Basballdude ago

Since I don’t have enough ccp to post, i thought I’d try contacting someone high up like yourself to ask the question:

Is it possible to change the graphic of POTUS in the upper right with him holding the Q+ card? We know that symbolisym means everything, and now we show Q+ with an illuminati sign, which is the covering one eye. I know it seems picky, but it is what it is... a symbol, to which they worship.

Not looking for upvotes, just making sure we’re pure here and not getting a littlt leaven that will spoil the loaf.

srayzie ago

I replied to your PM

QeepResearching ago

Thanks for keeping all the Dots connected QArmy!!


srayzie ago


TurquoiseLover ago

Hi All, nice to be here. I'm an old customer from way back so I've been in the ditches for a long time and have been banned from every MSM in the world.

srayzie ago

Awww. Well welcome! 🇺🇸

buildingbetter ago

Although it is part of the plan for patriots to demand justice publicly, please do not comment "nothing is happening". If you Lurk long enough you will see so much has been happening it is hard to wrap ones head around. Those who make the negative comment will most likely be classified a shill. It goes unsaid, we all want justice as soon as possible.

truthguzzler ago

Glad to find these different from reddit.

realscience ago

Thanks for the explanation.

VinceLyrian ago

Hey all you wokens! The Storm is on! - Language is an amazing, evolving thing. A thing that can be used to communicate, even secretly, through code. I've enjoyed the Q movement not only because I agree with the sentiment, but also because I admire the use of language as a counter-weapon to what has otherwise been weaponized by the left. The progressive infection of ideas and thought with a globalist agenda has found an amazing vehicle in the redefinition of words, political correctness and the like. Remember when being gay meant being happy? Remember when the rainbow had nothing to do with an agenda driven flag? How many times have words like vitriol or malarkey been appropriated by the left for the purpose of an MSM concert of virtue signals? The brilliance of Q is orders of magnitude deeper and smarter than this pernicious agenda and I fully trust The Plan, because I know I am watching a war being fought right in the arena that the enemy created. We have jumped their battlements and are fighting steps away from their thrones people! QAnons loaded, meme salvos away! - The Storm is on!

SearchVoatBot ago

This submission was linked from this v/GreatAwakening submission by @Francewhoa.

Posted automatically (#14748) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

SearchVoatBot ago

This submission was linked from this v/QRV submission.

Posted automatically (#14746) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

SearchVoatBot ago

This submission was linked from this v/QRV comment by @15670853.

Posted automatically (#14739) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

MonQeyShine ago

good info here. Thanks.

john1776 ago

Hello fellow patriots...looking to find a home here... for doing Q research...peace

i_dicked_cheney ago

HI GUYS! Long time lurker, first time poster... LOVE THIS PLACE. GOD BLESS YOU PATRIOTS

Q4life ago

What's up everyone check this video out it's awesome. Everyone should see it.

Q4life ago

Good morning Patriots. Im new around here.

Fletch2015 ago

I am very curious about the nature of the 11/11/18 seismic 17 second cycle event.

If you discover more data on this event please share it with me.



srayzie ago

That was very interesting. I bet you there’s a thread dedicated to that on 8chan. I’ll check it out.

infantry2013 ago

Thanks for the info

Dandelions7 ago

Thanks! Gathering much information to wake people up! The problem is some people can't be woke.

"You cannot wake someone who is pretending to sleep" -Cherokee Native

anonsupporter ago

Im both new to voat and new to the Q phenomena. I was wondering if someone could take the time and maybe fill me in. I have so many questions. Who is Q? when did Q start being a presence? I guess this might not be the best place to ask these questions but I don't know where else to start.

srayzie ago

Welcome! Did you read this?

Here is a video as well.

I can get you more if you’re interested.

anonsupporter ago

Thank you. The video was very informative. Guess I'll go back to lurking like suggested.

srayzie ago

What do you mean go back to lurking like suggested?

anonsupporter ago

In the video he suggested that if someone was new to Q to "lurk" the chans to learn about what was going on before joining the conversations. I thought it was decent advice.

srayzie ago

Oh ok. I was afraid I made you feel that way. The Chan’s can be pretty hard to understand if you aren’t used to it. You can lurk Voat too. It’s easier.

