TrumptyDumpty ago

Problem is.... The classroom video, the kids say Kite followed by Kit. Pause it at 28seconds and see the written words!

TrumptyDumpty ago

they say playing not plane!

latinapatriot9 ago

I found them! : )) You Rock!!

Consistent_Peace ago

So good to see you and your posts here, I have always gotten a lot out of your postings and hard work ! Appreciate you!

MiMaw ago

How do I find “subreddits”? I mean how do I join a specific group and get to that group once here? Ex: I want to go straight to SB2’s post only. How can a subscribe? I don’t see any way to do that. Or how do I subscribe only to The Great Awakening?

ElectDV ago

these entities no only in our Government. They have infiltrated our Education System as well. This is all part of the four hidden dynasties too. On another note, I love the info you deliver in your posts. Always informative and spot on. So thank you for sharing with us.

Shocka007 ago 666 3 x holdup = The reverse of reality ! He issued an 86'd order on @POTUS ?!

tangled_up ago

Love your kookie logic, you may be too intelligent for me but I will continue to seek you out ! Best of everything!


I hope THE PATRIOT HOUR come to voat i sent them a link

davebeing ago

I am unsure about Rudy G. He must have been invested, involved and profited in the 9/11 demolition.

bbrk364 ago


contessa ago

I've been waiting for 55 years for this Great Awakening! Never in a million years did I think Donald Trump of all people would be the "ONE" to Volunteer to Bring the "Storm" I was not fully awake until 911, then it hit me. I began listening to Coast to Coast AM, where all the evidence was presented, I was Red-Pilled, and when the Matrix Movie came out, I told my kids and husband of my beliefs, using that movie to explain the big picture. I knew deep down our Government had been taken from us with the JFK assassination. I was obsessed with JFK Jr. and watched him grow up, praying he would someday avenge his father and restore our Republic. The night he died, my hopes were dashed. I kept the faith and continued to look for who would lead the charge...The Night Obama was elected, I looked at my friend and said, "he is the Anti-Christ" I have never been so worried as when Hillary Clinton ran for President. I had also watched her and blamed her for JFK JR. plane crash, I knew she and Bill were EVIL. So when I heard Donald Trumps famous speech, I got goosebumps and knew he was the "ONE" Just like Neo in the Matrix. (I know that sounds crazy) I am NOT a Republican or a Democrat, But I will follow Trump off a Cliff, To restore our Republic. We need to clean house, and stop the insane programming in our schools. I have not served in the Military, but I stand ready to do whatever I can to Make America Great Again. I raised my kids to respect the Flag, to work hard and help others. These are the morals and values that I feel are required to save this Nation. SerialBrain2-you are my hero. what you are doing is taking this to the next level for folks. Meg Anon, Neon and Praying Medic are also amazing. Q Anon, what a brilliant strategy, I do Trust the Plan!~ I am just impatient, because 55 years is along time for Justice to be Served. Love all my fellow Patriots, WWG1WGA. MAGA !!!!! Not tired of Winning.

iahkaferoaster1 ago

If HRC et all are the snakes, unless 4 10 20 nails Medusa, not much else will matter. Perseus....

8energyshifter1220 ago

Very Interesting...!

emerald5 ago

War Drummer sent me #WWG1WGA

Biloxigyu ago

I have the utmost respect for SB2, Prayingmedic & neon! the rest of y'all critics can lick off what the toilet paper misses...

Spud4ever ago

Thank you for your excellent post (nice to see you again, thought I'd lost my 'old friend' during the great 'Exodus' from reddit [don't go where I'm not wanted, and do not feel welcome there anymore,] and was beginning to miss your highly educational posts)!

RobynLovesPeace ago

So happy to find you here Serial Brain2!

skiptothefuture ago

There needs to be a direct connection between the Q post board and this board. The necessity of this is obvious & necessary since events are getting dicy & must be proven beyond any doubt.

WhiteSquall ago

SB2 your conclusion of POTUS’ theme here is understood loud and clear: These Bad Actors used 9/11 to manipulate public opinion to go to war. Similar to Pearl Harbor and Lusitania, etc. These “dark rulers” had other plans to do an even greater more sinister event to manipulate into another war.

Q mentions, “other possible T-level events?” Is he perhaps referring to one of the hidden purposes of the U1 deal? Sum of all fears? “‘they' had a plan to conduct ‘another' mass extinction event. Q”

But POTUS & the Q Team have put a stop to this. I think it’s significant that POTUS memorialized 9/11, not at Ground Zero, nor at the Pentagon, but at Shanksville? Why there? Is there a message? It has to do with the flight that those amazing heroes arose to put a stop to a third potential devastation on that infamous day. POTUS is getting us and the DS to focus on Flight 93. What’s so important about “93”?

In SB2's exquisite portrayal of the DS comms at the 45th Daytime Emmy’s “Red Carpet Event” we learned that “92” (mentioned 6 times) had to do with Uranium and we also learned that “93” was Uranium 1. They were sending out sigs to try and get it all moved back to the Ukrain because POTUS & Q were hot on there ****.

Could this be the reason our CIC chose the memorialize Flight 93? “You will not be using your U1 (93) equipment to cause another event (mass extinction event) to manipulate us into another war. This FF has been effective stopped by an amazing team of heroes. Great work POTUS & Q!

And nice decoding SB2

Dogsoldiertoo ago

Another excellent post, sir.

pj77777 ago

God Bless Q and our POTUS...we are in for a bumpy week. Hang tight.

Okap65 ago

Love your posts. They have opened my brain to a greater understanding. Thanks~~~


Slidewizards ago

I need CCP credits please help.

Q Code & Abbreviations made easy. Thanks for all the updates ️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️

duffbash ago

Here's the problem I'm having, SB. Where does "government cover up" and "you are accomplishing great things" come from? Also, I can just as easily get "President Donald Trump will take us to war" (458) as I can "we must stop being manipulated to go to war" (458). Why is there a random "S" inserted between Seven and Eleven? Just random thoughts.

QisaPAYtriot ago

I need to get behind that paywall so I can really figure out what’s going on. Trump has flipped about his views on 911 and it confounds me. I really wished Pamphlet would just let me back into the Q group. I was his best researcher for a while. I feel bad about challenging Pam’s need for another paywalled room. Guess he knows better than the rest of the group.

divine_human ago

thank you for all you do, sb2...

as usual, i love the first 3/4th of your post and lose resonance with the last quarter, lol and sigh.

i perceive the upper levels of germatria as being truely used by Q and DJT and i am grateful that you bring this decode tool to community.

the 'deeper level' of your decodes, like 'this sentence has the same nurmeric value as that sentence (and thousands of other sentences, too)' or 'a=1 which means that you need to decode by looking at one letter behind' and 'the + sign in Q+ should be read as a command to move one letter ahead in the decode' are too far a strech for me.

i feel it confuses and distracts me so often, i cant even read the last part of your posts.

dont mean saying that they are not true. they may be.

i simply cant logically follow them and dont feel resonance with them so they are not part of my reality but may be real nevertheless. thats for each reader to discern for themselves.

however, i enjoy reading your stuff and entertaining your conclusions, and love seeing you here, hopefully in the sister sub, too.

keep up the good work, thank you for what you bring. may your teachings unfold in a way that serves our humanities awakening and the greater good.

NoraPandora ago

Let’s now listen to him when he gets back to the White House: link

Why does Trump mention that he is in the White House ROSE GARDEN? You don't see a single rose and it's not really relevant to the context.

'Rose garden' has the Gematria 106. It is also the Gematria of 'divine plan', 're-election' and - a warning? - 'ready to die'.

I'm just saying....

matrixmutt ago

Of course there was a cover up. And it goes on now in it's deepest state... since Adam&Eve Old news is suddenly knew news. It's all pretty surreal,but all in time. We do have more than we know. The question is... where does it,we go now? It's a black and white checker board,move by move,it's ritual. Q team is trying to bring light,to illuminate the masses,the great awakening... Like a mason brick by brick. Ask John Kerry he's pretty vocal lately. Kerry/Heinz...the anticipation is making me wait ..?(see Arrogant Kerry Sept 15 article Gateway Pundit on HBO’s “Real Time with Bill Maher interview) 322 Alumni. Templar insignia. Just in time for Halloween. SKULL & BONES

DrShelly ago

Crossing fingers that the 9/11 atrocities are revealed. As we approach a year since the Oct 1 Las Vegas "Harvest" Festival anniversary, I truly hope that somebody gets to the bottom of this cesspool too. Question: I love the gematria, and the encoding via capital letters. What I don't understand, is where do you come up with the equivalent 'gematria' verbiage... like "we must stop being manipulated to go to war." Are those written already somewhere and you are finding them and matching them, or are you coming up with them on your own, or what? Sorry if I appear dense.

larosebay ago

I'll speak for SB2 this time. I don't' know if I have the chart saved except on reddit, but I'll look. But there is a chart you could find by a search that translates the numbers into letters, and even though it's very simple, I can't explain it to you. Search for Gematria translation should do it.

L887451674 ago

SB2, I have a question for you. When you say the President's message is "We must stop being manipulated to go to war" based off the gematria...How are you coming up with what he is saying? Are you just guessing different phrases than seeing if the gematria is correct...If so, how could we possibly know that he is saying "We must stop being manipulated to go to war"...or .."Government cover up, etc"... Just curious...LOVE YA SB2!!

Qanonshow ago

Okay, I've been able to follow your posts for a few months now and I'm still amazed at how you figure these things out. Oh, and that video was just eerie with the kids reading kite, hit, steel, plane, must and the Pet Goat. Brazen in your face! Now, I've got the capital letters and the gematria understood so that when Trump tweets using capitals I take note. This is where I really get lost. In this example, you come up with 342 and then you make a jump that I cannot follow when you say: "Same gematria as YOU ARE ACCOMPLISHING GREAT THINGS." How do you make that leap? Can you not come up with a lot of phrases using gematria for 342?

RedeemedoftheLORD ago

The question, "When does a bird sing"? I've not heard the correct answer from ANYONE yet! It is actually in the comment from Q, DARK to LIGHT!!! Birds in nature start up at the crack of dawn= DARK to LIGHT! Birds in cages sing everyday AFTER the cover is removed from the cage. Anyone who owns birds will tell you, if their pet bird(s) is being noisy, they will put a cover over the cage & the bird, thinking it's night, quiets down! Dark to light= exposing the evil deeds of these people, shedding light on them gets them singing, trying to blame others or make deals, etc., SO WE MUST CONTINUE TO SHED THE LIGHT ON THEIR DARK/EVIL DEEDS UNTIL THEY START SINGING/TURNING ON EACH OTHER!

jaychadstein ago

Reddragon1111 ago

Every time i start reading one of sb2's posts, without even knowing who has written it, i start feeling sick to the very pit of my stomach. i get a very uneasy and horrible feeling. i check to see who has written the post and sure enough it is sb2. Neonrevolt - stomach feels fine. Prayingmedic- stomach feels fine. sb2- sick to the very pit. I am an empath and a psychic and i trust my gut feelings. Something is very very wrong with this poster.

larosebay ago

What does that mean? Something is very very wrong with this poster? Something like what?

zzntch ago

Dear SerialBrain2, I have been reading your posts and have learned so much from you that I felt I must thank you for your work. I have been trying to find "Q" to no avail and would appreciate a link to his current posts please. Please continue as your work is absolutely vital to we Patriots as you are one of the very few who truly sees the reality of our current government with an insight that can only be describe as "profound". God Bless you and yours

Beanandginger ago

Man I am down with everything Q but the whole gematria thing escapes me. It's seems like you can prove or disprove anything with it. You obviously are neck deep in it. Not throwing stone just not my cup of tea.

N_of_Red ago

Thank you SB2, love being informed.

Dropswakeyou ago

Great post. The gematria of the communications from Trumps tweets and Q is very interesting. But, this information is not new. From the moment those planes hit I personally knew it was a set up for war by the DS. Many others also knew this if they had been following the politics all the way back to GHWB and desert storm. The fact POTUS is talking about it now is truly amazing. However, we are approaching the time where he needs to open this up clearly for the masses and I'm the plan is leading to this.

RxrGAnon ago

Hmmmmmm, interesting, VERY interesting, indeed. Glad to find you here, btw GOD Bless The Constitution of The Republic of The United States, and ALL Patriots loyal to it ! WWG1WGA

Andweknow ago

Thanks SerialBrain2 again for letting us create vids with your work. AMAZING!!! A video narrating your work - Trump's secret message about 9/11. There was a cover-up.

FreedomHasWon ago

Great to see you here v/SerialBrain2. Signed up once I saw you. Thanks for another fantastic decode.

Chickenplucker ago

While I’m not as savvy as SB2 I believe POTUS has sent a coded message to John Kerry in his recent tweet about Obama visiting “57 states” I believe this is the recognition of John Kerry through Heinze 57 and the gematria of “Fake News Media” is 116 when 116 is inverted it becomes 911. Hopefully SB2 can expand on this more.

rickki6 ago

Love SB2!

TrueDub72 ago

First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.

Mahatma Gandhi

Sheclips ago

This was fantastic! SB2 will you ever link Israel to this story? We really want to know the WHOLE truth. Thanks for all you do for us. WWG1WGA

ShaHolderIII_ ago

ThanQ for teaching us and keeping us up to date with your decodes. We must stay together


FilleDeMartel ago

Wow, thanks SB!

Colin_Kelley ago

Really good, believable decode, appropriate for Trump and Q to coordinate -- very important and meaningful.

DebbieDoesVoat ago

I will respectfully disagree with your statement about Infowars stats nose diving. Over the past year+ the site has bounced between 2500-3500 on the Alex global ranking. End of April it was beginning to uptick and then Youtube banned him. Im sure that was a huge loss of traffic. Other sites show he is well up 30% or more in just the past month.

