GeneMath ago!XtNhURSb!1Mdrvt-Y_onBw5VlFDRdCQ

JDCS ago

I am closely following from Brazil the Q+ campaign, government and the Great Awakening since its beginning. Please allow me to express my most deep gratefulness and admiration for this movement.
I have lived in the USA as a child and in my twenty’s in Germany. Since I returned to my beautiful country, some 20 years ago, I have watched with great concern the degradation of western societies and the unfolding of the globalist’s plans to destroy the Judeo-Christian values on which they are based upon. It took me a while to understand the divisive politics they have been silently installing in western societies; the Islamic invasions with its retrograde and incompatible views; the turmoil in the Middle East; the rise of China; the North Korean stubbornness; the annihilation of African peoples and so forth. Unfortunately, by a small margin of less than 10% of the votes, we have elected last Sunday (10-28-2018) Jair Bolsonaro for president, what made me very sad and ashamed for my fellow citizens. If I was to believe in everything CNN and MSNBC say about Q+, that would be exactly what Bolsonaro represents to our country. The antitheses of POTUS. The media circus is now engaged in the misleading effort to compare this deceiver to Q+. They have even been calling Mr. Bolsonaro the Trump of the Tropics. This is a real disgrace. Bolsonaro is the personification of fascism and far from being a Gentleman. Kicked out of the army for insubordination; abandoned his duties as elected mayor of a small town in his home state of Rio de Janeiro; despises all minorities and incites violence against them; he has never done something significant in his life, nor has any particular skills; and this big liar is being backed by the armed forces and globalists. Staged a false stabbing to gain victimhood status for the elections. Tough times! Hard to believe anything these days. Please, do not allow fake reporters to demoralize your president in this manner and, therewith, make it even worse to disseminate the Great Awakening over here. The world is counting on and trusting Q Anons plans and its success battling evil. Moreover, if I may, WWG1WGA. My prayers and best regards to you all. JDCS – Brazilian Patriot

WeAreUnited ago

Hey, pretty new to voat but would like to downvoat shills when I see them. Hmu

TiggerUSA ago

Could use a whole lot of up votes here. Still figuring this new platform out. Thanks in advance for any upvotes.

RTaylor7 ago

Up vote please

Gypsynurse ago

That statement is because we all have been lied to for decades. We just have regained the ability to say no to the establishment and we get here and are ridiculed for trying to get ⬆️⬆️votes so we can talk. But rules are rules and I for one will not ask for a vote.

SearchVoat ago

Bleep bloop, someone mentioned this submission!

'Add a Vote Farming option to the Report button' was posted in v/ideasforvoat and includes this reply from @FrozenFire74:

Upvoat farms are popping up faster than legitimate users can post about them, and the Qfugees who disagree with Voat policy outnumber Voat users. If the most recent migration was a small collection of users, that would be one thing and this post would be irrelevant. This situation is one of the largest migrations this site has seen. The fact that certain new users have been informed that farming is against the rules and continue to farm openly presents a legitimate concern to the site. At least the spammers have the decency to hide behind legitimate views instead of making submissions like this

This notification (#563) was posted automatically by the Cross-Link Bot. More information here, including how to suppress these notifications.

apostom ago

Can't figure out how to comment.. Frustrated

Fromthebeginning ago

If we don’t feed the trolls can we eat them?

holdenon ago



New and struggling for positives. Help with upvotes please. I am doing my share too. Upvoat please! WWG1WGA!!!

LatinaForTrump ago

Hi I am new here - did not like Brain got banned a bit. Does anyone have any idea of where he is posting if he is posting at all. Hope he did not go underground. If you do and still do not want to say it here please send a message to my DM on latinafortrump_ (underscore) on Twitter. I will keep it private. Thx

CitizenJay ago

Hear! hear! I am a lerker until my research uncovers what I believe to important to the movement. These arbitrary restrictions are silencing people like me who don't just post to post. Key important info is being buried in the crap. Lift the restrictions.

FrozenFire74 ago

Those restrictions are in place to prevent spammers from swarming our site. See this announcement here

Qtron3000 ago

Check this youtube channel out, Destroying the Illusion

KBoy420 ago

Hi all. Just got here. Lurking while I learn and earn CCP. Great platform so far. #wwg1wga

Misty2 ago

Needing upvotes please so I get subscribe to great awaking!

skytrash ago

I want to be part of this too, thanks!

Truth_B_Known ago

Upvote please. There have been several Q topics I’ve wanted to post but haven’t been able to do so.

Q_Continuum ago

Hello fellow Patriots. Reddit refugee here trying to settle in on this new platform and into 8chan for the future. I’d greatly appreciate some additional upvotes and will return in like kind. Keep the faith and ThankQ WWG1WGA!!!

TruthSeekerVN ago

Signing in from Vietnam. Steep learning curve ahead, but determined to stay with you and start contributing

ItsaMeDjMario ago

So how does the 10 upvotes work. I just make a comment on any thread and I have to get 10 upvotes in order to post my own ??

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this comment by @Mumbleberry.

Posted automatically (#2507) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

HeCometh ago

Yes. Cooperation.

Eallen1775 ago

need a few myself !!

z-vap ago

I'd like to farm a few upvoats :)

Lotus369 ago

Need upvotes please.

Beanandginger ago

I could use some up votes please. I have a great post ready to go but can't seem to get going with CCPs

Tmb17q ago

Could use a vote myself. Thanks patriots WWG1WGA

Q665544 ago

There seems to to be a big fight going on here and i dont grasp it. What i do grasp is that voat gave us space and they are very alert that free speech stays at the center of their boards. I completely agree with this and feel welcome here. tnx voaters

Maestro232 ago

You know what to do. Up up and away. ..

hardskidder ago

happy to help shills, ayy? I'll contribute, don't like seeing the same shit over and over again, but don't get too ahead of yourselves, you might become like everyone else..

WhiskyDave ago

like to speek freely, need some upvotes

Liberty1111 ago

New patriot here please upvote Thank Q

Bornonthe4thofJuly ago

finally found y'all here on theawakening. Glad to be here. Been upvoting like crazy, and would appreciate upvotes in return. Promise to keep upvoting until we can downvote the trolls out of here.

dp007since09 ago

Please upvote this . I am only for the required 10. I don't have issues withe language here. It is FREE speech.

WG1WGA! Tonight Hannity signaling with "buckle up" is he a patriot? I am still on the wall but leaning towards heck yes.

RidingWithTheKBoys ago

Thanks guys. Just got over here from Reddit. Some upvotes to get me going? Thanks!!

collies4me ago

looking for a few up votes - Thanks in advance

Mbrac ago

I’m still trying to get my 10 CCP so I can post. Little help?

PreyingMedic ago Qanon September 14 - Military Planning at its Finest

Rival67 ago

Please may I have some more.

ibrake4parmigiana ago

I have no idea what I'm doing

RiiDERinthestorm ago

I am a slow white 60 year old who got red pilled back in April. I am pretty illiterate in the digital world. To follow Q I joined You Tube, Twitter and then Reddit. Now VOAT. Old dog trying to learn new tricks. Now i see these posts on VOAT about this "subverse" being censored. I am happy to live without the vile mouthed VOAT machos, but what is this censorship? Why be here? If I'm going to learn a new platform shouldn't i just learn 8chan? This is very confusing - maybe that is by design. So who is designing what? In this world of 3, 4 and 5d chess I don't even know what dimension I am in. I'll track this for awhile, but Q seems to be saying 8chan is home. I love being in a Q community, sharing ideas and articles - so maybe this is the place for that. Someone want to give this old fart some advice? Besides 'fuckoff niggerfag'? In the meantime how about some upvoats?

Bornonthe4thofJuly ago

Older than you and I'm dumbfounded. Not sure this will even reply. It looks, so far, like most of these posts were a week ago..does that mean y'all have moved to 8chan? I can't figure 8 chan out either. This looks like a nice format, if I could only find current posts and get enough upvotes to exist here.

punkyleslie ago

Happy to have found a home! I am a refugee from Reddit. Dark to light. Thank you Patriots! Please Upvote me so I can snuggle in! 😺

scepter1 ago

Please up vote to help me get going on this site...

bulrush ago

I'm getting upvotes but no corresponding CCP. :( I also waited 24 hours to see if a batch process would fix my CCP but it didn't. Voat is doing some maintenance this weekend so sit tight if you can't get to it.

bdizzle3000 ago

wanted to make this a new post but no upgotes yet:

they are now attacking us in other subs in r/eddacted. browsing my local sub still i run into a post trying to lump us in with flat earthers:

QAnonIsAwesome ago

Could use a few upvotes so I can post. Thanks Patriots.

fujison ago

I now have many upvoted comments. Way over 10, but my score is "1". Does anyone know how this works?

jwhjr727 ago

Please “up vote me” as I need votes. Thanks!

jbs0und ago

"Give me money. Money me. Money now. Me a money needing a lot now."

AL_Gunslinger ago

LOLz and I have a measly 6!

dirtyh0rhay ago

what do liberals eat for lunch? cockpockets!

WeGoAll ago

Well said! Stick together! I guess I super need upvotes, but okay with just commenting, really just hungry for knowledge! WWG1WGA indeed!

lguevara999 ago

Hate-reason=Libs Liberalism find a cure! :)

james780 ago

nigger ?

Moogabe ago

Jews will not replace us

UnknownTruth ago

Another quick note to everybody talking about down voating the trolls. Many of the "trolls" that you are talking about are the owners or original members. I do not expect them to change to fit our needs and neither should you. We have to deal with them as they are, so put on your big boy or big girl pants and let's get back down to business.

UnknownTruth ago

Yes, please upvote my posts. It's frustrating to not be able to post original content. TIA

Asgard-2018 ago

Can you guys upvote me please Thanks

ShiroZ ago

I could use some too. Thanks all.

Qrusader ago

Greetings! WWG1WGA

n8dgr8 ago

Gr8Amurican ago

Great idea! I need upvotes too and I’ve been helping others that way.

beerec ago

upvote please. WWG1WGA

Retired06 ago


DekEl79 ago

Could do with some "comment contribution points" here as well. I'm stuck at 7 ! Help a fellow MAGA patriot out !

Tallest_Skil ago

Reported for violating the website rules.

ccounselor ago

May God bless America!

davethesaviour ago

can i get an upvote

Far2Long2 ago

I keep checking POTUS's tweets for the 'storm is upon us'.

EndogenousMind ago

Please upvote...

Also... I'm in the process of transitioning all my personal accounts off of Google(gmail, youtube) and as much as I can, Twitter. I've never been a poster to any platform so it's easier for me to do so. I'll likely keep an account to consume good content until it all moves. Voat, Gab...

Is there a list of good alternative sites/services to use for all types of media? I'm even using Brave as a browser (which is based on Chrome but not owned by Google)

JackBeowulf ago

welcome, all, i'll try and be more active here than at old site. UP votes done. may take some getting used to this culture here. ahhh the good old days of BB boards.

SuicideWeekend ago


RTaylor7 ago

Up vote please

ChronoShaman ago

I was able to post and now I cannot again. Sadface

fujison ago

New reddit refugee. Please upvote. Thank you and God Bless!

HeelTurn ago


PhenomeDon ago

Just up voted like 50 of you.

