BeccaTruly ago

I am always late to the party:)...was on reddit. CBTS and the great awakening as Hrtn2it and it took me many months to join VOAT and BeginAgain.:)

Thank you All for your perseverance!

srayzie ago

Awww thank you, Welcome!

mtnmanrick ago

Got my popcorn. Will the real show start this week? Love to see just one arrest in Broward this week. Keeping the faith. WWG1WGA

srayzie ago

Got my popcorn too!

lowmaintlow ago

Hello all I was the submitter of Q post 2144. OSCAR WORTHY? which got REDDIT GREAT AWAKENING BOARD shut down the next morning. I am the original Reddit Refugee!

srayzie ago

You submitted the Band of Anons the Q replied to you mean? How did that get the board shut down?

Northerntexan ago

This is old but it clearly shows how everything is scripted.

TrumpProphecy1 ago

Keep sending out pelosi Wrap up Smear tactics! Decent people are enraged by THIS

oldlady ago

@Shiny. How do I post a meme here? At least a small pic with my post like I see others do. I only have 10CCP but following Q since November 2017.

Patriot1965 ago


srayzie ago

WWG1WGA Patriot!

thacker_ash_222 ago

I didn’t migrate from reddit but I am new here. I wish I would have found this place a long time ago. Beats the hell outta using Facebook or twatter for hive mind research. I’m a Q follower and MAGA all the way. I’ve been trying to redpill folks for the last 10+ years. Glad to finally have some help!! Thanks for the welcoming and non-censorship. If anyone cares to throw a tip my way on the best way to get (points?) I would love to be able to post on other subs but cant yet. Thanks all! Glad to be here! WWG1WGA MAGA.

srayzie ago

Sorry I missed this! You just partipate and comment and you will get upvotes. Every upvote is a point. It’s worth it. It stops shills from making new usernames constantly and being able to downvote the honest ones.

Roage ago

I understand the need for vetting and filtering out those who misuse a public record. I am a content creator, not a parrot. It has been 11 days and I am still no where near able to contribute. I am still forced comment on marginally useful content. I am giving this one day and then I will actively dissuade decent folks from joining.

srayzie ago

I’m not the one that made a Voat rules. This also keeps shills from making multiple accounts so that they go attack others. We all lived thru it. I earned my CCP. It’s not that hard to contribute. You start off in comments. If we made it, so can you. Where else are folks gonna go if there is no free speech? We have to deal with what we’ve got. You will earn more respect if you just do it and not complain about it. It is what it is.

swampranger ago

Q Patriot Here, upvote me so I can fully participate.

srayzie ago

Welcome. You’ll soon find out that’s not allowed and people will get angry. You all have to participate. It doesn’t take long.

Dimamo ago

Hello Patriots!

srayzie ago

Hello Patriot! 🇺🇸

MrSSJ ago

I haven't got a clue what i'm doing, i'm in the U.K, been censored hard on the platforms I use (Goog+ UK, yt UK), mostly on meme's, previously on North/South "pole" Would love to share Meme's, just don't use twitter, and don't really want to install it on my phone.. Help! WWG1WGA WORLDWIDE!

srayzie ago

You don’t have to install it. I’m always on an iPad and most of the time use my browser. If you need help learning how to use Twitter, I can make a thread for the ones that don’t know how. Let me know.

12814 ago

Fellow Anons, here is the Official Trump @War: Full Movie.

get your popcorn and enjoy the movie.

MeganP1776 ago


IMPORTANT! Download and share this doc! We need a link on VOAT for it! I don’t need have 10 freaking points so I’m stuck. Someone help post this to a channel so we can share it!!

MeganP1776 ago


srayzie ago

Good stuff! You get points for upvotes. I’ll post this for you and ask people to upvote you instead so you get the credit. So when I ping you, come reply so they see who to upvote

MeganP1776 ago

EVERYONE LOOKY LOOKY HERE!!! Download this doc and share it everywhere! Good tool to red pill newbies - general overview and tons of links for more info

MeganP1776 ago

Ooo it worked! I still need my 10 points tho! Want to create channel for this doc

Qcro ago

Hey, don't have 10 ccp and don't plan on begging my way for it since this will probably be my first and last post as I don't dabble in anything other than the chans and the occasional troll account for lulz when I'm bored. But I just wanted to share this with fellow anons here :)

Title: A Q journey of a croatiafag

Hey anons. Long time chans lurker. I rarely post anything anywhere on the webz so consider yourself special ;P

Tl;dr some background info on me and my Q journey for those interested

Anyway, jokes aside, I've only recently found out about Q through some random links (rabbit holes) on one of my nights off and solo at home without the wife. And honestly, I used to have an unnatural attraction to conspiracy theories when I was younger and that caused me quite a lot problems with my discipline and my social life. What a surprise, right ? Anyways, those days are long behind me now, I'm just your regular tax paying, law abiding citizen working, living and loving all things in moderation (as much as possible).

So as an experienced theorist I approached this Q phenomenon with a lot of caution. Obviously, not being a US citizen, I have to invest more time to research all of the events and people involved in the Q posts (thanks to praying medic for being concise, accurate and easy to watch and for saving me hours if not days of personal research)

Two months or so into my personal Q red pilling journey I've decided that among all of the shit I read on the internet every day, Q posts and this whole Q movement is mostly true and... you've guessed it... happening.

And to honour this happening I've started red pilling people closest to me: wife, friends and family. And honestly I was shocked at how much traction my claims and Q's posts have gotten on them. Most of them told me something along the lines of: "I don't have time for this but please do not forget to keep me updated"...while others, to my surprise, have gone above and beyond to red pill their close friends and family.

So here I am. Another couple of months later, surrounded with people who believe in the Q movement and are waiting patiently for new developments on the field And looking for ways to help the movement.

Now to go back to the title. We are croatians. Pretty far away from the US. And all of us have a message for you fellow americunt anons. We are with you, we support you, the people, we support Q, and of course your POTUS, Donald Trump who has been bashed through our media in croatia again and again since I can remember.

All of us knew from long ago that there is something wrong and perverse going on in this world, yet talking about any such thing in particular is considered taboo and shrugged off as everyday life.

We here in Croatia have problems of our own with corrupt, selfish, greedy and all around bad politicians and government "leaders" waiting to bend their asses to whoever has the biggest pocket or cock to shove it up their asses. So forgive us when we say we cannot offer a lot of help. But remember that you have anons in this small corner of the globe, and probably many more, that WILL stand by you if push comes to shove.

God bless you all. Good luck in all of your endeavours. Keep up the fight and never surrender.

I'll leave you with a simple quote that has been said by a renowned somebody at some point in time that has stuck with me since I've first heard it:

"I'd rather die standing, than live on my knees"

Much love from a few of us Croatians :D

PS: English not native, writing on phone. Excuse any mistakes, long read I know, kthxbai

MeganP1776 ago

Much love, my Croatian brother! Same here. I spent last three months digging in way too deep and believe it 100% now. Lots of truth. Makes me question everything now. Glad to be awake, I think! Red pulling some, most too busy to pay attention unfortunately. But it’s growing! Progress every day. Plus, I expect the MOAB is about to hit. They will be the wake up call for the stubborn and apathetic.

God Bless you and thanks for the kind words of support!!

hate_the_evil ago

Okay, you just made my day.

Qcro ago

Thanks m8, not posting often makes me miss out on a good feeling of seeing someone liking my words and thoughts. Here's a +1 internet point on me :P

Qcro ago

Just learned I can ping here's to some visibility @srayzie

srayzie ago

Yay! You can ping up to 5 people per comment too :)

Qcro ago

Thanks, will keep that in mind if I post more. Keep up the good work moderating this pool of random people 😁

hate_the_evil ago

p.s. Also, there is less freedom of speech when people have a number because you have no clue who you are talking to. With the way things are, who knows if we are being analyzed according to how much we know? Glasnost and Perestroika come to mind.

hate_the_evil ago

What is the logic behind not having voats count on QRV? I finally ventured into "the ghetto" last night, only to find this morning that my comment and points were not recorded. I had to go back in and search it out. Doesn't anyone else care about follow-up?

FatChickenCluck ago

Q brought me here. BTW is there a mobile app available or just mobile site?

MeganP1776 ago

Is anyone else concerned about using mobile apps? Reddit has one but I was worried it would breach the anon. Thoughts?

NotYoMama ago

I use VOATIFY to lurk orr reply sometimes!

srayzie ago

We like anyone Q sends us 🇺🇸

I use an iPad all the time. It works great. But I saw Apple has an app...
Voatify - Uncensored News by Workhorse Bytes

I’m not sure about Android.

Bold_Dipper ago

Well blow my balls off. A site where I can comment with out being censored and deleted. I guess the left have no control on here yet. I will enjoy it while I can. I am sure that George Soros will try and buy control one way or another.

MeganP1776 ago

Exactly, that dirty old bastard! However, the dogs are at his heels. He transferred 80% of his wealth recently to his evil little trust fund that feeds the grass roots (not) organizers. But my bet is Trumo will find a way to recapture it all. Lots of executive orders on that topic lately (grabbing / freezing all sources of funds)

srayzie ago

Thank @Puttitout. He’s the owner of Voat. I’m sure people have tried. He isn’t a sellout and that’s why we’re still here. His heart is in the right place and can’t be thanked enough.

GladysLouiseII ago

Hi, and I am new here! Just dumping memes here and there, per Q! Hitting all the other social sites as well! WWG1WGA

RG72 ago

I'm a Qtard or Qnube or what ever it's called. I've been awake for years Watching this BS in politics waiting for a change. Just been following Q for a short while now...still not sure what to think but I definitely see the connection between Q and POTUS. Anxiously waiting to see the LIBS squirm. I'd LOVE to see BO and HRC among others hang. I'd love to watch PPV of their tribunals if they happen. Like everything I this world..wait n see.....

MeganP1776 ago

GIANT Q PROOF YESTERAY!!! Q+!posted same obscure line two minutes BEFORE Trumo used that same line in his tweet. Q+ is believed to be Trump- now we know for sure! Astronomical odds- no way it’s not. Hooah!

srayzie ago

Well the more you learn, the more you will be amazed. I thought Imwas redpilled. Pizzagate and Q wakes you up on a whole other level.

RakerKey ago

Thankyou - and so glad to be back amongst like minded friends !

Thaigrs ago

Hello. Is this where Q wants us to come see his posts? I think I was sent here by Blessed2Teach on YouTube.

srayzie ago

That depends. If you’re from Reddit, the official Reddit replacement sub is v/QRV

You are welcome here as well. Or both!

MeganP1776 ago

How the hell do I get 10 points? I have something VERY important to post!!! It’s on 8ch where nobody is anymore.

srayzie ago

I think you can anonymously on v/QRV

MeganP1776 ago

I have no idea what I’m doing

Thaigrs ago

Thank you!

eyerighteye ago

V/QRV is the place.

srayzie ago

No. v/QRV is the the official Reddit replacement sub.

E_W86 ago

Another Kekistani refugee checking in.

srayzie ago

🇺🇸 Welcome Kekistsni refugee :)

ArielQflip ago


WorldWidePatriots ago

Woo! I'm back from Turkey and ready to get back on it!

Thanks for having us! WWG1WGA!

swimkin ago

I was in here before Florence, but was flooded out of my home over a week ago. So I am late to the party. What did I miss??

mostlysafe8 ago

The Clowns will downvote you to try and keep you from taking part on Voat. Don't let it get you down. Keep fighting the good fight. We will all succeed.


Godspeed, Patriots.

srayzie ago

That’s very true!

ConfidentHope ago

New here but loyal follower and communicator on other sites need help getting to 10 CCPs. Please like

rosetyler5972 ago

Never got into Reddit but I like this website so much more! Thanks

Stonenchizel ago

I actually love this forum way more than the policed site on reddzit-faced kid! Since I've been here You have all made me feel like family.


slowburn ago

New here? Ever wonder what the hell we are thinking?

christfrequency ago

so many shills

PizzaMario ago

I was here for a fling a long time ago and wasn't dedicated, I humbly return with a reddit name and hat in hand promising to do better and stand by the goats. (puts on white belt with 'newfag' sharpied on the back) Thank you sincerely for taking in the huddled masses yearning to be free.

IamRiversinger ago

These are exciting times Patriot! It is good to have arrived at the GreatAwakening’s new home. Onward! WWG1WGA!

Okjunk ago

SB2 is awsom! Patriots are awsom, "Q" is awsom, God is awsom, being part of this movement is awsom. Thank you for your warm welcome

srayzie ago

You’re awesome lol. You’re welcome. I’m glad you’re here. 🇺🇸

Chimpanboon ago

I'm here to MAGA!

srayzie ago

Yay! 🇺🇸

ConfidentHope ago

Glad to be here

srayzie ago

Glad to have you!

Fraunk ago

Hello... Nice to be here... I've been trying to find 'scratch' on avenatti.. this guy needs to have his sexual history revealed! I know an aggressive asshole like this must have quite a few pissed off women he's abused..I'm just not adept at digging dirt .. been trying to find out more on schools attended etc.. I'd say c'mon anons lets rally around bringing down avenatti with the same approach/tools he's using against Bret and POTUS..

JewelieDee ago

I don't belong here. I confess to being put off by nasty language. (I see it as complete verbal laziness.) I will probably get offended when someone down votes me. I may even sulk (but I will never let you see me cry). I will always be a stranger in a strange land here. But my zombie programming was splintered into a thousand points of light 8 years ago by Svali and 911. And "heck" yeah, I need to be here. WWG1WGA. And to me, the All is not a metaphor.

Womb_Raider ago

You seem genuine

srayzie ago

I hope you can get past all those little things and see them as a small price to pay for free speech. 🇺🇸

JBtruthteller ago

Glad to be here. Thank you for the safe place to not be shut down by the commies. I was getting very frustrated by Twatters censorship. Not tech savy. Just a mom and grandma who loves my freedom and really missed it. Want it for my future peeps. Need to see this link on Twatter more if possible. Not everyone even knows how to get to Q

srayzie ago

I’m glad you’re here!

8Q88473N0R10 ago

BK --- > [TRAP]? MA or [cliffhanger] (YALE) SK

HawkEye328 ago

It is not about free speech! The old timers on here resent the invasion of Q and Reddit groups coming on here. Numerous groups are going around when they see Q comments or groups they are down voting to silence you! I have over 30 different remarks from various people stating that is their intention! Just be aware of the censorship that is being done here.

srayzie ago

Not in this sub. The ones that have settled in here are doing just fine. They’ve already learned that if they give respect, they get respect. They know there is a Block button. Many Goats here have accepted them just fine, because we are in the Q family. If you are going to other subs that have done nothing but disrespect Goats or the Q movement, then you will be treated the way they are.

As you can see reading this post, I reached out and welcomed everyone. I can’t help ones that have chosen to go in another direction. My focus is on v/GreatAwakening and our subscribers. Not the Reddit replacement Q subs.

HawkEye328 ago

7 hours in being a newbie I saw how they were saying every time you see anyone for Q or Reddit down vote and shut them up. I was on the Q post and a fellow patriot said I'll give you a vote if you give me a vote. Didn't see anything wrong since the others were doing the same to rally to vote as many people to stop the from being able to post. That's where I got trashed and 450 down votes for that conversation. So I as far as I can see it is not all safe from censorship. There are gangs and bullying if you have a different opinion. And they are trolling the Q sites, Trump, and Reddit...

srayzie ago

I’m sorry about that. There have been a lot of CCP farming attempts. V/QRV even made their own CCP farming sub. Hopefully, that calms down soon.

This is what I’ve been seeing...

Ksueb1 ago

Thanks for the welcome. Not a snowflake. I can handle free speech. I did get called names and was told that I was > lucky to be alive> just for following Q after my first post. I didn’t mind the name calling. I felt the >lucky to be alive> comment was a bit threatening.

srayzie ago

It gets better once you learn how to deal with people or ignore them. Things have already calmed down a lot.


PATRIOTS! I’m so happy to be here with y’all in the Free Speech Zone! Now, who knows what @Jack’s username is?? I owe him a little payback! 👊👊👍👍

srayzie ago

Haha. 👊🏻👍🏻

P3gasusActual ago

Can someone please help me with QRV? When I login, I can only see the same three posts. What's up?


srayzie ago

Maybe make sure that you allow nsfw in your settings?


I guess on here “Hey NiggerFaggot” means “Welcome Anon”.

srayzie ago

Lol pretty much

InAVanDownByTheRiver ago

Recently red-pilled, Q-cified, and I'm literally blinded by the light!

srayzie ago

Love the username! 😂

InAVanDownByTheRiver ago

Tippin' my hat to the Motivational Speaker. Love him!

srayzie ago

Me too!! Especially when he’s a Chippendale’s stripper!

srayzie ago

Then don’t put on glasses!

MostWereBlackmailed ago

I was just looking back at Q Post 964 about Sergey Brin; Sergey Brin is known as the "Enlightenment Man" In Gematria = NWO [and] Blue Comet [called] 45P Coincidence?

MostWereBlackmailed ago

Thanks for the welcome. Glad to be here.

KyeJoJo ago

I'm still learning my way around Voat. Hoping I have this group saved somewhere. 😄

karendesoto ago

Hopefully I will figure this out.

TheTurd1911 ago

Hello , found some of you maybe ?? It Happy1911 , I’m still hanging on over at the didit on TheYruckDrive doing what I do , I am the Turd and I have a reputation to hold up to . Trying to find some of you and what been going on here . I will screw around here some , but you all still need to stop by the front lines and play once in a wile . God Speed, The Turd

Shiftworker1976 ago

VOAT = Vocal On All Thruthers. Deal with it. WWG1WGA

Presidenttrump16-24 ago

Can you please tell me where to go on Voat to learn how to use it. It is Greek to me!!!! Thanks

eyerighteye ago

srayzie ago

Gosh I don’t know if there is something like that. What do you need help with? Are you from Reddit? If so, it’s close to that, but I think Voat is easier. If you have a question, just ping me by putting @ in front of my username and I’ll tell you how to do it.

ValiMAGA ago

@srayzie thanks for offering to help us old pricks trying to figure this crap out. I've put in a few comments, but nothing worth a damn. Just manure from a fertile mind, heh.

I can up vote now. But is there a limit on how many up votes I can make?

Is there a limit to how many comments I can make?

Never used reddit before but have stirred shit on older platforms. There was none of this rule bullshit but this is where my people are now so I gotta make it work. Thanks.

srayzie ago

I’m glad you’re here. This is what I know about CCP...

10 ccp and you can submit link posts/discussion threads

100 ccp and you can downvote

The more ccp you earn, the more votes you get per day

You can not downvote more than you upvote

This is just for a short while. It’s not my rule. It’s for the site. It encourages participation and it makes it less easy for trolls to go downvote the good posts. You’ll get past this phase quick.

WildOneinVt ago

I've come to continue winning. Cheers all WWG1WGA!

srayzie ago


tallpines ago

I don't like what they're attempting to do to DJT.R's need to stand behind him and the D's and DS need to shut their whinyass up.Come on D & DSers.Step up and be a puppet.

17cavalleygirl ago

How do you do a submission? I have no block button! Just sayin.

srayzie ago

If you go to someone’s profile, the block button is on their profile. On the right.

To make a post, you have to gain CCP points in the beginning. That’s upvotes. So just partipate until you get enough and then you can post all you want.

serealkiller ago

I live in Queens, NY and nobody here knows who Q is. But in Long Island and Jersey a few people know. I think the Q thing is kind of word of mouth. I wear a Qanon hat and people think its an alcoholics anonymous place in Queens.

srayzie ago

Alcoholics Anonymous hahaha.

JimothyJephthah ago

Signed up too! Ditto on the @serialbrain2 reference. I really hope he makes an appearance.

srayzie ago

Welcome! Oh he has. He posts on both.

JimothyJephthah ago

Thanks for the followup. I was floored when I first discovered him. My only question is this: I'm new to him and watch serialbrain2 ("The War Drummer") on youtube. Is he actually serialbrain? Or is he just narrating serialbrain's decodes.

Yeah, a little confused on that.

srayzie ago

It’s the same one. I’ve talked to him. He’s made posts already.

JimothyJephthah ago

What's his screen name/username? In Voat, can you "follow" a screen name/username.

I'm new to boards, but not to Q...

Sundown2018 ago

never heard of VOAT before today, If they continue to protect free speech I'll suppport them for life. And Thank you Q patriots for all the work and the HOPE.

srayzie ago

I’m glad you’re here! Yeah, like I said in that post, remember your block button. Be used to being called a faggot and all. That’s how it is here. It’s the price for free speech! I think people are fitting in great here. 🇺🇸

TheParadigmMan ago

Thought I would just leave this here ...

Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn ... find his writings especially Gulag Archipelago Tells all you need to know to understand what we are fighting for and against !!

Knower ago

Is there a way to contact anybody about my account? I had to close my browser this AM for a computer update and now I cannot log back in with my original account, Knowak SCP (+31/-1) CCP 25 (+25/0). I had to create a new account just to write this. I can't find a 'contact us' button anywhere, and I can't write a mod about it since I don't have 10 CCP. The site will not accept my password, and when I click on the link to send it to my email, nothing happens (I have tried 4 times). Thanks!

srayzie ago

I don’t think you can if you forgot your password.

Do you know? @Vindicator? @Kevdude @HeyGeorge

Knower ago

I didn't forget it, the site won't take it. I just made an alt account, on with life.

heygeorge ago

@Knower ain’t nobody helping you with your password. Except maybe me, right now, telling you that no one is going to help you. Get over it and move on with your life.

srayzie ago


heygeorge ago

Lol! I was maybe a bit unexpectedly abrasive, but still helpful!

srayzie ago

Just a tiny bit

heygeorge ago

Unvarnished truth plus solid advice! I’d consider that very helpful. Consider the rudeness a free gift. :D

srayzie ago

Thanks! 😂

Knower ago

It's not my password, it is the site...I made an alt account. Just was wondering if there was any admin support on here, which apparently there is not.

Vindicator ago

You might try it from an incognito window.

heygeorge ago

This has come up before. And it’s always been the password. Sometimes it’s because the user accidentally had caps lock on.

platinumbubble ago

Always a bit unnerving, joining up to a new social media platform. Your welcome is warm, so thank you for that. Looking forward to understanding more about how the site works and connecting with all the awakened peeps here :-D

daveatdcp ago

Need to down load latest Q drop

GodGunsDogs ago

ThankQ for welcoming all. WWG1WGA

AMotherinAmerica ago

Thank You for the opportunity to be with “family” I have felt from the beginning ..this is what Radio Free Europe must have been like. Every one hanging on to every word of real news . WWG1WGA🇺🇸🍿Also big fan of @serialbrain

AlabamaPatriot ago

Wanted to post something I found about "The Sky is Falling" but I don't have 10 CCP. Great way to join a board!

Paybckfrmwaybak ago

Make america great again. America great again. Great again. Again.

shillbro ago

Been wandering around. Planting my peg leg on ground that is soiled with hate mongering nigger Joo kikes, absolutely lovely


chuck schumer is gonna get a boot up his swamp snatch

watchers ago

thanks for the platform, plonkers.

mcmissouri ago

Those fuckers are going to pay for taking our reddit... Fuck'em shouldn't take me long to figure this one out... Good to see a lot of you.

Slidewizards ago

@BlessedToTeach send me here.

frubious ago

This was shared today on twitter - great song! Dedicated to Q and all the Anons.

BulletMagnet879 ago

So glad to have found this via Q. I was a member of reddit for 2 whole days and got banned for the word "Tardgate".

shpgary ago

I believe I'm where I want to be BUT I have posted 3 times. None are showing up. I am not receiving any points for posting. If this is how it works I done see this board being helpful to Q or POTUS. I've been following Q since October. I want to continue helping and participating. I know Q wanted TEAMS not CLICKS. Please let me know HOW DO YOU POST ON THIS BOARD? If we are building a TEAM.

