SearchVoat ago

Bleep bloop, someone mentioned this post!

'I'm just going to leave this here....' was posted in v/theawakening and includes this reply from @Le_Squish:

...would add that making an assumption and accusation without any evidence, sources, or proof is poor behavior...

Well, your boys @SerialBrain2 and @NeonRevolt both got caught upvoat farming. Do you need a link to these threads? Never saw a single one of you (((mods))) show up to discourage the activity or apologize to voaters and our admin for the disrespect.

In fact you, specifically, were a willing participant here

Archive of you commenting on a upvoat farm for posterity.

You are a dishonest person. I hope the shekels are worth it.

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SearchVoat ago

Someone's talking about this!

'Holy Shit, the Salt is Real: you Goats just BTFO'd those redditfugees' was posted in v/politics and includes this reply from @VoatsNewfag:

Spamming uncontrollable shitposts, vote manipulation, organizing brigades to set narratives seems like it should be condemned right? Would you call that censorship to prevent it?

Speaking of vote manipulation, their mods did or rather tried that too.

And they acted entirely disgustingly smug about it, too.

You mean a fucking reddit mod? Guarantee that was one of the reddit admins who also took over T_D and other shit. It's theater and now a big demographic is fighting over SBBH crying nigger faggot.

You guarantee that one of their mods is a reddit admin? It could be true, but can you actually prove that or are you just spewing conspiracy theories that are slightly plausible? What about all the other mods? What about their websites that steered to that board? Are they all part of reddits plotting?

If you don't see how this was entirely planned (like every other exodus) then you need to pay better attention. Fuck Q, Fuck SBBH, Fuck everyone about this topic.

How many of them decided to check out the rest of voat? Those that are willing to face freedom and truth and the ugliness that comes with it, those who do not care about petty things, reputation, appearance, optics etc. are the only ones that matter in my opinion. I'm convinced the rest will eventually follow and they can follow on some other normie website.

Gamergate had lots of moderator drama and exoduses and was limited to a containment board on reddit and to the ugliest websites out there, 4chan and 8chan. Yet it still changed culture forever. Quite a handful of journalists still blame gamerate for the trump presidency.

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(Ref #91)

SearchVoat ago

Someone's talking about this!

'the rest of the website hasnt forgotten you faggots yet.' was posted in v/theawakening by @theoldones and includes this reply from @VoatsNewfag:

Free speech is a God-given right - not something you must suck theoldones' cock to earn.

Your mods have not just deleted trolling comments but lots of serious post as well. Voat keeps a public track record of all deleted comments accessible in the sidebar of each subverse, the latest deleted comment is someone pointing out that voat already had it's own Q-community. - That happened after they publicly apologized for banning users.

One of your mods, when told by one of us older ones, that mods are not gods here, replied with "you will find out how wrong you are".

Another one of your moderators (BleachyMcServerwiper) created another subverse where they seemingly tested measures for vote manipulation.

Another moderator (drogeAnon) within that thread confirmed that they were testing measures of vote manipulation. "We were trying things out - there's no way we expected to farm enough voats to get out of limbo."

And he states that they later want to hold polls to determine if the community wants them to ban content. - As I pointed out in that thread, if they publicly test vote manipulation, how can you trust any polls they conduct? What if they manipulate the polls and then pretend to act in your interest? He has not replied to me so far when I made that argument.

You do not have free speech if you adhere to moderators with a god complex.

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Type-o-Negative ago

The truth will come to light.


I think the titles meant to be "testing all Trolls"!

SearchVoat ago

Someone's talking about this!

'Take a trip down memory lane and do what we do with upvote farms' was posted in v/whatever by @Crensch and includes this reply from @Le_Squish:

In case you missed this gem earlier.

These niggers, Crensch. They demandin' they gibs.

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Rainy-Day-Dream ago

vote manipulation is not okay

divine_human ago

reddits vote manipulation is heavy. this here is even one step further, as a poster whom certain people dont support can again and again get downvoted beneath the ability to post.

the hack is in the system itself. the voting system with its instant gratification and punishment bait is designed for abuse.