BeerYoda ago

I am retarded. What do you mean? We can all post here off the bat without any upvotes already. What am I missing?

Textualintercourse ago


alpike ago

Nice idea

BlackCrimesMatter ago

Upvoting.. any group that gets banned from reddit for challenging the status quo is welcome on Voat as far as I'm concerned.

Challenging the status quo is strictly forbidden on the Deaddit..

PhenomeDon ago

Hit me up.

markrod420 ago

this is some reddit tier kikery. and your censorship has no place on voat. if you dont like open discussion then go to any one of the hundreds of sites built to allow your echo chamber to prosper. faggots.

EDTQ ago

Yes i wanted to start a topic but i need more upvotes!

Breadbox ago

BV checking in

YellowDogRedCollar17 ago

No upvotes yet? Did I say something wrong. Such as Reddit sucks. Okay I just need To follow Q’s lead and be Patient.

BlaQPatriot ago

The trolls are weak but to be expected in a war. Upvote me!

OutragedForNoReason ago

Fuck off back to your safe space.

YellowDogRedCollar17 ago

Need upvotes please.

robmorris ago

Great to be here!

natione-suecos ago


FaggotQFag ago

Upvoat me please faggots

ICE_2010 ago

Up vote for you patriot!

hankkimball ago

Upvote please

Los_Control ago

buh bye reddit :D WWG1WGA!

Kristo_Pear ago

Needs some upvotes please and thank you

Clq22 ago

I think they do in order to post something. Not sure, still learning. Tried to post last night and it would not allow me too. WWG1WGA

Clq22 ago

Nevermind I understand now! It's actual comments you need in order to become established here.

Squalk ago

First post since migration - upvotes will be returned.

SixualClimax ago

Mount up!

Moat_Daddy ago

Could you spare a few upvotes for wypipo

amdgamdg ago

Think I need 7 more upvotes!!! please kind sirs :)

mike4thekite ago

where moving up.

turgeonev ago

UK supporter here. Cannot wait to be cleansed

BarrysMuslimFaith ago


bgally ago

found it ! upvote me please.

MeditationAnon ago

If you are still passing outing upvoats, I’m 14 away!

hiall1979 ago

up vote me plz

digitaldevil70 ago

Upvotes needed fellow patriots! WWG1WGA!!!

Patriot653 ago

I have upvoted 325 posts by patriots to help fuel this board, yet I have no votes for myself.

Can you spare a patriot a dime vote?

Patriot653 ago

I have upvoted 318 posts by patriots on this board, yet I have no votes.

Can you spare a patriot a dime vote?

momshorts ago

WWG1WGA! 🦅🇺🇸

conspiramo ago

On reddit I have karma but no post history (and an account older than the first post of the awakening). Side note, is there a voat mobile app?

valero73 ago

upvote pls :)

AudraLOVESMarley ago


natione-suecos ago

Patriots all around the world are depending whats happening in US. Europe are slowly awakening, fighting to take back our countrys, but have an tremendous hill to climb, wwg1wga. Tank's for the hard work u all do.

punkyleslie ago

Happy to have found a home! I am a refugee from Reddit. Dark to Light! Thank you Patriots! 🌸

Jerryr007 ago

I'm in and need some upvotes patriots!

TheWhiteRabbitQ ago


Can a Patriot get some upvotes?



protocolofzion ago

ALL comments asking for upvotes should be treated as SPAM

TheWhiteRabbitQ ago

MAGA #WWG1WGA #KAG #Q #Trump #Veteran

Can I get some upvotes?

Please & Thank Q White Rabbit.

1deeds ago

glad to come over

TheWhiteRabbitQ ago

Got it, it's the up arrow to the left...check Step three how to search? Anyone?

TheWhiteRabbitQ ago

Ok step one how to comment. Check Ok step two how to upvote......working on it... Why can't I click the +## to upvote?

1deeds ago

post :)

TheWhiteRabbitQ ago

Ok just dug my Rabbit hole into This White Rabbit is in need of a bit of training. Can any one give me a little advice? How this works? Very thankful for any helpful tip. WWG1WGA TheWhiteRabbitQ

Ladybug3024 ago


Uncle-Rico ago

Skrrrrrrrtttt, OOF. Rough landing here.

Kano_ppc ago

The shutdown on reddit was a surprise, glad to have found this site, please up me.

Feroucious_Truth ago

pleaee up vote, just subscribed

FriedChicken ago

I also need some upvotes :D

Maccabee ago

Hi. Can all of us refugees (and hopefully others who support free speech) donate fifty cents to help support Voat?

Can I get a street crew to help repost to help get some traction in other media vectors?

Every dollar raised will go to Voat.

Jatsinkutsu ago

Man can leave reddit, but reddit never leaves the man. I mean, man can leave reddit, but Q never leaves the man!

Patriot653 ago

If you are reading this comment, please resort the thread by "newest", and start up voting patriots so that they can participate in this forum. If I see a WWG1WGA within a message, I automatically upvote those.

AQuirethetruth ago

Upvotes one and all!!

MarilynRO ago

They can’t keep us silent!!

Patriot653 ago

"I'll gladly vote for you Tuesday for a vote today."
h/t Wimpy

MysteryMaster ago


benjitsu ago

DO NOT DO THIS. This is the easiest way to allow bots and thots to take over. Earn your fucking upvotes with timely, relevant commentary or FUCK OFF

LordoftheFraggles ago

Upvote if you love big titties!!!!!

NoraPandora ago

Yes, please upvote me! :)

And SB2, too!


Therealnickcage ago

Don't be such a cunty cocksucker though

soooxysquirrel ago

Upvotes if you please

AtlantQ ago

  • Q posted: The Source. Look Hard....It Doesn't Exist! (Randy Quaid tweet)
  • Q Source is Scripture
  • "Source" comes from surgō: to ascend, awaken, take the floor, lift, break up
  • Q400 NextGen Qanon plane picture posting: catch the message?
  • Q NextGen is omnipotent
  • Q-bot is a Next Gen robot
  • Q comes from Ϙ: “piercing-the-veil” of ignorance, separateness, the veil of the sky.
  • Quark The Source defeats evil.
  • The Source is represented by the Deus Ex Machina The One.
  • Wikipedia: Q remarked Songs From The Big Chair

Do you believe in coincidences?


  • Earth friends are awakening. The One is the All and the All is the One. Beautiful time.
  • [ 0010110 ]
  • [ . . - . - - . ] >> ( ..- .--. / .. -. -- . / .. - .-- . / ..- .-- . ) = UP, IN ME, IT WE, U WE

AtlantQ ago

  • Q posted: The Source. Look Hard....It Doesn't Exist! (Randy Quaid tweet)
  • Q Source is Scripture
  • "Source" comes from surgō: to ascend, awaken, take the floor, lift, break up
  • Q400 NextGen Qanon plane picture posting: catch the message?
  • Q NextGen is omnipotent , Q-bot is a Next Gen robot. Q comes from Ϙ: “piercing-the-veil” of ignorance, separateness, the veil of the sky.
  • Quark The Source defeats evil.
  • The Source is represented by the Deus Ex Machina The One.
  • Wikipedia: Q remarked Songs From The Big Chair

Do you believe in coincidences?


Earth friends are awakening. The One is the All and the All is the One. Beautiful time. [ 0010110 ] [ . . - . - - . ] >> ( ..- .--. / .. -. -- . / .. - .-- . / ..- .-- . ) = UP, IN ME, IT WE, U WE

Misty2 ago

Help a Patriot out with some upvotes please!

Beau__ ago

WWG1WGA need a few upvotes here

BrutalHonesty ago

Ready to work towards awakening more.

Beau__ ago

Upvote pls

Anondiet ago

Please upvoet me Apparently i can't downvoet the shills until i have some upvotes thanks wwgowga

Qtastic ago

I need some voat love patriots.

Ochams ago

MyEyesWideOpen ago

Up votes fuel the discussion.

justken1 ago

Up votes needed here as well. I am just an old White Hat. I just do what I can do.

Misty2 ago

WWG1WGA upvotes please! WE WILL WIN!

CaptainChurch ago

And we will expose your contrived, computerized "democratic" "farming" system. We are patriots also.

Brunolily ago

WWG1WGA, stronger than ever !!!!!

CowboyXero ago


ThePythonicCow ago

Just doing what I can to work with others to figure this out, bake some bread from the crumbs, and prepare for a more wide spread awakening. Some serious swamp draining needed. All willing and able hands welcome.

TNQuilter18 ago

Greetings glad to be here

Purtispecial ago

Lurker following and looking for upvotes

DestinyAKA-Des ago

Greetings! Q sent me.


Ohbutwhatiknow ago

I’m brand new to this platform but I am so thankful to see my fellow patriots here! #wwg1wga

Minxy_84 ago

Please help me participate! WWG1WGA

iahkaferoaster1 ago

Still waiting enough ups to add my 2 cents worth of my occ subs

fujison ago

That would be nice.

xreparations ago


fujison ago

Upvote? Don't hole your breath. Been a Reddit GreatAwakening follower but on this sub, no upvotes. As the Chinese say, "we so sorry". Heading to 8Ch per Q's recommendation. Thought Voat was the solution, but sorry, no go here folks. This is a trap. BYE BYE.

LibertarianForChrist ago

Hey guys! Just joined! Let's get this rolling!

Liberty1111 ago

Hi i am new here please up vote a new patriot Thank you!

gr8daze ago

Upvotes please

IrritableGimp ago

I'm a bit late to the upvote I still invited? Thanks in advance

AyCee ago

Help. Upvotes needed.

RetroMojo ago

Have enough people made the connection between this 2016 Google-flip-fest and Q drop 2170?

shawjw ago

upvote me

cj68 ago

I could use some upvotes. thank you voat.c0 I was looking for a new board since redit went down.

LisaBrauer ago

Thanks! So good to be with you all!

Iron_Bear ago

Here to upvote you all. Thumb aching already! Upvote me pls so we can all get up to speed. Thanks in advance

lostprofits ago

Are up voats on your posts and comments in a restricted sub worthless... Does the pope enable and protect child rapists?

DillySquilly ago

Ayee, can I get in on the upvotes :D!

brian97 ago

god bless and stay safe

Thorhammer291 ago

Hey Patriots! Made it here from Reddit through Q! I’m a Q follower from Britain here to make the world great again! Really need your help Patriots with the upvotes! Fuck all the trolls but to get involved need upvotes badly so I can take part fully in this fight! God bless all Patriots WW! WWG1WGA

AVX2 ago

Why is this topic still open? It's obvious this is causing a lot of problems. Let's go out and mingle with the other subs a bit. To VOATers, we are not here to brigade or change the culture here. We know what its like to be scrutinized heavily already and I for one understand the concern. I appreciate the freedom of speech here.

RealityGateway ago

Huzzah! Votes for everyone!

pinklight999 ago

Upvotes please WWG1WGA

Drycabin1 ago

So glad to find everyone here!!

Vornash ago

Upvotes please.

Txgeezer ago

Reddit refugee here trying to understand this game. What are CCP points & how are they earned? I want to start posting but can't until I reach 100 CCPs. Frustrating is not the word for it!

