Snipers. The solution to 90% of the world's problems.

Sackajahweeda ago

AMEN! If I could do it I swear I WOULD!!

MichaelClayton ago

Heather O'Rourke was a boy in makeup and a dress.

millennial_vulcan ago

Weve said so much about Heather, but Mac Culk should never be ignored too. What was UP with his recent random appearances (with nothing to promote) on various late night talk shows?

Do you think there is some subliminal shit going on, like, he (and probably others) use coded language, during the interviews give folk (his former handlers/abusers, or even his fans) some kind of warning on what he's about to do, or know, or info he's about to release?

I wish he and Corey would just tell the truth about Jacko too, urrghh @carmencita

Sackajahweeda ago

Its is AMAZING to me how many younger folks defend MJ and say he was framed/is innocent....its like seriously?! I mean yes the courts found him that way but it took lots of money and help to keep that secret that was waaaaay bigger than just him I am certain,

millennial_vulcan ago

oh yes its amazing how blissfully ignorant and plain f*cking stupid people are. Most folk are not like us - red pilled and aware - so they carry on living in their dream fantasy world where pedos monsters are fake news made up by alt right.

Thankfully things are changing @carmencita

Sackajahweeda ago

To think that I used to use the phrase "Til the last cages are empty" to mean animals in it has a completely different and yet as significant meaning. Whilst swallowing the first of my red pills with no water I used to think there is just NO WAAAAY this can really be happening. Now its like there is no way it ISNT.

carmencita ago

This always makes me sick. You too. I am over and done with Feldman and Culkin. They should stop teasing us and shut up. The are only creating drama. The time they posted his band site on here I just about puked. The bunny rabbit stuff. Yuck.

millennial_vulcan ago

Feldman has turned into a joke yet part of me knows that he is part of a smear campaign by SS DG we know who, so porr kid doesn't stand a chance.

Amazed he hasn't had a "heart attack"

carmencita ago

I don't think he will be allowed to live a full life. When he has passed his usefulness they will take care of him, yes.

millennial_vulcan ago

yes, just like they did with his best buddy, the other Corey (Haim) who died unexpectantly

carmencita ago

Yeah, I think they are being used. There time is short.

carmencita ago

I don't know what he is up to. It sounds strange and weird but different than Corey. Corey is a player. I don't think MacCauley is. He is still a product of what happened to him. He has not had the proper help, it seems. He still needs deep therapy, you can see how mixed up he still is. I really am sick of both of them just jerking everyone around. I could not like a life like that. Suffering is one thing, but this could go on his whole life. They are keeping him shut up to save their own necks. Someone is keeping him too scared to tell the truth.

millennial_vulcan ago

I just think they are on different kinds of 'meds', is all, Carm.

Mac on meth n heroin to keep him mellow....Corey is amped on serious crack and coke.

carmencita ago

O God in heaven. What a mess. This seems like it will never get solved. One is just sick and the other is greedy and evil.

new4now ago

not sure if you have this one @darkknight111

but just in case you don't here it is

This lawsuit arose out of the death of 12-year-old Heather O’Rourke, star of the three Poltergeist movies, TV appearances on Happy Days, Webster, and other shows. This death action was filed by Heather’s mother, alleging the defendant Kaiser (Southern California Permanente Physicians) committed malpractice in the care and treatment of Heather O’Rourke, resulting in her death.

(this rang a bell)

The plaintiff contended that Heather’s small stature and weight

( reminded me of this)

As she was short for her age (she stood 3 ft 8 in (1.12 m) at age 10),[1] she began receiving hormone injections at UCLA to encourage her growth. Her petiteness led casting directors to cast her as children that were younger than her actual age. Her agent was quoted in The Los Angeles Times as saying that when she was ten, "she was still playing 7, 8."[

think- ago

Excellent post, @darkknight111. I will flair it NSFW due to parts of the content (human skin).

new4now ago

Came across this actress when looking for something else

Jaclyn Bernstein

born in 1978

she was in Poltergist II, which was in 86

she's been in a lot of Tv guest spots on shows that have come across the radar

her last film was in 94, Dumb and Dumber, small part

then nothing till 2017, a short film

I think she would know a lot

Vindicator ago

She was discovered by 1982 movie Poltergeist director Steven Spielberg when she was visiting the MGM studios.