While I definitely like and appreciate all of the Q research going on, Im just not someone to be goated into believing an anonymous source like Q. Everyone on reddit kept saying things like "Q told me so", "because Q says so"... are people listening to themselves here? And Im not saying one way or other if Alex Jones is mister deep state himself, because fuck if I know. I take everything anyone says with a grain of salt, I do my own research as everyone else should.

I think thats a big difference between your typical Alex Jones / ZeroHedge listener compared to Q reader. People can shut off AJ for a few months when he gets annoying (he has some great fucking guests, you cant deny that) while Q people swear by every word Q says. Qanons cant take a step back for even a week if they wanted to. If Alex Jones were a drug he would be cocaine. If Qanon was a drug it would fentanyl. Dont let anyone control your thinking... Q or AJ.

Awakesince01 ago

AJ is a Zionist, yes he’s does have good guest, any word on Tommy lately? All he does is feed you bullshit, good shit, bad shit, bullshit! All Q has done is shed light on hidden illegalities that have been detrimental to our Nation. The bakers (anons) take crumbs (Qpost) from Q, and bake (gather information and report) bread (a map). AJ seems to have an underlying intentions, his satire acting is annoying and gets old quick. But, AJ has helped wake up a lot of people. We must band together to fight this true evil.

DebbieDoesVoat ago

Personally the zionist stuff gets old. Q didnt tell us anything new... there have been mossad links to AJ for two decades now... all from really shitty designed websites that have zero substance. But I do agree with you his stick gets old quick. If I know a guest I like or might be interesting I'll tune in. As Ive said elsewhere his many documentaries have awoken millions. Maybe a bit misguided but still. Q has done a great service for our country whomever is running the op. I do like Q and really do appreciate everything coming out of the research.

txtigerlily888 ago

Awesome Brother! Always on target!

MRiggs ago

First time on here gave up votes so people can start boting themselves... I hope the team does the same for me ... GO Q TEAM

Awakesince01 ago

4.3billion in gold bullion taken from caves and castles in Saudi Arabia. Remember the dump trucks, or the 53g found ont the side of the street. Bush Sr. I believe jr. had no idea what was happening while he was in that class room.

redditsucksq ago

How do I find past writeups of yours SB2? Please post them here or provide link. I like to send some of the older ones to my buddies.


hello serialbrain2 - i used to read your posts on the other site and i listen to wardrummer on youtube. my name is roam [- the cabal attempted to give me other nicknames, but that is a different story.] - i have my own theories on gematria but i seem to agree with alot of your points so i pay attention to what you have to say. the issue is this - if what you are saying is true then the truth of september 11 will be exposed,,, soon,,, like four days ago. but it wasn't. so when? at what point that it doesn't get exposed is too far? after the elections? after the new year? september 2019? i understand your point - trust the plan - but at this point - there is some concern this is reprogramming rather than red pilling. i wonder if you think i am wrong?

chefykins1 ago

Thank-you for another excellent decode Serial Brain 2 but I think you missed President Trump's best troll ( Message ) of all for Hillary and the Deep State. You remember what Hillary and Bill were wearing during Hillary's concession speech ? The Purple outfits which supposedly started the Soros backed Purple Revolution ? Do you see what President Trump and First Lady are wearing ? The Purple Counter-Revolution or some other message ? Peace Y

tahitianon ago

SB2 can you please explain how the hell do you go from 342 to YOU ARE ACCOMPLISHING GREAT THINGS? I understand gematria, but couldn't you come up with any random phrase from letters that add up to 342? has this been seen else where? thanks for clarifying.

HansFree ago

Wow - makes me wonder how bad reddit was throttling SB2... look at the activity on this post!

krissieQ777 ago

“Let’s open our Bible:

For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Ephesians 6:12”

This! Love your decodes SB2!

os4185 ago

Trump has got to declassify the FISC documents, This waiting around is going to hurt him. He has to blow this open and get them really scrambling!

amyramles ago

Trying to convince my sister that Q is real. In my excitement about 911 will be exposed showing this and other videos she is saying that I should not believe because no one knows. Ugh!

Katrien_the_Belgian ago

The numerology stuff isn't my thing. It always sounds a bit far fetched to me.

The_1st_Reprobate ago

Anons. New to this forum. Please show me some love so I can post. TY. #WWG1WGA

OEFcombatmedic ago

SB2 thank you for all the work that you do!

RufusTFlywheel ago

Damn it. I was really hoping serial brain 2 would take his b******* and retire with Reddit. Honestly I would much rather here the lunatics from Voat rather than this guys silly nonsense. And the worst part is that those who are supposed to question everything won't question this guy for a f****** second. Serial brain 2 and gematria are b*. Period. Not one proof. You add up all the capitals divided by 4 and you get 400 you see how I did that. What a f joke

os4185 ago

It makes total sense and answers a lot of questions. I served three tours during the worst years in Iraq. We found plenty of artilary shells filled with Sarin and VX. We also found over 15000 tons of yellow cake Uranium. It always amazed me that Bush never claimed he found them. We were told that K Rove messaged to let sleeping dogs lie. Later on were were told the Uranium Isotpe search reveled it came from Savanah River. Lots of cover up. Capatin USN (RET)

Fromthebeginning ago

Isn’t the fact that SerialBrain2 made this post a confirmation? I think so, voat wasn’t previously a SerialBrain2 venue! I am so happy to ses this was made by Sb2 and not just copied and pasted by a fan! Happy happy happy, Thank You SB2!

Elianatrue7 ago

So glad I found you SB2!! Getting totally addicted to your decodes!!🤣

17patriot ago

Nearly 100,000 people on r/GreatAwakening lost their subreddit yesterday. 8ch is insanely busy at the moment. VOAT seems to be an alternative Neon Revolt suggested.

Why is thegoldwater dot com site a banned domain? I thought Voat does not censor.

PatriotPaula ago

How in the WORLD could the school that GWB was at, at the moment The World Trade Center was hit...the teacher...the lesson... have the words "kite" "hit" "steel" "plane" and "must" weaved into them??? My brain cannot fathom this! Help! This teacher was VERY well prepared on the teaching of this lesson.

R2077R ago

SerialBrain2, you never cease to amaze me. I'm glad I found this board and glad that you are here posting. Thanks for all your hard work.

Nursecj ago

You’re a genius! I am no gematria expert so reading your posts I learn so much....thank you for all the hard work...I’d be in the dark without you, otherwise

Aces8 ago

Hey mods. If you start stickying SB2 shit here then I'm gone. SB2 makes some gargantuan leaps of faith when connecting the dots. By stickying SB2 you are pushing a narrative that many of us do not believe in. If his shit is worthwhile then it will be upvoted accordingly. Sorry SB2 but most of the time you sound bat shit crazy.

clanofwolves ago

Again, thanks SerialBrain2 for your input on your investigations and findings, fantastic!! #WWG1WGA

robot7247 ago

Keyser Sose

rickki6 ago

thank you SB2 for sticking with the patriots and helping the transformation. :)

JubilantJewel ago

Thanks SB2. I am so glad that Rudy is going to blow the lid off this FF. God Bless and keep you.

ThankGodForTrumpBoom ago

You have no idea how happy I am that you’re here!!!!

Thank you for this. I’m actually getting the hang of this gematria thing. (Finally)

WhatAmITolerating ago

I bet that the sick cucks in the CIA planted the words "Kite...etc" with the teacher to try to get Georgie boy to crack up during the class. They certainly had a good laugh about it when everyone was jetting out of there on AF1. Damn them!

GoldenQbie ago

Thank you SB2... amazing as always... "they had a plan to conduct another mass extinction event"... holy cow...

mountainstandardtime ago

Great to see you back in action again SB2! Great post and decode! Also, great to see how we have all been able to come together again. What a great time to be alive.

missyshimmy ago

Blow it out your ass. Your just a disinformation sub.

wrathfulmomes ago

You know the drill. Capital letters: RG GREAT M NYC S H R TRUE WARRIOR = 342. Same gematria as YOU ARE ACCOMPLISHING GREAT THINGS.

More gematria bullshit, whether Q is real or not. Are we allowed to say that on here now that bans are banned?
Same gematria as:

  • Ill have my team get back to you on that
  • England is winning the FIFA World Cup
  • Eastern Washington University Eagles
  • You change the times and the seasons
  • please feed the webkitty use PAYPAL
  • i like pUMpkin pi i ekil nikpMUp ip

How does it work?

  1. Find a number. ANY number will work. Use any phrase to get the number. Doesn't matter which.
  2. Phrases of all types, but mostly conspiratorial, are already in a list.
  3. Pick a phrase from a list to suit your goals.
  4. If it doesn't fit, massage some letters or words and add that new phrase into the list.

Fucking sheeple, goddamn. Do NOT listen to this gematria bullshit. There are so many ways to pull a number out the same tweet or drop. Multiply that by the number of posts coinciding on the clock, and you have any number of phrases or numbers to pull out of your ass.

I'm not saying Q isn't real. Of course it's real. At this point, it's either a plan against the deep state... or a massive psyop. We have no conclusive proof yet which. But please, just don't shove your head up SB2's ass ALL the time. Even if the rest of his logic was irrefutable, this is farce.

In-His-Presence ago

So thankful that I still have Neon Revolt and Serial Brain2. I read these always first. This is spiritual warfare. We know full well who our enemy is. He might have prevailed but then along came Trump - and also all of the great patriots who were hidden for such a time as this. We are awake. We are focused. We shall not relent. Godspeed to all of you dear patriots!

maggtom123 ago

So glad to see ur here SB2. We do need Q to do a link and confirm. I had a feeling that they were working on 911. It needs to be out in the public.

iamthecircus ago

You'll notice that Israel never gets mentioned in these long, drawn out explanations. That's on purpose. The influx of (((redditors))) are actually shills

Jay_J ago

I'd like to see all the false flags exposed. Las Vegas Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School the plane crashed, especially the nat'l guard traveling to fire school training.

StingingNettle ago

I don't get it how does banning Alex Jones not hurt Alex Jones but hurts Q? Seems a bit far fetched to me.

WeGoAll ago

Thank you my friend! Exciting and scary times indeed!

YeshuaFollower ago

Q sent me. fellow Reddit refuge. Upvote please.

slumbermachine ago

100% upvotes and inline images = voat is better.

Jay_J ago

Serial, I've heard the community traveling from reddit to here is DIVIDED now between the old 'greatawakening' voat board and the new'theawakening' board. It was said that the reddit moderators helped set up this NEW 'the awakening' board. The fear is that these reddit monitors cannot be trusted, as they will wait a period of time, and then pull a banish like on reddit.

So maybe the OLD board IS better. You had been there for six months already.
Some people are simply just forgetting the whole thing now and avoiding VOAT altogether.

Something to bring up to Qanon. I realize he/they are extremely busy, but WE NEED TO STAY TOGETHER

Jay_J ago

Hey Serial...glad I found you Hooah!

willowlady ago

So glad I found you . thank you for your hard work

tdogbearcat ago

Good to see everyone here

lbeni540 ago

I'm glad you're here SB2!! Your skills are greatly appreciated and noted within the awakened. Keep up the great work!! As far as 9-11 is concerned, if these psychopaths have no problems eliminating 3,000+ people, NOTHING is beneath them. They must be eliminated. Wake Up World!!

truthseeker832 ago

Great to see you SB2. When I saw all your posts missing from R I was so sad because I hadn’t made it through all of them yet. You are a genius and I am learning so much from your posts. Thank you!

MetalThatMatters ago

Good job, SB2 ... As usual ... WWG1WGA

tyedyetweety ago

Wow. Thank You SB2 for the insight. I prayed for some guidance to be able to help. I'm here to learn and help however possible. I've been following and researching and trying to understand.

BillsPriaprism ago

You exposed Jerome Corsi waaaaaay before things got rolling. This teaser: What are the odds? The kids are ordered to repeat the words KITE, HIT, STEEL, PLANE and MUST right before Bush is informed the 9/11 attacks began. There are other very powerful clues in this video like the reference to The Pet Goat and the slate behind Bush on which it is written “Reading Makes a Country Great”. A deep dive into these clues, Skull and Bones, Satanism and blood sacrifices will unveil the spiritual truth behind 9/11 for the sincere seekers…

PLEASE enlighten us!

Shredler ago

Why wouldn't he just come out and say who did it? Why not just release documents that show the coverup? He's been president for almost two whole years and hasn't confirmed any sort of conspiracy. There's no investigation into Hillary or Obama. He's not fighting the deep state, it's time we accept the fact that hes a fat fucking loser faggot, and you are all faggots for following him and sucking his tiny cock. You people are the real dummies here

punkyleslie ago

Happy to find a home! I am a refugee from Reddit. Thank you Patriots! Dark to Light! Please upvote me! Occam’s Razor.

Repealthe6th ago

I am honored, as an old Veteran and one who was around when they murdered JFK, to be alive to witness the total take down of those responsible and the Evil which took hold of my country. Thank all anons,Q and those who have been red pulled for Trump I believe with all that is me,he was chosen and is guided by our lord and savior Jesus Christ. Prayers do work if they are focused. So stay focused on the plan and thank you Serialbrain2 for opening the gates of truth to all.

Repealthe6th ago

I started watching Blessed to Teach. And he showed me this site. Thank God I tuned in just at the right time. Was this God,an angel or something from the heavens directing me. There are no coincidences. Every thing Has meaning and purpose. WWG1WGA. My prayers are more focused than any other time in my 63 years for all anons,Q and the protection of Trump. Thank you Jesus for bringing all those who are with your servant Trump as he leads our nation back to you.

dodntint6169 ago

SB2, you seem to have made some uncharacteristic logic jumps. I normally follow along reasonably well, but this time you lost me. For example, going from RG GREAT M NYC S H R TRUE WARRIOR to YOU ARE ACCOMPLISHING GREAT THINGS works from a gematria standpoint, but the jump is not supported. Same thing with WE MUST STOP BEING MANIPULATED TO GO TO WAR. I get that the gematria works, but there are many other phrases that would result in the same value so why this one?
Love your decodes, and great to see you back!!

derplestiltzkin ago

Not uncharacteristic, and gematria is a bunch of bullshit.


