darkknight111 ago

I think I figured out the identity of the works.

Consulted for a TV series. Most likely Twilight Zone.

The movie same producer wasn't involved in directly but had a hand in it. Most likely Jaws.

darkknight111 ago


Since this is the most likely movie reported in the CDAN link, the list of suspects is most likely the male actors.

Speilburg isn't listed in the list of producers, but I do suspect his involvement since Jaws was one of his creations.

Otto- ago

Hmm, I'm going to question the validity of that autopsy photo, wouldn't it make more sense to doubt the dodgy, recent picture over the official story itself? (Not the case for JFK, to be fair) At least, this was my first reaction when reading your post, as the image looked softly manipulated. Since then, I traced it back a bit... http://www.findadeath.com/Deceased/b/Judith%20Barsi%20story/judith_barsi.htm - - The original findadeath source, though they have since taken it off their article, they still host the photo and it is the only version of that image I have been able to find.

If you don't mind, I'd like to link three other, in-depth articles about her death and subsequent police files, including photos of their house during listing and Judith's body being removed from the scene: police_photo_1 - police_photo_2 - Neither are graphic, second shows her body wrapped in a sheet; devastating, but she's carried with care by the officer. http://articles.latimes.com/1988-08-07/local/me-382_1_child-abuse https://sanfernandovalleyblog.blogspot.co.nz/2013/07/bttf-19-tragic-death-of-child-actress.html https://lightingtheirwayhome.wordpress.com/2013/11/27/judith-eva-barsi-child-star-murdered-by-her-father-cca0105-updated-11-27-2013/

Please note the comments at the bottom of the second article; "Sadily there are people I know close who knew Judith herself and have confessed that the autopsy photo is a fake. Her ears are much smaller and she burnt severely from the fire as well."

Thank you, Blowitwideopen, I appreciate that. Isn't it fucked up that her first movie is about child molestation?

Unfortunately, Enty's story doesn't confirm that it is the same producer, and the Jessie TV show doesn't have any easily verifiable producers by name, just production companies (although the lead star had a hand in it). Judith was in Episode #8, but some sources say that's #9. After looking at original VHS recordings of credits for Jessie, I finally narrowed it down to a Ted Zachary but haven't had a chance to search him yet. Hard name to find, as it wasn't listed anywhere online.

Here are three (of 4) producers from Kids Don't Talk that I wanted to mention:

Dangit, I remember reading on someone with a lot of Hanna Montana credits, but forgot who. Eerghh, this is still all too much of a reach. Enty said she was 9 when a lot of abuse occurred at once, but that's anywhere between 86 and 87, since movie productions can take a lot of time before release. She simply worked on too many projects to narrow it down. I don't know enough about CD&N to be useful, as I won't be able to recall old gossip of producers in the past. Will have to leave this to someone else, but I do think it's best to focus on when she was 7 years old. Excluding all the commercials, that only leaves two or so movies/shows she was on to research.

Her agent was Ruth Hansen.

Blowitwideopen ago

Isn't it fucked up that her first movie is about child molestation?

Again-in our face! They love it! I hate it!

darkknight111 ago

Those links do mention the "actions" of CPS.

Corrupt CPS have been a focus of PG for a while. Would not surprise me if they were involved in this somehow.

Shizy ago

I think the actress who didn't work again out of disgust is this woman https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lorraine_Gary

She's still alive

Blowitwideopen ago

WOW! are you part hunting dog?

Shizy ago

I got lucky putting dates together

Blowitwideopen ago

Ok, trying to break it down into bite size pieces....according to cdan, the first was a tv show and she was led away by a PRODUCER. I'm assuming it's the abuser. Cdan says fast forward a couple years, this time it's a movie, and again she's led away by a producer. This narrows the first search for.me anyway

darkknight111 ago

Thank you for this.

From this, what we're looking for is a TV series in 1985, and a movie in 1987 (when she was 9).

This helps out quite a lot.

Blowitwideopen ago

Also, as someone on here said, movies sometimes take awhile to make. So maybe close attention on when movies were cast or production was started! Cdan clearly implicates producers!

Blowitwideopen ago

That's my path for today! You're welcome!

new4now ago

I had thought the Father had set the garage on fire before he killed himself there

Not sure

Came across her story few weeks back

SMH. Such a hard life for a little girl

darkknight111 ago

Something's not right with the offical narrative, and that autopsy photo is at the center of why.