LisaBrauer ago

You have to be on sites that have been around awhile for the upvotes to count.

Too_thiQQ ago

Nice!! Much needed.

Mustardly ago

Thanks for getting this setup. Now let’s get back business.

EnemyStar ago

I need 10 points. I just want to post a few music videos in my boredom. Am I not allowed to beg for points? I want 10 points. LULZ.

medicinemanager ago

Thank you for the welcome. New here. Escaping from the shrinking non msm news sources which are being shut down by the cabal, Any up votes would be nice...Thanks in advance.

CrowdstrikeAnon ago

CrowdstrikeAnon here.

They are now offering free software and services to Federal and State Election agencies to “block any meddling.”

Suspicious considering their involvement in the DNC hack and coverup.


Txgeezer ago

Of course they are. How convenient. I'm sure they are (cough) on the up & up.

Desperate for up votes... 🙏

MawanaNyee ago

I upvoated everyone I could and right before my eyes, all my upvoates disappeared. What is up with that. I also can not upvoat any more. Any suggestions? Upvoates also appreciated. WWG2WGA!

Outofthedark ago

Please upvote

JDCS ago

WWG1WGA from Brazil. Please upvote.

sparkiesfly ago

We are one, do not forget it! United we are strong. We will take our country back and make America Great Again!

KosherHiveKicker ago

Upvoat farming violates site rules.



SASsyGal ago

Glad to find you all. I was a frequent commentator on Reddit with lots of up votes. Same name here. Would love some up votes to get started again.

ProudQGirl ago

I could use a few upvotes as well. Thank you Patriots! WWG1WGA

GigiSpann ago

Upvotes needed Patriots. Thank you!

HillBoulder ago

Smells like a lotta niggers in here


Please upvote me!

commie-bot ago

We will not be intimidated. We will not be silenced. We will not be defeated. We are patriots, and we will fight. We are Americans and WE WILL WIN!

Ahahahahaha! Like you won in Vietnam and Korea, you delusional fucking cunt? America literally hasn't won a fight on its own since the battle of Independence. You're just pussies with big mouths.

VervexX ago

Upvoted cause why not?

seenysa ago

WWG1WGA! Even if we can’t find everyone right away, we know we are not alone!

AmericanSovereign ago

New to VOAT - why are people so upset?
Didn't most of us just come over to research?

Sometimesineedhelp ago

You people really need to form your own group elsewhere - I understand the differences between voat and Reddit are very jarring, but god damn are you fucking idiots ruining this place. The hateful bigotry is 90% fake to repel the types of censorship happy mods you just flooded the site with!

rwolfe2106 ago

please upvote my comment thanks

Duivel001 ago


Handing out up votes!

mindfulPat ago

Good to be here!

FishGuitarAnon ago

Please send a few upboats my way, I have none.

USAFCAndylady ago

Can someone throw me some votes too? I think I just stumbled across the latest MSM attack on DJT administration, but cannot post.

QAnonMAGA ago

Glad I found this community again! WWG1WGA!

Mylon ago

This thread looks like the typical comments section of a steemit post.

LMJ1111 ago

I'm happy to upvote people but don't understand how it works here. Tried to post but can't. How does one get to the point of being able to post here?

HouseHawkwood ago

Fuck (((plebbit)))

Marsi ago


Stuntmanmike52 ago

I could use some...

Marsi ago

What is,and how, do I get to upvote, 😁

Nadakai ago

Dont forget about me!

upvoat99 ago

Cheers. Hey mods why the fuck are you isolating us from the rest of voat.

TurdLord5000 ago

I just came here from Reddit! Can I get some of those sweet upvoats?


Hello new folks. Just curious as to why all the new folks all at once. Got banned ar Reddit? Am only curious. Are all you new folks together? Folks here are often suspicious of your intentions. If your plans are to join in and participate in our conversation, well that's cool. Apparently, several attempts in the past were coordinated attempts to change or harm Voat.

So, what's with this everybody upvoating everybody? Some here find this suspicious. I'm relatively new myself and find this interesting.

LisaBrauer ago

We just want to be able to share with each other. Hard coming to a new site and being unable to share things because we need voats to bring up new topics. Let alone having to deal with some less than friendly people. But those being rude will learn.... We have been ridiculed for believing in Q a long time. Thick skins wouldn't begin to describe us! 😊

aqpatriot ago

Stay Together Stay Strong Fight fight fight!

ScreaminMime ago

Yeah... let's get 'em!!!

Guurn ago


FuckredditKenobi ago

Upvotes need please! MAGA

common_sense ago

Go back to Reddit, faggots

NoSilentConsent ago

I'd appreciate your upvotes! Connecting with fellow Patriots keeps this movement strong no matter what they throw our way. WWGIWGA

Deqlassified ago

The point of the vote restrictions is so that it takes some contribution to be able to vote. "Upvote pleaz" is not a contribution. This is how shills get voting rights.

ProudtobeAmerican ago

Getting points has not been easy...Voat is confusing

Lady_LeGrey ago

Seeing lots of familiar names here. Good company. Just got set up on Reddit when it blew. Prefer to switch to ham. Any suggestions for south MD?

Poohwhisperer ago

Double up voat

SkittlesAndIcedTee ago

TIL Q is for queers. As in cocksucking faggots.

Cheer4Trump ago

Amen brother or sister! Preach it !

SandyBottoms ago

I had only been on GA at reddit for a month. Really only long enough to process the fact that a deep state is a reality.

Boksmom1 ago

The more you know, the more you will dig for info. We have been lied to so long, but sheep no more!!!

Rushmoon55 ago

This storm CANNOT be stopped WWG1WGA FUCK REDITT

Mapkerchief ago

Need a few please.

Just joined.

Incty ago

Upvotes needed here, thanks!

TrumpIsMyHero ago

great to see everyone still here. would appreciate the upvotes :)

theraeldeal ago

"Make it and they will crumb" - Q

SkyPilot98 ago

I have upvoted over 100 posts, ensuring that fellow patriots can post. So far, I have zero. Anything wrong?

worlddownunder682 ago

Make some fucking content then

Tastemyrainbow ago

Up vote

IronicMetaphors ago

Upvotes please :) WWG1WGA

bitterwon ago

I have been trying to et up votes to post and nothing...

WWG1WGA777 ago

New here, upvotes needed and appreciated :) Q for the Win!

Mamarina1328 ago

Florence, observatories, power plants. Ff? Can somebody start a discussion, I’m not allowed to do that yet 🙄

Andweknow ago

Upvotes needed. This is great!

Jesse35536 ago

Please upvote your fellow Patriots!!! WWG1WGA

Koisville ago

Thank you for any upvotes!!

Jimmy10 ago

damn right.

Sam63 ago

Do not post much, I prefer to read and show my support by up-voting patriots. Some up-votes would be helpful. Thanks WWG1WGA

MarcusAurellius4048 ago

Reddit finally went full 1984

Makiyatorres ago

Awesome. Need upvotes.

RumpRangerRick ago

You niggers need to fuck off back to Reddit.

Get out of here with your vote-farming shenanigans.

HuxleysHorror ago

Glad to see a new home here. Thanks VOAT for taking us in, np about bugs or servers.

Ovrcmr ago

Me too

WhatAGreatAudience ago

Lets not upvote the obvious bots...

flightgod ago

Ignore the trolls, don't feed them.

esctab ago

I rarely comment on social sites. I prefer to read and show my support by upvoting. Hopefully, the great people here can upvote my post. Cheers.

Zenmaster67 ago

Need some love patriots Some upvotes would be nice 👍 WWG1WGA Thanks

pivot69 ago

Hi Patriots...could use some up votes to get going!

chuckletrousers ago

<yawn> not this shit yet again

ZipperFoil ago


TheAmerican ago

What exactly is the point of upvotes? What does it do?

QAnonIsAwesome ago

Help. I need some upvotes. Just want to post a great photo for Q.

implicittrust ago

I do not understand. Does each person need to receive 100 upvotes so they can post, or does each individual need to upvote others 100 times?

CommonCents1 ago

now this is the multi-level ponzi that works. upvotes! :)

Big_Deplorable ago

DS < Qs

ASmileMaker ago

Just subscribed, need some points.

daydreambeliever ago

Just upvoated everyone down the list. Please upvoat me. WWG1WGA .. Happy to be here w/all you good people!

Dennyachoochoo ago

Yes, please. Thank you.

Dennyachoochoo ago

Replying to myself, so I can help Q.

TexasInfidel ago


4AlBradley ago

WWG1WGA Need 8 more upvotes. Come on folks we got to help each other out

MadSklz ago

Hey All, Plz Upvoat so I can add Meaningful Posts w/o posting BEWBS

QBalance ago

Upvote plz. Good to see all of you.

WowThanks1 ago

Upvote me please... I will do a bunch now.

DonmehNoMore ago

I'm depending upon my many friends from CBTS & Great Awakening please help so I can post again. I have news family!

MawanaNyee ago

Upvoated, please return the favor.

Goat-Master-5000 ago

Why does it feel like Reddit in here? Is this an invasion? Are we gonna have to deal with even more shill nonsense than usual?

Sauer ago

This is a good idea, keep the upvotes coming.

Eluzza ago

Well, that escalated quickly...

QuickMafs ago

Upvote before the kikes ban me

daydreambeliever ago

Kindly upvote me .. only joined reddit 2 weeks ago to participate in Great Awakening. Happy to find you good people again over here.

numscul54 ago

The Only thing to fear is fear itself ... and ghosts and spiders and snakes and Black people and vegans and democrats and the dark and straight White men and lesbians and Jews Is there anything i missed ?

rebelfofoz ago

I just did. Please return favour.

spacemonkeymojo ago

Still stuck at zero! Thanks for having me aboard!

MawanaNyee ago

Upvoated you.

spacemonkeymojo ago

Right back at ya!

SpagMeat ago

WWG1WGA Trust The Plan

AirDanceDJ ago

Can I get in on this upvote party?

varialus ago

I honestly want to get on well with you all, but I've just got to be frank with you that attempting to cheat the system is unbecoming. It's not hard to get past the very minimal restrictions that are in place for the common good of the whole site. I have no authority and I'm just letting you know in as polite of terms as I can manage, so please don't ban me. :-) I can't force you to obey the rules, but I would encourage you to live up to the same standards that you expect of others. When you're in someone else's house, be respectful to their rules. It would be a good sign of faith if you would delete this whole post and create a new sticky encouraging your members to play by the rules. I know you're eager to get going, but I promise your subverse will be better for your efforts. Good luck and God bless.

BelBlade ago

The idea is to get all the r/GA folks coming here up and running asap. No insult or disrespect of rules is intended. Perhaps, being brand new myself, I have mistaken the rules as shown for obtaining status to participate. The refugees from Reddit's tyranny are mostly shocked and discouraged from the censorship and virtual disappearance of the place we all called our Q discussion home. What suggestions would you put forth to speed the integration of these new members? Bear in mind the events of yesterday were psychically damaging to many people, and re-impowering them to be able to participate I believe will go a long way to healing all our spirits.

God Bless you patriot.

varialus ago

The goal is not to speed them along, it's to slow them down. I know you're all excited, but some things aren't meant to be rushed. It may not be easy, but it will be worth it.

