DEVO0110 ago

Am I alone in this part of cyberspace? Does human life not exist here? Is God Here? Lol.

DEVO0110 ago

Is there anybody out there.

DEVO0110 ago

It seems that I am talking and commenting into cyberspace, lol.

DEVO0110 ago

Ok enough for now.

DEVO0110 ago

We need to cleanse the earth of the elite, greedy, child abusing, human trafficking, murdering powers that be. Only we the people can do this. We all deserve to live life free of war, corruption, and live in peace. Take back the worlds riches and history from the sick 1%.

DEVO0110 ago

Am I talking to myself?

divine_human ago

this post is a couple month old, only newcomers look here (and me, as i got your comments into my inbox, lol). you have more chances finding communication partners when commenting on current posts^^.

DEVO0110 ago

Anyone else here? Lol.

DEVO0110 ago

It is the 1 or 2% that cause all the hatred, racism, religious bigotry and divide between the masses. The sooner we unite, every colour, creed and religious institution and realise that we can all have our beleifs without anger, wars and lies of the elite and their fake media the better we will all be.

DEVO0110 ago

I also follow on Qpub and You Tube. It is a sick depraved world that those in power have created for themselves and this must be stopped worldwide.

DEVO0110 ago

New to this site but I follow and have followed Q and the POTUS from the beginning of 2018. I am from the UK and our Gov is as corrupt as everyone elses. Their GREED will be their downfall.

FirstDamsel ago

Been here for months and still can't post. I guess I'm doomed to just listening and upvoting! 😄

divine_human ago

nah... you can post with 10 CCP. and you will soon be moving beyond the downvoat barrier.

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WeatherEye ago

Thanks very much for the help!

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spiritwarrior ago

Why stop with bashing Jews, we have a lot of other other people in this country from other cultures, religions, language groups and skin colors that are also lawyers, politicians, bankers, bureaucrats, and just plain disgusting people. Why not be an equal opportunity bigot?

divine_human ago

why not stop bashing all folk groups and go for specific shady people?

i know that many of the cabals heads are ashkenazi jews. does that mean that all jews are criminals? no, it doesnt.

thus, bashing all jews in general is stupid, its exactly (((their))) divide+conquer game, and people are too unaware to stop playing that BS.

same goes for other folk groups. this general bashing of jews, muslims, leftists, colored people, is just ridiculous. i hate that feature which, here on voat, so obviously plays out.

BetweentheGreennBlue ago

So how do CCP go down?

divine_human ago

when you are being downvoted.

BetweentheGreennBlue ago

So people can just go and downvote, preventing newbies from getting "in". Nice system. Like some kind of stupid initiation ritual. I feel like I'm getting hazed. News flash VOAT - I've never really been keen on hazing ritual clubs.

divine_human ago

goats usually only downvoat bullshiters. yes, also those who only behave like idiots when they arrive.

normal folks dont receive downvoats, even not with opposing opinions. downvoating is for trolls, ego-trippers, missionairies, that kind of stuff. you dont need to worry, just interact on non-anon subs without being a dick and all is well.

BetweentheGreennBlue ago

A normal reaction/response. Thank you very much. Nice to meet a normal human being here..... anyways, if, as @redcobra told me, the "in crowd" can reduce you to 7 CCP down from 43 just because you turned them off, well, that's just stupid. It's like being able to hang out in the cafeteria one day, and the next, the moment you walk in, all talking stops. The whole experience makes me feel like I'm back in school. And as someone who has spent the last 15 years of my life homeschooling and working with homeschoolers, I don't need it. Gab has become a much deeper place of life and relationship right now. Way more "life" there. Voat - whatever. I'll poke around awhile longer, but I'm thinking 8ch might be better. At least there, I can post. I can deal with the crap, but I also get to speak my mind.

divine_human ago

it seems like the voat ideal which old goats transport whenever the discussions comes to the fricking CCP / posting rights topic doesnt apply to you.

i went through your post history. right in the beginning, you posted something that brought you 20 upvotes. seems like people valued it as a contribution that furthers the discussion.

(goats seem to not cheeringly give their upvoats, lol, most comments we all make stay without any votes.)

then you got into a lengthy discussion on race, with someone of an opposing oppinion.

while you didnt touch his vote count, he downvoated you on every comment. the longer you discussed with that person, the more your posting rights faded away. (i balanced those occurences with my vote so for now, you can post.)

thats mean, from my pov. and it shows the flaws in the system that i became aware of on day 1 on voat - i watched similar experiences to yours with other people, too, and also for me, it wasnt quicky and easy to get the required CCP.

when i started pointing it out, i got downvoated, similar to you who now show your frustration with the system, perceive it as moldy, and point to Gab as an alternative.

i get it. the system is unfair.

@puttitout, can we do something about it? is there already a post on this topic on another sub?

my idea is that, from a certain CCP level onwards - number 22 comes up here -, peole dont lose their posting rights anymore, even if their CCP goes below 10.

in order to prevent trolls from first making up 'good' and then trolling and spamming the shit out everybody, the loss of posting rights should be tied to a negative CCP.

-88 comes up here - makes it more difficult for brigades which could easily downvoat a person below posting rights level in one go, by just going through their history and downvoat every comment.

i get it that the voting system is designed to prevent spamming and trolling in a free-speech environment.

but the system can easily get abused, as can clearly be seen in this case. how to change it so it becomes more fair?

BetweentheGreennBlue ago

You hit it. Good points. All the work arounds mean changing the code though. Is it worth it is my question.

I really appreciate your upvotes. That was pretty neighbourly of you.