UPboats4Patriots ago

PPS. Sort the comments by NEW to see who does not have any votes, or who has low votes. Voting in v/QRV will not help with CCP, as it is anonymized (which is good, but the votes do not add to your CCP unfortunately).

UPboats4Patriots ago

PS. I'm going around upvoting Patriots. We need to vote up all Patriots, so they can post in the actual sub Q sent us to -->

UPboats4Patriots ago

Also, you won't receive points for posting, you will only receive points for being up-voted. You need 10 Comment Contribution Points to post in v/QRV. You need many more than that to down-vote spam, shills, etc. CCP it's called. The downvotes are deducted from the upvotes to determine CCP.

UPboats4Patriots ago

You're in the wrong place, Patriot. Q requested and sanctioned 1 place (link below). You need CCP to post and down vote shills.

[Reddit Replacement]


shpgary ago

Thank you. I have tried ORV also. Believe I beginning to understand the system. You really think this voat board is going to work. Think it's going to discourage a lot of folks.

Qpatriotsfight ago

Thanks for making this place.

NumbedSkull ago

Thanks to the team here and all that you do-much needed. I am a reddit refugee and so have a bit to learn about Voat culture, so please be patient and point out where I go wrong. Cheers!

PossVA ago

Feel at home already. Wwg1wga.

4wheels ago

WWG1WGA! Looking FWD to Avenetti being outed!

shpgary ago

He needs the FBI to investigate him.

17cavalleygirl ago

New here but not new qanon so pretty lost! Interests: Q posts, child trafficking (all areas), really just about everything! Technically an idiot so any help would be appreciated! No navigation skills here @Shizy but want to help & learn all I can! WWG1WGA

Shizy ago

Well welcome! This site is pretty user friendly for non tech people (like me too!). I hope to see you around🙂

17cavalleygirl ago

I have no idea how to post that comment anywhere! I did save it - so, at some point perhaps I will figure it out! Heck, I can barely use my iPhone!

17cavalleygirl ago

Where are list of subverses? Where are Q posts? How do we get points? So lost 🤔

Shizy ago

So the subverses that discuss Q in addition to this one are v/theawakening and c/QRV. Any subverses you subscribed to will show up on your main/front screen when you log on. I'm not sure how the other subs handle Q posts, but here they are either floated to say "Q post", or they are stickied, meaning they will be one of the first few that show up at the top.

You get points either by people upvoating your comments or posts oh nake. You lose points if people downvoat you. Once you have ten CCP for your comments, you will be able to create a post if you choose.

Looks like you have 10 CCP so you can now post if you want!

Woosha147 ago

I got so angry when Reddit took down Thegreatawakening. Happy to follow voat ,

Woosha147 ago


atubbs ago

Tomorrow’s entrepreneurs: I tried to get this to Trump while running for President. Never heard anything. Hoping someone close to President can bring this to him. My big idea. I call it Junior Apprentice. Having my own business liberated me. Gave me options I would never have otherwise. Did not graduate high school never went to college or took any business classes. If I can do it anyone can. My company has enjoyed 8 years so far. Every year doing better than the previous year. Annual sales of $400,000.00 America need more of that. Let’s do something. Here is my idea. In Kindergarten everyone in the US will start a business. Local business men and women will assist. The business will follow the student for their entire education. Each year growing in complexity with the help of retired business people from the community. There will be local and national competitions, possibly even a reality tv show. Can you imagine the opportunity for our young people to learn the ways of the entrepreneurial spirit. Self-sufficiency and later on teaching future generations what they have learned. I know this program can help heal our country. By the time the student finishes college they could already be making big money and not in debt for their education.

RickFlairWOOOOOO ago

if you mean it or not. This is a shit post.

Samspade ago

Great to be on this site with fellow patriots

WhisperingPine ago

Q Sent me , i am new here also, banned from twatter 5 times with 6 more backup accounts they will not silence me. WWG1WGA!!!! i will scrole the list and upvote everyone :)

Qpatriotsfight ago

Did you do it? Nearly everyone is still at (+0|-0)?

WhisperingPine ago

Yes i have upvoted everyone until it said i could not anymore lol

Qpatriotsfight ago

Kek. Same here. On that 10 comments per hour wagon too.

WhisperingPine ago

It will be a Glorious day when they all go down !!

srayzie ago

If you were banned fromTwitter then you must be awesome.

WhisperingPine ago

They can not silence me LOL they have tried over and over again but im a little smarter then they think :)

Nolanthorn17 ago

God bless. Amen!

Titus_II ago

iThe fuck do I create a submission, and add pics??

srayzie ago

Lol well you don’t have enough CCP points to do that yet. You get them with upvotes

Titus_II ago

F'n jewish..

srayzie ago

Who me? I hope you are not Titus Frost.

Titus_II ago

No not you. Just being impatient and venting..

srayzie ago

Oh ok. People keep venting on me today 😩

Titus_II ago

Sure it's nothin personal. Some ppl just end up as punching bag some days.

srayzie ago

Yes. I’ll remember you so you can be mine when needed 😁

RickFlairWOOOOOO ago

I prefer the line "you probably deserved it anyway."

srayzie ago

Zip it RickFlairWoooo 🤫🤐😁

TheBlackPatriot ago

Thank you for the welcoming speech. I feel like a new recruit (all quiet on the western front).

srayzie ago

You're the Youtuber black patriot? 😮

TheBlackPatriot ago

No I am not. I did not even know about him until I read your comment.

TrumpofGod19 ago

Hi, can you help me with posting please? I have posted twice and neither show up? I type in this box then hit submit comment. Later I go back and there's nothing. Even my statistics show no posts... I'm confused. Thanks much!

JamesKin ago

WWG1WGA an sos here we goes ((((((FREEDOM)))))) is ya readys? --Go Trump-- Go Q --------- Off we goes HI OH Silver Aways : ) [McStain] [RR] [COMEY] [BRENNAN] [HRC] [AS] [X] ..[X]... Treason ya knows. Crime pays no more. Loves ya'll i does : )

4wheels ago

OMG! The sky is falling week! Can't wait DECLASS the FISA BS! The dems playbook found another bimbo against Kav. yet no one believes the lady Ellison assaulted. her posts keep getting deleted on twitter and you tube. wow who's in charge of deletes?

Presidenttrump16-24 ago

I love our President and am so proud of the Q team. I'm an older patroit and not as fast at catching on to things on the internet but I am learning. I will be a part of the red wave come November!!

srayzie ago

That’s awesome! 🇺🇸

Presidenttrump16-24 ago

I am feeling so sad about what the dems are doing to Kavanaugh. I can only pray that God will bring their evil work to naught

Carolinabeth ago

@srayzie sorry to bother you, but I’m new to any board. How do I get points to post? I have already seen the post to check for adult content. If you want someone else to help me due to your being busy, have them send me an email here at voat. Thanks! A new goat. 😁

srayzie ago

To get CCP points? You just partipate and earn upvotes

Carolinabeth ago

Can you get up points in any forum on voat?

srayzie ago

Most are set up like this sub, where you earn points like you do here.

srayzie ago

Thank you :)

gr8tinfo ago

Thank you for the information and the help!

ShadowSquadQ ago

I thank you Patriot. This is my first time post I,g anything. I stay in the shadows and watch everything. I believe I've been red pulled long ago because I trust nothing and no one from the "MSM". Do my own research follow my own path, believe that which feels true. I am only one, yet I have found a home among fellow Patriots. Together we are strong, together WE are Q. WWG1WGA. I praise GOD The Don is there, I thank GOD for Devine intervention that kept The Witch from winning. I am grateful for my fellow Q brothers and sisters. I will help where I can, from the shadows where least expected, GID BLESS THE USA.

srayzie ago

Stay out of the shadows! 🇺🇸

NoBlinders ago

VOAT: New to you because of Q. Okay. I'm ready, let the rude comments and name calling fly. I'm "Q-tified". It'll be great.

SixPax6 ago


BH29 ago

I feel like a little kid who's mother sent him to school with a name tag saying " Q #2271 sent me here be kind "

srayzie ago

Haha. Well did you bring a sack lunch?

BH29 ago

Someone bully tried to steal my lunch money

srayzie ago

Awww. Did you go to the office?

NotYoMama ago

Wth is up with Lifetime Movies!! Every movie today has been about “child abduction” or “ sex trafficking “. Very disturbing!

Gyvate ago

Thank you. I have been lurking about on many forums. Being an old timer, not much in the way of technology comes easily--even though I started out on IRC. I have been to two Trump rallies and, have followed the Q drops for quite some time. I am trying to break away from Google and am using 2 other web browsers which are quite different from what I am used to. I am grateful for all the help I am getting from browsing and reading.

Hawkerbuff7 ago

Thing that occurred to me regarding the whole Reddit censorship event(s) is that the way Q has handled this transition and how the Q team has been involved leaves little to no doubt that Q is legit. Just sayin!

Quinceberry ago

Hey all you Beautiful Patriots! Did ya miss me? Let the hazing begin...

bthpam ago

Just found you today, listening to blessedtoteach. Love the site. I am SO tired of FB UTube Google...etc....God bless.

srayzie ago

I was listening to blessed to teach yesterday! God bless you too.

Edub ago


Adopted-Patriot ago

Been following Q for several months now. Awesome watching things fall into place. Decided to subscribe to be with all the other patriots here. WWG1WGA!

NancyNY2 ago

Its been less than 2 weeks since we came to our new "home", geez it feels like months. Hope everyone is settling in. I know I am.

I'm all for free speech, but being crude seems silly to me, but to each their own. I just picture us Patriots with a little more class.

Scrambleegg ago

I found reddit about 6 week’s before they threw us away. Never heard of Voat until right after that and decided to to just continue to lurk on 8ch. But I need the ability to talk about ideas and 8ch isn’t good for conversation. I appreciate the welcome here and will try not to muck up the boards too much. #WWG1WGA

hate_the_evil ago

Thank you for the welcome. I'm here because Q and SerialBrain2 sent me. From what I've seen so far on Voat, I hope that doesn't get me down voted to oblivion.

mrviolin22 ago

great job!!! With Q fort 4 months !

Beverly3717 ago Won’t let me post the movie Trump@war

freeredcaz ago

Thank you for welcoming us refugees. Sorry if we've screwed your platform anyways. After this post/reply, I'll go back to being the nigger jew hater I was before ;-) , am a new voat fag.

Arminius-Rex ago

Lets regroup, we are unstopable!

Tiiger ago

Just joined. Been on twitter for about a year because of Q.

Ndalocal760 ago

New fag. Glad to be here

raven0ak ago

Hi, taking early refugee here also. My thanks to those who kept voat alive and also to those who made this sub.

NotYoMama ago

Musical chairs! “The music is about to will be out”!

Scrambleegg ago

I am trying to gain my points so all upvotes appreciated. But while I’m at it - I just happened to notice that it has been more than 24 hrs since POTUS or Q posted. Is that a concern?

chose_2_know ago

Q sent 5 links, then went silent... understood that meant to get my butt over here... finally. WWG1WGA!

Qpatriotsfight ago

Do you mean these 5 links? They go to a different sub called "QRV"

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI No.292 📁

Sep 21 2018 20:59:16 (EST)📁📁📁📁📁

[Reddit Replacement]


Patriot47 ago

One of my favorites of trump from 1989! Even then he knew he would be needed as president.

Libertybelle777 ago

I’ve never used Redit but I’ll receive that welcome!!

RJ1961 ago

American Patriots we have to stick together WWG1WGA, God Bless America

deplorable1776 ago

So happy to have a new community, thank you!!

Hashpothead ago

It`s so roomy!

Linda812 ago

We are so lucky to have you - President Donald J Trump! Thank you!

OneTrueZuel ago

I absolutely believe His hand is on President Trump's shoulder. There is no other possible explanation.

OneTrueZuel ago

I am but a follower, and new here, but I thank God every day for every one of you my fellow Patriots. Your tireless work is deeply appreciated. I am red pilling people from all walks of life every day.

Jimerican ago

Q sent me!

Manmethodsurgical ago


HighQAnon ago

Yes!!! Thank you

G0119 ago

Thank you

koffeekatt ago

Newbie Thanks for the great reception here. I'm normally a lurker on the 8chan boards so this whole posting thing will take some getting used to. POTUS & Q give me so much hope that we will take our country back! I see it all around me everyday. Even the peeps I work with are starting to awaken from their libtard stupor. The demonrats no longer have the power to hypnotize them and now we patriots can help them open their eyes to the light. Grateful there's a place to talk with Q people, Trump supporters & patriots. Thanks to the MODS for keeping us on target!

Renov8 ago

I missed the Reddit Great Awakenings site...just opened up my account and boom...busted. Listened to Praying medic and ended up here...

OneTrueZuel ago

I got here via IPOT on YT.


Thank you

On_Fire ago

Q sent me...

BonnieRic ago

Thanks for your effort. We appreciate your work and are so happy to be here! ❤

faraway9-28 ago

Well God is watching over Q+. We are changing history

drip ago

I want to post a music video I made that you will all enjoy, but I can't because it says I need 10 likes. I need ten patriots please on the double.

SilentOnLooker ago

Glad to be here! I am always impressed by the amount of information everyone shares. It’s so appreciated!


Voodoo_Chicken ago

What's up folks. Anyone woke around here?

Malexa7473 ago

Happy to be here!

Q-Anon-Patriots ago

Glad I had my 8chan baptism before here. This will be easy. [insert laughter]

Ramon710 ago

Thanks @srayzie

Glad to be here. It is time for all of us to unite. The DS/Cabal wants us divided, but we cannot let them.

Q!!mG7VJxZNCI 15 Sep 2018 - 4:28:26 PM

They want you DIVIDED.











Babyruth ago

Thanks. Happy to be here.

RicoRich5774 ago

I have been out of the loop due to hurricane Florence inconvenient flooding....wind was not a factor however rivers, canals, creeks, farm land irrigation systems have overflow into people's home/farms/businesses.

Consistent_Peace ago

Is there a reason why the old board here was not selected by Q? I am confused. Do we still use this one?

RicoRich5774 ago

Q post 2771 [rewdditReplacement] Q post 2770 We will remain here Q facilitated the transition from Reddit to VOAT for some users and it's business as usual on the 8chan...

NotYoMama ago

Hello all.....great to be here! WWG1WGA 💋

GentleRenegade ago

Thanks for your warm welcome. Very appreciated.

Janekaz ago

Glad to be here! Lots to get used to. I only created an account on Reddit to subscribe to CBTS and deleted my account as soon as they banned all the Q subs. Just want be informed and do whatever I can to support the patriots.

Sempi ago

Thanks for putting this together for us!

Jennxxxmarie ago

Thank you for having us. Those that come from the other platforms, like myself, may be slow to learn how Voat works, so please Be patient with us. We Are on the same team. ❤️

Consistent_Peace ago

We have a lot of work to do lets do this !

RG1527 ago

Would some of you fags kindly upvote me.

rlares ago

Hey Douchebags, what up?

Puddiinn ago

50+ yr old lady biker here! Haze me if you must but each slam I get an upvote! 😜 Take your best shot!

MondayKiller ago

What uuuup!? Where's muh deplorables at?!

Hermeticism ago

Hello to everyone who made it across platforms alright.

I am glad that so many people have decided to help with the movement. Or even just are interested in learning about Q.

Where we go one, WE GO ALL.

Revolution2019 ago

It is great to be here. I found voat on the Q posts. Let’s stick together to defeat the old order of corrupted oligarchs that have been trying to destroy humanity for milenia!

reichnarok ago

Go back to sucking reddit's cock you kikes.

Agapechik57 ago

My first time doing anything but lurking. So thankful for all you guys who know what’s up! My eyes were suspicious, but blind til I met Q and u fellow patriots. Thank you soooo much; I am especially grateful for Prayingmedic; he was so helpful especially when I was first beginning to understand.

Gymrat ago

Superkalifukalicious Kissmyassadocious... I have found a home... A place I can eviscerate snowflake with a language befitting their status.. LOL

Lookingglass8 ago

Guys, I don't know who's moderating QRV but I could almost guarantee that it's been infiltrated by a bunch of lowlifes posing themselves as Anons. I've seen a lot of derogatory information that would be unflattering to the president and also unflattering to follow Anons. I don't have the power or juice to do much about it. But can someone let someone know so they can deal with this.

cwharris1 ago

Carl Harris... WWG1WGA... SD , CA

HilligulasCigarbox ago

New to this venue... Hello Patriots!

justice777 ago

Just ‘cause you can cuss doesn’t mean you should - bit of a toxic culture here.

aRaez17q ago

Holy shit! REAL free speech???



recoup ago

Thank you for all your efforts.

cicichi ago

glad to find other Reddit Refugees and I see one does have to grow some tough skin...but, that's ok, at least free speech reigns here and that's a big to do some catch up reading...WWG1WGA

likealatte ago

The ability to block is amazing power and freedom. People can say whatever the hell they want.... I could care less. I simply don’t need to see it if I don’t want to.


TrueSeeker777 ago

i followed Great Awakening Reddit for a few weeks i was new there and found the Gestapo agent Mod assigned to me would delete most of my posts even though they did not contain any cursing harassment or threats only pro Trump and pro Q so i decided to delete my account there just a few weeks before they were banned im so glad i did and found this place God Bless and have a great day

TrueSeeker777 ago

i followed Great Awakening Reddit for a few weeks i was new there and found the Gestapo agent Mod assigned to me would delete most of my posts even though they did not contain and cursing harassment or threats only pro Trump and pro Q so i decided to delete my account there just a few weeks before they were banned im so glad i did and found this place God Bless and have a great day

madmax11 ago

Thank you for that letter of introduction. It helped me to realize what Voat is. I don't know how to get the points and what they are for. Is there a site or section I can go to for a not so savvy computer person, such as myself?

Puddiinn ago

I take it “replies” don’t count as “submissions”! Newfag here! No Reddit exp! 😕

Light_Guard ago

Thanks for the welcome! I'm also a big SB2 fan. The man is simply brilliant. He's here but it was a little confusing when we first got here. SB2 was trying to prepare a place where we could all reassemble together without being scattered around VOAT unconnected, Neon Revolt had the same thought. Of course, not being familiar with VOAT, we didn't know about your board until after following SB2 or Neon Revolt. I subscribed to all of them. Now Q became concerned that we were all scattered and requested the 8chan Q board manager to start a sub here, which he did, the QRV board. Q has endorsed that board and sent the Q team to join it. Hope to see you there!

BenMAGA ago


shellsarin ago

@Betterlatethannever here. Q sent me.

BaSaNiStRia ago

Awesomeness! Happy to be here. Loving the vibe already.

Puddiinn ago

Oh my virgin eyes! 👀

Monty1961 ago

Thanks srayzie Great work From a UK supporter.

PatriotLady ago

I'm here because Q sent me. Here to learn what Q means, not great at decoding. Relying on the smart folks who can decode honestly. Glad to have a new space that is open to free speech. Please remember that many of us will be new here, and offer guidance if you can, so that we may carry the real message off the boards to those who don't know or don't follow Q. I think, at the end of the day, that is what we are supposed to do. Thank you all and God Bless.

Qcent ago

"Q" sent me here... With no instructions. Anxiety like never before. I just want my country GREAT. I'm not so sure if it ever I've learned too much of it's EVIL past. BUT, THANK GOD for My POTUS DONALD J. TRUMP!!! The best President in history. For the record, I'm neither Red nor Blue... I'm all TRUMP and LOVE the Man. And to whomever started this thing here - THANQ!!! ✌️ WWG1WGA

Qswaganon ago


Usshull ago

‪@ABCNewsLive @SkyNewsBreak @AJELive @CBSTopNews @ReutersLive @WSJbreakingnews @cnnbrk @BBCBreaking @BreakingNews Good morning you know any news agencies that I can trust? I know you are FAKE NEWS i just want an unBiased view for a change. WWG1WGA ‬ I thought I’d start today off right hahaha tweets are fun

Usshull ago

Sorry I forgot to tell you I’m Not The Boss Of You I know many hands make job go by faster

George4 ago

Thank you, to this new outlet I was lost for some time. TY again..

KitRidge ago

Thank you for setting this up.

kc4848jkl ago

We just keep moving on over. I hope we get to stay here.

Usshull ago

This past week Trump jr tweeted a post from CNN with Anderson Pooper doing weather with andy on his knees and cam crew on higher ground. CNN and Andy had a fit and a wanted everyone to stop retweeting that meme CNN is in the ropes Q said carpet bombs of memes and show them they are fake and memeing them their own fake shit

maanberg ago

greetings from the netherlands ..suporting Qanon and Donald Trump in what he is doing ..this evil is WW

Twohawks ago

Just found this port in the storm. Hope it's got some seedy bars!

Usshull ago

Q sent me i have a one finger for this iphone snd misspell not on purpose but damn keys to clise to each other

Usshull ago

Hi guys good to recognize some old shit speech W sent me

HealthAnon ago

ThanQ Kek!

Thank_God_4_Trump ago

Thank God for Trump! and...... LOCK HER UP!

Sugarpak ago

Sugarpak ago

God bless you and THANK YOU! @sugarpak

gsmith ago

Q sent me, UK needs Q, world needs Q WWG1WGA

gsmith ago

thank you, don't have a clue but good to be here.

Frisbo51 ago

Happy to be here. Q sent me to voat.

Kdub57 ago

Proud to be lurking in the peanut gallery.

Xofia777 ago

Thank you for such a nice welcome! I'm so done with Twitter banning me for supporting our President! Joined last night when Q dropped the link! Wwg1wga

us2willstandtall ago

WWG1WGA, new, will learn how to use this fast.

Rajungle ago

I made it! Now to figure out how to roll here. Lol

USAPatriots ago

Fuck reddit. Glad their retardation brought so much light to Q. Godspeed Patriots.

Bulldog1776 ago

Help me get my 10 CCP's. This kinda crap sucks. Wish the BO would change this process. Maybe Q can put in a good word for us. Help a new guy and give me an upvote please.

Little_Woo_Woo ago

I'll trade ya! <3

Bulldog1776 ago

Thanks. Your turn. Like Nikitis said.This is a circle jerk.

viperx3791 ago

Anon from the Chans here. Great to be here with you all! #WWG1WGA.

Hellbilly ago

Happy to be here!!

likealatte ago

I love @serialbrain also. It would be cool if it was a she. But if it is a he, @serialbrain will always have my admiration.

likealatte ago

Thank you for sharing about how to block people. I want to keep a united group, but also one that can be inclusive to new people that are trying to be awakened.

viking007 ago

Norwegian Vikings on board. Thank you Q and all the anons out there. We Love You! wwg1wga

love_light_truth ago

Ugh, I've swam ashore, survived.

Note Q linked /v/qrv/ to check it. :)

OzQSoldier ago

I was lost after reddit shut everything down, stoked I have stumbled across you lot here. Been following Q since late Dec, and for the first time since falling down these damn rabbit warrens, I’ve got hope for humanity again. Thank you Q and all you amazing people that seem to help everyone out, this is what We The People have to do to help everyone during this major transition phase. I’m just some bloke in Aus (don’t hold that against us, that Downer prick was never liked here either), that is following very closely and doing all I can to help wake the masses. Once this avalanche takes hold there, I knows it’s comig this way also. Fuk we need some shit sorted out here ASAP. Anyway, glad I have found you lot again.



Rev18 ago

Thanks you for being available!

FreedBy45 ago

Is there a search engine on voat?

RisusetBellum ago

Another refugee from Reddit. They will not silence us! The truth will ring loud and clear!


MAGASpinster ago

Thanks for the warm welcome. Love the free speech!
Can't wait to see all those sealed indictments come to the light!

FreedBy45 ago

Loving Voat already - it's great to smell freedom again.

Ndalocal760 ago

Q sent me.

asthedeer ago

Just made my way here. @mtxspurt on Twitter. Patriot. MAGA. WWG1WGA.

