Earthbalance2 ago

So many HollyPedoWood films banned now from my viewing list. I hate to step into movie theaters now for fear of what I may be supporting. #PrayerForChildren

carmencita ago

I am going to post this picture of Heather I had not seen before. It is extremely shocking at least to me. If you are of weak stomach do not look. I am too, but there it was, just popped up. So sad. Eyes. Notice the Eyes and the Cheeks.

3141592653 ago

I hope it makes u feel better that this pic is of her in Poltergeist 3 with creepy makeup on

carmencita ago

I surely hope so. Every picture of her almost makes me cry. The one with her and her sister especially. Her sister knows that she was responsible for her meeting SS. They lived near Disneyland on top of it all. There was a picture of her with Morey Amsterdam at Disney. I'm getting sick again.

3141592653 ago

Poor girl. For some odd reason i saw poltergeist 3 many many times as a kid, and that is absolutely from that movie

carmencita ago

I only saw the 1st one and that was enough for me. I sat there with my hands over my eyes most of the movie. I did not even know SS was involved. I had always said I never saw one of his movies. Until it hit me. This was one of the worst. Ever. At least to me. When I think also what happened to Drew it turns my stomach.

millennial_vulcan ago

the naysayers will say its because of her illness but you and I both know she looks like that because she literally came face to face with the devil.

One of the worst most naunting things I have seen. So upset.

3141592653 ago

Its makeup, from Poltergeist 3

carmencita ago

Yes, we know who that devil is.

carmencita ago

I just posted a picture of her with what I think looks like Panda Eyes. I am sickened by this stuff too but we have to keep posting until we finally get her what she deserves. Justice.

GreenDell144 ago

We know more-or-less who did it. We know how, when, where and why. We know more than anybody ever wanted to know.

Now we just need people to give a crap.

Justice for Heather O’Rourke.

darkknight111 ago

If you think we have enough info to solve this case, then to make people care, its time to start spreading.

I believe this case is a potential big time red pill regarding Pedowood. Looking for anyone who has or may have a twitter page.


millennial_vulcan ago

We have begged the journalists from The Daily Mail (who we know stalk this blog) to write a story about this topic many many times.


Cry @Carmencita

carmencita ago

Yes! Please finally tell her story. Daily Mail please tell Heather's story and give her the Justice she finally deserves. Please.

GreenDell144 ago

Oh... I totally agree. Sorry, just venting. The apathy bugs me if I let it.

Piscina ago

God bless you for investigating Heather O'Rourke. I have had to back off a lot of this stuff because it was so heartbreaking and stomach churning.

carmencita ago

I know how you feel. After I read the CDAN Bl. the first time I could not read anything for a while. I have read it twice and never again. Just too painful. What keeps me going is thinking of the pain they suffered. Nothing can compare with that. If we don't look into this it will just disappear and they will get away with it. Hopefully the constant coverage will bring them down and bring justice for Heather and the others as well.

think- ago

Great work, @darkknight111! Thank you for investing so much time into this case.

May I ask you to add two or three sentences at the beginning, explaining who Heather O'Rourke was, and giving a short intro into this case? This way newbie users would get an idea, before they might want to read the previous research on the topic.

Thank you! :-)

Vindicator ago

darkknight, what's the best way to search the chans? That's something I've been wanting to know.

darkknight111 ago

I found this thread by chance while trying to find connections between the producers and the usual suspects.

Found nothing on that front but found something more useful as a result, the /pol treasure trove.

new4now ago

Looks like Spielberg had a lot to do with Poltergeist

A clause in his contract with Universal Studios prevented Spielberg from directing any other film while preparing E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial.[6] Time and Newsweek tagged the summer of 1982 "The Spielberg Summer" because E.T. and Poltergeist were released a week apart in June. As such a marketable name, some began to question Spielberg's role during production. Suggestions that Spielberg had greater directorial influence than the credits suggest were aided by his comments:

Tobe isn't… a take-charge sort of guy. If a question was asked and an answer wasn't immediately forthcoming, I'd jump in and say what we could do. Tobe would nod agreement, and that became the process of collaboration

The Directors Guild of America "opened an investigation into the question of whether or not Hooper's official credit was being denigrated by statements Spielberg has made, apparently claiming authorship." Co-producer Frank Marshall told the Los Angeles Times that "the creative force of the movie was Steven. Tobe was the director and was on the set every day. But Steven did the design for every storyboard and he was on the set every day except for three days when he was in Hawaii with Lucas." However, Hooper stated that he "did fully half of the storyboards

According to the Blumhouse Productions website, Poltergeist assistant cinematographer John R. Leonetti reported that Spielberg directed the film more so than Hooper, stating:

Hooper was so nice and just happy to be there. He creatively had input. Steven developed the movie, and it was his to direct, except there was anticipation of a director’s strike, so he was “the producer” but really he directed it in case there was going to be a strike and Tobe was cool with that. It wasn’t anything against Tobe. Every once in a while, he would actually leave the set and let Tobe do a few things just because. But really, Steven directed it

carmencita ago

He was evidently a Real Control Freak. I do not trust control freaks. I worked with some of them they can go off the deep end if you try to take any responsibilities. I am sure that others were letting him take over because they did not want to Rock the Boat or Anger the Lion.