I'll keep posting periodically, as I did at Reddit. Now that I can that is. But I have next to zero motivation to fight for a solution.

divine_human ago

I really appreciate your upvotes. That was pretty neighbourly of you.

enjoy and post as the period brings it about ;)

one could call it vote manipulation, lol. just shows the flaws of the construct, it asks for being manipulated. i call for fairness. honestly, never before did i care about votes, likes, and all that social gratification and punishment shit. first time ever.

imagine, someone could get pissed about my opinion/presentation, call a friend for help, and both move through my history and downvote every comment. my voting and even posting rights would be down within half an hour.

thats ridiculous. i would not be censored by a mod but a mob.

But I have next to zero motivation to fight for a solution.

yeah, i get it. choose your fights wisely, heheh.

my nature is that of a system buster and builder. where i put my attention on, the beauties and flaws of constructs show, the underlying patterns reveal themselves, with the ways they are being used and abused.

i tend to bust on what doesnt work and support what does. wont get over a fight about it though. stating my perception, putting out ideas; maybe it inspires discussion, maybe change.

today, i made a comment that brought me downvoats. it was simple, i contradicted a racist opinion and some mob jumped on it.

i dont mind whether thats old goats, redditors, or some fricking trolls from wherever. if the system can be used to shut up people of opposing opinion, like drawing the posting rights of decent people, its flawed. fuck free speech, its an illusion and requires some adjustment.

as i said, i wont fight over it. in case the system turns to my disadvantage, and still nothing will have changed, i will simply leave it.

so yes, i get that you showed your frustration and advocate Gab. Gab doesnt resonate with me, but if thats the place where you feel more homey, i wish you a good time there. we need various places on the internet, decentralize; makes us less vulnurable against shut-downs. may you enjoy, wherever you are...

BetweentheGreennBlue ago

You're good people. Keep it up!

Your point on diverse places, spot on. That's the organic-ness of freedom, free market, etc. We all spread out to our various places, and be salt and light where we're put, where we're home. In the end, it's about relationship, because that's all we're really building in this life.

Downvoted for racist opposition - good on you. If you get downvoted for that, keep it up.

My MO so far is find what others find, and spread it. Every now and again, I get inspired, like Melania's jacket she wore to the Mexian border. I went nuts on that one, and found a ton of pedo/occult shirts from the company's site. But life for the most part keeps me too busy to do deep research in one area. I have a blog, but I find when I start writing, it takes me weeks and weeks to craft it the way I want. So it's not consistent.

So, I'll say at this point, thanks to you, I'll keep lurking. FREEDOM!

divine_human ago

may inspiration flow through you as it best serves your joy and the greater good...

i get the thing with difficulties working for the blog. i am co-owner of a blog and very rarely post articles. my flow starts when people call for it which much more happens on discussion groups than in front of an empty page ;)

yeah, racism and all bashing of entire folk groups annoys the shit out of me. i spent 2 months talking with racists on a reddit group - one of the rare free speech reddit groups with public mod logs -, simply to understand how they tick.

i got the 'race realism' of some folks - people who, in wrongly applied darwinism, take logical thinking, intellect, IQ, as the only measurement of value when looking at other cultures - and could well talk with those that didnt take their opinion as an excuse for hating and bashing those they look down onto.

the discussion showed me where their fears are - its always fear thats beneath 'negative' emotions and thoughts - which was important for me because racism is on the rise in my country germany.

i take these downvoats as a badge of honor, lol. they also show how stupid people are, how little they are able to encounter opposing opinions and allow them to be, and how weak so many people are that they have to put others down, in order to appear bigger and stronger. its so funny then, to hear these same people call themselves red-pilled or awake, heheh.

keep lurking, m8, hope to see you around once in a while <3

Redcobra ago

Hey glad to be of anyrate I do recommend sticking it out.humans are tribal.

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ledbetter ago

Many thanks, including comments. Still finding my way around, and I like what I see. It appears I can find much of what I seek, vs scrolling from app to app searching for coherence. Still read Opn Discl every am, lots of links. For some 10 years, I've hosted an annual 'Old Goats' luncheon for retirees of a recently removed (Original DJIA member) long time industrial player. While GRV got me here, the motivation was reddit's deletion of THIS specific sub. I should be understanding in a few months but taking it slowly. Thanks to this collection of old goats. Permission to Fire for Effect!

Laskolurch ago

If Reddit Q users can't handle Voat they won't be able to handle learning parents are raping their own children to be used later on (think Zuckerberg) or that we have Satanist in Congress. Q knew he / she needed to harden users for what's coming. Each of you need to determine for yourself whether you're up to this task. If we want the truth we need to be able to handle it.

DHamill ago


MolochHunter ago

Great write-up.

Mod tip to those struggling to integrate : you can 'block user's if someone is trolling you beyond your tolerances. (drill into the link of their user name, top right hand side there's a few function toggles)

ps Don't prove yourself a niggerfaggotjew by saying " I'll block you if you're not careful ".

divine_human ago

you can 'block user's

great you mention that. blocking users is not possible on QRV.

on 8chan, a poster has the same ID number throughout the thread during that session (at least thats how i undersand it). you can block a troll on this 750 comments long thread, refresh the page, and dont need to see the posters stuff anymore.

not possible on QRV. the system gives random numbers for each comment, you cant go the users history, dont get any information, and cant block him, not even within this post, only for this individual comment.

it annoyed the crap out me when WRV first started, lol; i have a tendency to instantly perceive flaws in people, structures, systems. this one got to me within the first hour of scanning the QRV feed, the disadvantage of anonymity hit me right in the face, heheh.

