat to point fingers at - go on and on about how every Jew and Black person is to blame - I know in my heart they will never convince or divide me and the many Patriots who inhabit this world.

I pray to God that those who are guilty will pay for their crimes, be they the Synagogue of Satan Jews, Blacks, Asians and Europeans.

14013503? ago

I really think "they" are trying to poison the well here by infecting threads with racism , so that MSM can point to it later and say it's full of racist shit and scare away normies with guilt by association.

14032129? ago

But that's just because you're low-IQ and ignorant.

14016972? ago

The 'they' you are talking about have always been here because it's one of the few places people can still speak freely. I wish you guys would stop being such chodes.

14016856? ago

You poor souls are out of your minds.

I feel sorry for your parents.What a waste of money.

14015206? ago


14010180? ago

This post sums up everything I have been experiencing the past several years, accelerating this past two years especially. I have no one to talk to about what I know to be going on behind the scenes of this fake reality. I feel sorry for those who don't know what they don't know. They are not going to handle the truth well at all. I can't imagine how much more there is to know, but I've heard from others in the online truth seeking communities that even the most awake of us will still be shocked to know the depths of evil that has controlled us. I am grateful to not be one of those MSM mind-controlled sheep though. As difficult and lonely as it is, I wouldn't trade this position and this knowledge for anything. I've waited for a light at the end of the tunnel for so long...It feels like I'm a little kid on Christmas Eve. I offer love and appreciation to POTUS for his sacrifice and for the entire Qteam, all the anons who dissect and distribute, and for the Loving Spirit of Patriots the world over who are joining in this fight for Liberty and Freedom. I am humbled and honored to be in your company.

14034402? ago

hopefully we are not moths around a streetlight.

14025261? ago

Thank you for your kind words. I am even more encouraged and proud to stand with you.

14009938? ago


14008142? ago

I feel as you do, except I am not the smart one in the family, or they say....I have come to the conclusion as you, I am not willing to put my self out there with my family and friends and be fake about the real truth, I don't bring it up, but I don't shy away if they are talking to me about it, I tell them my knowledge and let them decide to believe or not....usually they don't but I figure, eventually the truth will be revealed and I will be there to answer the questions I can, and in the meantime, I pray that they wake up. We must keep in mind, many of our family and friends lives revolve around the hollywood so called dream, they don't want to accept something like this because they would have to make a decision to keep watching them knowing how evil they are, or ignore it, and keep life the way it is......It will never change until truth is forced upon them.....same goes for music artists and favorite personalities in all areas, folks are not willing to have to choose to change their own lives to save the rest....we know that in the end, people become lovers of themselves, and turn on their own mothers and fathers, so as long as we understand the mindset, we should be able to handle the ignorance so many choose to continue on accepting.....it is sad, but reality! Keep fighting patriots, WWG1WGA

14034435? ago

seed them...throw a vague seed towards them...they will either come back looking for more or run away from you...plant a small seed in their minds....i know a black swan event will happen with many when they learn or they will seek you as their source

14037032? ago

yes good thinking....it is a long game, I know, but it is exhausting mostly....but we do it for the truth, for justice, and for the future protection of the children we have all failed! I Pray for the truth, I believe we will get it....but not on our time, must just patiently follow the plan!

14006869? ago

“Love suffers long and is kind; love does not envy; love does not parade itself, is not puffed up;” ‭‭I Corinthians‬ ‭13:4‬ ‭NKJV‬‬

14007525? ago

Thank you. I believe that.

14005509? ago

Thank you for this post. It speaks of truth, hope, trust and love. Godspeed patriots.

14005500? ago

Thanks :)

14005475? ago

Bravo! Very well said. The anonymity removes the pride that sometimes leads to discord. We must work together to share information, research, and help the movement along. Together we are awesome!

14024467? ago

Pride? You are all an embarrassment

14005421? ago

The problem I have with this subverse is we cannot gain CCP's for posting here (since every post is anonymous). We cannot block individual vulgar posters. If we cannot gain CCP's, we will continue to be at the mercy of those whom have large CCP numbers.

14005395? ago

Well said and thank you for your frank post.

Evil is not only out there on our TV screens and government offices. It is within us as well. Something to be wary of continuing forward. I know that without a doubt, there are negative energy encircling us, trying to find holes and breaches within the ranks to create implosion. his is their strategy in action. Divide us. Split us up. Make us run around pointing fingers at one another.

This statement is the truth for this is a spiritual war. Ephesians 6:10-17 says, "Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might. Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand. Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness; And your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace; Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked. And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God: And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the saints." As you recall, Q quoted these verses in #1886 15-Aug-2018 15:12:17 EDT.

As for evil being within us, that is also the truth. Sin is evil. The sin nature is that part of human beings that impels us to commit sin. The Bible teaches that we have a sin nature. Not only do we commit sin, but it is our nature to do so. Romans 3:23 says, "For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God." I believe there is only one solution and Truth to combat that sinful nature - accepting Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, taking up His Cross and following Him.

I pray that all of us would use our zeal, enthusiasm, and commitment to Q to follow the Truth that will save this world from evil. It is the only hope for humankind.

I look forward to the day where we stand together in the millions and together we chant, WWG1WGA! WWG1WGA!! WWG1WGA!!!!!! I look forward to that day as well. But I look forward to the day when, "For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: Then we which are alive [and] remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord." 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17. This is the true beginning of the end for Evil.

I will now go and continue to work on my own sinful nature, praying for His Return.

14012846? ago

Dear "Well said," I would invite you to include non Christians in your prayers. I am the Jew outlier here as I believe that people can find and obey God without believing Jesus is God. I believe in many of the teachings of Jesus but I feel that Jews, Buddhists, hindus, atheists, and possibly Muslims can find God or the "light" of good in the universe in other ways. Please open your heart to this idea. Some people need Jesus to find God or meaning. Other people can find this through prayer or mindfulness. I believe that Jesus is one of many messengers.

14005390? ago

These jews are out in force today.

14014545? ago

Yes, I am out in force every day. I know what is right and I fight your divisiveness as much as I can. I hope God flips you to the Q movement. Whether Q is real or a myth, Q is a movement. It is a unifying force. WWG1WG ALL.

