Consistent_Peace ago

This is great thanks !

Gypsynurse ago

Thanks SB2

enki74 ago

I went down the street to a 24-hour grocery store. When I got there, the guy was locking the front door. I said, "Hey! The sign says you're open 24 hours." He Said, "Yes, but not in a row!"

SearchVoat ago

Bleep bloop, someone mentioned this post!

'Reminder: Per Q is our official new home.' was posted in v/theawakening and includes this reply from @Mumbleberry:

That request is a mistake. See what happened to all of the folks that tried farming here; massively DV'd, and rightly so.

This notification (#269) was posted automatically by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress this notification by appending a query(?) to your Voat permalink.

SearchVoat ago

Bleep bloop, someone mentioned this post!

'I'm just going to leave this here....' was posted in v/theawakening and includes this reply from @C_Corax:

You know if there's any sincerity to what you say, it would go a long way if you had a sticky up there addressing the issue. There's the moral side to it, that a branch was reached to you that in my opinion you didn't deserve. Showing just a little courtesy back would go a long way.

Then there's also the tiny little thing where you should consider what is in your best interest. Do you want more Q folks to start their first day on Voat with -100 CCP? That will continue to happen as long as you don't disown topics like this. And believe me when I say we will find them! Voat has been under 24/7 attack from all vectors for the past 3 years and you're not magically going to come up with something that hasn't been tried before.

Finally don't think for a moment that just because Putt is a big fluffy carebear that you are immune to being kicked off the site entirely. I'll ask you this, where will you realistically find another user friendly(relatively speaking) platform that will accept your kind of content? I've seen how tech savvy some of you are and 8chan for all its qualities doesn't strike me as the natural choice for your main demographic.

This notification (#260) was posted automatically by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress this notification by appending a query(?) to your Voat permalink.

SearchVoat ago

Bleep bloop, someone mentioned this post!

'As a long time Voat user I ask my fellow goats to chill with the downvotes.' was posted in v/theawakening and includes this reply from @Mumbleberry:

Don't forget the one in v/jokes, made with the same intent;

This notification (#198) was posted automatically by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress this notification by appending a query(?) to your Voat permalink.

SearchVoat ago

Bleep bloop, someone mentioned this post!

'No Agenda Show talks about Q (although slighlty mocking) and the possiblity of the person involved in the closure of /r/greatawakening being a CIA shill. Go to 2:15:00 in the audio.' was posted in v/theawakening and includes this reply from @Mumbleberry:

Asking for upvotes is NOT a good idea here. Observe;

This notification (#192) was posted automatically by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress this notification by appending a query(?) to your Voat permalink.

HazelAnon2018 ago

Speaking of hotels, where can I find your articles/posts about the Las Vegas hotel shooting? I recognize this is a bit off topic but I've immensely enjoyed your other posts and would love to read your thoughts/comments about the botched SA prince assassination attempt in LV. Please point me in the right direction. Many thanks in advance.

iahkaferoaster1 ago

As he reached into his worm tin, this fisherman realize his last worm was, indeed his last. Not wanting to quit when the fish were biting, he saw this big snake trying to get a uncooperative bull frog down. He grabbed the snake, & tossed the frog in his bait bucket. Realizing now he had a very pissed off snake in one hand, he thought about how to let it go & not get bit. He realized he had a pint of booze in his back pocket. He commenced to pour the booze down the snakes throat. It's eyes rolled back & it fell limp into the water & floated off. The fisherman did really well with the frog. As he was about to leave, he felt a nudge against his boot. There was that danged snake again!! But, this time it had TWO frogs.

jola ago


jola ago

This made me LOL! So happy to see you here. I hope you have all your previous posts archived. There are many I haven't read. Thank you for your posts. You helped me understand so much.

SearchVoat ago

Someone's talking about this!

'Voat News (9 September 2018 - 15 September 2018)' was posted in v/OneTruePutt by @PieceSeeker and permalinks this submission.

This comment was posted automatically by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress this cross-link notification by appending a query(?) to your Voat permalink.

(Ref #114)

Missjohann ago

Can I get 10upvote please I need the great awakening and patriots fight board please

Gypsynurse ago

Thanks SB2! I Was still waiting around knowing the time to FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT is now. #WWIWGA, #MAGA, #forthechildren

kilokai28 ago

helppppppp I need me some CCP

SearchVoat ago

Someone's talking about this!

'@NeonRevolt is a lying kike' was posted in v/theawakening by @GoogleStoleMyBike and includes this reply from @GoogleStoleMyBike:

He wouldn't. Why would you lie about him?