Don't prove yourself a niggerfaggotjew by saying " I'll block you if you're not careful

never do that! threads wont work, they may instead provoke a troll flood, hahahahahaha.

what does work though - i tried this one in one of the rare free-speech zones on reddit, in german language - is voicing my boundaries - my main premise is 'attack the argument, not the person' - and taking consequences if a communication partner doesnt adjust to civil manners.

it was one of my mean joys to, when they kept overstepping that clearly set boundary, to tell them, 'thanks for the exchange, its become a waste of energy. user blocked.' after doing that 4-5 times, the tone of other users changed in our personal communication (not on their other post or comments though, but thats none of my business). they stopped throwing their shit at me but engaged in topic-related discussion.

discuss the argument, not the person. its the main learning here, on all social media, from my pov.

as for notorious trolls: i take them as kindergarden mud throwing gang bang and, if the projection screen engages, mud wrestling. some of the trolls are deep state, some narcissists, some simply frustrated with themselecs and the world so they spit their shit all over the place.

mostly its best to ignore them. some deserve engagement tough, even if its only for modeling discernment to community. and some just need a 'yes, i hear you', in order to respect you and search for real victims to troll. trolls have their use, too, they trigger the shit out of those who carry shit to trigger, in order for it to show and be enventually set free.

if you become a target of a troll - i dont like people who call everybody who opposes their oppinion or their current be-lie-f systems narrative a 'shill'; shills are DS paid trolls that enter a discussion with the intent to instill doubt, fear, or division -, engaging woth tem will bring up your core wounds. good...

remember, whatever triggers us has its root inside of us, not in the other person who, intentfully or subconciously, rattles on the knife that sticks in our old wounds, perceivable to everybody who cares to focus their attention on it. if we feel hurt about something someone says or does, its an opportunity to encounter and heal the primary wound that made us allow for this to touch us now.

projection, blaming + shaming, wont help, its a waste of energy. the other person isnt responsible for our hurt; we are, because we perceive the world through a victim mind-set that invites the predators to feed on us.

the stirred up energy, mostly anger, is much more creatively utilzed for drawing boundaries, voicing our dis-consent, taking choices, and better aligning with our true nature.

trolling you beyond your tolerances

this will only happen if you engage in a way that invites more trolling. barking wont help. biting wont help. humor will help. admitting that racism and antisemitism are tools of the elite to keep us in check will make the voices that constanly shout 'fire!' search for a new target.

and if push comes to shove, blocking a user is easy all over most of voat. just not on anonymous 8chan-style QRV. as longs as that feature doesnt get changed - at least on each post, each user needs to have their individual user number -, i dont even much scan the comment section of the posts. too much trash. which is a pity, there are some gems for sure, i just dont want to search through the mudhole to find them.

low-quality posts and trolling are indeed issues when trolls from all lanes flood a sub that doesnt moderate. (sorry, my intent is to point out the flaws of the system, from my personal pov, not bashing QRV. curious to see this play out...)

maybe a call for community to engage with their voating powers? i am still not totally familiar with the power of this tool; i tend to upvote everything i like when its being presented in a reasonable or authentic way, even if it opposes my opinion, and downvote when i perceive trolling or otherwise manipulative intent.

interesting to watch this social experiment unfold, inside of myself and within this voat community... there is an element of truth in here that will awaken many more people. the bridge, the next step in the game.

old goats anchored the foundation of 'speak your heart and mind, and follow your own intelligence and resonance.' never mind if you are a reddit refugee of one of the former floods; if you have survived engaging here for more than 3 weeks, you are an old goat. dont doubt it. you may not be old to voat but old to free thinking.

nuff said... i talk too much today ;)

srayzie ago

I like his you used analogies. It puts it more into perspective.

Thrus2 ago

Congrats this is the first post out of Q land I have passed an upvoat on and the first I have knowingly commented in (sometimes I don't pay any attention to the sub I'm in). You are correct you came here, join or leave but don't expect the locals to adapt to all your ways it is a show of massive ego to decide they have what you want but you know how to use it better then they do so they should do as you want.

divine_human ago

Congrats this is the first post out of Q land I have passed an upvoat on and the first I have knowingly commented in

thank you for the flowers, they are grasciously being received <3

don't expect the locals to adapt to all your way

oh, some of the ways of the migrants may be quite enjoayble if they come along in an integrative way. i noticed many comments concerning the friendliness of new goats that may point to a nice energy boost for the over-all voat community. lets see how this is going to play out...

generally, you are perfectly right, from my pov; those who come need to adjust to what they find.

flexibility is our human super-power... it just requires some willingness...

divine_human ago

after following the comments here, i inserted an edit at the bottom of this post. love most of the comments here, btw, you people rock!

WhiteRonin ago

What I like about this is that is unity building but it shouldn’t be just about the boards/subs but people too. Yeah, voat hates it when when I say we need to include other races.

divine_human ago

it shouldn’t be just about the boards/subs but people to

fully agreed. every board consists of people who pour their information and energy into the shared space.

community building takes more time when there is no name and history attached to a post but only a random number. but what i hear from the chans, its possible.

and then, many people dont come for community building but for information only. QRV may be perfect for that.

srayzie ago

I also put a flair and will put it in the side bar!

divine_human ago

thank you, dear one <3

srayzie ago

Wow! Thank you. You explained all that better than I could have! Thank you for all the nice things you said about v/GreatAwakening! I’m going to add this to the Welcome Reddit Refugees sticky at the top!! Most newbies have been starting there!

WWG1WGA! 🇺🇸 <3

@Shizy @MolochHunter @PlankO @Kevdude

divine_human ago

You explained all that better than I could have!

srayzie, you were emotionally attached so you couldnt be clear and powerful ... who would not be disappointed, after having followed NR for months, even supported him financially, and then get smeared like this? its one harsh awakening; shedding illusions always hurts, sigh.

remember Q saying 'pain is coming'? it also counts for us awakening ones. the biggest pains happen when major cards get drawn from our card board house of be-lie-fs.

we humans are programmed to follow leaders. neon revolt used this leader-follower archetype to make himself a leader while people projected that onto him. when he began misleading - i noticed that around may/june -, most people moved into cognitive dissonance.

by now, NR has revealed his true colors. no matter whether he plays from the deep states or the narcissists playbook, he has repeatedly behaved like an asshole that instills doubt and division. realizing this hurts, esp. if you are the one serving as a projection screen for his shit.

you can also see it in a bright light, lol... you and this sub served as a tool to disclose his nature or role in this game. (he plays a guru game, if you ask me, and people feed into it.)

the attention of thousands of people got directed onto the issue, some of them aware critical thinkers; and as it happened on free-speech voat, under the eyes of old goats, and not on censoring-reddit; those voices were being heard and evaluated.

its thousands of people that got disillusioned in the process (and more require to^^) and thats a good thing. we are reminded of 'beware whom you follow'.