14005799? ago

I don't know what you gain or how you strengthen the effort with attacking any one group.

14032168? ago

Naming the jew strengthens the effort.

14005326? ago

That's a great speech but the real deal is either you're a patriot or you're not and it's not going to be real hard to figure that out if you have any kind of Common Sense. Although Q says to think for ourself the outcome has to be the same which is a free land for our children and our children's children just like we grew up. Freedom!!

14005310? ago

We will all benefit from the voices that are Q! Together we are stronger. Together we are 'The Change'.

14005296? ago

Anon makes me happy, if for no other reason than SB2 no longer exists! Yay! :)

On a serious note, thank you for these motivational words. They are needed and appreciated!

14005286? ago

I’m sitting in the front pew of Q this blessed Sunday morning! What a fabulous message. Amen and Amen!

14005277? ago

Thank you so much for this post. Love and light is the message here and what needs to be spread, endlessly.

14005276? ago

Thank you for brining this up. I've learned those lessons throughout all of this as well. L "4 Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. 5 It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. 6 Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. 7 It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. 8 Love never fails." Thank you, Patriot. WWG1WGA

14007093? ago

“He has shown you, O man, what is good; And what does the LORD require of you But to do justly, To love mercy, And to walk humbly with your God?” ‭‭Micah‬ ‭6:8‬ NKJV

14005274? ago

It's good we have a place to go again. WWG1WGA!

14005271? ago

That was perfectly said Patriot... when we start looking for credit and recognition we're already losing the point... the exchange we all witnessed between Q and BO was an example of that. Indeed WWG1WGA.

14005234? ago


even in anon you must famefag

14006178? ago

I know right, us fags have to stick together. You still coming over tonight?

14005225? ago

Extremely well said !! Not so much a call to arms as a call to Brother&Sisterhood. I am truly honored to stand with you all.... WWG1WGA !!!!!!

14024445? ago


14118914? ago

You sound like you are losing. So these Anons must be defeating you, whatever they are doing.

14056459? ago

Speak for yourself asshole. Before you can describe "stupid" you need to know what stupid is. You are no different than a monkey flinging poo and missing it's target. Fuck off shitstain, your opinion has no value.

14031192? ago

and you do?

14031725? ago

Yes. I went through SERE. Joined the Oath Keepers. Looking at getting a Dillon reloader

14031997? ago

Good on you, Patriot! But, you know nothing of what others on here may have done. There may be heroes, by any standards, so do not deny what they may have done. Besides that, it is good to have you here.. wwg1, etc.

14032734? ago

I did TACP and CCT in the Air Force. I went through all of this. There may be a handful of people on here that would actually make it through a war (there are always survivors), but they are disillusioned to think that with 0 training, 0 preparation and 0 common sense they are going to do anything other than be a bullet sponge. They don't want to get their hands dirty. Just read through the comments. Now they have a fucking soothsayer who is telling them that Q whispers to them in their dreams! Like he is some kind of other worldly entity. Invest some of this energy in to bettering yourself. Start canning, start getting water filtration devices. Learn how to gather water in case the infrastructure breaks down. Learn to provide for your family, and once they are provided for, be able to take on a neighbor or two. Learn a valuable skill, whether it is carpentry, medicine, farming, etc... Do it without store bought goods. That ACTUALLY helps. Go to the range. Worse case scenario, you have something that you could use as a hobby and maybe pass on to a kid or grand kid. You know that one nuke detonated 50km above the Earth's atmosphere will send out an EMP blast big enough to knock out an entire hemisphere? That is more realistic than Q being Jesus's second coming. I joined the Oath Keepers because my skills are getting rusty, and I have packed on some pounds after I left the military (dislocated my shoulder playing Rugby didn't help things either). Point is, instead of being internet bad asses who cry when someone rightfully calls out the Jews or utters a profanity, learn to get a tougher skin. If things did go south, there will be a lot more hurting than just your delicate sensibilities.

14035996? ago

Hey, you sound like a well organized guy. You have replied pleasantly to people asking you questions. What frustrates you so much about the board to swear and insult like you did earlier. ( Not being funny, or pointing fingers ). I can see frustration, and you definitely have that. We are in peace, and all of us ( some tough, some not, whatever ) welcome you.

14039738? ago

@14035996 What frustrates me, and maybe it is because I feel like I am talking to my Dad who cannot think for himself, but to me, these are the people that parrot Fox news and act like that isn't the same shit as CNN. I went so far as to show him the Operation Mocking Bird video and he said it was faked. I feel like a lot of these people put their blind faith into Q, and that he is a knight in shining armor who will swoop down in a fiery chariot and hand deliver them to Nirvana. I feel like they do nothing to prepare for anything on their own. I feel like most of them are mentally, emotionally (and probably physically) weak, which is evident by how they recoil when you name the "joooooos". Which is bull shit, because if you have been following Q, as most here have been, HE HAS NAMED THEM. He has even said that he is saving Israel for last. Yet, most of the new comers feel that Israel is our greatest ally. Do you know who is a much better ally? Australia. Every fucking time. I loved working with the SAS guys. Point is, and I wish I could tell this to my Dad, but he always says he doesn't want to hear it and I am an idiot for not believing the news, but if you open your eyes and keep your mouth shut, you may learn something. You may realize that we have been bombarded with propaganda from the cold war era. Most of us, myself included are usually pretty nice and caring people, but it is that mentality that makes me feel like I am dealing with children. They have there hands over their ears when things are said they don't like, and few if any have taken steps to take control when the cleansing that EVERYONE is praying for actually happens. Maybe this is a better way of putting it. It is like when I talk to a pro-communist or a socialist. They feel that because they supported the movement and were card carrying members, they won't be in the fields toiling, or in the factories... no... they are the card carrying elite... Which is ironic, because if you look at EVERY country where they take over, the early supporters are the first shot. It is just ignorance. And it is frustrating. Now, I am Catholic, but every time someone tells me "I will pray for you", it is a holier than thou way of saying "I pray God will make you see how much more right I am than you". I live by the motto Gott will es. But God isn't some personal Genie that will fulfill your wishes. He will guide you, sure, but if you don't do it yourself, you will end up in a ditch. Look at Holodomor. Those 10,000,000 killed were all white Christians. Do you know what my Dad said when I brought up Holodomor after he said that the Holocaust was the worst genocide in history? He hasn't heard of it, so it didn't fucking happen. You don't think all of those people prayed for food? Do you think as they were shot by the NSDVK because they were accused of smuggling food, only because their stomachs were not distended they did not pray for divine intervention? Yes, pray, sure that is good, but take fucking action. That is what frustrates me. I apologize if it hasn't came across as eloquently as I hoped, but I am typing this on a phone.