The28th ago

Amazing post SB2. Thank you. Can you tell us more about the plan 'they' had to conduct 'another' mass extinction event please?

WakeUpDJ ago

You never cease to amaze me with the internal machinations of your thought process. I for one could never have deduced any of the message coded in the tweets, images, videos, and links...just amazing! Thank YOU SerialBrain2.

onemom3x ago

Wow. Thank you for that, my mind is blown. Not because of the content but how you deciphered it

snowstormsteamboat ago

So glad SB2 is back. I love reading you're analysis. Thanks!

Oz_patriot ago

Thanks SB, so happy we have all managed to stay together, WWG1WGA, kinda has even greater meaning now. Love and respect your work and for the patience and guidance when teaching us that are learning.

MegaMAGA ago

Hey SB2, did you save all your reddit decode posts offline before they banned/deleted your account? Just curious.

julzee2 ago

I'm confused. How come r/DrainTheSwamp is back up on reddit? I thought it was deleted along w/greatawakening

Light_Guard ago

Thanks for soldiering on SB and for another great translation of events messaging from our POTUS and Q.

Patriot_1776 ago

Thank you SB2 great to see you here.

LazeyJ420 ago

SB2 welcome!

faithrighteous ago

Thank You SB2! As always you teach as you decode.

Personally I see things now that I wouldn't have noticed before your helpful decodes!

AnonSapien ago

Now that we've regrouped here on VOAT, where are we going next? Just in case...

Sir_Zorch ago

SB2 - So glad to see you again!

Luvlite ago

I'm here! I will dive into your post today. Read it three times and absorb it.

sanspeur33 ago

@SerialBrain2 What Gematria are you using. I am only familiar with the English PI Gematria re-introduced by 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Notice how the 7 is both G and T ....from Masons.

94Slacker ago

Thank you SB2, Neon, and others.... Having Q eventually post this VOAT sub would be clutch! WWG1WGA

DameDeplorable ago

I never understood the whole UBL thing. No body, no evidence. It didn't sit right with me.

Mordecaim ago

Glad to see SerialBrain2 back! I missed him on Reddit GA. Always good analysis even though I can't always follow his logic (especially the gematria part). Guess I need to Duck Duck Go "gematria" and educate myself. I love Neon Revolts work as well - two great Patriots!

AlternateSelection ago

Looked up 342. Also translates to " They know they are facing judgment ".

PRichVisalia ago

Great piece of work here! First thread I’ve read here so I’m learning but this was a great start for sure! #maga #qanon

EyesWideOpen_WWG1WGA ago

fantastic as always...thank you SB2....

cagroh ago

Glad we connected again, SB2! Thanks to you and others for finding this outlet and making it work. WWG1WGA!

Susiebeee ago

Thank you. Very complex this time. Keep teaching please

zutman123 ago

Great, SB2 is back!

Alice89 ago

Thank you for post this! :)

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

Fuck you nigger

KimmyJo13 ago

Absolutely fascinating! May God bless you abundantly SB and protect us all from evil! Thank you for your hard work! 🖤 🇺🇸 ☆ #WWG1WGA ☆ #MAGA

joecamoe ago

So glad to find sb2 on here, keeping it going. Hey, are you active on any other platforms? I couldn't find you elsewhere

commando27 ago

Hi Patriots we made it thank you Serial Brain2 superlative breakdown censorship will not thoughts and prayers go out to all the victims and family members of 9/11 JUSTICE IS COMING..PATRIOTS FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT WWG1WGA

trich1972 ago

Coming out sooner, than later would be better.

QuestionEverything ago

Israel and Dark gov (cheney/bush at the time) did 9/11.

Israel art students: Mossad demo (confirmed). Pictures of them with busbars (Prima Facie evidence).

We know who did it. Now we just have to round them up.

trich1972 ago

Thanks SB2. As always awesome info.

Kopykatter ago

So good to see “the gangs all here”. Awesome post once again SB2!

Qfan2020 ago

SB2 happy to see you here too! Interesting decode! Maybe we’ll here the results of Rudy’s work on the 20th! BOOM!


Awesome work as usual!! Can not wait for all this to come out, literally want to see my so called "friends" heads explode since they think I have mental issues, this is going to be EPIC

Biloxigyu ago

SB2 is AWESOME!!!!

Vaihinger ago

I just have one question. What is going on in Syria? Why does Nikki Haley speak such an aggressive language? Many are unsure that there will be a great war in Israel's favour.

Tmb17q ago

I still have no up votes and can note post, but trusting the plan. Refugee from Reddit

SchlangeHatRecht ago

Alex Jones was NOT complicit with Clinton and cabal. His banning was NOT a hoax. That is insane!

Rushingspirit1 ago

Serial Brain, I heart you!!! Thank you!!! I am grateful for Our Amazing President, Q & all of you Patriots!!! WWG1WGA Thank you for your decodes Serial Brain

PeterRada ago

Thank you SB2 Hm, whats the way to vote for the article?

TheWhiteRabbitQ ago

Fellow US Witches Council Members,

I write to you out of deep concern. It has been brought to my attention that some of our highest ranking witches have been missing in action! This is no joking matter. I'm certain some do you notice at our last ritual AKA McCain funeral one of our lead witches wasn't able to attend. While we may have fooled the mughals we know that wasn't our Hillary! Please be mindful I have just recieved a letter from the Red Cross stating that we need to ration our drinking supplies. While many of us have aging faces shriveling up like prunes and we all are catching diseases rather quickly, I assure you this is much better than us all hanging from are nooses. They are fully prepared to burn us at the stake and they have cells available for us at Guantanamo Bay. I fear this is where our sister Hillary maybe at this time. So please I urge you drink your AdrenoChrome sparingly!

With my deepest Concerns,

LWC. Chair Maria Abramovic

Kahlypso79 ago

@serialBrain2 Wouldnt Rudy be a great guy to use to prosecute people behind 911... seeing as he came to fame prosecuting the Pizza Network of New York using the newly created RICO laws..?? I dont have enough Americano to know if RICO can be used against people that will be considered as enemy combattants, rather than US citizens.

TheWhiteRabbitQ ago

Hurricane was just downgraded to category 1 hopefully it'll get downgraded again before it hits the land. Please say a prayer for our fellow Patriots!

Abi73 ago

The children at the school were saing " playing" not is written on the board-you can just about see it. I got chills when I first saw the video as thought they were saying "plane". However, it sounds the same so it's very dodgy indeed. Words are powerful and the history of language is fascinating, early Santos Bonnaci talks sum it up really well.

1deeds ago

good job

KDL123 ago

Wow great post. I’ve got to re-read again and look at it more step by step.

republic_preserver ago

Glad to have a new home.

OneWokeGrammy18 ago

SO happy to have found you prominently posted/pinned on this new forum, SB2!! I was feeling quite lost and forlorn until finding you here - so thank you for sharing your insight and brilliance once again!! I am one happy lurker-grammy - and also, very grateful to VOAT and the mods!

punkyleslie ago

Happy to find a home! I am a refugee from Reddit. Dark to Light! Thank you Patriots! 🌸

Angel777 ago

I am new and need 17 up votes ....wwg1wga

Brilliant-Hope-91 ago

Thank You! I am so glad that you are here. Your posts are a blessing! I love the way you teach.

bdiminishedminor7 ago

9-11 was an occult ritual: the unveiling and impregnation of Isis. Check out the tarot card with the High Priestess: ... The High Priestess represents the magical dual nature of the Female Goddess. She has an earthly form, but deep inside her, something magical can manifest: deep within the female, beyond our understanding, the Divine is able to enter Its creation, create a new life, and imbue it with a soul. This is what this card is all about: the most divine and most mysterious aspect of creation, and how it is hidden behind the veil, held up by the two pillars.

Masonic temples are laid out according to this principle. The aspiring magician must first fully understand what he is getting in touch with behind the veil. Only when Isis is unveiled does she become a true magical conduit by which the magician can try to get in touch with the highest powers in the hope to have his intent manifested in the flesh.

This is what happened on 9-11. Is was a most evil and vile occult ritual. Because when the Twin Towers fell, Isis was unveiled and impregnated with evil intent and empowered by the despair of thousands of freshly harvested souls. Google "Statue of Liberty Isis" and you can spend the next year reading about the many ways in which the Statue of Liberty is actually an occult representation of Isis.

But there is more: did you know that the Statue of Liberty is pointed straight at the Ka'ba in Mecca?

And that in front of the Twin Towers there used to be a slowly rotating spherical statue called the Great Spherical Caryatid that was intended by the artist to mimic the crowds circling the Ka'ba in Mecca? Doesn't it also look like some dark creature about to hatch from an egg?

The word "caryatid" means "replacement pillar". This theme strongly resonates with the myth of Osiris, who was cut into 14 pieces, and was resurrected by his wife Isis. The 14th piece, his penis, was replaced by a penis made of gold. Osiris is now sublime. He has passed the veil, and his magical wand is now ready to impregnate his wife. So here we have a "golden replacement penis"; a magician's wand, ready to cast a spell. What kind of spell? Again, I remind you, the Sphere rotated slowly to mimic the procession in Mecca:

There's a similar theme at work here. The Ka'ba, black cube (representing Saturn/Satan; look it up), is surrounded by all these men. Doesn't that remind you of semen circling an egg? The "offering temple" of 9-11 was intentionally magickally linked to Islam, and through the Caryatid/Ka'ba link, 1.500 years of built-up hatred for females was poured into the mix. The female aspect of creation was forced to give birth to her own worst enemy.

It is any wonder that Isis was "born" in the Middle East a few years later? Ever wondered WHY Hillary Clinton riding her WW3-agenda just had to be president? Because the boyfuckers at the top of the pyramid set it up that the end of mankind would be brought about by a woman. It would be the final defeat of their biggest enemy: the Goddess.

KatrinkaPD ago

That was well-researched.

whacko_jacko ago


With all due respect for your past contributions to this community and all related communities, I cannot and WILL not endorse your recent efforts.

You have contributed in ways which leave us forever in your debt. You have been validated by Q once upon a time. You helped us navigate the Corsi fiasco. However, I do NOT stand with you in your recent endeavors. I hope that others in this community will join me in rejecting the style of decoding which you have adopted.

I will not address your illogical claims from this post one at a time. I disagree with all of them. I am not violating the rules. I am discussing the topic at hand, which is your decoding. I have no quarrel with you as a person or as a user.

What you are describing is not reasonable. What you are doing has every hallmark of a charlatan.

I can start with any premise I want and find a way to reach any conclusion whatsoever using reasoning similar to your own. Let's begin with the premise "Julian Assange". I want to reach the following keywords: "23 organizations", "13 angry Democrats", and "Q".

The following is satirical. I do not intend offense. I am creating a parody of your methods, which are relevant to the topic of this post. I do not mean to attack you personally. If you interpret the following as a personal attack, then I humbly suggest that you grow thicker skin.

Let's begin:

Julian Assange, or JA, which means "just awesome", but THINK MIRROR so it's actually a distress signal that Julian Assange is not "just awesome", so he's dead. BUT if you drop the "e" in dead it reads "dad" and his father's name is "Richard". The nicknames for "Richard" are "Rich" and "Dick". Who do we know who is a rich dick? George Soros. GS also stands for GameShark, or GameGenie on the Sega Genesis (SG, The Beginning). Bust out your copy of Prince of Persia and Enjoy the Show. Iran is next, right? What's another name for Iran? Persia. Prince of Persia. Now check out the Game Genie codes for Prince of Persia. The codes to unlock levels all start with Q, except for levels 11 and 12. What do we know about 11 and 12? Well 11 + 12 = 23. 23 organizations. What's the last level in Prince of Persia? Level 13. 13 angry Democrats. Confirmed. Resolved.

Now, if we rearrange Sega Genesis, we get "Sage Seeings", or "Seeings Ages". If you can't See the comms for the Ages by now, then hopefully you will soon. You need to train your ear. Remember the train accident after SOTU? These people are sick. SOTU = SOUT which is just an H short of SOUTH. H = Hussein. Part of Kenya is SOUTH of the equator. Are you getting it yet? The comms confirm that Hussein is SOUTH of the equator in Kenya, which was a BRITISH (where was Trump recently?) colony until 1963. Now drop the 6. 193. 19 is one short of 20. 203. Now drop the 0. 23. 23 organizations. Comms understood?

JA is 11 in gematria. Now which numbers did I have to drop at the end of the previous paragraph? That's right, you're understanding now. 6 and 0. 11 + 6 + 0 = 17 = Q. So Q is Julian Assange. Confirmed. Moving on. Until next time, Patriots.

Okay. I'm done. I have no intention to hurt your feelings. I care very deeply for this community and the movement it represents. I do not carry any foul intentions towards you as a person. However, I strongly believe that you have become a detriment to the Great Awakening.

We need newcomers. We need regular people to come online and find out what they have been missing. What you have posted recently is absolutely nonsensical. Your decoding scheme is not logical. Your followers do no think for themselves. This is not what Q is asking us to do.

If I tell my friend about the Great Awakening, who then comes here to find out more information, I hope he or she does not encounter your posts. I want my friend to come back. I want my friend to take us seriously. You cannot be taken seriously. I will not bog myself down and waste my time analyzing why this is the case one sentence at a time.

Think for yourself.

If you, a real human person, are reading this comment, I ask you to think for yourself. Read the post above. Does any of it make sense? DAOIMS? That was the acronym of my previous sentence, after all. Did you know DAOIMS = 61 in Gematria? Look at Q1747. It was posted at 3: 16 :21. And of course, don't forget John 3:16. THINK MIRROR. Coincidence?