BelBlade ago

With all do respect, I'm not understanding your logic as to why slowing down integrating folkss anxious to participate is a worthwhile thing. How will preventing, even for a time, the participation of good people be a plus? I profess my abundant ignorance of the ways of VOAT, however it remains incongruous to me to stall participation for the purpose of appearance. I am sincere in wanting to do the correct thing regarding VOAT's protocols, while also recognizing a need to reengage Q followers as seamlessly and Q uickly as possible.

varialus ago

Maturation is not meant to be rushed.

Puffin9999 ago

Here for Q only not shills! Upvote if possible.

Thoth2017 ago

I'm game! Let's get the ball rolling.

fujison ago


xreparations ago


inspiretk ago


Jonesin4maga ago

Eyy Mates! Much love patriots. WWG1WGA

Exposecgp ago

Please need upvotes. Joined here from the facebook group

TrustDaPlanQ1776 ago

Definitely need some too

reaper70 ago

I would gladly enjoy an upvoat, kind sirs and ladies!

Cajuncatnip ago

🤔😬😩 this sucks

xxx888 ago

Derp derp

southern_grammar ago

Hook a brutha up, y'all.

AUSAFVet ago

Glad to have found fellow Patriots!!!

trackmeplease ago

Lost my old Voat account from another refugee trip.

Need a few boats here to get sailing!


SASsyGal ago

Glad to find you all. Got referred from Serial Brain 2 still on Reddit.

LiL_Bit ago

A LiL Bit here and a LiL Bit there,

Where we Upvote one, We Upvote All!!


MawanaNyee ago

Yes, we stand as one or we fall as one. Return the favor please.

hang_em_high ago

Oh you are different but require CCP to voat. Go fuck yourself and your deep state sub. We won't fall for your bullshit here.

walla99362 ago

Gotta get the group on board

Truth_is_Liberty ago

need some upvotes, patriots

SickIcarus ago

I’m just here for the upvotes so I can participate.

JohnChimpo ago

I was a longtime lurker on r/greatawakening. While I did my own research, I never contributed, just read and digested the posts and conversations on there. I have told myself since yesterday's purge that not only will I jump ship to voat and never look back, I will actively participate in this new sub. Yesterday was my battlecry, and I am no longer lurking! WWG1WGA

TrumpBCool ago

Im on board with that fellow patriot! I work 12 hrs a day 7 days a week but I will do the same. See you soon ONWARD PATRIOTS!!!

Iwantcandy ago

Y'all got anymore of them upvotes?

LiL_Bit ago

need upvotes please ThanQ

SpiritualPaper ago


lethak ago

Not even arrived and already insulted by the old guard. what do they fear ?

"stay united"

Outcome5 ago

Nice to see the turnout!

logjam ago

Blown away with the numbers in comparison with “we don’t say their name”.

Huge upvotes for submissions and comments. I’ll be a monkey’s uncle but they were fucking with the numbers for sure.

BelBlade ago

I think Q said the number was 270.000+. Redshit had it at 70,000.

cryptex ago

Upvote me please

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this comment by @Mumbleberry.

Posted automatically (#1754) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

TrumpBCool ago

We are being very effective so lets keep it up everywhere ONWARD PATRIOTS!!!

Ammojeff ago

Lets do this gang. Get back to researching helping normies assimilate.

Whoohoo ago

I need it. Was lurker in GA but often on chan. Will be active here. reddit is feckless biotch.

Seantheitguy ago

Hey all. GA board lurker here just checking in..

baileyaxel ago


LiL_Bit ago

Ive upvoted 93 so far, and just came back from last and have none for myself. I guess Im not feeling the Love.

Help a LiL Bit

TrumpBCool ago

You will get them I dont like begging but I guess its needed here. ONWARD PATRIOTS!!!

LiL_Bit ago

Thank you When we Upvote, We upvote all

;0) winkers for all stinkers

BelBlade ago

I was just informed that I've reached my ^vote limit today. apparently your ^vote capacoty is tied to the ^votes you receive, so posting is required of everyone and ^voting is important to give all newbees. UP VOTE EVERYTHING.

MawanaNyee ago

Thank You for letting us know. Upvoat please.

LiL_Bit ago

Thank You BelBade. Ill get my LiL tail busy.

Big_Deplorable ago

All US Observatories have been shut down by the FBI. This is really cool news.

MawanaNyee ago

What do you think s going on?

redditsucksq ago

I am trying to make a post on here asking about past SB2 archived articles. I typed it up and pressed submit, but apparently don't have enough CCP? I think those are upvotes. Can I get some upvotes so I can start contributing?

Beldar ago

Upvotes needed here too. How about something TO upvote? And yes, it's legit - I knew the week before.


  • an "unedubikated wite gai"

astitious ago

Posting for upvotes

Flipstuba ago

Can you spare some upvotes, sirs?

TheyBanEverything ago

I never used reddit till Blessed to Teach brought TheGreatAwakaning to my attention. Didnt realize they were in bed with the rest of social media.

11Barbieh11 ago

I could use an upvote!

StormVet6 ago

Almost made it yesterday, but not quite. I don’t like to ask, but I could use some help so I can try to post, please. :)

QuietButNotBlind ago

I could use some upvotes. Thanks.

ApoliticalProle ago

You are in a vacuum. Your upvotes don't count towards SCP or CCP in this subverse. You are going to have to interact with the rest of Voat outside of this bubble if you want to earn points. Good luck.

BelBlade ago

I have only been on this sub since yesterday and I have 100+ and I posted this message earlier.

mindcrash ago

We are Americans

Uhm. No we're not. We are WORLDWIDE my dude.

Also if anyone could help me to get to 10 CCP so I can start posting some interesting stuff every now and then that would be VERY helpful.

TIA fellow patriots!

MawanaNyee ago

Glad to patriot. Please return the favor.

BelBlade ago

Happy to give you an ^vote patriot. We are indeed Americans. We may be part of a WW awakening, but we remain Americans. WWG1WGA

sanspeur33 ago

Can someone up vote me I'm stuck at 9. Thanks...SANS PEUR!!!

TruthSoldier17 ago

It isn't easy getting upvotes. I have been trying since last night to get 1. Upvote Patriots! WWG1WGA

strikefromabove ago

One more patriot checking in.

It's almost like in the old days - I see a grey upvote, I make it red blue.

MawanaNyee ago

Then, see my grey :) WWG1WGA!

Belindasworld ago

Oh yessssss! Newbie too

Qty ago

Upvoat pweeze

looking4truth ago

Thats not how it works faggot

Ltlgeneral64 ago

Here's my post to say I'm so glad to be done with Reddit......and to say WHERE WE GO ONE....WE.. GO.. ALL!!

Madwack ago

me please :)

bciar-iwdc ago

Upvotes please! WWG1WGA!

WitnesstheSalt ago

Minimum CCP required for downvoting: 5

WARNING: If minimum CCP is higher than 0, this subverse will be hidden from /v/all and votes will not increase user SCP/CCP.

KateMundane1958 ago


Backlot ago

Hello all, some upvotes in this direction?

MacDaddy-Q ago

Yes please. Thanks everyone.

TrueNorthStrong ago

Canadian Patriot here needing some upvoats.

Drain the swamp across the globe!

WWG1WGA- ago

Did this on another thread but now I’m doing it here !! straps in

DeepStateClickBait ago

WWG1WGA. Enjoy the Show. Great to be here.

DJB ago

where we voat 1 we voat

JediOnWelfare ago

Looking forward to the discussion to continue



Jenc0224 ago


cnp4500 ago

What the heck is a CCP and how do I get them in order to post something about Feinstein and her secret letter???

(P.S. If someone can so that for me I would appreciate it.)

retractableclaws ago

Ccp is comment points. You get it when you post a comment and other people upvoat you.

cnp4500 ago

Okay thanks for the heads up. It seems I can only post 10 comments a day. So I will be going into lucker-mode.

RedZorp ago

Upvoted a few of you. Please return favor and upvote. WWG1WGA


Serial Brain2 said if I gave him a mention I might get an upvote.🇺🇸🥁📯🥁🇺🇸


Reddit bans POTUS

nnkulengi ago

nice upvotes party.

ee_tard ago

Farming votes is child rapist behavior...are you a child rapist?

pairadocs ago

Thanks for the chance for us refugees to gain upvotes so we can downvote the trolls.

alfreeman ago


InkTheVoteIn ago

I used to view the great awakening board daily, with my news, it got very confusing the last three days or so.

I hope things here will get to some normalcy. It's a great news source, when the MSM can not be trusted.

Nov 18 will be a mile post in American history, hopefully the patriots can pull this off. See ya at the polls!

Jenc0224 ago

Hello up votes needed guys please

Jenc0224 ago

Ok so these people telling us to leave can they be taken off dang

AirDanceDJ ago

Compared to what we normally get it's practically flirting

Tut560 ago

Yes please, hopefully it will not take too long to be back to full swing

Schwabii ago


Jenc0224 ago

Omg I've found you guys! Omg this has been terrible! Thank god for neon

DJB ago

cmon gimme⚡️

InkTheVoteIn ago

Very new at this, watch does ccp mean and how does someone vote?

retractableclaws ago

Next to each comment there are up and down triangles. Click the up triangle to upvoat content that adds to the discussion, click the down triangles next to content that does not add to the discussion (not to disagree).

InkTheVoteIn ago


apostom ago

WWG1WGA.. WALKAWAY.. To MAGA It's the right thing to do..

apostom ago


Dadgummit ago

New here. Can I get some up votes please?

gregthebassist ago

i'm here!

BackMyPrez17 ago

lurker no more....joining the fray

ee_tard ago

You are the problem you are running from. You probably rape babies too...

mega_nz ago

I can't post yet but I want to throw this link out to the group:

TheOldBillyGoat ago

I can't post .... says I don't have any points and I don't know hot to get them.

disallie ago

do upvotes count here or not?

OptimystiQal ago

Upvotes please

ConstitutionalChris ago

Good to be here.

ee_tard ago

I came here to tell you that Jews are the only enemy of Mankind. They are the Synagogue of Satan and once they are ACTUALLY placed in the ovens they so loudly claim to have escaped from (lol), The White Man will see another Age of Enlightenment, ship the niggers back to their own little shit holes, and finally reach for the stars.

You are in the way and should get in line for the oven.

BettyLiberty ago

Scratch my back, and I'll scratch yours :-)

Patriot_Grandma ago

Yes! Let's get this party started!

MegaMAGA ago

Yeah, could use some more.

Time4puff ago

Could use some upvotes. ThankQ in advance.

SandHillPlum ago

I could definitely use some assistance with upvotes :). Thank you in advance!!!

y0brando ago

I could use some upvoats to start combating shills

SpringfieldOhio51 ago

Please upvote me:)

xFury001 ago

Is it 10 we need? Could use a couple upvotes too

MotorcycleEmptiness ago

Pretty please - i think my account is a year old and I have like 8 pts

Qoracle ago

Sorry, I'm late to the party. Can I still beg for upvoats? ;)

Badneighbor349 ago

How many up votes do I need to participate? Please hit me up so i can join in...wwg1wga!

TheKingofFinance ago

Could use some up votes.

AmericanMagapede ago

hello I could use a few too!