14042703? ago

Wow. Just wow. You are very eloquent. This post is powerful. I love the SAS. True heroes. Paul Ryan's book ( that I have ) "the one that got away" is incredible. OK, something else. You mention the card-carrying members. Which what you say is so true. I need not repeat it here, but basically 'that which you wish for may come true, and chances are good you won't like it'. I have read your post now for the 5th time, and I cannot argue with any of it. Genocides are real, and happen. And I think you spoke to me on another thread, so I will carry on there....

14043328? ago

Are you the Navy veteran? There have been so many movies about people who wish for something, get it, and it always ends up horribly. I am glad you liked my post, because I felt like I was almost ranting. I can't think of much worse than someone who is ignorant, provided the information and still chose to remain ignorant.

14035479? ago

Are you English? ( After this post, I will look up TACP and CCT - I don't know what that is, but I am sure it is impressive ) .Same person speaking to you as 2 replies back. You are well prepared, and that is where we all should be. I have to be. Now I will be honest, and tell you what my preparedness has lead to. I have not spoken of before openly, because I still don't want to badmouth the registered civil defence organization that is for a minoritory in my country. I am a white in South Africa. I belong to this group ( have radio for emergencies ), but have lately not gone to meetings. Our WhatsApp group had 1 person ending their posts with 'Sieg Heil!!'. I have been conservative all life, and called a Nazi often, but always laughed, because I never was. If I kept with this group, which offered my family survival in the event of what we know is coming, I would be a Nazi. ( They believe Germans underground in Antarctica will rescue us ? ).

But, we had to prepare. So, My family is prepared for 6 months. I have a fortressed flat above the garage, where everything is kept. I have Krugerrands ( gold ), for economic collapse. I have not cut ties with the above group, because they are an option in extreme shit. ya, hypocrite, realist.

And yes. I am ex-military. Served against my will in the bush war in Angola in 1985 - 86. Survived the training, FNLA, Swapo, MPLA and Cubans.

Patriot, I agree with you on much, including Q. I oftentimes feel that this a LARP. But, so what, this is the time I have seen people around the world come together. You say it means nothing?.. no : it means a lot.

EDIT : things going south..... I live with that reality every day. Is this the day the mobs come? But, I have prepared. I am ready. Why don't I leave? I could, my wife is an English citizen. She will not leave her parents, who will not listen to the danger here. Looking after them after SHTF has been a logistical planning nightmare.

14039479? ago

@14035479 Nope, I am an American. I am curious as to why you said British, though. To me, I couldn't care less what someone calls me, when people are being tortured to death with blow torches, and babies raped to death. That is a non-starter in my opinion. Like the saying goes, the lion doesn't care about the opinion of sheep. If one of your S.A. brethren calls you a white supremacist for wanting to carry out the basic necessity of life (to live), then they deserve to be sacrificed on the altar of forced diversity. They are the ones that will show up when things do go south (S.A. is following the path of Zimbabwe and Venezuela pretty quickly) and want you to pick up their slack, cutting your chance of survival significantly. That is my opinion. If someone says Sieg Heil, then he could quite possibly be an idiot, but keep in mind, at a time like this when we are supposed to be feeling ashamed and hunted for the color of our skin, by a group that claims to be tolerant... Well... I can't really blame him.

I am glad that your're preparing. Hunting and foraging is a big part of my plan. Smoked meat stays fresh at room temperature for months, and we have lots of wilderness around where I live. Do you have ammo hoarded? I am glad you're ex-military. It will come in handy. I am not saying Q is a LARP. What I am saying is you have these guys acting like they are going to go full Rambo, following some guy who claims to gets Q updates via a dream for fucks sake. I want Q to be real, that would be ultimate justification, but some of this stuff is a little over the top.

Your edit: I am glad you won't leave. I wouldn't leave. I would band together. The Boers war shows how a small group of higher intelligence people can repel a large force. Fuck, the people that are trying to kill you haven't progressed on their own as a society since the times of cave dwelling. I would keep items for makeshift weapons at the ready too. Styrofoam in gas turns into a gelatinous goo that sticks to most things. Put it in a glass bottle with a rag.

14043253? ago

Mention of "rugby" did that, in terms of your nationality. I am part of a group that is prepping for our culture. We are technologically advanced, and know how to prep. Many of our brethren don't realise what can happen any time. We have prepped to help them anyway. That is our way. You are a smart guy, and a survivor. I like to think I am, as well. To only way to tell, is to prep, and have your family survive, by your actions, and training.

Q : as I told my wife tonight. Best case : True Military Intelligence. Second worst case : Unemployed 20-something in mother's basement. Worst case : Deep state op.

Any of the above could be true. I have hope, but, like you, I do not expect help from anyone, and have to keep my shit together to keep my family alive.

Hey. best to you. And thank you for the encouragement in staying. I often think we should leave, but I won't. ( I want my wife safe, but she won't leave -- so we are here ).

Haha, I got a firm to put bars on my flat ( built as 2nd floor on my garage ), and I wanted the bars a certain distance apart ( so bullets hit bodies more than steel ). The rep said they use 13cm as max for security. I said fine. When the installer arrived, he asked me to make sure of positioning of some bars, because he knew "I wanted to shoot onto people from the top there". I laughed. Fuck, I just want survival, but also laughing ….