Think for yourself. Use logic

Look, I am not saying you are a shill (Gematria = 61), but I do believe your decoding is absent (Gematria = 61) logic. I know the pain is coming (Gematria = 61), but I must reject (Gematria = 61) your method. Even a humble (Gematria = 61) farmer (Gematria = 61) or a gay man (Gematria = 61) can see that you are not making logical deductions. Even if CIA Director Gina Haspel (Gematria = 61) were reading this on a Cessna (Gematria = 61) during a flight to Brasil (Gematria = 61) while listening to Hansen (Gematria = 61), she would pray to Jehova (Gematria = 61) that you would realize that your decoding is not legitimate. I'm with you in the fight against Google (Gematria = 61) and the rest of the man (Gematria = 61), but your recent posts have begun to lead us astray. I'm just a simple Yankee (Gematria = 61), but I care about what people think when they visit this community.

Now, how many words did I find in the previous paragraph with Gematria = 61? That's right, you're catching on now. It was precisely 15, which is one less than 16. THINK MIRROR. But, hang on. I forgot about the most important one: Q Anon. So, there we have it: 17 = Q. BOOM

But wait, there's more!

Did you see it? Did you catch the mistakes? Did you notice the misspellings?

Brasil. Hansen.

No, that's not right. I wanted Brazil and Hanson.

How far off are we?

z - s = 7

o - e = 10

7 + 10 = 17

Confirmed. Resolved.

Until next time, Patriots.

TL;DR: Please stop stickying SB2 posts, at least until he goes back to using logic.

derplestiltzkin ago

Agreed 1000% patriot. There is no logic to his recent efforts, it's stringing together dubious assertions and "connections" out of nowhere and makes us look crazy

Qforever ago

Thank you for the explanation - makes sence to me!

tanon93 ago

SB2, this is amazingly powerful. I'm starting to see some of the decoding. However, it still amazes me how you come up with the phrase "WE MUST STOP BEING MANIPULATED TO GO TO WAR" from 458. Thank you very much.

rebelfofoz ago

I'm totally allergic to in-fightings. We will never win this "War on Evil" if we get distracted by our comrade's shortcomings. That does not mean we should ignore the red flags right in front of our eyes. Yes, there are going to be moles and rats and we need to keep an eye on them. However, that doesn't mean we can afford the luxury of wasting our ballistic talents and energies on fighting the enemies of our enemies. We must hold fire, no matter what, and keep hammering the enemy. #TruthWillOut

magavoices ago


I'm sending you this message here because they apparently don't let new people "message the moderators".


Since Rudy= 68, and Rudy “is” a TRUE WARRIOR, we deduce a TRUE WARRIOR = 68. Since a=1, we deduce TRUE WARRIOR = 67. Therefore, since SEPTEMBER ELEVEN = 166, TRUE WARRIOR + SEPTEMBER ELEVEN = 67 + 166 = 233. But 233 is also the gematria of GOVERNMENT COVER UP. So? We now have the formula: TRUE WARRIOR + SEPTEMBER ELEVEN = GOVERNMENT COVER UP. But then who is a TRUE WARRIOR? Yes, Rudy. The equation becomes: Rudy + SEPTEMBER ELEVEN = GOVERNMENT COVER UP.

That's stickied? Who among the moderators REALLY believes that when Rudy Giuliani was born 74 years ago, that his parents were saying to themselves, "You know what, I'm going to name my kid Rudy, because the gematria of that is 68, the same as "TRUE WARRIOR" and someday some guy will figure that out as part of a massive riddle ...

Unless every moderator here believes there's a possibility that's true, SerialBrain2's thread SHOULD NOT BE STICKIED. In fact I'm finding it hard to believe this is the actual team from greatawakening because they stopped stickying SB2's posts months ago.

Unsticky that crap or I'll go to 8chan ... I'll find it harder to navigate there but at least I'll be somewhere that SB2's posts would be laughed off the boards.

Reddragon1111 ago

Every time i start reading one of sb2's posts, without even knowing who has written it, i start feeling sick to the very pit of my stomach. i get a very uneasy and horrible feeling. i check to see who has written the post and sure enough it is sb2. Neonrevolt - stomach feels fine. Prayingmedic- stomach feels fine. sb2- sick to the very pit. I am an empath and a psychic and i trust my gut feelings. Something is very very wrong with this poster.

derplestiltzkin ago

The echo chamber / cult of personality around SB2 reeks of a psy-op when it is so clearly devoid of logic.

Buster420 ago

Thanks for pointing me in the direction of this page Serialbrain2, and like always thanks for all the hard work you do and 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏 #WWG1WGA

whacko_jacko ago

Please, not this again.

Remember, Q has NEVER validated SB2's "methods" involving gematria and arbitrary choices in decoding. The original SB2 post linked by Q was nothing like this.

I'm not trying to be rude, but I really don't think we should be stickying this kind of wildly speculative decoding. It makes us look bad.

derplestiltzkin ago

Agreed. This is the shit that makes us look crazy af. And now apparently we can't down vote this post. Ugh.

MnCoolDude ago

Has anyone seen Praying medic here yet?

Aces8 ago

We need to get Praying Medic here.

amazing_butterfly ago

SB2, you are back!

Van you please explain in more detail:


amyramles ago

Thank you Jesus for Trump and Q All the administration. May God bless you and protect everyone. Praying for all daily.

cjturtleman ago

Thank you SerialBrain 2.. If it's really you. Q said only to trust 8chan..

oceantbear ago

Re-read 2167. 8chan if for when we are blocked from everything else. Also, top of first page.

Some-random-chick ago

no outside comms

We’ve been told this repeatedly. What makes you think qmap redirect is legit? Do you even know who runs it?!

You better get used to 8chan cause that’s the only places you’ll have left.

SerialBrain2 ago

Ordinal Gematria of [cjturtleman]?

Answer here:

patriot2008 ago

Wow, that is some serious decoding. Someone has some really good mathematical skills. :) I pray the 9/11 cover-up as well as the TWA flt:800 cover-up will be exposed for all to see. This country needs a cleansing from all the evil. Keep praying patriots.

Aces8 ago

SB2 - glad to have you here but brother dial back some of the massive leaps between connecting the dots.

whacko_jacko ago

I'm devastated to come here and find that we're back to stickying these schizophrenic rants. I'm not trying to be rude, but this stuff is not remotely logical and it makes us look BAD. I'm not convinced all those comments praising him are organic.

I don't mind that he posts this stuff here, but we absolutely should not be stickying them.

Aces8 ago

That's my message to him. He needs to dial back the mental gymnastics. No one said anything about stickying his posts.

whacko_jacko ago

When I got here, this post was stickied.

CerialBrain3 ago

Q post 2162: If you remove the UN-capitalized letters from those CAPITALIZED: the gemmatria is 111. 111 is a common Qfrequency; 111 days from 9/11/18 is 01/01/19... When the Military Tribunal E.O. goes into effect... Is also 9111 in a mirror.

Minxy_84 ago

You were the only poster I ever saved on that last shitty forum. I like your kind of crazy decodes. I got it from the first one, not that I understood perfectly but I knew it was important to read.

whacko_jacko ago

The reason you didn't understand perfectly is because it's not actually logical at all.

WinkyThinQ ago

Hi SB! Excellent work as always. Loved the 9/11 messages. Hoping all is revealed soon.


importantblood ago

So very glad to have found you! I like your insight as it brings me hope and makes me think outside of my box. Thank you for gathering us together once again.

SerialBrain2 ago

Thank you! WWG1WGA!

AhimsaInfinity ago

Thank you Serial Brain! I’m glad you’re here and posting! I always enjoy your thought-provoking posts! Cheers to everyone for making the move!:)

mike4thekite ago

military tribunal.10119 coincidence...brain on the mainline

intothelightwego ago

Hi SB2, Fascinating as usual, so glad to have you back! Ozzie fan salutes you!

TeiaT ago

In newer Bibles, Eph 6:12 - [places] was changed to “realms”. This was done on purpose. Paul meant [places] here on earth, not heavenly realms, as written in the King James Version. T.H.E.Y changed it to “realms” to protect themselves.

Original KJV - Eph 6:12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high [places].

Other interesting things about the Bible is its codewords, i.e.:

Mountain = government.

When Christ said, "IF, you have enough faith and you say to this mountain, fall into the sea and it will (Matt. 21 v 21)", it obviously did not mean an actual mountain and the sea. It was coded. It is obviously possible for God to cast a mountain into the sea. It means government (mountain) and restless dis-satisfied people (sea).

A mountain (govt.) towers over and looks down upon the sea (people) and the sea looks up at the mountain. The sea (people) cannot remove the mountain (govt.) without a tidal-wave. IF you have enough faith and tell the people the TRUTH of God's Perfect System of Government and Laws, you can create that tidal-wave with God's help, for everyone's benefit.

It looks like the tidal wave (of people) is swelling to bring down a mountain (corrupt government) with its spiritual wickedness in high places (DOJ, FBI, CIA etc etc).

Other codewords can be found at

IlluminatiKing ago

Nice to see yall here! Been here daily following Q since he first posted on 4chan then 8chan and been following the GA sub reedit until this all happened. This is an old account from the Pizzagate days but guess I'm gonna start again. Anyways, thanks SB2. You were the first guy I pmed to find out where this movement was heading to now.

mike4thekite ago

god bless you lad....sb2 all the way

AwareObserver ago

Great Post Sb2. And really good to see that the community migrated here so quickly. Nothing stops this train...

Two700c ago

SB2 I've been reading you awhile now - glad to find you here.

I read a post about free VPN's with a recommendation about which one was best - did you happen to see it? It was near the top yesterday.

Everyone remember to upvote every post for awhile til we get rolling!

Is there a way to officially 'follow' users on voat? I can't find the button! Wahhhh

SkeeterFX21 ago

Great your here SB2.

Liberty_n_Justice ago

Life feels a little bit normal again...a new place but an SB2 decode! Warm Fuzies

SylviaStone1 ago

a little "normal" can go a long way in this chaos; happy to see SB2 here.

SerialBrain2 ago

They tried, they failed. If they try again, they will fail again. As simple as that. ;)

AbjectDynamite ago


Excellent work! And very happy to see you posting here. Stay a step ahead and make sure we can find you again.


shedder ago

thank you for everything sb2

shawjw ago

glad to join the group again, u p vote me

kendo ago

THE BRAIN! THE BRAIN! It's not a fantasy, I found your posts.
On 9/11, I found Psalm 91:1 to be a great comfort. God Bless and keep on using those wonderful brain cells God gave you. Thank you for sharing.

SerialBrain2 ago

Psalm 91:1

Thank you so much for this.

Tee1020 ago

Hey SB! Thanks so much. Still bringing the heat! Haha.

SerialBrain2 ago

TEE!!!! You are here!!!! Hahaha! You see the D Factor?! Welcome my Very Good Friend!

Tee1020 ago

Hey SB! Tried messaging earlier but didnt have enough points. Glad to see you too!

Tee1020 ago

I am! I tried to message you but they said I didnt have enough points to message lol. I think I can reply. I'm glad you saw my comment!

I really wish I could post but since I cannot maybe you are already on it? Q said think SC a lot with no name... now look at SC. It is so bad my friends way north inland had to evacuate overnight. There is a link I can feel it!!!!

Ashlynn139 ago

So new, forgive me, how do I follow you on this page? I listen to Project Weeping Angel who always mentions you. Please help me if you have time. I registered to this page and am following the Awakening. But do you have a way to follow you? Thank you and God bless you! ASHLEIGH

magavoices ago

Since Rudy= 68, and Rudy “is” a TRUE WARRIOR, we deduce a TRUE WARRIOR = 68. Since a=1, we deduce TRUE WARRIOR = 67. Therefore, since SEPTEMBER ELEVEN = 166, TRUE WARRIOR + SEPTEMBER ELEVEN = 67 + 166 = 233. But 233 is also the gematria of GOVERNMENT COVER UP.

You shouldn't be worried about Alex Jones, or the Deep State. You can see them coming, most people here know to reject them.

Who you should really be worried about is SB2. What I quoted above is nuts at face value. That so many people cheer him on like he did some great thing -- you have to be worried that we're being destroyed FROM WITHIN.

SB2 is 1 step above Flat Earther drivel -- it's completely unbelievable and newcomers will discard it (and Q) at first glance for how nutty it is.

sparkiesfly ago

Glad to see you here Serialbrain2, I really enjoy your decodes and especially when the War Drummer narrates them, he seems to have the perfect voice for the task. Thanks for teaching us so much.

QneedsU ago

Was feeling lost the last few hours, disoriented-like. This board is strange but I will figure it out, probably about time we need another migration. SB2- you’re posts are very thought provoking. We appreciate that you have the gift to figure this all out, but also to write it so we can follow. This 9-11 stuff coming into the light- if it all comes out, is going to be cause heads to explode. Much prayer needed everyone!

SerialBrain2 ago

We are fine now. They tried, they failed. We are strong, we are informed, we are disciplined. We are now their biggest fear.

Ashlynn139 ago

That was amazing, thank you for that explanation!

DillySquilly ago

Ahhhh, now I feel at home again. Thanks SB2

AVX2 ago

Serial Brain 2, I'll admit I'm probably one of your worst critics but Reddit had zero right to ban you. I'm glad your here with us even if I don't follow your pattern of decode. WWG1WGA

inspiretk ago

Reddit banned about 18 subreddit. It's terrible. It's outright censorship, which is VERY dangerous.

17_FullQuiver ago

SB2 The children also say robbery and run, there’s evidence that 911 was also the biggest gold heist in history.


I've said it many times and I'll say it again. SB2 is disinformation meant to derail the movement.

Yu2fish ago

Thank You

The1stLantern ago

This is the exact quality of post that never would have made it past the shill storm of Reddit. Bravo

GolfinGirl ago

Great to see you on voat, SB2! I was NeoObi on reddit and now GolfinGirl. Great analysis!

SerialBrain2 ago

Hey NeoObi! Good to see you here. ;)

QAnonIsAwesome ago

patriots fight. We will never fail. Got lots of ammo here. To The Shills, come get some.

