exoter60 ago

He's on here. Saw a post by him yesterday.

ResearchingTheTruth ago

Well I hope he comes - I look forward to his decodes even if I don't want to get down into the nitty gritty details of the process. I follow along and see the big picture so I'm good with his posts.

LisaBrauer ago

The_Donald is gone now too. I heard this, haven't checked myself.

LisaBrauer ago

Serialbrain2 didn't mention Voat specifically but NeonRevolt did! I hope they both come here.

exoter60 ago

They are both here now.

13786841? ago

I hope not, voat doesn't need more nigger mods

adogrocket ago

As far as I can tell he hasn't decided. He has everything archived. It has been an interesting day.

Qzenseeker ago

I sent SB2 a message too. his reply was: will share my next destination in the coming hours maybe in a video?

aekotra ago

I wouldn't be surprised if serialbrain2 is counter intelligence. His posts are 100% nonsensical trash. It's the illusion of accuracy and reason by complexity and obscurity. Very effective at distracting the gullible and simple-minded.

Q_sent_me_here ago

1776/3.2+760-12.764+56.986=It will happen on today. GeeeZZZ

flashmans_nutcup ago

Serialbrain is a mentalist. Every one of his posts is 30 thousand words long and yet he still manages to say nothing. It's fucking remarkable. Dude needs to learn to summarise.

Le_Squish ago

Sounds like your boy is a shill. You guys gotta get good at nuking them.

CaptnObvius ago

Someone had to write all those words, you have to give him an A for effort, my lazy ass wouldn't go to that much trouble for a free piece of ass. I'll just say "trust the plan".

danjo_kandui ago

Greetings. Nice to see you all. This is like getting a new apartment.

Qzenseeker ago

Greetings all :)

Mbrac ago

It amazes me how thorough the ban was to. My reddit comment and post histories were scrubbed completely of anything from GA or T_GA

Sir_Zorch ago

AfterTheStorm was also removed.

CaptnObvius ago

but they kept The_Donald, so there is an upside. /sarc

scoripowarrior ago

I am sure that Drain the Swamp and Swamp Watch have also been removed.

Q_sent_me_here ago

Swamp Watch got hit too.

scoripowarrior ago

Any idea where others are going?

Q_sent_me_here ago

Here and the sub neonrevolt mentioned and I think GAB.

Optional-Reading ago

I sent him a pm asking if he is migrating

WhyAserverWasBuilt ago

I invited him!

R3VO1utionary ago

I'll hit up SB2 to see what he's going to do

Mcdrogon ago

are you able to post Q drops here like you did in dickless reddit?

R3VO1utionary ago

Hopefully we'll be able to find out soon..

Qzenseeker ago

I sent SB2 a message too. His reply was: will share my next destination in the coming hours

CaptnObvius ago

keep us updated please.

Qzenseeker ago

Qdini ago

I'm here too R3VO1utionary. Under a different user name. Devoted Q follower and active GA user.

Can you guess who?


R3VO1utionary ago

Winky? Or HoudiniTowers

R3VO1utionary ago

lol I think I know.

Qdini ago

I bet you do.


Qluelessnomore ago

You're the first person I recognize from the Great Awakening to post here. Great to see you! I was shocked to find 3 Q related Reddit boards banned within minutes of each other. Proves censorship in my book. Hope everyone comes over so we can continue the fight for freedom and justice. We should all probably complain to our senators and congressmen about this blatant censorship!

R3VO1utionary ago

:) Is this your Reddit handle as well?

Qluelessnomore ago

Hey, I don't know if you've found your way there yet, but Neon Revolt and some of the mods have set up a new sub on this platform called theawakening and people are following them over to it. The link is below. Hope to see you there:


R3VO1utionary ago

Sure did!

R3VO1utionary ago

Yep, I'm there :)

Mcdrogon ago

is this a sub to the site were already on? When I click the link it redirects me to voat.com and asks me to login. I dont mind but dont want to double up if I dont have too

Qluelessnomore ago

No. It's a different sub altogether.

scoripowarrior ago

Just poppin in to say hi and I know you from reddit!

R3VO1utionary ago

Hey hey! The fight continues!