SouthDakotaVet ago


poopoopoopoo ago

Hey, I am new to voat. I don't know how (yet) to create a new topic, but has anyone else thought that "The storm" might have partial reference to deep state controlled weather machines to go in effect after the hammer drops?

Nadir12 ago

There is some great info here if you look around various subs etc. Only had my other acct on here a month and then VOAT wouldn't accept my password. I didnt have a bunch of CCP points so today after I basically just browsed on my Wormhole11 acct. So I made the new one and I'm ready to get more involved, Dark To Light.

srayzie ago

Awesome! Glad to hear that!

TippyHome ago

Swayzie, this is nice what you did for newbies! Thankfully I figured out what I could over there on pg, but the stuff from 4chan and 8chan for Q I had no clue. Right now I'm praying for FL and AZ, but I always pray for y'all over in Cali. I love LA, Long Beach and San Diego, and it would be wonderful if IG could be Reagan's Cali. again.

srayzie ago

Thank you! Oh do you know me from when I was on pizzagate? Yeah 4chan and 8chan aren’t the easiest sites to navigate. It took me a while to figure it out. Every day that Q posts, I make a post like this. I put the screenshots at the top and try to make it easier for you guys to learn how to use it. Well thank you for praying for Cali. We sure as hell need it! I’m surrounded by a bunch of liberal nutcases!

TippyHome ago

Sure I know you from pg. Carmencita, Molochunter, bopper and Blacksmith21 were some who I followed extensively, in addition to you. It angered so badly that ppl couldn't look at cpp, and realize something wasn't even remotely right about that place. What normal logical parent would take their children to the "concerts" and someplace where demons are painted on the walls? Those freaky beads, the beautiful child who no one can determine the whereabouts, the strange coded e-mails exposed by Wikileaks. Then, the next year after the 2016 disclosure we realize Pres Trump Has told us they know and something will be done. Viva the Grest Awakening!

Bearhunter1 ago

Attention Anons. I am not a computer wizard and suck at the research. However, I have been following Q since the onset. I see that some people have tried a GoFundMe for the wall. They fell terribly short. Not enough followers, not a loud enough voice. I don't have enough up votes to post on VOAT. I was dumb and took a big hit from the start. Anyway, I think if Q is OK with the idea, we have a large voice...500 thousand or so to spread the word. Time for WE THE PEOPLE to build the wall? WWG1WGA! I will post this under several others posts and hope we can take off. So, if Q agrees, let’s start a Q anon GoFundMe “BUILD THE WALL”

MadWorld ago

Don't be a nigger and go scam someone else on eddit!

Crensch ago

Fuck off, Jew fag. Anyone paying attention knows that GoyFundMe would just steal all that money and not send it to where it needs to go. Also the idea is stupid and you should neck yourself.

srayzie ago

I don’t think that’s a good idea. No thank you.

srayzie ago

This seems very fishy to me. See parent posts...
See parent @Vindicator @Think- @Crensch @Kevdude

Bushpilot ago

Patriot in training.

PeachyPatriot ago

Looking for the actual 8chan link that Q drops on. Anyone able to drop it in comments? Thanks

StalkinYerMa ago

Please tell me this will be my new home, still feel lost from r/GA getting shut down

tenebrisadlucem ago

  1. Anybody else having trouble posting on 8chan. Lately, My posts don't show up. Any insight would be helpful.
  2. How do you know if someone has responded to your 8chan post?

hankkimball ago

Thanks for having us. Ever since the big purge, I have been a wandering refugee. I have been mostly reading Q drops unfiltered at Qmap. Or at least until Q went silent. I have found myself coming to this place more and more lately and this appears to be where I will mostly come for my interaction with my fellow patriots. I want to say thanks to srayzie and the other mods for their hard work.


Libertyisgood ago

Thanks so much for the sub!

srayzie ago

Thank you for being here!

gr8tinfo ago

Thank you for all the info!

ispeakfreely ago

Possible reddit refugee here.

