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00rollergirl20 ago

Thank you! Newbie/GA refugee here.Highly confused but trusting the plan. I appreciate sincerity when I see it! There is only Q. WWG1WGA

Thedametruth ago

Thank you SO much!

varialus ago

Thanks for your efforts to help out with this whole turbulent transition. I don't have much skin in the game, but I kind of like normie spaces, just not at the cost of excluding free speech spaces.

Anyway, I don't know if you remember me, but I called you names the other day because it seemed to me that you had misunderstood what I posted. Anyway, I figured that as long as we've got this moderated space for as long as it ends up lasting, I just wasted to let you know that I don't actually have anything against you and I support your efforts help out with this whole migration mess. Good luck and God bless!

KKOH ago

This is confusing. Why are there 2 Great Awakening sites/subverses? My 2 favorite decoders/bloggers are Neon Revolt and SerialBrain2. Which site do they endorse? Seems like theawakening, and not the GreatAwakening. Why? Because they don't know/trust the moderators? Okay. So why are so many users of GreatAwakening saying potty mouth stuff about theawakening mods? Censorship, banning, etc. My insides feel like they are turned inside out. Just last year I was a stupid Bernie not, and now I love Trump, and the Q Team. What was up is now down, what was white is now black, what was truth are now lies, those who were dead are now living, and those who seemed alive are really just walking dead. Hard to keep up with. I would think life would be more sane and logical within the Q family, but alas, more dysfunction. Who are we to trust?

allonthesameteam ago

Came back to read this again after,dipping into some of the rudeness happening. Will keep this post and it's welcoming ways in mind daily. Cheers!

DarkKnightPatriot ago

Keep Fighting Patriots!The threats that have been thwarted by Trump, our NATO Allies, The Military, Qanon and its Patriots have single handedly preserved our Free World, the American Constitutional Rights and the Liberty and Freedom in this country. The DNC has long lost its legitimacy as a political party of true merit, and has, instead, gotten in bed with pretty fucked up Leftists who are hell bent on the destruction of the West. Moderates and Liberals are left with no choice but to join their Patriotic Brothers and Sisters on the Conservative Right and push back the evil agenda that The Left (Soros, ANTIFA, BLM, MARXISM ETC) are trying to conceal in the DNC party platform. Very Happy to be among fellow Patriots WORLDWIDE!

DarkKnightPatriot ago

How do you get CCP points so you are able to make a submission/discussion? What do the numbers next to your comments mean? What is the process here?

Truth_Seeker60 ago

How do we find a user? Where is the search box?


Just joined from seeing on qmap that GA is now here. But I've got questions about VOAT:

  1. I'm a refugee. I will have to learn how Voat works. Not that I ever really knew how in the least how Reddit worked either.

  2. What is with the "Goat" theme here? If you don't mind my asking.

tmchris55 ago

Where is the subscribe button in Voatify for this thread? I want to bring it to my front page right away.

InfinityAhimsa ago

Thank you! I appreciate your email and am happy to be part of the community! WWG1WGA!


It was hell yesterday trying to figure how to use Voat. This helps ALOT, Thank you! --> If your a newbie like me, and still trying to figure it out, I don't recommend using your iPhone! It's a lot easier logging on through your PC!! <-- WWG1WGA

Jwallace200 ago

Thank you! Very helpful!

FatherDadDude ago

From the bottom of my heart thank you. Now if I can just start a sub for us Religious folk that would be great!

BettyLiberty ago

Thank you for providing a place for us, and your kind hospitality.

Ok_Top ago

Damned glad to be here Patriot! Thanks for the welcome. WWG1WGA

VioletStorms ago

Aw thanks srayzie, you feel like a long-lost cousin we never knew we had. I hope you can keep a bit of an eye on the migration figures over the next couple of weeks (which could be difficult I know). But I think GA over at Reddit had about 70,000 subscribers and it would be interesting to get a feel of how many find their way here (or how many get lost in the back blocks, never to be heard from again). There's strength in numbers so I'm hoping Voat's GA ranks swell by about 70,000. (Maybe more with the other Q-related Reddit subs getting the chop as well). I feel like we should be offering to buy food or contribute towards household expenses and I'm disappointed to hear Voat's been fighting its own persecution battles by being denied access to the usual payment systems. (More than happy to help if or when that changes). And many thanks for rolling out the welcome mat!