NunoGloop ago

where we goat one we voat all

1of17 ago

Didn't know I had Turrets till the Kenyan got elected... suddenly there was a realization I just may need stinky O-care... Shit FUCK!

brylyant ago

I feel like we discovered America all over again! Happy refugee here.

Aly14storm ago

Hello Patriot Fam! I’m a voat newbie and dedicated Q follower since day 1. Much love to all and feel blessed to be apart of this world changing movement. WWG1WGA MAGA. God Bless President Trump, Q, our military, my fellow patriots and America!

Susanb ago

Anyone else completely p*ssed off by Trump walking back release of docs?

NpOno ago

What's a cci or whatever it is... I don't have enough apparently to post. Wtf freedom is this???

NpOno ago

Ahhhh the confusion of being free on a new strange site... but I'll get my head round it. What's sticky?

Lincoln_Ford ago

I am a refugee. I wish I had known about Voat before. I only visited the other place for the GreatAwakening. They get no more of my clicks now. Thank you for having me.

that_guy_pming_tits ago

Link from was is now redirecting to v/GreatAwakening instead of v/theawakening.

commonsensepatriot ago

Great youtuber that is spreading the great awakening...

commonsensepatriot ago

The great awakening is something I'm so proud to see. Back in January of 2008 I began going down the rabbit hole. The loss of monies and having to struggle to keep what little I had left. By the end of the year I had begun to get involved with the Tea Party in south Alabama. I got involved in helping groups getting formed. I got involved with acting as MC for events. Being an American of Hispanic and conservative I was heavily criticized of my involvement to the point I lost customers since I'm self employed. As time passed I was taught how to vet candidates and spoke at several venues. Going down the rabbit hole I got to learn that reality was an illusion and started seeking the truth. As I got more involved the threats came from outside and inside my home state of Alabama, I gradually became anonymous and helped others decimate info. Having elderly relatives my time was redirected to help them. Over the years I began to download a lot of information to save because sometimes it was later gone when I go back to read it was gone... Now to the point of this message. I have over 10 years of document downloads I would love to share. Is there a way here I can upload these files so others can get access to? They would all be Q related and I would submit to moderators for review. In loving service, Common Sense Patriot

Cleanhobo ago

Q said there is aliens!

sidedumper ago

what a great day have been searching for a week now just found you so glad, my neighbor and I were discussing how the war on conservative speech is real. I didn't fully grasp the magnitude until Reddit banned the great awakening,I took the red pill about 8 months ago.Since then I've been following Q and have been passing out red pills everywhere I go.Hope the other 70000 followers from Reddit can find this site just removed Reddit from my phone.WWG1WWGA!

thepenismighty ago

Thank you for the welcome (or welcome back)! I've only been (back) here for a few days but I wanted to express my appreciation for something I only recently realized. Like many here, I once lurked /r/greatawakening to follow the q saga and dream about a better world with tens of thousands of my fellow Americans and like-minded people across the globe. I loved keeping up with all the great information and discussion percolating through that sub, but was always dismayed by the consistent (albeit not universal) lack of basic grammar and spelling in the posts and comments there. Over time I even began to suspect whether those posters were not native English speakers despite holding themselves out as such (I am reluctant to accuse anyone of being a "shill" without substantial evidence, but this really made me wonder).

I, myself, am a child of immigrants and English is technically my second language. Imagine my disappointment when people seemingly refused to acknowledge the differences between there/their/they're, except/accept, and counsel/council. I know English isn't the most internally consistent language and these things can be confusing, but native speakers should have sorted out these differences in elementary school.

Now I'm here on /v/, and aside from the initial flood of "canary traps" purportedly attributed to the latest wave of /r/efugees, it strikes me that I see far fewer basic grammar mistakes than I did on that other site. Just wanted to express my appreciation to every American here who actually speaks English properly (of course, with accommodations for recent immigrants or others who do not speak English natively).

USCG_Vet ago

Is voat run by freedom loving patriots? I'm worried here as well...

MehTehOreamnos ago

They've obviously pulled out all thier cards on the Trump administration. What they don't realize is that the majority sees through the bull crap. It's so funny to watch it play out. They create some fake nonsense and talk incessantly about how this new thing is so terrible and it undermines the American way of life somehow. A point I saw recently was about the Emmy's in the Q drops. I wonder why these red carpet events seem to set our time frames. Someone else mentioned how all the big things happen on Friday nights which is coincidentally the night new movies are released in theaters. These things along with multiple references to getting popcorn and enjoying the show. This all makes me laugh. On one hand I think there is some big crazy agenda that was set up like SerialBrain2's post refer to. He is great btw, I love his posts. On the other hand, and what I think is most plausible is that Q and POTUS are serving at the pleasure of We The People and they know how entertaining this is for us. So they have specifically set their big events to undermine and mock the elites on their big red carpet nights. And big news comes out on Fridays because we have been conditioned to look forward to new releases on Friday's. If the latter is the agenda, it's hilarious! They are great at trolling and so much more entertaining than the elite globalist mind controlled/controlling pedovores. I've also seen SGTreports latest video talking about the control or weaponizing of water globally. Some of this agenda was set in place by the Hussein administration and I see on multiple state websites referring to how POTUS is 'undermining' clean energy policies. Well call me crazy but I prefer to trust Donald Trump. He has said over and over again that he is fighting to bring us clean air and water. I believe he is fighting back against these Agenda21 type policies.

StormVet6 ago

Thanks for the welcome! Hopefully those that are instigating it infighting will stop soon so we can spend more time fighting the REAL war!!

I was commenting on and contributing to a lot of content when we were over there, and was just beginning to start working on my own posts. Hope to do the same here. If you need any perspective from a military or IT standpoint, let me know.

Thanks again! WWG1WGA!!

Revodude ago

Thanks for the nice greeting! Need memes that refer to Hillary and the dems cheating. They cheated Bernie and they tried to cheat Trump using many, many illegal and unethical means.
Also need memes referring to the dems and their "media bullies". Most of the Republicans have been handing over their lunch money for years. Trump is the anti-bully. He will fight them for you. Republican lawmakers and voters: you need to have his back. When Trump lands the first one-two, you need to pile on to put fear back into the heart of the bully.

WMDWiskeyMarineDelta ago

Another Marine reporting for duty

Edelweiss14 ago

I have no idea how use this forum. I came from r/greatawakening I am still on T_D but it's not the same.

CatCrazee ago

I'm a newby to voat, came from reddit r/greatawakening. This forum is very new to me and it seems very confusing right now.

WhiteSquall ago

Glad to be here Patriots!

Marcia1967 ago

So glad to be here! WW1WGA

kafi3n ago

Everyone, Go onto reddit and just report all the dem's stuff as offensive. This is war!

Outcome5 ago

Good to see the turnout!

TerminalRitzy ago

first time I logged in to GreatAwakening on Voat I almost cried. I felt like I lost a lot of friends and a great community when Reddit banned GA. I've been searching everywhere and I finally found you guys! I may have felt like the train got derailed, but all this time NO BREAKS!!!!! WWG1WGA

TJBrown ago

Thanks for the welcome. Am actually enjoying this VOAT board. Then again I'm use to sarcasm - grew with an Italian family and they were really good to me. Learned love and acceptance thru wise guy sarcasm.

jackielynn ago

hi all i have just joined

Deatbeat ago

Glad to be here with fellow patriots. Keep up the great work. It is greatly appreciated to finally be awaken from the slumber of despair and discontent.

Shiftworker1976 ago

Very good article. I’m a Reddit ex myself. In the learning mode on Voat. WWG1WGA

Rabbit_Runs_Deep ago

FUCK Reddit, and their Nazi Fucking Mods, I came here after CBTS was banned, You Voat Fags sent The Awakening Dicks packing quick, the Blatant Censorship Pissed me off, why can't I see and decide for myself what people were saying? Good Riddens Riddick! I'll stick around here, you my kind of people.

eclipsed2112 ago

im here thank to MESSENGER! this morning i was banned from DraintheSwamp over at reddit.didnt know where else to thank you to this place and the one who guided me here.i feel so much better now.not alone.

FormerRedditor01 ago

Hello my new friends! This is my first post on Voat. I left Reddit because of their purge, specifically my last straw was banning The Great Awakening. I had over 10 years with one account on Reddit. I am so thankful for Voat allowing the freedom of speech. There was a damn good reason our founding fathers made it the very first point in The Declaration of Independence. Corporate greed is flushing Reddit down the shitter and soon it will be only a SJW echo chamber. God bless America and the freedom of speech!

srayzie ago

Welcome home! WWG1WGA!

FormerRedditor01 ago

Thanks friend. I'm here to MAGA and then more MAGA!

Mumbleberry ago

This is your first comment. What you are commenting on is a post.

FormerRedditor01 ago

Ah, yes. Thank you for correcting me. I hadn't had my first energy drink of the morning so was slightly foggy.

KaputtmacherNL ago

I was just lurking on Reddit. I saw the ban happen right in front of my eyes. Now I want to be part of the Q-movement so I can tell my imaginary girlfriend I was part of it.

Amazing spaceballs.

srayzie ago

Imaginary girlfriend lol @Shizy

Expatpede ago

LMFAO !!! I love this place !!! Better than Red fuck

srayzie ago

Heck yeah!

Peanuttles ago

Thank you for setting this up for we Patriots. I started visiting voat during pizzagate. I think it's one of the few places where we still have free speech.

Vofar ago

Q sent me. Is this the board with the crazy protections that everyone is hating on?

srayzie ago

With the what?

Mumbleberry ago

No, this is the good one.

Vofar ago

Fuck you, you fucking fuck!

...... did I do it right?

Mumbleberry ago

No, You are a Q-tard.

Vofar ago

I'm not upvoting you again, so quit stroking me faggot.

Mumbleberry ago

I'll keep DVing you, reddi-cunt

Vofar ago

Reading some of your post in other subs had me thinking that you're alright. Not sure your trip is, but go fuck yourself.

Mumbleberry ago

Sorry, my dick doesn't bend that way.

Geordiehotline ago

Hi guys. Moved over from Redditt today. Glad to see #GreatAwakening & all you beautiful humans on another platform. #WWG1WGA #UK

NZ_Walter ago

Thank you for the welcome. Still trying to find my feet in all of this messiness. But thank you

dream_another_dream ago

Now, how does one go about getting CCP to make a post?

Halfpint58 ago

Happy to be here and that this is being made available to us. Thank you!!!

YlemMely ago

Glad to be away from Reddit.

OpposableGums ago

Where are the search links? I see how I can search voat for a forum name or description that includes a certain word. How can I search a specific forum or a specific thread for messages that include a word or phrase? Does voat search support boolean searches? Can I refine my searches?

countryshepherd ago

Where is the QAnon Research Sub? 8 drops today, where are the discussions re: the drops?

rpn68 ago

And to think, this is all somehow gamergate's fault.

Ioniancat21 ago

It's good to be home. Welcome patriots!! Now that we're getting prepped, I'd advise people to up vote quality posts so that new members from Reddit can post again. I'd also advise you keep the same username you had on Reddit for name recognition if possible..

When I saw the site was shut down my resolve has never been greater. They made a bad move shutting us down, now they've pissed off tens of thousands...

On_The_Road ago

Hello Everyone - I'm new go easy :-D

Boysrback07 ago

WWG1WGA masters of the universe are scared shitless!!

LastoftheBoomers ago

"Reddit Refugee" I like that. Kind of confirms the WWG1WGA meaning. Happy to find refuge here at VOAT.

I can't remember exactly what I said when I closed my Reddit account. Mostly because I was seething mad and in PTSD rage mode, but it went something like: I served my country and swore an Oath to defend the Constitution of the US against all enemies, both foreign and domestic. The Constitution includes the 1st Amendment. The principle directive of the 1st Amendment is Freedom of Speech. As far as I'm concerned you have violated that Right. Therefore that makes you subject to being in violation of my Oath and the Constitution. I now considered Reddit a Domestic Enemy of the United States. Fuck you!

I know a wee bit dramatic, but like I said PTSD rage.

Dobs60 ago

Has anyone thought of how we will celebrate Oct 28.

pinklight999 ago

Thanks for the welcome! @Serialbrain2 led me here, glad to be on voat! Upvotes will help with contributing - #WWG1WGA

kikidan ago

I feel better already

TRFBYTrC0mmies ago

@SerialBrain2 can take forever to read most of the time. Sometimes it’s easier to listen. In case you haven’t already heard of him, Qtuber War Drummer gives really good audible interpretations of SB2.

GodsAngell ago

Hello, I'm a reddit/GreatAwakening and reddit/CalmBeforeTheStorm refugee too. I followed FBI-ANON from 2016, and in 2017 I followed Mega-ANON before Q even started posting. So I've been a Q follower since the beginning. I'm trying to figure out how this website works. I found this HOW TO USE VOAT youtube, that new people might also find helpful: HOW TO USE VOAT WELCOME TO VOAT! By the way did everyone see the Leaked Video of Google Executives that Breitbart posted this week? Its a real eye opener. No doubt they represent the sentiments of all of SURVEILLANCE VALLEY, CA. And I just wanted to remind everyone what **Q said yesterday: This Censorship will NOT Last! ** Already Jeff Sessions has launched an investigation into this censorship of Q supporters and Trump Supporters, basically anyone who is AWAKE. **Breitbart: -- Jeff Sessions ‘Exploring Potential Investigation’ of Google, Facebook, Twitter ** Recently Twitter was called in on the carpet of Congress. **Google was a no show! So that's BAD NEWS for GOOGLE!!! ** Trump Team are ALL over this! **Also see this Executive Order that Trump just signed yesterday, **regarding sanctions for anyone committing ELECTION Interference, and if this censorship isn't election interference, I don't know what is! Trump called it a State of Emergency! So Trump Team has moved into ACTION! I wouldn't be a bit surprised if one of two things happen: Reddit/Twitter, etc, get shut down by the government via a Cease and Desist Order OR people who have been banned get re-instated. Jack Dorsey, Twitter, CEO, did that before his Hearing before Congress, he reinstated the Congressmen who had been banned for saying politically conservative things (deemed hate speech). Suffice to Say Surveillance Valley has commit CRIMINAL OFFENSES and possibly Treasonous Offenses, and they know it, and THAT is why Google Execs were too afraid to even show up at the Hearing! **Executive Order on Imposing Certain Sanctions in the Event of Foreign Interference in a United States Election ** **Issued on: September 12, 2018 ** I will leave you with Q's words of encouragement to us all:






AJ [TEMPLATE] WAS DESIGNED TO ATTACK/CENSOR 'QANON' [primary obj]. Primary objective of censorship is to stop the Q movement.


eyerighteye ago

Congrats voat, you finally forced me to care about CCP. I always thought the 2nd meant I could ignore that acronym.

binturner ago

Ok, I'm moving into the neighborhood but it feels like a new country here so I'm a little hesitant. It's really sad we got evicted, but I'm thinking we are one step closer to breaking up some of the big monopolies.

Brenda2005 ago

Thank you so much. I'm new at this sight and don't know my way around yet. #WWG!WGA

irishgirlus ago

Thank you for this Important Info! So when the Names start flying, I'll be ready, nothing personal, just time to put on The Big Girl Pants! No Problems! Just Happy to Be Here!!

cosiv ago

For me, only one video is more powerful than this one! That is "Q The Plan to Save the World"! I am blessed to live in these times! Thank you Mr. President! Thank you Patriots! My life is so, so much better because of all of you! Well... your'e lives are too! WWG1WGA!

Hagakure ago

There are basically just a lot of rude people

Now listen here you little prick! With all due fucking respect, this site is filled with the most fucking polite cunts and niggers ever. Also, all white people are illiterate Niggers, but the Niggers white-washed this fact, they actually thought Africa was called Niger, then to scapegoat this they said only non-whites are Niggers, hilarious! The fragile Ego of the white man in full display for all!

Furthermore! Fucking welcome everyone, have a great fucking weekend, I love and respect you all.

the_Green_Chain ago

I am a refugee.I will provide my own way within my power that will not infringe on the rights of others. _STAY FREE, theGreenChain

dirtyh0rhay ago

i need 9 more upvotes thanks WWG1WGA

MrDigging17 ago

Fucking right! Feels good.

LadyLillie ago

Hadn't thanked you yet for letting me in. It's sad when we are kicked out of our home. Left on the dusty road, alone, sad and hungry. So thankful for the warm fire, sip of ale, kind words and more.

Bhavv ago


Even before this banout, I could rarely post anywhere on reddit without having SJWs stalk my post history, and complain about me posting on the Donald and Incel subreddits, and then getting banned just based on that from most liberal subs.

Ive come here now :)

Patti_McGreen ago

Thank you!

Likebeingright ago

I closed out my Reddit account. Thanks to Blessed to teach I was told where to go. I let them ( Reddit ) know in the comments in the end there going to lose. I followed my Patriot brothers and sisters here, until we have to move again to the 8ch in the future.I wanted to say WWG1WGA God bless POTUS Q and all of U LOL ( Lots of love ) PTL ( Praise the Lord )

Snoobia ago

People said Voat was bad, people don’t seem to understand free speech and all its implications, funny that during this migration the self loathing race traitor kike mods of v/theawakening showed their true colors, I’m fucking glad reddit shut down our subs, Great Awakening truly the last sub keeping me on that Marxist authoritarian cesspool. Unlimited freedom faggots, even if it hurts your feelings.

Pookie30269 ago

Thank you for your kind welcome.

FidelNaidoo ago

It's nice here. Thank you. I have posted nothing offensive, but are into negative CCP. Ah well, it happens....

magavoices ago

I was dismayed coming to /theawakening ... tried to post (no CCP so couldn't). SerialBrain2 had his nonsensical C_A psyop drivel stickeyed which mocked everyone who read it with its Onion-style satire.

Then I researched /v/GreatAwakening

critical of SB2:

more critical of SB2:

This is my home for now. It's not that I don't want SB2 post (everyone gets their free speech), but for mods to sticky that crap is unforgivable.

KryptoKoins ago

I wish ALL Q supporters would come together. How can we have division in our own ranks WWG1WG. If you Support the saving of mankind and the removal of all the pedophile criminals from our government then what is the problem.

Jack_Secrets ago

Good Job so far...

KryptoKoins ago

Thank you for your committed support of the Q movement and for helping us Reddfugees adjust to this new environment. I think a lot of the older churchy types might of had a shock when first coming here. We are all getting a lot of hate but its just words on the screen typed by someone who is probably very sad and lonely. I shot back the first couple times but now I dont even care dont give them your time and effort to reply. I for one will be spreading positivity as best I can laced with Q Truths. WWG1WGA Divided we Fall United we Stand!

W3B33 ago

POTUS retweet support of multiple organizations in preparation of the upcoming Storm. Assume this is a who we can trust for future events/FF.

danigirl08 ago

Trying to figure it out, but happy to hear.

JackBeowulf ago

refugee here, just joined today and trying to learn the platform.

just a FYI, you'll get/keep a lot more subscribers if you tone down the hostile vulgarity. your beef was with a few new peeps/mods that setup a sub with rules, not a bunch of new people.. just saying because a few devote peeps or christians will find it offensive and leave.. never to come back and help or support. thin skin has nothing to do with it, it's more an Anti-God, Anti-Christian feel on first impression.

**of course if christians aren't welcomed, then just say so and 20,000 to 40,000 of the refugees will leave after they dip their toe in water. just saying. Last time I'll say. Hopefully was mostly the shills and immature punks. ** fire away. jmo.

JoseOrtz ago

MUCH agree. Have been in a fire dept, married to an RN and in the Navy. I can handle foul language. It's just offensive and not worth the bother, imho. It is NOT welcoming. It is NOT mature. It is a distraction and does not focus on useful meaning; functional dialogue; content rich word choices; collaborative attitudes; warm collegiality; kindness; mutual understanding; clarity ... etc.

I suppose a software solution could censure the worst words if a user used a toggle switch in that direction.

Or, the foul-mouthed could have their own romper-room venue to foul the air in.

Or, perhaps they could grow up and increase their vocabulary in useful, meaningful words.

Gofer1 ago

I've been here a couple days. I'm still lost as fuck. I was given the link to this sub but can't seem to subscribe to it. What a pain in the ass to have to search for it. And, is there one place we can go for help on point system, etc. There are 3 sets of numbers at top and I don't know what any of them mean. I want to know what I'm doing and not appear as a dumbfuck. I have enough problems with that as it is.

DanMandingo ago

Thanks for the welcome.

Twinsatlarge ago

Newbie here, I love Q and got woke and up to speed on pedogate in 2016, new to 8 chan and voat.

jonzee65 ago

Thanks im liking this shit

TheRealNorseAnon ago

Thank you brother for those kind, warm and fuzzy words, you got me all guey and sweet on the inside with that post... So how the fuck do I get 10points or whatever so I can actually start talking to people in here? Trying to learn the coms here faggots, so dont be jews and let a good man hanging...

FidelNaidoo ago

I am sure I am saying what many here want to say: I am a Reddit refugee. I was sent by Neon revolt to v/theawakening. Thank you, Neon. On getting here, I found open disagreement. My story is, I an not American, and do not live in America. Qanon is a fascinating phenomenon. I am addicted. I find it hard to de-code his posts, so i rely on others with more knowledge to do that. All I want, is to hear what Q is saying ( I can see that on 8chan ), and get the clever guy's decode of it. So, I have subscribed to v/GreatAwakening. Why not? ( Voat guys, if it means more resources, please let me know..?) And I have bookmarked 8chan/Patriotsawoken, and 8chan/patriotsFight. They want us divided. They almost got us divided. We are all patriots. And thanks to PrayingMedic, and SerialBrain2. (SB2 has points I don't agree with, but he works hard.) We all just want the info. And we want to win.

SharonZ1 ago

Ur wish granted, srayzie; Sb2 posted another great Reddit-less! good riddance to 'r' WELCOME QA's!


Proud to be a Goat faggot squire! All hail freedom!

Crpowell821 ago

Good grief! I almost never found you guys! Had eye surgery on Monday the 10th & then to compound my problems, the Reddit ban! Hello Patriots! One eyed (temporary) Patriot is back among friends!

SteveDalas ago

Thanks for the welcome!

thegoodprevail ago

Found you! Yayyy... I'm registed!

LadyLillie ago

........running into the arms of my fellow patriots. Here. Safe and sound. Thank you.

Hakuluoma ago

Great to be here, but I don't get how to accumulate points to be able to post. What do I need to do?

Ungarnhun ago

New, great to see this. Yhank you

Qtexaspatriot ago

How do you get to where you can post things here. Is it like Reddit where you need to wait before you can post something? Thanks for the nice WELCOME!! i have pretty thick skin and a sense of humor so i should be fine. Thanks again. Qtexaspatriot

Jesus_Ctrl-Ss ago

Greetings, <insert appropriate insult here>. Reddit refugee reporting. I'm used to lurking and pondering, so you may not hear from me again for a while, if ever.

Upvoat me so I can post sometime, maybe. Or don't.

Athenaethana ago

One more question- I don't see a complete list of all the subverses or whatever they're called are that Zi could subscribe to. I don't, for example, even see how to suscribe to the Greatawakening board here. Also A lot of people seem worried that voat will disappear and we'll have to migrate to 8chan. Why are they worried about voat?

Athenaethana ago

I am excited to be a part of this community and to learn more about each Q post because sometimes I don't understand everything by myself. Another thing is I may need help with how everything works here. For example- if you have to have made 10 comments before you can post how have so many new GA refugees posted? Why don't the GA and awakening boards merge here?

SonarTech ago

thank you for this post. things really confusing. WWG1WGA

Oz_patriot ago

Newfag here, be gentle. KEK

fat-butted-man ago

Thank you for the welcome. I was an r/CBTS refugee. Now, I'm a r/greatawakening refugee. I cancelled my Reddit account. I hope all other refugees do the same.

BDKPatsFan ago


BillsPriaprism ago

From V/TheAwakening:

We are undoing all bans. We apologize for taking the wrong approach here on Voat - this is a transition for us all, unplanned and unprepared for. We've made mistakes. We are under attack here for this reason and others. Voat members are justifiably pissed at us. Shills are taking the opportunity to spread dissension.