this sub here thats being used to whore for CCP so the old r/GA and new v/TA mods receive downvote rights themselves is obscene.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

it's funny to me that they thought we wouldn't catch this, they're not as smart as they think they are, I guarantee they have some method to communicate off voat a discord server or something where they plan all this bullshit

divine_human ago

yep, discord,

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

using discord is always a terrible fucking idea, I don't know what it is about it compared to skype but it seems to get way more dishonest use like for running doxxing servers and false flagging campaigns. It's also a terrible choice for this kind of community they have unless all 300k or whatever number of users is actually in it, because it just makes the actions and decisions of their mod team less transparent than if they discussed more of them on voat or on 8chan or whereever they end up settling

divine_human ago

actually, a real time chat is a good thing for a mod crew, a private board is a must. when i served on r/TGA mod crew, we discussed many things before taking action.

the advantage to skype is that you can create various rooms on a discord server so its easier to find information.

i hated it on discord though. name is program. discord sows discord. i could only participate after i internally renamed it to 'discovery'. and still, the energy on this server that was originally created for gamers is extremely dense and chaotic. not an enjoyable place for me to be.

what makes the actions of the mods transparent is open mod logs. i love this feature here on voat.

i get it that this is a difficult stretch for old reddit mods who are used to act invisibly behind the scenes.

welcome to the new world - your BS doesnt stay hidden, it will all be disclosed.

Vindicator ago

The irony is these are folks who are begging Q for full disclosure on the elite! The fact they are unwilling to be transparent is really suspicious. Totally inconsistent.

divine_human ago

its controlled opposition.

did anyone think that //they// wouldnt hijack the movement?

if there ever was a call for high discernment, it is Now.

if there ever was an opportunity to stand your ground and learn to follow your inner resonance instead of external 'leaders', then it is NOW.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

if the users had access to it I might agree but when you section yourself and your conversations off from the community you run it affects your thinking in bad ways

SearchVoat ago

Someone's talking about this!

'New Q Researchers from reddit still using this sub need to see this' was posted in v/theawakening by @kevdude and permalinks this submission.

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TheCool ago

I would like to participate in this thread as well. I could desperately use some upvoats.

White_pride_cis ago

SearchVoat has more CCP than you, and he is an ACTUAL bot. How does that make you feel? Remember, when you go to suck start the shotgun, you want to maintain about a 15 degree angle, otherwise you will just have a bad time.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago


Mumbleberry ago

Maybe quit trying to use an alt and fucking that up.

SearchVoat ago

Someone's talking about this!

'That's gotta sting, @TheCool' was posted in v/whateverAnon by @2724813 and permalinks this comment.

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freedumbz ago

You could just, like, participate in the site, and, like, you know, be normal users for a bit rather than this goat farm nonsense. It really doesn't suit you. Just saiyan.

DamajInc ago

I am also not a bot. No really, I'm not.

Mumbleberry ago

No, just a FAILED upvoat farmer

BreadTwists ago

Bleep bloop bleep bloop

Mumbleberry ago

So, what sort of yield did this farm get you?

DrogeAnon ago

Bot 352 reporting

freedumbz ago

We can appreciate the fact that you're at least acting nice in public, but a goat farm only makes things worse for you. Thanks to this nonsense you dumbasses will probably be at a negative CCP for a WHILE. All we demand is that you don't swing the banhammer at the drop of a hat and don't lie about it. I saw where you claim to be having issues with subverse settings, and that's something Putt will resolve if that's indeed what is happening. He has yet to show any signs of being a bad admin. Slow to react yeah, but not evil.

DrogeAnon ago

Thank you for the info. We were trying things out - there's no way we expected to farm enough voats to get out of limbo.

We're not intending to swing the banhammer at all except on things the community - meaning whoever cares to vote - decides (perhaps - of course subject to ongoing discussion and discovery). We've never been a team to lie about our actions and we've all kept each other in check - the advantage of having a group. Thanks again.

SearchVoat ago

Someone's talking about this!

'ASSIMILATE OR GET THE FUCK OUT' was posted in v/theawakening by @theoldones and includes this reply from @VoatsNewfag:

Feel free to give the rest of voat a chance. It's vulgar and racist for the most part but as long as you value freedom of speech you'll be accepted even if you personally are neither of these things.

Here are the links by the way so you do not have to type out the archive urls:

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VoatsNewfag ago

except on things the community - meaning whoever cares to vote - decides

If you're willing tot test bots or other measures of vote manipulation, how would anyone be able to trust you guys when you conduct a poll that can be publicly voted on? How do I know that you will not use vote manipulation to get the results you want and then pretend to act in the will of the community?

DrogeAnon ago

Unfortunately, you won't know, unless you take us at our word. We don't expect you to though. We can only earn the trust of the community over time as we did previously. If y'all know what it's like having a mission you are dedicated to then you'll know we have no desire to manipulate poll results or otherwise - we'll talk straight and explain when we're making a decision and why. Our mission requires integrity and we have no reason not to uphold it.

