Ps4Freedom ago

I sure started my Thanksgiving day with an incredible choice to read this thread! Thank you! And a big thanks to that Trigglypuff guy for the tenderizing of NR.

p.s. It's also fun to tell him how honorable he is...he loves to hear that.

NeonRevoltIsAKike ago

The Jew will always cry out in pain as he strikes you.

Rainmakr ago

Something always seemed A little off with NR, I think you are confirming this for me. Careful who you follow...

Blacksmith21 ago

It's the writing style. A little too self-aggrandizing for some.

srayzie ago

I guess they couldn’t explain because they deleted their comment lol

Romeo_Delta ago

NR's decodes are the most interesting and fact driven I've found short of 8ch which is a grab bag of genius level autists, shills and fools.

I learn something new on every article.

IDGAF if he sells some hats & t-shirts

If he were a shill or a black hat Q would call him out as opposed to linking to his data.

Judge NR on content not selling a few t-shirts & hats....let's be honest do you think he's about to buy an island off of a single hat design I mean c'mon..

Blacksmith21 ago

Read what I wrote and followed up on very carefully. Not only did I say nothing about his merchandise sales, but I have commented that I do not care if he sells Ts - hopefully they wind up on TV and spread Q far and wide.

I also wrote that I have read him pretty consistently, and still do, if for no other reason, it is another source of information.

My points raised in this OP stand on their on merit, unrelated to slinging t-shirts and jock straps.

Romeo_Delta ago

I admit I did not read your post in it's entirety...but I will. Also shouldn't have directed the t-shirts towards you in ignorance, that's just the general consensus of the comments I should've directed the comment correctly.

I too noticed a strange attitude towards Nazi ideology however I simply chalked that up to a lack of understanding on NR's part.

In any article I accept what is good and ignore the rest, I simply ignored NR's take on Nazism

Personally I believe our gov't is overrun with Nazi ideas with their need for complete unflinching control, I think we gave them a pass into S. America and their influence spread there as well as the Nazis who migrated into the CIA from the OSS in Paperclip.

Mob mentality seems to be the rule with NR most of the disdain is vague based on hat sales.

I know he's on 8ch I see his posts and he is up there with some of the best contributors, as well as a leading voice in the Patriot community.

Again, I will read your entire piece before commenting again.

Not that I think so at this point but I know it's entirely possible that I've missed something important.

Blacksmith21 ago

Oh, and have an upvoat for being intellectually honest.

Blacksmith21 ago

A lot of people are hung up on the merchandising. While Q alluded to people selling merchandise as being dishonest, I'll leave that open to interpretation. There are others who sell nothing, but do ask for a "tip" via Paypal/Patreon. Bandwidth isn't free.

Define "strange attitude towards Nazi ideology". If you mean there is a lot of Jew hate going on, then yes, most definitely. There isn't a simple answer to what I think you are intimating. The US left, born from the Klan and the slave economy of the deep South, have always been joined at the hip with Nazi socialist ideals and movements. That ideology became pervasive within the deep left and eventually worked it's way into the fabric of the Leftist and Communist movements within the US. Eventually, the Left figured out the phenomenon known as misdirection and started (with help of MSM and academia) in pinning the Nazi movement on the "right wing". Most of the "Nazis" are too stupid to even realize when they are screaming Jews this and kikes that, they are promoting Left wing totalitarian ideology, often called Nazi socialism, which is just another flavor of Communism in its many forms.

If you have not read "The Big Lie" by Dinesh D'Souza, you absolutely must.

Romeo_Delta ago

Haven't read it but saw his latest movie it was excellent as with everything I've seen & heard from D'Souza plus I learned a few things.

One storyline that was applicable to us was about a girl who opposed Hitler & his party's need for complete control over the minds of the German citizens.

Short story long; she was outed by Nazi sympathizing college students for spreading anti-Nazi pamphlets, jailed and executed.

That terrified me. It's the path our nation's schools and citizens are on now, D'Souza was jailed for that very thing.

Despite MAGA DJT Q Q+ POTUS we still cannot express ideas freely without being banned.

Were it not for MAGA, jail & executions were next. It's the only thing that satisfies Socialism.

Blacksmith21 ago

If HRC had been elected, I am pretty sure I would not be here writing right now. I was a known "enemy of the state". I still take me and my family's safety and protection very seriously and have no plan in letting my guard down anytime soon.

Try dropping "nigger" or "faggot" around some teens or 20-somethings. Watch them physically recoil. Words actually elicit a visceral response. Meanwhile, these same "sensitives" have no problem bumrushing a conservative politician at dinner, hitting a female Trump supporter in the head with eggs, bashing people with bike locks, etc. And the same can be said for many older Leftists, as the "peaceful protests" - disrupting Kavanaugh's confirmation hearings, ruining Cruz's dinner last night, etc. The more kinetic protests a la ANTIFA, is usually left to the younger brainwashed leftists.

Have you noticed that almost none of the extreme harassment incidents or the violence against conservatives almost always happens in locations where concealed carry is not allowed by the mere mortal citizen?