Over at /v/theawakening I see hate for "negroes" and calling them "niggers", that subverse has over 12000 subscribers.

I was disappointed to see such things. I am asking this subverse, is this something you condone? A little digging here I see no racism. But I want to directly ask you for confirmation. I am trying to understand the rising movement and what this movement stands for.

srayzie ago

Since it is free speech, yes. There is probably no subverse you will find on this sub that doesn’t allow free speech. There is the option to block their profile. People have really adapted well in this sub. I will just warn you. If you start complaining about people’s language, you will be attacked. I think that’s why Reddit Refugees adapted so well in this sub. We warned them what it was like and most have been awesome about it and embraced it loving their own freedom. Ones that complained were run out. You won’t get people to change their minds. It’s the price we pay. Trust me, especially as a mod and a female, I am called everything under the sun. You learn to get over being called names and ignoring things like that. You will hear about Jews the most tho. Jews are pretty much hated.

MykaLove ago

I am so having Q withdrawal and worry. Hoping all is well. Godspeed.

Curioustriplet ago

Since this is a post for newbies can I directly ask for votes to get posting rights. Please and Thank you! 🇺🇸🙏✌️

Patriot17Maga ago

Thank you for this. Been slowly learning my way around here.

srayzie ago

You’re welcome!

CorinneB ago

Srayzie, thanks so much for the ‘Begin Here’ post, it is really helpful! I was a refugee from Reddit, found Voat too much work, so I left, was encouraged by SB2 to return. Couldn’t remember my login so I’m starting afresh with new account. I was apprehensive until I read your ‘Begin Here’ post, it explains how to use Voat and I love all the links. Please leave it stuck at the top so I can find it again and all those great links. Wish me luck with grasping Voat this time around! Cheers!

srayzie ago

I’m glad you’re here! I’ll leave it up. Let me know if you need help with anything. SB2 is awesome.

CorinneB ago

He/She sure is!


Anyone who disagrees with the German and EU governments will be defamed and fought as a Nazi by them and the paid Antifas of Soros. It is terrible. We are flooded daily with foreigners from Arabia and Africa, who stab our citizens in large numbers and rape and kill our women. What we urgently need is a word from President Trump to assure us that he is on the side of the German patriots.

knarnia ago

Just stopping in to say Great Job on the subverse formatting. Looks great and very easy to read. I prefer night mode but daytime mode is also good. ThanQ

srayzie ago

Thank you!

Doberman1 ago

So, what happens if the mid-terms election results go blue, due to massive voter fraud and the fraudulently elected Dems won't recuse themselves from office?

nan_ren ago

Surprised this got no response. It's a worry of mine, too. Not just the issues that you raise but also, do we have the numbers that we think we do? There are a lot of people receiving help/benefits/gifts from the Dems who wouldn't get it if we ran things. There are a lot of other people who are still flat out misguided, too.

And if the results do go blue, when you've got all these people saying it is a lock, will a lot of our brothers and sisters give up and go back to sleep? Part of me thinks that shills are trying to make us overconfident for that reason.

It's OK to be confident, in fact great to be confident. But I want the results to be in the bag before declaring victory. Clinton supporters thought they would get a landslide too and we've got thousands of videos of them looking like complete fools on election night.

TrueSeeker777 ago

i like your page header!!!

srayzie ago

Yay thank you!

TrueSeeker777 ago

your welcome Patriot

gobbledygook ago

not eligible to post yet. maybe you would be so kind to take this up. why isn't one of the Q subs represented in the heading of Voat subs list. Great Awakening, QRV and Awakening all have more subscribers than tv, sports, Goats, religion. surely one of these Q subs deserves to be represented. thankyou for listening. WWG1WGA

SnapAwake ago

Quick question: when and why did q move off 8ch /greatawakening and move to /patriotsfight ?

srayzie ago

He didn’t. He has 2 boards. PatriotsFight is his private board that only he can post on. The other is QResearch That’s where he posts when communicating with the anons.