The lack of 2nd and 3rd degree burns, which would have been certain if any bit of that fire touched those bodies due to the gasoline that was supposed to been dumped on them.

The metal den article claims it wasn't the father that set that fire.

My theory is that the father (ALSO a scumbag) was killed, then the house was set ablaze.

There was an explosion. What would have caused that explosion?

new4now ago

Not sure if this helps at all, but Tracy Guild's Father was Judiths agent

There is a Facebook page for Judith

Am going through it now

Blowitwideopen ago

Could turn out to be VERY important!

new4now ago

Have to admit, husband wakes a perfect dupe

new4now ago

Just looked at a LA article

Says Father doused them gasoline, lit them on fire, and went to garage to kill himself

One would think her hair would have caught fast, nothing about fire on her death certificate

They didn't release Mother or Judiths name pending relative notification

So he had no relatives, so who were hers?

You've just dropped down a rabbit hole

new4now ago

Explosion could be from stove on, pilot light off

Would be easy to set Father up with all his problems

The fact that the LA Police were investigating should give pause

I was just remembering an article I had read

If this was indeed a set up, do we know for sure that Judith died?

Was trying to match up ears, but busy tonight

Your right that some digging is in order

darkknight111 ago

My theory as to whay happened (crime scene construction).

Judith was indeed killed by her father via gunshot to the head. (CDAN article says this is true and the autopsy photo shows gunshot residue near her ear, meaning this was done at close range) -> her mother was killed by the same culprit (also on CDAN) -> the father was killed by a different assailant in the garage (murder designed to look like a suicide, which is easy assuming an execution style murder) -> house was set on fire by the other assailant as part of ritualistic sacrifice.

However, the fire department acted quickly, preventing Judith from being immolated, which would explain the lack of second and third degree burns on her body. The gasoline is a lie as per the "official narrative".

new4now ago

Agree...it has a full pkg look




Gun...check..by husband

gasoline...check...by husband

Wonder who died first.

I don't know powder spray from a gun, would have to look, does it always look so uniform?

Did you see entry wound?

Hmmm If That picture is real deal, something off

Would there be some sign of soot?

Sry, lol throwing it out there

DerivaUK ago

Powder burns indicative of close range weapon and if fire was extinguished prior to total body consumption there wouldn’t necessarily be signs of soot/fire damage apparent in the head shot (photo). Fire doesn’t consume bodies as fast as you’d think.

new4now ago

One would think bedding and sleepwear would burn

Some articles say he poured flammable on Judith and bed

Some of these articles I've seen dont mesh with others

Don't know what to make of it

Is the photo of the powder burn legit?

DerivaUK ago

Without being able to see others it’s difficult to categorically say but on that photo it looks like others I’ve seen before and the powder burn looks legit. You’re right, we have no way of knowing whether or not this is the actual photo of that particular deceased and it’s hardly identifying. I can say though that I’ve seen fire damage to lower limbs and extremities - even with incendiary being involved, where the upper body has remained completely intact So it is a possible in this case. A sad affair all round nonetheless

new4now ago

Would a bullet hole close?

Didn't really see one

AssJayDoubleyou ago

Thanks for your work on this.

darkknight111 ago


Found something truly heartbreaking. Seeme Don Bluth was deeply heartbroken over her death. The protagonist's design and personality were based off of her. I'm starting to suspect this may have been a cause of Don Bluth's decline via depression/despair.

ASolo ago

Such an unbelievably tragic story.

Saw it on CDAN the other day, and like the o'rourke story, so sad I had to cry.

We will find justice for you Judith.

Rest in Peace.

darkknight111 ago


I found the director for that episode. A suspect from another CDAN.

I'd suggest calling some people into this thread. I need back up. Namely looking into common actors, producers, and directors of works she was involved in from the complete list (starting from the most likely starting year she became a pedowood victim) I provided. The name of that actress who quit out of disgust too, for I want to arrange an interview to get more information.

think- ago

I'd suggest calling some people into this thread.


elephantdoesntforget ago

Thanks. I will be looking at this in detail. Off the bat several things pop out to me about this poor girl.

People don't realize just how bad Spielberg really is.

Blowitwideopen ago

The cast and crew are all broke out on that movie list. Click the arrow on cast and crew, they're all listed