AQuirethetruth ago

ThanQ! My first time here but i'll get the hang of it!

0perationchromite ago

Qmap is sending us here. That mean thousands and thousands are coming. Let us know how we can help---wwg1wga

CptnKnotziReturns ago

New member Banned by Reddit, Recommend by NeonRevolt Reporting for Q Well done sir. The beaches of Dunkirk have been fully evacuated with zero loss.

Now we experience exponential compounding Streisand effect in 3..2..1

Here4Q ago

What voat clients do you recommend using?

DropGun ago

Let's do this, patriots! The mod team is back and strong as ever.


I prefer the term "Reddfugee".

acrylicpainter-Q17 ago

Thank you WWG1WGA

Gitmo_money ago

Thanks for teaching us how to voat.

rickki6 ago

hello ! so glad I found you and feel proud. WWg1WGA.

Patr555 ago

Thanks a lot for the hard work! WWG1WGA.

Isaiah4031 ago

ThanQ, from a Reddit refugee. Q sent me!

Exomnis45 ago

Why can I not post a thread? Only comments.

oliver21 ago

Thank you. Can you tell me how to add the sub shortcut to the top of the page? I did it when I first joined almost 2 years ago but don't remember how and don't see it. Thanks again!

Edit: NM it added it to the top on its own now. Weird.

Tmb17q ago

Thank you

forever30 ago

Thank you for being prepared for us to arrive. We all knew this day was coming and you took action and made a place for us to migrate and stay together. Your foresight and commitment to keeping the Great Awakening movement together is to be applauded. WWG1WGA.


Iโ€™m using Voatify... kinda sucks... any suggestions? Canโ€™t seem to sub or figure out how to post to a sub. Thanks niggerfags

Cz4ever ago

Neon Revolt sent and it is nice to be part of this community. Thank you for your warm welcome. Off to find more homeless Anons!

sanspeur33 ago

How can we support VOAT?

span ago

Thank you!!

jjsa312 ago

Thank you for setting this up. We will not be silenced.

Cristo316 ago

These People Are Stupid!!

Took me like 2 mins to hop on Neon Revolts page and find my way here.

Thanks for having us Reddit refugees.


PC17 ago

Much thanks for the support!

ykc ago

Thank you! I need some upvotes please! And for Hurricane Florence to stall baby, stall, before landfall!!

HomespunLady ago

Seems that happened thankfully. Might be worth listening to the Sept 12th "Ground Zero" broadcast done by Clyde Lewis. Someone called in on that and predicted a "surprise".

Shizy ago

Yes! Stall that sucker! Good luck to everyone on the east coast! Scary stuff!

QCanada ago

Now that Q and Trump have been cleaning it up corruption with all of your help...I do appreciate my neighbours (you) very much. ๐Ÿ‡จ๐Ÿ‡ฆ๐Ÿ‡จ๐Ÿ‡ฆ๐Ÿ‡จ๐Ÿ‡ฆ๐Ÿ‡จ๐Ÿ‡ฆ๐Ÿ‡จ๐Ÿ‡ฆ๐Ÿ‡จ๐Ÿ‡ฆ๐Ÿ‡จ๐Ÿ‡ฆ๐Ÿ‡จ๐Ÿ‡ฆ๐Ÿ‡จ๐Ÿ‡ฆ๐Ÿ‡จ๐Ÿ‡ฆ๐Ÿ‡จ๐Ÿ‡ฆ๐Ÿ‡จ๐Ÿ‡ฆ๐Ÿ‡จ๐Ÿ‡ฆ๐Ÿ‡จ๐Ÿ‡ฆ๐Ÿ‡จ๐Ÿ‡ฆ๐Ÿ‡จ๐Ÿ‡ฆ๐Ÿ‡จ๐Ÿ‡ฆ (17)

Our Prime Minister in Canada is good friends with Soros (many pictures together) and podesta. I am no expert at this but I hope this movement will vaccum this crap on our side too. We need it...