Qluelessnomore ago

Yes it was. Looks like others are coming over too. Subscriber numbers are going up ;)

Tonebox1776 ago

I was tonebox627 on reddit. Figured the 1776 was more fitting here ๐Ÿ‘

Hillary_is_a_faggot ago

I also have a new more fitting username.

Qluelessnomore ago

Glad to see you here! Check this place out:


Tonebox1776 ago

Neon revolt is pushing this site so its going to have a ton of traffic. Its best we all just stick together. As chaotic as this place is.

Qluelessnomore ago

I agree! Thanks.

QuirkyMagpie ago

This may be unpopular but I hope not.

MissyRed ago


lawfag123 ago

Hope not. He's a bunch of nonsense.

Watch_The_Karma_Burn ago

Couldn't agree more. SB2 always struck me as the type of guy to sit around all day getting high off his own farts.


Hahahaha his posts are honestly a joke. I never understood why he had such a cult following.

magavoices ago

THANK GOD! I love you guys already.

That SB2 is criticized here, perfect -- better than reddit.

drieman ago

A gematria of 856, hmmm. Might be significant, if it were in a Trump tweet or a Q post.

lvbuckeye27 ago

856! Yes. Do you see now? 8 and 5 is 13, and we know that's an unlucky number, but then you add the 6. Do you see it? And 13+6 is 19. And 9+1 is 10, which is zero.

Do you see it? Gematria means zero. It's nothing


Womb_Raider ago


HST ago

I assume that's a reference to the ridiculous kind of thing serialbrain2 would spout on about.

@drieman correct if I'm mistaken

Shitonliblips ago

But if we add 7+9+1776 we get 27. Do you see now?

Tonebox1776 ago

That guys a fuckin whackjob.

kartoffelll ago

Why? This guy understood at least the Qanon clock.

bopper ago

I agree.

bopper ago


Orion2005 ago

Been a lurker here for a while. We need a voice. Will VOAT step up? Hope so. Too much at stake.

TheTrigger ago

Voat won't stop you from doing anything* (*that isn't illegal). Server will probably take time adjusting; voat doesn't exactly have a huge budget. The site's owner/maintainer will probably have to increase the hosting capacity manually, to handle the new level of traffic, to minimize spending. So expect lags, for a while. I'm actually surprised that I can still comment and load a page, more often than not.

scoripowarrior ago

My take on voat here is that it is somewhat like the chans.

Le_Squish ago

We could be worse. /poI tried to raid us one time and we didn't even notice.

Trump2020winning ago

Orion is my favourite constellation :)

LostandFound ago

Voat is a project not a business, there is no way to give the owner money. Enjoy this time while it lasts as this project will end.

CaptnObvius ago

So was Google until the CIA showed up with bags of cash and look at it now.

LokkenLoaded ago

Just created this account on voat due to the ban hammer. Looks like none of the Q related subs will survive.

Qluelessnomore ago

So far, Drain the Swamp is still running, but it's a private sub.

supranational_stoner ago

Same, they all got banned. It's amazing how their excuse for ONE sub became and excuse to ban ALL subs they don't like.

WhyAserverWasBuilt ago

The_GreatAwakening on Reddit is bannwd too. We will all be here!

LokkenLoaded ago

The_swampwatch is still active. Probably not for long


Mods set it to private

scoripowarrior ago

I was a member of that sub and still couldn't post today. I think it too has now been taken down.

Headwest127 ago

I think its gone entirely now. All my comment and post history there is gone from my profile. Draintheswamp is gone, too.

Watch_The_Karma_Burn ago

Yeah it's gone.

valk2 ago

No clue, but if they migrate here, the target just got larger that was hovering over our little island on the net.

TheTrigger ago

I wonder how much of the lag is legitimate users, and how much of it is DDoS. My suspicion is that when these bans happen, we get nailed with malicious requests in order to discourage displaced users from signing up.

heygeorge ago

I imagine right now itโ€™s mainly/only the users giving a death hug. The DDOS tends to lag by a couple days.

nednederlander ago

That's very true, whats to stop them from going after every form of comunication we have, what if the chans get fucked next?

LostandFound ago

The chans are fucked in whole other ways, they just watch and control the conversations.

fuspezza ago

We will be fine