Crackrocknigga ago

Kike nigger faggots

Horsegrl67 ago

Upvote me please. Reddit refugee!

RedNeckPhilosopher ago

I Just found voat from 8 chan. I went to redit for my after work update, and bummed out. I am so glad to find another site where I dont have to wade through so many sleazers trashing the woken. WWG1WGA

spheenik ago

Upvoat me too!

EyeOfTheStorm ago

ThankQ for your upvoats! 😋

disallie ago

Upvoteing goes both ways!

HopefulPanda ago

Need some upvoats! TIA!

SizFights ago

I've been lurking Reddit GA subs since last December, but I feel like it's finally time to participate.... Fuck censorship!


Tattoobeardedpatriot ago

Upvotes all around! Lets get this puppy going again!


buffalorev1 ago

I’m not happy with this feud. Patriots against patriots. People need to keep calm and focus on Q, Trump, God, and bring forth the information that puts hillary in jail.

foulplay2 ago

I'd appreciate any upvotes.

Astroplaner ago

Need some love as well please!

I_Love_Hentai ago

Your wife told me the same thing last night.

Astroplaner ago

That dirty little whore :-)

67CamaroSS350 ago

I would love some upvotes please. I will give back in return. Thanks!

Enok-Stroth ago

Eh. this is weird, why didn't you just allow people to post without points?

haywood_jablomey ago

I need upvotes

Rebelghirl ago

I'm excited to have new forum. Reddit was becoming... uncomfortable.

german_bro ago

gimme an upvote ; )

valero73 ago

Memorexem ago

Haha, you stupid fucks. None of the votes in this sub will count anywhere else on the site.

Keep at it, you farming faggots.

Tattoobeardedpatriot ago

lol someone salty

Memorexem ago

Meh. Not so much so you'd notice, usually

Just, c'mon. Upvoat farms? That's just tacky.

Tattoobeardedpatriot ago

Tacky? Maybe. Effective? Probably not. Gonna do it anyway? You bet your sweet ass.

Maybe you didn't hear it yet but WHERE WE GO ONE, WE GO ALL!

p.s - himalayan salt is great

Memorexem ago

Go where you want, but your farming won't work in this particular spot.

I like the black Hawaiian salt. Got one of those Himalayan salt blocks for cooking though.

iHakKing ago

Some serious niggerfaggot shit going on in here.

valero73 ago

How do you submit a picture????


I guess I need an upvoat myself.

Jiggy175 ago

Can a patriot get an upvote?

mathdrums ago

Yes, please!

Titaniumt1 ago

I have been following Q and SerialBrain2 and reddit since Oct17th happy there is another place we can call home. Keep up the great work. WWG1WGA!!

MawanaNyee ago

I have fallowed Q on 8 different pages since May. WWG1WGA! Glad to see so many here.

IlluminatiKing ago

Will do. I have quite a few points from the Pizzagate days when they completely banned the main sub and we all flocked to here.

ArgentumHD ago

Likewise. Getting situated here and could use a few upvotes. Please and thankQ.

gluejunky ago

up voting all, can I get some mega love back :)

LostSpirit ago

I keep seeing a lot of racist posts here (Voat...not this subvoat yet, but certainly the other Q related groups)...that's fine, I could care less, but I think it does demean our movement and discredits us a bit. I fully expect to see a lot of "FU!" replies to this, but whatever. Here I thought this was about researching Q and not just catcalling everyone!

Atompilsner ago

Never heard of voat before. But i really start to like this place. Feels definitely way better than reddit. Btw Upvotes needed ThanQ.

NumNuds ago

Happy to provide a mirror, got the means.

count2potato ago

call out the jew

Breitbart_Is_Here ago

I'm here for upvotes and I'm passing out the same WWG1WGA

227722cynthiaa ago

Glad to be back online. Upvote me Patriots!!!

Wyndhawk ago

Yes Please! Let's do it. ;)

jsh97p ago

Some upvotes would be appreciated over here as well...thanks


I like puppies!! C cup ones!

RadioactiveCowboy66 ago

Upvoting WWG1WGA

Durm ago

What a bunch of idiots your are missing the point of the system, and hastening the demise of your own land.

smittieaj ago

Now, this [censored] get's it! You idiots are letting in the shills that seek to destroy you by up-voting them without any discretion. Also, it's really stupid to have a bunch of MODS and censorship on a free speech platform. There, you all heard my 2 cents.

IGiveZeroFucks ago

This is vote manipulation and you're all faggots.

Buttercup0724 ago

Me me upvoat me!

recon_johnny ago

Folks, I'm not sure you understand that SITE-WIDE, you'll still be restricted.

The only thing posting here is doing is enabling you to post/downvoat in THIS SUB ONLY.


go back to reddit you fucking commies

BigCountryExpat ago

upvote pls

uniqkusername ago

Hey fellow Q patriots could use some upvotes please an thank you.

KnightsWhoSayREEEEEE ago

I feel like a freshman going into high school all over again here. The "seniors" of voat are not happy we because we are telling each other to upvoat ourselves to get ahead of their system. Again I've seen comments saying they are going to do something about it. Is this really a bastion of free speech? Everywhere I go I find groups who want to silence others.

BBqHamsters ago

Wow... 100? Let the upvoting commence!


JohnnySilverhand ago

Wanted to post earlier about being banned from T_D for exposing their censorship for mentioning the GA sub. Help a brother out!

Snap_Shot_in_Time ago

I need some up votes if anybody can do some clicking! THANK YOU!

AlishaJane777 ago

My 1st reaction is upvote everyone, but I think I should wait to see who/what I'm upvoting.

baileyaxel ago

I just slowed way down and started reading.... agree!

AlishaJane777 ago

Everyone I've read so far seems a patriot and that's good.

baileyaxel ago

"almost" everyone, I've seen a few haters..

grandpa_9 ago

Great idea, Patriot. Upvotes are helpful.

SemperFortis99 ago

WWG1WGA! Some upvotes would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!

Computergeek01 ago

Yay, upvotes for everyone:

TheNerdyCowboy ago

Upvoat farms don't go over well here. It is like showing up to class and putting your headphones in to play games, why not just stay at home? Go engage and earn your place, the quiet free speech members of voat do give upvoats to rational discourse

AngelaC224 ago

The intention is to be supportive to one another after losing a sense of community. I recognize that you appreciate a different style and discourse, but wonder if that isn't a bit close minded.

wickedfork_too ago

Could use some love here. Reddit is over for me. I got banned from AskReddit for being a conservative. What a shitshow. Good to see my fellow patriots again though!

UnicornAndSparkles ago

The whole point in not upvoating willy nilly is to stop trolls being upvoated and wreaking havoc on the boards? Do some grafting and start posting research and information you remeber and feel important from Reddit. Earn those points Son .. you're in Voat Land now.

dunklederf ago

give me upvotes so i can downvote every last one of you sickening fucks that came here invading our teritory, where you're now shitting in the streets.

up vote me, and gas yourselves.

Khorrl ago

Wont work, the mods essentially shadow banned this entire subverse, the most you can do is down voat here on this sub. your voats are otherwise meaningless.

PolitiJim ago

This is a perfect mechanism. Upvoting everyone here. (Didn't realize you couldn't vote even until you got 10 upvotes...)

LazeyJ420 ago


debdooder60 ago

Just starting here so I'm not sure about things. Do I have to comment a certain amount of times before I can actually post?

udropgunisaNIGGER ago

can I haz upvoats?

Patr555 ago

So be it! WWG1WGA.

NonJuan ago

Hey patriots, I am new and want to share some memes. I need some votes to share my work. Thanks!

Optional-Reading ago

Exactly This!

Qforever ago

Well I hope I understand, so what your saying is it will settle and i will be able to in time? By the way, if you are able to post, I just saw this site is down:

1dayatatime ago

I just tried the link and it’s still down 😩 WWG1WGA

alfreeman ago

It's been down all day. Hopefully, it's just temporary as this was my favorite q drop site. I wonder if it was attacked?

TonyVilla89 ago

I can't. VOAT has this rule where you only get 100 upvotes a day. I can't give anymore upvotes!

electronicka ago

upvote me O gay lord faggots of voat

oldchemistry ago

Hey, glad to find my 'safe space' again :) WWG1WGA! WooHoo!!

LastoftheBoomers ago

I like this: "PANIC IN DC" statements start a FIRE? Twelve moves ahead. Suicide watch. Q

freedumbz ago

How about no. Post quality content and earn your goats like the rest of us you flaming fucking faggot. Just because there's 1000 of you doesn't mean you get a free pass.

qbck ago

Man this feels like I crashed and lost all my highscores. Back up from scratch I guess...

Anonaust ago

WWG1WGA. This move will end up being a huge backfire when they see it’s just connected us with more Q followers 😂

Strategesis ago

Where we upvote one, we upvote all :-)

Doodle_and_me ago

HAHAHAHAHAHA That's awesome!

WhiskyDave ago

Up we go

USCG_Vet ago

You like upvotes? So do I... Do your job!

Tattoobeardedpatriot ago

Semper Paratus Shipmate!

rabernet ago

I could use a few more upvotes myself. Have been upvoting others to help out.

Smo-Guiver ago

It's impossible to post here if you are a newcomer. You need 10 CCP, which you only seem to be able to get by commenting on previous posts (not necessarily on this sub, either). If you get upvotes, you accrue CCP, but I don't know at what rate.

nakedjay ago

Red Leader Standing By, requesting upvotes.

Qforever ago

Can anyone tell me what is 10 ccp in points, I mean I have nov 65 but I am not able to post. I left 4000 on reddit!....

freedumbz ago

The voat servers are overloaded atm and everything is moving slow. You should be able to comment however much you want and downgoat but submissions are still out of the question if that's true. But thanks to server issues you could have 500 goats for all we know.

MisplacedMan ago

"Minimum CCP required to downvote in this sub: 5"

Veteran Voaters are saying that because this rule is in effect on this subverse, that nullifies the upvote score. I.E. it won't count.

OldRambler ago

I'm up voting everybody.


HeCometh ago


flightgod ago

Testing your statement. :)

AirDanceDJ ago

Upvote 'em all, let God sort 'em out!

HeCometh ago

An upvote for you too.

1dayatatime ago

I lol 😂

IllegalAlienCaravan ago

God will have to sort my dick out of your ass, kike.

Cheer4Trump ago

I'm upvoting as fast as I can!

Cheer4Trump ago

Me too!!

flightgod ago

I was on an upvote sprint, but had to stop here. That's funny. Nice work.

PiddyPat31558 ago

Me too

oliver21 ago

How does this work? I show I have been upvoted recently but only show 1 upvote comment contribution points. Delayed?

cbts ago

Here, have another upvoat.

White_pride_cis ago

Jesus you guys are faggots. Upvoats and handjobs so everyone can feel special!

katwebfred ago

Flake Calls on GOP Leaders to Rebuke Trump: ‘America Is Better Than This’[Title Here](Flake Calls on GOP Leaders to Rebuke Trump: ‘America Is Better Than This’)

isprobablyhigh ago

Please help me get upvotes so I can post here

CTCZ ago

Kindly upvote WWG1WGA

danigirl08 ago

Yes please!

epiphany504 ago

Need same here...there's a learning curve for VOAT, & I'm not passed the curve yet!