I’m going to add this to the Welcome Reddit Refugees sticky at the top!!

i feel honored, my lady <bowtoeachother>

i have been bathing in this chaos here for the past 2 weeks, heheh, while looking at it with a neutral eye. as an empath, my primary perception channel is feeling (note: feeling is not emotion but a sensation in body and energy field). i feel truth, perceive the underlying energies, their patterns and structures, before my mind finds rational explanations for it and ways to transmit it through words.

it took me all day to write these two post today; they had been percolating in me for a few days but the flow to write them didnt come, the timing wasnt right, the shit wasnt yet stirred enough, there was no call yet to put it into words. the day was today, cant help it, kavanaugh or not, it wanted to come up and out.

i am so done with all these fights! fucking stupid chaos crew playbook!

i commented to you the other day to fuck off NR; you dont need his apology or acceptance or approval or whatsoever, and neither that of QRV or TA. they dont need to point out that GA is also on voat, thats your job; a post on QRV and TA once a week that states 'these are the Q subs, and here is the address of the set that combines their feeds', or a link to a sticky post wont hurt.

keep doing what you do and the people who resonate with it will come. i heard a lot of encouraging feedback for you and how you take care of this sub, on this post and all over the sub.

there are some nice people here, and i noticed that old goats tend to comment here, not on the other Q subs. same as me, hihi; when i find something posted on all three subs at the same time, thus flood the v/all or s/GA feed, i tend to only comment on GA.

stop defending, gal, simply take you stand, thats all it takes! community loves you and the space you provide ...

you can feel blessed that GA is not the sub for hundreds of thousands of viewers and floods of trolls and brigades! quantity isnt important, quality is. and the chance for quality is higher on this sub here, at this point of time.

people here have your back so you can get over with the hurt. you carry the disillusion pain for a big chunk of the bigger Q community as you served as a stage where revelation happened; but you have the heart to draw the essence of this experience - trust betrayed, due to blind followerhip - and transmute it into sovereignty and 'shining your own light', for you and community.

may this sub also be a hub for having a watchful eye on Q and POTUS. blind followership is what brought us into the mess in the first place.

our job is not to replace one leader/hero/guru with another, our job is to follow our innate inner resonance and lead ourSelves.

as long as a 'leader' is in alignment with it, our support for him is well tuned and powerful. truth will shine. our hearts and minds and guts will tell.

when misleading happens, intentfully or in ignorance, we, as sovereign beings who think and choose for ourselves, have to call it out and take our stand. its that simple. drop followership, start leading yourself, be a model so others remember how to lead themselves.

ahh sorry, one of my long-winding days, lol, the result is walls of text... nuff said... love it here .. thanks for making this a nice place, srayzie <3

srayzie ago

Aww thank you for your encouraging words, AND for spending so much time putting these together. I put in the sticky AND the side bar where it says “Newbies start here.”

The reason I have felt the need to defend myself is because NR used his name, his platform, and his 8chan connections, and made a blog post totally misleading. I’ve reached out to the mods and even NR before I saw that post. Now even mods are slandering and lying about me.

My subscribers, before Reddit refuges arrived, know I don’t put up with bullshit. So I reached out more than once ONLY for Q and Trump. In another situation, I would have told them to go fuck themselves. But I sucked it up because I know this movement is far more important than our feelings on Voat. BUT, it’s not that simple.

When I started seeing the users from TA being treated like crap, and the mods causing division, then it becomes a lot more important. Even the mod on v/QRV called me a retart and another is accusing me and my mods of all kinds of terrible things.

If I set my feeling aside and look at the big picture. Since day one, they have done the opposite of what Q would want us to do. By causing division, they are actually affecting thousands of people. Where are they going to go if they get fed up? Most of the people are genuinely good patriots. When it comes to Q, I am 100% in. I want my kids to have a good future. I feel like now, while Trump is in office, is our last chance to take our country back.

Anyway, I have a ton more subscribers. Quality IS what’s important. But I want all subs to get together and focus on our common goal. Focus on what we’re here for. If you’re in it for the right reasons, then you’re not gonna let the deep state win after the Reddit censorship. If you care about the movement, you don’t let them succeed. You don’t let subs or platforms divide you. You unite.

They Want Us Divided.
Together We Are Strong.

How much more clear does Q need to be? So what am I to do? If I say something, people think I I’m butt hurt and want the numbers. If I don’t, I’m sitting by doing nothing while watching division rip us apart. Voat is small. I doubt Q even knew about Voat. So since we’re small and don’t have the 8chan connections that NR has and some of these mods, then I have no way to get Q’s attention. If they are coming compromised, we need to know before they divide us even more and somehow compromise Voat.

So seriously, I would forgive and forget if they apologized and got their act together. I just want us to focus. Get our act together. Stop with the power trips. It’s never bothered me that they made their own sub. As long as we unite while we can, then I’m happy. So that’s what sucks. Plus if people get fed up and leave because they have nowhere to go because they listened to the dishonesty being pushed by others, then instead of coming here, where we DO take things seriously, then they just give up.

