sgd1971 ago

I hate the satanists that are everywhere. I believe this story about Heather. The hand symbol in this picture looks to me like, a very uncomfortable child wringing her hands. IMHO

Shillaxe ago

So basically Poltergeist was a snuff film fed to the masses , RIP Heather.

millennial_vulcan ago

@darkknight111 Amazing post and oh god, that last sentence, I am about to seriously violently puke. THANK YOU for not forgetting this. @carmencita knows how much this story affected me and ever since it popped up on this thread, I suffer panic attacks and keep seeing visions of Heather screaming out for help in a dark room and no one coming to her rescue. I can't explain it: its the one pizzagate story that made me die a little inside forever.

Everytime Heather is mentioned here, I literally BEG the journalists and bloggers/vloggers that WE KNOW stalk us here everyday to blow this cold case wide open. PLEASE someone. Please help Heather.

Cry :(

carmencita ago

I also have had visions when going to bed after reading posts on her. So horrid really. She has a sister. The sister no longer acts. She started out, but did not make it like Heather. I think she was with SS. and now that I am writing, I think she probably quit after Heather's death. They lived right near Disney too. Oh, Dear. :(


Vesica Pisces hand signal. More than likely she was instructed to do this. I doubt if it was a fluke.

carmencita ago

Are not those that were in those shows that were also being taped at the same studio also suspect? Paul Rubens and Alex Trebeck. Some have said that Rubens is gay but as we well know there can be gay pedophiles. Trebeck has been there for decades and still is.

millennial_vulcan ago

the pedo hunters are circling Trebeck. He has always screamed creepo pedo to me. He is 77. Heart Attack coming sometime this year, TRUST. They need him and his creepo secrets GONE. @darkknight111 @migratorypatterns @think-

migratorypatterns ago

And before this, I just thought he was a game show host.

carmencita ago

YES! Ever since I read he filmed in the same studio I knew he had to be a part of it. After all, they said others came from elsewhere, so why would he not, being right there. Sickos. The noose is ready.

millennial_vulcan ago

storm clouds are gathering. They will see the face of the devil himself.

carmencita ago

I agree. We know who he is.

millennial_vulcan ago


UlyssesEMcGill ago

Rubens is gay

"Best part of an 8 year old girl? Turn her around and it's an 8 year old boy."

carmencita ago

Yes, I have heard this before. It is quite nasty, isn't it. Also there are gay pedophiles that prefer boys and girls. Very sick indeed.

carmencita ago

Upvoat. Thank you for all your hard work and for not letting Heather go without the justice she so deserves. So many of us have been waiting so very long. RIP Heather.

millennial_vulcan ago

uuuuuuurrrrrghhhh cry sob. This story was a gamechanger for me: still have trouble sleeping because of it which you know xx

carmencita ago


millennial_vulcan ago

you forgot the @ so I didn't get the ping, BUT I SAW IT ANYWAY!

Sob xx

NoPatience4UrShit ago

This is so sickening, that poor child....


Heather's character name in Happy Days was Heather Pfister I just found out on IMDB.

It was while researching Heather's death a few months ago that I stumbled across the "Paul Is Dead" website, which led me to the conclusion that all The Beatles were killed and replaced by their body doubles in June of 1964. Off topic I know, but the same rabbit hole - Ron Howard made the cover-up movie 8 Days A Week: The Beatles Touring Years using footage of both groups.

Matt_Helm ago

No only Paul died in a car crash in late 1966 that is when MI-6 helped the Beatles bring in the Paul lookalike William Shears but he was taller than Paul and had a narrower face and he has been Faul (Fake Paul) for over 50 years now. The photos prove this to be true the Real Paul before November 1966 compared to Fake Paul after November 1966. The Beatles all grew long hair and beards in 1967 to try and make the switch more believable but you can still tell also the teeth are different enough to show a Fake Paul. MI-6 did this to help the British economy the Beatles were making so much money also to keep teenage girls from suicide around the world if they announced Paul had been killed in a car crash thousands of girls might have killed themselves in despair he was that popular and beloved.

millennial_vulcan ago

Matt, I REALLY want to believe this but I need more than a few crapola YT videos to convince me. Do you have any other links?

sgd1971 ago

Someone sent me a YT video with Ringo Starr himself, saying that Paul DID die in a car crash. I'm sure it's still there. WHY, would Ringo say this though? Everything about The Beatles seems to be a damn psy-op


That's the "conspiracy theory" designed to stop people looking further into what happened - I know it's widely accepted but it isn't true. I think the Paul Is Dead theory acts like a blue pill - something to make people get on with their lives. There are also a multitude of shills who work to keep PID as an alternative narrative to the mainstream.