Point out, specifically, what I have lied about.

Maybe you and the handful of others on this bandwagon are scared of something? I can't imagine what. So you can't come in to a new sub and down vote people, effectively censoring >them, while you get to post whatever you want? What do you lose that you had before? Total control over new users?

This sub didn't even exist a week ago. You really don't lose anything at all - other than that all-powerful control over new folks. You know, that horrible censorship that you hate? But really like to wield in a not-so-transparent way?

Every last word of the above is one giant strawman. I've never once mentioned downvoating people, censoring anybody, or exerting control on others.That is all shit you just made up in your head, at your own inference. What was that about projection?

See this:

I went through the same experience coming here, albeit on a much smaller scale.

That sack of shit posted a thread on Eddit directing people to a /v/jokes thread (Seen here), which they intended to use as an upvoat farm. The dummy got caught and downvoated to hell for it, rightfully so. Cry more.

Short answer to your question: This sub is not "gimped", it's protected from old goats who would down vote anyone they don't agree with into oblivion - with total anonymity, no consequences, and no way for the target to defend themselves. It's Voat's mechanic to protect new users in a new sub from veterans who would censor them by mob down voting. At least when a mod deletes or bans there is a log. When I'm down voted, who did it? I have no idea. Custom CCP is a Voat mechanic. Why are you complaining about a viable Voat mechanic? Complain to Mr. Voat. He's the one who put it in. If you can't stand it, maybe you're not as tough as you think you are.

Or it has to do with that fact that your mods/users hoped to have a safe haven upvoat farm, like this post lays out perfectly. Little did you know that none of your precious internet points would count, lol. Maybe it wasn't that though, maybe your mods knew it would gimp the sub (and its users) and did it maliciously. It's odd either way. Also, please feel free to explain why your jew mods were deleting threads from old goats trying to warn the userbase about the CCP restrictions and how it effected them. That sure seems legit.

This isn't "my" group. There are no "sides" here. WWG1WGA right? Do you take that literally or metaphorically? Apparently literally, since you think that by being on 2 or 3 or even 4 different platforms somehow "splinters" the group. It saddens me that you, and the handful of others in this little tantrum, see this as "us vs them". Even if we don't see eye to eye on everything, we should at least agree that we don't need to be fighting each other.

When I say "your group", I mean the group of you that just came from that stinking shithole 4 days ago. There you go being a faggot again, building strawmen. The rest of your blabbering can be summed up by: "boo hoo my pussy hurts mean words bad" and you bashing the userbase here. I don't have a problem with the group of users who just came here, for the most part. I have a problem with kike moderators and "leaders" like NeonJew who are clearly misleading and taking advantage of said userbase.

This comment was posted automatically by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress this cross-link notification by appending a query(?) to your Voat permalink.

capnflummox ago

This is a trick to get CCP. Downvoat this into nigger hell.

Snap_Shot_in_Time ago

That is a good joke! Except... We don't know how many people might normally be in the hotel. For example, the hotel clerk, the cleaning staff and maybe other customers.

SerialBrain2 ago

The idea is that the mathematician models the hotel with a population P. Let's suppose N is the number of other people like, as you said, the hotel clerk, the cleaning staff and maybe other customers. Before the couple enters the hotel the population is P1=N+1, when they enter it, it becomes P2=N+3, when they leave P3=N. Therefore, the Delta of the hotel population at the end of the process is P3 - P1 = -1. So? The Delta becomes zero when someone enters the hotel and that is emptiness because the hotel was initially empty... :)

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

stop trying to farm upvoats, voat manipulation is explicitly stated to be unacceptable here

Fancyshoes ago

I don’t get it.

FancySquirrelQ ago

1 atom says to another atom “oh my, I think I’ve lost an electron!” The other atom says “are you positive?”

Ronin108 ago

The Brain!

Suzo ago

Thanks for posting this

Tee1020 ago

I should have known you would have a colorful comment section here too. For the record, I agree the earth is flat; well more of a dome.

TrustinTrump ago

Ha! Ha!

NoraPandora ago

Good morning SB2! :)

Now we have a whole board to troll and joke about?!

And of course you start with a good math joke. ;)

Here my short answer: 5 out of 4 people have problems with math!

NSWN2 ago

New here at this site as well though I've been posting on GA and other sites for awhile under Navysquid...I guess we need the upvotes to post. Thanks in advance.

retractableclaws ago

You get downvoats if people see you asking for upvoats. Instead, just make normal comments and you'll get upvoats naturally. Takes a few days, but it's worth it.

