elephantdoesntforget ago

I'm going to say Charles in Charge was always known to be a bad set. Many people talked, some refused to work with them.

Wondering if he will name names, or if it's an attempt to out others. His look is def weird, evil looking... has me thinking.

Readthesymbols ago

I get the feeling reading through his tweets that Alexander Polinsky is calling on Scott Baio to tell what he knows and back him up on his abuse accusations. It seems though that Scott Baio then will be on the spot to tell why he knows what he knows. This could then possibly open the can of worms up on his own experience of being victimized. A pain that Scott may not want to revisit. Polinsky is certainly pushing him

elephantdoesntforget ago

Seems so.

Scott Baio seems like a good guy. Often times, good guys are told to shut up or watch their family die. I can tell he's been wanting to talk for a while now, ever since he became a public Trump supporter.

Who knows, there's always a missing link in these things waiting to be found.

Truthseeker3000 ago

Jeremy Jackson, young Hobie from Bay Watch was another. Left the set when he got older and was into drugs, partying, etc. Still pretty messed up today. He was a young kid when he started that show.

migratorypatterns ago

Thanks for this.

Don't know the name, but it's another name for our radar.

Readthesymbols ago

Interestingly, AL BURTON was production manager/consultant for TV shows Charles in Charge, Facts of Life, Different Strokes, One Day at a Time and Silver Spoons which all had reports of child abuse and children acting out as they got older.

migratorypatterns ago

UpVoat for this.

I've gotta say I was unfamiliar with this name, but if he was involved with all these shows, his specialty was child stars/shows. Of course, Polinsky doesn't name the abuser so we don't know yet who it was, but it stands to reason it was more than one person. These people work in "crews". It's what bullies do.

Readthesymbols ago

I do hope he names names....bring these sadistic bullies to their knees.

migratorypatterns ago

I do, too.

The only thing that's annoying is his insistence on talking to Scott Baio. He says that Mrs. Baio DM'ed him, but it wasn't good enough.

This is about personal power. It would be lovely if everyone woke up and was redpilled at the same time as everyone else, but it doesn't work like that. Polinsky needs to do what's good for him, and going after Baio is not ... not unless there's part of this story I'm missing. Go after the abuser. If push comes to shove, and he does file suit or if the molester is arrested, then witnesses can be called, even hostile ones.

But you can't MAKE someone a friend. You can't. Again, If that's what this is about.

Readthesymbols ago

Yeah I don't think victims should force other victims out into the open. He is free to tell his truth and should on his own two feet. Maybe there is shared story though and he wants to speak to Scott before he speaks about it publicly? All conjecture and we don't know anything really yet. Time will tell I guess

carmencita ago

I am really not up on those, we never watched them, but I am thinking about them now in relation to all this pedophilia. Yes, how about Ricky Schroeder? I bet he has stories to tell. He was a beautiful looking boy, if you know what I mean. I think he would have been highly sought after in pedowood.

Readthesymbols ago

Take Different Strokes for example. 2 of the three kids are dead. 1 from overdose, 1 from fighting, the third was or still is a drug addict. No kids made it out of that show unscathed.

Ricky Schroeder was indeed a beautiful child. He was also a mighty fine actor even as a child. I was in massive tears watching him in the movie The Champ. He went on to have a pretty good career. And there is a chance he may not have ever fallen victim of the predators. His parents would have had to watch him like a hawk and keep him close. I hope he escaped ....I can hope.

migratorypatterns ago

Yeah, the Different Stroke kids. Very sad.

As for Schroeder, I keep seeing tweets and discussions where he's called out for being the only child actor that wasn't abused. I guess that's noteworthy in a scummy town like PedoWood.

carmencita ago

Let's hope you are right. There must have been a few that were not damaged, let Ricky be one.

millennial_vulcan ago

Libs gonna jump on this cause its Trump lovin' Scott Biao

Limpness ago

Heard of the Franklin scandal? Pedophelia is prevalent with US dems. and republicans..Nice for blackmail. People are targeted and helped to get elected for that reason . The clintons did a lot of this ..raising money for their chosen ones. If we unite, we won't need a revolution.