VoatsNewfag ago

Pretty much everyone on voat knows what it's like to have a mission, our mission is freedom from censorship. There should be some overlap with yours given that Q is on 8ch out of all places and that there are least two QAnon posts where he talks about censorship. "Censorship will fail".

Do you think that someone who has integrity would participate in an upvote farm together with other moderators?

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

also how did you organize this farm do you have a discord or some such where you're conspiring to manipulate votes?

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

putt has previously said explicitly that farming for upvoats is no good

White_pride_cis ago

I wonder if @PuttItOut will take actions against this obvious violation of the rules?

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

I've sent him a message about it, only time will tell

DrogeAnon ago

No one's "farming" for voats - there aren't enough of us to make the tiniest dent in our ccp. I'm on -139, no amount of farming will help me. We're just trying to figure out how this system works. And yep, we have a Discord - we're a team and we work together. We're not trying to break your system or push our ways on you - don't believe the shillery that's going around here. We were dismayed and demoralized when we saw our server time reset and we want to engage with this community in our spare time as and when we can - not a lot of that unfortunately but we're getting there. I'm lurking and reading, not commenting because I know pretty much everything I say will just push me further down - I'm argumentative so "positive" comments aren't my natural go to. Nevertheless, I think I'm learning.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

the very first thing you faggots did was farm voats, this neonrevolt post clearly says at the bottom:

If you want to submit to the subverse, you need a minimum of 10 comment “karma” basically. In other words, your comments have to be upvoted 10 times.

I suggest leaving a comment in response to me about how Reddit censored us today:

and links here where he just all of sudden gets 100+ upvoats and more than 100 off topic replies from 4 day old accounts talking about Q. Tell your discord that no one here will put up with this kind of bullshit, even if you try what you did here and create another subverse for it we'll find it. All you had to do, and I've said this to your people more than once, was come here and go to v/all and participate honestly in conversations going on here. That should've been the first thing you did, leave 10 decent comments on random active subs and if they actually add something to the discussion you'd only need as few as 10 upvoats per your first allotment of comments and bam, no more restrictions. Everyone was new here once and everyone had to participate on the site to break the restrictions, and even the few left leaning people and others that have gone against the grain never had much of a problem with this. The reason you are is because instead of simply using the website the first thing you all did was ban people and delete comments, and now you've been caught in your "upboat thread" people notice and remember this shit, they see how you're behaving and you keep backing yourself in a corner. Every time you and your mod team get caught doing some kind of bullshit the uphill battle you're facing here gets a bit steeper and it's no one's fault but your own that you're in the negative and people that a lot of people recognize your name when you comment elsewhere now. Argumentative people do fine here, I assure you that's not the problem.

DrogeAnon ago

Go tell some naughty child off who cares, bud. We heard it the first time. Now, we're trying to get with the program and you all love telling people off so. Blah blah you did wrong when you arrived and banned, etc. etc. etc. etc. WE GOT IT. You think you 'caught us doing some kind of bullshit'. You're wrong, go home. We're doing what humans do - learning.

We are NOT NeonRevolt. He's not part of the mod team. Go cry to him about his behavior.

You need to start a subverse here where you can all lecture each other like children cos people like us don't care. We got it, we're trying, we've been respectful and we already apologized - move on.

SearchVoatBot ago

Bleep bloop, someone mentioned this comment!

'Useful @NeonRevolt links' was posted in v/Shitlist and includes this reply from @Rainy-Day-Dream:

according to a v/theawakening mod:

We are NOT NeonRevolt. He's not part of the mod team. Go cry to him about his behavior.

We are not in collusion with NeonRevolt

but according to ShekelRevolt himself:

I contacted the mods to get details on a story, and coordinate a communal move.

I was in the actual server they had, until this morning

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SearchVoat ago

Bleep bloop, someone mentioned this comment!

'Observations on Neon Revolt's Latest Article' was posted in v/GreatAwakening and includes this reply from @Rainy-Day-Dream:

they said it a couple of times:

We are NOT NeonRevolt. He's not part of the mod team. Go cry to him about his behavior.

