TrishaUK ago

The person who posted this on youtube is 100% right. There is no emotion! Your girlfriend is supposed to have been shot through the HEART! and you are calmly listening to the feed through your earpiece, trying to get the words right that you forget that emotions are supposed to be attached to the words. Terrible acting! quote: "it dawned on my girlfriend it was no longer easy for her to breath, so I looked at her and that's when I noticed she had gunshots'' Crisis Actor Las Vegas Psyop Freudian slip or intentional disinfo -

4_InquiringMinds ago

Lots of ppl liked Bill no matter what he did. He knew how to play the crowd. We need to stick to relevant facts that tie ppl to child exploitation. While many ppl are willing to look the other way re sexual violations against women if a link to children can be proven/for some it's a different story. Linking any of the above to Polanski would be a good start. Woody Allen...lots of ppl simply don't believe he did what he did and blame it on Mia. It's called confirmation bias. Whoopie for Polanski, it's not rape rape. Glaring statements of that nature/if it could gain real traction...would do more to damage her reputation than anything. Harvey paying Bill's legal fees for a bj (n lying to congress) ppl accept as garden variety corruption bc it's so common.

millennial_vulcan ago

DID Bill entertain any underage girls in the WH? As in, any evidence....?

2impendingdoom ago

oh, did Chelsea have any friends?

millennial_vulcan ago


AmyJames ago

Please see prior threads with the name Doyle Mills, a scientologist pedo in Clearwater Florida who is on the board for the Pave the Way Foundation and has met the pope. Weinstein is a Scientologist. Crowley and L Ron were friends.

AmyJames ago


darkknight111 ago

Some potential people of interest from this leaked email about Weinstein back in 2014.

SecondAmendment ago

OMG, not Ron Howard caught up in all this bullshit. Little Opie? I guess it makes sense, 'cause he was prime meat back when he first appeared on The Andy Griffith Show. Geez. . . . .

millennial_vulcan ago

UGH Opie's the effing WORST. He and that freak Brian Grazer (Opie's producing partner) are sketchy fucks. Hmmm. Brian Grazer. Going to do a little digging on him...

carmencita ago

Ron Howard Tom Hanks and Jimmy Kimmel may just be pedos. You decide. I have a feeling you will not like this.

millennial_vulcan ago

oh definitely/ Kimmel has a dark past that folk seem to conveniently forget or probably just don't know. He was a horrible racist f*ck too, back in the day.

carmencita ago

Yeah, I have come across a few that refuse to accept these three Kimmel, Hanks and Howard as sketchy. Did not want to accept it either, about Hanks and Howard, but Kimmel, yes. Now I am convinced about the other two as well. Let's face it, little Opie was surrounded by adults all day long. Why do you think Andy Griffith did not want for years to join in on the days celebrating the show in North Carolina. I think he was not in on it, but knew about it and it made him sick. He wanted to leave it all behind and knew no one would back him up.

millennial_vulcan ago

Kimmel especially I can't believe that no one remembers his popular college show with Adam Carrolla. Both terrible, racist + sexist. Worse than H Stern, Opie + Anthony etc.

Publicist worked overtime to rehaul his image.

carmencita ago

I am sure there is still stuff on internet. I did not really follow him at all before his Night Show. Don't know Carrolla either. What I do know is he is in deep now.

4_InquiringMinds ago

I remember when that came out/ppl were starting to wake up to the damaging effect of the pageants. This imho is purely humor and really quite well done slamming all the aspects of this marketing of children. We need to be careful not to slip into confirmation bias/go by factual not subjective interpretations. Otherwise the movement to expose this will fritter away/which is the hope of the cabal.

carmencita ago

Well, I know that Kimmel is definitely very questionable and there has been some proof of Hanks. I also saw that Howard is on the edge. Also Howard was on that list for donating to Bill's Defense Team. Of course that could have been just political. But we have to remember if someone was working as a child star really had very little chance of escaping the abuse of directors producers and other top stars. Just my thinking.

millennial_vulcan ago

Hanks cheats on Rita. Kimmel gropes college girls. Enjoy!

4_InquiringMinds ago

I hear you @carmencita and have tremendous respect for your skills. All I am saying is we need to stick to facts. If we start trailing off on pointing to humorous spoofs that were relevant to that time frame where little girl beauty pageants were being examined for the exploitation then we lose focus.

As far as anyone contributing to Bill's defense many reasons why anyone would and it really doesn't matter. In the case of Monica this was between two of age adults...end of story. He lied to the ppl and congress...stop the presses lol. All potus have done so...and it's documented.

Diversions keep us from the focus...children are being moved around in mass...and we need to find them. That's my point. Pedos are out there and we need to nail them with facts not speculation. We have a hard enough time when we have facts/speculation just makes us look nuts/which is the agenda.

GHDW ago

Scalia was the only judge to preside over the Billy the rapist Clinton's impeachment to limit information reaching the archives.

PedoStomper ago

And then later he was shot in the face while on a hunting trip with members of a secret society he was a part of.

ESOTERICshade ago

Rumor is that they took Scalia out because he was considered a liability to the cult. Maybe info linked to him was feared to spread. Not sure of the details.

2impendingdoom ago

The details of that theory are a long article on "VeteransToday" site, which is of allegedly controversial credibility. Other than this article I haven't any opinion, but you can find it pretty easily there. And the theory involved getting AS out of play for a judicial decision in BHO's favor.

Marfa-Lights ago

Damage Control in Weinstein case

How damage control would work in such a case would be roughly as follows. Weinstein would contact three or more close actress friends telling them to make up stories accusing him of rape.

Once they have gone over their lines many times and have learnt the part well enough they will go public with their easily proven false allegations.

The false stories they provide will be full of holes and much of what they say will be easily proven false. While the other half of the women he really has raped will be brought to trial after the false allegations.

The MSM will have had their say on all the false allegations making it publicly known all allegations against Weinstein have so far proven false.

This will make the genuine victims almost voiceless. Weinstein will get away with some form of assault and will probably avoid a prison sentence.

Watch out for any actresses in this case that will be calling rape, but are possibly on Weinstein's side.