SerialBrain2 ago

Good spirit. Strong spirit. Thank you! ;)

pinklight999 ago

Thank you for the updates on Reddit leading me here, new to Voat. #WWG1WGA

WinkyThinQ ago

Excellent as always SB! Glad to see you here!


A-U-T-O-N-O-M-Y ago

Where did "GOVERNMENT COVER UP" (233) come from, did I miss something in one of your previous post's, or is that what you reasoned out?

iahkaferoaster1 ago

The TT safe emptied 3 weeks prior of gold, t-bills, & bearer bonds. A 9 billion lease to two MOS bankers for 3.5B, & only 15M down payment. 200M ins policy for terrorism only taken out 2W before 911. 2 MOS guys made lots $ off 911. Lots. Day before 911 Rmsy says DoD can't find 2.4T. Evelyn & his pals got their war. BBC reporter on live TV said 7 was also destroyed. 7 was then behind her & doing fine. 1, 2, & 7 were controlled demos. Got a guy in prison 17y & not jack smelly done. A coverup? NS Sherlock.

brit_yuvall ago

Does anyone have a new link to the SB2 archives?

QAnonIsAwesome ago

I feel blessed to have SerialBrain2 here now. 2018 will be Glorious!

Melindasoo ago

I am so glad I found you! I was getting worried you might be lost in internet space somewhere! ThankQ for your decodes..

Kneadedtherapy ago

Serial Brain!!! You made it too!!! HOOORAY!!

SerialBrain2 ago


Submariner_SS ago

SB2, another home run! Still batting a thousand. And as always-WWG1WGA

FancySquirrelQ ago

Couldn’t wait for your take on the 9/11 tweets! I figured some of it out so I guess I’m learning finally. So happy that we found a new place to learn and regroup. You are just the best and what you do! TY


Amazing. When 9/11 happened in 2001, I had a thought. I dismissed it, but I do remember it because it was odd. This is being done to get us into another war. Trust those instincts, but could never prove it. After Viet Nam, I raised my son thinking I would not ever want him to go to war after seeing the toll on the soldiers as they returned home. I was not a protestor. My husband was in the National Guard spending his weekends trying to quell the riots at our State University. It felt like a very dark time. As the soldiers returned, I could not believe how they were being treated. Therefore, I made my decision to never let my son go to war. I believe my generation stood firm on these beliefs. This WAS the motivation for us to cave on those beliefs, although my son was married with children. Good article and I do hope this will be revealed. Thanks for posting!

fearlessness1 ago

AAAHHH! Home sweet home!! Serial Brain 2 is posting and now I can think of something else other than being a Reddit refugee😂

SerialBrain2 ago

Welcome! :)

exoter60 ago

Great decode, SB2 and great to have you here.

Bufallosinging ago

So GOOD/HAPPY to see you here SerialBrain2.I was praying you would come here.WWG1WGA Thank You for all the amazing work you do.

Your showing up here posting,,,,, well ….. Like Sunshine on a Cloudy Day, Hugs!

SerialBrain2 ago

Thank you! ;)

Skytop ago

Very interesting but I am over all the clues and just want to see some arrests!

Tracysue626 ago


Xyz4u ago

We are here and we will be growing here and elsewhere. Never forget the fuckers who did this to us.

TexasTea1 ago

Excellent as usual. SB2, if I were a high ranking official in the WH or MI, I would bring you onboard if only to have conversations with you.

MehTehOreamnos ago

Yo, Mr. Brain! Are we supposed to keep up with v/theawakening and v/greatawakening because I am not seeing good things about the v/theawakening and I am pretty sure all of us Patriots that are new to VOAT as refugees from other shithole boards should all unite in one general area.... Or maybe we shouldn't put all of our eggs in one basket? I mean either way, we gonna have shills and clowns trying to distract us, but..... Hmmmm. What do you suggest?

ForTruthSake ago

follow all of them.

BlessedToTeach ago

Thanks for coming SerialBrain2!! God Bless!

KKOH ago

Good to see you here Blessed To Teach!

MyMidnightRun ago

Fucking Excellent. Thank you SB! Looking forward to your next post.

Kolo ago

Thank you SB2. Your work is appreciated.

countrybuc ago

Nice to seea familiar name.

Skinhead ago

9/11 was an operation conducted by the enemies of America hidden in Secret Societies and in the highest levels of our Government. In addition to its evil spiritual component

Wtf? It was the Israeli state you cunt. Not the fucking illuminati. The fucking Jews.

Qme1 ago

Present and accounted for!!! Good to see you here SerialBrain2!!!

Cloudkicka ago

Awesome. I finally get to read an actual post by serial brain 2. I’ve seen war drummer and project wheeling angels videos on you, but have not found any of your posts. Yay, this is cool. Anyhow off to read this post.

AmericanSovereign ago

Thank you SB2! I guess we crashed the VOAT party.

KKOH ago

I love brilliant brains. "DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM? Coincidence? THERE ARE NO COINCIDENCES!" SB2, who are you? :--) C'Mon. A little hint? Whoever you are, I am glad you are part of the Q Team. HOOAH! WWG1WGA!

SerialBrain2 ago


Deplorableman ago

A F-ING AMAZING analysis!

Gematria of the capital letters: AFING AMAZING = 108 Same gematria as Serial Brian!!!!

upvoat99 ago

Hey Redditors I just realized v/greatawakening is the true voat r/ga check it out. This place is heavily censored

iahkaferoaster1 ago

Blessed 2 Teach on YT has great info on navigating here. Joined last pm here because 17 to 45 reasons why.

Acemagedon ago

You didn’t miss a beat buddy, this was amazing!! Thanks SB2 :)

SerialBrain2 ago

Thank you my Friend!

d-_-bored-_-b ago

Reminder that Q linked to one of SB2's post, don't forget that when people say he's just doing a cold reading.

whacko_jacko ago

The post Q linked was nothing like his recent posts, though. He wasn't pulling coded messages out of arbitrarily unscrambled or added or removed letters or characters. He wasn't using gematria like this, which completely ignores the point that tons of words and phrases have the same gematria score.

Go read the post Q linked. It's good. It's logical. It connects Q drops in a meaningful way to real world events. At some point, he jumped the shark, and frankly this trash should not be stickied. It makes us look like god damned idiots.

d-_-bored-_-b ago

All fair points but being real, we already look like idiots.

KKOH ago

Which post did Q link SB2's post? Thanks,

LisaBrauer ago

It was a post on Reddit. Look at praying medic's vids. He reported on it. Oh! Bruce Figert's White Rabbit Network on Youtube. He read the whole thing out loud and Q linked to that!

Muntanolva ago

But there's no decoding methods or germatria or riddles or literally anything like that in this SB2 post. So none of that is confirmed, just that AJ is a shill and that SB2 uncovered it using solid journalistic research and reasonable inferences. Don't make Qs posts into something that they aren't.

d-_-bored-_-b ago

Look that's fair enough Q only linked to one of SB2's posts but I just think that people forget that when they call him out.

Muntanolva ago

Logic should not follow that just because Q linked to him means any thing else he posts is any more valid than it should be. Simply linking to someone's post is hardly anything to infer from in the first place, let alone a judgement of someone's validity.

d-_-bored-_-b ago

I agree there's no such thing as vicarious credibility, I never said SB2 is 100% correct I said that Q linked to one of his posts and that's what he did. We can debate whether SB2's posts are trash or treasure but that is a different conversation then what I was saying.

Muntanolva ago

Ok, I'm glad you agree, but what is the point of keeping in mind that Q linked to a SB2 post if it is not for vicarious credibility?

d-_-bored-_-b ago

That he's obviously been right at least once so the worst thing you can say about him is that he's hit and miss.

sorosminion ago

Hilariously fuckin' insane! Yeah, Trump gives a coded message, decipherable only to psychotic numerology nutcases. REALLY EFFECTIVE. Jesus H Jackson people, how gullible and fucking dumb are you to fall for this ridiculous bullshit? Really, AMAZINGLY BATSHIT CRAZY and HILARIOUS!!!

rwolfe2106 ago

please upvote so i can post. thank you.

RetroMojo ago

Please upvote so I can post. Thanks!

Tut560 ago

Found out you need comments & upvotes on other subs to get to 10 .. SB2 has a a comment on a math sub that we can upvotes u on to get u to 10

Wompol ago

You are amazing. Just want you to know we all appreciate you...

SerialBrain2 ago

Thank you and welcome! ;)

c39v2 ago

Good to see you are here SB2! I didn't want to miss any of your posts.

MartyWilkins ago

Thanks serialbrain2 it is good to read you again. I hope you are doing ok. Hugs

Svetlana ago

He is marvelous isn’t he?

A-U-T-O-N-O-M-Y ago

Indeed, you are certainly endowed with a great gift. I so look forward to your post's, Godspeed my friend.

O_Iesu_o_Ka_Haku ago


XGemInaV ago

I've read through many of SB2's posts ....... and I still don't understand gematria. I mean, I understand .... but it's just such a stupid and obtuse way to communicate I don't understand how you can convey any meaningful information unless this is all you do.

whacko_jacko ago

In my opinion, the recent SB2 posts are utter shit and should not be stickied here. His original post that got Q's attention was excellent. It was nothing like this.

Muntanolva ago

Thank you I've been saying this for so long, got banned by FartOnToast for it.

inspiretk ago

GO here for gematria calculator Type in the words, and you'll get the numbers. Q is teaching us these communication techniques, because that's what these evil people use eg Skull and Bones code their messages these way. While you're at that website, type in alex jones, and then type in info wars. You'll see they're the same gematria numbers...coincident? hahaha that's what Q always say, but how many coincidences do you need for it to be mathematically impossible?

XGemInaV ago

so like, do spooks just sit there with gematria calculators and calculate all the possible gematrias of sentences?

so for example, gematria for "assassinate john" can also match "christian nation" and "minnesota vikings." if NYT runs a headline with "christian nation" or the "minnesota vikings" win the superbowl then some random spook understands that is the kill order to carry out the operation?

i understand the concept but there is a lot of room for miscommunication so there has to be something else that makes it easier to understand the messages being sent. SB2 seems to IMMEDIATELY zero in on what the message is and I don't quite understand how he gets it so quickly.

inspiretk ago

They usually give clues out. Misspellings, words that shouldn't be there, sentence structures etc. Remember, these people probably have devices that does it automatically, whereas we do it by hand and mind. Anything that's not normal is usually a sign. I'm not very good at this, that's why I follow a lot of people to understand the concept. The room for miscommunication is usually the message do a double confirmation. So sometimes it's more than 1 messages, and it confirms it twice. Other time the message has 2 confirmations inside of the 1 message. There's so many tricks, just have to be aware of them all. Some people are very good at riddles. Others more good at maths. Others just like to consume knowledge and analyse everything as a whole to see what's real and what's not etc. Everybody has their strengths and weakness. Look at War Drummer, he's a great talker, that's what he's good at.

hfkmfn ago

SB2 isn't the only one doing gematria. Note: this one doesn't believe in Q Anon, but analyzes the news every day. His predictions (like George Bush dying last week) don't always come true BTW.

To the extent gematria is used for communication, it must be decipherable by the intended audience... :/

Jfunction ago

Stretches credulity.

derplestiltzkin ago

As always for SB2. Pick a bunch of random shit from random starting points to sling at the wall and call it a decode.

inspiretk ago

How many coincidences do you need for it to be mathematically impossible? Open your mind young jedi

MehTehOreamnos ago

Ayiyi.. learning VOAT... I was just getting use to the other thing. What's up Patriots!!!

cyberclearfrost ago

Awesome decode SB2. For the locals, you were mentioned in I see your detractors are here also, same efforts to get Patriots to not pay attention to your decodes. You have many more who appreciate your work than those who try to get us not to listen. My Grandma taught me that when your driving your car to an important destination, you don't stop and waste your time yelling at dogs that ran out to bark at you. Just keep on going SB2 and keep sharing your skills with us that care!!!

maha-prakriti ago

My grandma said it another way: "When you'e climbing up a ladder and a bunch of dogs are nipping at your heels, you don't climb down a rung or two to kick em in the teeth. Just keep climbing up and pay em no never mind."

Papaeck ago

I’m so happy we can be on this board I was sad yesterday when r—/// shut us down. Another great post by my friend serialbrain2

Badaboom ago

For me, I started out on the fence with Q. I now believe Q is real. I don't SB2's decodes are right, but I still value his posts. He could be right, I could be wrong...I've been wrong before. I just take an extra critical eye to anything that sounds so wild and crazy as potential disinfo to get us off target and make the Truth movement look crazy. Some of the gemetria interpretations seem crazy to me, but I will keep an open mind and always listen.

SirShungite ago

I think SerialBrain is Trump himself and he makes up shit to disguise his identity so that he can openly share his messages. Gematria has nothing to do with it...


SB2, glad to be back in business, it’s the third account of that guy you talked out of bailing months ago; good to see you on the flip-side.

If Trump is signaling about 9/11, I’m guessing that means he knows for certain, as in has the evidence. Is this part of what Q meant when he said “we have it all”? Likewise, if HRC and friends knew this same information, couldn’t they have used it as leverage to run their own scams via blackmail, or was the Clinton Administration involved in 9/11 on a far more involved level? Waco comes to mind...

SerialBrain2 ago

Hey! good to see here!

Is this part of what Q meant when he said “we have it all”?

Did you catch the double meaning of the timestamp pointing at a Q 9/11 IMAGE? There's more to it...

patriot2008 ago

IMO there is no way 9/11 happened without the Clintons knowing about it. Heck, after 1993 attack that should have been on top of their things to be aware. Knowing how evil the Clintons are they probably helped plan it.