Enigmatic_Continuum ago

Excellent work!

millennial_vulcan ago

I know. Everything hurts, with this topic. I will never get over it. To me, Heather now is every abused child we hear about and I can't bear to think about the fact I cannot rescue them all. I literally started sobbing on public transport yesterday reading this beyond sick story about the little 8 year old Indian girl, gang raped over and over and then stoned to almost-death before being raped again.

I can't believe I just had to type out those words. Please god, somebody, anybody do something to stop this.

carmencita ago

Yes, I read the story too. I had to gloss over some. Looking up Heather today was about all I could take. Yes, Please Dear God Make Them Pay.

carmencita ago

Drew Barrymore with Jack Nicholson when she was 13 or 14? Dirty Pervert. It has been told on here in a former post that there was a tunnel found in Hugh Hefner's basement that went to the homes of some male stars warren beatty jack nicholson and I think kirk douglas. Nicholson is a Scumbag of the 1st Order.

millennial_vulcan ago

Drew has had a lot A LOT of therapy. I still think its a miracle she got to 40 without the worst happening.

Selena Gomez reminds me of young Drew. Judging from this blind item today she has no doubt too been horribly abused. She was an adorable kid and now....probably has another year or so before she kills herself. I could cry.

  1. ENTERTAINMENT LAWYER 04/16 #12 I think in the next year or so, we are going to wonder why no one did anything to help this former tweener turned adult actress/singer as she killed herself with booze and drugs. The thing is though, she has had several interventions and multiple trips to rehab. The only thing I haven't seen tried is a 24/7 sober coach. She needs it. Probably the worst weekend I have seen her have in two years.

carmencita ago

an orgy with women. They probably filmed it. She will never get out of this unless she gets an Extreme Divorce for about 6 mos. In a Total Rehab with what they said 24/7 sober coach.

Oh_Well_ian ago

Nicholson starred in Chinatown with John Huston ( known Pedo). Directed by Roman Polanski ( known Pedo ).

Huston's character raped his own daughter, who had their child. Won Oscar for Best Original Screenplay, nominated for 11 others.

Widely acclaimed and nominated for dozens of awards.

new4now ago

don't forget Johns daughter Angelica, had a relationship with Nicholas

Between April 1973 and January 1990, Nicholson had an on-again, off-again relationship with actress Anjelica Huston

look at her panda eyes


carmencita ago

Oh God. These poor children. No wonder they are so screwed up now. I know many of them are doing evil things, but that is all they know and have been taught All the horrid evil that has been done. How can we break this cycle? I don't know.

honormyslowdeath ago

Hi, longtime lurker here and have always appreciated your comments. This seems a perfect time to ask you a question.

Off and on I've read references to the dark circles under the eyes of suspected victims of child sexual abuse. I have never been able to run to ground medical or even cult reasons why sex abuse would cause dark circles. Being severely shaken could cause periorbital bruising as well as hitting the child but how does sexual abuse cause dark circles. If the answer isn't too horrible, would you mind sharing it?

Also, during the research I did to find out about dark circles, the weirdest link took me to a site for an organization called P.A.N.D.A. (Prevent Abuse and Neglect through Dental Awareness). If this has been mentioned before, I apologize - I started reading here about a year after Pizzagate picked up steam. But how weird is it to have a panda as a mascot to prevent child abuse. Why pick that particular name when the word already has a connection to pedophilia through popular cartoons? There have been stories of controlling children with dental torture. Every door I open just brings more and more information that is linked together, far too many links for it to be coincidence.

That pic of Angelica Huston is haunting. She looks preternaturally worldly, like at a very young age she learned how awful people can be.

carmencita ago

Okay, what I can tell you about dark circles is that there is not much information on line from doctors except that they can be caused by severe trauma. Now I would imagine this can be from sexual abuse, especially that of a child. This is not from one time, this is repeated sexual abuse. We have all read about some child victims being abused daily for years and this is the kind of abuse that we can imagine would cause severe trauma. I also would imagine that a lot of doctors are not trained to recognize these symptoms. I looked online and there was a question about whether excessive masturbation (sorry) is a sign of dark circles and two doctors replied that masturbation is a healthy part of your sexual life. BUT one doctor replied that excessive masturbation can be a sign of trauma so both of these things can be a sign of sexual abuse. I believe the other doctors just did not know which is very very sad. That is why so many can go undetected and also because believe it or not may not want to bring it up to the parent. Also the AMA is probably behind a lot of this scrubbing of details.