Lurker1955 ago

You are being accused of being ( as FOT) Fifth Column. See the NR site a few articles ago pre-Q ET drop. See a post from Trinidykidd on See also a submission on Voat by youllrememberme titled This is not a cause to divide blah blah blah ( posted on /22/18). I guess this will all sort itself out at some point. Then maybe we’ll know who was a black hat and who was a white hat.

Lurker1955 ago

You caught me. This is George Soros. Heard the FOT kevdude thing on Gab. Would have no idea how to prove it? If it’s not true ... sorry. If it is .... not sorry. Got to go. I’m having a lower lid bleph to get rid of those bags under my eyes today.

RussianBotRealNews ago

Don't trust anyone, even NR. Although so far he seems like an honest anon trying to understand Q and help others do the same.

Lurker1955 ago

kevdude is fartontoast by the way

SearchVoatBot ago

Bleep bloop, someone mentioned this submission!

'NEON REVOLT - where is the support for this hardworking super patriot?' was posted in v/QRV and includes this reply from @14030248:

This notification (#953) was posted automatically by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress this notification by adding a query(?) to the Voat link. More information here.

SearchVoat ago

Bleep bloop, someone mentioned this comment!

'Useful @NeonRevolt links' was posted in v/Shitlist by @Crensch and refers to this comment.

This notification (#817) was posted automatically by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress this notification by adding a query(?) to the Voat link. More information here.

OJW00 ago

There is a difference between being pro-capitalism and being a subversive psy-op....and Neon Revolt (IMHO) is the former. I've been following him since the start and dude just speaks his mind. To be sure, Q hasn't called him out...and has referenced some of his material/photos so there's that. And let's be honest here....honest feedback (when he occasionally calls Q out) is almost certainly appreciated by the Q team. So what, he sells a few t-shirts? Who f'ing cares. The bigger picture here is more imp't than this type of childish infighting. My 2 cents.

Blacksmith21 ago

I never expressed one word of concern about the merchandise selling. Others have, not me, not my post.

OJW00 ago

Gotcha. I was responding more in general to the cacophony of voices arrayed against him and apologize for not being more clear on that aspect of my response.

Blacksmith21 ago

No problem.

Blacksmith21 ago

59, I think.

Discover-it ago

NR nailed the Payseur reference by Q. He was the only one to do that that I know of... Q confirmed P = Payseur.

RedStormRising ago

@Blacksmith21 Thanks for the post.

I have to admit that I found the Q posts leading up to the NR post a little boring. Well, not boring so much as lacking meat. Disappointing in a small way maybe? My guess is others nay have felt that way too. Perhaps that feeling was what NR was exploiting.

The whole mod conflagration is lost on me. Not seasoned enough, I guess. But your Analysis and Observations I found compelling. Definitely food for thought. I know it has had a cautionary effect on me concerning NR. Much appreciated.

Blacksmith21 ago

I'm all about Analysis of Competing Hypotheses. The whole point of why we are here is to vet the truth. This is Information Warfare (IW). Alex Jones told you what he was doing, Information Warfare. Big Lie.

IW is a science. It's not AJ. This is the "wiki version". Research on the links within the article. All encompassing. Coordinated attacks and counter attacks. I've long suspected this.

Hermeticism ago

NeonRevolt has been putting in more hours of work than anyone has any right to claim.

He has made some of the strongest connections, including the link to the Payseur family. And our appreciation should be accordingly amenable.

The only people who would try and discredit Neon from having a say, would be those who think they can gain "power" over an open movement.

Literally ZERO private individuals should be held above us like Saints. Because once they are brought up high they will be used and twisted to make the movement fall that much farther.

If you truly want to help Q then help the people who actually pay to get the information out.


It didn't start with Q. It won't end with Q.

But no one is being forced to support him, and yet he still tries to provide the most indepth understanding to drops there is.

Blacksmith21 ago

It's good he has staunch supporters. And ones that don't sound like shills. If you'll notice, I only questioned. No conclusions drawn. That's what the HYPOTHESIS part was for.

ladyliberty_Q ago

Stop being butt hurt perhaps, and don't read Neon Revolts articles if they're so upsetting to you ;)

SearchVoat ago

Bleep bloop, someone mentioned this submission!

'QRV...a "Q" Code' was posted in v/QRV and includes this reply from @13987837:

This is what happened:

This notification (#658) was posted automatically by the Cross-Link Bot. More information here, including how to suppress these notifications.

SearchVoat ago

Bleep bloop, someone mentioned this submission!

'QRV...a "Q" Code' was posted in v/QRV and includes this reply from @13987818:

v/greatawakening are where the elders are. This is what happened:

This notification (#656) was posted automatically by the Cross-Link Bot. More information here, including how to suppress these notifications.

SearchVoat ago

Bleep bloop, someone mentioned this submission!

'QRV...a "Q" Code' was posted in v/QRV and includes this reply from @13987781:

How about this Patriot. From a sub-Boomer, but empty nester. What happened is I pulled the pin on the hand grenade:

This notification (#655) was posted automatically by the Cross-Link Bot. More information here, including how to suppress these notifications.

Shizy ago

You're badass @Trigglypuff!!!

qucho ago

I don't bother visiting his website any more, but I checked it out to take a look. Yeah, it was bad but not as bad as the one he had back when AJ turned on Trump. It was like watching SJWs cry on election night 2016.

