WHAMMO63 ago

I think Gary Marshall is a handler. I can't go into the reasons why right now.

carmencita ago

Again I must Thank You for another Great Post. RIP Heather @millennial_vulcan

millennial_vulcan ago

sob always :(

YogSoggoth ago

English Producer David Winkler | Nettv4u David Winkler is a director as well as a producer from...Irwin Winkler is an American director as well as...Bridget Fonda, Johnathon Schaech, and Gretchen Mol. Search domain www.nettv4u.comnettv4u.com/celebrity/english/producer/david-winkler Half a decade later we got Hanoi Jane and the Fonz. Gretchen Mol..ch. Ron Howard had to have some knowledge of this crap, but from what I personally know, he collects fossils. He is into dinosaurs, and possibly more recent prehistoric animals. My friends also tell me he does not like to be called Opie for some strange reason.

carmencita ago

He probably does not like being called Opie because that's when IT happened to him. Don't know much about his dad. Should be looked at I think, some time.

carmencita ago

I have been suspicious of Marshall for some time. Also is there any way we can throw Trebeck into this mix? Filming at same studio for ever. As soon as I read about Jeapordy, how could he have been there and not know or be one of them.

migratorypatterns ago

CDAN refers to Henry Winkler (the Fonze) as being a general nice person. One of the good guys of show biz. Given CDAN's general high reliability, I'm inclined to believe that Henry is innocent, thus can be taken off the list of potential suspects in this case.


No, enty is losing a lot of credibility here. One needs only to go back to what went on between Erin Moran and Winkler to suspect something more tan ''niceness'' was going on. Even more suspicious is the fact that when you do a search for her previous allegations against Winkler, you'll find that not only have her statements been scrubbed, but that new posts about how Winkler tried to help the down-and-out former co-star, and that the onus of sexual abuse has switched to Scott Baio ... the one person that continued to take her calls!

A search will also find Winkler ''pontificating'' on Baio's ''political views.'' Really? What does that have to do with whether or not someone sexually abused a minor.

Yeah, this throws enty into question for me. Maybe this guy isn't as objective as I thought. When searches are scrubbed ... it's troubling.

darkknight111 ago

I'd like to see some of that (if possible). Maybe it could refine my theory regarding the Happy Days aspect of the case.

I think this was an older blind. He has been wrong in the past and has admitted as much.

migratorypatterns ago

Here we go:


Sick: Henry Winkler defends Kevin Clash, accused of sexually abusing teen, as brilliant always ‘end of story’

“Kevin Clash is was and will continue to be brilliant, end of story,” says actor Henry Winkler. Sickening. As Twitchy reported, Kevin Clash, the voice of Elmo, resigned yesterday in the wake of a second accusation that he had sexually abused a minor boy. Sesame Street grossly called it “a distraction.” And Henry Winkler ups the appalling by defending Clash, no matter what.



believe the reason she wouldn't accept Henry's help is because she can't stand him. Something happened between them on Happy Days that wasn't good. From what I read, it was his infatuation with Erin

She was on the Howard Stern Show in the early '90s and had some pretty unkind things to say about several members of the cast. I don't remember all the particulars, but she said Henry Winkler was hitting on her on the show, and seemed to imply she was still quite young when he tried "stick his tongue down my throat." She also said he used to put his hands on Marion Ross's behind. She made a comment about Anson Williams being arrogant, and Donny Most having mental issues. And her comment about Scott Baio: "wham, bam, thank you, ma'am." I don't know what would compel her to say those things on the air, but it wasn't too nice.....

I found the Howard Stern interview. Someone has posted part of it. You can hear some of those remarks I was remembering.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eBchwn37dss ....

and ....

No doubt she became very sexy and good looking, but go listen again to the Howard Stern interview between 9:16 and 9:54 where she talks about Winkler. She says she was 14. The picture below is more representative of the version of Erin Moran that she's talking about. I hope she's very mistaken about the age!

Cc1914 ago

That link is dead now

migratorypatterns ago

Not surprising.

YogSoggoth ago

Was Elmo the aids infected muppet who was also a child muppet? I get confused because we did not have those when I was a kid. Kevin Clash sounds like a really made up name.

migratorypatterns ago

No, not Elmo.

Now that you mention Kevin Clash ... it definitely does. The Clash meets Kevin Bacon.

YogSoggoth ago

Well, which one was the aids infected muppet then? I still say he is the carrier. Time will tell.

migratorypatterns ago

My money is on one of the puppeteers.

darkknight111 ago

Thanks. I agree, he's definetly suspect now. Post edited. Gonna file this one under CDAN being wrong this time.

migratorypatterns ago


kazza64 ago

i didnt know they skinned her

YogSoggoth ago

We do not have that video, and if we did it would be sent to the Nebraska State Troopers for doing that awesome Fentanyol bust involving two Mexicans from New Jersey. 118 pounds. Everything here is taken on personal codex.

Vindicator ago

Great roundup thread, darkknight. The summaries of each link were very helpful. This is basically a Table of Contents of O'Rourke research. Well done!

Shizy ago

Not saying to don't think it's possible (with these people anything is possible), but where did you find that the body was skinned? I hadn't heard that tid bit before.

darkknight111 ago


In the part 3 thread.

This interview was scrubbed from the internet within hours of release (this wouldn't happen if it was fake). The transcripts in question were found. Also in part 3.

Shizy ago

Thanks for the link!