14043996? ago

I played lock (#5) for a local semi-pro team. It was a ton of fun. We drank as hard as we played. Unfortunately, American football is just boring now lol. You hit the nail on the head. Train. I am a Knight of Columbus, and we were at a 4th degree banquet. My wife and I are the youngest by about 20 years, easily. There was a guy named Dick who is a 93 year old WW2 vet. Love the guy. I was talking to the Grand Knight when Dick's wife started screaming. I look over, and Dick is an ashen blue color. The ex-Grand Knight was a Vietnam Green Beret (not sure what shred). Anyways, people were staring, women were screaming, but NOT ONE FUCKING PERSON HELPED. I told my wife to call 911, I gave directions to the dispatcher, clearly and calmly. The Grand Knight and I rushed over, pulled the guy out of his chair and put him on the floor. The rest of the people were saying he was choking (you don't turn blue instantly from choking, which is what I told him). The GK started chest compressions while I checked his ABC's (Airway, Breathing, Circulation). He had no pulse. Eventually he started breathing again, at which point he vomited. I rolled him on his side in the recovery position. The GK and I were kneeling in piss the whole time. The TLDR part is everyone stared. No one helped. No one knew what to do. My wife is in nursing school, and she cried on the way home because she froze. She asked me how I knew what to do when I rushed over, but it came down to the training we had on Team. Same with the GK. Now we got our council an AED, but still... Even if you know what to do when you're calm, if you have never trained, you will freeze.

I like you. You and I have a lot in common. I want to believe in Q, but the deep state had long fingers, and they would stop at nothing to stop Q. It is playing in our desire for justice. So I am leery about getting my hopes up, but if the day of reconing comes, anyone unprepared would be fucked. Imagine no electricity for 10 days. Or even no internet. Do you know what would happen? What chaos. The stock market would crash, smart phones would be worthless. People don't realize how dependent we are, yet they are saying they are ready! If I had a way of helping you guys, I would. Like telling you to look at a couple of these:

  • 1st
  • Build 1
  • I got the idea from here . There is a lot of good information on this site, what parts that are also easily accessible.

So I am in the construction industry now (family has done custom homes since the 50's. I am a rebel, so I am now doing commercial). I am doing this large assisted living home, and it is all fire rated. All steel, cementitious fire proofing, fire caulking, nothing combustible. The reason why I say this is have you considered installing something like a hardie-board cementitious product to the exterior of your house? It is good having an elevated shooting platform, especially with a 360* view, but you are trapped up there. It is a hell of a DFP, but even these primates have fire. I am not saying doing it to the extent we are doing this 100,000sf building, but something that will give you enough time to think of an escape route.

14005224? ago

Q is not a person, but a team. They post, and we don't know their names. In a way we have become an extension of the Q team.

14005205? ago

Thank you for this place. It is the first time I have interacted on any board such as this. I have been a lurker for a long time. Not really sure how to hide my ass online, but then again, I don't really care if anyone knows who I am. I am only after the truth and will follow the evidence, where ever that may lead. Once again, thank you so much for this board.

14005201? ago

This is their strategy in action. Divide us. Split us up. Make us run around pointing fingers at one another.

You should be aware that you guys did that all on your own. Tell me, what exactly was the purpose of working with @neonrevolt, who further divided the movement here on Voat? Where was the call from unity from him? Why is that you guys continued to sticky his posts and pin them on your own 8chan board?

You don't need any glow in the dark niggers to divide the movement when you're too busy looking for the enemy from within. All the JIDF and CIA has to do is sit back, watch, and laugh while we fight among ourselves.

14006707? ago

It's right there in the post:

Money shall not touch this movement. Those who wish to profit, have only declared their purpose.

14006804? ago

But they're part of the same crew that worked with one who hawks their merchandise for shekels after telling you he's one of the few capable of decoding Q. It makes them suspect.

14014338? ago

I don't fault him for the shekels. We are all slaves to the shekels at this point in time. However I do fault him for implying that he is the one who should decode and decide. Anyone who is smart enough to be here in the first place is smart enough to wander the halls of Voat (etc.) and decide for themselves.

14007111? ago

Agreed. But this also looks like repentance.

14007131? ago

I will remain skeptical for the time being. What they did was no minor thing. I can appreciate your ability to give the benefit of doubt.

14005196? ago

Thank you for that great post. It feels great to read words like this and realize that there are so many of us and we are feeling the same things and experiencing the same reactions to our beliefs. Too late for me on #4 and family. They do look at me like I am crazy, but that's OK because when they do see the light, I will be the first to welcome them into the sunshine.

14005191? ago

Your words touch me deeply. I must say i agree. Yeah its hard to believe that there are acually free speech newbies in the world.. I never thought i would say that or even think of it.. Hey Free speeach newbs this is what it looks like .. Try not to take it personally... Sticks and stones used to be a tenet we lived by. I Have been ostracized in the past when i would go back to my friends and say hey i found this on the internet. Now over the years those folks have come back to me. Yet for sure there have been many lonely years out there on the leading edge of the curve. It has been a lonely place. Not anymore ! Today people are getting in touch from all across the world from as far afield as New Zealand and The US to connect and share. Ok i know this from social media platforms as well as anonymous ones like this. The point being is this Neural net of news/intelligence is growing and keeping us informed and safe. We are relearning self reliance in this regard. That makes me so damn happy i feel my self welling up as i write. We do this for us all , we do this for ourselves our friends and to protect the weak and the children. Thankyou from the bottom of my heart. May the connections get stronger and the love find its way to us all.

14005119? ago

Divide us. Split us up. Make us run around pointing fingers at one another.

This is what the Jew is always trying.

The JIDF (Jewish Internet Defense Force) is real:



14005099? ago


14005098? ago

I was awakened by the reddit presence. Thanks and love to all here. God bless the USA. This country is important, its values matter deeply.

14005094? ago

Great post. Knowledge, Humility and Fighting for a cause is what distinguished all Great Nations and what makes the material out of which heroes are made.

14005041? ago

In one point, Q is fundamentally wrong, the world is not just watching, the world is fighting, it is fighting for your freedom while hoping to gain its own.

I have been fighting for years and always at the side of the man whose potential I saw when he entered the political stage.

We are separated by an ocean, but we are still together in all of this.