Blacksmith21 ago

I used it, referring to the "bootlicking" comments at the bottom of his last puff piece. And the authors of the comments as "bootlickers". If anything, the other anon who used it in close timeprox, may have read my comment and assimilated the word. I do it to once in a while.

Lurker1955 ago

Hey Blacksmith21 why not take some more of Neon Revolt's comments out of context. Maybe you should think of getting a day job at WaPo. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt. You might not be a could just be really really paranoid. Park your enormous egos somewhere and stop the fucking infighting ASSHOLES!!! THE Deep State is watching.

Blacksmith21 ago

You are extremely off the mark my friend. I've been here for a long time with a very solid track record. I made ZERO accusations in my post regarding the NR post.

If you have an issue with anything in my post, why don't you copypasta, and provide a counter analysis instead of making baseless claims?

Lurker1955 ago

Perhaps I need to read your post again. I thought that you were attacking the blogger NR because he criticized Q drops in a recent Anon/Q question answer session. re copypaste etc. because I have no tech skills. Zero. I delegate all computer work to staff. I don't know anything about your track record and really have no dog in the "control Voat" battle except that I hate to see all this division and I really don't get it. My response to all of this infighting is 'WTF is wrong with you people'. How the hell are we supposed to rid the world of the evil SOB's who want to start WWIII when the "soldiers's noses are so easily put out of joint? So that does make me wonder about the motives of those doing the NR bashing and the "reddit refugees vs goats" battle. No wonder there's never been peace on earth. You guys seemingly can't keep it together for one day. If you're legit tell me what did you make of the Q drops about moon landings, ET and a plane hitting the Pentagon on 9/11. Was that not weird? Why respond to those questions when many other questions of more import were asked? Of course you are free to call me a "faggot-nigger" in which case I'll have the answer to my question. ( All the third grade-level name calling cracks me up actually.)

Blacksmith21 ago

LOL...I've lost track. Actually, I looked at that user account and it isn't off-base from what I'd write. No activity. And shitty punctuation and grammar, especially with proper nouns. Not my bag.

And yes, I am still waiting for clarification from NR regarding my "spreading disinfo".

Blacksmith21 ago

Go back and look at posts from whomever used the phrase "bootlick" and see if it sounds like anything I would ever write.

Blacksmith21 ago

I'm trying to follow this convo interspersed and losing the battle. Grr....need to get back to yardwork.

Blacksmith21 ago

Nope not a bit. I'm a one and only. I used "Lodestar" in a comment 5 hours before it came to the surface. Does that make me Q?

AllHeadsDowntoBow ago

As all worthwhile things must be stolen at least twice, you may hqve my blessing.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

they said it a couple of times:

We are NOT NeonRevolt. He's not part of the mod team. Go cry to him about his behavior.

We are not in collusion with NeonRevolt

qucho ago

I fully agree with your statements.

Before he put his server on a cloud service, he used to have a physical server that DOS'ed every day once he started getting attention. The dude made this insanely long posts on his blog (that's basically what his website is) with so many large images, it's no wonder his server couldn't handle the load. So much for his IQ.

He must have really desperate for fame, he moved hus server on Cloudfare. During that time, I ran a DNS lookup on his domain. His server was located in Europe (Finland, if memory serves me; that explains his British English).

As for NR's posts, he quickly struck me as an easily agitated dude, with a similar behavior as Alex Jones. He's had some epic meltdowns over time. The first one was around the time Trump punked the Chinese premiere by bombing an isolated Syria base while he visited Mar-a-Lago. NR bashed Q and arrogantly dismissed every single Q post for several days. Funny that Alex Jones turned on Trump exactly the same way. That was strike one.

After NR moved his server to the cloud, he started censoring comnents on his "articles", not only by email but by IP too. Additionally his famefagging on Reddit and 8Chan become way too obvious. That was strike two.

Then came the best part. His sudden interested in the phony story about "caves" used for raping kids in Arizona, complete with kid-trafficking routes. Dude! That shit was so phony, it didn't pass the smelling test. It was clearly a setup to trap Q followers into another Pizzagate. NR chased like a good dog digs for a bone, only to find out there is none. That was strike three.

NR is a disinformation pupil just like his idol Alex Jones.

Hey NR, in case you read this, strikes are a reference to baseball, America's favorite sport. Three strikes and you are outta here!

Blacksmith21 ago

@kevdude ^^^ Enter for the record.

JackBeowulf ago

@black. nice write up, and not one cuss word. will add to my info and go from there. i didn't have an issue with NR selling his merc for $$ to pay for his site, but if he is disinfo, well that would be bad for everyone. anyway, thxs for info.

Blacksmith21 ago

Everyone needs to come to their own conclusion. Some will never be convinced.

SearchVoat ago

Bleep bloop, someone mentioned this submission!

'Q, why re-insert the GA mod team here? We want UNITY, but at what price?' was posted in v/QRV and includes this reply from @13972990:

You should clarify between r/GA and v/GA. Two entirely different things. v/GA are the ones who outed Neon Revolt:

This notification (#522) was posted automatically by the Cross-Link Bot. More information here, including how to suppress these notifications.

abyssmal ago

Hey, this is pretty good info. Thank you for taking the time for a decent write up.