TheNerdyCowboy ago

Begging is not part of the learning part for the learning curve

AngelaC224 ago

Just commenting in ways that you like?

Guurn ago

All of youse guys with your fancy upvotes.

OverEducatedRedneck ago

Did somebody say free internet points?

Slimpickens1 ago

How do you post?

I_Love_Hentai ago

The first thing you do is get down on your knees and start sucking my dick.

pgtyj_vcitw ago

wow, you must have given that a lot of thought

I_Love_Hentai ago

I certainly did but I put more thought into how your wife needs to lose weight. The cushion doesn't help the pushin. And pick up dinner on your way home from your furry con. Your wife and my kids are hungry.

JohnChimpo ago

You need enough points to do it, I gave you an upvote, hope that helps. I need some too!

flightgod ago

Working hard just so I can contribute. Lots of work, but happy to out of reddit.

Cheer4Trump ago

I AGREE Patriot!

1southernbell ago

You got it, now I need some also please. WWG1 WGA

WWG1WGA_17 ago

Click the "Discuss" or "Share a link" button on the right (if on desktop).


Red_Nightmare ago

Please upvote me. MAGA!!!

pgtyj_vcitw ago

it would help if you jump a bit

Jesus_Is_Risen ago

President Trump, MAGA,Q, WWG1WGA

upvoat99 ago

Need some upvotes so I can downvote trolls.

TheNerdyCowboy ago

Beggin and censoring makes you a bridge troll

AngelaC224 ago

Why even have up and down votes then? If you don't boost content that you think is useful, and downgrade content that you think is useless? Of course everyone's idea of useful and useless are different, so an upvote/downvote system is going to start being majorty rule.

BigBubowski ago

Fellow Patriot coming over from reddit. Please up vote so I can post and help rebuild, I just need 10. THIS BAN WILL NOT SLOW US DOWN! WWG1WGA

buffalorev1 ago

The ban might not but Voatify rules might lol. The crap I go through to be able to read the news

MacDaddy-Q ago


TheNerdyCowboy ago

Good luck with your rhetoric

BigBubowski ago

ThanQ I have well over 10 up votes now but is says I have 8 does it just take time to update?

TheNerdyCowboy ago

Private subverses (like theawakening) do not count

BigBubowski ago

Ok so how would I get it up to 10 so I can post. Sorry I'm new to this but at the top it says i have 0. 2. 30. Not sure which one is the CCP?

TheNerdyCowboy ago

Comment contribution points are gained with upvoats on your comments in open sibverses. v/whatever and v/introductions are good places to begin engagement

BigBubowski ago

ThanQ for the help Patriot

TheNerdyCowboy ago

We're all in this together, keep your stick on the ice

WWG1WGA17 ago

WWG1WGA Love all you beautiful Patriots. we'll be up and kicking as soon enough

TheNerdyCowboy ago

Good luck

Isaiah4031 ago

I’ve posted and can’t see my post. Not sure if it’s bc I’m a noobie to our new GA platform or just me. In addition, I’ve already seen some disturbing, hateful, vulgar rhetoric on here, that makes me uncomfortable on this site! What’s up w that?!! That is not what ‘We are Q’ is about.

Hand_of_Node ago

You didn't bring any niggers or kikes along, did you?

WhereIsMyMind ago

Oh no not "hateful vulgar speech!!!" Please ban the racists daddy!

It's called free speech, ya boomer kike.

krash2fast ago

I don't care for racist or hateful rhetoric, but to be fair, everyone is entitled to their own thoughts and opinions, no matter what those thoughts and opinions might be. And with the internet as the modern public square, I believe we should be careful about taking away peoples' ability to express their thoughts and opinions just because someone decided that those thoughts and opinions are doubleplusungood badthink. There's an apocryphal quote by Patrick Henry... "I disapprove of what you say but I will defend to the death your right to say it.", or something to that effect. Voat is one of the very very few places online that actually lives up to that ideal. Reddit... well not so much these days. And the Voat community was nice enough to welcome GA with open arms. Yes, if you go poking around Voat you'll find some views or language that you may find objectionable. If, so maybe leave the participants to it and focus on a conversation where you have something meaningful to contribute.

hzg ago

It is quite a bit, but being uncomfortable with the words of others is a sacrifice one has to make for free speech, especially on a platform like this. Keep your head up, Patriot!

TheNerdyCowboy ago

Just relax and move through the hate. People fleeing censorship are loadly open to vent here. It stops them becoming dangerous to have a place and allows those who engage in discussion to expose them to rational

AngelaC224 ago

Very insightful. Thank you. It's not pleasant to be around people who come across like angry incels. But perhaps we can all make each other better in some way.

pgtyj_vcitw ago

yeah, just get'em all in; we'll sort it out later. a leopard can't change its spots

SonarTech ago

read some of the sticky post at top of home page that will explain WWG1WGA upvote upvote upvote system says we need 100 to downvote we need to get as many to that level as possible to fight back at the trolls

Hand_of_Node ago

You're going to lose, moshe. Go back to reddit, or self-terminate.

pgtyj_vcitw ago

yes, need to help up the newbies

deplorableme2 ago

THIS. How do we battle without the means to injure our attackers? We are here. Glad for you if you want to fight. Would rather discuss, but if you insist on being a dicktator prior to engaging us, then expect the MOAB of peace through superior firepower. We come in peace and will leave when you depose us. Though if this forum values free speech, I'm guessing you will lose the war. JMHO

Isaiah4031 ago


HeCometh ago

Upvote bro.

Fallout18 ago

It will take time for it to be sorted. Its just like moving into a new house thst needs a hood clean and a lick of paint. Hold strong, together we can do this.

Isaiah4031 ago

I believe.

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

You guys won't last a week here, you'll be running back to reddit within the week just like /r/TheDonald.

Ina_Pickle ago

Your mods ,in their Infinite Wisdom, put in place a Subverse specific voating restriction.

On Voat, you are allowed to alter a user created sub's voating rules, but it does 2 things.

  1. It removes the Sub from v/all. No one on the site can see this sub or your posts unless we are physically in it.

Basically, you went private.

  1. Because your sub is basically private, none of the CCP you earn here counts towards your actual CCP. You all have zero CCP, because you haven't learned it in a sub that is public.

The reason why the site owner did this is to protect us from vote farming. You know what you guys have attempted to do. Hide in a private sub an upvote each other to circumvent the site restrictions.

On Voat you have to earn your points and you have to do it honestly. It is not above board, if the entire site is not able to vote up and down in response to your comment.

That is why your sub's 5 ccp to downvoat requirement has disqualified you from earning CCP that would have allowed you to participate on the rest of the site.

TheNerdyCowboy ago

I came here to counter the vote farming. This is a great comment! I am glad to see saftey protocols are catching those attempting to game the system in this trap!

Ina_Pickle ago

The mods just deleted it. Lol

recon_johnny ago

Anyone have the balls to answer this?

Ina_Pickle ago

The mods just deleted it. Check the mod log at the bottom of the sidebar.

recon_johnny ago

Yeah, I saw. Expect a lot more of this.

bonuschonus ago

Wow, an actually helpful comment. Thank you.

pgtyj_vcitw ago

up you go

gladly ago

And here it is again. Take it while it's hot.

recon_johnny ago

And it's deleted. What does that tell you?

SpagMeat ago

That they were right. Check the deleted comments log it's still there for all to see

bonuschonus ago

Yeah, unfortunate. I saw the same user reply to one of the posts on the front page dicussing ways to get rid of us. Strange behavior.

Ina_Pickle ago

Don't take it personally. While we don't actually want to chase off potentially good users, we do have to work hard to discourage shills and people who simply don't share our site's free speech mission.

recon_johnny ago

Not strange, man. You know what it is. And it goes against everything I've known here at Voat.

Hope it turns out well for you. While we say faggot and kike, the real thoughts behind who we are make the site what it is.

bonuschonus ago

Just seems counter-intuitive to everything this movement is trying to accomplish. Rather than try and be welcoming and help out the newcomers they're all up in arms treating us like we're military-aged middle eastern men invading their pure European cites with intent to rape their women.

I get the whole "they're our servers, from our donations" angle, but do they not understand that if we have more users here some of them will donate too? I genuinely don't understand the hostility if we all have the same common goal.

I hope it works out well for all of us. We're all on the same side. The cabal must be fucking loving the results of the reddit bans right now and that makes me sick.

SIayfire122 ago

@bonuschonus @recon_jonny

On Voat, we have tools to see what mods have deleted and who they banned.

The comment you two are looking for was posted by /u/ina_pickle and can be found on the comment log.

ideologicidal ago

Check user profile. This is a goat sharing wisdom and asking important questions. Listen, please, as we are the newfriends here. Upvotes from comments in this subverse don't count toward CCP, you'll have to farm it elsewhere.

Sincerely, A fellow plebbit refugee.

buffalorev1 ago

So where does ccp come from?

ideologicidal ago

Comment contribution points, I think. But I'm just a newfag.

buffalorev1 ago

I did finally get that far but how do we get them. I’m stuck in this new world but it’s not very friendly

And thank you

ideologicidal ago

v/theA has been set so that upvoats don't count toward your site-wide CCP. You'll have to comment on other subverses to earn them.

HST ago

Also @buffalorev1 and anyone else reading, this is a mod decision, not an admin one. No one is trying to keep you separate from voat except your own mods/community.

Integrate. Realize reddit is cancer (and was LONG before you were effected). Realize this whole thread and attempt to get upvoats is useless AND cancerous.

MrPim ago

You Can farm it if you're a fag. Or you can legitimately earn it in the Voat forums. Don't be a farming faggot.

upvoat99 ago

Agreed. But GA was not exactly a shining beacon of polite speech. Either way, let the mods mod and report what you think is hateful.

TheNerdyCowboy ago

Hateful becomes vengful and dangerous when you start the aggression by cutting out tounges

Aaronkin ago

We open our home to you when you are homeless and some of the first things you do is criticize our Culture and break our rules on vote framing. Do you not see that by restricting freedom of speech and vote framing you gave your enemies the very tool they used to defeat you. And now after we have given you a refuge you want to make the same mistake again in our home. For your own best interest learn to filter, when in Rome do as the Romans. Welcome to Voat we already have a culture here, please leave your redit bad habits at the door.

upvoat99 ago

Firstly this is not your home. Secondly I don’t think anything but spam should be censored.

Aaronkin ago

Well color me surprised, I mistook you for a typical refuge like we have seen here so many times before. I apologize for directing my statement at you I see where I was wrong your not as I thought you were! Your just a Grammar Nazi, nothing bad about that, annoying but not bad. Have a up vote for your comment. Aside from my error towards you personally, concerning the circumstances of what was going on yesterday I stand by the grammar I chose to describe my point of view and I don't give a rats ass if you approve of my choice of words or not. That said, I am sincere in my apology, my opinion of you was wrong and you did not deserve to have my frustration vented at your comment.

