12758674? ago

I'm no good at memeing but found This and this These probably could be worked into something cool

srayzie ago

That’s a guys type of cool. I’m not into creepy looking monsters with teeth type of stuff. 🙄

12779574? ago

I was thinking a dead fish from a drained swamp because Q keeps saying the truth is ugly.

srayzie ago

Yeah. I’m just not good at that type. It would look dumb if i did it.

adolf_wilders ago

I suggest that you save this information offline.

srayzie ago

Everything in this sticky? Yeah I keep everything backed up. Thank you.

ordinarymike ago

srayzie ago

Thank you. I’m following on Gab too.

picman ago

Could you possibly change the youtube links to hooktube?

srayzie ago

Yep. Remember I told you I put it in my sticky!

I think hooktube only works for youtube. Let me show you how easy...

You take the not shortened url...


Then you replace “youtube” with “hooktube” like this...


That’s it!

picman ago

haha yeah I know how to convert the links.

I only ask you to change it because, for example, I block all youtube and google domains if they are third party. So in order to watch the video you linked, I have to copy the link, then convert the youtu.be link to a hooktube link, open a new tab, paste in the link and go. If the link is hooktube to begin with, I simply click on it and get the nice embedded hooktube video.

Always figured it was harmless to just use hooktube to begin with, as converting back to a youtube link is as easy as switching the domains.

Up to you, though!

srayzie ago

Ok I can do both. I prefer YouTube. I always do the opposite and switch there. I like how I can bookmark it to watch later and o have all my playlist.

picman ago

Just be careful how much info you are providing to Google.

srayzie ago

They already know my life story 🤣 They’ve been watching us for a lot longer than we have been aware. What google doesn’t know, the CIA already does. They can turn on our camera phones and mics. There is no hiding if you own electronics.

picman ago

I disagree. There are ways to hide. It's just a matter of how involved you're willing to get with it.

Using their services--Google, Facebook, Youtube, Twitter, etc.--gives them way more information than they would typically be able to collect. If you're being specifically targeted, yes, you're screwed. But, most people aren't. Most people are simply part of the mass data collection that's occurring when they use such services.

My take on it is to avoid giving them as much information as possible. I know they can find me if they want, but at least I won't be serving myself up on a silver platter.

srayzie ago

They fixed that issue so I added the hooktube link. :)

picman ago


srayzie ago

I see what you mean. I’m just saying they already had it all before we knew what they were doing. If anything, I don’t want to give them the clicks. But I have all my playlists and people I’m subscribed to. I don’t use my real name on anything.

picman ago

Understandable. Totally up to you what you do with your data. I don't subscribe to any channels on youtube so dumping it completely was no sacrifice for me.

srayzie ago

Oh and YouTube’s easier on mobiles too. There are apps. That’s why I’ll do both then. I have to wait until they fix voat tho. No edits will save for me right now

Vindicator ago

Srayz, if you want your sticky free of off topic commentary, you can copy the source text, paste it into a new thread, delete this one and sticky the new one. That violates no written or unwritten Voat rules. 😉

srayzie ago

Oh ok. Thanks!

Vindicator ago

Also, as user you can ALWAYS self-delete a thread you made anywhere on Voat and post a better version, which has the handy side effect of cleaning barnacles off the hull, so to speak.

nameof ago

Hi what do you think of this...I posted that same day after sending you a note.. got your note back and decided to just post the thing.

I said it was nsfw because of the last image. I don't know if u saw the post but I had mentioned that I felt like the lwitter board was messaging fuct up shit, sort of like Q messaging good stuff Thats what the post was about but got deleted by moderator @ think who said I posted shild born

The one picture was the last image of the post It's a screenshot of the page of a creepy lwitter account that followed me at the same time as it was also #pancakeday. And I had been coopting all the trending hashes so I think lwitter was fishing around. Definitely acting fishy. The picture was fishy but I still don't get how it's a link to lorn when I crossed out the links. (?) I was making the realization theres a connection with the trends and what lwiitter was pushing.regarding the little flat chested girl creepy inside joke. and in my post I was backing that up with the image.

It got deleted by @ think and kind who said I linked to lhild lorn. So I took the screenshot and drew on top of the links and covered them, I hadn't thought the links could be illegal on lwitter.

If you read my post it's ME making the connection that on this lwiitter page that in the little round frame picture is a lhild and has on a padded bra, too small to really know what you are looking at. With a full on sex ad back ground. Maybe I was shocked.?

It was really weird and maybe I was being careless. But @t hink said I was acting dumb.

I could have blocked out the whole image but then I may as well have not posted that one picture. All because of that one picture. I wish @ think has said your post would be fine without the last screenshot.

You know?

So im banned for posting lhild lorn. And I did not do that.

Which really sucks.

I did repost the same post after it was delieted once by @t hink who said it had links. So I drew on the links which I hadn't paid attention to, or was careless about and I apologized for being sloppy and I reposted.

Then I got banned. they are calling that lhild lorn. Kind makes me mad.

Sad. Detoungued I can't even comment. But im happy to find u here!

You are on it. The pulse. Censorship sucks but by the way.. . The same day someone posted about all these really sleazy forums on voat. Which also makes me suspicious of that because they are more in number than zizzagaterz so maybe they just wanna learn from people who can destroy them. ? And try to survive thrive by making a deceptive joke out of the research community. Keeping THOSe people scattered. Instead of US SCATERRING THE PEDOS OFF VOAT BY NOW. Anyway s.. I know your into Q and I was listening to cbtsstream about the Marconi scientist s all going dead so crazily. Well check the DYATLOV incident students from URAL POLYTECHNIC all dead in 59. That's a crazy mystery.

Take care talk to u then!

Trying again I geuss I have banned domains in here too. Hee her

3rd time I tried to change all the words it might not be letting me post. Hence the typos. It didn't want me to post you this https:// ooooooo t.co/doHNsC oooooo mHUC?amp=1oooooo

srayzie ago

What kind of website is this? https:// ooooooo t.co/doHNsC oooooo mHUC?amp=1oooooo
I’ve never seen a site like this.

nameof ago

It's Wikipedia Goofy ! I added the ooooooo is cause it wasn't wasn't posting. I thought you got that.

nameof ago

It's Wikipedia on the DYATLOV incident but it doesn't really sum it all up. It's just there in the mainstream. When you look at it, these guys are nuclear scientists, and they go hiking and they all die. it's a strange mystery., But related to the q post about computer scientists that are found dead..Marconi.

nameof ago

Did I say I put the oos cause it wouldn't let me send u a link . To Wikipedia come on. Maybe I will be on gab more I have same name there.

nameof ago

I thought you might find it interesting. It's a scary story to me. Dangerous job to be a scientist.

Today the honeybee tweeted me back about the code in Google that I found and had made a post about in pizzagate, That made me feel better about getting banned on pizzagate. Anybody can figure it out about the search engine. Ok take care

ESOTERICshade ago

The link you crossed out that was showing on the pic was not the problem. The reason it was considered child porn is the picture itself. It is illegal to post images of naked children like that. They had to do the ban because technically you broke the law even if you didn't mean to.

srayzie ago

Going to sticky once people have time to see it. I’ll be putting things on the right side too.