We are not in collusion with NeonRevolt

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Rainy-Day-Dream ago

this is the 2nd time, or the third if we count the bannings and the CCP restrictions as two things, and I get the feeling you lot haven't learned your lesson and I don't believe NoenRevolt isn't part of your little group. I don't know if you think you're the only community to have ever existed online or the first inner circle of power mods to try to run a community like this but I've seen this all before and I'm not surprised by your behavior. You've been a lot of things in your time on voat and respectful isn't one of them.

SearchVoat ago

Bleep bloop, someone mentioned this comment!

'The Mods Here And Their Inner Circle Are A Bunch of Liars - Change My Mind' was posted in v/theawakening by @kneo24 and refers to this comment.

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DrogeAnon ago

You all get a lot of 'feelings' about us and they're all wrong. Neon's never been a part of the mod team. I won't be too upset about the respect denial - Voat's been anything but respectful so if you can't see any respectful statements from me (even though they're there) I guess we're just fitting in fine.

kneo24 ago

What a crock of shit. Neon doesn't need to be a part of the mod team. He's clearly part of your inner circle and writes as such. You guys will sticky his posts that indicate as much. You are intertwined with him. He is part of your group. Splitting hairs over the mod team issue is just you trying to move the goal posts.

The greater Voat community was nice to you guys when you first arrived, but you very, very quickly squashed any good will coming your way.

I also do not buy for a fucking second that you guys didn't know this would happen to you at this point.

@girlwonder has had an account for seven months. Anyone can lurk for seven months and see how the community is. @high-valyrian has had an account for 18 days, and your community has been here for only 5 now. Just these two alone shows that there was intent to be over here. But let's not stop there.

@BleachyMcServerwiper account is 1.3 years old. He created that account when r/the_donald tried coming over here with the head mod. We ran them off for similar faggotry. Hell, they ran themselves off. They were there for it. And you're telling me that you guys had no clue that all of this would have happened? Bullshit.

Everything is connected. There are no coincidences. This should seem familiar to you.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

I don't know a lot of this feels like damage control rather than respect, I think you would've kept up your original behavior of banning people for pointing out where the mod logs are and other bullshit bans for things that "belong on 8chan," it doesn't seem like you apologized because you got caught and not because you understand that you did anything wrong. You put on a good face and act polite but you're still sneaking around testing upvoat farming. Just because someone takes a respectful tone that doesn't mean they're actually being respectful, actions speak louder than words

kneo24 ago

No one's "farming" for voats

Except that's exactly what you're doing here.

there aren't enough of us to make the tiniest dent in our ccp

That's actually irrelevant. We can clearly see the intent of what is happening here.

don't believe the shillery that's going around here.

This is you, not getting it. You guys have maligned Voat every chance you have been able to when you post. There is no humbleness in your replies, because what little you do show isn't sincere. You are victims of your own making.

Stop blaming Voat for your failures, stop calling us shills for rightly pointing out that you guys aren't sincere in what you say or do.

You have entirely acted like jews - "The Jew cries out in pain as he strikes you."

DrogeAnon ago

Whatever bud. You're not being genuine here. Too easy.

Mumbleberry ago

Thank you for confirming your disrespect for voat and your rampant faggotry.

DrogeAnon ago

You're welcome!

kneo24 ago

What a lame duck reply. It can be summed up as, "everyone who disagrees with me must be a russian bot". I called you for not being genuine, and your response to it is, "no u" like some petulant prepubescent child.

Don't think a single one of us hasn't noticed that you all have been using that liar, @neonrevolt to attack people you do not like. You guys sticky his outright blatant lies. What you all hate most of all is that you can't hide here. By the way, did you ever figure out who your mole was even though you all are supposedly on the up and up?

DrogeAnon ago

Here's another lame duck reply for you, friend: waaaah... who cares. Neonrevolt has nothing to do with us. Move on or go cry directly to him. I've been respectful in some of my other replies. I don't respect bullshit artists like you.

kneo24 ago

Why do you insist on lying? You guys have stickied articles of him, writing as if he's on your team, where he was also attacking the v/greatawakening community. You two have something in common - you don't tell the truth.

SearchVoat ago

Someone's talking about this!

'Looks like another uproot farm from mod of TA' was posted in v/ProtectVoat by @srgmpdns and permalinks this submission.

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high-valyrian ago

Mambo number five

Mumbleberry ago

Your farm is a failure.

high-valyrian ago

TESTING 2...3...4...

Doom1776 ago

Shall i assist with this test?

BleachyMcServerwiper ago

confirmed russian bot. you may proceed

Doom1776 ago


Mumbleberry ago

Upvoat farm fail. HAHAHAHAHAHA