AmericanRev ago

Thanks for all your dedication and research. Trust the Plan!

LoriGatlin ago

You tube is shutting down all things conservative. Tried to view videos from conservative news outlets, The Patriot Hour and Dustin Nemos. When I clicked on them, I got a black screen and error message. I am new here, so will take a bit to look around. Glad I found you right away!

cantaloupe6 ago


Qstorm ago

Q was right!!

Senate votes 53-47 to defeat Saudi Arabia arms deal block

I thought it was the confirmation, but was wrong... Go Q

solidtxson ago

how does one get to the required ccp points?

WeirdSceince ago

OMG.. so you cant post until you get upvotes and the only way to get upvotes is to say not to ask for upvotes!?! HAHA

RightSideUp17and6 ago

Just say your piece and march on. Every voat I have received has been by simply commenting. I have not put up a post yet, takin' my time to learn. Now if ya get in a hurry and try to push the river, it will slow you down. Also I have not changed how I speak to please anyone, in turn I of course respect others inherent right to express themselves as they see fit. This is my rudimentary understanding of what Voat is all about.

ThoughtConnector7 ago

Thank you from another newbie. There are a lot hoops to jump through just so I can share info with others. Arg!

RightSideUp17and6 ago

We are all learning. Hoops to jump will cull those who have less patience. This is a new culture to learn including the vital importance of free speech here, etc. Hang in there and we will continue to gain ground. Welcome, Patriot!

ThoughtConnector7 ago

Thank you for the pep talk. I will persevere.

qanon1776 ago

Thank you for helping a newbie learn their way around the culture of the site.

RightSideUp17and6 ago

You are welcome, but actually, i am not an old goat here. I just am immersing myself to learn as much as i can pretty fast. Ya gotta thank the goats who have already established this platform, and who wrote such as stated above in the original post. I certainly will share what little i know as i walk this road. Bring your heart and mind to the table, in a good way, because we need all the fighters we can get. In this realm, speaking the truth and not having to punch someone in the face is the real fight. Tho' God knows whenever that might arise, as so much is stirrin' up. Any one can swing a punch, this trek is much much more difficult. Keepin' the high road, for our future.... QWW

solidtxson ago

glad to be here, just saw VP Pence's speech on the Hudson institute vid. made me make account. possibly a good idea to do a deep dig on china,seen a lot of omnivorous news about then lately.

showtime_Q_ ago

thank you

Akcoldrobot ago

My dr/provider/healer asked me repeatedly if I am a trumpster. I will not deny. She is against republicans. She knows where I live as do everyone in the office. Being a baker I know how to tell if other look on my facebook who are not on my friends list nor friends of friends. I kept fb for family and friends.

I posted publicly to q and POTUS and whitehats bakers who may be there.

I realize as a nation it is their right to look on social media on their time. I blocked them now BTW.

My issue is with asking repeatedly if I am a trumpste. I am disabled and need these visits.

Never before have I felt in danger until that moment. My hope is there be a law enacted forbidding the asking of political questions in a Dr or any provider/patient setting. Whether or not there is a fee charged etc.

I did anon report to the foundation. I know you would be able to see who I am and follow my phone recordings I hope to that visit as the provider was paranoid and had her phone not paid for the fema alert.

I'm not asking favors. Just bringing to light how this govt employee was using a private setting to try to find out patient political party. What else is going on to other disabled people under this part of the foundation?

Thank you Disabled baker in AK. As a new fag to site I am unable to post as of yet. That is my reason for posting this here. If a mod wants please move to correct place. I feel this should come to q, POTUS attention.
Thank you mods for any and all help.

srayzie ago

Do you mean that this person did look at your Facebook and isn’t normally a friend on there? Can you see if they will give you a different person to care for you? I think in almost all cases, people are just being nosey.