The_Crusader ago

The Führer would be proud of you my friend.

tokui ago

NR means well, but he's hampered by immaturity.

How immature? Well, he didn't know "Peanut Farmer" is Jimmy Carter... Is he acchually Brit? Well, he brushed it off, saying - "at risk of self-doxing" - that he didn't get the "Peanut Farmer" = Jimmt Carter reference due to his youth. Every American who knows Jimmy Carter, knows "Peanut Farmer".

How immature? He constantly gloats and brags when he believes Q recycles one of his edited (ie, formatted for his site) graphics.

How immature? He brags about being a chan veteran. Then he demurrs, claims it's a sewer and he's Snow White and, ostensibly, reluctantly wading through the garbage for the benefit of The Greater Normie.

How immature? Again, constant vanity & famefagging. Someone comments on that he NR was mentioned on DRUDGE - he about spews his fauntleroy shorts. He never seems to have a nice word to say about other decoders, more well known than himself, or if he does, it's rather parsimonious. Also, seems to avoid mentioning other decoders, unless absolutely forced to (eg, big decode by them). Loves to post his "anon" posts from the Q board, "Look at me".

How immature? Neverending "woe is me". Headaches. Sleepiness. Fatigue. Frustration. Unappreciation. Just. Non. Stop.

How immature? Shrilling constantly about how many readers & followers he has, how much influence he has.

Honestly, most of his "articles" read like bitching & moaning opinion pieces. He does very little actual decoding himself. Virtually all the info is pulled from the Q boards. Even the big Payseur piece was largely based on very old articles online - verbatim.

NR can be petty, but I wouldn't peg him as deliberately a cunt. My read off him is he's acchually much more newfag than he wants to let on, wants to be a leaderfag.

AllHeadsDowntoBow ago

Can I masturbate in your bathwater?

shadow332 ago

Haha what a faggot. This person writes like a woman, all bitchy, emotional condescending with name-calling. I wouldn't even bother with this cunt.

NeonRevoltIsAKike ago

That is because he has to live with a permanently prolapsed anus. I am sure you would be on edge too, if your bull treated you like that too!

MadWorld ago

XD Fantastic, you should pick on jews and expose their bullshits more often!!!

13970778? ago

Whew- his ass must be chapped. I love Voat.

13970714? ago

Between you and Microchip...dang, I've never seen someone take this bad of a beating. LOL

SearchVoat ago

Bleep bloop, someone mentioned this comment!

'@trigglypuff destroys @neonrevolt' was posted in v/bestof by @kevdude and refers to this comment.

This notification (#500) was posted automatically by the Cross-Link Bot. More information here, including how to suppress these notifications.

SearchVoat ago

Bleep bloop, someone mentioned this submission!

'Q 2266: Q is Coming to VOAT!!' was posted in v/theawakening and includes this reply from @Gray_Champion:

Make up your own mind but unfortunately Neon appears compromised. See opinion of Blacksmith21 "Observations of Neon Revolt's Latest Article" For video version: Go to minute 44:50.


This notification (#499) was posted automatically by the Cross-Link Bot. More information here, including how to suppress these notifications.

NeonRevolt ago

You used the word "I" 12 times.

Well, to be fair, "YOU" haven't really been worth addressing here.

TIL that it was you mentioning Voat and not everyone migrating here because of Qpub. Or are you claiming to be Qpub

Are you so dumb that you're now conflating the two?

Here's the order of events, because you're too dumb to recall on your:

I announced it first.

8ch announced it next.

Qpub announced it after both.

I brought like 4000 people here in under an hour. The rest streamed in over the next week. It's not my fault that your servers couldn't handle it, but it certainly is your fault that you trashed the boards with hatespam during that time.

The only stuff I posted to TA was to explain to new users how the site mechanism worked and to let them know there was a Q site where they could earn ccp and participate in the site. Odd that mods would have a problem with that.

Yeah, I saw your posts. I know exactly how they were worded. Stop lying and misrepresenting your actions. Grow a spine and take accountability for your useless hide. You might actually have some decency worth preserving.

And your proof is? That was actually a bunch of users hitting them. We do that to mods who overstep here. This isn't reddit.

You're lucky I wasn't mod, because I would have banned every single one of you, without remorse and without prejudice. I don't care what you think this is. I would have stayed up extra hours just to grind it out with each of you pathetic, subhuman scumbags who did nothing but post hatespam and offtopic garbage, in an effort to derail genuine discussion.

You're pathetic, you and your lot.

YEah I never said that. Just let you know what all the users of this site won't tolerate.

You didn't have to. You gleefully fed fuel to the flames and never made an effort to understand any of the things that were going on. You just endlessly inflammed other users and got them to post endless disruptive hatespam for you.

I'll bet. This movement is really driving T-shirt sales for you. Good on you. A true paytriot.

Oh no, he called me a "paytriot" again, because I sell T-shirts to cover my server costs, and literally approach research as a full-time job, in order to SUPPORT THE COMMUNITY.

How will I ever recover?

(And for the record, I used the word "You/your/you're" here 14 times, you childish moron).

NeonRevoltIsAKike ago

Holy shit, you're just as much of a cunt as I thought you would be, Schlomo.