BarneyFife ago

The destruction of the towers was planned before they were even built. They stood for 33 years. 33 is the Mason's favorite number along with 911. Why 911? (Revelation 9:11) "And they had a king over them, which is the angel of the bottomless pit, whose name in the Hebrew tongue is Abaddon, but in the Greek tongue hath his name Apollyon." That is their god who is behind the plans of those secret societies. It starts at the top which confers with their god to get their instructions. Their god, Satan, wants to be like the Most High God; All knowing (see Isaiah 14:12-14). With artificial intelligence which grabs every text and voice print and a camera at every corner, Satan has become all knowing. He is created and cannot be like God. He has to use humans to carry out his evil deeds. Those of the secrets societies believe that God kept Adam and Eve as prisoners in Eden and it was Lucifer who freed them. They believe the same lies told to Eve and they call us stupid. They believe that they will become gods and they are very serious about it. They have also been convinced that their bloodline is special and the rest of humanity is inferior to them which is why they call us cattle (goyim). That's why they have been inter-marrying for thousands of years. They are SICK.

SanyRow ago

At last. Someone one here who is paying attention to the Book. This sums it up nicely. Are you a student of the Scriptures? I see you quote the correct Bible, Authorized Version. All others are corruptions. Thanks for this post. It made the difference for me. There are very smart, informed and gifted people on here. Yet, when they quote the corruptions that try to pass as the Word of God, I feel let down a little.

Truth2Light ago

I'm thinking the same thing. They already have the goods. Was going to post to SB2's decode about the treason post, but I was banned from posting for some reason. Saved my post for posting later. Someone had commented that it was about 43 and 44. But from SB2's first 2 steps, I got 42. Here's what i intended to reply to that comment:

Love SB2's decodes. I also got 42 out of it. Only after reading the timestamps he listed in Step 1 and Step 2.

Step 1: at 17:33, Q post 2093 in which makes a reference to HRC panicking and links to the 26 minute mark of a video where Sen- Lindsey Graham questions Brett Kavanaugh about the difference between Military Law and Criminal Law.

Step 2: at 18:15, Trump tweets “TREASON?”

From 17:33 to 18:15 = 42!!!

Always thought that WJC put in place the framework that made 9/11 possible. How did the hijackers get their VISA's? Who helped? JB? Then 43 was there to see it through and 44 to help finish us off. TREASON!

Knew when POTUS repeatedly mispronounced "anonymous" it was for us to take note. And that treason was not only about the anonymous sourced article but also possibly to what the DS traitors were guilty of.

That's it. Glad I saved it.

Storm__Rider473 ago

Thank you, SerialBrain2 for helping lead the great migration....I felt so warm and fuzzy logging on to this subverse, and the first post I see is YOUUUUURS! So happy!

SerialBrain2 ago

Welcome! ;)

A-U-T-O-N-O-M-Y ago

Bravo, SB2!

Madhamjay ago

Thank you kind sir, for returning to the plate while it seems the stadium has burned down and the fans are wandering in the rubble. Actually looks like arson to obtain insurance funds. I will contemplate your sharing of Don's and Rudy's uplifting messages and post my comments on the alternative link at Preliminary research of top posts over there suggests this subverse v/theawakening was quickly created by former reddit GA mods, whom Q has already identified as compromised. That is enough for me, but my own experiences confirmed it. Fool me once .....

Gayblackproud ago

upvoat listen


My goal is to provide deep insight through short and easy to read and understand articles.

Contained in this article is what I believe to be some of the most condemning evidence in existence regarding the Jewish dominance of America.

So precisely what is “the Shemitah”?

In the Bible, the people of Israel were commanded to let the land lie fallow every seven years. There would be no sowing and no reaping, and this is something that God took very seriously. In fact, the failure to observe these Sabbath years was one of the main reasons cited in the Scriptures for why the Jewish people were exiled to Babylon in 586 BC.

On the last day of the Shemitah year, the people of Israel were instructed to perform a releasing of debts. We find the following inDeuteronomy chapter 15…

At the end of every seven years you shall grant a relinquishing of debts. This is the manner of the relinquishing: Every creditor that has loaned anything to his neighbor shall relinquish it. He shall not exact it of his neighbor, or of his brother, because it is called the Lord’s relinquishment.

This happened at the end of every seven years on Elul 29 – the day right before Rosh Hashanah on the Biblical calendar.

So what does this have to do with us today?

Well, if you go back to the last day of the Shemitah year in 2001, you will find that there was an absolutely horrifying stock market crash.

On September 17th, 2001 (which was Elul 29 on the Jewish calendar), we witnessed the greatest one day stock market crash in U.S. history up to that time. The Dow fell an astounding 684 points, and it was a record that held for precisely seven years until the end of the next Shemitah year.

It turns out that September 29th, 2008 corresponded with Elul 29 on the Jewish calendar – the precise day when the Bible calls for a releasing of debts.

The World Trade Centre was conceived in the Shmita of 1945, begun in the Shmita of 1966, was dedicated in the Shmita of 1973 and destroyed in the Shmita of 2001. This was a warning from God to come back to Him but the leaders of America quoted Isaiah 9:10 in defiance. "...Who say in pride and arrogance of heart: The bricks have fallen down, but we will rebuild with hewn stones." When ancient Israel uttered these prideful words God brought judgment upon the land and that which was built up was wiped away. The new tower raised up from Ground Zero has a 40,000 pound "hewn" foundation stone. So, at the climax of the 2001 Shmita came two falls; a colossal collapse in Wall Street and the most physical collapse in American history as the two towers came crashing down to earth. Shmita years are behind the rise and fall of America. If the rise of a tower foreshadowed the rise of America, what does the fall of a tower foreshadow?

Let's take a look at the incredibly accurate timing of the Shmita Year as it impacts modern history in the realm of finances, economies and empires:

1901-1902 Shmita Year - 46% U.S. Stock market value wiped out.

1916-1917 Shmita Year - 40% U.S. Stock market value wiped out. German, Austro-Hungarian, Russian and Ottoman Empires collapsed. Britain, the world's greatest empire was almost bankrupt. The beginning of American to rise to world power. All during this one Shmita year.

1930-1931 Shmita Year - 86% U.S stock market value wiped out in the worst financial crisis in modern history.

1937-1938 Shmita Year - 50% U.S. Stock market value wiped out. Global recession.

1944-1945 Shmita Year - End of German Reich and Britain's hold on territories. Establishment of America as the world's super power.

1965-1966 Shmita Year - 23% stock market value wiped out.

1972-1973 Shmita Year - 48% U.S. Stock market value wiped out. Global recession. U.S. Voted to kill its unborn children (Abortion legalized). U.S. lost its first war - Vietnam...

1979-1980 Shmita Year - U.S. and global recession.

1986-1987 Shmita Year - 33% U.S. Stock market value wiped out.

1993-1994 Shmita Year - Bond market crash.

2000-2001 Shmita Year - 37% U.S. stock market value wiped out. 9/11 and Global recession.

2007-2008 Shmita Year - 50% U.S. Stock market value wiped out. Global recession.

2014-2015 Shmita Year - ??

sangel ago

Good dig!

Pickzilla ago

There are no coincidences.

Blackwargreymon ago

Please correct me if I'm wrong, but as I recall it Q called out the owners/admins of Reddit (who banned GreatAwakening) as compromised.. not the GA moderators.

Madhamjay ago

Pleae see edit in my comment. Q fingered reddit GA mods as compromised on 6.12.18 Q1489

divine_human ago

fully agreed. also loved the rest of your post..

the good thing here, which gives reddit mods a steep learning curve, is open mod logs. this voat transparency helps prevent power trips.

i also find i suspiscious that qmaps and neon revolt promote this sub only.

may this blatant strategy, together with the happenings on this new board here, past, present, and future, train peoples discernement.

for the time being, i will post in both subs and just see how it evolves.

i go with Q2167 here that says that 8chan will be the last refuge on the web when the old tracking social media structures collap which, i sense, will be in a few months from now.

better get used to 8chan now, lol. voat appears to me like a bridge. familiar format (i find 8chan incredibly difficult to navigate) but focus on transparency and free speech. hope voat helps people put on their big boys/gals pants so they can handle the chans soon^^.

may the truth shine and the greater good of our humanities awakening unfold with ease and grace.

Madhamjay ago

Please see edit above.

inspiretk ago

Correct Blackwargreymon. Madharnjay you need to post proof if you're saying the mods are compromised. Are you talking about this Q post? If so, Q hasn't said anything. He's just letting us know Reddit censorship is happening.

DameDeplorable ago

Proof that GA mods on Reddit were compromised. I also had a run in with "omnipresenthuman" mod from GA who banned me for posting a link to the Nike CEO and got into an argument on how it wasn't sharing personal information. He called me stupid for posting about "white rabbits" when the dude has creepy shit in his office!

Strelnieki ago

Anyone from the swampwatch knows about the mod rift several weeks ago. FOT, CLICK, and a few others left in protest to Drogeanon & Howionic abusing their mod positions. AFAIK the rest of the original mod team is legit... but trouble follows where those two hold authority.

Muntanolva ago

The swamp watch team is no better, they banned me for "causing division" even though I broke no rule when I expressed concern about SB2.

Strelnieki ago

Yeah, they have a hard-on for SB2. I can remember when SB2 was just spewing gematria and matricies crap and the occassional nephilim/occult post. Then, Q quoted his post and everybody fell head over heels for him. That's fine, but I don't personally think he is any better than the countless other bakers that were (still are) the backbone to the research. Iļl still check out his posts, they're decent enough for a crapper read but most of the time it's long winded and stuff we already knew (e.g. his latest 9/11 post).

Muntanolva ago

The long winded self-righteousness gets on my nerves quite badly when it all hinges on inane and forced relevancies.

The post Q linked to of his was fantastic though, there weren't any decodings or riddles or forced equivalences, it was actual solid journalistic research coupled with reasonable inferences on AJ's actions.

It's so shameful that the linking got into his head to believe that he is some decoding genius that can relate anything in the forefront of his head in an eerily (dare I say) schizophrenic albeit more organized fashion and have it be heralded as prophetic truth from a high priest.

TheStorm18 ago

Excellent content as usual and good to see you here SB2. Looking forward to the War Drummer’s reading of this assuming he doesn’t get banned from YT.

Papaeck ago

Between the content and the voice with sb and war drummer I’m at awe

Elianatrue7 ago

So true! Totally addicted to the brain and the mouth. LULZ!

inspiretk ago

If he does, tell him to upload to That site don't censor

cantaloupe6 ago

CorinneBackman ago

Go to

sparkiesfly ago

He is awesome, I just have to start moving when he plays his drum.

RufusTFlywheel ago

Yeah, it's called mind control. Wake up. Cereal Brain is full of shit, mk ultra deceiver

CorinneBackman ago

I’m a bit confused now...he has a header if SerialBrain2...I initially was thinking it’s the same person? And the site would have SB2s posts on it, but looking at it in my iPhone I’m not seeing any. Shed any light?

SerialLarper ago

"... and against the spiritual forces of evil ..."

Paul's other armour:

O_Iesu_o_Ka_Haku ago

Hey I enjoyed this one!

SerialLarper ago

"It's Hammer Time" ~ Q @ 9/11 + 1

Project Hammer & 9/11:

CommonCents1 ago

save Israel for last! -Q
how about the israeli "ARTISTS" that occupied the 91st floor of WTC before 9/11 while it was under renovations? they had access to structure. just BIZARRE.

Butterhawg ago

...or how about Howard Lutnick – On 9/11 CEO of Cantor Fitzgerald who delivered his son to school while 658 of his colleagues died in WTC1. Bundler for Hillary Clinton.

Ljacot ago

And Urban Moving... who moved stolen nuclear material from Pentex to the NYC Israeli embassy? Pentagon hit by a tomahawk..

CindyLu008 ago

Wow! Great decoding, can now understand. Good to see you here SB2!

Qdini ago

Great job as always SB! Amazing decode of the hidden 9/11 messages!

I recently saw this video that shows George W. speaking 3 months after 9/11 and he says he witnessed the first plane flying into the North Tower on TV before going into the classroom. What??!! First of all, I don't know of any video of the first plane hitting the twin towers. Second, I thought he learned of the attack while in the classroom......So many lies. I always questioned why he stayed in that classroom so long after learning about the attacks...........Answer: He knew he was safe.

Here's the video of Bush recounting the 9/11 events ......
(starts at 00:22) .

CommonCents1 ago

Need a Cliff's notes version!

frankenglock ago

"Perhaps someday people will understand 'they' had a plan to conduct 'another' mass extinction event." We can only hope, or else they will let it slip by to happen again.

time_traveller ago

This is one intriguing crumb. When was the first or last mass extinction event? Did 'they' have a hand in it too? Who the fuck are 'they'?

frankenglock ago

I always thought that the world wars as a near extinction level event, when you think from the time between 1914 and 1945 really as a never ending OPEN war. 1914-1918 where Europe lost an entire generation of men to war, followed by the 1918 Spanish Influenza outbreak, followed by the Spanish civil war, then WWII. If you think about the total number of people that died during this time frame, the numbers become overwhelming.

Of course the biblical flood was an extinction level event, and one that should not be overlooked. Only seven people survived. Although we understand the flood was created by God to cleans the earth of man's "continuously evil" thoughts, maybe those thoughts were guided and nurtured in a way similar to how we use TV and internet today. We really don't know the extent of man's technological progress before the flood, other than the stone buildings in the Andes mountains and such. The book of JOB and Genesis are our only texts we can go by.

Who's to say, in a world so vastly different than ours today, what level of technology they possessed?

TonyVilla89 ago

We got SerialBrain2 posting here and that Neon(whatever) guy leading people here. No we just need Q to link to a post here and we'll be in business. The VOAT community are outside right now with torches and pitchforks. Oh, boy they are pissed... or horny. I can't really tell.

iahkaferoaster1 ago

They are both

sweetholymosiah ago

Outside? Youre inside and you dont even know it.

no-hurry-no-pause ago

Oh boy, they are pissed

What do you really expect? Most voaters are former redditors, who were banned or censored away from reddit.