Potusx45 ago

7 “Keep on asking, and you will receive what you ask for. Keep on seeking, and you will find. Keep on knocking, and the door will be opened to you. 8 For everyone who asks, receives. Everyone who seeks, finds. And to everyone who knocks, the door will be opened.

Joeker4Trump ago

Knock knock

Impatient Cow...MOOOOO LOL

Glasaya ago

Chuck Norris doesn't read books. He stares them down until he gets the information he wants.

Mumbleberry ago

You aren't very smart, are you.

C_Corax ago


Mumbleberry ago


C_Corax ago

One of them might copy/paste a joke we haven't heard in a while though..

Mumbleberry ago

I'll still DV it.

Glasaya ago

Once Chuck Norris had a boner. Their were no survivors

Glasaya ago

Chuck Norris can gargle peanut butter.

Glasaya ago

Chuck Norris can touch MC Hammer

absurdlyobfuscated ago

A redditor, a 4channer, and a guy from voat meet on the terrace of a café and see a couple enter the hotel across the street. A few minutes later, the couple leaves the hotel with a child.

The redditor comments: it's clear, they are part of a vast global pedophile conspiracy that leaves clues about pizza and spirals everywhere. Q predicted this.

The 4channer: no, it's simpler than that: >greentext story about gore and MLP loli porn.

The guy from voat: do you REALIZE that they're ALL Illuminati transgenders , you nigger faggot kike ? Outer SPACE is fake . Q anon is a tranny . TV = Talmud Vision / Tranny Vision .

RumpRangerRick ago

Outer SPACE is fake

The Earth is fucking flat !

Dropswakeyou ago

Let's go find the edge together so I can push you off it.

Athenaethana ago

no it isn't.

Fromthebeginning ago

How do you stop an elephant from stampeding??? You cut off his “Stampeder”!

everlastingphelps ago

John Podesta to Tony Podesta: Hand me that lube, I'm gonna fuck this kid on the drive to the dungeon.

0369Retired ago

It appears we should post a joke and try to get 10+ upvotes. Here we go...

How many men does it take to open a beer?

Answer: Zero. SHE should have it open when she brings it to you!

Ok... One more. Where does virgin wool come from?

Ugly sheep.

I'll be here all week. Please be sure to tip your bartenders and waitresses!

0369Retired ago

I made a mistake with the original post. I did not intend to be disrespectful or insulting. It was an honest mistake on my end. I was not fully aware of the seriousness of my offense... I now completely understand the rules and have a better insight on why everyone in here is so protective of this site. I will try to gain the upvotes necessary and hope to become a productive member as things progress.

AndrewBlazeIt ago

You suck your own dick.

0369Retired ago

Used to be able to... Then I saw your mom. She had a pretty mouth. Killed my boner when I watched her suck a fart through a five pound hemorrhoid in Thailand. Been traumatized ever since... Now my boner is half as great as it used to be, this i am not able to suck my own dick. Thank your mom for me.

Mumbleberry ago

Your underhanded upvoat farm has been exposed, genius;

0369Retired ago

I made a mistake... As a newbie i didn't completely understand the rules or how serious this community is about them. My sincere apologies for being disrespectful. Certainly no harm intended. Just looking for a new home where I can follow Q and interact with other Patriots after Reddit folded.

Mumbleberry ago

NO ASKING FOR UPVOTES is one of the few rules we share with reddit. You don't want to look like a nigger in the welfare line do you?

0369Retired ago

Understood... Won't happen again.

Mumbleberry ago

Good, now dig yourself out of the hole. Use your e-tool.

kneo24 ago

v/GreatAwakening if you're serious about interacting legitmately.

rickki6 ago

hello all

AndrewBlazeIt ago

So stoned fuck man awe shit nigga hella mothafuckin' 666 ODDFUTURE man bro check this out mah #SWAG w/ the what whole 666 420 $holla holla get dolla$ #SmokeWeedEveryday ca$h fucking marijuana cigarettes gangsta gangsta Eazy-E C.R.E.A.M. so baked off the Bob Marley ganja 420 shit pure OG kush LEGALIZE CRYSTAL FUCKIN' WEED

FrozenFire74 ago

Dafuq did I just read?