GoodGodKirk ago

To be fair, you’re attempting to make a profit off of someone who freely drops clues. You bought the server, no one forced you to.

shadow332 ago

"you absolute worthless trash-clown."

"Are you so dumb"

"you childish moron"

using "like"

struggling to convey authority but can't do it correctly

You write with way too much emotion and too little reason. Very irrational and irritating writing style - I can almost hear the whiny jabbering. You must be a woman. I would have stopped reading but @kevdude called you out and and wrecked you so it was wirth the read.

NeonRevoltIsAKike ago

I am surprised he did not end that bitchfest with a T-shirt pitch.

NeonRevolt ago

Nobody cares what you were doing.

And no one would buy crap from you anyway, you useless garbagebag of a human.

NeonRevolt ago

Pfft. Piss off, grasshopper. Where were you when I was running #OperationStopSoros?

NeonRevolt ago

What the mods of this sub pulled when they came to Voat was straight up bullshit. All of it. And you backed them and threw bullshit shade on good people on this site. Is everyone who calls you on your bullshit a shill?

No, it wasn't. You're just too stupid and belligerent to understand what was clearly laid out for you time and time again. I'm surprised you can breathe and type at the same time. I'd imagine such a mental strain would overheat that pea-brain you have, and cause it to explode over the inside of your otherwise-empty skull.

I explained this multiple times. You are just hellbent on lying about what I wrote, and spreading those lies like cancer across whatever board you can find, every day, wasting people's time with endless hatespam, because that's all you do. You're a hatespammer.

But don't worry, I'm about to explain it once again in my next article for the exceptionally slow among us - and you should definitely include yourself in that category.

I was simply pointing out an obvious sock puppet and you popped out.

I was responding to a bunch of comments here, you absolute dolt. Check my history. I just responded to a bunch, one after the other. But once again, you think you're somehow special, despite having the IQ of a doorknob.

Get it into your head - you and your friends controlled the Q community on reddit. The reddit admins killed your community. You all came here. Welcome. Now realize that on Voat the community runs the show.

Yeah, you're so big, so powerful, so much in control that when I merely mentioned voat, it crippled your servers for a full day.

Get bent, you hatespamming loser. Plebs like you should have gotten their ears cleaned out with a few more toilet swirlies growing up. I'd be more than happy to oblige you in catching up now IRL, if you'd let me.

Mods are spam janitors. They can evenly enforce clearly defined submission rules, but tone-policing comments and banning users for opinions is out of bounds here. Ask yourself why you all feel the need to "rule".

I was never a mod. I contacted the mods to get details on a story, and coordinate a communal move. I never had any power, either here, or on reddit - and you didn't like the way the move was handled. Boo-hoo. So you're an entitled crybaby.

(Guess what? You're gonna be shocked with what just happened when I release my next article; that's how little you know about what's going on).

And the fact is, the mods wouldn't have to have banned anyone if you hadn't had bot teams assigned to them, downvoting everything they did - putting a 48 hour lock on every single setting change they made.

If you goats hadn't behaved like absolute braying jackasses from the get-go, spreading excrement through the sub and crippling the mods accounts, literally none of this would have happened.

Instead, you got to spend days posting irrelevant crap, and then complaining when mods removed it for being off-topic.

Yeah, sorry, your sense of entitlement is appalling. This website is open to literally anyone in the world. If you wanted a special enclave all to yourself, pay for your own server - like I do.

Or keep digging in with that self-important, entitled arrogance you have been transmitting and see how that works out for you.

I've been doing just fine, thanks. Much better than you do, you absolute worthless trash-clown.

SearchVoatBot ago

Bleep bloop, someone mentioned this comment!

'Useful @NeonRevolt links' was posted in v/Shitlist and includes this reply from @Rainy-Day-Dream:

according to a v/theawakening mod:

We are NOT NeonRevolt. He's not part of the mod team. Go cry to him about his behavior.

We are not in collusion with NeonRevolt

but according to ShekelRevolt himself:

I contacted the mods to get details on a story, and coordinate a communal move.

I was in the actual server they had, until this morning

This notification (#972) was posted automatically by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress this notification by adding a query(?) to the Voat link. More information here.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

I contacted the mods to get details on a story, and coordinate a communal move.

but they've said they don't collude with you and weren't in contact with you.

@kneo24 @Type-o-Negative

Type-o-Negative ago

Is there a way to jump to your convo without spending hours trying to find it?

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

just call neonrevolt a kike tbh, he's profiting off a movement he's clearly gaming for attention and shirt money

kneo24 ago


So which of you are liars here? Is it you, or @NeonRevolt?

kneo24 ago

And the fact is, the mods wouldn't have to have banned anyone if you hadn't had bot teams assigned to them, downvoting everything they did - putting a 48 hour lock on every single setting change they made.

That's not how Voat works at all.

For starters, Voat is a community. We all give each other shit, constantly. We also give each other some good natured ribbing and have fun. We bullshit. We talk about serious issues. Sometimes we get heated and call each other kikes. Sometimes we're passionate. We discuss things. We evaluate things. The shills are here too, constantly exposing themselves, and we're constantly fighting them off.