I know very well which hill is worth dying on. that' s why I stand by your side and I believe that you would do the same for me.

14006926? ago

“Greater love has no one than this, than to lay down one’s life for his friends.” ‭‭John‬ ‭15:13‬ ‭NKJV

14005863? ago

I pray that Q's impact will be worldwide. Hoping that T May's recent allusion to not undercutting Brexit is in some way to FISA declass that would expose GB govt (not Britains') collusion against DJT.

14009336? ago

Yeah there's a lot to do here in the UK. But TRUST THE PLAN and Europe will have its day once the US is fully awake. I've never really understood the 'special relationship' before, but now I am praying for it more than ever.

14005038? ago

As the god emperor of the United states, I approve.

14005005? ago

Don't forget that you're only anonymous to the readers.
Should anyone threaten voat admins, or just hack them, your handle/IP/ID are connected.

In fact I don't think anonymous is accurate, this is more like a random pen-name.

I believe it's good to do this as you can't look for a bias in trolling someone's history. But calling it anonymous adds a whiff of security, that does not exist.

14005300? ago

I agree! It is good to always realize that every key stroke is landing somewhere. Anonymity is only a warm and fuzzy way of thinking that my thoughts are mine alone, when the reality is, those that want to know already do. It's not really scary when you realize this, it is just the reality of the times we live in and the technology surrounding us.

14005001? ago

Yes. Anonymity is awesome! When you read my words, your interpretation of my thoughts is unburdened by what you might think of me if you knew how much money I had, or didn't have, or what kind of clothes I wear, or how attractive, or fit I am, whether I am male or female. Anonymity permits us freedom from the oppression of our own prejudices.

14004990? ago

Thanks much OP. You're spot on. The next 5 weeks will be amazing and great to have one place for all Q followers to be on. WWG1WGA!

14004986? ago

No one person speaks for the group.

Yet you tried to speak for the people in Q&A by being a filter.

The Q#1489 was about you shill mods, despite your censorship over the few days after that drop. Trying to save your asses.

Nice damage control try. But you're done with. You're irrelevant and your shilling is now completely over, finally.

14031216? ago

I understand the whole story. Let's stay together. What might have been done, is finished. We are now. And God speed to you, Patriot !

14007871? ago


QRV - this is what a shill looks like.

14008607? ago

try forming a coherent comment

14024508? ago

He can't. His granddaughter took all of his pills. QRV - This is what dementia looks like.

14006974? ago

That was my thinking when I read the post. All the talk about unity, freedom, and anonymity, after coming to voat, the very first thing the mods did was to continue to censor. A great disservice was done to those of us that migrated. Instead of trying to help us assimilate in a totally different platform, you divided and quieted our voices. The migration would have been difficult at best. Your censoring and division made it nearly impossible. I've no use for the Reddit mods. You let personal power override the job you were supposed to do for the sub. It's a damned good thing you can be anonymous here.

14007648? ago

Glad to see you both saying this. First thing I thought reading this was "well, you can fuck right off with your self righteous bigger man bullshit". Another post that has fuck all to do with Q research. If he really want to be so fucking great about it, why not post it under v/theawakening and shut it down.

14016235? ago

Another great 8ch addage is TITSORGTFO. Often used on people who start a conversation by highlighting their special snowflake status, such as being a previous mod. We are all anon. Nothing more.

14007997? ago

I was totally new to voat. Didn't understand anything on how it worked or who was here. I came with hands out looking for help in understanding and navigating. Didn't make statements of bravado. Couldn't understand why the hell all us redditors were being treated like shit. Weren't we all here for the same reason? It took 3 days before a goat finally took pity and told the full story on the migration. Betrayed didn't begin to cover how I felt. At that point I fully understood why the goats felt as they did. Those mods fucked everyone and hid in the background not accepting any responsibility for the fucking mess they created.

14012238? ago

Yes. I am a long time Niggerfaggot goat. I don't know how the phrase came to be, but after a while you just realize that it's just an extreme reaction to the divisiveness of politically correct culture. NF is a term of endearment as well as a put down. It shows a solidarity with the free speech movement. Free speech leads to free thought. And that is why we're all here.

14004976? ago

Regarding everyone in the Q movement ... neither I nor anyone else needs to know what anyone's name is. Every named individual has been nothing but tripping over their own egos and building up their little followings to manipulate at some future point*. (praying medic gets a pass).

Anonymity is perfect on so many levels. Came here from Reddit to /v/theawakening ... nothing but drama, then they stickied SB2's post (because to really appreciate Q, you must be spoon fed random gematria /sarc).

Switched to /v/GreatAwakening and it was much better (still hang out there). QRV however feels at home.

14033710? ago

Man must always keep in check their need to worship. Hence nearly half of the Decalogue (Commandments 1-4) deal with this very human tendency. Nobody gets a pass Patriot, even if that person is a medic that prays. We're all humans and flawed in our own individual ways which only our Creator can mend, if we let Him...but that's for another thread. The point that I am trying to make here is that we should be friends of all and worship/follow none only our Heavenly Father deserves our absolute devotion, no one else.

14006814? ago

“Iron sharpeneth iron; so a man sharpeneth the countenance of his friend.” ‭‭Proverbs‬ ‭27:17‬ KJV

14019571? ago

Many sparks!

14004937? ago

Powerful stuff.. And as Q has reminded us, this is worldwide, not limited to one country. We're all in this together.

14025037? ago

"Larger than you think."

14017721? ago

Amen to that!

14013366? ago

In fact , watch G. Webb lay out the worldwide system of spies, rat-lines, drugs-weapons that Brennan is trying to protect: https://youtu.be/ClXqtsn8uNs No wonder Q says the world is watching....

14004908? ago

Anon means you don't get to play any cards. There is no "I'm black/gay/female/older/smarter/etc,etc" You Don' t get to preempt your information with "I know better because I'm (Insert characteristic here)." Anonymous means that, offer the information, anons will validate or disregard. Unfortunately you failed with your 'I' m former Reddit mod" Reditt mods shills, will always be shills. Go be anon.

14013145? ago

I couldn't agree more. I stopped reading right there. Whoever this is, they clearly miss the attention of being a mod. Fuck right off with that.

