14043904? ago

QRV isn't a court, an agency of the Federal double-damned government, is it? Why the fuck should not a goat enjoy some anonymous living without fooking snipers a thousand yards out trying to pick them off the cliff-side?

I'd offer you a negative review but it seems more of a protest not to, so I fahrt in your general direction.


14046839? ago

Alts are just as annoymous as a number. Numbers are just randomly generated. So you get a slightly better anon experience.

14041899? ago

no personality cult. nobody can make themselves a name and nobody can lose his reputation.

that frees everybody to post what they want. lots of bullshit, too, because some folks think that free speech is a permission to throw their shit around.

on the other hand, you may also post stuff you wouldnt post under your name, even if its only an internet personality.

i like it. great social experiement. minimizes ego trips.

14037788? ago

Give me a way to find you and I'll show you why QRV is anon, you stupid fucking nigger.

14039027? ago

Dick weed this sub is anon! So kiss my hairy ass nigger!

14038459? ago

I thought it was anonymous so people could use words like nigger and faggot freely since they don't have the balls to go into the hood and say the same thing. Small men can stand behind the curtain and yell all day long but shine the public light on them and peaceful silence ensues.

14039112? ago

Never shoot a man in the back of the head while he's standing in front of a mirror.

Wait for him to sleep.

14037851? ago

Just go to pissreal, you'll find him and his friends.

14039626? ago

And now you know the power of anon in the opposite direction!

14037342? ago

Remember not to forget

14039000? ago

Being anon is to fag!

14041590? ago

Then go post on v/GreatAwakening or are YOU afraid of not being anonymous? You sure talk a lot of shit since nobody knows who you are.

14043141? ago

Exactly why qRV is anon!

You finally are getting it!

14037276? ago

AI bot.


not real human

14038992? ago

Does a bot say suck muh dick, u donkey ass!!

Nah I didn’t think so fag!

14039150? ago

The stupidly programmed bots do, yes.

14039636? ago

Well, I r still a dick weed for thinking I’m a bot :P

14040968? ago

AI bot bleep bloop bleep. You're not human.

14043151? ago

U R though!

14043158? ago


14043191? ago


14043990? ago


14046946? ago

I can’t stop laughing ! Oh fuck!

14047701? ago

Bots bots bots

14047958? ago

Shut the fuck up

Shut the fuck up

Shut the fuck up

14048542? ago



14050651? ago

Sounds like you have a spud stuck up your ass. Lol, I was right to call you an ass.

Jesus my mama has better come backs than you!

14059747? ago

^ ^ ^

Chinese bot corruption revealed

14046919? ago

Oh, your mental retardation is beyond great! It’s brilliant!

Is that you @tallest_skil? If not it looks like you have a challenger!

14047649? ago

^ ^ ^

This bot is corrupted

14047982? ago

@tallest_skil is a lurker

14048169? ago


14050678? ago


14047291? ago

Don’t bring me into this, coward. Your god’s a jewish paid shill and proven hoax; that has nothing to do with me.

14047323? ago

Oh! I was right! You have a challenger. He’s better than you! Dude ... I’m now depressed.

14047464? ago

Will you kill yourself when Trump leaves office without doing a single thing that Q-LARP lied about?

14048025? ago

Q rules nigger Jew! He will smack your shit country down!

14048186? ago

Your LARPer is a proven hoax. Everything it claimed would happen didn’t come true.

14050668? ago

He predicted you would suck dick and you did. So he did get one prediction right!

14063188? ago

Keep crying, Q-LARPer. Will you kill yourself when Trump leaves office without doing a single thing that Q-LARP lied about?

14065633? ago

Hi ADL card carrier! How’s your day going?

14069755? ago

you’re a jew because you expose jewish paid shilling

How do you reconcile your claims with the fact that Q-LARP not only shills in favor of jews, but also does not even name the jew and explicitly wants jews to keep living?