That downvoat brigade you witnessed? It wasn't bots, it was the immune system of the entire community. Had you bothered to learn anything about Voat, and you've had ample opportunity now, you would know this. All the while you sit there with your thumb up your ass, hoping to find a brown nugget to sniff, we're constantly keep the community and each other in check. If there are any outside infections, we all band together. I have been very combative int he past with many of the people here in this subverse.

On the "48 hour lock" bullshit. That has zero to do with downvotes. Not a damn thing. Every single subverse has a 48 hour lock after changing settings. Those people kept choosing to incorrectly change the settings, save it, and then blame it on some nefarious actors that couldn't have been one of them.

Instead of running your mouth like some know it all sitting in their basement wondering how to hide their kikery, you could try sitting back for once and learn something.

I'm sure you'll dismiss this because I called you some names. No one, probably not even your mother, cares about your feelings here, much less on your website where you try to earn shekels by selling substandard merchandise.

@kevdude @crensch @trigglypuff

Vindicator ago

This kind of feels like it's 1776, and we're the homesteading minutemen in the mountain frontiers of North Carolina, trying to be organized to "fight for freedom" by that degenerate lush propagandist Ben Franklin.

There's nothing quite like being tone policed by the tone deaf, LOL.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

he didn't just back them he's in their discord

NeonRevolt ago

That's actually a pretty open discord that just about anyone can join. It has over 500 members, and it's, as you can see, a backup for the official QCA server - which has even more.

Those servers aren't some secret.

But I was in the actual server they had, until this morning, when one mod got mad at me for writing my last article.

But again, none of this was a secret. I even wrote about it in my article.

SearchVoatBot ago

Bleep bloop, someone mentioned this comment!

'Useful @NeonRevolt links' was posted in v/Shitlist and includes this reply from @Rainy-Day-Dream:

according to a v/theawakening mod:

We are NOT NeonRevolt. He's not part of the mod team. Go cry to him about his behavior.

We are not in collusion with NeonRevolt

but according to ShekelRevolt himself:

I contacted the mods to get details on a story, and coordinate a communal move.

I was in the actual server they had, until this morning

This notification (#973) was posted automatically by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress this notification by adding a query(?) to the Voat link. More information here.

SearchVoat ago

Bleep bloop, someone mentioned this comment!

'Useful @NeonRevolt links' was posted in v/Shitlist by @Crensch and refers to this comment.

This notification (#822) was posted automatically by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress this notification by adding a query(?) to the Voat link. More information here.

Type-o-Negative ago

Why confuse thousands of people to move the “official board” and yet move them again 1 week later when this is just a temp move for now. It even says it on the right side of v/theawakening.

Can you explain all this to me Ronald? It just doesnt make sense.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

that's what is strange tho, because that's what I assumed from the beginning based on the way you talked and acted but the v/theawakening mods that came here from reddit have denied being in contact with you multiple times.

13965507? ago

Said it better than me bro

Crensch ago

Neoncuck making himself look stupid again.

@Trigglypuff @Rainy-Day-Dream @Vindicator @gabara @ExpertShitposter

Vindicator ago

What @neonrevolt doesn't realize despite @kevdude's tutelage is that good Voat folk have been working on the Great Awakening -- often against much shilling -- since before Q was a twinkle in Trump's eye. He's a noob, and it shows. Pride comes before a fall.

NeonRevolt ago

I have no affiliation with the above account.

I suppose you could ask Putt to verify, if you don't believe me. Which, given that you've been shilling against me for two weeks straight, I imagine you don't.

kneo24 ago

Hey kikefaggot, you still owe @srayzie and apology for the hit piece you wrote about her sub. A ping list is no indication that a subverse is compromised.

Maybe, just maybe, if you expressed the tiniest amount of humility, people just might lay off a little. What you've done instead is double down relentlessly.

SearchVoat ago

Bleep bloop, someone mentioned this comment!

'Qanon Requests New Subverse After seeing NeonGayRevolt Take All followers and Move them To Location where they can be manipulated and censored without reprocussions.' was posted in v/GreatAwakening and includes this reply from @Crensch:

This is your guy right now.

This notification (#496) was posted automatically by the Cross-Link Bot. More information here, including how to suppress these notifications.

SearchVoat ago

Bleep bloop, someone mentioned this comment!

'Qanon Requests New Subverse After seeing NeonGayRevolt Take All followers and Move them To Location where they can be manipulated and censored without reprocussions.' was posted in v/GreatAwakening and includes this reply from @Crensch:

Just in case you were interested in more NR stuff

@TwitterBannedIt @finessa

This notification (#497) was posted automatically by the Cross-Link Bot. More information here, including how to suppress these notifications.

srayzie ago

Didn’t you say you were working with board owners to investigate the sock puppet situation?

NeonRevolt ago

Yes, but what does that have to do with the account referenced above?

VetGoat84 ago

You are a divisive faggot. Do u/kevdude's AMA. prove us wrong

NeonRevolt ago

Nah. I won't be backed into a corner by dishonest commentors, just because they find new ways to express their rage every day.

If he was honest, I would consider it, but he's not. Just look at his comment history.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

hey Moshe, how's the t-shirt business treating you?

NeonRevolt ago

Hurhurhur, hey guys! He called me Jewish! Isn't that just soooooo edgy and original!