QCanada ago

Salut...just got here from since Reddit is not

FastAbsolut ago

Thankyou!!! Refuge from GA here. ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ How do I get the Voat app to show up on my phone?

DomGrady ago

For IOS search voatify. Andriod is Boats for Voat. Welcome patriot!

MeditationAnon ago

Your post was the first thing I read after coming here and it WAS very welcoming - thank you, civility counts, especially in this age of monstrous fascists.

usa100000 ago

thanks for having us!

Fried_Pi ago

I guess this is my new home for all things Q. We knew the purge would come one day. Just glad there was a place to go. Hello to all the patriots. Letโ€™s continue this fight.

Achepea ago

You are KIND. Thank you for this.

FractalizingIron ago

Thank you. Expect I'll get the hang of it soon. hoping for some upvotes though.... What exactly do we need to get posting rights?


Tmb17q ago

Thank you WWG1WGA

be_angry_and_s1n_not ago

How do you follow someone on here? I saw neon, but didn't know how to keep up with his posts.

Dobs60 ago

New here. Banned from reddit. I guess i joined the walkaway movement. I unregistered from reddit entirely and removed the app. Actually i prefer this site over reddit.

Major_Tom69 ago

Thank you srayzie #WWG1WGA

BackTruPres45 ago

I need help with this have been with Q and Great Awakening since 11-17 and didnโ€™t know bout Reddit till my usual morning update I have never even heard of Voat but I want to know how to operate and help make it as big as Reddit

wasupwitdis ago

Thank you Patriot....WWG1WGA WW

allonthesameteam ago

Don't blow this up to much, but I feel like I just met the wizard in some tunnel in a movie. Thanx for opening the door here.

srayzie ago

Awww I like that

SerialBrain2_SB2 ago

Hello, I am still trying to figure out the CCP issue.This is my alternate account. My original account has +250 comment upvotes but my CCP is still 0: I was contacted by one of my readers on reddit who told you me about your sub. Since I have not resolved this CCP issue yet. My idea would be to send you my next article if you would be willing to post it. Let me know. If I do not respond, it would mean my daily comment credit is depleted and you may therefore contact me through my redit account u/SerialBrain2. Thank you.

pby1000 ago

Upvoted. I am curious to know what you think is going on. Did reddit finally get tired of us, or is the hammer about to drop on the Satanic cabal?

Vindicator ago

Glad to have you aboard Voat, SB2. Any friend of @srayzie is a friend of mine. :-)

I think the problem is the Reddit mods don't understand that setting CCP requirements above zero in order to downvote in a sub makes it so that people cannot gain CCP in the sub, either. This is to prevent Shareblue from creating subs where they can farm CCP free from downvoting.

Any idea why they wanted to split the Q research community by making a separate sub when we already have a couple of active Q subs here? I've been modding v/pizzagate since Dec 2016, a few weeks after the migration from Reddit, and I can tell you that given Voat's labyrinthine navigation, that is a not a wholesome tactic.

On the other hand, Voat is all about free speech, so more power to 'em. :-)

Please let me know if you need any help with anything. WWG1WGA

srayzie ago

@Vindicator @Shizy @MolochHunter @Bopper @pby1000...

This is SerialBrain2! Iโ€™ve been trying to get him over here so he can post on here too! Can you please upvote this and ping your friends to upvote? We donโ€™t normally do this but.... itโ€™s serialbrain2 ๐Ÿ™„ Heโ€™s legit.

MolochHunter ago


srayzie ago

Hi! I was telling your friend to try to post a meme here...

Thatโ€™s my sub too. I have the CCP set at zero. It should be fine. Send me a dm if it doesnโ€™t work! New accounts have been posting.

srayzie ago

You redditors are so nice! Iโ€™m not used to it lol! Hugs to you all. Weโ€™re in the Q family! FU Deep state! They wonโ€™t divide us! Every time they try, it just brings us closer. We all have to stick together.

QPatriot45 ago

My first post on voat. Time to explore! Did I mention sent me. Bc truly, WWG1WGA ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธKAG!๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ

srayzie ago

Really?? They have us in there? Yay! Thatโ€™s the site I use.

