Mumbleberry ago

It's @ SGM11Z , same retard profile pic.

high-valyrian ago

Thank you for sharing this here, I sincerely hope that whoever posted this is just trolling and trying to rile you all up. Thankfully, it seems like Putt has some measures in place to take care of this in case that it's not.

Shilling, trolling, and vote manipulation are the tactics of people like leftists, Reddit admins & powermods, and those who seek to silence us. I would be disappointed to learn that anyone from our community would resort to using these same tactics against someone else; it truly makes us no better.

C_Corax ago

You know if there's any sincerity to what you say, it would go a long way if you had a sticky up there addressing the issue. There's the moral side to it, that a branch was reached to you that in my opinion you didn't deserve. Showing just a little courtesy back would go a long way.

Then there's also the tiny little thing where you should consider what is in your best interest. Do you want more Q folks to start their first day on Voat with -100 CCP? That will continue to happen as long as you don't disown topics like this. And believe me when I say we will find them! Voat has been under 24/7 attack from all vectors for the past 3 years and you're not magically going to come up with something that hasn't been tried before.

Finally don't think for a moment that just because Putt is a big fluffy carebear that you are immune to being kicked off the site entirely. I'll ask you this, where will you realistically find another user friendly(relatively speaking) platform that will accept your kind of content? I've seen how tech savvy some of you are and 8chan for all its qualities doesn't strike me as the natural choice for your main demographic.

high-valyrian ago

it would go a long way if you had a sticky up there addressing the issue.

I agree with you. Unfortunately, we've been subjected to downvote attacks, so we are unable to post. I hesitate to ask someone else to use their CCP to speak on behalf of our team. Is there another solution I'm not thinking of? If there is not, I will try to find someone in the coming days who can post, although I can understand that this could make some uncomfortable.

That will continue to happen as long as you don't disown topics like this. And believe me when I say we will find them!

Please do. My original thoughts were that I do have my own views on this topic, I'm extremely against this, but that I don't have any direct communications with these folks, and frankly, I wouldn't want someone else telling me how to live my life. But you and others are most likely correct - as SB2 is a contributor to the community I currently "own" is reflecting badly upon all of us.

Finally don't think for a moment that just because Putt is a big fluffy carebear that you are immune to being kicked off the site entirely.

Yep, I am aware. We have reached out to Putt a couple of times now, not myself directly but another on the team, and he's been nothing but full of grace and kindness. As humans, we get frustrated and vent (or maybe just me, haha) but that is unfair. I've been chewing on this for a day now, and y'all are right in that this is disrespectful.I am disappointed in the people who continue to take actions that reflect badly on our community, disrespect the platform and its' users, and hope that if any other issues are found that people will reach out to make us aware so we can address them if it is affecting the community. I appreciate the dialogue, and thanks for giving me something to chew on.

C_Corax ago

If you write it up I'll post it for you. I'll need one sentence to express that it's not my post so I don't get hammered with enquirers about my motivation from the other goats. I can handle some downvoates if need be.

Not sure if you are locked out of PM'ing but you can post it here as a response and we can do it that way.. Do try to be kind with me about the formatting if you take me up on the offer.

high-valyrian ago

Sorry it has taken me some time to respond, but I am working on the post now. Thanks for offering. I'll comment back when it is ready.

I am locked from sending out a PM but I can reply to them if that is easier on you. I dont have a preference.

C_Corax ago

I wont back down on my word to post it for you, but I presume you know how unimpressed I am by your reaction time?

The PM system is a little annoying in that you can't see your own submission, so just post it here. It's easier that way, especially if we need clarification on formatting or what not.

Durm ago

I'm not sure what's going on in this post, but it seems like you are still mocking voat, or just being inappropriately sarcastic given how far putt has gone to make you comfortable:

and by that I mean the platform. No one on here see this as an "us vs them", except for maybe in the minds of some of the new people who came here "pre-tramatized".

No other group has ever had the privilege of having such a pervasive new feature added just so they could keep their old hovel. Or necessarily had putt make stickies having to explain the rules.

high-valyrian ago

it seems like you are still mocking voat

Yes, this was a joke - but it was also made in context of the comment it was a reply to. I hope you're not trying to misrepresent my words in order to color this comment in an unintended light.. I have been lurking on Voat since long before the mass exodus - not to say "I'm a goat" or agefag, but to say that I believe there was value to be found on Voat long before today.