AndrewBlazeIt ago

Rosa Parks rides up front on the crunk bus.

jameco01 ago


YardMan ago

2 entered 3 left - 23 - (time to look for clues)

9/11 9/11

biologist(108 -: 9) - physicist(128 -: 11) - mathematician(117 -: 9) - biologistphysicistmathematician (353 -: 11)

203 /232 - 23/32 - S&B

they have reproduced (203 -: 23) - the error of experience (232 -: 32)

EE=optics trick(magic) - 1 was UN-noticed (gorilla on stage)

Summary: Building 7(Spooksville) was not really empty for 7 hours.

Translation: We know who your are, we know what you did... CheckMate

Booo! Or something like that

RumpRangerRick ago

You Reddit niggers need to go back.

Dropswakeyou ago

Lmao, you're charming. Can I take you out for dinner?

NSWN2 ago

As stated earlier to another poster...Rump you were a new poster at one time to VOAT...good thing for you that someone didn't post "Rump just doesn't get it!!! He needs to go back to AOL'ville"

RumpRangerRick ago

Yeah, well, I never took part in any faggot upvoat farming.

AndrewBlazeIt ago

Down south, bitches. Rub one out, bitches. In your face, bitches, Ricki Lake, bitches. Compton-ass bitches. Chicken-fried bitches. Jell-O puddin' bitches.

Better lube your ass up so you don't need stitches, bitches.

AndrewBlazeIt ago

Prepare your anuses.

Mumbleberry ago

They just don't get it, do they?

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

they really don't

TargetDriver ago

The biologist, physicist and the mathematician were out driving in the country. The biologist remarks that the farm they passed has black sheep. The physicist corrects him saying that the farm has sheep and one is black. The mathematician notes that the farm has sheep and one of those sheep is black on one side.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

stop trying to game the system you stupid faggots

FreedomHasWon ago

I'm new here too. So far I've discovered that you like to be referred to as faggots, who eat shit, circle jerk and have an overwhelming desire to butt fuck. Now, I may not understand why you prefer to talk this way but intelligence is not the first reason that comes to mind. Oh yeah, almost forgot...Knock Knock...

IheartSwimming ago

Slit your wrists nigger fucking jew. Go to 8chan.

FreedomHasWon ago

Yours is a little tougher. hmmm let's see now. Are you one of those tide pod kids or is it the condom up the nose thing?

White_pride_cis ago

Your grammar is absolute dog shit. Commas, they will not hurt you. I promise.

FreedomHasWon ago

Yes I was debating whether or not to use them here. And I do like dogs. I heard from someone that these days "shit" actually means good so thank you.

White_pride_cis ago

Would I be wrong in assuming that your parents were apart of the Greatest Generation?

FreedomHasWon ago

There's no such thing as the greatest generation. I believe that all generations have their ups and downs. I fully respect the right of "to each their own". I may not agree with some people but I do respect the fact that they are entitled to their own opinions and beliefs.

White_pride_cis ago

Let me rephrase my question, were your parents of the WW2 generation? Were you born between the early 1940s-1964?

FreedomHasWon ago

You would be correct in your assumption closer to the end date.

NoraPandora ago

Speech diarrhoea. Some unfortunately also have brain diarrhoea.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

you're the faggot, go back to reddit

FreedomHasWon ago

Thank you so much for the warm welcome Sunshine!

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

ugh why can't people like you accept resonable advice like "go back to reddit" or "kill yourself"?

FreedomHasWon ago

Now don't be getting your panties all in a knot there. Asked for advice is always welcome. I don't recall asking you for any. And if I killed myself I wouldn't be able to have this lovely chat with you. Do you need to go to your safe place now?

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

I prefer unsafe spaces, you however need to go back to fucking reddit now. You belong there because you're a faggot

FreedomHasWon ago

Thank you for the lovely chat. While exploring this site, I now have a better understanding of Voat and you as well.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

I sure hope so

0369Retired ago

So nice to be welcomed by so-called patriots. I'm a retired U.S. Marine... I can't believe the racist and hateful BS on this site. So much for one nation under God INDIVISIBLE. I'll take my down votes now. BTW... What is the big deal about upvotes and downvotes? I don't get it... You need votes to facilitate communication and free exchange of ideas? When did free speech become a popularity contest? Commie horseshit in my humble opinion. And for the record, I'm a white Christian, flaming heterosexual male, combat veteran from the South. (I include this info only to indicate that I'm not a fag, n$gger, kike or anything other label the abundantly tolerant natives on this site like to song at the new comers - and that is sarcasm in case you hateful idiots didn't get it.) Gunny out...

ReadBetweenTheLines ago


Mumbleberry ago

whitelightgoddess ago

Surely Redditards knew they would lose this battle...