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

now now shlomo it's okay

Crensch ago

If kevdude gets paid to do what he does, then someone is paying him to stick to what most closely resembles reality.

You, on the other hand, had an ulterior motive in keeping your fans under your thumb. Don't worry, no matter what happens going forward, the goats here will make sure everyone knows what you've done.

Everyone tried to warn you before, and you took no note and continued on as if you could survive anything; regret affecting your sleep?

NeonRevolt ago

No, he's not. He's deliberately misrepresenting me at every turn, multiple times a day. It's such a gordian knot, I don't even know where to begin with him, because you can't argue with someone who is fundamentally dishonest.

And the thing is... the mods you have now? The ones Q endorsed for v/QRV?


I'm going to explain this more in my next article, how I tried to explain this without doxxing anyone, but you braying idiots couldn't listen long enough, and kept pretending like I was trying to persecute you in order to, idk, feel special or something.

So now, you literally end up with the exact same people at the helm as /v/TheAwakening.

Heck, Pen friggin NAMED /v/TheAwakening.

So congrats. All you morons disrupted 10+ days of research, scared thousands of good users off your site, and were able to call everyone who was trying to help the whole time all sorts of horrible things.

Real effective. Yeah, real good job, you utter mouthbreathing morons.

Crensch ago

No, he's not. He's deliberately misrepresenting me at every turn, multiple times a day.

Is that why all the new people seem to accept that you're a lying piece of shit now? Good evidence and arguments will do that.

It's such a gordian knot, I don't even know where to begin with him, because you can't argue with someone who is fundamentally dishonest.

You showed up and were fundamentally dishonest. Your blogpost was fundamentally dishonest, and instead of apologizing and directing your fans to a non-compromised subverse, you persisted and got blasted over and over.

And the thing is... the mods you have now? The ones Q endorsed for v/QRV?


Then Q either made a mistake, or knows that the goats on this website will continue to destroy you and your ilk until the users finally wake up and go somewhere without compromised mods.

That you and they are shady, lying, divisive fucks is a matter of public record.

I'm going to explain this more in my next article, how I tried to explain this without doxxing anyone, but you braying idiots couldn't listen long enough, and kept pretending like I was trying to persecute you in order to, idk, feel special or something.

You are meaningless to most on this website. You made a mic-drop moment of a long-winded horseshit blogpost out of a complete fabrication and hilarious absurdity.

That's all I needed to decide to wreck you, and the goats here decided to make sure to leave you with not even an ounce of dignity.

So now, you literally end up with the exact same people at the helm as /v/TheAwakening.

And they will be destroyed in the exact same way; their own stupidity.

Heck, Pen friggin NAMED /v/TheAwakening.

I don't know who that is, and nobody that matters really cares. The lot of you are low intellect, as evidenced by your non-stop 'mistakes' that you keep doubling down on despite offers from goats to help, and you'll continue making openings for goats to attack and convince users that something is very wrong with you.

So congrats. All you morons disrupted 10+ days of research, scared thousands of good users off your site, and were able to call everyone who was trying to help the whole time all sorts of horrible things.

And you could have stopped all of that by communicating with the natives, but you were too full of yourselves to think that a bunch of racists on a small website could repel thousands and destroy you in the process.

Real effective. Yeah, real good job, you utter mouthbreathing morons.

We might be morons, but we beat you like a side of beef, and it shows.

@kevdude @srayzie @Trigglypuff @Vindicator @gabara

NeonRevolt ago

Is that why all the new people seem to accept that you're a lying piece of shit now? Good evidence and arguments will do that.

No, you're wrong. Very few people believe your garbage logic.

You showed up and were fundamentally dishonest. Your blogpost was fundamentally dishonest, and instead of apologizing and directing your fans to a non-compromised subverse, you persisted and got blasted over and over.

No, I wasn't. You were just an entitled jackass.

Then Q either made a mistake, or knows that the goats on this website will continue to destroy you and your ilk until the users finally wake up and go somewhere without compromised mods.

Okay, so for the record, you, u/Crensch, are saying Q is wrong.

You are meaningless to most on this website. You made a mic-drop moment of a long-winded horseshit blogpost out of a complete fabrication and hilarious absurdity.

That's all I needed to decide to wreck you, and the goats here decided to make sure to leave you with not even an ounce of dignity.

You didn't even make a dent, buddy. Not one scratch. You just made yourself look bad, and you UTTERLY FAILED in your mission to disrupt anyway, because the community ended up with the same mods I endorsed.

You're not setting the pace here, buddy. You're half-a-dozen laps behind everyone else.

And they will be destroyed in the exact same way; their own stupidity.

Nah. You've gone against Q now, and his selected people.

You will be the one worse for the wear.

I don't know who that is, and nobody that matters really cares.

Yup, because you're dumb and don't pay attention.

The lot of you are low intellect, as evidenced by your non-stop 'mistakes' that you keep doubling down on despite offers from goats to help, and you'll continue making openings for goats to attack and convince users that something is very wrong with you.

You didn't offer to help. You spammed up the board with racist BS, hid behind "free speech," created bots to mass downvote, and generally acted like morons.