I’m surprised more people aren’t fighting for what’s right. How can SO many people not see what is happening? How can they not see that everything Q has showed us and that we should stand for seems to have just been forgotten? How can so many people not see the same deep state tactics in NR that they saw in Jerome Corsi. Like you said, people become blinded over people that become big. Those are the most dangerous. They are by far a bigger threat because their fans listen to them.

I’m left with just believing it’s somehow going to work out. Hoping the truth comes to light. I’m just going to keep doing what I’m doing. I’m not giving up. People like you and your words of encouragement help keep me focused on the goal. So thank you very much! 🇺🇸❤️

You’ve only been here 6 months? You sure learned Voat well!

divine_human ago

I would forgive and forget if they apologized and got their act together. I just want us to focus. Get our act together.

honey, you are trapped if you rely on others changing something. it doesnt work out. we need to change ourselves, then others adjust to it or fuck off.

holding a grudge is like drinking poison and hoping that the other person is going to die from it.

forgiveness is not important for them but for you we dont forgive to make it easier for others but for ourselves. unburdening. asking someone for forgiveness is actually asking for a permission to forgive ourselves. and asking them to apologize is getting dependant on others for our wellbeing. thats BS, nobody is responsible for how we feel.

that being said, i am much more worried by people like NR who play the guru-game and manipulate their followership than by the former r/GA mods. with transparent mod logs, there is not much power abuse possible, at least not behind closed doors.

and just take it as the vibes of this time that lies and abuse dont work anymore as they did in the past; whatever nefarious shit the chaos crew sets up, eventually it backfires and the truth comes out.

just keep standing straight and making your point... this is not a popularity contest, this is simple a gorgeous playing field where people can choose which menu they like best.

You’ve only been here 6 months? You sure learned Voat well!

two weeks only, heheh... subscribed after CBTS got banned but didnt engage here until rystalnacht. two weeks of swimming in the voat pool and listening to what old goats say gave me a pretty good grip on how things work here and which underlying currents determine the playing field.

srayzie ago

Thank you. You’re a smart cookie. 🍪 My favorite kind. Chocolate chip. 😁❤️🇺🇸

TheBRAINz ago

Dude...GREAT post. Almost gave me a freedom boner. 8)

divine_human ago

heheheh, thanks for the new word in my vocabulary - non-english native -, the freedom boner cracks me up.

wallace_freedom ago

Remember God himself does not want the sheep among the goats.

"All the nations will be gathered before him, and he will separate the people one from another as a shepherd separates the Reddit sheep from the Voat goats." Matt 25:32 NVV - New Voat Version


You post this 1 hour ago in the MIDDLE of the Kavanaugh debacle? There is no more division. Why write a 10 page dissertation about healing division that no longer exists in the middle of the Kavanaugh crap? At home alone? A boring morning with the kids away? Sorry I just don't get it. This has niceties of course. But there is more going on today than healing fake division that no longer exists. Just my thoughts. I'm glad you got free speech to say yours too. Peace!

Hand_of_Node ago

Sorry I just don't get it.

At least that part is clear.

divine_human ago

the topic wont disappear just because everybody has a celebration day.


nuthin to celebrate

LibTearsNoBrakes ago

By invader behavior you mean old goats crying like bitches?

hangry ago

We don't call you "new goats." You are newfags, or Qcunts, or just plain niggers. You have to prove yourself before you are a goat.

hate_the_evil ago

I beg your pardon sir, I think you are forgetting "dicksucking niggerfaggot". Or was that one special for me?

Podd ago

you forgot kike.

hangry ago

If the shoe fits. You might be a special one.

hate_the_evil ago

I walked right into that one.

hangry ago

You will learn, grasshopper.

Old_longtooth ago

Well said. Maybe I'm wrong but I have been a lurker who comments on posts. I'm not into "take over" crap. Observe the old goat posts, observe the refugee posts. I comment on a post only too add not to take away. I want refugees to be polite.

harveytwo ago

Dare I say ''me too''?


Thats a lot of writing and copying just to kiss ass and farm.

Patriot4America ago

So true, and Great Post. I have been hazed in by old goats, and find them far more similar then different. I had heard that Voat was hate speech prior to being here, only to find that each point has logic and research behind it. I can think for myself, and so for me it's more of a merging of communities where we both have the opportunity to learn from each other-- without censorship. It is the American Way, with awakened Goats from around the World!

NeonQ ago

Very well stated.

WanderingTaurus ago

Eh, I think the majority of us have integrated well here at v/GreatAwakening and those who couldn't hack it left for safer spaces. I think this should be posted at QVR and TA though ;)

divine_human ago

agreed. posted it on GA because its my first preference. wanted to wait some time - in order to not flood v/all with it -, posted it now to QRV and will post it to TA later.

recon_johnny ago

So, first time I've seen the /s sub v. the /v sub.

What is the difference, and why created? I didn't catch that in the notes.

everlastingphelps ago

v/ is a subverse. It's a board.

s/ is a set. It's multiple /v board in one feed.

recon_johnny ago

Ok great. Thanks.

divine_human ago

@puttitout created this set, in order to make it easier for the Q-people in that in-fighting. actually, i perceived it a bit like big daddy who, tongue in cheek, put the two fighting children into one room to let them work things out, heheh. when QRV appeared on the scene, he integrated it with this set. thus, you dont need to go to each sub individually but get all of their feeds on s/GreatAwakening.

Stopmotionhistory ago

I change for NO ONE. I will not be one of the sheep who claim they are goats. THINK for yourself people.

olinneserpona ago

Good post indeed, I only have one issue with it.

New people and subs seem to traditionally get challenged with ‘free speech smears' so you will stumble upon a lot of ‘niggerfaggot’ and ‘it’s all the Jew’s fault’ stuff. It’s like a test: how politically correct and brainwashed are you? Are you fit for free-speech Voat or a ‘normie’? If you deal with it intelligently, it’ll stop after a few days. If you fight it or react with outrage, it will persist.