Q-ality1776 ago

Thanks, your tips have been extremely helpful.

NorCalPatriot ago

New here and wondering how to share pics, memes, etc..? Thank you for having is here ... ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿฝ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ

PirateKing ago

Another format to learn..... best jump to it ๐Ÿ˜‰

2018_semil ago

Thanks for this. Glad having found this place since GA was cancelled on the other platform.

higherdiscernment-Q ago

We are close to some VERY BIG drops, this must be the censorship reasoning.


NZPatriot ago

The ban made me register. I support all Patriots efforts and I support President Trump. I also have 3 goats so this place feels like home :)

wooqy ago

Since my arrival another 125/hr found their way. Great to be here! Thanks.

Pyra ago

Thank you!!!!

Pachyderminthegaff ago

Great awakening refugee, reporting for duty๐Ÿ‡ฌ๐Ÿ‡ง๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡ช๐Ÿ‡ฑ๐Ÿ‡ท

acmbandit01 ago

Is there a difference between v/theawakening and v/GreatAwakening?

2whitelighter7 ago

theawakening is basically a new Q sub created by the mods from GA on reddit.

GreatAwakening is the original Q sub on VOAT. Instead of just joining this OG subverse, mods from GA created their own which I find odd. It's as if the mods from GA want to maintain control over VOAT and could only do so by creating a new subverse.

I'd follow both subverses and make your own decision. v/GreatAwakening will have less censorship. Mods of v/theawakening are already deleting posts and shit.

acmbandit01 ago


allonthesameteam ago

Same question here.

Rocks860 ago

Neon said the mods at the v/GreatAwakening were not known and there was a question of trust. No accusations but just were not known. Iโ€™m sure both subs are good. The mods of /qresearch/ and r/GreatAwakening have come together to create v/theawakening according to Neon

Mumbleberry ago

Your mods and Neon steered you to the wrong place. What happened to "trust nothing" and "be vigilant"?

RexKramer ago

Some of us saw this day coming years before NEON even created his website. <HatTip @srayzie>

koolchange ago


ArGangel ago

Thanks!!!! How the fuck do I make a post??? Wtf is ccโ€™s lol

Qzenseeker ago

You have to get a minimum of 10 comments/karma points. Then you can post :)

Qzenseeker ago

Thank you so much for the Welcome!! Is there a quick way for us to post on both boards at once? and Thanks in advance :)

WindmillFortheLand ago

TY for all you do and have done (PG)

SimpleJello ago


SnapAwake ago

Yall should combine, no?

srayzie ago

A lot have already joined GreatAwakening. Maybe some have their own way of doing things. Anyone is welcome tho!

Donkpup ago

Hi .. I'm on mobile thru the voatify app... is that good enough ... also how do I subscribe other than keeping this as most recent v. Thnx

srayzie ago

On the side, there should be a subscribe button. On the app Iโ€™m not quite sure.on my phone, I just use the browser.

Orien_Blue ago

The mobile site works better than the app sadly

DanijelStark ago

Im first time here on Voat , and find this place pretty good , considering its BETA .

Its definitely even better in some things than Reddit . The best thing is , not having a bunch of biassed Reddit admins that do not even hide their biasness , despite they should be fully objective on every single serious topic .

CptnKnotziReturns ago

FartonToast banned me from T_Ga at least half a dozen times.

He must have taken offense when I told him he was behaving like a scolding church lady. Protecting the movement from ourselves or some such tripe.

Maybe now we can stop with the soap opera and get some work done.

GrumpyDUB ago

Thank you! WWG1WGA!

Talk about another Q proof! We've known for so long!

fuckdumb ago

Thanks for giving us a place to hang out and discuss Q posts and other things. WWG1WGA!

Rocks860 ago

Thanks VOAT glad to be here and hoping to find the rest of r/GreatAwakening refugees here very shortly.

CptnKnotziReturns ago

Hey if we're refugees do we get free food?

~๐Ÿจ๐Ÿจ~ 2scoops for the Patriots

The beaches of Dunkirk have been fully evacuated with zero loss. We're Over the target.

Qzenseeker ago

Yes, thank you again for your email and tips ! Upvotes all around :)