Akcoldrobot ago

The others in that office did look. I blocked them. I realize that can't be helped. I took off all public posts.
Her asking if I am a trumpster during visit is my issue. Everyone in that part is not for trump. I have tried other provider/healers it seemed she was the only effective one. The fb thing I realize can't be fixed, the asking of political parties I think should be regulated in govt paid settings.

cantaloupe6 ago

Use not facebook

Akcoldrobot ago

i definitely tried. my friends and family wont migrate. it is unreal. so i deactivate and use the messenger to keep in touch. i did like minds until they started massive sensoring to myself and others. it had potential until the sensoring.

srayzie ago

Yeah I don’t think they should ask either.

MykaLove ago

Thank you. New to this - still trying to fill out my bio; be able to post; newbie innocent in all ways. Will figure it out. Ty :)

ThoughtConnector7 ago

You and me both. It's a bit frustrating, but I will strive on.

WeirdSceince ago

how do i add a meme? no paperclip "add photo" thing...

BetweentheGreennBlue ago

You know, VOAT is getting pretty moldy for me. Been here since the great migration. I started commenting, and had my CCP (interesting acronym...) up to 7. Next day it was down to 4. What happened? No idea. Commenting, browsing, reading, commenting, replying. Can't participate. Pretty cliquey it seems.

Does anyone think this will take off, or is it an exclusive club?

SnapAwake ago

There are so many cunts around here. Ironically it's not the Chan's but they often act like it is.

Anyway if you go to the QVR group it's all anonymous so at least you don't get battered and then followed around and battered some more if you "didn't do your fucking research, you Jew!" Smh.

Freedom of speech is great. Some of the assholes I see around here? Not so much.

BetweentheGreennBlue ago

Thanks for your reply! One more normal human being to add to the VOAT list. :)

SnapAwake ago


libertyvs ago

I've been on voat for ... a couple of years? Haven't used it that much, or consistently, but have appreciated it and have not found it 'cliquey', but I'm not on enough to know. Basically - other than getting over the # of comments hurdle, it works just fine. Glad Q is using it. Not an exclusive club -- and if it is, that's done now.

BetweentheGreennBlue ago

But getting over that seemed next to impossible, until another anon similar in personality to you took kindly to me, and upvoted all my comments. If that's what it takes. Sheesh.

But, maybe it's like hanging out at the club. You meet the morons first, but it takes time to get to know the keepers.

Redcobra ago

I fuckin argued with some old goat, went from 43 to 7 in 5 mins. Oh ya it was over grammar lol. At any rate pick your battles,and don’t expect any support from the goats till they’ve seen you around a while.

BetweentheGreennBlue ago

I'm beginning to care less. Some things aren't worth fighting for. In my opinion, and I ain't the only one, Voat is a leaky water toy. It takes way too much energy to keep pumping up the air.

Xfilerone1 ago

So freedom isn't worth fighting for?? Freedom of speech, freedom of you and your fellow Patriots, freedom of a civilized AMERICA?? Yes it's hard sometimes but think about the American men and women of the armed services that are giving a hell of alot than any of us. Let that sink in and then tell me how HARD it is.

SnapAwake ago

Haha. This is such dumb shit.

BetweentheGreennBlue ago

Wow. You sure jumped the shark in a hurry. If fighting to stay in VOAT equals fighting for freedom of all you mentioned, we're doomed. It's one blip in an ocean of ideas and places to speak. And then, hey, there's real life, where I get to write real letters to real leaders, or meet in my community to express ideas, or fight for the right to run a business or worship where I want. That doesn't happen in VOAT, so take a pill. It's a weird way to start out on a site and express ideas, when some idiot can simply come along and beat you into the ground before you start. It's nuts.

srayzie ago

Probably shills. It will get better. I had to go thru it. Don’t give up

BetweentheGreennBlue ago

I see you're doing well. Good work. I'm not sure I have the motivation to care. I'm finding my "crowd" in other places without having to go through a hazing ritual by a bunch selective inbreeding, you excluded.

srayzie ago

What do you mean by “crowd”? People have come together really well in my opinion. Especially when you consider how many new people have shown up lately.

BetweentheGreennBlue ago

Maybe the first crazy response, swearing at me, sets the precedence. You and a couple of others help revert that. Creeping towards 10, and then being downvoted to 4, is a huge negative. You would think people would upvote to "welcome" the newbies in.