Nigger faggot can sometimes be a test yes, but the Jews? Lets have a chat about them.

Just look how much subversion has been going on for +100 last years., especially in Russia.

But that was the evil communists

They are evil alright

They even call themselves out::
Harold Wallace Rosenthal

It's even better when the bad ones(normal ones?) openly admitt what they are doing:
Thomas P.M. Barnett
Just look at what they are saying about you
No seriously, LOOK
Even the dead ones are attacked
You will still get to serve a purpose though

Those are just some bad apples(as if the fact they belong to the Jewish intellectual elite means nothing)

Lets read from the Talmud!

Us Judeo-Christians need to stick together, Israel is our greatest ally after all

Really? "Judeo-Christianity should be seen for what it is - another secular twentieth century fraud, manufactured for narrow political ends, it is extremely disrespectful to all true believers"

Manufactured for political ends
Israel greatest ally

Is it really a coincidence they have been kicked out of all these societies?. Why are they always kicked out? "Persecution!" you might say.
Okay then, why are they persecuted over and over again? What is the reason for persecuting them? Do you really think Jews are never to blame? Are you seriously telling me that 100% of the time the Jews dindu nuffin?

You ever wondered who control your mind?

No one controls my mind

Let me rephrase: ever wondered who controls the institutions which can controls peoples perception of reality?
Who is behind this co called fake news?

Which media houses has been pushing the 'Kavanough" is a bad man' meme?

Think Jew

Think Jews

Think Judaism

And before you give me that crap about how you know Jews that are nice people: I grew up with a Muslim guy. We were friends until we drifted apart as adults, not because of religion, but because that sometimes happen. Does this fact imply:
1. that Islam is a good or neutral religion for non Muslims?
2. that there really isn't a issue with Islam?
3. that people are really just Islamophobes for being against Islams strive for power in the West?

Or is it the doctrines of Islam and the actions & sayings of its leaders, both political and religious, that you should take into account?
Apply this logic to Judaism.

*I forgot to add this one. I have never heard the recording and I don't know anything about the credibility of, but if this is true I'd like all you Qtips to see it.

divine_human ago

Nigger faggot can sometimes be a test yes, but the Jews? Lets have a chat about them.

sigh, so absolutely off-topic for this post...

let me quickly respond to this: i am - and many Q followers are, but many more may be not - aware that many cabal heads are ashkenazi jews. they managed to steer society in a way that nowadays, you cant critizise them for their criminal acts anymore without being accused of antisemitism and shut down.

it doesnt mean that the everyday joe-jew is a criminal and responsible for the deep states atrocities. thus, trolling with 'its all the jews fault', without further elaboration as you give here now, is stupid; it doesnt discriminate, it only triggers the shit out of people.

olinneserpona ago

Lol, sigh.

You started off ok, but ended waist deep in shit.

If you think 'the Jews' is a reference to '100% of the population' and not 'leaders and elites' after reading this you got to be lowest IQ snarky bitch around. If you assume 'the Jews' is a reference to good guy Jews and not subversive filth you are either lying or you're dumb as a block of wood.

Lets break it down

it doesnt mean that the everyday joe-jew is a criminal and responsible for the deep states atrocities.

Strawman, nowhere is this implied. What is implied on the other hand is this:
"Those are just some bad apples(as if the fact they belong to the Jewish intellectual elite means nothing)." It's not implied actually, it is stated quite clearly.

You said you responded, which means you've read my comment, which again means you are deliberately lying here. Or are you really such a waste of life you believe elite = everyday joe-jew? Because if you do I apologize for not thinking you are all idiots.

Your next error:

trolling with 'its all the jews fault'

I've covered the 'all' part, but I will add it's the most common low tier strawmann. Trolling however, oh no, I am dead serious.

without further elaboration as you give here now, is stupid; it doesnt discriminate, it only triggers the shit out of people.

Why don't you throw in a microaggression while you're at it? I don't give a fuck if you slack jaw faggots(predator yes) are triggered by the truth. Isn't the search for truth you Qcumbers pride yourself in? If you can't handle data and quotes from the very people trying to destroy your society, your kids future and the world as we know it you have to go suck on a canister of ZyklonQ

Perhaps you didn't see this before I edited it in, but what I wrote above still stands.

And before you give me that crap about how you know Jews that are nice people: I grew up with a Muslim guy. We were friends until we drifted apart as adults, not because of religion, but because that sometimes happen. Does this fact imply:
1. that Islam is a good or neutral religion for non Muslims?
2. that there really isn't a issue with Islam?
3. that people are really just Islamophobes for being against Islams strive for power in the West?

Don't put 'regular joe kikes' between you and your cowardice, god damn faggot.

divine_human ago

you believe elite = everyday joe-jew

i dont.

not going to respond to the rest of your comment. your fricking bad manners that throw shit at everybody are nothing i want to engage with.

you may have some truth to spread, but if you dont speak a language that people want to actually listen and learn, all your effort is useless. and so is mine; we have very opposite approaches when it comes to encountering thruth so neither one of us can reach the other anyway.

wps9d0 ago

Thanks for writing that up. I like to lurk around the chans and I saw that Q was sending more people here. So I decided to come over and watch the shit show. Then I fell in Love with this place. There’s so much good information around here! Thanks for having me. I’m not a Q follower. I’m an independent operator. However I would be more than proud to stand next to anyone here in this fight against evil. You all have my support. -fellow patriot.

Blacksmith21 ago

We have guns at v/GA! That's the difference.


Quite Literally!

