Mjolnir77 ago

New here, just started to dig into this nightmare. Here’s a link to an extremely creepy statement about Heather O’rourke. It completely goes against the narrative that was presented to the public. This is extremely odd behavior, possibly outright deception (should be noted he was a pall bearer at the child’s funeral). https://youtu.be/X8n4_c1yAYg

darkknight111 ago

What method of suicide could possibly look like a flu?

Either way, he just blurted out that the official narrative is full of shit.

Suspect he's lying about the suicide though. That commentary was creepy.

darkknight111 ago

I think you have enough stuff to warrant Winkler getting his own thread.

Mjolnir77 ago

That sounds like a good idea...

Mjolnir77 ago

Let’s raise the pedo-creep factor up a notch... how about cult like indoctrination and sexualization of small children... https://youtu.be/b_IrS1it0WU

Mjolnir77 ago

He received an OBE, for charity work with children in the UK. This is a knighthood, handed out by the Royalty, same award given to infamous child abuser, child procurer, Jimmy Savile... what a coincidence “we say our goodbyes just hugging, it’s very touching...” https://www.bbc.com/news/14923930

carmencita ago

"OH Erin... now you will finally have the peace you wanted so badly here on earth," co-star Henry Winkler, who played Fonzie, tweeted Saturday. "Rest In It serenely now.. too soon."

Really Creepy.

Eggs-Vs-Bacon ago


She was also diagnosed with Giardiasis, which supports the anal rape story from a different angle.

MichaelClayton ago

Psyop stories. She looked bloated because she was a boy hitting puberty. They faked her death. The pedophilia is probably true though.

Shizy ago

why would being a "boy hitting puberty" cause one to look bloated? I haven't seen a lot of bloated 12 year old boys.

rickman ago

Is that Culkin interview actually real? Holy shit.

Remember the Hampstead kids talked about a pretty unremarkable sports shop I think it was that they said was the place where the satanic paedo ring their father was part of got their human skin shoes made.

darkknight111 ago

He references it on his gab account.

Given the kind of threats he receives (there's a CDAN about it), if my deduction is correct, the threats and the contents of that interview are linked.

3141592653 ago

What does he say? We should ask him to verify if that interview actually took place

Onetime1 ago

Thanks for all your work on this, Dark knight. Although it may not be apparent, this horrific information is continually seeping outwards to a widening audience of increasingly receptive Normies.

The powerful psychological factors impairing good people from accepting these events as factual are continually being overcome by the hard evidence your work provides. We CANNOT allow this evil to continue unabated. Again, I thank you.

darkknight111 ago

I'm seeing these very threads showing up in multiple places both on twitter and on the internet, so there's definetely signs of what you're saying.

I just wish that same awareness were spreading regarding the Barsi case.

I believe both the O'Rourke and Barsi cases are the thing that can bust pedowood wide open. If normies can associate the rampant sexual abuse in Hollywood with two child actresses that were deeply loved, then they can be more easily red pilled to pizzagate due to "their" big shield (Hollywood/the media) being torn off.

I believe we are at the point in this investigation where its time to start spreading awareness of these cases. Spread them across the internet and social media like wild fire. Its time for #JusticeForHeatherORourke and #JusticeForJudithBarsi to go viral and strike the killing blow. @srayzie @Vindicator @newfornow @carmencita @21yearsofdigging

"Tragedy and sadness will never truly disappear. But this is a world that she once tried to protect. I remember that and I will never, ever, forget it. That's why...I keep fighting."

srayzie ago

I agree. Many people aren’t even into politics and what’s going on in the world. It amazes me. But, A LOT of people are into entertainment, (Hollywood, etc...) Especially younger crowds. Also, seeing the child actress in movies or tv would make it much more real for them than just hearing something on the news.

carmencita ago

I so very much want the masks ripped off their faces. What is underneath is even uglier than we see now. I don't really remember Hoffman, but I have been repulsed by Marshall and Winkler for years. They have pervert written all over them. Steven Spielberg is in a class by himself. Vile. Thank you darkknight for all your hard work in trying to gain justice for Heather and Judith. The horrors they experienced were beyond comprehension but the desecration of their bodies' the sick act of stealing their skin' is unimaginable. For what purpose? To wear? The sick evil monsters. Shoes. Do any of these sick Child Rapists have red shoes? I hate to think of the pleasure they derive from wearing them. Like Tony P. and others. I too believe proof of the crimes they committed will be the downfall of disgusting Tinsel Town. I don't care if movies are never made again. Let them all burst into flames and melt into the fires of hell like the witch in the Wizard of Oz. @millennial_vulcan