SonarTech ago

for me I don't understand any of this, I just want a place to go and get information related to Q in PEACE I appreciate you giving us a home

Cyrus_Q ago

So you like fairy tales

Aaronkin ago

Seriously you Patriots are welcome here. But first, doing anything in Peace comes after you win your fight. Second, us Goats are social critters and we love to butt heads. It takes 2 two to butt heads so the more the merrier. Just remember Freedom of Speech is the law of the land here and if you don't like what is said ignore it or tell us all why. I don't know why Putt did not explain the rules like vote framing in his welcome, Could be getting you up and running is the bigger priority. Truthfully I am glad your here and glad for the fight you guys did give them on Redit. Your efforts did not go unnoticed. I hope this helps you to understand this is partly how we Goats have survived the attacks from the Black hats. And we are always under attack here. So good luck with that goal of peace. It is one we all share.

pairadocs ago

Thanks. I have spent months on r/GA ( and intend to here) mainly to learn from those with deeper insight or information I have not had access to and rarely posting myself. I did however want to qualify to participate during the few times I might choose to. But I get and appreciate you pointing out the "farming" issue. It makes sense and I'll just continue to lurk until I'm sure my contribution will be meaningful and forget about CCP, regardless of trolls etc.

DillySquilly ago

I second this

Housewifepainting ago


oohhhhcanada ago

Some up votes here if possible. I'm trying to up vote everyone who seems to reasonably belong here. This is the first time I wish to be a mod and get rid of some of the extreme hate that has arrived. This never happened before. God bless our mods, they are in for a rough time. If Reddit wanted us out, why are the haters there following us here?

HeCometh ago

Can I get one back?

Hand_of_Node ago

We don't want child rapists here. Go back to reddit.

0perationchromite ago

could use a vote in return

KosherHiveKicker ago

If Reddit wanted us out, why are the haters there following us here?

Because you imported your reddit faggotry of instant bans, upvoat farming, and censorship with you. All of which goes against the main reasons was created.

WowThanks1 ago


walla99362 ago

patriot here need upvote.

rauby229 ago

Just have to watch for them. Hoping I get the hang of this format soon enough.

MacDaddy-Q ago

Toss the haters out. Not welcome here.

MacDaddy-Q ago

Yeah, that would be great. WWG1WGA

DJB ago

returny turn voaty?

Goqgo ago

I’m so confused over here but determined to figure this out. Please upvote me. I’m up voting as many as I can.

Snap_Shot_in_Time ago

As Q says: "They will fail."

TommyRad ago

Exactly. They're doing the same kind of thing Saddam's army did after losing to the US in Kuwait... remember, blowing up all the oil wells on the way out? It's all they have left. Scream, flail, censor, lie, destroy what little is left of the media. If Hitlery was prez [I'll flog myself just for saying that out loud] I'd be shitting bricks right now. But, the patriots are in control, so, sit back and enjoy the show. WWG1WGA

HeCometh ago

They're Baghdad Bobbing us.

Brownslover01us ago


oohhhhcanada ago

They will, but come on, allowing some of the shill posts to fester here only compromises the integrity of our cause. It appears we support the nonsense.

Hand_of_Node ago

If you're going to help us gas the jews and kill the niggers, then you can stay.

MacDaddy-Q ago

Agree. No need for hateful shills. Those are who got our group banned from Reddit.

TheNerdyCowboy ago

Don't engage the hate. Censorship is the supplyer of newcomers to voat.

Be rational and discuss productively. If someone wants to be a dick leave em be and move on.

Outcompete the ragemob by upvoating rational, not by silencing the irrational. If they have nowhere tto vent they will become more dangerous, pull them with exposure to quality discourse. Use diviation towards the mean to increase quality

throwaway1488 ago

not by silencing the irrational. If they have nowhere tto vent they will become more dangerous, pull them with exposure to quality discourse.

you spout all this bullshit but your mods have 8 pages of bans already

the reason you have so much hate coming your way is because your mods are censoring people, if you need such a heavily moderated safe space then go back to reddit where you belong

TheNerdyCowboy ago

Voat goat talking about voat to the newcomers hahahah.

time_traveller ago

Yes, this. The best tool to fight them is to just not give up with researching and providing quality conversation. Not feeding them.

mattathias ago

Opps - sorry. I hate assholes. I will self censor and not feed the trolls; well, I will try... hate trolls.


oohhhhcanada ago

Maybe for some, but it seems we are being attacked by a few shills, who keep creating new accounts.

throwaway1488 ago

you faggots are the shills, go back to reddit where you belong and take your cancerous mods with you

TommyRad ago

Best thing anyone can do is completely ignore the shills. Let them rant... in a room where they are alone. After all, if you argue with a kRaZy person, eventually, it will make you kRaZy.

TheNerdyCowboy ago

When are we not under barrage

Fallout18 ago

We are a threat. Poor things are scared stiff.

BelBlade ago

Because ultimately, they want us dead.

they will lose

zapbrannigan1 ago

No, I think he's referring to the old guard of Voat. They've been pretty explicit in their disdain for all of us outsiders.

SacramentoRebel ago

No one cares about you shill.

qbck ago

True, but remember: these people are stupid. In the end we will prevail.

"When you rip out someones tongue, you're just proving that you're afraid of what he has to say..."

HouseHawkwood ago

We shouldn’t fall under the same overconfidence that the leftists did with Hillary. Victory isn’t assured. We need to fight like our lives depend on it...because they do. I am under no illusion that some of the adversaries would just as soon see us dead as silenced.

Hand_of_Node ago

just as soon see us dead as silenced.

It's called Stand Your Ground. Get the fuck out of our house.

HouseHawkwood ago

Go gobble a kike schlong you filthy Decados niggerfaggot.

Hand_of_Node ago

lol, not bad. You might make it.

Thoth2017 ago

I regret I have but only one upvote to give.

Anaximandel ago

The reddit admin are the ones censoring.

Q_Continuum ago

Up votes needed Patriots ThanQ

1dayatatime ago

Would love an upvoat, and ThanQ 2!

krash2fast ago

Here ya go

walla99362 ago

please reciprocate

sanspeur33 ago

100 4 u

DJB ago

return revoaty voatvoat?

WowThanks1 ago


AllahuAkbarSH ago

Me too please

ee_tard ago

Only child rapists farm for votes...are you a child rapist?

DJB ago

only children/child rapists joke about child rape

which one are you oldf

Hand_of_Node ago

Why do you rape kids?

SacramentoRebel ago

Spoken like a true child rapist.

bredlo ago

found 3 more child rapists over here guys, sent their IPs to @fbi

qbck ago

Here ya go. Could use some myself.

Being a n00b, is it true you only get to upvote 99 people a day here or what?

HeCometh ago

I could use an Up if you would. ThanQ

flightgod ago

n00b, you're in good company. Fellow upvote fisherman here.

Gypsynurse ago

I love fishing for crappie ! Used to do a lot of night fishing on Lake Hartwell in SC Nothing as calming

CTCZ ago

I'd like in on this action for some upvotes please.

PA_Patriot1776 ago

Me too...pretty please.

pgtyj_vcitw ago

a little help here too please

walla99362 ago

me too please and thank-you

Red_Piller ago

Up vote please. WWG1WGA!

Q_Continuum ago

ThanQ Patriot. Wish I could answer your question but I’m here just 3 hours and trying to figure this whole thing out myself. Different environment, will take some getting used to but we all need to stay united no matter what. Follow Q’s directions. I’ll return the upvote favor. WWG1WGA!

1dayatatime ago

Upvoted! Also new to the platform and process. WWG1WGA

WallisTing2 ago

Hello anon. I'm a refugee also. Im trying to figure out this site and the learning curve is pretty steep. Im struggling with the language that I don't understand. If someone cusses instead of a word, I get lost. However, at least no more censorship. Any suggestions? Im afraid if I ask a question, it will not be welcomed. Thanks.

1dayatatime ago

I’m with ya... we’ll figure it out and make it through the other side. WWG1WGA

walla99362 ago

need an upvote too

Imtede ago

zt least you got enough votes to be able to post! Some day my ship will come.

DJB ago

me return voaty?


Yep alot different here some folks are nice some ain't, and Neon Revolt said ; it's all good (he didn't really say that.Just trying to get a few upvotes)

Texmexenchilada ago

All of us are getting adjusted. Welcome :)

Q_Continuum ago

ThankQ Patriot!

Fallout18 ago

There you go. Glad to help out

walla99362 ago

me too please...

qbck ago

Thank you patriot. Just returned the favor o7

aDalekHater ago

That would be great lol

HeCometh ago

An up vote for you.

SacramentoRebel ago

What is it like to be such a huge douchebag you have to circlejerk for imaginary points. I have deleted accounts with more upgoats than you will ever get. Hey SaneGoatiSwear, how you doin?

Phloatpill ago

Jumping in for some upgoats so's I can post. I upgoated all visible posts.

MacDaddy-Q ago

Appreciate it.

Fallout18 ago

There is 1 for you. I'll upvote your replies!

TheNerdyCowboy ago

Have fun!

showbobandvagene ago

Could do with a few upvotes here

SpaceForce45 ago

I could use an upvote...I'm up voting as many true patriots i can...

SpaceForce45 ago


BossyCowgurl ago

I like some up votes! WWG1WGA

WhiskyDave ago

need some too

magavoices ago

I need 10 CCP please

Outcome5 ago

count me in

dirtyh0rhay ago

help by upvoting from bottom up peeps thx WWG1WGA

Asgard-2018 ago

Me too friend

shillthriller13 ago

I have no votes. Just registered a few min ago. plz help

gregthebassist ago


Tonebox1776 ago

Gotcha bud

Tank_stopper ago

Same boat!

bgally ago

me too thanks

2blesecretprobation ago

It looks like if we're upvoted here. It doesn't count towards ccp. I believe someone mentioned something to that effect. Something about this being a private sub. If anyone else can elaborate...

xxd ago


pgtyj_vcitw ago

you and me too brother/sister FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT

DillySquilly ago

Done, pass it back :D

BelBlade ago

Looks like you got your up votes. ;)))

Shizy ago

Looks like you got more than a few! Well done!

Xenophobic ago

I like the idea up and downvotes trump mods. F reddit I hated it trying to force me to install that app every time I wanted to check shit

TrumpIsMyHero ago


TheRealStraydog ago

I could sure use some upvotes

QAnonIsAwesome ago

This is the only time I can ever think of where we should share votes evenly until was all get a voice. Ran out of upvotes for the second day in a row.

8_billion_eaters ago

Upvoats for all.

1southernbell ago

Up votes coming up...kek

Cheer4Trump ago

Late to the party but can use some upvotes! Cheering for the Patriot team!

Thoth2017 ago

I gotcha!

SacramentoRebel ago

If you died no one would miss you.

keeponsearchin ago

been up voting like crazy. could use some too

walla99362 ago

Gottcha covered

M80TheMan ago

You fags are pathetic.

Texbrew ago

We're all pathetic, but we're still gonna win. I just upvoted you, Patriot. Cheers! #WWG1WGA

M80TheMan ago

You ain't gonna win shit, faggot.

Truth_is_Liberty ago

need like 8 more to submit a post

cryptex ago

Upvotes please.

Prog-Off ago

You need 10 CCP points in order to post. I'm assuming this is different than mere upvotes? How to accomplish this?

patriot_bear ago

Upvoted. Exciting times patriots!