Readthesymbols ago

Scott Biao was likely targeted for abuse and not an abuser. I grew up liking the movie Bugsy Malone in which he stared. Now that I look back at a cast of children looking and acting like adults.... I certainly hope there were safeguards and watchdogs on that set to protect all those children.

ASolo ago

Its a psychiatric maxim that the abused quite often, not always, become an abuser, and that is not limited to actual criminal abuse of another, that includes verbal and relationship abuse and self-harm (drug use;pornography). The factors that align for Mr. Baio since his childhood make it highly unlikely he escaped abuse, and since his career has taken him where it has and he has of yet not mentioned anything of the sort then I guess, like many and most 'artists' staying silent for the sake of the 'industry' and 'art', and otherwise being very vocal about politics, things are gonna just stay the same.

Readthesymbols ago

Agreed that a percentage of the abused become abusers. However, because his past cast members who were abused looked to him for support and seemed to think kindly of him, I doubt he was ever an abuser. He seems also to be one of the black sheep in Hollywood. What I mean is, there are those who go against the grain in Hollywood like Tim Allen, Charles Heston, Greg Kinnear etc. who are marginalized because they don't go along. Scott Baio is one of those odd ones out.

Oh_Well_ian ago

lie down with dogs

wake up with fleas

carmencita ago

Wow! You just Sparked Something. It just dawned on me about Bad News Bears. This was really not my generation, but we went with a friend because their kids were on a BB Team. Think of all the children in there. These movies were surely thought up to cast as many minors as possible. Bringing them into the studio day after day. Hard to think about now.

elephantdoesntforget ago

Good point. 'Bad News Bears' always evokes chilling feelings in me. The term seemed to be used a lot among pedophiles.

As in, 'You're going to be Bad News Bears if you don't do what I'm asking you to do.'

carmencita ago

Wow. Never heard of that saying before. Wonder if it was one of those Hiding In Plain Sight Messages @millennial_vulcan Might be worth looking into who was in it.

elephantdoesntforget ago

Yeah, the term even leaked into mainstream TV / pop culture when the remade movie came out several years ago.

carmencita ago

Wow. Just wow. Can't get over it. Hope I don't forget to check who was in that movie. Was Tatum O'Neal in that movie. If she was, her Dad was a woman abuser.

millennial_vulcan ago

um, her dad was a CHILD abuser. Ryan O Neal was/is the biggest piece of shit in all of Hollywood and that's saying something...

carmencita ago

Well, I kind of figured he abused her too, not only Farrah who def was MK Ultra. But have not seen much one here about him. I can't remember the last time I saw him on TV but all I kept thinking of was, He is coming off as a Scumbag. So full of himself.

Readthesymbols ago

wasn't Corey Feldman in Bad News Bears at one point?

elephantdoesntforget ago

Not sure. The point I guess is notoriety... everyone knew to fear someone who mentioned working on Bad News Bears... you could just utter the term 'Bad News Bears' and people would jump.

Common thread in a spiders web.

migratorypatterns ago

Yes, but Polinsky is not alleging Baio was culpable or part of the abuse. He said he was reaching out ...

It's the same thing Moran did, and Baio did speak with her. He's one of the few that remained open and got blasted because he didn't do enough. I'm waiting for other names to come out re: Happy Days. There are at least three people from that show that are on my radar -- BIG TIME!!!

But you're right ... Baio is again going to get hammered because he's the Trump supporter. While everyone should be going after the abusers, they'll go after Scott.

ASolo ago

Great thread, keep tossing candles in that dark pit that is Happy Days to see if you spook out a bunch of demons that wove huge webs throughout Hollywood.

What 3 names were ya thinkin? Howard, Winkler and Most?

migratorypatterns ago

Just found where Winkler did defend Kevin Clash after he was fired for allegedly sexually abusing teen.