Jury's out. I'll keep wandering in and out. Gab has way more life right now.

srayzie ago

I’m sorry. I went thru it. It took less than a week! I wouldn’t give up.

Gofer1 ago

It's moldy because you are! Fucking get involved! Look to other subs of interest and comment to get CCP if that's what you want. But, if CCP is your goal solely so you can post your own shit, we probably don't want to hear it. It'll be duplicate and shallow and won't follow posting rules. No spine and no place for meat.

BetweentheGreennBlue ago

Get involved......hmmm. Your "greeting" just makes me want to "get involved".... As for posting "shit" that's up to you to decide. But if you can't see it, you can't smell it, can you. As for no spine, you know squat.

Gofer1 ago

Thank you! I'd learned most of this the hard way but it's great info. Just hope those noobs that need to read it do.

ValiMAGA ago

This is my main source of news now. Today things are really looking up if you check out the latest Q posts.

Gofer1 ago

Mine as well. There are a lot of good subs here on a really wide variety of topics.

ValiMAGA ago

I haven't looked past the two Q sub's. Can you recommend any? I'll browse around later.

Gofer1 ago

All noobs should subscribe to v/askvoat, help, and news. SoapboxBanhammer is great but not for the faint of heart and mind. Pizzagate. Today i learned. And I'm a prepper, so I joined the prepper group. But, go look and lurk! The more time I spend here the more I appreciate the platform and how it works.

12814 ago

Welcome Fellow Anons,

i would like to encourage all of you who use Facebook, Twitter and Co. with QPOST 2191: Q !!mG7VJxZNCI 17 Sep 2018 - 11:55:09 PM: Attention on deck. Memes at the ready. Lock on target. Fire at will. Q

We have only 4 and half weeks left until 6th Nov 2018, let´s meme the hell out of Facebook, Twitter Co.


TimberGhost ago

Just join in and comment. What not take long to get the CCP 10. To post it n your own. Good luck and welcome Patriots!! Just got my 100 CCP. Guess I’m a new goat now?


Hey congrats! I'm just getting started and trying figure out all of differences between voat and reddit.

One thing that has me confused, when I sort by 'new' it does not actually sort chronologically. I'm getting months-old posts at the top. Where is the best place to ask questions about how to navigate this site?

Fletch2015 ago

What does CCP mean? I could not send a message because it was not "at least 10 CCP".

onlybat ago

Thank you for the information, I was wondering how to get the 10 CCP

TimberGhost ago

Welcome Patriot!

ThoughtConnector7 ago

Thanks for the advice on getting to 10 CCP.

TimberGhost ago

Your welcome Patriot!!

oldlady ago

I guess I would need 100 CCP to post a pic with my comment?

TimberGhost ago

Might need to post a link to the pic

TimberGhost ago

Post a link to the pic

srayzie ago

Yay! You made it!

TimberGhost ago


frubious ago

Thanks for the tip! I am onto a crumb - if it checks out who should I pass it to?

TimberGhost ago

You got me there.

Mumbleberry ago

PSA: Don't ask for upvoats, you won't like what happens.

nanido ago

Thanks for letting me know.

Mumbleberry ago

Eat shit, q-tard

nanido ago

What a petty insignificant person you are that you have to search up all my comments to downvoat me. I feel sorry for anyone who's around such negative person like you.

Mumbleberry ago

Q-tard tears are delish

nanido ago

Keep on dreaming that any of your filthy actions can have any affect on my state of being :). The tears are on you.

nanido ago

LOL, no thanks. Shit is only reserved for you.

onlybat ago

Thank you for information.

Mumbleberry ago

Also, bad grammar and spelling will get you down voted.

onlybat ago

Thank you. I will correct my other post

FatFloppinHorseCock ago

Also, vote Democrat in November!

qanon1776 ago

Thanks for the tip from a newbie!

Patriots4Trump ago

Great job and thanks for all you are doing for a great place for resources!

srayzie ago

Thank you!