Hmm...wonder if Universal Studios theme park isn't what it seems...maybe the kids who visit are the attraction...for the owners.

That Conservative Daily Post article was full of inaccuracies about Pizzagate. For example, it claimed the FBI published a list of pedo food code, which they did not.

Body was desecrated post-morteum via "skinning".

I thought she got sick at home a few days later? What was the timeline of her death? Wouldn't her parents notice this? What's the theory about them?

darkknight111 ago

The day of her illness was Sunday 1/31. Her death was on 2/1/1988. Meaning the skinning must have happened within a few days after her death.

I personally suspect the mom and/or the step dad are accomplices/accessories to the crime.

new4now ago

would a doctor at that time even suspect sodomy as the reason for the blockage?

knew a story of a child younger than 2, she died of septis too

it was stated early in reports she was sexual abused, but charges never came up for that

thinking that the surgery they preformed to try to save her, they lost any evidence by removing those parts of the colon

watching for your timeline, I still think of the little girl from North Carolina, arrests were made in 2014 and they haven't seen court yet

darkknight111 ago

The blind in question mentioned a medic having to be called after what they did to her.

This to me implies there was some serious anal bleeding, ie tears in rectal tissue. This right there should have been a red flag for sodomy.

I suspect the doctors were paid off to cover up the rape.

VoatisCIA ago

Paid off? ....... or threaten to death/of their family

new4now ago

maybe they were used before

The child I had mentioned wasnt taken in until she was unconscious

there was blood in a few of her diapers

think the bastards were used to seeing blood, but the septis might have made her go under

SMH what that child and others have gone through

makes me so ill

carmencita ago

I am going to have trouble sleeping again tonight, Sure many others will too. Thank You for digging into this. Many of us have heard of the shoes, but connecting them to a child that we all know, well that is hitting pretty close. RIP Heather. @millenial_vulcan

VoatisCIA ago

@darkknight111 @carmencita watch video @ 4:27 on YouTube



I love Deplorable McAllister aka Linda Paris. She's my new favorite person. 😁

carmencita ago

I am sorry. I cannot watch. Anything with Heather makes me just about break down now.. Someone please.

millennial_vulcan ago

Here we go again Carm. Sleepless nights and nightmares :(

Can someone, anyone, make it stop? cries

carmencita ago

Sick. Sick. Sick. The Shoes. I felt sick. I could not read the articles about them. I read a long time ago. But now, to connect Heather to it, just is too much to bear. Yes, tears.

millennial_vulcan ago

I can't with the shoes thing. Brain is in agony as it is. Cannot even begin to process THAT...

carmencita ago

I know. <3

Soulbrotha2 ago

....for the LOVE of money IS the root of ALL evil. Serving mammon=going to hell. They will have plenty joining them, they are all complicit

darkknight111 ago Doing some digging regarding shoe making on this. Forgive the morbid nature of this comment, but I need to get the full truth of this case.

Seems you need about 3 square feet of leather to make a pair of standard men's dress shoes.

TrishaUK ago

In this 1 minute clip, Alisa says they make shoes and flip flops, flip flops over here in UK would only take a tiny amount of leather. Look how they DISCRIBE the peeling of baby skin and how the blood is still on it - they even motion the action, NOT FAKE, these children have witnessed these horrific rituals! by MrAvgnfan12 Published on 13 Feb 201 - 305 Baby skin shoes - - I want the sicko pedo/satanists responsible hung, they are walking the streets right now - BUT where are Gabriel and Elisa? :'(

42times5 ago

She did 😔

derram ago