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divine_human ago

it doesnt fucking matter who mods QRV. the mod logs are empty, all three of them. they cant control anything if they dont remove and ban, its all transparent.

GoodGodKirk ago

Actually, it does. Have you seen what the democrats did to Detroit? It was caused by bad management.

divine_human ago

detroit was bad management which wasnt transparent.

see, i was as shocked as most folks when i learned that penshitlord whom i have known from TA is mod on QRV. i wasnt aware of 8bit but if he is the one who wrote this, i resonate with it and enjoy watching this social experiment unfold.

similar to the citizens over-watching their government, community needs to over-watch their moderators. public mod logs are the tools. everybody can see whats moderated. up to not, nothing on QRV.

thus, even if the heaviest censor mods of TA (former reddit GA) were on the mod board of QRV, how can they abuse their mod power if everybody watches their every action?

and yes, its true, they can something more, like write up and sticky a 'how to voat' and some inspirational words here and there.

i for ne want to keep thing open: let all these subs prove themselves. and let the people choose what they like.

GoodGodKirk ago

That wasn’t 8bit who wrote it, but an old mod who was pissed they aren’t mods. Did you not catch the “we hang out talking mod features” on a Hillary like server? That’s not transparent, that’s a Detroit management style level of bullshit.

divine_human ago

when i was modding on r/the_greatAwakening, we also met on discord which was originally designed as a gamers meeting platform.

when you really mod on a team - keeping the sub 'clean' and streamlined -, you need a space where you meet the crew and ask questions or share whats going on. i have seen many removals and bans discussed before. nothing shady about that. reddit is not voat.

i am pretty sure that the cabal shills meet on discord, too. all over the boards. but it doesnt mean that everybody who uses discord is shady.

GoodGodKirk ago

oh snap, i loved your board. Was a TGA regular because of the GA censorship. I ended up censored over a reply, yet i saw others who were never censored over what they said, so moved.

This is different. This is a high profile sub with bad actors involved, or so it seems.

8bit seems like a good guy, but penshitlord and breadbox are shifty individuals who don't deserve their position. Plenty of dirt on them in my most recent post on qrv shenanigans.

divine_human ago

yeah, i read that, good job.

however, i am so tired of the infighting. its good to make people aware of facts, but the blaming and bashing is shady itself. its //their// divide+conquer game.

i am relatively new to voat but i take it that public mod logs are the main instrument to supervise the mod crew.

i have decided to keep things open. watch what they do. and let people choose where they feel most aligned to.

by now, i see nothing shady going on on QRC. lots of bullshit posts, yes, sigh, IQ seems pretty low there right now, maybe due to goat trolls? no clue. hope it gets better.

v/GA is great, i love it. right now, its posts are of much higher quality, and its much more active than TA which has higher numbers but much less commentors.

real curious to watch all of this ;)

GoodGodKirk ago

Thanks for the compliment, it seems to have gone unnoticed.

I’m a fighter at this point. I’ve moved from too many sites that I’ve decided voat is the red line. Migrated from 4chan to digg, and digg to reddit when things went bad, then from reddit to voat, and THIS is now my home. I can recognize when things are going south and I’m going to voice my concerns and fight this bullshit.

To me this is our last stand before falling back to 8ch. If we don’t fight now, we don’t deserve a board.

divine_human ago

To me this is our last stand before falling back to 8ch. If we don’t fight now, we don’t deserve a board.

hmmm... dont we deserve everything we give permission for and invite into our reality? the question is what people are willing to do for it.

since january, i have been envisioning an independant forum on a private server for the great awakening. i run a private spiritual forum with friends so i know how do set things up, create a beautiful space for community, and be a good steward for our house.

before social media took over - traction is just phantastic! -, people used to visit several independant fora and sometimes made their 2nd home in one. i have been doing that for the past 24 years and picked up most of my friends like this, from all over the world.

up to now, this greater community space for GA hasnt manifested. lack of money, partners, security measures. i am still holding the space for it; already back when CBTS crashed, i knew that reddit would go down as a host for Q-friends, and 8chan isnt suitable for the masses and doesnt promote community building.

voat is a gorgeous place and a faboulous bridge. traffic may get too high too quickly though, the server costs will drastically rise, and the question is how safe it is when it comes to compromise and hacking so the DS cant take it down. best may be to host it on a military aliiance server.

a forum has many advantages the mailbox-like structure of voat and reddit dont have. in a forum which is like a house, you can sort information so you can actually find something. various categories can hold various rooms so every topic has its own space and nothing gets lost in the flood of information.

i have the structure ready on my mind, heheh, with library places for the geo-political awakening, all the anon research and global themes as well as a bistro for chit-chat, a camp fire for personal sharings, a pond for spiritual awakening, a clinic for learning to live a healthy life, a chamber for encounters and vents+rants, a thinktank where we plant strategies and envision the world we want to create when the swamp will be drained.

