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KOG007 ago

I am -15 on comment contribution points, and I believe you have to get to +100 to actually be allowed to publish a post, when all I did was to ask for a little decorum in our discussions. Such a backward way of moderating users that encourages us to sink to the lowest common denominator.

wrathfulmomes ago

Hello, patriot!
Define censorship.
Define desensitizing overly-sensitizing.

Agreed. That kind of behavior/name calling may have been acceptable on an elementary playground but adults no matter their color or sexual orientation are going to roll their eyes and go elsewhere.
I hope the new mods of this new GreatAwakening forum do something about this childish namecalling or those who are adults among us won't be sticking around long

You are coming here to escape censorship, then calling for... censorship.. and only for those you disagree with! Sound familiar? Twitter, Google, Apple, Facebook, Reddit, CNN, project MOCKINGBIRD? New as I am here, I recognize that "offensive" things are an inherent part of truly free speech.

"Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety."

Far too long has free speech been crushed. We don't recognize it for what it is now. Yes, there is a lot of "distasteful" or "childish" (subjective terms) language here. It seems to me that's an intentional part of the "culture" here in order to snap people back to the reality of what free speech looks like, or force convince them to leave of their own free will.

On the other hand, such "niggerfaggotry" is something that falls toward the more juvenile side of on the timeline of free speech, not from the small-mindedness of it but from the novelty. Once people realize this, they can accept it and go about their business as usual. If you don't like it, ignore it. Stop giving it power. See how it works? That is freedom.

Now if someone was trampling your rights instead, crossing the line to where they are directly infringing them, that would be unacceptable. That is a form of justice.

Defer your decision until after you've grown a thicker skin, and then decide if you value truly free speech as the First Amendment of the US Constitution declares, or not. Semper fidelis.

Cleanhobo ago

You, sir need to ensure that you reproduce..... I expect you to father many children and spread your genes and ideas far and wide. Teach them this shit and the world will be a better place.

wrathfulmomes ago

Thanks. Unfortunately that's what everyone thinks about themselves, and this world is exactly what makes so many of the intelligent not want to reproduce. Go figger.