“Kevin Clash is was and will continue to be brilliant, end of story,” says actor Henry Winkler. Sickening. As Twitchy reported, Kevin Clash, the voice of Elmo, resigned yesterday in the wake of a second accusation that he had sexually abused a minor boy. Sesame Street grossly called it “a distraction.” And Henry Winkler ups the appalling by defending Clash, no matter what.

migratorypatterns ago


The names I was thinking -- and there's absolutely no proof to suggest these names are in any way connected to abuse in any form (gotta be careful not to accuse innocent people) -- are: Henry Winkler, Ron Howard, and Gary Marshall. They would have had the most access to Erin Moran and be high enough on the food chain to be able to implement abuse. And Winkler's comments/tweets to Moran, especially on her passing:


OH Erin... now you will finally have the peace you wanted so badly here on earth ...Rest In It serenely now.. too soon

Creepy or is just me? And, naturally, he didn't attend the funeral. TOO BUSY?!!!! Yeah, right! Too busy to take five minutes out of that hectic schedule he must have.


Henry Winkler was not able to attend the memorial as he has been busy promoting his upcoming children’s book, Here’s Hank: Hooray! My Butt Left the Bench!

finska ago

Another childrens book with a title/theme that has a possible double meaning..... butts....?

migratorypatterns ago


millennial_vulcan ago

Garry Marshall 100% guaranteed.

Happy Days, Princess Diaries, Pretty Woman,.,.all the classics.

migratorypatterns ago

Well, the other reason is his sister is way overrated and given directorial credits ala Angelina Jolie. When someone talentless gets that kind of opportunity, you can bet something is behind it because she sure didn't earn it. Come to think of it, didn't she direct Tom Hanks? He was just accused of the same thing.

Birds of a feather.

carmencita ago

Sink the Howard Ship! He is featured in that video with Tom Hanks, Toddlers and Tiaras. It is a Hiding in Plain Sight Message. Time to Take These Suckers Down. These are people that lied to us for decades. Where these people that partied out in the open and took drugs and got arrested for DUIs? No. They paraded around with Goody Two Shoes Families. Opie of All Things! $tring Them Up.

Sum-of-Nun ago

For the curious:


carmencita ago

Oh, thanks for posting it. I watched it again last night. Not wanting to after seeing it at least 10 times, months ago. I have known about this pervert and Kimmel and Howard since then. People need to watch this for it will solidify any thoughts you may have that this is just something that warrants a slap on the wrist. The woman that accused him is a victim of SRA. I am hoping that others will come forward, for I am sure they are out there. Hanks has people feelers out there, we can suppose, ready to buy them off. Or frighten them into silence. These pedos are extremely manipulative and can be violent at times. Let's hope this take down is going to spread.

millennial_vulcan ago

great point. I had forgotten about poor Erin Moran. Jeez, such a cute kid who obviously had terribly demons.

FUCK! Her too??

Next we'll be hearing about little Laura Ingalls Wilder and Michael fucking Landon....

ASolo ago

There is this: Melissa Gilbert: I was sexually harassed by Oliver Stone , and in my mind there is undoubtedly more.

I was shocked as hell and totally destroyed my perception of Melissa Gilbert when she was in a Nip/Tuck episode embroiled in a horrible story whereby her husband had to kill the family's germany shepherd because Gilbert's character was using peanut butter to lure the dog lick her genitals. That told me all I needed to know about her, how could any actor accept that role for purely Hollywood shock aesthetic?

Remember the weird and creepy kind of 'MILF' spin they attempted to put on the 'mothers' of these sitcoms like Brady bunch, Partridge family and even happy days?

Was it a deliberate attempt at inculcating the Oedipus complex in boys or was it because they knew these actors, male and female, were all sluts?

millennial_vulcan ago

She was also President of SAG AFTRA (the actors union) for years and her grandfather created the very first ALL AMERICAN sitcom The Honeymooners

Take a read. She has fingers everywhere. God knows what abuse she knows about and is protecting...