Stay strong. Stay together.

From this point forward, will be our default home and ultimate fallback from censoring sites and social media. Any other site is playing by someone else's rules and will be raided and overcome. Voat, if we can ride out this transition phase, may be a soft onboarding for 8chan.

Whatever happens, be sure, Patriots: the home of GreatAwakening is now


BatmanBelieves ago

Yes, coming over from Reddit (Bitchass faggots). Friend recommended coming here. Looks like fun!!

AmericAwakens17 ago

Hi Patriots I am a Moron trying to figure things out When I click a name it bring me to profile but no follow opt the I have seen Sticky options WTH is Sticky for? Lol I also click on the like arrow on 2 people and it paused so I clicked again for it to turn blue so are delays common? 1st time here and I have a sparkly hair popping up so guidance would be welcomed. I also search for Great Awakening and found you all SerialBrain2 shows me not found but his update is how I found this site. I have to search Our Great Autist of the QArmy and it Ticks me off but WWG1WGA so I might be slower getting there lol but kick ass once I do. How do I follow? AmericAwakens17 is me. Thanks

JackBeowulf ago

@Srayzie - thxs for the board and letting us on...

JackBeowulf ago

i have 2 links for theGreat---. first is this one i'm in now from The CTH. - Title Here second is this one, i think from Neon ? - Title Here

so my question which is the MAIN ONE and is this a plot to divide and loss the posters we had the original with the 60K Anons posting/research. someone in the know chime in.

Tiptoper619 ago

I noticed that most of VOAT attention whore regulars use that "FAGGOT" word a LOT ..... is VOATs free speech so free that they turn into homosexuals ?

sweetholymosiah ago

You can guarantee that those who use the word 'faggot' in their daily conversations enjoy the thought of it.

dg1084 ago

@Shizy, how do I follow SerialBrain2, or others I may discover?

Gunninanon ago

Thank you patriots for all you do. God bless.

ICE_2010 ago

Redd-fuge here, interesting place you niggerfagots are running here. Fellow Kike reporting for duty, WWG1WGA!

Dobs60 ago

I need help understanding this ccp thing. Ihave 26 upvotes but 0 ccp. Why?

Anu ago

free speech faggot here.... whereonefaggotgoesallfaggotsgo

NeverCensorNEVER ago

Q isn't real, guys. Where are all the arrests? JFC

capnflummox ago

There are basically just a lot of rude people.

Possible, yes.

Or you could be thin-skinned...

soisaidit ago

Thank you. WWG1WGA.... Looks like we are coming here.

soisaidit ago

I brought my popcorn

FLNana59 ago

I’m going to give it a shot and figure out how to move around this site! I miss Reddit r/greatawakening

Francewhoa ago

In the future, if voat starts censoring GreatAwakening on VOAT. Minds is my favorite alternative to Reddit, voat, Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter. Because Minds does not censor you, and its software code is owned by a not-for-profit community, instead of a for-profit corporation. Try Minds at;referrer=Francewhoa

Your benefits with Minds • Really free speech. Zero censorship. One of the co-founder Bill Ottman is an information activist. • Free • Open source. If you are not familiar with "Open source", it means that Minds software code is owned and supported by a friendly community. Not owned by a corporation like Facebook, YouTube, or Twitter ;) So Minds first priority is to serve people. Not serve money. • Protect your privacy. Read more at • Various monetizing options. Such as monthly financial support, pay wall, display ads, ad sharing, peer-to-peer advertising, accept payments via, BitCoin or cash • Earn points or exchange money for shares with other users. It's peer-to-peer advertising. • Blogs, Groups, Videos, Status • More secure because Minds software code is publicly available for review and contribution at • Global hacktivist collective Anonymous showed initial support for Minds • Free support at

Video introduction to Minds at

How to upload videos to Minds at

More tutorials at

If you have more questions about Minds you can get free support at

Wikipedia page at

1deeds ago

thx for the welcome . and i need some up votes :)

Nacole1111 ago

Please up vote! Love you guys

Lemonjello ago

Harro, It's Kim. Any loom for a former Dictator?

gr8daze ago

Happy to be here

MarielleBlackwood ago

I feel so free here. You cocksucking cunts are the best!

There. How’d I do?

Mustardly ago

Wait, is a veiled trigger warning? ...glad to be here

Bug2010 ago

New here . have been following till I tried to red pill someone and show them how to get a short cut to Q . virus came up and haven't got a new post since the 6th. Ipot sent me here . . I love war drummer . serial brains mouth. Space shot . Just informed . Deploriable Mc. Total Eclipse & a few others . I'm not sure how this works , but thankful to be here . I liked your post ( not sure what y'all call it on here ). Thank you . NOT sure how you follow someone. Any help would be appreciated...

preacherman777 ago

Yep .... wild, wild west over here. I could hardly believe it when the people over at Reddit deep-sixed the board.

territor_1 ago

I'm such a cry baby, I miss Reddit so much I was just getting used to how it worked, now I have to learn all over again. I do feel like a refugee in a strange new land. I vow not to ask for handouts though as I will work for my keep! Searching and digging till the truth is on the surface. WWG1WGA

Yuri420 ago

It went down the first day I ever used reddit. I found you guys, because it was such a big hubbub yesterday.


I thought the Great Awakening is YOU realizing YOUR truths and doing somethin about it! something that is of love and service to others instead of being greedy and service to self....its not this Trump bandwagon Q shiaaate. maybe all these characters are part of the elite "cult" and they just vying for the power positions in their pyramid structure for the next cycle

Qme1 ago


SpagMeat ago

Just washed up on your shores. I landed at theawakening yesterday and it is turning into a shitshow. A patriot from here posted the links to the mod deletion logs. Very interesting reading. I must say some odd shit is going down over there. The mods are trying to recreate the worst parts of Reddit. I looked at the reasons for why they Permanently banned a bunch of Old Voats and in the description they kept writing "Belongs on 8Chan". That's when it dawned on me; those folks don't belong on 8Chan they belong on Voat. The question is do those mods belong on Voat.

Jack_Secrets ago

I am a little lost...trying.

upvoat99 ago

Glad to be here! Thanks for the welcome

monty-batton ago

I am a new arrival from reddit and so thankful for the invite. I will sit back and read for a while and learn how things work. I am here to learn, not to criticise so I can read and enjoy being among friends. Thanks again!

WickedBaker ago

Ready for hazing. Was on Reddit, but wasn't for long. So, I'm not bringing the indoctrinated bullshit with me.

Casualobserver83 ago

Thanks for the welcome. I can only speak for myself I’m not longtime Reddit (fuck Reddit) user but only a recently started lurking there and within a month or so this shot happened. I’m new to this whole subculture so pardon any newbie type of screwups, but definitely not new to offensive anything. Again thanks! I guess we have just become the first internet refugees. Namaste

TheBRAINz ago

** TAP TAP ** Is this on? :)

Flashbacks to the day CBTS got banned. Thanks for the welcome!

sdrawkcab_kaeps_i ago

Goodbye reddit, hello Voat. Only reason I used reddit was because of r/greatawakening!

Stubbyjefferson ago

I prefer bond slave to christcuck but hey... FREEEEEEDOOOOOOOM! I still take it as a warm welcome. This should be fun!

PatrioticOkra ago

Wasn't aware of the issues with theawakening when I came to voat yesterday,but now I am. So now I'm here.

AlexQ ago

WWG1WGA. I love Q's favorite video and have shared many times.

I ask for some points as I have a message for SB2. Regards and Thanks.

anarcheril ago

Sincere thanks! I'm torn between a few theories on Q, but the reddit banning and (endearingly brash) comradery in the patriot community leaves me feeling as if it is my duty as a human to follow this incredible event to the end. Best military op in history, greatest propaganda campaign ever concieved, or basement dweller with Af1 and oval office access (lol, included as the most commo thought throught the web, denial imo), one thing is for certain, at this point in himan history, WWG1WGA!

WhiskeyRiver ago


I appreciate the welcome, my new home


anarcheril ago

Just so I understand GreatAwakening has been here before reddit ban and is less moderated than theAwakening?

Xenophobic ago

Just signed up. Reddit is shit

K5anon ago

I'm also a Reddit refugee, I had just learned how to navigate Reddit when they shut it down... oh well! #WWG1WGA

Backlot ago

Thnx for the welcome mat!

steelgnat ago

I hate to admit it but I like being called a niggerfagget, my fellow black ass pokers ;-]

siQofthecorrupt ago

Crank it up

Rubieroo ago

If someone is able to post this - I can't: 17 houses just blew up all over Essex County, MA. Cause? The houses were not all adjoining

Backlot ago

Strange. Had a house blow up near here also and the local fire dept. doesn't know why. No gas leak.

StormSurfer1776 ago

Just saw that. Sketchy.

Jenc0224 ago

Am I home yet? I know nothing about this site yet but I'm trying

Pvb15 ago

I have no idea who to follow for Qanon info/discussion except for Praying Medic & Rex on Twitter. What's a Patriot to do?

Pa_TrioT_rYder_ ago

I just left Reddit today. The Great Awakening purge, as well as the purge of anything Q related was my reason for leaving. Censorship has become a political weapon. WWG1WGA.

Gandalf82 ago

Been lurking since beta testing, watching the numbers of subscribers rise!!! Great to have freedom of speech again :)

AhhhLeah ago

Def not asking you to censor. My virus meter went crazy. Was hoping to spare someone from an infection. I guess we all need to get in the habit of double checking every link before clicking. Sorry. I'm new and still learning.

AhhhLeah ago

Any chance you can look at post #48? Controversial link?

AirDanceDJ ago

I've been refusing to login to reddit for over a year now, so I was never subbed. So for me this is a blessing because now I am logged and subbed!

FreeHillbilly ago

Thanks for the welcome - glad I found this sub - is tourette's syndrome required on voat? :)

j/k ... seems like a lot of mature people here, along with the still-maturing crowd that seems hell bent on trashing the new sub... it's all good.


CallMeCurious ago

🙋🏼‍♀️Hi, my name is K and I’m an alcoh....wait wrong group. I was a lurker (I prefer the term peeper) on reddit, but I decide this voat thing sounded pretty interesting. So here I am. Commenting. Coming out of the dark all naked and afraid.

TheGingerSnap ago

Hi GA! Was just beginning to read posts on Reddit and bam...censorama. Been reading the Chan boards and lurking to learn...Newbie here and I have no idea how Voat works but hope to learn quickly. I take it that clicking on the 'arrow' is the 'like' function? or voting on this site?


smellmaster ago

Heard Voat mods are becoming slowly like reddit mods. Are we ever going to see a mass ban here?



GlendonHawke ago

Wait what? No ban hammer happy mods dwelling on whatifisms and other stupid shit? Almost sounds to good to be true wish I would have known about Voat ages ago

knarnia ago

QMAP sent me. Already saw of few names from red*** that have posted good articles and links that the lame stream media doesn't want us to know.

WightRarebit ago

Another reddit refugee here. I'd been getting more and more annoyed by the obvious progressive bias of the majority of redditors and banning the Q subreddits was the last straw.

On a different note, it says a lot about the Q movement that reddit banning all those subs is considered news by a shit ton of msm outlets.

truebluepatriot ago

Thanks for the introduction and welcome. What a crazy ride.

jtimestwo ago

Fuck Reddit and their bullshit.

manxom ago

thanx for the welcome

WowThanks1 ago

Hello everyone! What a wild ride... #WWG1WGA

yooper65 ago

Thanks fellow patriots. 🇺🇸WWG1WGA

K-lina ago

Signed up for voat today. Need to get the word out. Couple months ago, was encouraged to try reddit. Enjoyed it, esp GA. Maybe you all know this, but if you are new, you cannot comment on many subs, incl conspiracy. Meaning, once GA was banned, people like me were blocked any time we tried to say anything at all on conspiracy.

So, there are probably a lot of us, trying to get a word in about what is going on. And being blocked

Susiebeee ago

Thanks hope @serialbrain2 shows up too

Mufcanon ago

Was a subscriber of r/greatawkening from the start an never normaly comment, but had to share the fact that the initials of the football(NOT SOCCER) team i support combined with anon spells mufcanon which = the best user name ever !!!!!

DPM_Green ago

What's up with all the hate from the v/thegreatawakening sub? WWG1WGA. United we stand.

julzee2 ago

Um @Shizy, sorry to bother you there a how to on searching? I'm looking for certain users.

Shizy ago

Oh good question. I have never tried to look for other users and I don't know if there's a search function to do that. I'm sorry! What you could do is send them a ping to a comment or send a private message. You would have to be sure how they have spelled their users name though.

julzee2 ago

Check it out! Someone linked me to search

Shizy ago

That's great! Thanks for letting me know it's possible so I can better direct others. I hope you find the people youre looking for!

julzee2 ago

Ok thank you. We're all split up here and it'd be nice if there were a way to find eachother is what it is.

julzee2 ago

I think sb2 is here somewhere. I'm just getting myself acclimated myself but I will be trying to find him myself too.

JimmyZCA ago

Can they take Q down from 8chan? That would be the ultimate dick move - but would put everything into disarray big time...

lilpal ago

Mel, Reddit killed me Mel.

SassQwotch ago

New arrival here

Pvb15 ago

Thank you, @srayzie What is the best way to earn my way into theawakening? I can take a beating.

Akzed ago

"An Account must have a minimum of 10 CCP to create a submission"

What's this mean?

Clanfeargus4597 ago

Need my Q fix, good to find a landing spot, after getting shit on by Reddit.

AD10 ago

Thanks! It was good to find shelter during 'The Storm'. WWG1WGA

TheDirtyOne78 ago

Bring to voat your tired, your poor, your huddled masses...

Circumspectator ago

Neon Revolt posted his great confidence in the v/GreatAwakening Mods. Congrats!!

Circumspectator ago

Took a while to get registered yesterday, but glad to be here. Let's help the newbies (and less tech savvy oldies) get acclimated to VOAT. WWG1WGA!!

Loeb123 ago

Holy crap, one does fell welcome here indeed. Good bunch of niggas!

SemperFortis99 ago

No one can stop us! FREEDOM WWG1WGA

Steelerfish ago

Awesome, thanks!

cactusrose ago

Thank you so happy to be here and be able to have a voice.

Millejon0114 ago

I’ve never been to Voat ~ here’s hoping I can figure out how to use it!! 🇺🇸

GamerWithGlasses ago

Thanks for having us and those that created this forum on voat. I was on reddit and was heavily disappointed the banning of all Q based reddit channels. They can try to slow down the truth but it will all be revealed in time. I was mostly a lurker and read all posts. All of which was a very clean non violent and non-threatening group of people. Looking at you CBS employee pretending to be a Trump supporter. I hope this is moderated to keep the weeds out. Thank you to the efforts and research everyone does towards our freedom. Those that don't understand...will soon enough. This is bigger than anyone could ever know.

therush101 ago

hi guys uk refugee here thanks for the welcome and im happy to be a part of the HUMAN revolution wwg1wga

PDR6489 ago

Uninstalled Reddit from all my devices yesterday. Glad I follow Neon Revolt and found you guys here! #WWG1WGA

phazzmatazz ago

Just another reddit refugee here. No, not one that's afraid of any words...they're just words.

USCG_Vet ago

Do it Q!

Jay_J ago

well then mod happily away. But don't get crazy like reddit. They HAD to shut the Q communications down. Their handlers were pinching them. If they didn't....curtain for them.

whitecrane-56 ago

Thnx. Refugee here. CBTS / GA redit / voat. Found my way...WWG1WGA.

jasoncmd ago

I am from the UK whats going on with this - Mystery closure of observatory and FBI presence in Sunspot, New Mexico Any ideas?

harryAnderson ago

fuck reddit , now lets make voat more popular and please also signup to gab which is alt-right version of twitter, on gab their is no censorship just like voat

Rotteuxx ago

I like it, there will be gas nonetheless. Methane could feed the victory flames installed over the mass graves.

Kikes will be supplying us with free gas and they won't be able to do anything about it :)

SpiritualPaper ago

Thx for letting us in. W will try Tampico up after ourselves.

Jaikai1989 ago

Thank you! I love @serialbrain2 as well. My first post on Voat. Guess that makes me a goat. 😁

Power_C ago

Thank you for the warm welcome. #ForGodandCountry WWG1WGA

Anon_MM ago

Damnit Reddit was so easy to use

Skulati ago

Larry Silverstein on WTC7
"You know we've had such terrible loss of life, maybe the smartest thing to do is pull it, and they made that decision to pull, then we watched the building collapse."

ouroboros1311 ago

Hello from France! Have been on the subreddit great awakening since the beginning before it was shutdown. Glad to find another place to be! WWG1WGA!

mgray12 ago

Thanks for the welcome. Any chance you can explain the CCP? I have over 50 up votes but still can't post. How do you get CCP?

jasoncmd ago

Getting used to Voat but well done on getting something set up so quick. I had never even heard of Voat..... learn something new everyday...

pairadocs ago

Thanks for the flashlight

common-citizen ago

ThanQ for the welcome and good morning.

nutheimer ago

@nutheimer I am such a new_b I'm not sure how this even works...but incase this actually gets posted i want to say, Thank you thank you. Can we get a cheatsheet of Q's abbreviations?

Fancyshoes ago

SerialBrain2 said he? was moving to Voat. How do we find him. Is there a search option.

stockman ago

glad 2 b here

Rocks860 ago

New from r/GreatAwakening, Can’t post till I get 10 points, looking for a little love, please upvote me so I can post threads. Thanks

knothappy2018 ago

Thanks for taking us reddit/faggots from GA! Got my lead after bancamp from neonrevolt………….keep up the pressure patriots

ThisTooShallPass ago

This is truly what the movement is about... helping each other, and being free to say exactly what you think. Very grateful for this new community and looking forward to the discussions!

nzmc ago

reddit is like matrix movie arch nemesis, they destroyed first free city called cbts_stream and then another one called greatawakening, good that were not in matrix anymore

PrincessYumYumCake ago

Thank you for the welcome :)

standstrong4christ ago

Free speech is crucial but people here don’t seem to realize that just because you can say something doesn’t mean you should. The blatant racism in here will scare everyone away.

TalkingDixon ago

Ok, start the party, I'm here!

Jollybeaker ago

This is so awesome!!! It’s great to be back with you all!


Hello Goats! Refugee here. Question to GA folks. WTF the peeps don't know where to show or are they just lurking? I'll be out to spread the assembly area to the wayward sheep. Glad to hang wit ma peeps... oh and fuck reddit and T_D...lmao I got banned my first comment..yes "comment" lol fuckin commies

twowheelsmgee ago

I was lost. Scared. Intimidated. Then I got my shit together and researched where everyone went. Looked up Neon Revolt and it sent me here. Thank you for this warm welcome and overview of what to expect! could this be new home?

rachaelreads ago

Wow. Free speech places actually DO exist!! Sick of not saying what I want to say on Facebook for fear of upsetting some liberal nappy wearing lefties!! ThankQ voat!!! Bring on the fuckery! WWG1WGA

Kekmet-Peperoni ago

Who told you you could say that?

rachaelreads ago


AlternateSelection ago

The swamp has flooded Reddit. Had to get out. Could not believe GA got banned but that's that last staw that I needed to ditch that place for good.

MB_MoonPearl ago

Thanks for the welcome!

(not sure of the lingo, but wondering if I confess that I eat my own poop maybe I won't be called the N-word)

IheartSwimming ago


MB_MoonPearl ago

No problem. You eat dog turds laid by mentally retarded dogs.

IheartSwimming ago

MB_MoonPearl ago

Hopefully we can improve those problems.

I'm not going back to Reddit. I was only on there for a short while. Never really got on social media until Q came along. Don't hate me. I'm just following the GreatAwakening where it goes.

I won't try to impose my opinions onto anyone, just share them.

srayzie ago

You guys are so nice. I’m not used to that. It’s so refreshing!

ulster82 ago

Just arrived from Reddit. Felt like I'd lost an arm when I found out about the ban ffs!

Redditrefuge1 ago

Thank you for the welcome.. is there anyway to paste memes here?

srayzie ago

Yes! I made a Qanon meme sub but it’s beem dead. Let’s wake it up!

Redditrefuge1 ago

Any such thing as being able to paste image? Seems it only accepts links and people need to click to see

Redditrefuge1 ago

Good to be back.

Redditrefuge1 ago

HOOAH, Were back!!’n

NoraPandora ago

I must say that one thing excites me. I love @serialbrain2! I hope he/she at least makes an appearance.

SB2 is still on board. ;)

NoraPandora ago

Wow, what a welcome! Thank you! :)

PuritySpiral ago

There are basically just a lot of rude people.

OP confirmed faggot.

Curious_1_Q ago

I guess I'm a reddit refugee. I don't know my way around Voat. I will learn. I dont know how to join Great Awakening on Voat, I just stumbled in. I'm afraid I won't find my way back... KEK! Any advice is welcome! WWG1WGA PEACE

Templar_1337 ago

Glad to be here. Sorry we had to come under such circumstances.

The_Crusader ago

On behalf of Israel, let me welcome you to voat!

Joining_The_Q ago

Signed up and checking in. Hooah!


I was browsing one of the latest Q-drops where this tweet is linked:

The replies are of course solidly pro-Q. I thought, wait a minute - this is a great time to build my twitter network and connect with high-quality posters who are highly motivated. Moments before my account was locked, I had the smug Pepe look on my face knowing I was building my Twitter pwr lvl at an exponential rate. Then, moments later, within a blink - without even the site refreshing, I was looking at this:

Can you believe this shit? I literally just felt the fucking Eye of Sauron fall on me.

I just... I just have never been banned in fucking real-time like that.... like.... what.... the .... fuck....

they realize they are just websites right? i can just open a new tab and .... use voat or some shit??

Ugbootshuffler ago

Let's light this board up and get a few more servers spinning!

zerothehero ago

Welcome Patriots

LingerLonger ago

Q sent me since Reddit went down. My question is why are these FBI e-mails seamingly being so slowly trickled out? Also - how can we keep up with the closing down of Q web sites? Where can I go if these sites fail? Can any Patriots guide me/us to a place that is safe? I am not super tech savvy and worry about being lost from the community. WWG1WGA

Kekmet-Peperoni ago

there is always if your feeling brave.

drovid2 ago

Well wow.... that's fucking crazy.

Not that I didn't see it coming, I just didn't see that ban happening so suddenly. I'm actually quite surprised the greatawakening sub stayed alive that long. My stupid ass "saved" posts from there and now they're all gone. Oh well. At least T_D will always be alive and if it isn't.... well that'll be the day Reddit dies :)

TippyHome ago

Wecome Redditts!!! Many of us on g/a have a part of the puzzle we want solved, going back to evilness of the DS. For me, I feel we have been played for fools about our knowledge of satellites. Others are very involved in seeking answers about human/child/organ trafficking, world-wide. My redpill was the day a fb former LEO friend posted about the Weiner laptop. Nothing has been the same for me. Glad to have so many who are in this fight with us here. Wwg1wga.

Ugbootshuffler ago

Asylum Seekers, we seek refuge in Voat and FulChan

StarFire22 ago

Thank you Neon Revolt for the redirect to here. Hope @serialbrain2 shows up here too. Love me some Q family get togethers! WWG1WGA . So grateful for the safe harbor Voat. Those idjit censoring yanks @ Reddit et all can shoot themselves in the foot all they want... Before you know it they will cripple their poor pathetic unawakened selves while we dance our freedom jig all around them. I love you Trump, I love you Q, I love the patriots for all we do. I meme it!😃

Gypsy12345 ago

I saw this on another reddit group that was trying to get all the greatawakening people out of their group. I am a granma who teaches kids with behavioral issues. I hear this type of language all day but cant say what I am thinking. It feels like home here! I am so happy to be able to say what i want. Is there a possibilt this group gets shut down too?