No one on here see this as an "us vs them"

I've spent a lot of time on Voat in the past week trying to read the culture and learn. I'll agree that many or most on Voat, including Putt and Atko, are welcoming and have taken the time to send us hellos or well-wishes, and for that I am thankful. But there also are many people who continue to do the opposite. Hell, those who do so could be bad actors, paid trolls, or have an agenda. I don't have enough insight about Voat, outside of the 2-3 subs I've lurked on, to be able to make that call, so in good faith, I assume they are native Voat users. Gaining more insight on this will be helpful.

maybe in the minds of some of the new people who came here "pre-tramatized".

I'm not sure what you mean, but I'm all ears.

No other group has ever had the privilege of having such a pervasive new feature added just so they could keep their old hovel.

Are you talking about the measures Putt talked about putting in place due to vote manipulation? Just curious if I maybe missed something. And I completely agree with you. I'm not sure about past precedent (I've browsed here off and on since the PG exodus but am missing a lot of context) but my reminders to those who are Redditfugees is something I hope they consider before even thinking about partaking in something like this.Thanks for engaging.

Edit: typo

SearchVoat ago

Bleep bloop, someone mentioned this comment!

'The Mods Here And Their Inner Circle Are A Bunch of Liars - Change My Mind' was posted in v/theawakening by @kneo24 and refers to this comment.

This notification (#283) was posted automatically by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress this notification by appending a query(?) to your Voat permalink. You can suppress pings from these notifications on request.

Durm ago

I think you are smart enough to know what I meant. I think you understand the implications of the two responses, the replies, where they reacted the way they did.

I hope you aren't putting on a show here and plant the seed that I may be misrepresenting you, when I am giving you my opinion and posting the link to something you said, where everyone can see for themselves. I have no need to mispresent you, it's your remarks here that are condescending and disingenuous themselves. I am however highlighting that two others seemed to presume you are mocking voat, which you made no effort to refute until now. Whatever representation you receive from others in their minds on voat will be solely their own, and of your own doing.

But you are smart enough to know all of that already.

StormVet6 ago

Oh, for crying out loud people! This shit from BOTH sides NEEDS TO STOP!! We’ve got assholes on one side that are mad at all of us because of what happened at the beginning and can’t drop it, then someone from here wants to do the same to them?! NO MORE!! If Putt can actively help negotiate a cease fire (which he did), why in the hell are we firing it back up?! Or do we have someone in our midst still that is pulling more sysop shit?! AGAIN, NO MORE!!!

bb22 ago

How is someone an asshole for agreeing with both our founding fathers and legitimate scientists that race is real, race is biological, and race affects many attributes including behavioral tendencies and IQ? Believing in science makes someone an asshole?

I guess Thomas Jefferson was a tremendous asshole. So was Patrick Henry. But I have much more respect for them than I do you faggot cucks who obsess over showing niggers how nice and tolerant you are of their behavior.

StormVet6 ago

You missed my point entirely. You saw only one word and nothing that was in CAPS!! I SAID STOP FIGHTING AMONGST OURSELVES AND FIGHT THE REAL WAR!!!

bb22 ago

Then don’t call us assholes you faggot.

StormVet6 ago

Fair. :)

Durm ago

If you didn't do it fine. If whoever did, fine. Its just info. No need to cry about it.

If anyone puts anything like that about voat on a Chan we generally get a good laugh out of it and no one takes it that seriously. I suggest if you are not up to no good, then let everyone see it, and have a good laugh about it yourself.

You need to know and should want to know what people are saying, especially considering what just happened.

StormVet6 ago

It wasn’t me, and I’m not crying, nor am I defensive. I’m just sick of the bullshit. We are at war. I fought in 2 real wars. I know a little something about it. We do not need to be at war with each other. That’s all I was getting at.

Submariner_SS ago

Ditto 2 that.

dmanny77 ago

agreed. we have bigger shit to deal with...just sayin...

Durm ago

Am I warring with you? Am I letting you now what happened?

StormVet6 ago

You were right to bring it up. The anger and frustration was never meant for someone doing the right thing. Props. :)

Durm ago

Then I take back the other post where I was joking about caps-case in your other message. It is a little funny though.

StormVet6 ago

No worries. :)

Durm ago

Ohok yeah I forgot to add that since this is a discussion post.

MrWicked ago

A+ for effort

derram ago

Le_Squish ago

Listen, (((mods))). We have offered you a ceasefire yet you continue with this entirely abhorrent behavior. We highly recommend you reform yourselves. Moreover, you are an embarrassment to the movement you claim to support.

high-valyrian ago

I don't know what your "(((mods)))" comment has to do with the information here - I'm fairly certain anyone can make a thread on 8chan. I would add that making an assumption and accusation without any evidence, sources, or proof is poor behavior. See my reply to this post.

