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NeonRevolt ago

What the mods of this sub pulled when they came to Voat was straight up bullshit. All of it. And you backed them and threw bullshit shade on good people on this site. Is everyone who calls you on your bullshit a shill?

No, it wasn't. You're just too stupid and belligerent to understand what was clearly laid out for you time and time again. I'm surprised you can breathe and type at the same time. I'd imagine such a mental strain would overheat that pea-brain you have, and cause it to explode over the inside of your otherwise-empty skull.

I explained this multiple times. You are just hellbent on lying about what I wrote, and spreading those lies like cancer across whatever board you can find, every day, wasting people's time with endless hatespam, because that's all you do. You're a hatespammer.

But don't worry, I'm about to explain it once again in my next article for the exceptionally slow among us - and you should definitely include yourself in that category.

I was simply pointing out an obvious sock puppet and you popped out.

I was responding to a bunch of comments here, you absolute dolt. Check my history. I just responded to a bunch, one after the other. But once again, you think you're somehow special, despite having the IQ of a doorknob.

Get it into your head - you and your friends controlled the Q community on reddit. The reddit admins killed your community. You all came here. Welcome. Now realize that on Voat the community runs the show.

Yeah, you're so big, so powerful, so much in control that when I merely mentioned voat, it crippled your servers for a full day.

Get bent, you hatespamming loser. Plebs like you should have gotten their ears cleaned out with a few more toilet swirlies growing up. I'd be more than happy to oblige you in catching up now IRL, if you'd let me.

Mods are spam janitors. They can evenly enforce clearly defined submission rules, but tone-policing comments and banning users for opinions is out of bounds here. Ask yourself why you all feel the need to "rule".

I was never a mod. I contacted the mods to get details on a story, and coordinate a communal move. I never had any power, either here, or on reddit - and you didn't like the way the move was handled. Boo-hoo. So you're an entitled crybaby.

(Guess what? You're gonna be shocked with what just happened when I release my next article; that's how little you know about what's going on).

And the fact is, the mods wouldn't have to have banned anyone if you hadn't had bot teams assigned to them, downvoting everything they did - putting a 48 hour lock on every single setting change they made.

If you goats hadn't behaved like absolute braying jackasses from the get-go, spreading excrement through the sub and crippling the mods accounts, literally none of this would have happened.

Instead, you got to spend days posting irrelevant crap, and then complaining when mods removed it for being off-topic.

Yeah, sorry, your sense of entitlement is appalling. This website is open to literally anyone in the world. If you wanted a special enclave all to yourself, pay for your own server - like I do.

Or keep digging in with that self-important, entitled arrogance you have been transmitting and see how that works out for you.

I've been doing just fine, thanks. Much better than you do, you absolute worthless trash-clown.

SearchVoatBot ago

Bleep bloop, someone mentioned this comment!

'Useful @NeonRevolt links' was posted in v/Shitlist and includes this reply from @Rainy-Day-Dream:

according to a v/theawakening mod:

We are NOT NeonRevolt. He's not part of the mod team. Go cry to him about his behavior.

We are not in collusion with NeonRevolt

but according to ShekelRevolt himself:

I contacted the mods to get details on a story, and coordinate a communal move.

I was in the actual server they had, until this morning

This notification (#972) was posted automatically by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress this notification by adding a query(?) to the Voat link. More information here.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

I contacted the mods to get details on a story, and coordinate a communal move.

but they've said they don't collude with you and weren't in contact with you.

@kneo24 @Type-o-Negative

Type-o-Negative ago

Is there a way to jump to your convo without spending hours trying to find it?

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

just call neonrevolt a kike tbh, he's profiting off a movement he's clearly gaming for attention and shirt money

kneo24 ago


So which of you are liars here? Is it you, or @NeonRevolt?

kneo24 ago

And the fact is, the mods wouldn't have to have banned anyone if you hadn't had bot teams assigned to them, downvoting everything they did - putting a 48 hour lock on every single setting change they made.

That's not how Voat works at all.

For starters, Voat is a community. We all give each other shit, constantly. We also give each other some good natured ribbing and have fun. We bullshit. We talk about serious issues. Sometimes we get heated and call each other kikes. Sometimes we're passionate. We discuss things. We evaluate things. The shills are here too, constantly exposing themselves, and we're constantly fighting them off.

That downvoat brigade you witnessed? It wasn't bots, it was the immune system of the entire community. Had you bothered to learn anything about Voat, and you've had ample opportunity now, you would know this. All the while you sit there with your thumb up your ass, hoping to find a brown nugget to sniff, we're constantly keep the community and each other in check. If there are any outside infections, we all band together. I have been very combative int he past with many of the people here in this subverse.

On the "48 hour lock" bullshit. That has zero to do with downvotes. Not a damn thing. Every single subverse has a 48 hour lock after changing settings. Those people kept choosing to incorrectly change the settings, save it, and then blame it on some nefarious actors that couldn't have been one of them.

Instead of running your mouth like some know it all sitting in their basement wondering how to hide their kikery, you could try sitting back for once and learn something.

I'm sure you'll dismiss this because I called you some names. No one, probably not even your mother, cares about your feelings here, much less on your website where you try to earn shekels by selling substandard merchandise.

@kevdude @crensch @trigglypuff