MadmommaB ago

Thanks for putting up with what is sure to be our own hurricane! Prayers to Q-army in N and S Carolina, Georgia and Virginia. WWG1WGA

poordivorcedold ago

I am not a believer in q but why was there a purge anyway?

Ugbootshuffler ago

Mods were gay.

Haha, I guess people were waking up and putting all this new-found knowledge into action which scares the fuck out of the niggerfaggots

EverydayHousewife ago

I'd made my account here a while ago, in case the banning happened... Thank you for welcoming us all!

bernitdown ago

If you think Trump isn’t connected and part of the problem, you’re a fucking moron.

Ugbootshuffler ago

In what way would he be connected?

Tee1020 ago

Thanks for the welcome as we are in transition. WWG1WGA

flagrantvagrant ago

How does one search on this website. WHY did reddit have to be so dumb. UGH

Kekmet-Peperoni ago

Some say that the search function was taken down to stifle PG research, I dunno though, Srayzie or Shizy might be able to answer that for you. but you can search voat by using this;-

flagrantvagrant ago


Kekmet-Peperoni ago

No worries man, welcome aboard. :) Moar tips:- also of goats have found google to be a pile of crap as a search engine when researching, so heres some good ones that respect privacy too. - - - maybe make a bookmark folder for em.

Xyz4u ago

We are part of real history now boys and girls. Now comes pain for these nasty fucks.

Tusk50 ago

New too!! Thanks for welcome letter, greatly appreciated! Didn't know about Voat until Sessions mentioned it on tweet. I am not a chronic poster, just read though posts trying to stay updated. #MAGA #WWG1WGA

Shiloh-Patriot ago, Shizy...thank you for the welcome. Thank you for the redirect. I'm glad so many have regrouped so quickly. Most of the comments I've read indicate many are drunk on free speech, have checked their class and restraint at the door, grabbed a beer and feel at home. But there's also a great many who, while happy to be regrouped, are feeling totally out of place. They were happily posting and conversing with fellow patriots this morning and now find themselves in a post apocalyptic world tonight. This seriously reminds me of Neo after the red pill.

truth_lurker ago

Didn't even know there was such thing as a VOAT! But so glad there's a place for us to all go! You know they're shutting our platforms down because SOMETHING BIG IS ABOUT TO DROP! KEK!

basoom57 ago

**WWG1WGA! **

excalibur26 ago

Action stations!

superpatriette ago

Thank you for your warm welcome! I don't really care what you call me as long as you let me say exactly what I think.

I was pretty pissed when I heard that the Reddit pussies shut us down. All for a LARP. Right? Lol

At this point if you are still being a Q denier, then you either haven't been paying attention or you will never pull your head up out of the sand. They've made it undeniably obvious that Q is a legitimate threat because it's truth.

excalibur26 ago

Freedom is bad, slavery is good.

lopus ago

hello! I was here before... and then also on reddit... and on the chans! But I was today very suprised to see our sub on reddit gone - while I still had one window open. So I saved it as a screenshot and uploaded it to

original link (now dead)

now on archive as screenshot:

MDS0341 ago


Knowunderstandspeak ago

Hi y’all! r/greatawakening refugee and newb here. Appreciate the upvoats!

iamapersondamnit ago

Reddit is the new digg

steelfuser ago

Steelfuser checking in. Holy shit what happened?

MyMidnightRun ago

Thank you Neon for directing me here. The GA ban was really grinding my gears. Now we have a better home. Thank you to the welcoming community as well. Happy as hell to be here. WWG1WGA!

starlanon777 ago

We Are All Here. WWG1WGA ! Proof.

Kneadedtherapy ago

Thanks for the heads up! Relieved to be here! Thank you Neon

MeditationAnon ago

MeditationAnon reporting for duty. I serve at the will of POTUS, Q and God Almighty. On Reddit I mostly stalked but I visited several times a day and occasionally would post comments. I love you guys.

Laffter ago

I saw the writing on the wall a while ago, found out about this place from someone following General Flynn on Twatter.

So...what's this you're saying? Free speech? No bans...?

Fuck off...seriously?

You fucking bunch of child-molesting kikes roasting over an open flame pulling my cunt hairs right now?

Who's gonna protect all the Jews and niggers and transfaggots and cucks from all this freedom? What about all the snowflake clown-haired, mustachioed, tattooed, saggy-tittied, stretch-marked, sore-pussy screeching jiggly puffs? Where's the safe spaces for all those fucktards?

Askin' for a friend

Strawboss ago

I am here to assume command of you miserable pricks. Which one of you bitches is in charge?

LOL - just checking the "free speech" parameters of this joint.

HalcyonAnon ago

Reporting for duty. Let’s do this shit.

AimlessRefugee ago

Banout2018 sent me here for plebbit, and work firewall won’t allow chans.... i found your open back door and weaseled in. I have only a few shekels and a rugelach to share.... really though thanks for letting a bunch of fags like us in

Kiwibliss ago

Is it truth or fake news? If you want to determine if news, political statements or social media postings are true, go to (Media Bias/Fact Check or MBFC). It appears to be a very complete resource regarding media bias on the Internet. The following MBFC list might be useful on the wall next to your computer.

Kiwibliss ago

Nothing will keep us QUIET!!

anotherrussianbot ago

Why the fuck was I ever wasting my time on Reddit?

Reading just 5 comments, I feel home...even if everyone here calls me a nube kike niggerfaggot...(won't feel welcome if you don't)..In any case, thanQ for having a haven for those of us ready for the revolution!

DigOnAndOnAnon ago

Nope, we are on the same team

fuckfacemcgee ago

This is fucking weird.

Vindice ago

Glad I made this account a while back. Goodbye reddit and hello voat-land.

swimkin ago

Took me a while to sign up but I am in here now.

AmericanGirl ago

Happy to be here and I'm mad as hell. All at the same time.

swimkin ago

WWG1WGA......... I had 8 messages that were deleted when the GA TGA and even Swamp Watch sites went down. I just got mandatory orders to evacuate from my river community in NC> And I didn't check in until tonight to find out the site was down. WHAT A BUMMER!

dmanny77 ago

qdudearoo reporting for duty as dmanny77. Refugee from CBTS and TGA.

Gitmo_money ago

Tell me voat can afford helicopter rides for the commies. I'll be happy to call this home.

Kiwibliss ago

Nothing is going to shut us up this time

anotheronelikethis ago

Man why didn't I do this sooner?? I remember when pizzagate got banned on Reddit, I came here to sign up in outrage and then the voat servers couldn't handle the traffic and nothing would load. I never came back cuz I just kind of forgot about voat. This time I'm sticking it out here I'm done with Reddit for good. This was the last straw for me, it's way out of hand.

Txgeezer ago

I'll second the motion for hoping SB2 makes the transit to us. I miss him already.

Txgeezer ago

Finally - a welcoming voice from this 'strange new land'. Nice to receive this bit of local site intel.. I'll try to watch my Ps & Qs until I become familiar to this scene.

LastoftheBoomers ago

Sup Bitches? Are you Great? Are you Awake? Fuk Reddit, I banned those MFers from my interwebs.

This place looks good.

D56D53D84 ago

So happy to be back on Great Awakening! Was on this am and tried in the pm — GONE. Thank You Voat for hoasting us!!

Diana_aka_Trixie ago

A new forum for me so I can continue to follow Great Awakening.

TelescreenMedia ago

It's good to be here! Where we went one we went all!

Dimamo ago

Lol...true dat!

Ninab ago

New here. A refugee from Reddit. I miss our old group - feeling a bit lost, but I will give this a go!

YoikesandAway ago

I knew this day would come. Q pretty much promised it would. I've been on this Voat thing for a while now, but it is really going to get exciting with all of r/GA moving in!
Party On, Qanons!

bloodykisses84 ago

Cuckolding niggerfaggot Blam!

KyKat1102 ago

I followed the bread crumb trail from Reddit also. Learning my way around here. Was just getting used to Reddit, only joined a couple of weeks ago, so yep, I’m definitely a newby but trying to learn :)

Illegal_Alligator ago

Welcome to the Digital ghetto netizens.

Diana_aka_Trixie ago

So happy I could follow Great Awakening here. Look forward to all the posts. Still trying to red pill, it's a slow process. My kids think I'm nuts.

furiousg3orge ago

What's up faggots - displaced from TGA as well

Niggerfaggotjewkike ago

Dont forget the niggerfaggots!

CaJuN-M8 ago

Reddit is dead to me.

ATXRoseRed ago

Good evening to everyone! I like new the new home. I will get used to it. We have to learn to adapt to changes out of our control. Freedom can be messy.

ResearchingTheTruth ago

I am so glad this board is up so quickly - I was feeling lost and alone when I realized the reddit board was gone. I go to the Q board from time-to-time, but it's so hard to wade through all the shill posts.

Looking forward to the freedom this board promises and back with my peeps.

JamilynnWilds ago

Glad I came and found y'all . take me a bit to figure it out. But I'm here and can read the posts! Yea

PacaGoat ago

Banning is the last weapon of a desperate 🐀

Rocco768 ago

Sup Fags... :)

Gitmo_money ago

Well today has been interesting.

T_d mods banned me too.

Refugee-From-r-GA ago

Refugee checking in!

Tusken_Raider ago

ahh. get to dip my balls in freedom, again

Dimamo ago

Free balls all around!


Hi everyone, I'm another refugee. Crazy times we live in. Looks like we're about to enjoy one hell of a show with those content violations.

AlexQ ago

The best of times.

Anonomus911 ago

And the worst of time. Seems Q thinks this and qresearch might go down too.Patriots Fight was the only place he said was secure.

Ninab ago

Glad to have found a new home. I still cannot believe Reddit banned us. I am going to post on Twitter and FB that we are here now. Many are looking for a place to share Q posts and thoughts. It’s nice to be here.

everlastingphelps ago

If you can't believe that, you're going to have a real hard time with the rest of the Q journey.

aimeejamey ago

Why did everyone flock to "theawakening" on voat @srayzie?? Are they control freaks or something?

sinkingfeeling ago

neon sent them there

Optional-Reading ago

reddit pc culture can fuck off to hell

KerryWest53 ago

Thank you for the welcome, I was delighted to find I was already registered, my bad for forgetting, glad to be here now. SB2 suggested VOAT so is sure to make an appearance. God Bless all patriots WWG1WGA

Local_Fr8 ago

It was just this morning that I was considering if the great awakening was turning into a big snooze. Getting banned from redit seems like validation.


Thanks. Glad to be be hear. Reddit is a shithole, but I was still emotionally attached. T_d is controlled opposition, with the occasionally funny meme.

graced_winner ago

GA refugee here, how do you subscribe? Feel so Duh but can't find how to do it.

srayzie ago

It’s ok! It’s on the right hand side.

butt_mugger5000 ago

This sounds like the old reddit that i used to like. I am in.

NukeRedditFromOrbit ago

Just wanted (and just created an account here at Voat) to thank you all for doing this, or at least allowing us to continue on.

I knew about voat for a couple years now when some of the last election drama, P-G8 stuff started getting moved around on reddit, and crap that happened there.

And just today, GA was banned out of the blue, no warning, no issues (other than Top Idiots of Reddit brigading us all the time) just for DARING, and I mean DARING to ask questions or think for ourselves, or even questioning the 'official' narrative.

I mean for fucks sake, I personally may not agree with every single thing that came across the GA subreddit, or qresearch, or shit, even if I don't agree with posters on our own sub, OVERALL, it's simply the fact of being shut down for fucking DARING TO THINK FOR YOURSELF. And now the insane censorship that just saw reddit go way overboard. Even the MGTOW forums/reddit is next, and a absolute litany of other harmless subreddits.

Let's make sure Voat is taken care of, or at least get's the traffic and posts it deserves.

This whole fiasco was the last straw for me. I specifically made a new handle on that site to ONLY participate in 2 subreddits and stayed the fuck out of all the other ones, even when I was being trolled, and now cuck-sheddit wants to ban both of them.

Fuck that site. No really, fuck cuck-sheddit.

everlastingphelps ago

You can say pizzagate here. v/pizzagate is alive and well here.

Dimamo ago

Where can I find the video of hillary cutting a baby?

NukeRedditFromOrbit ago

To be honest, I think I'll leave that one alone. That's a hard rabbit hole to follow and I was pretty disturbed about the revelations during the initial break on it.

srayzie ago

When I joined Voat, was when Reddit banned pizzagate. That’s where I began. I wasn’t from Reddit, but a lot of people around me were. I figure, if you follow Q and Trump, you’re family. We all have the same goals and want our country back. We have to stick together. WWG1WGA!


Hey Mod, I don't think the other Q sub realizes that the mods have left them to their own maybe not coming back. After a day or so might want to send another invite. Folks see things better when they left like unwanted dogs in the cold by their leaders.

niceunlessprovoked ago

Agreed. I ran to VOAT last year after all the censorship. So happy I found my fellow patriots here. We did really become 1. WWG1WGA! Love you guys!

Jhold ago

Newfag here lost and lonely. Appreciate the welcoming. WWG1WGA

srayzie ago

Welcome. Don’t be lonely. Hugs

Bigneckedmanjr ago

WWG1WGA fuck reddit. Hope Anonymous hacktivists wipe it from the face of the interwebs. Lol

new4now ago

Interesting development

Welcome All newcomers

cant wait to see how the "Q is a larp" people handle you all :)

Got my popcorn and dew

cant wait for the first volley

let the fun begin :)

Vindicator ago

LOL. I'm thinking the same thing. There are going to be a lot of upset Q bashers around. LMAO.

srayzie ago

Dew lol

new4now ago

dont laugh, my Dew is my coffee ;)

srayzie ago

Ohhh haha

sunshine702 ago

Welcome. I will get things started. HELLO Reddit NiggerFaggotKikes! Congrats It will be fun. The Goats are also funny.

SeekNuShallFind ago

Grateful to have a place to share. Their resistance will only make us stronger and more resolute. Truth always wins.

pizzahunt42 ago


Patriotiq ago

I migrated from Great Awakening. WWG1WGA!!

Queenbumbleboo ago

Well, I guess I'll make myself at home! I knew this day would come!!!

srayzie ago

Me too!.

eddenn05 ago

F_CK YOU BIGTIME REDDIT. LIBERAL COWARDS. I got banned a few hours ago as well but i was only there for the GREAT AWAKENING. Hi PATRIOTS.

Dimamo ago

Hello. I'm right behind you...just got here.

eddenn05 ago

Thanks friend.

InfiniteCurator ago

Thanks for the help friend. Much appreciated!

srayzie ago

You’re welcome!

BlackBoxInquiry ago

Glad to be here - setting up plan B in case they do the ban hammer...but if they don't, I'll still have roots here. Glad to have the opportunity to have hopefully a censorship free place. You know, what the other place used to claim to be....

Skathbri ago

Hello Friends, didn't join the Great Awakening Subreddit but i'm here now #WWG1WGA

srayzie ago


sherlock_holmes ago

Me twenty years from now with my grandson on my knee: "Most of them came from Reddit but my home, hackernews was also occupied by the communists during the meme war. We we're all nervous, we we're so young back then. Was I going to get down voted? Was anyone going to even respond to me at all? Well grandson the rest is history."

srayzie ago

I know right?

aLegoInYourShoe ago

Do these people know about the jews?

Kekmet-Peperoni ago

I hope this answers your question and maybe you find something new from one of these links. Thats just the jew stuff in my recent browser history.

aLegoInYourShoe ago

High five!

Kekmet-Peperoni ago

Chag Sameach! (Im not calling you a jew its just when I read that I heard Borats voice for some reason, probs because he says that too :-) Chag sameach is a jewish greeting that Borat starts his shit with and the ignorant masses think its Kazakh.

srayzie ago

Most seem to

jussman ago

I just found out GA was banned via t_d and I still can't believe it. No warning or anything. I've lurked both subs for a while but never posted much due to the fine folks of reddit combing your post history to use against you. I've had a boat account for a while and I'm looking forward to the influx of new people.

phred52 ago

Thanks for the welcome. WWG1WGA. We must all Trust the Plan.

Leeloo8me ago

Test 123.. is this thing on? Think I managed to register! Thx for the welcome!

srayzie ago

Yup! Welcome!

Ugbootshuffler ago

Thanks team, fellow survivor of the great awakening 2018

RockmanRaiden ago

I'd like to remind you, @Srayzie, and everyone else. The spotlight is going to become bigger. The shills are going to work overtime to control the flow of discussion.

srayzie ago

I guess I better watch my mouth a little better 😬 lol

Ne12nv ago

The Great Awakening moves one pillar at a time. The more you know!!


will there be Qdrops on this site? I assuming so, along with adult like conversations pertaining to said drops???? I'm relatively new to Q and also losing my tech brains to old age. Thank you.

bloodykisses84 ago

I posted a link to a Qdrop.... here.

blocksof ago

first the GA than the TGA and then the_swamp watch..... Makes you wonder.... If POTUS twitters to a GAB, Twitters dies.....

bloodykisses84 ago

New Q post WOOOOOO!

eldorann ago

Welcome all you Plebbitor jewkikeniggerfaggots!

pizzahunt42 ago


unravelled1697 ago

Thanks for hosting!

lawfag123 ago

Hey fags

Blamm ago

Thank you

FuckredditKenobi ago

I'll take anything over communist fucking reddit.

Storkman ago

I trained at Parkland Hospital for a 4 year obgyn residency, the place where they took Kennedy. Have friends who were the first to examine Kennedy when he was brought to the surgery pit for evaluation. One of these doctors initials PP sketched his on personal diagrams of wounds, and took them home, which I later was privi to. The hole in the front of Kennedy’s neck was made by a treating doc in an attempt to place an airway, not caused by a bullet, as some believe. I’m all in on Q, and WTC Tower 7 stuff, but thought you all might find my Kennedy comment of interest.

Kekmet-Peperoni ago

Would you happen to know or be able to find out if JFK had Porphyria? I heard a weird conspiracy once regarding the reason for his murder.

Storkman ago

It would make total since to me, if that were true about acute intermittent porphyria given what I know about that condition, given what I have heard from general knowledge that Kennedy was taking a lot of narcotics chronically. I do not know any more, and would not be able to learn any additional info now.

Kekmet-Peperoni ago

Well for full disclosure the theory I heard was All the elites have porphyria handed down from generations of blood drinking and infusions for the purposes of life extension, but heme that they need to survive can be replaced with the more ethically sourced chlorophyll, and this "true blood" idea didnt go down well with the elites who wanted their traditions and rituals. Its bat shit crazy I know I didnt even think about once untill the adrenochrome stuff came out.

hitTHEpost ago

Greeting to all the Q peeps. Looking forward to a new place that promotes free speech. Lets keep the Q train rolling.wwg1wga

niceunlessprovoked ago

Happy to be here. Screw Reddit. We will rebuild.

Carrie2 ago

Thank you!

ObamasPinkSock ago

I just got here too.

Stealth_1 ago

Great to find a refuge. Used to get all of my info. from reddit them!! I'm so tired of being trapped in this beast system!!!!

1Pawsitivepaw ago

Hello. Things are getting crazy. I just figured out how to use Reddit, now my old brain I’ll have to learn this platform. Haha. Glad to be here.

truthsinnumbers ago

How do I get my CCP up enough to start posting? It seems like my comments are registering (yet)?

NoisyCricket ago

Post. Introduce yourself. Share your war stories - figuratively and literally. If you contribute you'll get your 100 CCP fast.

truthsinnumbers ago

Awesome! Thanks for the input! : )

SoSpricyHotDog ago


Thanks so much! My "homebase" was always Voat... I'll officially be shifting from "lurker" to "poster" yet again - just like we did back in the old PG days. Was hoping that the censorship ban hammers were finally done @ Reddit, I suppose that was naive.

They weren't happy enough w/ the co-opting, disinformation, downvoting algorithms and the shilling, because it didn't work. It never does. Sadly, for our enemies, nothing will work. You've already pissed us off. You have already forced us to evolve. You are showing your cards and making errors left and right.

The articles Q posted in support of censoring Reddit are shameful. The "media" condoning the suppression of free speech is beyond ironic. It's abhorrent.

Glad to be back and focused on Voat.

Ready for the shills and the slanderous language once again!

PSA: It's been my long-standing theory that anyone in here dropping hate speech, violence, racially charged rhetoric, threats, doxxing, etc... is doing so to leave behind "crumbs" just in case we strike gold with our collective efforts. That is essentially their back-up plan on any channels they do not control. It will allow the "Media" to latch on to their own infiltrators commentary and use it as an example of how this channel should also be banned/ridiculed. The shills posting this inappropriate content do not reflect the values of the real researchers here... they are doing this to leave a series of chronological trip mines behind as a safety mechanism.

srayzie ago

We used to talk in pizzagate! I’m glad you’re back! Xo

SoSpricyHotDog ago

Never left. Was just invested in some other areas that needed attention/exposure. When I saw /GA go down, I knew we were close.

Let's finish this!

mslibertyrider ago

Yes...let's do ! FIGHT, FIGHT, FIGHT ! The boat ride was pretty rough today, big ole'waves..but the red tide keeps a comin'. WWG1WGA !

4GaaT ago

Glad to be here! Fuck reddit!

Olimpia8 ago

I’m really happy I found out about this! ThanQ for being here...although I have to say i’m kind of new to all this, and I am not excited about the mean people you said, block them.

creambiscuit ago

Thank you!

darkknight111 ago

Vet here. Welcome aboard. Also go to v/pizzagate Here’s a sample of my work there. Part 6 of the Heather O’Rourke pedowood case. Part 7 of the Judith Barsi Pedowood case.

If you newbies want to help the cause, I would sure appreciate some increased awareness spread on the Barsi case. Gets A LOT less attention from patriots than it rightly deserves. Believe this is the case that can bust open Pandora’s Box regarding pedo by correlating to the normies one of the most tragic lives of a child actor to Hollywood pedophile rings.

KroliK ago

I like the no give a fuck attitude here compared to sit to piss reddit

cerebralpeecock ago

Wow I did it. Subscribed to another platform, ugh. Trying to stay qunited w/fellow Patriots as a TGA refugee.

tech_rick ago

r/TheGreatAwakening was my home page. Now that I have dumped reddit, is my new homepage.

furiousg3orge ago

Yup deleted everything Reddit related. THey can kiss my big Irish cock.

Minxy_84 ago

How do I subscribe?

Mtngal ago

Found my way here....thanks for the welcome!

Palindromedan ago

Came on over from the crotch rot shit show that is Reddit.

Williamsarapist ago

Our new home

Q_sent_me_here ago

Kiss my ass all you motherfuckers. Glad too be here and thanks. Reddit refugee from GA, TGA, and swampwatch.

srayzie ago

Lol thanks faggot

Q_sent_me_here ago

You're welcome queer.

tech_rick ago

I just spent some time deleting every post and comment I'd ever made on reddit, then deactivated my account there. I told them why too.

Sixgundale ago

Thank you @Shizy! Just an old biker and u.s. veteran gun slinger looking for truth and the Old American way. Thanks to Neon revolt and serialbrain2! WWG1WGA 🇺🇸

Dimamo ago

Thank you for your service.

AlexQ ago

True dat. #WWG1WGA

Shizy ago

Happy to have you here!

srayzie ago

I love both of them! 🇺🇸 WWG1WGA!

Storkman ago

Please upvote me. I need 10

DoverPro ago

Expect a flood, or maybe we could call it a Storm Surge.

srayzie ago

The storm is here!

Minxy_84 ago

Thanks. I need a new home. With free speech.