What I would say to non shills is watch The Beatles play live at the NME poll awards in 1964, then when they go off after Money Can't Buy Me Love, watch them play live at the NME awards in 1965. It's four completely different guys.

The last known location of The Beatles was New Zealand June 1964. They never made it back to the UK to see the release of A Hard Day's Night (movie & album) The movie contained a lot of scenes using the replacements, and the album had the replacements on the cover.

Other work that contained both groups was the documentary filmed during the first visit called "What's Happening: The Beatles in the USA"

The fake Beatles first started appearing in September 1963 and the real Beatles last appeared in June 1964. The intervening period was a psychological operation that acted as a cinematic dissolve between one group of men and another.

Bear in mind (as I do myself) that literally thousands of people know about this and are covering it up and misdirecting people. They are a Satanic cult tied to the freemasons andthe New World Order.

llwish ago

Just looked up the whole Paul is dead thing.... woah!!!!


That's the "conspiracy theory" designed to stop people looking further into what happened - I know it's widely accepted but it isn't true. I think the Paul Is Dead theory acts like a blue pill - something to make people get on with their lives. There are also a multitude of shills who work to keep PID as an alternative narrative to the mainstream.

What I would say to non shills is watch The Beatles play live at the NME poll awards in 1964, then when they go off after Money Can't Buy Me Love, watch them play live at the NME awards in 1965. It's four completely different guys.

The last known location of The Beatles was New Zealand June 1964. They never made it back to the UK to see the release of A Hard Day's Night (movie & album) The movie contained a lot of scenes using the replacements, and the album had the replacements on the cover.

Other work that contained both groups was the documentary filmed during the first visit called "What's Happening: The Beatles in the USA"

The fake Beatles first started appearing in September 1963 and the real Beatles last appeared in June 1964. The intervening period was a psychological operation that acted as a cinematic dissolve between one group of men and another.

Bear in mind (as I do myself) that literally thousands of people know about this and are covering it up and misdirecting people. They are a Satanic cult tied to the freemasons andthe New World Order.

Enigmatic_Continuum ago What is that hand signal being made? A cry for help?

Honestly, I think this hand signal is representative of the vesica pisces.

This symbol is can be found all around us.

Matt_Helm ago

Excellent work! You did great very easy to follow but I doubt anyone will ever be arrested for her death that's the sad truth.

millennial_vulcan ago

don't put that karma out there please. PEOPLE WILL BE ARRESTED AND THATS THE TRUTH.


carmencita ago

Well, I can understand the feeling, but I do trust that something will happen. I can't go through life thinking Heather will never get justice. There are too many people that know. The whispers are getting louder and louder. RIP Heather.

SeeHear ago

Thank you for your work. This one makes me so sad. And that pic of her and SS is creepy beyond measure. Can’t belive someone I grew up revering is turning into the truest monster I’ve ever seen. Allegedly.

Onetime1 ago

There is another picture online with a standing Roman Polanski holding both Heather O'Rourke and Drew Barrymore on each hip.

millennial_vulcan ago



carmencita ago

I bet he means SS. I know that picture of him with both of them. I have posted it on here many times. If there is one with RP I Want To See It Too! Only look at this if you are ready. Many pics of him with Heather and some with DB too and other children as well.

millennial_vulcan ago

we have seen that one with SS many times Carm, agreed. If poster really does mean Polanski , I think brain would explode

carmencita ago

Same here. I think it was an honest mistake. I doubt it is out there, possibly in someone's dresser drawer.

SeeHear ago


carmencita ago

I have been so disappointed it doesn't matter anymore. None of them mean anything to me anymore. They all belong in jail or at the end of a noose. It's sad but they don't deserve our adoration anymore. Not when they torture children.