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ResearchingTheTruth ago

REALLY??? Now you are going to divide us? Not falling for it. I trust myself to know who is truth and who is not. Stop telling people what to believe - that's not the purpose of Q.

If you really followed Q you would honor that we are to stay together and stay strong.

WhiteRonin ago

Then why did QrV and theawkaening not join forces under Ga?

Ah right! Mods want to keep their power. They wanted their own power zones.

Why is QRV anon? Why block the ability for users to create normal voat points that would allow them out of the cattle pen?

divine_human ago

Why is QRV anon? Why block the ability for users to create normal voat points that would allow them out of the cattle pen?

QRV on anonymous upset me at first, too. my main point was that i couldnt block spammers, lol.

but yesterday, i noticed that i posted an article there that i would not have posted here because i wouldnt have wanted to take all the shit for it, heheh.

anon throwing shit at anon doesnt hurt anybody. its easier to stay detached from feedback, nobody can make themselves a name or ruin a reputation. ego-mind doesnt have much power here. pretty juicy, this freedom; just put out your thing and stay dis-identified from and neutral towards the fall-out.

yesterday, a QRV mod who was also mod on TA posted this and it spoke to me, i feel a genuine soul and the 8chan spirit.

as i perceive it, QRV has a different purpose than GA. QRV will receive a lot of traction from lurkers and be filled with tons of information but anonymity doesnt foster community building. this is where GA is strong, its already an established community where newfags can integrate in.

QRV is the perfect solution for the lost redditors and the infighting between TA and GA. when two are quarreling, create no.3 and be all free.

yes, all free. look at their mod logs. when i looked last night, all 3 logs were empty. no censorship whatsoever. i guess the old goats who, on saturday, trolled the board to the maxx respect this 8chan principle because yesterday, i hardly saw any spam and trolling.

ahh, yes, the CCP issue, you cant gain any on QRV. then fucking go other places on voat and interact with people. there is not only QRV, there is GA AND an entire voat community of freedom-loving souls, waiting for this flood of refugees to engage in community and integrate.

for those who dont want that, well, lurking and commenting doesnt need CCP .