People who use the same tactics as those they're silenced by are literally no better than their enemy. Good will always win, and I hope anyone here from the chans reading this post remembers that. I trust that @PuttItOut will take care of any foul play going on here. Those of us who are here on Voat should remember to respect the platform and those who work to support it, it's literally the very least we can do in return.

Le_Squish ago

...would add that making an assumption and accusation without any evidence, sources, or proof is poor behavior...

Well, your boys @SerialBrain2 and @NeonRevolt both got caught upvoat farming. Do you need a link to these threads? Never saw a single one of you (((mods))) show up to discourage the activity or apologize to voaters and our admin for the disrespect.

In fact you, specifically, were a willing participant here

Archive of you commenting on a upvoat farm for posterity.

You are a dishonest person. I hope the shekels are worth it.

high-valyrian ago

Please see my comment here:

Do you need a link to these threads?

Yes. If you or others find evidence that someone in my community is not participating in line with the platform's rules and expectations in the future, please PM me a link.

Never saw a single one of you (((mods))) show up to discourage the activity or apologize to voaters and our admin for the disrespect.

I addressed this is the comment linked above, but will engage you as well. No, you're right. My original thoughts were that while I disagree with their actions, I don't have room to tell others how to use the platform, and don't desire to do so in any way. However, the dialogue here with you guys has changed my mind - you're completely correct. These actions are or would have a negative impact on the community. Trying to see from others' perspectives, I definitely get what you're saying.

Archive of you commenting on a upvoat farm for posterity.

This is a test sub, so you're presenting this "evidence" dishonestly - I have a feeling you know this, though, since you're aware that a group of 5 people can't possibly upvote each other enough to make any kind of difference.

You are a dishonest person. I hope the shekels are worth it.

You're certainly entitled to your opinion.

Le_Squish ago

Any communications I have with you will be public. I will PMing you anything. There is no reason to not want total transparency.

Your actions speak for themselves. You are shitty people.

bb22 ago

They think all of our founders were leftists because they acknowledged the real biological differences between races.

Even W.E.B. fucking DuBois acknowledged that blacks were inherently different than whites, and he was black himself. Not all blacks are niggers, but every member of the black race is OBVIOUSLY fucking genetically distinct from whites in many different ways. People who can't even acknowledge this basic observation are like the fucking faggots who say that gender doesn't exist and that women can have penises. These degenerates have to go.

iDontShift ago

if everyone would just acknowledge your superiority...

can't figure out why these ideas haven't caught on with anyone but whites.

bb22 ago

First of all, why is it your first instinct to pander to minorities when whites are still the majority? Are you that much of a fucking cuck that you pander to minorities even before we lose control of our country to them? As if your first and primary concern is what the fucking niggers and beaners think? You're a massively brainwashed pussy, not to mention a race traitor.

Second of all, this isn't a linear issue. Blacks have a higher pain tolerance, can run faster, etc. These are generalizations based on statistics and other data. We are no different than other mammals in the fact that there are populations of humans that are GENETICALLY DISTINCT from one another in various ways. Race mixing is known to cause outbreeding depression and can lead to increased risk of medical complications and inability to find organ donors, etc.

The biggest problem is that sub-Saharan Africans in particular have an average IQ of around 70, WHICH IS TOO FUCKING DUMB TO UNDERSTAND REPRESENTATIVE CONSTITUTIONAL GOVERNMENT. An IQ of 70 in the United States would qualify you as mentally retarded, and that is their AVERAGE. African Americans living in the US are about a quarter white on average and have an average IQ of around 85. Again, these are statistics that have been studied and found repeatedly for a long time.

By pretending this pseudo-scientific fairy tale bullshit that race doesn't exist and everyone is inherently equal in some rainbow fucking utopia, you're fucking your entire country. Why the fuck do you think leftists want to import the entire 3rd world into the US if we're all equal and it doesn't make any difference? China doesn't believe this shit. Japan doesn't believe this shit. India is already fucked with street shitters and so is the Middle East. You are supporting GENOCIDE of your own people you sick motherfucker.

TexasInfidel ago

Mods destroy this movement regardless of platform or venue Look at the Q pages on FB, what a fucking pathetic feminist joke those circle jerks are. Not a single Q related mod has ever read the US Constitution nor the definition of the word Moderator How could it not be any more clear? You can shove screenshots up their ass till their eyes bleed and PEOPLE STILL DONT GET IT.