AnnalisaJewels1 ago

Lol, I'm not going to fit in....:(

I'll still be researching! #Qanan

Vindicator ago

That's hilarious. What's even more hilarious is my 80 year old aunt just told me my 70 year old uncle was "talking about that guy you keep telling me about -- Q Anan." ;-)

Shizy ago

There's all kinds of people here Annalisa! It's not just the foul mouths, but people from all walks of life. Lots of good people.

srayzie ago

Yes you will! We all are. We’re there’s new people and lurkers all the time.

washingtonpanther ago

(((They))) won't approve.

srayzie ago

That’s why ((( they ))) we’re banned. Free speech is safe here

QnitedStates ago

Q was dead on as usual, AJ was template and precursor to banning Qanon content, along with anything else they want to keep hidden.

srayzie ago

Yep. Did Reddit give a reason?

srb1110 ago

First time here. WWG1WGA

srayzie ago


srb1110 ago

Thank you kindly! MAGA

ProceedPlanBravo ago

I went about 6 hours with our Reddit. Happy to be here

bossyboots ago


GeneralBoozer ago

Wow it's spicy in here.

srayzie ago

Yeah it is lol

davidw221 ago

Thank you!

TheParadigmMan ago

My response in the** Why Are You Deactivating This Account (Optional)** box as i was letting the door hit me in the ass on the way out:

""Guess I can't blame you since you have no better way to fight back then with bans and vulgarity... It's too late you can't stop "The Great Awakening" Fuck you Reddit .. Communist Bitches !!""

Glad to be here fags !!! WWG1WGA !

furiousg3orge ago

You were a whole lot nicer than I was.

rachaelreads ago

My reply was basically the same, just more conservative! Lol

SexMachine ago

Putting out a shameless plug for my subverse


Just a humble place for veterans, service members, and family and friends of to share their experiences with the military. Feel free to share your stories and comments even if you aren't directly connected to the military.

GoAwayImB8N ago

Good now I dont have to be as careful when Im calling out Jews and Israel!

srayzie ago

Many people do

Kekmet-Peperoni ago

This has got to be good for waking people up to the Jewish Question. If Q is "saving Israel for last" people are gonna be primed for it because this upheaval.

srayzie ago

Especially since Q is now bringing up Mossad

Kekmet-Peperoni ago

And Muh hantisemitizm wasnt gonna fly in reddits "safe space". At least Q did warn em "attacks will only intensify, All for a larp?" not a chance. p.s Oh on a side note there was what looked like some redditor get salty in a sub about you and the awakening sub last night Shizy had your back though (but I think it was that Sarah character there were some similaities). and I tried to steer people to GreatAwakening though. Fookin redditors coming over 'ere with their foreign muck and new fangled awakenings, makes me sick :)

TheQPhenomenon ago

Just a thought... If you see someone with less than 10 uovotes, upvote them that way the group grows quicker....

CausticRaz ago

Or, ya know, actually contribute.

VaginalCanal ago

How about a welcome back? Got lost in the chans Sorry you guys are getting hammered How do I help? I assume $$$$ Can I use ltc or btc to donate?

Kekmet-Peperoni ago

on the front page there is a sticky at the top from putt with a BTC address so you can donate, I would just post the address but you dont know me so go find the sticky. (puttitout) is the legit legend who created this site and keeps it running by sticking lots of usbs together for moar power!

srayzie ago

Oh I don’t know about all that. Maybe go to the main page and see if you can find information on that.

VaginalCanal ago

Fuck you. Or fuck me. I'll accept responsibility for the shit post. In my eagerness to return I reverted to tard status

Ikka ago

Checking in

flylife2103 ago


srayzie ago


meek_follower ago

Thank you for the welcome. I will probably lurk here to see how things pan out. Good luck. Not too trusting who is who these days

IluvRose ago

I am freaking out without Reddit. Luckily I also follow pizzagate so this was the first place I came. Thank you for taking us in!

Adam_Jensen_ ago

Get your first Zyklon B here:

Get your uniforms here:

Original_Dankster ago

Thanks. Made an account a while ago, but stayed on Reddit for T_D and TRP and a few others. Looks like I'm here now!

Melindasoo ago

Found this place. Wow that was a workout!

StormSurfer1776 ago

How are flights out of DC headed east looking about now with Florence coming in? Asking for Hussein.

bloodykisses84 ago

Ass clowns fucking ass clowns that's all I have to say about Reddit.

jpGrind ago

they have banned pretty much every q sub i used to frequent. r/Q_research is still up, and i made r/Qoutpost earlier if anybody would like to join. it is private only and will remain so.

prrrrnleo ago

@Shizy is this where I should be, coming from the reddit site (banned) great awakening? thx

Shizy ago

Absolutely! Welcome!

Thoth2017 ago

I can tell I am going to love this place already. Time to get the freak on!

SickQfCorruption ago

People where posting info on I know myself and others were researching, then Reddit takes down the /GreatAwakening These people are sick!

Blue7Sapphire ago

Can you tell me who operates and owns reddit?

SickQfCorruption ago

Conde Nast & Advance Publications, Inc

SickQfCorruption ago

Reddit just SUCKS!

Hopevoats ago

Thank you for all that you are doing!

Blue7Sapphire ago

Where are the users of The_Greatawakening subreddit going?

mackim917 ago

Thank you for having us! Feeling free-er by the second!

FatLadySings ago

just got here from reddit. I subscribed to voat......but I'm under the impression that I need to subscribe to the great awakening. Can you direct me? The reason I ask is that I just tried up voting and it doesn't register......thanks for your help......I need to be connected!!!!

Kekmet-Peperoni ago

you can upvote I think, but just be patient the sites probably running a little slow it happens sometimes, I imagine its particularly bad today though. New goats cant downvoat till they get 100 ccp, its to stop brigaiding I think.

NoisyCricket ago

I forget the exact rules but IIRC you need something like 100 cp to get full vote privileges. Keep chatting and introduce yourself to others and you'll get it pretty fast. I'm sure many of the refugees will have their 100 by the end of today.

Blacksmith21 ago

I have the feeling I'm gonna be handing out dick-flavored and cock-flavoured downvoats to a lot of asshats soon.

Welcome Reddit/GA refugees. This one goes out for y'all:

@Srayzie - I think we're gonna need a bigger boat.

fedupandtired ago

Normally I would not like being called a Useful Idiot but it fits what I do on this site and will leave it to computer geeks to help me with information. I grew up with stone tablets not computers

Blacksmith21 ago

I have the feeling I'm gonna be handing out dick-flavored and cock-flavoured downvoats to a lot of asshats soon.

Welcome Reddit/GA refugees. This one goes out for y'all:

@Srayzie - I think we're gonna need a bigger boat.

toxic_piano ago

Thank you for allowing us to come here peacefully.

ThirteenthZodiac ago

Oh I'm sure the majority of you are going to be a bunch of pansy-ass worthless faggots.

Your trial by fire has only just begun.

SeenKyle ago

Words like Faggot are common.

FTFY nigger.

clickclone ago

Hello...It's taken me some time to get onto the site tonight. How do I upload an image to the site? I can understand that it might be busy at the moment. The problem with Voat is having to go through captchas before getting onto the page and it's clunkiness.

Posioned_Reality ago

So... that just happened? My guess is the leak on Googles first TGIF meeting after 2016?

adogrocket ago

thank you.. although have lurked here for may months

mjeeames ago

Read some posts. Not sure I belong here!

IheartSwimming ago

Get the hell out of here Nigger!

ThirteenthZodiac ago

Into the oven with you, then, niggerfaggot.

Kekmet-Peperoni ago

I love the smell of burning lefties in the morning!

TheKid69 ago

well hit that "X" in that upper right hand corner and that will fix you right up then.

Qsentmehere ago

Happy to be here and not on Reddit.

robot7247 ago

Dumped reddit a couple years back and only returned for now banned subreddit.

Which raised question; if only full of drooling trumptards why not just ignore them and let continue their foolishness for all to see?

BearShills ago

666 lashes for overspending your time on plebbit.

Qsentmehere ago

I will submit to 6 lashes and will be henceforth known as Toby, not Kunta Kente

Weasel_Soup ago

6 million (a 6 followed by 6 zeroes) lashes over a period of 6 years.

ArtistiqueJewelry ago

Amazing! Really Stinks! I never have much to lose on these temp sites. . .as Obama sold the internet over. Most susceptible, but they haven't found a way to break down block chain yet.

There was some discussion on GA on reddit about some moving to steemit since they don't have the ability to censor yet. Most don't comprehend what's it's all about so they dump hate on anything they dont' understand. Basically a subset of the general population.

These other social media sites and platforms "think" they aren't susceptible, but there are companies out there that assimilate like crazy. They have authority and the backing of a global conglomerate, many of these admins have No Idea what they are up against. It is literally the beast!

I'm sorry for all your work lost. 6 years is a lot and quite an investment of time.

WokeByTheStorm ago

fuck reddit and their censorship........wwg1wga I've gone too far into the rabbit hole to stop now. You can't stop an idea

WanderingTaurus ago

Thank you for the welcome! Now to catch up on what has been discussed here already.

rachaelreads ago

Me too! Kettle is on!

hankkimball ago

Yay, my password still works. I am a regular at the other place. Different user name though. Where's the beer?

mslibertyrider ago

You can say that again, how many beers on the wall !!! FYI, I had joined Reddit GA a month ago, and there was a pesky bot which automatically gave me 1 point for each and every comment or post. It was ridiculous! Got a number of personal messages from others who were in the know, and frustrated at my treatment ! I know targeting...yuck. I do not know how to make a Meme, but have something cool to share ! Red pilled my Uncle last night who has a conservative blog type page which has over 4k followers. He did not know too much about Q, but I went thru my intro. kit, he bit big time ! He decided last night that he was going to the Reddit Sub GA to subscribe and advertise etc. (now it will be VOAT)....but here is the coolest part. His followers 'adore" him and his ability to find ---juicy information'..they will follow !! I am working on this with him to provide the best Introduction, but do not have all of the Reddit GA info which was archived for our research. The first and most obvious winner is the 13 minute video of The Plan !, then I showed him Reddit Ga and all of the organized material available. That is no more ! I.E. the Anon chart which shows the resignations, deaths etc., and the proofs, i.e. NO NAME- Q's prediction and the evidence of NO NAME'S treason. Cannot download and save a copy of the great Q article by a veteran with Heroes of the Media. The other intro.piece is sharing 'Praying Medic's' videos, they are easy to follow. Send them to Neon Revolt, and if they like Gematria, Serial Brain2. If any of you can suggest other great 'red pill' info. to go into the 'kit', we our Q GA community will hopefully garner their interest for Q and become members. I am fairly sure this can become a reality !! Pray Q. They are already support POTUS, but they do not know the Q ANON phenomenon. I wonder if someone was listening in to our conversation... the fear, that we could bring in another 4k people is threatening. They are cowards !! Thank Q ! WWG1WGA MAGA. Love you Patriots !!

Sandiphily ago

Thankq for the post. Good to hear familiar "voices" again

mslibertyrider ago

Hi,,it s great to see you ! What a rough boat trip today.. We were in some big ole' waves... but the red tide keeps a comin'!

Cheers my friend !

DeberDeberDo ago


mslibertyrider ago

Hi, Yes it is great to hear from you ! Wow, we had a rough boat trip today !! some big ole' waves...but the red tide keeps a comin'!

Cheers my friend !

TheKid69 ago

we can make a run

TedSmith91975 ago

I am happy to be here. Just signed up!

Shizy ago


Tonebox1776 ago

I can't believe they did this. I'm trying to find a way to send them an email about the rediculousness of this but can't. Anyone have an email address for spez or another higher up at reddit?

UberVileTruth ago

Lol, like they give a fuck about you idiots.

GeneralBoozer ago

Forget it. The r/GA boat has sunk. It's not comming back.

Imadeafire ago

Does it really matter, though? They’re not pulling the strings.

Tonebox1776 ago

True I guess. 7 years wasted on that site. Ahhh fuck em.

clickclone ago

How do you upload an image here?

srayzie ago

Just go here...

Just upload and it gives you a link. That’s the link we use the most here!

clickclone ago

Thanks . Is the image upload anonymous?

srayzie ago

Well... you don’t have to sign up and have a username. But what is uploaded there does have a gallery. This one I don’t think has a public gallery. But, nobody will know who uploaded what if that’s what you mean.

RedditEnablesH8Subs ago

I believe this was part of the plan. We are all well versed in Q and what he is doing but the problem was we were all together. This pushes us and the redpills outward. Censorship doesn't work. It will not work. Ever. And Non-disclosure agreements & Gag orders ARE THE EXACT SAME THING AS CENSORSHIP

AlexQ ago

Trust the plan.

RedditEnablesH8Subs ago

The plan is ingrained in my DNA

Dimamo ago

once exposed to the truth, you can't un-see it.

RedditEnablesH8Subs ago

Tell that to those who unsaw twice to the back of the Temple

lilpal ago

Exactly, we have been spread out like a firebrand. Setting the world on fire. Burn down the chaff and what’s left? The Wheat!

Boban_Rajovic ago

It was a part of a plan, a plan by shills r/GA mods :)

RedditEnablesH8Subs ago

Sneaky Badfucks

ArtistiqueJewelry ago

Be prepared, when you do so you are bashed on both sides. By those claiming to be Q followers and the propaganda machine fans. Once in a while you will come across someone who is genuinely for the cause.

The rule of you can count them on one hand generally applies. . I found this to be accurate.

I was told, there were more of us, than the propaganda machine wants us to know, but pickins are pretty slim!

You will definitely be attacked more than welcomed! If you Dare defend yourself. . .you are told it might not be the Place for You.

Good thing most genuine truth tellers are used to crying in the wilderness. We were warned!

likealatte ago

I love John the Baptist!

I have been called that before.

ArtistiqueJewelry ago


Anonomus911 ago

I'm betting all the trolls from r/GA will be along shortly destroying every post with non stop cussing. They like that too.

ArtistiqueJewelry ago

Definitely! Makes 'em feel like Big Stuff ;)

Truth2Light ago

Shows their ignorance. When they have no game(facts), they resort to name calling like the sore losers that they are. Or they report you for hate? speech or instigating violence? with nothing even coming close to imply such.

ArtistiqueJewelry ago

Exactly! They are the attackers, name callers and instigators then report us to the mods. They know the mods in many cases are fence straddlers and at times just join in to further their agenda.

These people are trained by David Brock through funding of Soros. They attack with incredible viciousness when you Dare Speak of it.

What you describe so well reminds me of the father they serve and Saul Alinsky's. . .whatever you are doing blame the other side. They figure it's so Diabolical to blame the innocents and in some cases victims for What They are Doing that it will incite us to go down in the dregs of their evil behavior with them. When they realize their tactics and training isn't working they get beside themselves and expose Who they really Are further. Once in a while someone catches on, but over all they like to let them run amuck because the dirty little secret is. . .these people make money off of that kind of tension and fighting.

They are not much different from whom they say they are banning against. Humans. . .all made from the same cloth.

Look out, if you're a truth teller and can pinpoint people for who they are based on their behavior patterns, interactions and responses. ..You Will be hated by most!

By the looks of your name you are part of the solution and quite aware! Welcome aboard!

Truth2Light ago

Thanks! I'm just tired of the deception and corruption. Hopefully it all will be revealed and the evil doers brought to justice. I feel confident that it will since we have now have leaders and advisors who truly love this country and all that it stands for.

ArtistiqueJewelry ago

Me too!

srayzie ago

Lol poor thing. You’ve been put thru the ringer! 😂 I can tell you’ve toughened up.

ArtistiqueJewelry ago

I know most who tell truth have been attacked on here.
No comparison to what they actually do to us and our families in the real world. I can tell many still don't know what's coming. Those globalists take over more tech industry every day.

A new one surfaced that had a hand in our elections.
I hope people are vigilant during these elections coming up.

As we all know, they would like nothing better than to be rid of Trump so Pence can take over.

He wasn't the governor of the Crossroads of America for nothing. That state was first to pass eugenic's sterilization laws. These eugenics advocates tarted the Indiana School for Feeble-Minded Youth in which about 75% of all sterilizations for the state took place. It was later named the Fort Wayne Developmental Center shut down in 2007 and the facility given to the Department of Defense.

It's been said, the heart of the eugenics movement started in Indiana.

Then these geneticists used a group to photograph and target at the Chicago World's Fair to further their agenda.

Pence governor of Indiana pulled for Vice. ..friends with Pam Bondi, connections to Epstein.

But that's only the political arena. A distraction that needs to be attended to because of the children.
The big arena and unveil is coming from the lies we've been led to believe about the south pole and why all World Leaders have visited.

Kellygirl13 ago

I don't see much talk on these specific issues ... I can tell you know what's up! I'm almost afraid to speak of such ... Almost! ... Patiently waiting for all to be revealed.

roughr1ders ago

Reporting for duty

Fistfullofgreyhair ago

Fuck Reddit. Thanks to Voat. You saved our asses in the past when T_D was having admin issues last year.

Fistfullofgreyhair ago

Crap. That was almost 2 years ago looking at my account.

Imadeafire ago

That was a crazy time!

prrrrnleo ago

thank you, I felt lost. So happy to have found this site!I need all of you to keep me informed, thank you, Patriots

ReMs-71 ago

Thanks for the welcome, it is really appreciated. I have a think skin so let em throw the insults, won't bother me. I signed up here in March because I knew this day would come.

Thanks again ReM

fuckreddit872319 ago

It’s not all bad, I got a shiny new username

GeneralBoozer ago

I was lucky. Mine was waiting for me here.

koolchange ago


AgainstCotton ago

Glad to be here with you all

Aranyani ago

thanks for taking us in! I like the sound of this wild west board! :)

dingdong44 ago

This place smells horrible!

GeneralBoozer ago

I also belonged to the swamp watch. They just baned that. They are erasing all voices that don't tow the liberal line.

Banglebop ago

Yep everything is gone.

Tru2Q ago

Thanks for the welcome and the brief intro. Much appreciated.

AmericanMagapede ago

Hello. I am happy to be here.

Rebelghirl ago

Hi. Thx for doing this. Refuge!!!

user1212 ago

Don't forget to donate.

Nursebevers ago

Took me a couple of hours to finally register here...what traffic! I think we must of had more than the 70,000 on Reddit! Hope we can see actual q members here. Anyhoos, glad to be here with fellow q supporters and President Trump. I am not surprised at the banning, in fact was surprised it had not happened before today. #WWG1WGA

Mumbleberry ago

Remember to downvote any and all posts/comments on the "anon" subs.

RedeemedoftheLORD ago

Thank you for the warm welcome & just so you know, THEY LIED!!!

srayzie ago

Who lied?

RedeemedoftheLORD ago

Thank you for the warm welcome & just so you know, THEY LIED!!!

fuckingmockies ago

All right, listen up you christcuck faggots.

Do you know why Q went to the chans? Why he didn't go straight to Reddit? Why he didn't go to Because the chans are red pilled. They already knew what's up. They just needed a leader to follow and a plan laid out.

Do you know why Q exclusively maintains contact with the chans? Because they are the important ones. Let me show you what the hierarchy is in this movement.

  1. Q team and POTUS
  2. Autists on the Chans
  3. Decoders/Analysts
  4. Useful Idiots

Does number four surprise you? It shouldn't. Every movement needs its ranks of Useful Idiots - they're not exclusive to the Left. Do you think you're all super smart red pilled autists? The overwhelming majority of you - especially you bible thumping Reddit users - are Useful Idiots. People who believe the right things for the wrong reasons. Your purpose is to spread the memes and be the Voice. Q and POTUS give hints and clues, The Autists assemble the clues to form a message, and the Decoders/Analysts communicate the message to the Useful Idiots, the Useful Idiots blast the message everywhere.

So when Q links a bible verse or says this is good versus evil, know that he is using your stupid faith in your Semitic religion to capture your attention.

This is not Jesus versus Evil. Christianity is a tool Q is using handily as a banner for you to rally around and to explain things in a way you can understand and relate to. that you're here...stick around. Get red-pilled on Jews. Learn why "antisemitism" and "racism" have been socially engineered by the cabal to be the ultimate taboo you're not allowed to question.

Q_ite ago

division master, take a walk son of satan father of lies. jesus lives

fuckingmockies ago

Go away, Boomer.

Q_ite ago

I love you too

fuckingmockies ago

Hey, I'd accept your Christianity focused society if you accept my white ethnostate. Deal?

Q_ite ago

Christianity is not mine to deal with. you need to ask someone else about that, so I guess no deal

Farmer235 ago

You are a fool. Wisdom begins with Christ. All the rest is filler.

fuckingmockies ago

Good luck with that.

NipplesProtruding ago

So... you're at the bottom of the hierarchy then?

FeCpig ago

Perhaps one must communicate in words that people understand. Many people argue over words and yet it is the meaning of those words where the communication breaks down. People argue over God all the time and I bet how they define God will vary greatly. WWG1WGA

QsHouseQsRules ago

You are a satanic shill, at best.

Stop trying to dirty Q's pure message of unity and righteousness with your demonic filth-babble

fuckingmockies ago

This isn't Q's fucking house you stupid bible thumping boomer.

Assimilate to our culture or get fucked.

buffalorev1 ago

Your comments on Christianity prove your in the class of useful idiot yourself. This is not a battle of politics it’s a battle of good vs. evil. Yes that’s bible stuff. Sorry to burst your tiny bubble

fuckingmockies ago

It's amazing how many of you didn't see that I said this is not "Jesus vs Evil."

Of course it's good vs evil. But good and evil exist independently of all faiths.

everlastingphelps ago

Midwits are the only ones who hate Christ. You rarely find a ultra-high IQ athiest.

Remember, it was the shepherds and the wise men kneeling at the manger. The pharisee midwits dismissed it.

Circumspectator ago

Do you believe that Satanists are real? It doesn't matter because they do, and that makes them very dangerous. There is a vast multitude of Satanists masquerading as Christians, Jews, Democrats, Republicans, Libertarians, everyday people and on and on. Whatever it takes to achieve their agenda of world dominance, they will do. Let's concentrate on unity against Globalism, Pedophilia, false political and religious leaders, Traitors and Seditionists and the MSM. Numbers are important to the movement. Truth is what matters and darkness must be brought to light. As the late, great Southern humorist, Lewis Grizzard, said about it (in his vernacular), "Lies gots to wear clothes, but the Truth can run 'round nekkid!!"


seems like you started studying the occult at 15, found crowley, dabbled in thelema, and now think you know everything about mysticism

protip: thelema is a religion of angsty teenage man-babies. keep growing and you'll come full circle to realizing the immense psychic/occult power and symbolism of the gospels/gnostic texts/christian message

keep leveling up young bandit

you don't get to paladin with a low faith stat

fuckingmockies ago

I can sincerely say I have absolutely no idea what the hell you're talking about. Crowley? Thelema? Mysticism?

I am but a humble enthnonstionalist. To me, God is Blood.


yeah, which means i called out your neopaganism on the head. admittedly i had pegged you on the darker side (thelema) but you seem ingorant of that, meaning you probably are on the white side of druidism.. care for cernunos?

either way, i share you pagan sensibilities. simply informing you that the christian gospel has immense relevance to your belief system whether you recognize it or not

for what its worth, christianity is about self actualization and divine knowledge as gnosis - its an inversion of judaic values.. like a vaccine for slave morality self-hatred... even though modern american "preachers" have done their best to push a watery, pussified version of christian ethos

case in point, I AM motherfucker! (google tetragrammaton) my origins are divine awarness / gnosis

OsoCovfefe ago

Appreciate your gusto and softly-phrased terms of Loving Endearment, Christcuck being an apt descriptor for those of us who do bend the knee for Him, even if it seems harsh we take your meaning.

And yeah, your outline is how we all see/saw things too. Some of us have been in this fight for decades, not as redditors or Voats or Chans, just as concerned citizens. When I first became aroused there was no internet, for instance.

We are happy as can be to carry water, yet remember many of us knew 'some' things long ago.

I would disagree slightly on a thing tho; this is most certainly a battle between Good and Evil, mere crime and corruptions simply don't encompass it all.

fuckingmockies ago

I said it was not Jesus vs Evil. Good and Evil exist independently of any faith.

OsoCovfefe ago

My bad, so you did, my apologies for not reading you correctly. And thanks for the welcome.