NSWN2 ago

Why would you be upset at new people over here? At one time you were a new poster as well at VOAT...

IheartSwimming ago

America is a nation of immigrants

Voat is a website of new posters.

White_pride_cis ago

But we didn't beg... Begging is never becoming of anyone.... Not even dogs.

Dropswakeyou ago

But it's not begging you ignorant fuck. Get your head out of your mothers ass for a minute so you can see. This is called organized transitioning to help patriots you stupid fuck

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

"organized transitioning to help patriots"

that sure is an interesting way to spell cheating and breaking sitewide rules against vote farms

White_pride_cis ago

And it helps them... how? Bypassing the norms, allowing them to not assimilate? What about that makes you a “patriot”. Sounds to me like you’re a whiny little bitch who wants nothing more than to show up and get your participation trophy

IheartSwimming ago

Except niggers.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

and he didn't need to cheat in order to get CCP

brandon816 ago

We never circle jerked each other for upvotes to circumvent the anti-spam processes, even as new posters.

Dropswakeyou ago

No worries we are just visiting and won't be here long this is just a speedbump on our way to 8chan/patriotsawoken/.

brandon816 ago seems to be working. If that is your end goal, why haven't you gone already?

Obviously, your intent was to use this event as an excuse to be assholes to others. No wonder your subreddit was banned.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

won't be here long

get the fuck out of here now you retard

NSWN2 ago

So how do I go about getting the upvotes? That's all people are trying to figure out...We all want to post and contribute. SB2 was just showing another way to help us get those votes.

White_pride_cis ago

You post meaningful content. If ANYONE says, please upvoat me so I can downvoat things that invade my safe space, they will be downvoated into oblivion. Rule #1; don't be a faggot.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

actually use the site dumbass

brandon816 ago

Just act normal. You will get more than enough eventually. Since you asked nicely, here's some usually decent, neutral subverses to try to follow:

You can also trawl through v/all/new to find new stuff.

Fyi, don't post in any thread that v/theAwakening is trying to upvote brigade in. Just as you've seen in this thread, you are only going to get downvoted more than upvoted, due to others overcorrecting for it. As a reminder, this isn't Reddit; the crowd here hates people who are begging for votes.

And don't bother trying to gain points inside v/theAwakening. It seems like the mods there in that sub intentionally decided to restrict voting in it, so none of the points you gain there matter. And most / all of the posts made there trying to let them know get banned by the mods, so most of you probably don't even know that.

Dropswakeyou ago

Yeah its obvious now that it was manipultated. So was the registered count. It wasn't 70000 but closer to 300000 registered there. There's no need to hate us voat noobs because it should be primarily about the end game.

brandon816 ago

Fyi, the admin for this site disappears for months at a time. Do you really think he can be motivated to waste that much time for such a petty act? Just shrinking your sub's subscriber count?

Take some responsibility for yourself, and stop projecting your own weakness onto others.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

I can hate whoever I damn well please you communist faggot

larryhuston ago

Go suck your own dick.

Dropswakeyou ago

I get right on that as soon as your mom's done deepthroating it.

larryhuston ago

I'm curious, hoe does sticking your dick in an urn of ashes feel?

larryhuston ago

Make comments elsewhere. This thread has been exposed as is an underhanded, cheating upvoat farm. And rightly so.

Dropswakeyou ago

Stop being so ignorant and try to understand something. People feel a sense of urgency right now and 100 votes takes a long time. This movement needs to keep moving and this is too big a speed bump.... Fuck it, never mind. I'm leaving, see you on 8chan. Adios mofos

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

do you not see the parallels between this attitude of yours and the open borders asylum shit that the left spouts for why mexicans shouldn't have to go through the legal immigration system? you need to go back

larryhuston ago

You only need 10, you ignorant gaffot.

Dropswakeyou ago

Fuck you and voat you ignorant fucks are pushing away true patriots that have real value. So you're the "ignorant gaffot"

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

for "patriots" with "real value" you sure seem to lack the American values of free speech as well as an understanding of the importance of law and order

larryhuston ago

Sure thing retard, your "leaderfaggot" sent you to the wrong sub. On purpose.

Mysticmonstre ago


fuckinghell ago

Get out, normie.

joecamoe ago

Serial Brain is the man

NeedleStack ago

3.1 year old account and your ass couldn't be bothered to get upvoats organically all this time?

joecamoe ago

I signed up when Ellen Pao was becoming a puppet for corporatist Reddit. But I got snookered by the volume of content offered over there, and drama died down pretty quickly. and I ignored the censorship til now.