14017651? ago

We should all preface our personal opinion posts with "As a former moderator of r/GA..." or whatever else to muddy the waters of people trying to get some personal recognition.

14004898? ago

Great post.

Warmly received.

As a former subscriber of reddit/GA, I thank you for your pains, and am very glad you have personally benefited from the experience.

Did I mention, Great post!!?

14014248? ago

I second that! I actually was feeling compelled to save this page, perhaps even share your post to help many through this time and let them know that many of their thoughts and feelings are shared and welcome here! Thank you!

14004890? ago

Great post. Thanks for all you do.

This is for God and Country, not money and fame.

14004809? ago

That was a wonderful post to wake up to. Thanks for sharing.

14006181? ago

Yes! First post read of the day excellent!

14005898? ago

i agree, excellent post, but jews have no place in the great awakening, they're the enemy we're all fighting against, and any jews in this movement is a double-agent, that will out themselves the moment Q openly names the jews as the (((globalists))) that we're fighting against.

14034237? ago


14015864? ago

The antisemitic remarks are a shill tactic to divert energy from Anons. Ignore them.

14016359? ago

you cucks are the most bluepilled faggots ive ever seen

14014217? ago

There are those who call themselves Jews but are of the synagogue of Satan. These are the ones we fight against.

14012937? ago

you need a serious adjustment to your thought processes. what you just said is very dangerous. sure there are some jewish people that have caused some serious problems but there are a ton of white people, muslims, uk royalty, church leaders, etc. who have caused a great deal of damage and have participated in this as well. to persecute a group of people based on the actions of a few will never be the answer to our problems. technically what you just said is just a dangerous to the world as the elite group of people who control it. try learning some history before stepping in and spreading some racists bs like the disease that it is to the rest of the group. i would actually say you don't understand our movement at all and maybe you should start from the beginning because you are confused about what this represents.

14012049? ago

That's a bit too all-encompassing. Zionists are the globalists, and although they hold great power, it doesn't mean that every Jew should be considered a target. The moment we start bundling entire people groups into one mass of perceived evil, we then become evil as well. Think of the Japanese Internment Camps during WW2.

14011845? ago

Some not all. There were 13 tribes now 12. Where is 13th? They are the ones to watch . Dont blanket blame. Right niw we have Americans who are at fault . Are we all at fault then ? Individuals not whole peoples. Hate only breeds more hate. Cast it out. Globalists are many and they decend from hivites. The cast out ones .13th .

14010261? ago

Labeling all Jews as evil because of their bad globalist leaders is as ridiculous as someone in another country deciding ALL Americans are evil because of Obama and Hillary!!! They are human beings, just like us, and also just like us, can choose to be either good or evil.

14015708? ago

The jew haters are shilling this board. The subject is off topic.

14009615? ago

Reread point #2 .. the evil / nimrod spirit is has access to everyone including us. How much power & control is determined by how much worth (ship) we allow it to usurp by deception Facts are not yet knowledge - Knowledge is not yet wisdom - Wisdom is not yet Understanding -

Love the truth - Tend your garden well !

14009379? ago

By jew, you mean the race or the religion? Because if you want to take out everyone with Jewish blood, it might be a lonely planet - and that's a (((globalist))) concept. Any jews hands-deep in pushing us toward such an end may attend synagogue (or church) for pretense, but they WORSHIP at a different alter. THAT is what must be abolished!

14010508? ago

Jews who believe they are above all others are fools. I am a jew. However I also feel that christians who believe they are above all others are fools as well. Remember our motto. Where we go one we go ALL. I believe that includes the non weapons zed portion of the Muslim faith, although I hate to say that aloud as I'm not sure I believe it with all my heart. I feel that any religion or cause can be subverted and that is what needs to be addressed. Remember WE GO ALL refers to all people of good faith even if atheist. People who still have a mind that has not lost the ability of discernment will see it. This is what Jesus taught us.

14009228? ago

You people that insist on singling out Jews or Blacks are a blight on this sub and the entire Truth Movement. You endanger everything that we are doing here, and I am sure that you know it. Even if the majority of one ethnic group are bad, you do not have the right to accuse all members of that group. Your attempts to undermine this movement will fail. WWG1WGA.

14007566? ago

I dis-agree strongly with this sentiment. I have not been following Q very long, but all I've been able to ascertain from his posts are that Israel and it's intelligence community suffers from the same deep state corruption and Cabal infiltration that we do. I also read from his posts that the House of Saud was one of the branches of this Cabal, but that there were good people within who have since cleaned it up and removed the sick element from any chance of exerting power. We know from news coverage that some good things are starting to happen in Saudi Arabia since where they are starting to liberalize since this event. Likewise, it is not true that the Jewish people are uniformly corrupt any more than it is true that Americans are uniformly corrupt because of the Deep State sickness in our country. Q seems confident that eventually the corruption within Israel will also be cleaned up. He has never spoken against the general Jewish population that I could see.

14056405? ago

And you believe he should? Would you make Jewishness a crime? CIA, Mossad, MI6, central bankers, these are the problem. As are folks who harbor blind hatred for entire races. Racism/anti-semitism is a poor but common cover for self hatred. You will not be forgiven if you cannot forgive. The unexamined life is not worth living. Empty hearts harbor hatred, and tell the world they care, yet they care for nothing but themselves. Anger and jealousy disguised as concern for some greater cause.

How can you think of saying, 'Friend, let me help you get rid of that speck in your eye,' when you can't see past the log in your own eye? Hypocrite! First get rid of the log in your own eye; then you will see well enough to deal with the speck in your friend's eye. Luke 6:42

14024208? ago

You don't have to hyphenate disagree, you middle-aged retard. It is a word.

14098112? ago

This must be a pretty good post then if the worst thing you can find about it is a misplaced hyphen.

14099992? ago

Do you have to use a backscratcher to pat yourself on the back?

14020674? ago

Well. Jews are no more hive minded than any other people, so broad stroking them as all evil is a mistake. I owe much of my knowledge about the history of Jews and their evil ways to some perfectly decent Jews who have worked harder to bring their tribe's evil, past and present, to the light of day than most gentiles. Ron Unz is always my favorite example of this.