ThisTooShallPass ago

Flat earth is still the ultimate taboo imo

And anything where discussion gets shut down or dissembled, that’s worth looking into further. Propaganda is fucked. People who defend propaganda are morons.

Zoesmom ago

you are wrong about this. it is good vs evil.....and God wins.

fuckingmockies ago

I said that it's not Jesus vs Evil.

Good and Evil exist independently of Christianity.

truth_lurker ago

Nope. Q says NO ONE above the other. We are all Patriots. We are all Q. So anyone who wants to make rank and file, doesn't line up with Q. WWG1WGA. period.

fuckingmockies ago

That's a foolish analysis. Without Q and POTUS, there is no Great Awakening. Without the autists decoding the crumbs, there is no message - Q can't communicate explicitly because of NatSec laws.

It's a very kind thing for them to say we're all equally Patriots, but it's simply not true.

truth_lurker ago

You're entitled to your own opinion, foolish or not.

But the reality is, there would be no Great Awakening without you or I. They (Trump and Q) are merely extensions of us. They do what they do because enough of us stood up and said something must be done. Enough of us got our butts out there and took our chances and voted for an extreme business shark and a man who called her on the carpet about her crimes because we knew we could not let her get in...

It's not just smoke, we are Q. And of course, we honor Trump and the Q team.

fuckingmockies ago

Without us, the Great Awakening might not have happened. Maybe POTUS wouldn't have been elected. Who knows.

We do know that, had that failed, there would have been a military coup. So no, you and I and even POTUS weren't strictly mandatory.

Either way, I can't wait for the real Great Awakening to begin.

ArtistiqueJewelry ago

Wow! The social engineering. ..absolutely! And the Greatest Taboo every formulated!

"You can't Speculate about a certain group and you better Dare not employ that brain matter to call Us out for Who we really Are.

Takes on many forms. Even poses as a double agent that gets new life breathed in it when the state it is in starts to decline. Great Gig, so they think, at least for a little while. Tie a Red Ribbon around that bunch of garbage and Hey you will Think you are in that club!

I would say Nice, but there really Are people going to hell.

There's no getting out on better behavior or partying down with your friends in hell as that poor AC/DC singer now knows. sadly for eternity where the worm truly Never Dies. Doesn't matter if it can regenerate itself tormented day and night forever, no reprieve. Forever. . .no human on this plane of existence can even Fathom that, but you choose to check it out. . .your choice and your choice Alone. No One Makes the Choice for You!

Not an exaggeration. We've had a glimpse.

Highway to Hell? Look at his early lyrics.

How about Crazy Train. You can stay aboard, no one's going to yank you off!

I believe Ozzy knew before he really went off those rails the Reality. Hit him so hard. . .you see the fall out now.

He might use a little symbolism, but hey. . .at least that cross isn't upside down in his sytle of crazy cover.

That media sure does Sell It and don't fool yourself. . .YOU still live the role. Good job! Pat on the back!

Clearly people are still turned upside down on reality. Who and What's to blame?

Do You really know? Lot's of words and phrases and who to blame it All on. Are you sure you have the right enemy? The Correct Orchestrator? You don't know. Christian is just another orchestrated name. Anyone just saying their "christian" won't necessarily be acknowledged. Takes more than identifying with a certain religion. God is SICK of religion. He was never about it. Took a whip to the bankers in the church. Not all, but guess what many churches in their admins are filled to the brim with? Yay, you know!

Clearly many are on that Crazy Train and if they don't want off, or want to be Forced off. . .their choice!

Christianity. ..that's what they call it all right. WHO Gave it THAT NAME and why are people SO hateful about it? You don't suppose THAT is intentional by any means do you? Are the after school satan clubs okay? Maybe sometimes these two ideologies are used as one and the same? I wonder why they'd do that? What is their fascination with that Mirror? What could it possibly be?

If you want that One Way Ride. . .to hell, hey it's yours! You can have it.

Mock, call names, get incensed all you want. The facts don't change and there's Still only one way out no matter who you hate.

Christians aren't the way out and neither is a certain part of a group perpetuating the Great Deception.

Guess what? Just like you can turn every propaganda device OFF, you don't have to listen to anyone and can ultimately believe and go where you Choose to go. You're in control of your decision. God didn't want a bunch of useless puppets. He wanted Free Will, Free Thinking and Liberty!

Have fun having your say on Voat. Never forget, every one who pretends to be your friend can and generally Will backstab you. Clearly, they're not your biggest concern. If you tell the truth said Taboo Tabulating groups will come after your bread and butter and threaten your fam.
But we're not here for friends are we? Every day's an uphill battle, but no one said it would be easy. They weren't just talking about being banned from their social engineered sites or manipulating your nervous system. Goes far beyond that. They meant your way of life. Traitors and haters abound. Are we going to get our Freedom back or not?

Weagle65 ago

Thanks for the opinion.

swimkin ago

I admit to being a useful idiot. But even useful idiots are USEFUL. I am no Autist nor deocoder. #WWG1WGA. But with Hurricane Florence now coming into my town I am not going to be very useful. Just got a mandatory evacuation order for Saturday AM in my river community here in NC so I will not be spreading the memes as I should be. My apologies to the higher ups

fuckingmockies ago

How can evacuation be mandatory? I mean, if it's safer to go then by all means...but if you chose to stay, they're not gonna like drag you away and throw you in jail, yeah?

swimkin ago

No they can't force us to leave but it is their way of saying that our staying will be at our risk (isn't it always?) and that there will be NO emergency services available if we stay. All roads will be blocked for my exit and their entrance. And there is a possibility that water will be flooding my home. At least two or three sides of it any way.

CaJuN-M8 ago

Hi you must be a satanist. Amirite?

fuckingmockies ago

No. I'm an ethnonationalist.

SeekNuShallFind ago

Useful Idiots, bible thumpers, deplorables. No worries. Like water off a ducks back. Each and every person who sees truth and shines a light on it makes a difference.

fuckingmockies ago

You'll fit in here you with that attitude.

Der_Untergang ago

You've really missed the mark about bashing the bible and God. Don't turn people away from the truth of the bible. Q has quoted scripture. Having faith in God is integral to defeating evil. God loves you unless you truly don't believe in him, and he will act like he never knew you, and leave you to die at the hands of evil. Meditate, pray, commit with your whole heart and mind and body that you will be a vessel for Good and you will be rewarded. If you want to take the next step, ask for the forgiveness of Jesus Christ and acknowledge his sacrifice on the cross that he did for EVERYONE. It WILL change your life. You will still have ups and downs but committing your life to Christ will save your soul for this life and the afterlife. God WILL save you. God has also chosen Mr. Trump and his team specifically to root out the evil of this world. Remember, the plan according to God and Christ is to bring glory and honor to his name and his works. Ask for forgiveness and he will save you. We all fall short of the glory of God but you can be saved if you commit your life to Christ and the goodness of his message.

Voopin__Voopin ago

Thank you for posting that. It really resonated with me.

Y'all go say whats up to pastor Joe @infinitefaith . he posts to /v/bibledevotionals every day. He doesnt comment (I dunno if he even peruses, or just spreads the word and gets outta dodge) but he has always responded when I replied to his devotional threads.

Welcome to thunderdome y'all.

InfiniteFaith ago

Glad it was what you needed to hear and thanks so much for the comments. God bless you this very day - Love, Pastor Joe.

qwerty7 ago

Well said. And believe it or not it’s not always intelligence that separates the types. It’s ego and ability to have an open mind.

meek_follower ago

Hmmm, so something I have poured 45 years of my life studying - mind you I am not religious, was a complete and utter waste of time. Oh teach me grasshopper, Your VOAT/8chan education on world history must be fascinating.

GoAwayImB8N ago

Underated post. Said it perfectl. Ive always been a chan fag. Im here because of le reddit ban hammer I admit but please tell these christcucks whats up. I really dont want the here anyway. Most of them believe we have "No greater ally" than Israel. Either the Reddit fags get redpilled on the Jew or they have to go back!


Thanks for the welcome faggot!

bloodykisses84 ago

I love useful idiots I'm dating one right now...WOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!

BatinDownTheHatches ago

I hope it's not Michael Moore! Just watched him on The View and commented, now THAT is a useful idiot!

rachaelreads ago

Never been prouder of being called an idiot! ;-)

madhatter67 ago

Get a room faggots..... we know you probably can't even decide what gender you are....and we don't need to know who you share the inside of your panties with

And welcome

rachaelreads ago

Lol!! Oh believe me, I'm AAAAAAALLLLLLLLLL woman!!

MerrDank ago

I think I'm gonna like it here

Dimamo ago

i also feel at home. lol

ThisTooShallPass ago

I sang this in my head... is it a line from Annie?! 😍👍

PeggyGilmour ago

Me too, just joined now.

CaJuN-M8 ago

Same. It's basically reddit 2.0

PoundSign_999 ago

There it is, welcome to Voat!

Anonomus911 ago

Guess this is as good as it gets? Bunch of immature children that can't even cuss well? Great!

Dimamo ago


PeggyGilmour ago


srayzie ago

Not true. It’s not a tool. Can’t you leave the Christianity, Bible and God bashing aside for now? It’s not helping anyone. That is your opinion. It’s not necessary to immediately start bashing people’s beliefs. This is about Q and Trump. Stop the division.

lilpal ago


Domestic17 ago

I agree with you. I don't think Q believes the Bible and Christianity is a means to an end like he is implying. I don't think he really knows the heart of Q or the Autists. Too much love and faith being spread to think it's just a too as Mookies says.

And BTW- just because you CAN be vulgar, doesn't mean you should. Just sayin'.

fuckingmockies ago

You thinking my opinion is wrong is just, like, your opinion, man.

lilpal ago

There is hope for you.

Minxy_84 ago

I like you already you bloody cunt.

fuckingmockies ago

I was so careful over on the Reddit GA. Walked on eggshells. I was still banned twice (though unbanned both times) and had many of my comments removed, though they broke no rules.

When the hazing phase is over and things have settled to normal, I'll make some more quality comments to get people thinking. This is just the traditional hazing phase.

It happened when CoonTown was banned, it happened when FatPeopleHate was banned, etc

srayzie ago

I’m just saying there’s a time for that. These are new people and it’s about Q. No need to start division already.

fuckingmockies ago

Immediate aggression is customary for new arrivals.

srayzie ago

I know. But God? Do what you want. But that touchy and not necessary on the first day

NiklausTheNaked ago

People coming from reddit believing in God? Pffft

fuckingmockies ago

I know, I know. But the hazing is traditional here. And I meant what I said.

After a few days I'll start being gentler with my red pills. You just gotta shove em down people's throats at first to see if they choke on em and leave or not.

NiggeroniFaggitoni ago

Consider my faggot throat well stretched sir.. gooda joba

Domestic17 ago

You don't think some new people will decide that all the "hazing" just isn't worth it here and leave before giving it a Chance?

Letter-17 ago

I’m a newfag and I love the faggot hazing shit. Never joined reddit, so my ass is still tight.

fuckingmockies ago

Yes, and that's the point. Anyone who can't tolerate an upsetting idea and leave will never have their mind opened.

You. You're staying. You're engaging. You'll fit in here.

srayzie ago

Ok. But just so you know, I do believe in Christianity. I’m not a Bible Thumper. But I think Q is sincere about their beliefs and there’s nothing wrong with it. So don’t expect me to not give my opinion! 🙂 A lot of patriots are God believers.

CaJuN-M8 ago

Is there many people on here who act like those clowns up there.

srayzie ago

You mean the religioun comment? Yes. Anywhere you go on Voat, you get this. I don't usually see attacks in Christiany tho.

srayzie ago

Up where?

countrymissle ago

lol you sound smart.

talk about Christianity when you know what the Elohim is and who nimrod is and his connection to all of this.

Blacksmith21 ago

@fuckingmockies is a paid shill. We get a lot of them 'round these parts.

fuckingmockies ago

Christianity is a Semitic religion and has no place in the proud hearts of ethnic Europeans.

CaptnObvius ago

Thanks for throwing us a lifeboat.

Refugee-From-r-GA ago

A lifevoat, if you will.

Zoesmom ago

or a lifegoat

anotheronelikethis ago


RedditQRefugee ago

What happened? I was at work on Reddit, came home and found out our sub was banned by Q. Many thanks for taking us in.

betterwithcheddar ago

I miss r/GreatAwakening. I feel so lost. Exactly how they want me to feel, unfortunately.

And Q’s latest post has made it clear we will likely lose all of our discussion forums before the storm is done.

Well I’m here going with the flow.


Farmer235 ago

I am not going with the flow. I will follow Q as long as he/she does not go against Christ. Jesus I follow first, all the others are 2nd. Still Q has been enlightening.

GentleRenegade ago

You're right: it's not that easy to move from one house to another and leave a lot of your friends wondering if they will move in the same town as yours. lol. I'm optimistic. In a few weeks we'll again feel the same togetherness. In fact, this feeling to share this quest for truth with so many of you is what counts at the end of the day. We all know by now that the traitors and the thiefs will end in prison. But I hope we never forget the process, the march together to regain power through the right information. Because, as Q often says: Together we are strong. Divided we are weak. This is a lesson for life.

Agapechik57 ago

I feel the same; thx. We be newbies

Dimamo ago

I feel the same.

magavoices ago

We walk the last mile with Q without training wheels.


VintageChic ago

And thats just fucked up ... We should be able to keep our discussion forums no matter how bad the storm gets

samesame55 ago

Loved the great awakening reddit sad that they can just cut off 70000 people who are enjoying interacting with each other just like that...boom gone..they don't want us together communicating and learning the truth...why else delete us just like that....we must be on the mark....all for a larp? I don't think so....they took out every single Q board over there...I was there from the beginning of pizza gate when the cut that one off even quicker...can't have the plebs knowing and discussing the truth about what they are up to....

Thedametruth ago

Same here. Clueless me. Sigh.

Xenophobic ago

I'm in the same boat. Oh well fuck em at least here I dont have to bow to jewmodoverlords

DPM_Green ago

I'm new here too, but we don't need Reddit. It'll all be ok. :).

Redditrefuge1 ago

I’m with you.. miss my memes

B-Phase ago

Don't feel lost, patriot!! Like Q said "buckle up buttercup!" Things are about to get crazy! But think of it, a ton of patriots wandered into the Reddit sub recently. I did. And then thet wiped it clean just like that. (Like Q said "what part of increasing attacks wasn't clear?") And in the same day we all found our way here. And I think this place is WAY better. It'll take a minute to get our feet back under us and get organized. But this place is gonna be better. We both got here. We're still in the front row of the greatest movie ever! And even if things do get screwy, I know I'm way better off now that I've found these Patriots. Rejoice Patriot! That last Q post ended with what? Twelve steps ahead! They're WAY out on front of this! The fact that you're here shows that you're awake. The harder they push us the stronger we get!

Theboatfloats ago

I feel exactly the same.... But pissed off as well

Gmawc ago

Same. Was kind freakin out, where’s my peeps. We will not back down or go away or be silenced. WWG1WGA

B-Phase ago

Your peeps are all right here, Patriot! It didn't even take us 12 hours to all make it to a rally point none of us even knew existed! Lol. The harder they push the stronger we get! And I think this platform is WAY better!

Gmawc ago

You are so right. Our numbers are too big now. Still learning this boat thing. Wish they had an app, usually on a phone. An iPhone, mad by Chinese slave labor and who’s data is now owned by the Chinese govt

viperx3791 ago


Sandiphily ago

Me too - miss my usual haunts

lovely1 ago

Me 2 I just found out. What is the official reason?? Even swampwatch is banned

Shiloh-Patriot ago

I'm feeling the same way. I think a lot of us do.

Sandiphily ago

Me too, miss my usual haunt. Hopefully we will get updates, and it is a place for all of us to ban together.

sugarlief ago


Same here, as I'm sure a lot of us are feeling.

I remember when it happened to our pizzagate subreddit. You sit down, get comfy, (whether sitting down at your computer or on your phone or tablet sitting down 'somewhere else')
You go to open up the forums that you feel so good about, so comfortable and pretty damn confident in and BAM, IT'S GONE - ALL GONE.
But, fear not, Patriots. VOAT is where PG moved after the reddit ban and I never had any problems or issues with that forum. I can't remember my account info so here I am with a new one for VOAT Great Awakening!
And I am happy and confident that we will build back up, plenty of people interested in Q will find us /people from the banned subreddit will find us again and we will keep right on going, supporting GEOTUS Papa Trump, Q Team and all Patriots
💗( ˘ ︶˙˘)♥♡ we're gonna be alright ~


Eagleyeingfreedom ago

Nice post! Way to spread the positive word. ThanQ patriot.

truthseeker3313 ago

Couldn't agree more... I was pissed when I saw that we were booted from reddit (those fuckers). At least a number of us are here now... the fight continues

jaded_logic ago

It makes it feel like we're losing all the battles even tho we KNOW we'll win the war!

102030 ago

I think WWG1WGA and staying together and thanking God means we might need to pray less about suicides and pain happening and more for love and the strength to forgive, right?

jaded_logic ago


Pray for Peace, reunification of friends and family lost in this political war as well as for people who have been literally displaced from their homelands.

Pray for the safety of those thick in the fight against evil!

Pray for the success of The Plan, even if it means suicides and pain. Do not revel in the deaths, but be thankful in the knowledge that evil is being beaten back.

Pray for the strength to lift others up to the light, even when it means being attacked in return.

Pray for the Awakening - we must become aware of the shackles placed upon us by the Rulers, as well as those we place upon ourselves with addictions, narrow-mindedness and hatred in order to truly be FREE and know PEACE.

Firemaze2 ago

Winning all the way!!! Buckle up, it's about to get real!! We were made for this, we're Patriot Warriors all the way!! We stay together!!!!

Peanuttles ago

It's just a speed bump we knew was coming. It won't hold us back for long. We just have to share as much as we can.

ThisTooShallPass ago


truth_lurker ago

It's ok Patriot! Hardly even a temporary set back! Look how quick we made it over here. WWG1WGA!

QOnTheWall ago

I only signed up on reddit for Q, same with Twitter. Never heard if Voat until today. Appreciate the welcome here. I'll try not to muck up the boards too much.

Janekaz ago

Same here for Reddit. Deleted my account when they kicked off the Q subs. Had a Twitter account since 2012 but only started using it in late 2017 to join patriot/Q movement.

Eagleyeingfreedom ago

Same here as well. Glad to find a pace to regroup patriots once again.

Nolanthorn17 ago

God bless. Amen.

HilligulasCigarbox ago

Heard about it last night from YT justinformedtalk. Glad he mentioned it I've been looking for an alternative for awhile..


I was on Reddit, too. Found this voat page via Praying Medic Q app.

poeticmutiny ago

Me too :(.

reverb256 ago

So they squeezed us out of containment, into a space they can't control.

These people are stupid.

RememberGoliad ago

Same song here! Now I am eager to upgrade my computer/ tech savvy, stay on top of Q post/news, and maybe learn how start sticking it back at those Mother fuckers...

Tiss ago

Ditto all that! Guess I should have kept my GoatGal22 name when I made the jump. Who knew Voat was full of Goats!?

Hakuluoma ago

"Never heard if Voat until today..." So how the fuck did you get 45 points already? I am mystified.

QOnTheWall ago

Honestly? No idea. I dont know how the point system works here yet. I've upvoted posts I like and commented in a few...?

EuropeNeedsFixing ago

Yup, ditto!

cleo777 ago

Same here-WWG1WGA

rabernet ago

Same here. I felt completely lost when I saw Reddit banned it. Glad to find Voat!

SueBelievesQ ago

Voat...never knew of it before today, so glad we have this option for comm. been a Q believer since 1/2018..not sure how to get comment points so I can downvote if I want to. Any help would be appreciated. Don’t know how to comment other than thru reply...ugh! Guess I will learn. So much material on how Voat works! MAGA! Love for all QAnons!

PapersRockScissor ago

Same exact situation here.

Niggerfaggotjewkike ago

Muck away faggot, thats what everyone else does.

NorthernFront ago

Always lurked on Reddit since the Q beginning. Decided to finally stick my head out of the curtain.

the_magic_man ago

Just post hate and you'll fit in fine

Niggerfaggotjewkike ago

Not hate rabbi, sarcastic hate. We aren't really jews here, we are actual humans.

D56D53D84 ago

Q was the only reason I was on reddit too.

Olimpia8 ago

Same to them and newer here. Trying to learn the ropes. 20-yr Navy vet and all in. WWG1WGA

Nolanthorn17 ago

Me too. Haha! God Bless! Amen!

4wheels ago

same here.

Frisbo51 ago

Same for me. I shitcanned Reddit as soon as they banned thegreatawakening. Don't use FB or Twitter, stopped using Gmail, and now use alternative search engine to Google. The assholes (CIA) running these companies are NOT Patriots and I will be glad when President Trump unleashes on them. WWG1WGA

Mustardly ago

Same here.

Dex69 ago

Just found my way here too

shipdog ago

Same for me.

ThebeanofbeansQ ago

Same here. Can coat handle 70k on this sub? Because I think a lot of newfags are on the way over.

Dennyachoochoo ago

Just signed up. Never was on Reddit.

Q_Watch ago

"Can coat handle 70k?" I think the 70k is just subscribers. Q mentioned 297k actual users. (Post 2168)

rachaelreads ago

Hi fellow newfags!

Redditrefuge1 ago

We r here

StormSurfer1776 ago

Same! MAGA!

CaliWatcher ago


rgm1958 ago


QOnTheWall ago


Tonebox1776 ago

Ive been on reddit for almost 7 years. Today I quit. Officially. That site was going downhill fast and then I found GA. Was the best sub on the site and people were actually very friendly. Miss it greatly. I hope many people come here.

Imadeafire ago

It will take some getting used to, but don’t quit! That’s exactly what they want you to do!

prrrrnleo ago

me too! A new learning curve.

niceunlessprovoked ago

I'm here, lost with you. Lets' give this a try. I wonder if we will see "Qdrops"

Agapechik57 ago

Yes, I wonder the same.

summerwind_US ago

Yes, I mostly need help understanding the Qdrops.

4wheels ago

Prayingmedic on youtube explains the drops pretty well you have to go back to the beginning October 2017 once you watch and see you'll catch on. Then you can advance to serialbrain2 he uses Gematria. I still have trouble figuring that one out however there is a method to it????

litebluque ago

War Drummer, Praying Medic and space shot 76. helps me by listening to these guys . Helps to understand comms. Fills in some blanks. Each are special to me for their great energy and Q-style. Try them on you tube. ehugs summerwind_us. Patriots stronger together!! WWG1WGA

Peanuttles ago

Try Praying Medic on YouTube, as well. He does a good job going over them, but there are some others.

Toulouse23 ago

Also just informed talk and spaceshot 76 on YouTube


Need to get the word out. We need a hastag. #WWG1WGA #GREATAWAKENINGBAN

blocksof ago


jaded_logic ago

Now, if I can just figure out how to share?


copy and paste into twitter and add to the hastags. the more hastags the more views. The more views the more anons.

Peanuttles ago

There still seem to be several Q pages on Facebook. Let's share the link while we can. I'm also sending the info out to everyone I know on other social media.

Banglebop ago

Made my way here to.

Mos_Did_911 ago


GranimalSnake ago

Be sure you keep a link to the 8ch boards so you can at least drink from the tap if necessary.

Q seems adamant that platform is stable for now... unless I'm reading it wrong.

LokkenLoaded ago

You are correct. Q stated in his latest post that PF board will be used as the main hub for further comms

PacaGoat ago

Port during the storm. Hope all the newfags @Reddit find their way here. Alot of newbies.

Fudrucker ago

/patriotsfight can only be used by Q. /qresearch is the real home for discussion, and will be the last foxhole once all the social media sites ban us. It won't be long; midterms and the encroaching Storm will force their hand.

drovid2 ago

You mean they can shut Voat down too??