on the forum i administer, most of my mod work is splitting threads that have gone off-topic and give the new train of thought its own new thread so the topic can unfold; merging threads on the same topic so there are no doubles and information gets condensed - terribly gets on my nerves here and in the past on reddit, cant people look what has recently been posted before they open the 20th post on the same topic?! grrrr; move comments to another place (i.e., total off-topic to the non-topic thread), move threads to another room; shift the conversation of people who got into a fight into its own new thread in the sacred vent space; stuff like that.

its work and it needs a few people to maintain a such meeting place of information and community. lets see how things are going to evolve. if it serves the plan - for me, its the divine plan - and the greater good of the awakening and liberation of humanity, it will unfold in divine timing. i am used to living far ahead of my time, but i learned to be patient and go with the flow. when the time is now, everything happens on its own accord so i will know.

THIS is now my home

i hear you. many people on the awakening path have been so lonely for years and the internet has been our home.

when it started for me, almost 4 decades ago, research was difficult, everybody thought i am a freak, and there was no place and company where i felt at home.

taught me to find home inside of me and bring it with me wherever i go.

also for me, voat is my 3rd home for the time being. this place deserves my loving attention, it serves the divine plan, and its fun.

ahh, too many words, nuff said, sorry for the wall of text ;)

GoodGodKirk ago

ahh, too many words, nuff said, sorry for the wall of text ;)

But read every word. Always looking for new perspectives.

I think forums are dead. Ive been admin on 2 and mod for a few others, but they died a few years back. They don't allow for anonymity and require a registration, a potential honeypot which some may balk at. if I lose my password here, there are no recovery options on my account.

I did like forums, but who'll host it? Wikileaks? You can't drain someone's resources, but at the same time, donations are frowned upon.

Maybe slack or hipchat? I think they require logins. IRC and other chats are dead without emoji support (ugh). What else is there? another site?

Interesting conversation overall. Got me thinking where to run to next in case this all goes down... there's always SB2 who is still on reddit and here.

divine_human ago

They don't allow for anonymity and require a registration

except for the chans (and voat? dont remember), is there any place where you can participate in discussions without registration? FB, twitter, reddit, gab, etc., all ask for registration.

i get it that many people are freaked out about being tracked. well, use VPN and make yourself an email address for such registrations and you may be pretty safe.

i also take it that most people dont bother at all, i am one of those. an independant forum with a responsible management is much safer than any of the social media giants where most folks hang out.

I did like forums, but who'll host it? Wikileaks?

maybe on the same server where 8chan is hosted?

You can't drain someone's resources, but at the same time, donations are frowned upon.

that has been my main stopper, server space. if a hundred thousand people and more visit the place - imagine, reddit GA had ~ 70.000 subscribers but, as per Q, the real number was around 292k, and now add another 500k lurkers, sigh, thats a hell of a lot of traffic which may also become a problem for voat.

about financing: when i was modding on T_GA, i brought up the topic of an independant forum because i knew that reddit wouldnt last long. one of the mods said that he has endless server space and would offer it for such a project. but sigh, redditors arent interested in anything but reddit, seems like, and the discussion quickly died.

thing is, the forum and blog i run with my co-admins is completely community financed. i cannot find anything wrong with people participating in the maintenance of the space they make their 2nd home. we live on donations so everybody is free to choose to give something back.

we are so used to 'all things free' that we dont anymore honor the time, energy, and money people put in who run places and serve community. its always about exchange. if people only take take take without ever giving back, they will, over time, only receive free-of-cost shit.

i started doing that 15 years ago, donating to the forum i use as my second home. already back then, i promoted the idea of every active member giving 1 euo per month which doesnt hurt anybody but helps keep the community running. too bad that hardly anyone followed my model. never mind, the community i steward for does it; not everybody, only a few, but these few keep things alive.

yesterday, i listened to an interview with jordan sather and an0maly, a Q-sceptic. they also talked about the necessity to create new platforms, maybe based on blockchain. they are coming, they have to because i sense that the social media giants will soon be split up.

i for one cant deal well with the reddit-voat format. its like the old mailing lists with a few alterations (votes) so certain threads dont quickly disappear in the internet nirvana.

energetically, its like a mailbox; info/energy flows in, gets perculated for a short time, and flies out again.

a real forum holds the energy and information so it can be re-visited. its a container where things dont get lost.

but thats only me, lol. most folks love their social media, i always hated them, same chaos like mailing lists, no real depth but everything rather superficial. in my perception, its vampirism, it costs me extremely much energy to view and sort the info in them.

ok, rant closed, lol... have a great day <3