NeedleStack ago

I ignored the censorship til now


AndrewBlazeIt ago

What exodus happened 3 years ago?


NeedleStack ago

That guy came here the same time I did so I'm guessing it was right after the organized weekend reddit blackout. We left reddit for here not long after they banned subs and fired Victoria.

Mumbleberry ago

Was it Pao or spez admitting to editing users comments?

AndrewBlazeIt ago

Uhh.. Spez, I think?

The jokes about him being a cannibal.

CodyClay ago

Question - What is the difference between a liberal and a puppy?

Answer - A puppy stops whining after it grows up.

rickki6 ago

love it

ReadBetweenTheLines ago

They (puppies) quit crapping all over the place

0369Retired ago

So nice to be welcomed by so-called patriots. I'm a retired U.S. Marine... I can't believe the racist and hateful BS on this site. So much for one nation under God INDIVISIBLE. I'll take my down votes now. BTW... What is the big deal about upvotes and downvotes? I don't get it... You need votes to facilitate communication and free exchange of ideas? When did free speech become a popularity contest? Commie horseshit in my humble opinion. And for the record, I'm a white Christian, flaming heterosexual male, combat veteran from the South. (I include this info only to indicate that I'm not a fag, n$gger, kike or any other label the abundantly tolerant natives on this site like to sling at the new comers - and that is sarcasm in case you hateful idiots didn't get it.) Gunny out...

Broc_Lia ago

Most of the users here left reddit because of the ridiculous gaming of votes and powermodding. When that kind of cancer migrates over here (as it has a few times) they don't tend to take it well. If you want to use the site normally and earn your place then that's fine, if you start making upvote farms and protected subs then there's going to be a backlash.

Sarevok ago

I'll take my down votes now


larryhuston ago

Gunny? You maybe made lance before you got caught blowing the 1st sgt's dick.

0369Retired ago

Good one. Did you come up with that on your own or did you have to get help looking up the USMC rank structure in google? Maybe know a Marine who called them "Lance" or something?

larryhuston ago

Faggots like you got kicked out in my Corps.

0369Retired ago

Yep... I'm sure we did. Tough guy.

larryhuston ago

Judging by the direction your CCP score is heading, you should probably shut the fuck up.

C_Corax ago

"The best argument against democracy is a five-minute conversation with the average voter." Churchill

I presume you understand the implications of above quote. That sometimes you have to roll with the bad to preserve the good? Voat with our up and down vote system is very much like that. The privileges of new accounts are slightly lower than the 'made' accounts to prevent garbage that the boards doesn't need. You have to earn your right to post that. If you were a Marine I assume you can relate to that. That privileges are earned and not a right!

Serialbrain2 and the rest of the Reddit mod team burned all bridges with Voat when they tried to rig the game. We do not take lightly with dishonest intentions. Not in our house with our rules. Again as a former Marine I think you'd find that relatable.

But that's on them and then there's you. You are just 3-4 decent posts away from getting the same posting rights as I have, you know. Venture out in Voat and see for yourself and it'll all make sense. Your door is still open with us.

There is no word filter to dance around here btw. You are allowed to say nigger as much as you please.

0369Retired ago

Greatly appreciate the explanation and the quote is absolutely appropriate. I completely understand rules and the need to screen users, as well as privileges vs. rights. I agree with all of that... I'm just having a hard time with the name calling and lack of civility. I'm far from a delicate flower or prude... Just expected a little more from other "Americans." I try to be respectful of others and thought that maybe others might possibly reciprocate. I didn't have a good grasp on the voting thing and how it relates to info sharing... Screwed that one up! Lol. Thanks again for the explanation and advice! Semper Fi! (And yes, I really am a Marine in a non-active status - a proud retired knuckle dragging grunt)

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

name calling and lack of civility

otherwise known as "things protected under the 1st amendment"

C_Corax ago

I don't disagree, but again you have to take the good with the bad. There's just no variation of passing on information without hindrance(the true purpose of free speech) where there isn't some hard counter to it. As things are being called a nigger, kike, faggot or whatever once in a while is a low price to pay in my opinion.

C_Corax ago

Thanks dude. I wanted to post there as well, but Voat had some hiccups.

Mumbleberry ago

My post made it in just under the wire. At first I was like "what did reddit ban this time?"

C_Corax ago

Fairly sure it was Reddit actually. Some of them were having a good laugh at the whole situation so we got some extra traffic.

deplorable_podunk ago

Lol. Too funny