P.A.N.D.A. I will address this in another comment. I have just remembered something that included this in one of my posts.

carmencita ago

Sickos of PedoTown honored this. Luciferian imo.

carmencita ago

I remember Vic Morrow as an actor and the accident. And now I am reminded of John Landis and the lawsuit. I never knew there was a SS connection. Amazing. And the laws he violated with hose children on the set at night. What these Scumbags won't do. It has gotten to the point where I do not want to see any movies made with children anymore. Those poor 2 girls had to die. Who knows what else went on on that set.

new4now ago

Jennifer Jason Leigh (born Jennifer Leigh Morrow

In 1982, Leigh's father, Vic Morrow, was accidentally killed along with two child actors when a helicopter stunt went wrong during the filming of Twilight Zone: The Movie. Leigh and her sister filed a wrongful death lawsuit against Warner Bros., John Landis and Steven Spielberg. They settled out of court a year later and the terms of the settlement have never been made public.

millennial_vulcan ago

"when a helicopter stunt went wrong"


new4now ago

Pilot 'Distraught' That Morrow Never Looked Up

Freak accident or a sacrifice?

carmencita ago

Yes, I know. She separated from her Father after her parents divorced. I hope she got a bundle of money. I wonder what made her so angry about her father that she had no contact with him all her life. This stuff always saddens me. That type of life is so stressful and filled with enough pain, children need both parents. I wonder if there are any normal families in Hollywood. I can hope. I would imagine the ones that live outside of Hollywood, some do.

new4now ago

did you see the pic of a young Angelica Houston?

carmencita ago

Yes. Horrid. I just posted a pic of Heather with what I believe to be Panda Eyes. This stuff hurts.

carmencita ago

Yes, I did and it was horribly sad. We know what those eyes mean. She had an abortion I believe. That man had no shame doing that to his daughter. Narcissistic Pervert.

Piscina ago

Carmencita, can you tell us about Vic Morrow and John Landis?

carmencita ago

Piscina what I remember most about Vic Morrow is his part in King Creole since I was an Elvis fan. I also remember him mostly from him being a great character actor and mostly from all the TV programs he was in, like Alfred Hitchcock, etc. John Landis I remember him from being the director of Thriller with MJ. Also I read something so terrible that Vic Morrow and one of the little girls in the accident were decapitated in the accident. That's the first I heard of it.

carmencita ago

UPVoat for all the work you put into this post. I thank you even though it will tear me apart to read it. RIP Heather

millennial_vulcan ago



carmencita ago

Yes, I did today. So sad.

carmencita ago

Here is a picture I have never seen: I wonder if there is one of her with Ron Howard tool I know that pedos like to keep keepsakes of their victims. Happy Days. But we knew they were not.

new4now ago

I don't think Heather and Ron worked during the same seasons

Ron left the series before the 8th season through the 10th and came back as a guest for the 11th season

Heather was on the show during the 10th season

carmencita ago

OK. Was not sure of the time, thanks. That picture of Winkler with Heather really knocked me for a loop, after seeing Howard in the video with Tom Hanks with the Princess Toddlers it made me sick. Those people involved with Happy Days should all be looked at sometime. I don't trust any male that was on any of the shows that Heather was on at that time. She was put there for a reason. Beyond Disgusting. They should all be looked at all the programs.

new4now ago

think Howard and Hanks did a few movies together

Splash, Apollo 13, Da Vinci Code, Angels and Demons, Inferno

In the same year, Hanks appeared in the television series Bosom Buddies. His role in the show led to guest appearances on a variety of long running television shows including Happy Days. Hanks' appearance on the show led film director Ron Howard to cast him in his first leading role in the fantasy romantic comedy Splash

and guess what?

Tom Hanks guest appearance was with Heather, same episode

carmencita ago

Great Find!!! A person that has also been flying under the radar is Gary Marshall and I have also wondered about Jerry Paris. Tom Hanks with Heather is Dynamic! This is actually frightening me to think about it. Splash is the stupid normalizing of Mermaids. Oh, I am so sick of them. @millennial_vulcan

millennial_vulcan ago

We talked about G Marshall before Carm, right? Sniveling despicable sick pig. Never liked him (although I sheepishly admit I do love Pretty Woman) but regardless. He just screams pedo pervo creepo. Just watch any interview with him. Thank GOD he's dead.

carmencita ago

I think he is friends with Carl Reiner. The great guy that passed his son around. Is he dead? I so wanted him exposed as well. I think Penny is screwed up too. I found a pic of Heather with Morey Amsterdam and also posted about Tammy, Heather's Sister. Did you know they were on an episode of Happy Days together? Yes. I have not found a pic yet. But I posted one of them together.

millennial_vulcan ago

YES THANKFULLY that creepo died two years ago. The only sad thing about it was that he was not tortured before dying into revealing more names of pedowood creeps and pervs.

carmencita ago

They have probably made a pact to never reveal each other. The Perverted Scumbags.

new4now ago


carmencita ago

My head is going to explode! I am going back and forth on three different posts. Did you see the picture I posted of Heather? It has a warning that it may be upsetting to some. It tore my heart out. Panda type eyes and puffy cheeks. So sad and sick. This Scumbag Pervert must go down.

sore_ass_losers ago

Roman Polanski also raped/sodomized that teenager at Jack Nicholson's house, although its said he wasn't home.

Matt_Helm ago

Great detective work! Very well done.

derram ago