That said, Jewish tribalism is a powerful and outwardly hostile force towards non-Jews. This is a direct result of it being heavily (even coercively) encouraged among their own for generations while their own people have simultaneously subverted and (again, even coercively) discouraged it among the whites they've worked to exploit and conquer. Historically speaking, Jews are as ruthless towards Jews who don't get with the program as they are to the gentile masses once they have all their fellow Jews on board with said program.

Many, many Jews, especially out in Israel, but abroad as well, support Israel even in the face of it's countless, blatant crimes against humanity. At which point does ignorance to such overt and routine demonstrations of wickedness become a willful submission to evil? They are a historically persecuted people for a reason and, more than anything, their capacity to play the see/hear/speak no evil game when it comes to the crimes of Jews is the reason for this quality being attributed to ALL of their people, rather than a small segment of them. They more than bring it on themselves. It remains to be seen how many will continue to rationalize the evil they have been a party to until the very end by continuing to filter reality through their typical lens of pathological victimhood status.

At the end of the day, the Rothschild terror state of Israel was CREATED by evil. Cleverly and deceptively named though it is, it is NOT a holy land by any stretch of the imagination. It was borne of, maintained, and perpetuated by genocide and bloodshed. They arrived with the British Military under the Balfour Declaration with the intention to displace, rob, kill and conquer the region for themselves. And under their Oded Yinon Plan they have worked relentlessly to expand outward from there while both slaughtering and playing victim. And they've done exactly that for more than 70 years now.

There will surely be an unending flow of seemingly repentant Jews in the near future. The question is whether or not it's because they truly regret the evil they have empowered with their support, or because the gig is up and survival instincts are kicking in. Most would probably argue it's the latter. This will be at least the 110th time the gig is up, after all.

To avoid the repetition of history, we must learn from it. In the case of Jews, that will mean doing more than simply expelling them to keep them from regrouping, infiltrating and subverting another people. Israel can indeed be cleansed. First and foremost by ending it's status as a Jewish ethnostate, but also by recognizing Judaism as the legitimately evil force that it is, despite it's masquerading as a friend of Christians and victim of Muslism. It's really always been an exploiter of both, and everyone else for that matter.

Ultimately Jews are collectively going to have to acknowledge that they have brought a new era of antisemitic hatred down on themselves. That no one else is to blame. And that if they are to survive obliteration by the great many enemies they've made, all across this globe, then a great many concessions will have to be made by them in the name of penance. They will most certainly have to accept a fate likely far harsher than the one they themselves worked to impose on the Germans they unfairly maligned for resisting their crooked desires will be obligatory. To say they will become pariahs by their own hand is an understatement. And this is a fate they do deserve.

I would not advocate genocide of them. But gentile civilizations are going to have to undergo some rather tremendous changes to how they govern and protect themselves. And all of these changes will be directly aimed at closing off the many channels to subversion that we have seen Jews exploit in order to bring us to our present day reality. Doing all of that without compromising on too many of the traditions, values and ideals that we cherish as part of who we are will be a challenge in and of itself.

14033358? ago

Wow thanks for sharing, very enlightening thoughts on your post.

14024300? ago

Hahahahaha look at this middle aged boomer virtue signaling. I am surprised I haven't seen you say they are our greatest ally, and that 6 million out of the 3 million Kikes in Europe during the 30's were slaughtered too! Why don't you do something useful and tell us a life lesson that only comes from your middle age. Like this one, I have for you... I would take a gallon of ammonia and a gallon of bleach. Pour them both into your toilet. While you wait for it to disinfect the bowl, place a towel over the threshold of the door. It will smell a bit, and will take days for the smell to leave. Wait in there for about 5 minutes, mixing the cleaning solution with your toilet bowl scrubber. After letting it sit for about 20 minutes, flush a couple of times.

14025590? ago

I am surprised I haven't seen you say they are our greatest ally

Really? Because that could only mean you are too fucking stupid to comprehend any of what you responded too. Can't say that surprises me.

Why don't you do something useful and tell us a life lesson that only comes from your middle age.

I'm not middle aged, but I do have a lesson for you: Hitler helped to create Israel. Sorry if that makes it harder for you to jerk off to his poster over your bed now.

I would take a gallon of ammonia and a gallon of bleach. Pour them both into your toilet.

And I would close and block the door behind you while you were doing that. Because I'd be doing the world a favor.

14029396? ago

Don't feed the trolls.

14028522? ago

Haha Nice

14017667? ago

The anti-semites here are just the troll force who want to derail and besmirch those who follow Q.

What is the number one rule for handling the trolls? DON'T FEED THE TROLLS.

Racism generally, and antisemitism specifically, is the "tell" identifying low IQ folks with extremely poor thinking capacity. Just another version of the same thing folks who rag on "Republicans vs Democrats" rather than see reality in a Hegelian sense.

Some folks are just dumb as a box of rocks. "Beliefs" are the religion of those who have never learned Socratic anaysis and thinking.

14098273? ago

They are trolls? That is good to know. I was having a little trouble reconciling WWG1WGA with "All Jews suck" sentiments. All houses need cleaning, sure, but excluding the whole group simply because they are Jews? Well, to each their own, but I won't do that.

14024327? ago

Or.. You know... we have always been here, and you have not. You need to stop watching CNN, because it really is turning your brain to mush.

14014900? ago

by your own admission, you have not been around very long. lurk-mor. the way your comment changed the narrative that was running, my guess is that you're a shill or bot, either way - ass hat..

14013780? ago

Khazarian mafia....adopted Judaism and corrupted the religion with lucifarian rites. The true Semites are proven to be Palestinians.

14013714? ago

I can't thank you enough for this reply. To put a blanket statement that ALL Jews are bad... does not come from a place of LIGHT ... but rather reeks with hatred. I will take part in NO movement who hates and judges an entire group of people, based on the decisions and actions of the ones with money and power in their ranks. To call ALL jews "bad" because of those who promulgate evil... is like calling ALL Italians 'bad' because of the mafia.