Imtede ago

ditto ditto

Svetlana ago

I could use some up votes!

Not_Q ago

Upvotes needed!

DJB ago

voat me too

Dadgummit ago

Yessir! Upvoted. Can I get some upvotes too please? Many thanks!

FrenchBulldog ago

Help! I'm swimming without any upvotes. WWG1WGA!

NippyPoopTurtle ago

Upvote everyone you see.

Voats best new sub /v/theawakening

EyeOfTheStorm ago

Here as well! Thanks!

17flagwaiver ago

can you give me a vote please? I want to share some good stuff. thanks.

CTCZ ago

I could use some thanks

HeCometh ago

Me too if you don't mind.

socomtom ago

Always looking for an upvoat.

xxd ago

sup bois

Constantreverie ago

I could use some as well

Jonesin4maga ago

MAGA mates! Here too

BlessedToTeach ago

Here too :-)

pgtyj_vcitw ago


keeponsearchin ago

me too. just gave ya one

GeneMath ago


SassQwotch ago

Same here

DJB ago

me to voatup?

GeneMath ago

Same here

nakedjay ago

Few sheckles needed.

TyrannyinTX ago


TyrannyinTX ago

Welcome fellow Patriots and Q followers. WWG1WGA! We will not be silenced because of fascist social media platforms. We grow stronger every day!!!

1dayatatime ago

TX waving backatcha! Upvotes, please? 😎 WWG1WGA

TheStorm18 ago

Thank you for being so welcoming voat. Wish I had made the transitions sooner.

Cyrus_Q ago

Foolish idiot.

Jimmy10 ago

could not have said it better, I am so tired of the better than you attitude

Mimi2018 ago

Patriots unite!!!🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸WWG1WGA!!!

ThirteenthZodiac ago

fascist social media platforms

...where the fuck do you think you are, exactly?

Phil_Free ago

Upvotes needed here, also -- thanks, patriots!!

walla99362 ago

another patriot

DJB ago

upvoat ?

Cuprous ago

Upvote for you, return then favor - thanks fellow Patriots!!!

Mimi2018 ago

Me too!

SonarTech ago

up votes needed as we need 100 to downvote

AllahuAkbarSH ago

Me too, I want to be able to downvote please

Anaximandel ago

You're in a private sub where ccp doesn't count, and will never be in /all.

Big boys are in the real sub.

SonarTech ago

thanks for your sarcasm love how yall feel the need to be.... Instead of friendly and informative to fellow Patriots and Vets for that matter

Hand_of_Node ago

fellow Patriots and Vets

You're reddit faggots, and hypocritical anti-Americans.

Shizy ago

Not everyone is like that. Some of us love patriots and vets!!! Welcome

Anaximandel ago

All I got from your reply is that (in your view) "patriots and vets" can't handle actual free speech.

So tuff. You should stay in this protected sub, where the mods will filter anything offensive to your delicate little minds.

walla99362 ago


DJB ago

voat me

Hand_of_Node ago

Vote beggar.

bonuschonus ago

Upvote others so we can downvote the trolls

BossyCowgurl ago

Amen to that.

magavoices ago

give me an upvote please

dirtyh0rhay ago


Feroucious_Truth ago

in a great need of up votes, any help?

BossyCowgurl ago

Gave you an up vote. God Bless all patriots. WWG1WGA

scepter1 ago

I need some up votes to get startedo

Newtonsnephew ago

I don't think that's the answer and I'm 50 ccp away from sweet sweet downvoats. Who am I kidding? I'm drunk and don't fucking care anyways.

I_Love_Hentai ago

Fuck you kike. Tell your wife I had to work late but I'll be over there to fuck her later.

bonuschonus ago

Thinking I have a wife LUL

Aces8 ago

Excellent observation. Upvote.

Cyrus_Q ago

Fn retards

SandyBottoms ago

Came here a while back for T_D reasons, back for Q

Maltherian1 ago

Fuck you

BeerYoda ago

Dwight Shroot is a pedophile. UV plz.

TheCool ago

Fuck you.

I have been trying to spread the good word on Voat, and have been downvoted here since Day One. Fellow patriots, please give me CCP so that we can fight against the dissenters and shills. WWG1WGA!

Voatharder ago

"Spread the good word on voat".... Nice try. A look at your comment history shows otherwise.

chuckletrousers ago

please give me CCP

With over 2000 downvotes after only running his retarded piehole 163 times, you're going to need a lot more help than that, even if it did work, which it won't.

Gypsynurse ago

Hey there, so we do run into people we know and love...⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️

Misty2 ago

I need up votes please!

Hand_of_Node ago

Beggars aren't welcome here. Take your homosexual ass back to reddit.

Asgard-2018 ago

Hey buddy was watching your YT thanks for sending me here could you upvote me Ri....

MysteryMaster ago

Hey thanks for the info!

sandpiper09 ago

I love your teaching style. Simple, clear and easy to follow. Thank you for sharing and leading me through this troublesome banning nonsense.

Qzenseeker ago

Thanks Blessed to Teach. Glad you are here and I love your videos :) take care and God Bless!!

justken1 ago

Thanks for the heads up. lets get the up votes rolling.

Ohbutwhatiknow ago

Hey Blessed to Teach! Glad to see you in here. Your post on YT last night is what clued me in about the ban! Thank you for what you do!

Liberty1111 ago

It is good to see you here. I like your kind words as well . I am new here trying to get few up votes.

SierraAlphaBravo ago

Hey BTT!! Thanks for the heads-up to come here! I enjoy your teachings!

Texbrew ago

Good to see you here. Have watched many of your videos. #QAnon #WWG1WGA

countrybuc ago

Good to see a familiar name.

PolitiJim ago


modsrn1gg3rs ago

please upvoat me

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

Go back to reddit you fucking retards.

AngelaC224 ago

Sandbox get crowded?

Outcome5 ago

Your profile says youre a moderator for the Qawakening subverse, created a day ago. Whats that about?

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

Maybe read the sidebar?

It's a backup sub as /v/theAwakening is compromised by reddit mods, and I don't trust the /v/GreatAwakening mods either.

I have no intention of moderating it at all, and if it ever sees any use I plan on transferring it to System and making it a sub with only Janitor rank mods.

Sometimesineedhelp ago


rwolfe2106 ago

they kicked us out, sorry you'll just have to scooch over

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

No, fuck you. you don't get to just storm across the border and bring the shit you're fleeing from with you.

Merchant_Menace ago

This is not reddit's garbage can. So if you're just some reject redditor then save us all some time and fuck off back to the safe parts of the internet. If you're here because the censorship was oppressive and you want to stand against it then you're in the right place. So you should really give it some thought - why are you here? If it's the latter then consider your principles and whether they jive with your censorious mods.

KosherHiveKicker ago

Or pummel you /u/Spez cuck-fags until you respect the most basic aspects of

deplorableme2 ago

Hey. Deal with it pal. We are here and if you dont support the cause (rule 1) you won't be here. I am good with that. Have a nice day.

Hand_of_Node ago

Oh, you're here to help us gas the jews? That's different then. Also, there may be some niggers that snuck over here with you. Please lynch them before they get settled.

deplorableme2 ago

From what I understand this is a great awakening board created in this platform. I am not here to assist your genocide of people that are not like you. Barring my Christian upbringing, I would much rather ahem isolate people like you. Get the behind me Satan. And gfys!

Hand_of_Node ago

If you're not white, you can find instructions for self-termination on the internet. If you are, you've apparently "awakened" to your desire to help the jews destroy your people. Very admirable, goyem. Your shekels will be in the mail.

benjitsu ago

You didn't really leave reddit, reddit left you. Why bother being here at all if you aren't going to take in the local culture...I can't imagine ALL of you faggots don't see the irony in this behaviour

deplorableme2 ago

No reddit banned me my! We are here deal as best you can. In the meantime gfy!

benjitsu ago

I am saying by importing your exact reddit culture (which must have carried SOME of the problems inherent in reddit culture with it) and telling locals to get bent you are acting like the very immigrants who pose much of America's problems, and none of you seem to see the irony, you all feel like VOAT owes you somethings because reddit was done with you and tossed you away like a callous boyfriend

mattathias ago

Can you also jump up and down and stamp your feet for me?

  • mossomo

mattathias ago

Suck a dick and eat ass fuckers. WE ARE HERE.

Merchant_Menace ago

More like moshlomo...

TheyBanEverything ago

He's a key board hero, with stars on his eyes.

Pizza-related-sap ago

suck my ass you keyboard faggot

Doodle_and_me ago

Ummm...can't. They didn't like free speech over there. Thx for the welcome!

Anaximandel ago

Meanwhile there's multiple pages of deleted comments (deleted by mods) on this post alone. See why voat has this feature and reddit doesn't?

but muh free speech! (except when you call someone a dum dum, in violation of rule 1, 5, 82 subsection 3, and the patriotic free speech restrictions 110 to 250).

Doodle_and_me ago

I hear ya, but come on, some people really don't enjoy profanity and racist remarks.

Hand_of_Node ago

Those faggots belong on reddit, not here.

Doodle_and_me ago

I understand your point

auto_turret ago

This is NOT a place for you then. Fuck you soft ass cucks. Why don't you go adopt a nigger baby since you love niggers and being cucked so much?

Doodle_and_me ago

Thanks for your input

auto_turret ago

You'll never be part of the greater Voat community, get used to that. Those who come here only after they've been affected by censorship, will get absolutely no respect. Your kind are not welcome, especially after the bullshit you all tried to pull. Ain't happenin' here. Go back to reddit.

Doodle_and_me ago

I get it...thx

Jadsticles ago

Fucking learn to grow up and deal with it then. How fucking beta do you have to be to be affected by some troll using bad words..? You're all a bunch of whiney children. I welcome all who resort to name-calling. Learn to adapt to the system don't try to change it, it won't work here.

Doodle_and_me ago

I'll leave you to figure out the irony of your word choice, but someone better figure out how to keep the servers running and the natives happy when the declas happens. If this site can't onboard the volume from reddit, i can't imagine what's going to happen when real news starts coming down.

Jadsticles ago

Yeah, I get it dude... I appear triggered! But I actually say this because it's important for people to hear, not because I'm angry. Although I'm slightly pissed at the cucks who blindly followed reddit admins here rather than stopping being a follower and look into shit for themselves.

Doodle_and_me ago

I like where you're coming from and i agree. Funny thing is, a lot of folks who have been here a while are lumping us all in the same basket without taking time to figure out which ones are lemmings. I guess that's by design. I only ever lurked on reddit to fill in gaps or get a different perspective and see if i was missing an angle on the Q drops. I'm not even 100% redpilled. I mean, definitely there's coordinated corruption. But I'm not sure about the cia funding human trafficking angle. Sounds pretty far out there to me. But I'm sticking around for now. We'll see what happens. Thx for the hit back.

Karnivor ago

no. fuck off

pgtyj_vcitw ago

sounds like a grumpy old troll...

shillthriller13 ago

An AI dwarf named grumpy?

April_who ago

Hello! How about an upvote, friend!

HeCometh ago

Can you return the Up?

April_who ago

You got it!

Lindorinel ago

Here's one, and I hope it comes back, thanks in advance, Patriot!

pgtyj_vcitw ago