Bee4Q ago

"Cohen-Watnick is a member of the Union League of Philadelphia, a Republican-leaning Patriotic Society.He married Rebecca Miller in November 2016.His wife worked for Ketchum Inc., where as an intern she did public relations work for the Russian government."

srayzie ago


TexasDeplorable1135 ago

The Justice Phase is starting. Is this #3 of the trilogy?

MolochHunter ago

So who is this Ezra Cohen-Watnick guy, and what role is he to play ?

he was mentioned in 5 Q posts prior to today

srayzie ago

Oh and General Flynn is who picked him

srayzie ago

A former American intelligence official who came under intense scrutiny during a stint at the White House last year is returning to government as the national security adviser to Attorney General Jeff Sessions, according to a person familiar with the decision.

The official, Ezra Cohen-Watnick, will play an important role at the Justice Department, advising Mr. Sessions on counterintelligence and counterterrorism.

Mr. Cohen-Watnick is known to be hawkish on Russia and China, believing the intelligence community needs to take a more aggressive approach in countering their activities. Both countries conduct wide-ranging espionage in the United States that targets commercial and government secrets. Mr. Sessions is broadly viewed in the Justice Department as lacking expertise in the area.

browneagle ago

Notice the date on the old article Q linked to. Q is telling us to refer back to Aug 10. Drops #1835 and #1837 have similar language to this post. Heavy attack. Also links to #2446, from Nov 7, the day after the election. Fishing is fun. These people are stupid.


We are under HEAVY attack. AB[C] took control. Tripcode compromised. No. 131 Last. TRIP UPDATE COMING. Q


Patriots- We are under [extreme] heavy attack by [3] intel agencies [Foreign & Domestic]. We are in comm/coordination w/ necessary division(s). STAY STRONG. STAY TOGETHER. Q


[Fish]ing is fun. These people are stupid. Q


The Senate was the target. Corker + Flake removed. How do you catch a FISH? Mission forward. These people are stupid. Q

Bonscottrocks007 ago

This was an old story, correct? Some lady by the name of Kate apparantly turned some wacko into the police and then wanted to hug DJT, at one of his rallies

Jimipickle ago

Srayziem, God bless you for posting this. I have two brain injuries from Iraq and these groupings help me save weeks of searching. Are there any posts on the q clock that are referenced to the next couple of days? Again, Godspeed

srayzie ago

Forced exposure.

derram ago :

QAnon Referenced by Man Arrested for Threatening to Kill Trump

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