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Le_Squish ago

Listen, (((mods))). We have offered you a ceasefire yet you continue with this entirely abhorrent behavior. We highly recommend you reform yourselves. Moreover, you are an embarrassment to the movement you claim to support.

high-valyrian ago

I don't know what your "(((mods)))" comment has to do with the information here - I'm fairly certain anyone can make a thread on 8chan. I would add that making an assumption and accusation without any evidence, sources, or proof is poor behavior. See my reply to this post.

People who use the same tactics as those they're silenced by are literally no better than their enemy. Good will always win, and I hope anyone here from the chans reading this post remembers that. I trust that @PuttItOut will take care of any foul play going on here. Those of us who are here on Voat should remember to respect the platform and those who work to support it, it's literally the very least we can do in return.

Le_Squish ago

...would add that making an assumption and accusation without any evidence, sources, or proof is poor behavior...

Well, your boys @SerialBrain2 and @NeonRevolt both got caught upvoat farming. Do you need a link to these threads? Never saw a single one of you (((mods))) show up to discourage the activity or apologize to voaters and our admin for the disrespect.

In fact you, specifically, were a willing participant here

Archive of you commenting on a upvoat farm for posterity.

You are a dishonest person. I hope the shekels are worth it.

high-valyrian ago

Please see my comment here:

Do you need a link to these threads?

Yes. If you or others find evidence that someone in my community is not participating in line with the platform's rules and expectations in the future, please PM me a link.

Never saw a single one of you (((mods))) show up to discourage the activity or apologize to voaters and our admin for the disrespect.

I addressed this is the comment linked above, but will engage you as well. No, you're right. My original thoughts were that while I disagree with their actions, I don't have room to tell others how to use the platform, and don't desire to do so in any way. However, the dialogue here with you guys has changed my mind - you're completely correct. These actions are or would have a negative impact on the community. Trying to see from others' perspectives, I definitely get what you're saying.

Archive of you commenting on a upvoat farm for posterity.

This is a test sub, so you're presenting this "evidence" dishonestly - I have a feeling you know this, though, since you're aware that a group of 5 people can't possibly upvote each other enough to make any kind of difference.

You are a dishonest person. I hope the shekels are worth it.

You're certainly entitled to your opinion.

Le_Squish ago

Any communications I have with you will be public. I will PMing you anything. There is no reason to not want total transparency.

Your actions speak for themselves. You are shitty people.