Honeybee_ ago

Im a little lost, for those that haven't been following this it would be helpful to summerize at the beginning and add links to parts 1 and 2. :)

darkknight111 ago

Done. Added links to old threads. Note that my theories have changed significantly since I started this. My final conclusions are at bottom of the thread.

carmencita ago

Amazing report. Thank you and have an UPVoat!

I have always disliked Caine. He always gave me the creeps. Spielberg is #1 on my take down list.

millennial_vulcan ago

sob. please someone, justice for Heather soon :( :(

carmencita ago

I know. The whole time I read this I could not stop thinking of Heather as well. They both need justice. We keep putting these moguls on a pedestal but never is there the Truth Telling. When will we start naming the these Beloved Perverted Abusers? People need to hear the truth. I am so sick of the people like those that stick up for Wood Allen and their ilk. Enough!

carmencita ago

Thank you for that. I am not totally convinced since many will say anything, knowing they will be spared from the noose, but I have a different view as of now. I really don't trust any of the stars anymore. His making Silence of the Lambs is strange and macabre. No amount of money could have made me even read that script. Same with JF.

DerivaUK ago

Caine? Silence of the Lambs?

carmencita ago

Omg. I am sorry I had a horrid headache this morning and still not thinking straight! I know that was Anthony Hopkins. I have never liked either one, but am willing to give Caine a pass now since he made that statement. This is good to know. Actually I think more are dissing Allen lately. Thank you for letting me know.

DerivaUK ago

No worries. Caine and Hopkins much of a muchness really.

ESOTERICshade ago

Thank you for your tireless work.

Matt_Helm ago

Caine I can believe he's always been pervy. Spielberg would be astounding and amazing if he is ever brought down it would take actual video of him with a young girl or boy.

carmencita ago

Why people put them on such high pedestals, I will never know. You are right, it will take something really big. Just like HRC.