Arrvee ago

Don't be mistaken into believing that there is one singular Voat culture. We are several different communities that were banned from Reddit. Bumper-sticker groupthink gets upvotes but it gets you no closer to the truth. Collect evidence and think for yourself.

divine_human ago

agreed. a house with many individual rooms. however, free speech is the essence of Voat culture, from what i perceive, that expresses differently in different subs and people.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

the real voat culture is just a dedication to free speech, everything else comes after

OutragedForNoReason ago

From an OG, well said.

kalgon ago


neveragainfatty ago

It's this simple for older goats. Block QRV and theawakening. GA gets more than enough posts to All to keep you in the loop about Q stuff and it was the default set up by goats so I support it more than the other 2.

This will restore your newsfeed to normal.

What I want is the Downvoats to stop. They aren't for 'you hurt my feelings' or 'I think you are an asshole.' They are for disinformation.

The subverse set is there for when you want to dig in to something more.

Phantom42 ago

I downvoated.

This is for disinformation.

Have a nice day.

neveragainfatty ago

Blow yourself cuck

KryptoKoins ago

What I have noticed on Voat is most people are fighting for the same thing. Even people that think all Q-Tards are stupid still want to take down the deep state. I may have fought back at first because that is what i am a fighter but when I realized that this was an organic natural reaction to rid the site of brainwashed normies I went along and took the shit that was dished out. And know I will forever be a Goat this site Represents TRUE FREE SPEECH. Sometimes people might say vile rotten things but It is up to us to sort out what we believe and trust. Welcome all new Goats and thank you to the Old Goats for showing us the way.

crazy_eyes ago

fuckin niggers

divine_human ago

love your comment, similar sentiments here...

stock777 ago

Great post, as a newbie to both, it is appreciated.

LostandFound ago

You might notice the lack of trolling in non anon subs. The only anon subs here prior to the integration were all utilised by paid shills to post cnn links etc.

So this is pretty new setup, though top credit to the mods like two posts taken down for voat farming is pretty decent overall considering the level of shite he had thrown at you.

Major concerns for us now are the sheer number of duplicate and low energy posts. We pride ourselves on providing detailed well linked, took me more than 10 seconds to make this, posts .. if its not just a direct link. No imgur links please it relays tracking info to reddit / prism.

Other areas of problem integration are voat generally abhors following someone blindly... which is kinda whats happening. Post a Q critique and get blasted. DJT has had an impressive run so far but we are no fools, george soros feathered Donalds family with as much cash as Hillary. Donalds face is on the new shekel. Donals family are all jewish now. So while we support his actions to date, actually most are having the time if their life with the liberal salt we cannot allow ourselves to be hoodwinked into an even worse position.

We have a right to be sceptical and were all going to have to get along. Q put you here for a reason and I think we all know what that reason was, the challenge of our lifetimes is not the demoncrats its who pulls the strings for both parties, its the question your not allowed to ask anywhere else.

divine_human ago

No imgur links please it relays tracking info to reddit / prism

can you please name accepted alternatives? there is, what else is there?

Major concerns for us now are the sheer number of duplicate and low energy posts.

i sense that when going through v/all. its an invasion, repetitive to the maxx, and annoys the crap out of me, too. 20 posts on kavanaugh on each of the 3 subs, heh? cant people look at what has already been posted and chime in there instead of creating a new post for every fart? grrrrr.

personally, i decided to post pure information only on QRV and move with stuff that i want to deeper discuss to GA. TA is pretty much out of the picture. i simply expect Q-people to go to the combined sub s/GreatAwakening or view v/all so they wont miss anything.

Post a Q critique and get blasted.

yep. seems like most people havent learned to discuss with people of other opinion in a civil mature way. the interview between jordan sather and An0maly could be a good teaching here.

Other areas of problem integration are voat generally abhors following someone blindly

heheh, i so get it! exchanging one leader against another but staying following sheep. arghhh. lots of work to do here...

we cannot allow ourselves to be hoodwinked into an even worse position.

i get that, too. we need to stay awake and flexible so we really become sovereign and not exchange one swamp against a possible other one.

Q put you here for a reason and I think we all know what that reason was, the challenge of our lifetimes is not the demoncrats its who pulls the strings for both parties, its the question your not allowed to ask anywhere else.

there ye go... its not left vs. right, its about swamp vs. everybody else. lets see whether or not these questions are allowed to ask here^^...

srayzie ago

I made this list of image hosts...


Imgoat is the best but messed up right now. We like the ones that expand and open within the thread, instead of having to go to an external site.

divine_human ago

thank yozu, srayzie <3 tried to edit it into OP but the 10000 character limit hit me, heheh...

LostandFound ago

Thanks for your reply, I would respond in more detail but I am on the move right now. Just good to know that I am not alone in my thoughts on this. Things are dying down now thankfully and we all seem to be interacting a bit better. I asked the new Qs to chip in a few quid and I think it raised a grand or two so they can stay theres just more house training to do.

Alts to imgur, imgflip imgbb tinypic - im sure goats will throw up a valid objection to most of those on some level but its just a means to an end really!

divine_human ago

Just good to know that I am not alone in my thoughts on this.

i take it that a majority of the Q-people align with your take when you explain it. its the few self-proclaimed 'leaders', trolls, and whiners who sream foul every step on the way.

Alts to imgur, imgflip imgbb tinypic

ty for the hints. i received a heavy 'dont sent us to imgur, dumbass!' and learned my lesson, heheh.

thing with imgoat is that you cant paste the screenshot into it but need an image software. as i dont want to start photoshop every time i press the 'print' key, i go to imgur first, let it create the img, and use the given link to upload to imogat them. a bit of a pain in the ass, but if it keeps surveillance eyes off of Voat, i am ready to take the effort.

Hand_of_Node ago

Imgoat has been down for me for a couple weeks. I suspect it had to do with that CP someone kept posting.

NoisyCricket ago

Post a Q critique and get blasted.