AmericaTrumpsBabylon ago

If they really want to, they’ll find a way. Remember Q said some compromising obama pics would come out and the JIDF’s last stand would be shutting down internet in the US to Shoah the pics

Tedfromthewoods ago

Might want to ask why a pedophile sub SBBH is moderated by srayzie...

Shizy ago

@heygeorge @gabara this dude is accusing SBBH of being a "pedo sub"!

gabara ago

Thats Voat's local troll, @freshmeat. Just ignore the idiot.

Shizy ago

Ahhh, I see! What a fag!

gabara ago

Yeah. Some people are just allergic to fun.

heygeorge ago

Lol don’t feed the trolls, @srayzie

At least only feed the fun trolls. There are going to be a ton of accounts made by idiots like @freshmeat and @sarmegahhikita (or however you spell it) now to manufacture false consensus for their delusions.

Shizy ago

Yeah, this troll sucks!

srayzie ago

Oh geez. That creep is going to head over now. 🙄

ExpertShitposter ago

LoL talks to him self again.

Rotteuxx ago

Of course @freshmeat is back on full time. Summer is over and there's a huge influx of newbies. Best back to work situation for him.

But being an alcoholic who goes on binges, he always manages to screw up & provide us with great entertainment.

@Srayzie, you'll get to have fun with those fags, don't dread it too much.

And why the fuck wasn't I notified that she joined the Cabal ? No memo, no email, no phone call, not even a fucking txt msg. Now payroll will be all screwed up & I have to deal with it.

srayzie ago

Who joined the cabal? Me? 😂 @Gabaro is in the Illuminati

Rotteuxx ago

Don't know this @Gabaro feller but he sounds like a dirty kike. I know @Gabara is a Minion of Maoh so he's cool, no evil inside.

He also hates poutine made with grated cheese so I know he's definitely not a raging faggot.

srayzie ago

I heard that him and @TheBuddha are secret lovers. @HeyGeorge is my husband.

srayzie ago

That’s just a joke new people lol

heygeorge ago

Ha! I heard they are going to make their own subverse anyway, just in case. Lol and your buddy owi won’t be banned over there! So that’s great news for everyone!

srayzie ago

They did make another sub. @Kevdude and @Trigglypuff already got banned 😂 They can have that freak OWI! Lol

gabara ago

I have also on occasion eaten my smoked meat loose on a place, and use rye bread to scoop it up, but I gotta tell ya, with my German DNA I prefer it on a sandwich so I can LOAD it with mustard. No matter how much mustard I put on something it's never enough. Never!

Rotteuxx ago

Smoked meat is güd ! A very sad thing though is that... well the best I've had is from (((Schwartz's))) & they have these awesome kosher dill pickles also. I feel dirty just thinking about it, I need to plan a trip to Montreal soon.

gabara ago

I can get (((Schwartz's))) vacuum packed here now. For what it's worth, Smoked Meat is NOT Kosher. I forget why, but it's the irony of Schwartz's or so I'm told.

Rotteuxx ago

Apparently only Schwartz's isn't kosher... don't know the story yet, need more autism to care.

gabara ago

So would Non-Kosher Jewish be expressed as )))Schwartz(((?

Rotteuxx ago

Not sure, maybe ))) ((( should be reserved for gas chamber operators.

gabara ago

I'm an Aspie. I would be boasting to the victims before they go in that this Oven is running at MAXIMUM efficiency killing the most Jews with the least cost. Please let me operate the gas chambers

Rotteuxx ago

I dunno m8, @Trigglypuff likes her job a lot.

Maybe you could wrestle her in cream corn for the position or something ?

srayzie ago

What? He always posts that sing or what? Fill me in!

By the way @Heygeorge, you called @Shizy Srayzie. 🙄 You better not be pushing what Ian did!

heygeorge ago

Lol I sometimes get confused, @srayzie, is all.

My apologies, @shizy! I didn’t mean to be so rude as to call you @srayzie.

Shizy ago

No problem! I take being called @srayzie as a compliment! I just don't like being accused of being her alt by limp wristed asshole trolls

srayzie ago

@Heygeorge only has one limp wrist. The other gets a lot of exercise.

Shizy ago

Are you sure about that? I heard using the other hand makes it feel like a stranger 🤣😂🤣! Is that true @Heygeorge?

srayzie ago


heygeorge ago

You’re supposed to sit on the hand until it goes numb first.

Try it and get back to me!

Shizy ago

I seem to have misplaced my penis 😂. Don't you hate when that happens @srayzie?!

srayzie ago

Yeah @Shizy.mget back to me too 😂

srayzie ago

😂 Thank you

Shizy ago

I hope he's not either!

gabara ago

@freshmeat is the saddest most pathetic loser... well ever. Holy fuck. I take it back. Peter Coffin has nothing on MYG.

TheyWantYouDead ago

I'm a refugee from r/milliondollarextreme. I know exactly how you are feeling right now. Be happy that voat exists!

gustodog ago

Oh man... I didn't know MDE got banned. When Sessions lays the hurt on big social it's going to be a glorious thing.

GoAwayImB8N ago

Millionsollarextreme? Man fuck that guy. How is he not in jail for all those school shootings? He cant keep getting away with this!

Tedfromthewoods ago

Can't kill God

Jokes on them

viperx3791 ago

Tru Dat. Bwahahahaha! WWG1WGA

TigerOfTheValley ago

god is everywhere :)

Stuntmanmike52 ago

Newfag here. Thanks.

minimaLMind ago

Thank you.

Jackiem605 ago

Glad to be here

Conway ago

First off how the hell can you consider yourself awake and not see that reddit was eventually going to unperson all of you.

Anonomus911 ago

Q seems to think all if may go down.

Conway ago

Then see you on IRC.

Letter-17 ago

IRC... The huge phone bills I had being on IRC with a 56k baud modem at the time... Ah the good old days.

GranimalSnake ago

Everyone of us is lazy and slow to change... but we're here now.

Niggerfaggots and all.

uglyman04 ago

Good man ! Thank you.

crazy_eyes ago

If you were so accepting of censorship that you have been on reddit until today, I don't want anything to do with you, you are either a fucking idiot or a cuck. Fuck off

dundundunnnnn ago

First Pizzagate, then CBTS, then GA...

And we keep on growing.

LaeliaPurpurata ago

What is CBTS y'all keep talking about? (New here.)

IChooseLight ago

CBTS was Calm Before The Storm - sub/reddit for anons to discuss...started in November after Q post #38...(following)

Four carriers & escorts in the pacific? Why is that relevant? To prevent other state actors from attempting to harm us during this transition? Russia / China? Or conversely all for NK? Or all three. Think logically about the timing of everything happening. Note increased military movement. Note NG deployments starting tomorrow. Note false flags. Follow Huma. Prepare messages of reassurance based on what was dropped here to spread on different platforms.

The calm before the storm. " (When Q team first started - they didn't use the "Q" moniker)...that came a little later.

CBTS was taken down suddenly one day...and became r/GreatAwakening on Reddit.

SeeingBee_2 ago

Calm Before The Storm another subverse or whatever they callthiese locales within voats . apparently been here a long time..

Anonomus911 ago

Then you ain't seen nothing yet. More 20 times more refugees coming them this sub has. Many in for a RUDE awakening.

srayzie ago

Right! They can’t stop us! WWG1WGA!

Tedfromthewoods ago

Big question is - why is a pedo sub SBBH moderated by a pizzagate mod????

sad_state_of_affairs ago

Greetings. Glad to be here

Zoonationalist ago

Shocked about the ban...but glad you're all here!

The site is moving super slow right now...hopefully that'll balance itself out over the next day or so.

Anonomus911 ago

Hope they're 'ready' for 20 times more refugees then current subscribers.

Ghost35 ago

Thanks for the warm welcome.

MetalThatMatters ago

Greetings! ... Although bummed out about GA being banned ... I am also excited because this means we're #OverTheTarget ...


heygeorge ago

Welcome, refugees! Please don’t beg for upvotes; it’s unbecoming.

Any GAer who would like to feel more ‘at home’, please visit v/SoapboxBanhammer and we will irrationally distribute your free bans!

Qzenseeker ago

Thank you, this is outrageous... but we knew it was coming :(

heygeorge ago

You’re welcome! Enjoy your free ban.

GranimalSnake ago


srayzie ago

Lol. Don’t visit that sub that @HeyGeorge mentioned unless you like inappropriate shit posting lol

heygeorge ago

Malarkey! Everyone likes inappropriate shitposting, especially the 50-somethings. I made some fast friends last time the pamphlet-following CBTS streamers came ‘round!

But please, so visit and post/comment at v/SoapboxBanhammer so we may ban you and it’ll be just like your old home.*

*Save for we generally lift the bans quickly and it’s in good fun.

srayzie ago

At least my Trump parody music video!

Orion2005 ago

Thank you Patriot! We appreciate your hospitality. For God and Country! WWG1WGA!

danjo_kandui ago

Glad to be here. Now I can sub to the pizzagate Voat as well. This is just another Q proof.

trseeker ago

You mean we have actual messy freedom here? I'm signed up.

TheParadigmMan ago

Messy Freedom .... I'm in too !!!

HonestAbeQLincoln ago

Messy freedom! I like that!

voatmein1 ago


Go to conspiracy, politics, etc., and label your normal posts WWG1WGA.

And it's not against the rules to discuss Q in conspiracy, politics, everywhere else. Discuss Q even more.

Reddit wants us afraid and hiding. GO BACK AND INFILTRATE.

If they delete your post, so what? Use ProtonVPN if you have to (you should be using it anyway, it's free).

Find out what normal Q stories they will accept and flood them with it.

Go right up to the line, and keep discussing Q.

GO BACK AND INFILTRATE. It's what they're most afraid of.

Sauer ago

My resources are ready!

redtoe_skipper ago

Hello, me hearties! Just checking in and found becoming a goat, fit for eternal destruction ;-), quite homecoming. Sheep no more!still enjoying the show? I do!

DanijelStark ago

Finally , I can insult christianiggerjewfaggotmormons to the fullest and trigger multibifemipoliapachehelicopterpeople genders to the maximum .

What a time to be alive ...

Just joking - I do not see many triggered "muh feewings" people here , unlike that Reddit Faggotry where main admins are simply someone's tools .

I will be here with all the patriots and freedom loving people to lick off the salty tears of many triggered snowflakes as the meltdown occurs ... glad to have found ya all .


My Fight

IheartSwimming ago

Welcome to Voat, Niggerfaggotkike!

Niggerfaggotjewkike ago

Uh, you got my name wrong and ive been here awhile now...

LurkMaster ago

Dug up my old account. Haven't been around in a while, will be now. LOL


PedoHunter12 ago

Where We're Gullible 1, We're Gullible All

Nolanthorn17 ago

God bless! Amen.

Chowderheads3 ago

WWG1WGA @Chowderheads3

sm858585 ago

Awesome that Q is uniting everyone! WWG1WGA !!

BillMunny ago

Even if we have to endure some rude names, with all you fags here.

ammonthenephite ago

Me too. Had the feeling back in the day that everything might get bumped off of reddit, though this was back when the_donald was the main sub and Q wasn't even a thing yet. Once the bans fell on reddit, it was time to dust off my voat account!

PaganPatriot ago

Im not even gonna pretend I remember my old user. Guess I'm stuck here now though

TheStorm18 ago

Had to create a new account just now. Forgot the pw for the backups account I created in March. WWG1WGA.

nIkbot ago

Same here.

The fire rises.

pizzahunt42 ago

Same here, made the mistake od'd getting to ask for upvoats in my own thread and am now less than when i started. Fair warning to ant other n00bs

RockmanRaiden ago

Welcome. As a fellow lurker, I recommend picking up some popcorn. Enjoy the show.

epium ago

Same here.

WTFChuck ago

Me too. I'm going to miss my "IMissMeg" username from reddit, but I had this voat account before I ever had a reddit username. WIsh I could remember the password on my original voat username from the early days of pizzagate research, but if I've learned anything the last nearly two years, it's don't get attached to social media outlets that tell the truth. In the current climate, they keep getting pulled down. No matter, you censoring mfs at reddit, twitter, fb--Q and POTUS are coming for your asses.

Hyperjack ago

Refugees abound!

Dimamo ago

You are so right. I like the way you think.

cantaloupe6 ago

Perhaps your browser has retained it?

Peanuttles ago

And we'll be right beside them in this fight! DOITQ!

dirtbeardo ago

Chuck got pulled at an early age...

Blubttrfly7 ago

Me too. Signed up when CBTS got banned. Knew it was only a matter of time before Great Awakening was.

Pookie30269 ago

So that's what happened to CBTS? I never knew. They're closing down every Q subreddit. Good bye to them They're really terrified, aren't they?

Peanuttles ago

We will always find a way.

Blubttrfly7 ago

Yeah, that’s when great awakening started. Not sure if they were both ran by the same people though

InfiniteCurator ago

When CBTS started seems so long ago...

Peanuttles ago

Like another life. In reality it's just been a matter of months. We been really livin' on the fringe, baby!

letortfort ago

Ditto me. I feel like I've again lost a whole bunch of friends.

Peanuttles ago

Same here. I keep praying more will show up. But reddit had been playing us all along. I was thrilled when we got to 70,000 members. I would never have guessed we really had almost 300,000! Those reddit bastards in cahoots with the deep state were trying to discourage all of us. The deep state is toast, and so are all the politicians and stooges they had in their back pocket. May they all be exposed for cheating the taxpayers and all their crimes. And Trump is keeping his campaign promises. He and his supporters in the government have begun draining the swamp. The media is just sitting on the info:

ThruTheVeil ago


GrandpaSkitzo ago

Same here. I always used this as a secondary to reddit. I’m ashamed to say I’ve used you Voat as a little side fling when things got rough. I’m sorry. I’ll be faithful now.

Hawkerbuff7 ago

The only reason I even learned about Reddit was because of Q and CBTS. Screw Reddit and good riddance!!!! They will go down in the history books as enemies of freedom and real Americana!!!

Stonenchizel ago

Well I can say without a doubt that I have never been here on voat or even heard of it before, until redd-zit faced kid decided to ban all things "Q" on their site, mind you that I only became a part of just recently to follow "Q" - I had seen Rick's video ( Blessed to Teach) & dude said go try redd-zit faced GreatAwakening & I fell in love with the crumbs, so I'm really gonna love this voat sub

Zoesmom ago

me too, but glad for the goat. thanks for letting us two-timing so and so's in outa the rain!

Abillionelectrons ago

Same although I made a new account :) excited to call this place home

Qty ago

We forgive you. I lurked on here way before Reddit on the pizzagate sub lolol

qwerty7 ago

Does voat have apps for mobile?

Rotteuxx ago

Yes but apps are for faggots.

A browser with nightmode enabled is all you need to enjoy Voat.

Shizy ago

Haha! At least you're honest! We can forgive you for being a whore!

Tedfromthewoods ago

Depends if you say something the JIDF doesn't like, then you will get banned.

sunshine702 ago

No we say kike a lot and regularly name the Jew.

MAGASpinster ago

What about circumcision? Is that barbaric practice of mutilating babies mostly discouraged in these parts?

anhro23 ago

Good. It is healthy for society to name the Jew often.

TigerOfTheValley ago

what is a jidf?

Kekmet-Peperoni ago

jewish shills, israeli conscripts that push the jewish agenda, there aren't alone though, The Global Engagement Centre and GCHQ ran JTRIG all have shill ops that work toward the larger NWO globalist/jewish agenda. some make bots to make an issue seem like it has more support than it has, Its rumored that such an operation got Macron elected. Some will take a more personal approach and try to turn people against each other. Im hoping that with more people turning up its going to make the shills jobs harder.

cholofrost2 ago

"jewish internet defense force"

TigerOfTheValley ago

Do they have souls or are they NPC?

kalgon ago

Jews have no soul

They hate us for our souls

Hawkerbuff7 ago

Should say Zionists have no souls. Not all Jews are Zionists

17cavalleygirl ago

Yo yo - 1/2 Jew here, Zionist Jews in charge in Israel, many Jews in America do not know the truth. The non Zionist Jews I know have said they believe that they will feel at home there & have somewhere to go where they belong! Blinders on in full force.

kalgon ago

Quite frankly the non zionist jews are a very small minority, ask yourself how many jews are against the creation and maintain of a nation state for jews in israel... Because that's what being a zionist is

It's like religious jews who reject the talmud, it does exist, but well, that's far from being the overwhelming majority

WhiteDragon ago

But we can still LOVE them back, right? LOVE is the greatest POWER in OUR Universe! WWG1WGA

17cavalleygirl ago

Love them, hate their actions & motives. Just an opinion!

kalgon ago

Or we can burn them at the stake in the name of our lord and savior jesus christ, for heresy, which was pretty much standard procedure back in the days

WhiteDragon ago

I mean our Lord tells us not to judge other people, they will be JUDGED, in this lifetime!

I only mean that negative actions result in negative actions and so on and on and on. It's a destructive spiral which we must break... For the sake of HUMANITY!

Of course the TIME is HERE for their punishment and this is WONDERFUL! But let's not degrade to their inhuman level, arresting the human parasites (evil bloodlines) and taking away all their wealth they gathered and feared not to be stolen for millennia is maybe enough, isn't it? Court marshals would be the cherry on top :-D

Tedfromthewoods ago

deliberate take over and sabbotage of Q and Pizzagate @Tigerofthevalley

Shizy ago

I had a feeling you were a faggot shill pretending to be a legitimate poster Ted from the woods!

Crensch ago

The shill doesn't understand that destroying shills and shitposting are both sacrosanct here on Voat. EVERYONE gets a pass when doing those things.

Shizy ago

And he doesn't seem to understand that no one gives a fuck about him acting like a vagina and being offended over the word nigger!

fartyshorts ago

shut up, cunt

also, welcome

Quinceberry ago


Peanuttles ago

LOL! I feel the love already!

PedoHunter12 ago

You people give me cancer...

countryshepherd ago

Please STOP using that c word. It's not cute, funny or anything else but vulgar.

Hawkerbuff7 ago

Remember “We” need to influence and not be influenced!

TJBrown ago

We are gonna have to get use to a lack of civility to stay with this board. Hope you will hang!

countryshepherd ago

Sorry TJ but I hang with people who are civil in all public forums. To give up my morals would be giving up on who I am.

TJBrown ago

I both admire and respect your principles. Thank you for sharing one of them.

Peanuttles ago

Here it's used as a term of endearment.

Nacole1111 ago

Shit, fuck, cunt!! Phew!!! I feel better. My turrets syndrome is in full force again. In all seriousness, welcome back patriots! Love you all and keep fighting the good fight.

Redheadgal ago

We are fighting......My turrets has been stifled for so long I don't know if I can actually say what I am thinking. This will be a new experience. So happy to have this board!

GentleRenegade ago

For a moment you got me! Thank bud.

exoter60 ago

Kek - Love 'turrets' syndrome! --> Fire Away.

Glad to be here.

Peanuttles ago

LOL! The more turrets the better! We are at war, after all! I'm gonna have to remember it's turrets and not Tourette's.

SpudDigger ago

Kek-kek-kek-ah touretted....

Shiftworker1976 ago

Haters will be silenced by the truth! Love ya

NukeRedditFromOrbit ago


Neskuaxa ago

Make Me faggot.

Glad to be back

mergen ago

More like, "make me a faggot, I'll take it in the back"

ProperFucked ago

BAM! You Faggot now! We make you.

Neskuaxa ago

Holy shit neat trick. Can you turn me into an honorary Autist now?

ProperFucked ago

BAM! You tarded now! You make you.

Reddit_u_suck ago

Never go full tard

NamelessMofo ago

Fuck all you bitches.

Glad to be here.

AmericanMagapede ago

Bitch Faggot Cock Ballz Weiner Ass Fuck!


GranimalSnake ago

Thank you for welcoming all us newfags. Please be merciless while we learn the lingo and customs.

LaeliaPurpurata ago

Yes! The lingo here is quite interesting. Like an alternate Q-universe. Kind of fun, fagots!!


all the little old ladies that spammed emojis on reddit... cant wait to see what foul-mouth freak shit they post here

Mugga ago

I am an little old lady and love this shit.

litebluque ago

kek kek old goat. MAGA newfag

everlastingphelps ago

They just melt down and leave after a few hours when they realize the mods aren't going to give them a cup of tea and a backrub just because someone said "faggot"

Backlot ago

Funny. "Would you like a cup of tea dear?"

GranimalSnake ago

Someday people will see that this is how you diffuse hatred. Taking the evil intent of these words and turning them into a compliment.

Tedfromthewoods ago

Don't offend the JIDF or you will get banned.


Shizy ago

I have no clue who JFIF is, but spamming will get you banned.

Crensch ago

Jewish Internet Defense Force. The jew above is trying to pretend he is one of us by projecting his employment with them onto us.

Shizy ago

Thanks crensch, I see that all the time and know it was some Jew thing, but didn't know what the acronym actually meant. But allegedly that's who I work for 😂! I'm sure I'm fired!

GoAwayImB8N ago

Lol fuck em I thought this place is some free speech wonderland. I was able to name the jew on reddit if i was within reason... we got shekel misers here too?

Cid ago

I was able to name the jew on reddit if i was within reason

This is like my sport on kikebook. I love subtly naming the jew in normie groups with the explicit purpose of trying not to get banned. It's not always easy, but I do well.

srayzie ago

Most of us will be! Ignore the ones that are jerks. Don’t listen @clamhurt_legbeard lol. Only visit that sub if you like inappropriate shit posting.

Blacksmith21 ago

I like your attitude. Downvoat the shit outta the fuckheads. And watchout for @srayzie cat-o-9-tails.

likealatte ago

You are strong and kind. There is a gift in being this way. I am learning.

Blacksmith21 ago

Learn how to teach yourself. Critical skill. Read and analyze.

likealatte ago

I am learning as much as I can. I am not joking about this question: Is there a book that I can read to improve my skills?

Blacksmith21 ago

Which skills?

ProperFucked ago

Down voats don't matter here, we all choose to decide what's fake and what's not by our own accord. No censorship and no one telling us what to believe. If it's sourced, great, if not then utilize your own tools and intellect to make decisions. No one is watching out for you here. Make your own choice, discern for yourself. Account age really means fuck all here like some will try to spout, if you're smart you won't post under the same name for years as like everywhere else it can be tracked. See something, say something and we all decide from there.

Blacksmith21 ago

It's Zee Germans!

ProperFucked ago

Could be! Probably the Jews though, just to be safe.

Blacksmith21 ago

And I changed an upvoat to a downvoat jsut because you went full retard.

Niggerfaggotjewkike ago

The jews are here in force, on a pay check for sure. Just be sure to never capitalize the "j"... I hear micro aggressions really piss them off...

Blacksmith21 ago

You do realize that is immature intellectual dishonesty, don't you?

Are you a man or a mouse? You are sounding like a mouse right about now.

How about manning up and matching the intellectual capacity you claim to have?

GranimalSnake ago

Lol I love inappropriate shitposting

Tedfromthewoods ago

That's just as well because it's a pedo haven and the pizzagate mod is a moderator there!

srayzie ago

Then you’ll love that place lol

clamhurt_legbeard ago

inappropriate shitposting


clamhurt_legbeard ago

[Member for 1.9 hours]


Visit /v/soapdoxbanhammer

everlastingphelps ago

For some reason, I imagined a mother starting to say something to a kid the father grabbing her arm and saying, "no, dear, he has to learn for himself."

clamhurt_legbeard ago



Niggerfaggotjewkike ago

fagurt_nigger beard sucks donkey dicks for quarters.

clamhurt_legbeard ago


thats a five dollar donkey show

i only suck off people for quarters

Crensch ago

I don't think I will ever understand why I find this comment so funny.

truth_lurker ago

I think it's hilarious and I don't even get it! Member for under an hour.

SoSpricyHotDog ago

a. The name is fantastic... b. Because the comment was objectively funny!


srayzie ago

There a reason their new silly

clamhurt_legbeard ago


cuz theyre flippin newfags!!

derram ago