Now youre bringing reddit-style mass censorship to voat.

Do you expect us to be enthusiastic that the people who silenced us on reddit are now following us to our new home on voat and then immediately starting the same wave of censorship here??

mjw8129 ago

I do not like this place!

1964truthseeker ago

Don't understand right now what's going on but neon/ revolt is sending people to 8 Chan patriotsawoken.Neon revolt has a new video out that claims that voat is bad...people are saying sb2 is bad don't know who to trust right now!

NameThem ago

I give this place a week before it gets shoah'd.

RufusTFlywheel ago

Serial brain2 is horse shit. He's worse than the boat regulars because he acts like he knows what's going on in claims direct communication to him from POTUS bulshit anybody here remember no outside Comm. Can't wait for Q to burn this fool

wrathfulmomes ago

Pissed? Dumbass, I'm new here too and even I can tell you that's not what it is.
Try listening to what they are saying.
Read the stickies.
It's obvious this is the free speech "immune response" they are proud of. Put your big girl panties on and deal with it. Troll my previous post for more

HuxleysHorror ago

It's NeonRevolt. He is terrific, like SerialBrain2 is terrific. I'd like to also read VOAT's top writers. Please share and I will read. Thank you. I can subscribe to all subs, no need for pitchforks. I read BEST writers. Let me know who.

WishThirteen ago

That's ''NeonRevolt'', hoping PrayingMedic will also join for the ride 👍

BrainwashedByTrump ago

Both of these people are incredible researchers and we should thank them and pray for them every day. God bless the work they do!

cantaloupe6 ago

Competitive sites aim to minimize this one; there is some hazing as well to ensure free speech.

Ugbootshuffler ago

Pissed or Horny = Porny

Checks out.



Gayblackproud ago

upvot listen upvoat

My goal is to provide deep insight through short and easy to read and understand articles.

Contained in this article is what I believe to be some of the most condemning evidence in existence regarding the Jewish dominance of America.

So precisely what is “the Shemitah”?

In the Bible, the people of Israel were commanded to let the land lie fallow every seven years. There would be no sowing and no reaping, and this is something that God took very seriously. In fact, the failure to observe these Sabbath years was one of the main reasons cited in the Scriptures for why the Jewish people were exiled to Babylon in 586 BC.

On the last day of the Shemitah year, the people of Israel were instructed to perform a releasing of debts. We find the following inDeuteronomy chapter 15…

At the end of every seven years you shall grant a relinquishing of debts. This is the manner of the relinquishing: Every creditor that has loaned anything to his neighbor shall relinquish it. He shall not exact it of his neighbor, or of his brother, because it is called the Lord’s relinquishment.

This happened at the end of every seven years on Elul 29 – the day right before Rosh Hashanah on the Biblical calendar.

So what does this have to do with us today?

Well, if you go back to the last day of the Shemitah year in 2001, you will find that there was an absolutely horrifying stock market crash.

On September 17th, 2001 (which was Elul 29 on the Jewish calendar), we witnessed the greatest one day stock market crash in U.S. history up to that time. The Dow fell an astounding 684 points, and it was a record that held for precisely seven years until the end of the next Shemitah year.

It turns out that September 29th, 2008 corresponded with Elul 29 on the Jewish calendar – the precise day when the Bible calls for a releasing of debts.

The World Trade Centre was conceived in the Shmita of 1945, begun in the Shmita of 1966, was dedicated in the Shmita of 1973 and destroyed in the Shmita of 2001. This was a warning from God to come back to Him but the leaders of America quoted Isaiah 9:10 in defiance. "...Who say in pride and arrogance of heart: The bricks have fallen down, but we will rebuild with hewn stones." When ancient Israel uttered these prideful words God brought judgment upon the land and that which was built up was wiped away. The new tower raised up from Ground Zero has a 40,000 pound "hewn" foundation stone. So, at the climax of the 2001 Shmita came two falls; a colossal collapse in Wall Street and the most physical collapse in American history as the two towers came crashing down to earth. Shmita years are behind the rise and fall of America. If the rise of a tower foreshadowed the rise of America, what does the fall of a tower foreshadow?

Let's take a look at the incredibly accurate timing of the Shmita Year as it impacts modern history in the realm of finances, economies and empires:

1901-1902 Shmita Year - 46% U.S. Stock market value wiped out.

1916-1917 Shmita Year - 40% U.S. Stock market value wiped out. German, Austro-Hungarian, Russian and Ottoman Empires collapsed. Britain, the world's greatest empire was almost bankrupt. The beginning of American to rise to world power. All during this one Shmita year.

1930-1931 Shmita Year - 86% U.S stock market value wiped out in the worst financial crisis in modern history.

1937-1938 Shmita Year - 50% U.S. Stock market value wiped out. Global recession.

1944-1945 Shmita Year - End of German Reich and Britain's hold on territories. Establishment of America as the world's super power.

1965-1966 Shmita Year - 23% stock market value wiped out.

1972-1973 Shmita Year - 48% U.S. Stock market value wiped out. Global recession. U.S. Voted to kill its unborn children (Abortion legalized). U.S. lost its first war - Vietnam...

1979-1980 Shmita Year - U.S. and global recession.

1986-1987 Shmita Year - 33% U.S. Stock market value wiped out.

1993-1994 Shmita Year - Bond market crash.

2000-2001 Shmita Year - 37% U.S. stock market value wiped out. 9/11 and Global recession.

2007-2008 Shmita Year - 50% U.S. Stock market value wiped out. Global recession.

2014-2015 Shmita Year - ??


Let's hope horny. We love you fellow Voaters. Everyone should visit others parts of Voat too and make friends/read some stuff.

inspiretk ago

It's ok. Just ignore the naysayers as

quriosity ago

Glad to see you here. Your brain works in such a unique way I would miss not reading your posts.

houstonian ago

Good to see you here SB2! Keep up the good work!

quriosity ago

Why is the VOAT community upset? I don't understand.

BlessedToTeach ago

Awesome! Can't wait to get smarter reading your posts!

SerialBrain2 ago

Hey BTT! I hope the trip was not too bumpy! All our friends are here now. Welcome! ;)

Jadsticles ago

I got to say, I'm not a believer in trump or in gematria. But I maintain interest to see where this all leads.

HarryTStone ago

It's not about believe in Trump or anything else normies consider to be outside the box. Don't get it twisted, there's not a ton of room for mutual exclusivity in these matters. But at its baseline, the movement has a lot to do with understanding that corrupt, evil, America-hating forces have long been feverishly working towards this country's downfall. And that shit isn't going to fly anymore. There are brilliant, resourceful, motivated minds on the good side working twice as hard as the cabal in effort to show everyone else the light.

Svetlana ago

The sheer magnitude of the investigations, and the scope of it all has been incredibly, succinctly explained in easily understood detail by SB2! Thank you for sharing this with all of us.

Ashlynn139 ago

How can find serial brain 2? I love him! I can't find him.

Svetlana ago

He’s on reddit. Go to the Chans. Much better info and no JR high crap.

USAFCAndylady ago

Can you post on the board? I cannot yet -- not enough upvotes I guess. I just found something interesting -- possibly another MSM attack on DJT's administration.

Fancyshoes ago

I can and am new and have no idea why I can post.

Jay_J ago

I'll give you one...go through and start up voting for everyone

STMZ66 ago

could you give me one too?

BarneyFife ago

I have given you an up-vote for whatever that is worth.

Jay_J ago

Thank you, for whatever that is worth. lol. MAGA! Hooah! WWG1WGA! and all that.
Honestly, take care of yourself in these trying times. Make sure your family and friends are secure. THIS IS THE CALM before the storm. When Trump tries taking down the Fed Reserve , all hell will break loose. Saw today that China is getting pent up. They are contemplating Pearl Harbor-type attacks on the USA. Saw a report out of Russia who just had their Eastern financial conference, they are worried the collapse of the USA will result in major world uprising. They called the USA idiots for playing 'Russian Roulette" . Russia MAY have to side with China if there were a WAR...and this is a threat, actually.
Stay safe. Keep tuned in. Get you and yours prepped with food water, gasoline, Faraday Boxes, generator. The plan is three more year, one has already expired. The worst is to come, I'm feeling this.

Hakuluoma ago

You guys should be good to go. I see 83 points. I am still at zero. Any help would be appreciated.

SillyBow ago

I thought you need 100 pts to participate...

Hakuluoma ago

I think it is 10 comment points, then you get to post. I am 11 so will know soon enough. No time now.

Atwistedsister ago

Have another kind person.

indianindian ago

You just got my upvoat patriot.

Same situation here - I am also at zero.

Hakuluoma ago

Thanks mate. I still don't see any votes, and one of my replies has disappeared altogether. When in doubt read the instructions, I suppose. I just upvoted you. Do you see any difference?

indianindian ago

Nope, no difference seen. Maybe it takes some time. Also some say the comments should be on "other subs"

slumbermachine ago

You guys need to comment outside this sub. Go to another sub and post comments that will be upvoted. Then you will be able to post here.

SerialBrain2 ago

Can you post on the board? I cannot yet -- not enough upvotes I guess.

You need to get CCP's to post, but you need to go get them outside of this sub that has voting restrictions causing the comment upvote to not be counted by the CCP account.

divine_human ago

oups, didnt know that, ty... thats insane, why should i BS-busy myself on other subs before being allowed to post here?

Dropswakeyou ago

This is an issue. For this reason for me personally I'm onlygoung to lurk here and head on over to 8chan /patriotsawoken/ now. After all, Q already said we will all end up there anyway so might as well become familiar with it now.

Fancyshoes ago

Is there somewhere that you can see your points.

SerialBrain2 ago

Edit: I made this post so you can all re-group there and get your CCP:

kneo24 ago

Anyone caught following this guy and trying to circumvent the system will be dealt with accordingly. You all have been warned.

Mumbleberry ago

And how well did that work?

Mumbleberry ago

You are a faggot

USAFCAndylady ago

Grrrr. Some of the liberal MSM newssites appear to be targeting General Mattis re: resignation after midterms. I wanted to bring it to the board's attention. All the articles sound the same and referencing the Woodward book and the NYT oped.

This is just two:

USAFCAndylady ago

Q referenced increased attacks and wonder if this is not just the latest.

nufff_said ago

newbie.. what is a CCP? By outside of the sub you mean a different sub on voat? very confusing . Help!

SerialBrain2 ago

CCP= Comment Contribution Points, the count increases as people upvote your comments. Outside of the sub means you need to find another sub of interest, make sure it doesn not also have voting restriction rules and comment there until you get to see you CCP rising. Good luck!

JayWhoDat ago

Wait - I'm new also - but I'm posting this? So what will getting upvotes outside this group enable me to do that I cannot do already?

UKPatriot ago

I think they differentiate between original posts vs comments on that post. So you can comment away, but not make an original post until your comments outside this forum have enough up votes. Seems a bit petty to me, but that’s they way it is.

Slidewizards ago

Q Code & Abbreviations made easy. Thanks for all the updates . ️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️

mcmanitee ago

I'm in the same boat, aren't we shooting for 10 points?

nanido ago

Commenting just to get enough points so please help me with the upvoat. Thanks

Mumbleberry ago

Fuck you, beggar.

Truth2Light ago

Just registered. Giving upvoats to any under 10. Need some back. Glad to see everyone making their way over. Thanks to the voat community for having us. I'll try to behave.

Tut560 ago

You have to get the 10 points in other subs then once u get to 10 points from comments & upvotes there you can post

USAFCAndylady ago


Bhaktadasa ago

I am glad that serialbrain knows what he's talking about. I am not smart enough to understand all the numbers...

RufusTFlywheel ago

Wake up. You are smart cereal brain is just making shit up and makes it so convoluted people think he knows what the fuc he's talking about

tangled_up ago

It has been around for100's years, but unless you have a real math brain it is just noise . To me it is like fortune telling , but lot of people use it for code messaging like Q .

Hakuluoma ago

I don't get the gematria. Trump is working all this out as he tweets? He has an army of nerds figuring out how to fit secret messages into his tweets? It is a bit of a stretch.

TexanPatriot ago

I was not familiar with the term”gemetria” before I just read SB2’s post. I plan to do some research and share my results. However, it seems to me that an app could be developed for this purpose. I have a lot of respect and confidence in SB2, he is a real patriot!

RufusTFlywheel ago

You are right. The gematria folks are idiot snake oil salesman. Period. Can't wait for Q to burn him

RedZorp ago

It's beyond a stretch. It's frankly ridiculous to read any kind of "9/11 truth" from Trump's tweets using numerology or anything else. His tweets were consistent with the official narrative, no if's and's or but's. And Rudy Giuliani himself is a notorious 9/11 insider (see:

I'm still holding out hope that Trump will at least deliver on holding some FBI and CIA guys accountable for various crimes, like the FISA stuff. But I am no longer holding out any hope that he will deliver on 9/11 truth. Seems that Trump and the Q team have decided that it would be too upsetting for society to break the dam on 9/11 truth.

slumbermachine ago

Gematria is real, did you know the bible is written with geometric number codes? Some forming geometric shapes and equations (pi, the golden ratio, and such). It is considered the unconscious side of communication and talks to us without us knowing. Also, not everything written in a tweet or post is a conscious attempt at gematria, sometimes our minds write it out as so. Life is spiritual along with physical. Notice when bad events happen you will see "33", "322" and other such numbers. The people plotting evil deeds aren't sitting there planning out everything by the numbers (though I'm sure they still do a lot), the matrix is setting those codes, or their negative spiritual side. It's the third eye, it's the ability to read reality in code. Part of the great awakening.

BarneyFife ago

Truthfully, it goes even deeper than that. Many verses are directly related to the chapters in Genesis, Ephesian 6:12 and the 4 gospels. It is difficult to explain in a few words here, but it is an awesome thing.

Hakuluoma ago

Thanks slumber. I have often remarked on seeing 11:11 on the clock, and finally looked up the meaning. It said angels are watching. So strange and wonderful.