That's not really true. What has been happening is that people have falsely believed they are critiquing but because they are entirely ignorant of the facts (as they pertain to Qanon and the surrounding facts), everything they state is partially or completely false. What happens to posts around here when people post things which are partially or completely false and in an antagonistic tone? They get blasted. Rightfully so.

Because many older goats have decided to arrogantly take an antagonistic tone while refusing to research/learn, many have become the very thing they believe they are attacking. Many of the older goats here (of which I am, contrary to the age of this account), should be asking questions and learning rather than assuming they know everything. In their rage fits they are failing to understand that this is an opportunity for both camps to learn from each other. They are being huge faggots in assuming only they have information to share.

SkyeVeritas ago

Thanks for the explanation about imgur links; I had wondered why they were not welcome here.

Hand_of_Node ago

But it is a problem that all the other hosts keep going down. Imgoat went down around the invasion, or just before, but is working.

KryptoKoins ago

Q said they were saving Zionist Israel for last maybe this is the beginning of that we need more eyes on the Jews. These are the most powerful people behind the scenes we never heard of. 9/11 alone was all I needed to know what the Jews are about. But this is the Synagogue of Satan and The Evil Roman Catholic Empire we are against Islam too is controlled by these same people. We if not careful may usher in the age of the Anti-Christ with standing applause and not even know it.

TonyVilla89 ago

I'm pretty sure Q said that to keep the Anti-Jew crowd sedated and on board.

You don't save the biggest threat for last. For fucks sake, Trump's daughter married a Jew.

I support the Q movement, but it's obvious the Anti-Jew crowd is being strung along.

hangry ago

16 days and you have us all figured out. Shazam!

LostandFound ago

I just pray we're not falling for a pied piper strategy, corraled into one space waiting for the winds to break which never comes. This is exactly the kind of D & C strategy they would employ.

Underdogreg ago

I couldn't agree with you more fellow Goats, I feel like we are in Revelation now, the Revelation 12 sign passed, the four blood moon, the eclipse and so much more the use Father in Heaven has shown. I like that everyone tries to practice discernment. I had doubt about the President and still listen for the guiding of the Holy Spirit so that I (WE) are not fooled. Peace be with everyone.

Emperor_Jack_Tunney ago

Pretty good write up. But if you're interested in the truth you'll find out a lot of the Jews stuff is true(just look at everyone involved with the Blassey Ford bullshit, everyone around her was a hebe). I used to think the Q shit was all bullshit, but there have been some coincidences I'm not comfortable with. The fact Q sent you here says he wants you to learn the truth. A lot of people can't handle the truth, it's not pretty. A lot of shit on here is trolling too. Lurk more.

obvious-throwaway- ago

As the Jewish media attempts to write our history: Kavanaugh is a gang rapist. Trump is a treasonous rapist who pees on hookers. Hitler was...

It's time for people to wake up.

MosheSchnozenstein ago

Don't be antisemetic! Just because we are doing a soft invasion of Europe doesn't mean that it is malicious. If you reject the beauty of the lost tribe of Israel, you're being antisemetic. They are just too beautiful to come here...

OptimusPrime4 ago

They think they are too beautiful and better than us gentiles. That is the worst sort of divisiveness and can be related to the idea that their genes need to be preserved and our genes are not worthy. The annunaki have them under such strict and ugly control through so many levitical rules, it takes quite an epiphany to break that spell.

KindMimi53 ago

Think Jews vs. Pharisees who killed Jesus... that really puts it into perspective for me. Pharisees never wanted to give up THEIR power, either.

Karmalita57 ago

As a survivor of the tribe of Benjamin and a BA follower of J.C. This shit is crazy. First above all I am an American Patriot. Let’s get this party started! Fuck the Pharisees too! They killed OUR Lord, but it had to happen. Now we have a larger family.

everlastingphelps ago

The jews who didn't kill Jesus are Christians now.

MosheSchnozenstein ago

I find that story antisemetic. They are correctly saying that the ONLY people Jesus showed violence towards was the Jews! Not the Romans that killed him, but the money changers in the temple. I get verklempt when I hear that story. It makes me feel uneasy with the overt racism, like even Jesus thought that we were shekel grubbing.

KindMimi53 ago

Just pointing out that there are good and bad in Every group of people.

MosheSchnozenstein ago

Some groups just have many more bad than good.

Blacksmith21 ago

I rename you Moshe Lightningrod

MosheSchnozenstein ago

The Nazis put us to death with lightning! We made a movie about it. I am calling the ADL and they will get every shekel Blacksmith21 has!

Blacksmith21 ago

Ensure all the Jews get their cut of the secret shekel stash!

Blacksmith21 ago

Scrooge McDuck. I like Gladstone Gander better. As they say, it's better to be lucky than good.

MosheSchnozenstein ago

Touche mein Dude... Touche.

GranimalSnake ago

Mahzle toff to you good troll. You bring joy to everyone.

Hashpothead ago

QinUK, When will the clearance spread to UK, we have Pedavore and Pedophile Royals and politicians and probably the same catagories as you. Music, Business, Political, Film&TV. So can I ask "Q" when do we get too see the Adrenochrome user`s here outed?

divine_human ago

its world-wide, but it start in the US. dont you see that it already spready? so many call-outs on pedos recently, also over here in europe. its up to us to join the cause, i would say; the Q group which seems to basically consist of US military folks is responsible for america, not for europe.

NoisyCricket ago

QinUK, When will the clearance spread to UK

Q has already stated that it will be USA -> Asia -> UK -> ... -> Israel.

When you see countries such as NK and Iran that are walking the right road then you'll know it's time for the UK.

bb22 ago

Whenever it happens it will be glorious, because the Queen is the head bitch and she’s going down with them. Cromwell had a shitty republic because he was a Puritan asshole (our Yankees were Puritans, the original SJWs, witch burners etc.) and allowed the Jews back into England, but I’m sure you guys could run a better republic today.