Indigo- ago

Upvoat, brilliant post. Don't do social media but I always try n redpill family n friends when I get the chance, its sad because a lot of them think I'm cuckoo, probably am ha, but at least it gets them questioning.

senpaithatignoresyou ago

I have wondered how much hollywood was involved in organized crime. Moves are a great way to launder money. the "producer" takes the illegal funds, invests them into a movie, then the crooked union people launder it back into the crime family.

Hence why the credits are so fucking huge at the end of movies. This is not because the carpenter wants his name attached to the picture, this is to establish a legal paper trail to keep the feds off of them.

new4now ago

you might want to add Barry Diller to your list

He is also a big player in the Hollywood Jewish Mob

carmencita ago

UpVoat! Thank you for another Powerful write up of one of the most if not the most heinous murders out of Pedowood. Your tireless research regarding the deaths of Judith and Heather is very much appreciated.

carmencita ago

The Bronfmans still move in an elegant world where the fabulously rich mingle with the powerful and famous. Edgar Jr.'s aunt Minda married a French banker with Rothschild ties and became a baroness. His father belongs to that small circle of New Yorkers who can get Presidents to answer their telephone calls. Edgar Jr.'s friends include the director Steven Spielberg and Senator Thomas Daschle.

Also mentioned in the article is Barry Diller husband of Diane von Furstenburg who both have been on the yacht of David G. who has been rumored a High Level player in Pedowood.

PROFILE of David Geffen. Entertainment moguls usually come from the film business, sometimes from TV, almost never from the record industry: never before David Geffen has a man emerged from the recording industry to become one of the elite of the American mogulocracy. Only Geffen has combined an exquisite sensitivity to pop-cultural fads with the cast-iron stomach of a businessman. With a personal fortune of more than $2 billion, Geffen is perhaps the most powerful man in Hollywood, both widely admired for his entrepreneurial spirit and widely feared for his guile and his anger. Geffen's specialty is developing highly personal relationships within the business. His friends include President Bill Clinton, Edgar Bronfman, Jr., and Barry Diller, as well as Spielberg and Katzenberg. When you become a part of Geffen's relationship economy, it seems as if there were nothing he wouldn't do for you. But if you displease Geffen you find yourself immediately denied his munificence. Geffen was raised in Borough Park, Brooklyn, and he dropped out of both Brooklyn College and the University of Texas. When he was 20, he landed a job in the mailroom of the William Morris Agency. Once inside William Morris, Geffen had perhaps the only epiphany of his life. "I'm delivering the mail to people's offices and I hear them on the phone, and I think, I can do that..." Geffen soon became an agent and a manager, while developing numerous personal contacts with rock musicians and groups like Joni Mitchell, Jackson Browne, and the Eagles. In 1971, Geffen established a record company called Asylum, which became the house of the L.A. sound in the early and mid-'70s. Some were critical of Geffen's style. Fred Goodman, in his recent book, "Mansion on the Hill," wrote, "If the acquisition of wealth and influence is rock's ultimate meaning, then the most meaningful figure it has produced is the billionaire mogul, David Geffen." In 1972, Geffen sold Asylum to Steve Ross for $7 million and became the head of a new Warner-owned label, Elektra-Asylum-Nonesuch, for 3 years. He was found to have bladder cancer in 1976, and at the same time he was fired from his job of running Warner pictures. Bound by a noncompete contract, he "retired" to New York, frequented Studio 54, and lectured at Yale. In 1980, Geffen came out of retirement by founding Geffen Records (His cancer turned out to be a misdiagnoses.) After a bad beginning, Geffen caught on to the trend of heavy metal music in the mid-'80s and the company became astonishingly successful. Geffen assembled a legendary A. & R. department, which brought in acts like Nirvana, Guns n' Roses, and Aerosmith. His company also produced successful movies. At the end of the '80s, Geffen sold his company to MCA for an astronomical figure and became the richest man in Hollywood. He bought a famous house--the Warner estate, which was built by Hollywood mogul Jack Warner in the '30s--and for 8 years, he has been closely involved in the remodeling of the house. In the meantime, he has been living at his Malibu home. In 1994, Geffen joined his friends movie director Steven Spielberg and former Disney executive Jeffrey Katzenberg in forming a new movie studio called DreamWorks SKG. The company has released 3 pictures so far, all of which have been less than spectacularly successful, but Geffen remains confident that the studio will succeed. The writer describes attending the L.A. premiere of DreamWorks' latest movie, "Amistad," which was directed by Spielberg, with Geffen.

Is there anyway that Geffen could also have played a part in the death of Judith B? Idk, but he is the top of the heap. You have done amazing and some powerful research on this and all I am doing is asking. I respect your work and thank you for keeping this horrid crime alive here and not giving up on Judith and Heather. Many others seem to not want to touch this subject and are avoiding it like the plague. Thank you. RIP Judith RIP Heather.

Joe10jo ago

My wish is that we’d delve in to the Johnny Gosch case. His dad, siblings, childhood friends. And then find out more about Gannon. That’s always been the case that drives me apeshit. But you’re right. The Barsi case is good for the Hollywood connection.

Suzo ago

Boystown was the perfect cover for the pedos. The Franklin Scandal was insanity; so close to getting them if only someone in law enforcement and prosecution would have taken the next step.

Matt_Helm ago

Gannon was Bush Jr's Monica Lewinsky. Gannon spent many nights at the White House overnight in the residence upstairs. He was there to butt fuck Dubya and none of the White House press corps ever reported on this. Very strange it was obvious how much Dubya loved Gannon there is video on YouTube of Dubya kissing Gannon's forehead. Gannon was his muscle stud just like Reggie Love was Obama's muscle stud he was Obama's personal "body man" always with him but then it became obvious it was gossiped about and Reggie left the White House.

3141592653 ago

Agreed. And where is Gannon now??

carmencita ago

I agree! The Johnny Gosch case needs deeper digging. But in this Barsi case will oust those that have a serious hold on Pedowood and have been behind much of the serious raping and sexual abuse of child actors. @darkknight111 has spent many hours digging into their involvement. "The Barsi case is good for the Hollywood connection" I agree and possibly the Gosch case and the Barsi case has some of the same background connections. The political elites and Pedowood elites we know, are related. The outing of those responsible for the Barsi case will open a Pandora's Box, imo. The roaches will scatter.

ASolo ago

Too bad this has stood up here for three hours and still no comments. I see upvoats and I know your work is appreciated but darn folks should be giving you more credit. You are still hangin in there creating threads and keeping it alive. Your work is much appreciated and Judith Barsi's death (and Heather O' Rourke) will not be in vain.

Otto- ago

Can I just say I love you guys so much and was really personally invested in this case earlier in the year. It's not that it's too heinous, I just can't dedicate the time it deserves with all my other obligations. Trust me I REALLY appreciate all the work you guys do and it tears me up inside. Please keep it up, know it's being followed up, and I hope to see it through to the end with you. Bless you all.

ASolo ago

Thank you Otto-

Indigo- ago

Asolo your so right.

darkknight111 ago

What I truly need is awareness spreading and meme warrior help to disperse memes into the public cognition.

After reading those blind, I have decided to make avenging their deaths into my life's work.

I will not rest until Spielberg receives his "very special punishment".

carmencita ago

As I said in my comment Some are avoiding it like the plague. I agree some of the details are heinous and some will not want to read them. @darkknight111 is an excellent researcher and I have called upon him many times regarding medical opinions. I so very much agree with your comment and his work.

derram ago :

Company Town : DreamWorks' New Suitor: Bronfman - latimes :

  The Bronfman Saga From rags to riches to... - November 25, 2002     

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