@carmencita @migratorypatterns @Eggs-Vs-Bacon @new4now @

carmencita ago

Same Subject - Different People. Read This http://variety.com/2017/film/news/john-oliver-dustin-hoffman-sexual-harassment-1202630709/ Very Odd discussion between John Oliver and Dustin Hoffman. Also on the panel was Robert DE NIRO!!! Wow! But at the end of the article was something interesting. Their discussion was about the one accusation and they never talked about the NEW ones. Read the last paragraph.

migratorypatterns ago

OMG! Hoffman is scum. And he's another one with this sterling reputation.

carmencita ago

Melissa sounds as if she may have been MK Ultra. These antics sound a little nuts. Her father could have passed her around like RR was by Carl. Too many different involvements for me. AFL-CIO speaks Mob to me as well. Also do you remember the girl Nellie on the Prairie Show? She came out as having been sexually abused by a family member and in an interview by Ann Curry she said that Landon was not as he portrayed, family man and such. She said he smoked, drank and sweared on the show. I happen to know his kids had problems with drug addiction and bulimia while growing up. I somehow have a feeling some nasty things may have happened on that show. Landon died of cancer in 91.

InnocentAngels ago

You won't believe this, but on The Talk today Sarah brought up A Open Secret. She said a friend had told her to watch it. She then said she remembers when she was young she knew of child predators on set. I was really shocked after us talking about her and her sister yesterday. Great news, will bring more awareness nationwide.

carmencita ago

This is great news! Hopefully people will be looking it up on the internet. If they do, I am sure they will see her Tweet.

carmencita ago

I know what it is. For some reason I am not getting the sound. I have tried everything but to no avail. This happens every once in a while. Thank You.

InnocentAngels ago

Sorry no sound. It played for me. Just so glad to see it in MSM on a show watched by many women.

carmencita ago

I was surprised that a show that featured Sharon Ozborne would feature her. Amazing.

millennial_vulcan ago

Great minds Carm....did you read my comment from below posted earlier:

"the actress that played Nellie Olson is a very messed up adult who became a B list comedian over the years. She has alluded to sketchy stuff re ML in her material, interviews etc."

carmencita ago

Another Non Arrival by our Crack Voat Mail Rm. Not surprised about him now. I have been wondering since a lot of them have been accused, especially the "Untouchables".

InnocentAngels ago

Also, Melissa's sister is Sara Gilbert who was in Roseanne Barr's TV show. And we all know Roseanne talks about MK Ultra a lot.

Shizy ago

She was also on the show with the old cackling hens, aka the view

carmencita ago

I have felt for some time that all the Presidents of The Screen Actor's Guild have been MKU.

InnocentAngels ago

Very possible knowing all we know now.

migratorypatterns ago



MacPhisto ago

I'm not accusing Michael Landon of anything, but I do recall a older gay man I worked for in college telling me that he confronted Michael Landon in a gay bar in LA during the '70's about being a hypocrite. Maybe Landon was there with friends and he was straight, but I did not get that impression from his story.

millennial_vulcan ago

the actress that played Nellie Olson is a very messed up adult who became a B list comedian over the years. She has alluded to sketchy stuff re ML in her material, interviews etc.

It'll be the next one to blow up, for sure.

migratorypatterns ago

I wouldn't be surprised.

And the thing is that it's all so unnecessary. It's a goddamn TV show, for Christ's sake!!!!! It should be fun ... for the kids and for the everyone. Yes, there's a lot of hard work, but there's no need for this salacious, ILLEGAL, perverse element to be sliding in and ruining children's lives!

These pedos are DESTROYERS!!!! They are so fixed and so obsessed that they allow nothing to get in their way of destroying innocence.

derram ago

https://archive.fo/17n9Q :

Alexander Polinsky on Twitter: "For 30 years I’ve held in the embarrassment and shame of being abused daily on the set of Charles in Charge. I had to watch other children b… t.co/LEpPPcWj5h"

https://archive.fo/6Xk5y :

Alexander Polinsky on Twitter: "I‘m trying to contact former castmate @ScottBaio and I am having no luck. I want to speak with him about the abuse I suffered and witnesse… t.co/Da9ntuxIgN"

https://archive.fo/7kHdj :

Alexander Polinsky on Twitter: "My abuser thought he was above the law, above morality and beyond judgment. To the quiet ones, the shy ones, the different, the unique ones… t.co/5U2YBXC7to"

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