LokkenLoaded ago

The hate this subverse is getting from the rest is comical. It’s a fucking free Internet forum and these people act like we are sleeping in their fucking beds. How do you care that much? They’re smashing their keyboards with one hand and their dicks in another. ThIS iS nOt reDITT!! Shut the fuck up.

BTW: Good to see you here SB2!

reaper70 ago

Yeah, I don't get it either. There's a sense of "ownership" among the original Voat folks that I don't understand. It's not true of everyone, of course, but I was surprised how many seem so offended by the influx of Redditors. The more people who patronize Voat -- and hopefully make a donation to help keep it going -- the better it is for everyone.

I'm hoping people will just let it go because we have much, much, MUCH bigger fish to fry. It'll be bad enough with shills trying to divide us; we can't afford to engage in pissing contests with each other. We have to stay united. I don't care if you're from Reddit (like I am) or a Voater (need to learn the terminology :-) ) or wherever -- if you're here, you're here, and this is the awakening. Let's unite, stay strong, and show them that no matter how much they try to silence our voices, they will fail. And they will only strengthen us in our resolve when they do it.


Tastemyrainbow ago

They sound like a bunch of pussy hat wearing leftist cucks.

dacka-from-oz ago

like a cage full of monkeys flinging shit at each other, all screaming niggerfaggot wildly at each other and passersby as they swing from rafter to rafter.

Light_Guard ago

Too funny. That false description brings to my mind the real lunacy images of liberals literally howling at the sky, stomping and sobbing and wearing vagina hats and full body vagina costumes.

bjantigua ago

that is so true! Projection. It never gets old. Who could make up stuff like the protestors screaming like asylum creatures?

thisistotallynotme ago

This one understands.

SporadicMyrmidon ago

I was going to post a more cynical comment, but rethought it. If people think that life hinges on the absolute freedom to call each other "niggerfaggots" then life is pretty dark. I suspect the best life does not involve constantly calling people "niggerfaggots", nor does it involve tracking down those who disagree and subjecting them to unending public humiliation and disgrace. I think that is a pretty reasonable point of view, but I am not a tech billionaire, so nobody should pay attention to me...

tangled_up ago

Can I say I totally agree ! We have the freedom to be colorful in our language but why ? I think it turns us normal people off , but that could be their point ! Lets work for America our Republic our Constitution our President and Q ! God is listening to our prayers !

Light_Guard ago

Did it ever occur to you that by calling one another faggot in a clearly non-disparaging manner it takes the 'stinger' out of the use of that word? Anons don't call one another niggers they call the C_A niggers. ((They)) are not our friend.

SporadicMyrmidon ago

I concede your point. I am still frustrated that in free speech venues like voat and the chans there seems to be so much juvenile stuff even in discussions about serious topics, especially highly politically incorrect topics. That and too many people cultivating an "insider" mentality, even when posting anonymously. Maybe it is really meant as a sort of hazing, to deter genuine bad actors. Actually, I'll give that some more thought, since I suspect it is probably true to some degree.

bjantigua ago

Ganstas would sit on the stoops and say the worst imaginable stuff about their mothers etc. all so that the words had no emotional triggers. Lucky for us we can find all the liberals in a room just by saying MAGA.

Light_Guard ago

You're frustrated about levity. Personally, the levity doesn't bother me. It's a way that some people battle darkness, with the light of laughter.

I'm concerned with whether or not the content of a post is the truth. For example, in your comment that I replied to, you said: --anons are dependent on a freedom to call each other niggerfaggots, and;

--anons "constantly call people niggerfaggots"

But the truth of the matter is that you never saw anons call each other niggerfaggots. You did not see anons "constantly call people niggerfaggot"s because ONLY the C_A are called niggers and they are not addressed using the honorable 'faggot' suffix.

Now you bemoan what you view as the cultivation of an "insider" mentality among anons as though that is inherently a bad thing. Any true patriot and freedom fighter willing to learn the culture of the group and it's tenets (which include such normalcy as anti-pc, anti-emotional fragility, frank and open dialogue, anti-identity politics, anti-liberal, anti-hypocrisy, anti-communist, etc.)

So what's wrong with that? If a person doesn't share the need to reject those values then they are likely most comfortable communicating in the toxic mainstream where such values reign proudly free and should remain there rather than trying to join a community which chose different values and seek to force it to reshape itself to fit a mold that would emulate the toxic mainstream.

You would probably feel like an outsider in the anon community because you don't seek to join it. You seek to change it to your liking. Sort of like immigrants who seek to reshape America to be like the country they fled rather than assimilate with the culture of the country within which they sought asylum or social and economic growth. Do you see the parallel?

America is a sovereign nation and will not change to suit the preferences of those outside her cultural norms and mores.

Anon is a sovereign culture unfettered by mainstream toxic norms and mores.

bjantigua ago

Great points. i am thinking it takes conscious effort to awaken. and not in relative isolation either. With the coming turmoil for newbie sleepers we were asked, challenged, to help them. That will be difficult or impossible if we do not have tolerance and compassion. Being able to see past the sin to the damaged sinner, so to speak. Forgiveness. Or letting go. I wonder if that is not the very first step in our boot camp? And that looks like tolerance of others freedoms. Reminds me of one of our names. The Great Awakening. It is the fourth use of the term which only applied to spiritual (as opposed to religious) revivals. And what has to happen is for all of us eventually to join together in forgiveness and tolerance. WWG1WGA. Like Qs recent post on not being divided. by race. religion. etc. Unity. Its a spiritual quality.

SporadicMyrmidon ago

I think you are making reasonable points. But the deeper truth is that I have no real desire to join anon culture or change it at all. I want to talk with actual human beings about how to save Western civilization. This is forbidden in "real life". Maybe it is only possible in "anon culture". I'll think about it.

bjantigua ago

The Great Awakening is not a movie or book club. This is a military operation that has allowed "citizen journalists" to participate. We have been asked to help in the effort to save the Republic. We are asked to send out memes and help those awakening. We were restrained from "helping" by going our "own thing." This is obeying orders in military operations. Its not a light commitment.

Jadsticles ago

I think at least part of the issue is that people have been in mental prisons so long, they forget that with great power, (freedom of speech) comes great responsibility, (respect, tactfulness, thoughtfulness and integrity). This is perhaps why so much based level behaviour and comments can be found in free speech corners of the internet. People have forgotten how to wield the power with responsibility and poise. Just keep being an example.

bjantigua ago

Excellent comment and excellent example. We will need composure when monster shit hits the fan shortly.

cantw889 ago

I'm rather enjoying being called a "Boomer" whatever the fuck that means and Im also loving the references to my being an "n-word loving Jew fuck" lol...these people are loons

tangled_up ago

I am late to this party, but your thoughts are so similar to mine. I may not like those words but I won't run from them! God, Family, Country, President, Q !

TrueCat ago

Baby boomer, which I am. LOL

cantw889 ago

yeah, that's what I thought but didn't think that was vulgar enough lol. I'm a Boomer also, 57 years young

Nursecj ago

Dear Lord am I at 67 young, nothing surprises me much any more

FreedBy45 ago

SerialBrain2 lives!!! So very happy. NeonRevolt is who you are referring to - he is great as well. He can be found at or also on gab. Both of them are great at decoding and making sense of Q's posts. Truly thankful!

TrueCat ago

I am so thankful to see a new SerialBrain2 post! Thank you, SB2! I'm so glad Neon Revolt is here as well! They are both vital to our Q community!

SerialBrain2 ago

Thank you TrueCat! ;)

Athenaethana ago

Hey- just wondering- I've made about 5-6 comments on here but still don't have any upvotes. Any suggestions? Also I loved your 9/11 decide but I still question: do Trump and Q really plan out all that Gematria, including time of posting, fo r each tweet? Some of your points I couldn't foolow- Rudy the TRUE WARRIOR and the sentence HE IS ACCOMPLISHING GREAT THINGS or something like that- where did that sentence come from? Also what about Rudy's actions on the day of 9/11 and thereafter burying the evidence, ordering the city not to photograph, selling the steel to China? And also there was another part to Q's post that day- the link to Trump's proclamation wherein he states we were attacked by "radical islamic terrorists" on that day. Ok, can he be serious? He knows it was the Bush admin+ doesn't he? Just wondering if you have any insights on that I was thinking about it a lot.

Brunolily ago


Qzenseeker ago

Yes, so glad they are all here. Remember division is their strategy, DON'T fall for it. We all need to work together, and keep up the good fight !! WWG1WGA :)

Ashlynn139 ago

I could not find the link... Please help me out thanks!

Ashlynn139 ago

What are the links for us newbies?

Slidewizards ago

Q Code & Abbreviations made easy. Thanks for all the updates . ️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️

Jay_J ago

go to google search type in 'twitter @prayingmedic" then click on what comes up You can read the threads and replies, but probably cannot talk because banished from twitter. ----or go to in search type prayingmedic

(there is a filter below search box for most recent videos)

you can go directly to neonrevolt (also anon) browser ---you can copy paste this for Lisa Mei Crowley and ExtrovertCovert (anons)

Cz4ever ago

You can follow praying medic on twitter or watch his videos. He has them archived and also has one on Q for beginners.

Tut560 ago

Has anyone seen praying medic on here yet?

Consistent_Peace ago

I'd love to find Praying Medic over here. I think he has some good insights. I try to follow all of his postings and videos along with SB2

Childoflight ago

Have not seen praying medic yet. Can't wait though it will be great

rickki6 ago

was thinking same thing.

gregthebassist ago

i'd also like Bill Smith

Fancyshoes ago

Love Bill Smith. But he’s MIA. Blessed to Teach and Space Shot 76 have both asked about Bill Smith. Asking if anyone knows of his whereabouts. Space Shot says he has not responded to emails either.

DigOnAndOnAnon ago

I followed spaceshot until he had his kid on reading something. It was at that point I realized this is just a happy distraction for him. And if I hear "nosenstein" one more time I'm gonna me llamo burn this place down

Silverlining ago

He's here - or someone with his name - - no posts no comments 12 hours old - could be anyone - is it your good self? @prayingmedic

truthseeker832 ago

prayingmedic posted a link to voat on twitter and that’s why I'm here.

Aces8 ago

We need Praying Medic. Hit him up on Twitter with a link to this sub. I don't have a Twitter account.

anon77777 ago

DigOnAndOnAnon ago

Love praying medic, but why does everyone think he's so vital? Though I haven't seen his latest video, I've yet to hear nothing more than an audio book. He just reads the drops without imparting any real "decode." Am I missing something? It's why neon is the only substantial resource for an understanding of drops, rich with examples, digs, finds, connections, theories - u name it. SB2 is awesome as well but on a completely different plane. His breakdown of the MGM/Vegas event is so spot-on you'd think he was a white hat involved in its prevention.

pj77777 ago

He is vital due to his ability to break down the messages n cos he has a great following. We have to wake up the masses...

Aces8 ago

Yeah PM does a lot of very simple decoding and he is the most appealing to normies because he is easy to understand. Look at it this way. If you wanted to red pill a friend of yours would you send them to a post by SB2 or Praying Medic? SB2 is a meth head on Q and none of his posts make any sense. Praying Medic makes it easy for normies to swallow the red pill.

DigOnAndOnAnon ago

Totally agree. PM is as calming as it gets. I sometimes like to have him playing in the background as I'm getting a massage haha

Chubbs456 ago

Praying Medic vital for normie audience. Q light info. For those not ready for the deep dives. Them rabbit holes be dark...

Slidewizards ago

How do I get up votes????

Fancyshoes ago

He follows SB2. He should be able to find him.

Meez ago

He has new youtube videos up, which are outstanding but I haven't seen him on Voat yet. I hope he joins!

Zenmaster67 ago

I have not seen PM

Airsilent ago

PM is not bad, best I've seen is IPOT... really well done job. PM seems to busy to keep up with the times.

krissieQ777 ago

Praying Medic is where I send all my normie friends. Excellent channel and thoroughly researches Q drops.

Airsilent ago

PM is ok, this guy is much better.

DigOnAndOnAnon ago

I'll check him out. I also like blackpilled. However, Warhammer? JFC that dude makes me want to bite my own face. It reminds me of that black DJ in the movie The Warriors. Yech.

sparkiesfly ago

I just listened to his new video

adogrocket ago

home run again

pivot69 ago

Yes Sb2 you moved as well!!!!!!!!!

Ashlynn139 ago

How do I find SB2?

pivot69 ago

wrathfulmomes ago

Shove your head so far up your ass that you can't see reason anymore.
Then unlearn logic and teach yourself "gematria".

NameThem ago

wew lad.

RufusTFlywheel ago

Thank you thank you thank you. Finally somebody else who has some sense. Cereal brain too and gematria are horseshit

ZipperFoil ago

Look up

Becki_Percy_speaks ago


I have to expose this man. I was 'involved with him some time ago. I didn't know he was married. I have now found out his name is JCR and that his wife is CU. I am a Christian but I let my lust get the better of me. You good patriots are being deceived. I said I would expose him and now I have. I'm sorry this may come as a shock to yall but....

sorry to burst your bubble y'all

Jamesgmclagan ago

Lying shill, no sauce to backup your claims which are totally illogical, gtfo

boldaslove ago

Accidentally gave you an up-vote and they won't let me change it. This might come as a shock to you (all) but you sound pretty foolish.

BeTheGame007 ago

Sounds like you're a compulsive liar. U heard of the boy who cried wolf? Puts you in the position of nobody believes you even if you are telling the truth. I doubt you will convince many with this.

Koisville ago

Wow SerialBrain2 I cant get over how smart you are and truthful! Thank you for your great work! Wonder who paid for all of this as well.

jasonco ago

that's a pretty big wall of text. Maybe you can summarize it? Into memes perhaps?

freedumbz ago

>Who financed 9-11?

Israel and Saudi Arabia.