14024361? ago

Why in the fuck do you window licking faggots capitalize every other fucking word? Does it make your dick hard, because your Viagra failed?

14056888? ago

Does it make your dick hard thinking about my hard dick? When I finally nut, you wont walk for a week, bitch.

14060618? ago

When I finally nut Because the diabetes has given you erectile dysfunction and the doctors say that too much strenuous activity is bad for your heart condition.

14102928? ago

No, its because your ass is all stretched out and loose, its like fucking a mud puddle.

14010082? ago

Agree. Some people need to have an easily identifiable group to hate. The majority of Jews have no idea that the cabal exists in any form. They are busy going to work and raising children just like the majority of Christians.

14009633? ago

Agreed. It would be nearly impossible for everyone to be bad. Many, sure but not very single one. Leaving them for last has some interesting connotations. I've often wondered whether or not we have nukes on our own soil as a sword of Damocles. Perhaps the good guys left there will be instrumental in dealing with that.

14008186? ago

There is a difference between the people and the religion. There are a lot of people that try hard in every major religion. The religion itself can be a stumbling block though. It is not Qs place to be religion police of the world, unless it specifically is needed for a related goal.

After the Awakening is the Rebuilding phase. It lasts much longer. This never has been just a small movement led by Q. It is a part of a massive and very old plan.

In the rebuilding phase, the corruption that has intentionally been inserted in many religions, including Christianity will be cleaned up a bit, quietly when possible.

As for the Jewish faith, this was originally more of a pagan tribal religion that had quite a lot of self worship. Truth is more effective if inserted into existing beliefs, rather than given in 100% doses. They were a primitive people, but at one time had some good qualities in the religion that made it work to insert a lot of great stuff into. So that is what happened.

When Christianity was given, this was done to take the good elements, but move away from the self worship elements, and give something great to the world to help bring more elightenment, truth, and the spirit to the world.

So the Jewish faith never was all bad, and did serve a very good purpose. But it also always had some pretty deep flaws, even at its best (not that any belief system is without flaws). Inspiration is a personal thing. People get it as they individually are worthy and able. Some religions and cultures make it very very hard to get though, as the more artificial manipulation in Islam and other religions pretty much prevents that in most important ways.

So can a Jew be in this movement? A Jew is like all the other Chlildren of God, but may in some cases have some elements of dangerous doctrine and social controls that interfere. Some Jewish doctrine is flat out evil, but that is not true with 100% of it. The thinking that they are the only chosen religion is one dangerous part. They are not even part of the religion specifically made to get people away from it.

But I ramble. Very few things are black and white. Corruption everywhere will be cleaned up, and in religions too. I do not know for sure if the Jewish faith will last long in the Rebuilding phase and era of peace or not. I know Islam's days are numbered, but I did not ask the fate of the Jewish faith. Either way, the problems will be dealt with. There are organized attacks from certain Jewish groups that we need to be careful about. But I would not dare say that they are all bad. The religion has flaws. There are flaws intentionally inserted by the corrupt in Christianity as well. I would not prevent any patriot that is Jewish from fighting alongside, if they are true to the cause like everyone else.

14024387? ago

You are an idiot. The term Jew refers to both a race and a religion. When you go and off yourself, make sure you do it right. You don't want to be an even bigger drain on your family.

14009468? ago

In my research, I've found 4 different types of Jewish religions, or sects. The Zionist Jews are the ones responsible for creating Israel (the Illuminati Isreal that exists today). They are also the rulers of the Cabal. So, when you use the term Jew loosely as you did above, you are speaking of all Jews, some of whom are extremely nefarious and not at all religious in the true Jewish way. They used the Jewish faith as a cover! Knowing this helps explain a great deal of confusion.

14014584? ago

I am aware of the use as a cover, thanks. Christianity is also used as a cover. I was being extremely general about it. The Jewish faith does ultimately come from tribal ones though. Yes every religion has its problems as well though. But the decision was made that it was not enough for a reformation of the Jewish faith, unless you can qualify Christianity as that. There were a few problems that had to be corrected, one of whichnspecifically was the tendency towards having a type of self worship as a race/religion. Those guiding things from the other side do not out one race above another, and did not want to have any one group have a corner on the market for good teaching.

As good as the best in the faith are, they need to realize st some point that all are children of God, and all have a place ready. I do not know if the good parts of the Jewish faith will stay or not. The Muslim faith is going to go. That much is certain. No on on the other side likes what it does to people. It takes hundreds of years to deprogram some of the victims of it. It is not worth keeping as no one from the other side had any hand in that vile doctrine.

And sorry if that offends anyone, but this is the case. I do personally know those on the other side and this is straight from them. People can choose to be Muslim now, but once you cross to the other side, or if you are here on Earth long enough, that choice is not an option. It was designed to enslave and manipulate, and has no role in the era of peace.

14007803? ago

He's not able to, no one is allowed to speak against the Jews.

What does that mean?

14006781? ago

“But we preach Christ crucified, unto the Jews a stumblingblock, and unto the Greeks foolishness;” ‭‭1 Corinthians‬ ‭1:23‬ ‭KJV‬‬

14011896? ago

Who is we? The truth has been obscured. Know only that the light of the world doesnt hate anyone .

14006777? ago

it's not all jews. And lots of globalists and communists and mainstream media liars are not jewish.

14029618? ago

Not every moslem is rigged to blow, we have to let them all in.

The good ones only hide the bad ones in their homes after the attack. lol

14010535? ago

Point being "It's ENOUGH JEWS"

14007781? ago

Most of them are, the rest are trators.

14006666? ago

For the globalist enemy cabal...globalism IS their religion.

Remember what Q said early on about Satan worshippers...

14030225? ago

The reason why Q often talks about god and the scriptures, is that once you get the full picture of the plurisecular conspiracy we're in, you understand that there's only two choices for a human beeing : be with God, or be without God, period That's how you recognise you have the full picture. Jew haters are still blind, still sleeping.

14012850? ago


14004945? ago

I second that! Very motivational. I said it before and I'll say it again, what an amazing time to be alive.

14005292? ago

Thanks to Q, it's truly a privilege to be an 'outside insider' on what is really going on in the World..