And you could have stopped all of that by communicating with the natives, but you were too full of yourselves to think that a bunch of racists on a small website could repel thousands and destroy you in the process.

So entitled. You don't behave this way to anyone else who joins voat. So entitled.

We might be morons, but we beat you like a side of beef, and it shows.

Nah, like I said, barely a scratch. Your incessant hateposting makes you look weak, and makes no one want to associate with you.

Crensch ago

No, you're wrong. Very few people believe your garbage logic.

And the ones that do all seem to be tossing you out of their lives. Don't worry, those numbers will continue to grow - faster than your replacement numbers.

No, I wasn't. You were just an entitled jackass.

Says the guy that invaded with a censorious, ban-happy mod team and didn't even bother to ask or respond to the locals. You felt entitled to perform your Reddit censorship and fan control here, didn't you? Trying to keep them in a safe-space bubble so you could sell your hats, right?

Okay, so for the record, you, u/Crensch, are saying Q is wrong.

Did I, or did I not, give two options there?

You didn't even make a dent, buddy. Not one scratch. You just made yourself look bad, and you UTTERLY FAILED in your mission to disrupt anyway, because the community ended up with the same mods I endorsed.

Powerless to enforce what you want them to enforce. Powerless to do anything to keep your audience from finding out what a scumbag you and your ilk are.

You're not setting the pace here, buddy. You're half-a-dozen laps behind everyone else.

Which is why you tucked tail and ran off to 8ch, right? This is your brain on Reddit. Somehow the locals that repelled you are behind you; kek.

Nah. You've gone against Q now, and his selected people.

Says the great divider, and liar. How 'bout that ping list, buddy? Oh, and your latest blog post? Yeah, looks like you're TOTALLY on board. Kek.

You will be the one worse for the wear.

You really don't understand how badly you got stomped here, do you?

Yup, because you're dumb and don't pay attention.

I don't care. All you namefags like AJ and Corsi and NeonRevolt all have some merch to sell, and you all will be exposed in the same way. Well, at least you'll be in good company, for someone of your caliber.

You didn't offer to help. You spammed up the board with racist BS, hid behind "free speech," created bots to mass downvote, and generally acted like morons.

Except many did, and nobody cares about your poor feefees. Your Reddit fans are gobbling up every single link we make where you've tried to defend yourself, and they don't really seem to care that I'm a racist anymore. What does that tell you?

So entitled. You don't behave this way to anyone else who joins voat. So entitled.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA @kevdude @Trigglypuff @Vindicator @ExpertShitposter @gabara

This faggot thinks we don't do this to every wave that comes in. That we didn't repel The_Donald.



Oh, man. I couldn't buy better entertainment than you.

Nah, like I said, barely a scratch. Your incessant hateposting makes you look weak, and makes no one want to associate with you.

Your support dwindles in every submission we make. We get to see it real-time.

They'll take that info and spread it, because it's true. That's what you don't seem to get.

We won't let you call it a draw.

kestrel9 ago

A few days ago I was going to post about how I disagreed with NR's interpretation of Qdrops, when he told everyone that Voat was going down and only he himself, NR, had the judgement to lead his people...

However, In the spirit of the not driving away some of the new people on voat, I didn't make the post, because they really trust NR's analysis. And I figured NR would find out sooner or later whether he was right or wrong. I did find it odd he told redditors to not meet on v/GR after the Mea Culpa blog.

But I did mention my thoughts about it here when responding to Skeeterdo

–] Skeeterdo 8 points (+8|-0) 3 days ago

"The Jewish cabal is out to get me." A remark repeated by Nixon several times in private conversations.

I don't know but this guy is beyond ridiculous.

Doesn't cabal come from kabbalah?

I responded:

[–] kestrel9 7 points (+7|-0) 3 days ago

Doesn't cabal come from kabbalah? Yes I believe that is correct.

I don't know but this guy is beyond ridiculous.

He's painted himself into a corner imo. For what it's worth I believe he misinterpreted what Q meant by 'tracking sites', meaning that I believe Q was referring to BIG CENSORSHIP related platforms: Twatter, YouTube, FB, and reddit...

Then earlier today, after reading comments about NR's blog, I wondered "What if NR realized he misinterpreted and misjudged by rejecting voat in the way he did, and so he made a pissy blog in order to cover his ass (by casting doubt on Q).

Bee_a_Rebel ago

NR does excellent research - very in depth. I disagree with your analysis. We need to seek the truth and revising extensive research will help us find the truth.

everlastingphelps ago

He doesn't do any research, he just repackages what the anons on /qresearch put together.

Blacksmith21 ago

What part, specifically, do you disagree with?

Bee_a_Rebel ago

I would say that we should stick together. Each of us has different perspective and we can learn from each other. To call someone disinformation agent just b/c they are frustrated with Recent Q drops, foments discord and fractures the movement. NR's research outweighs any recent negative comments from his recent post. That is what I disagree with: throwing the baby out with the bath water

Blacksmith21 ago

Curious, if you caught a friend stealing from you, what would you do?

Kumomodo ago

P I E D P I P E R S E L L I N G T - S H I R T S

Blacksmith21 ago

You better run to Cafe Press real quick!

Captainfancypants ago

I've left comments on his postings under two different accounts and they are NEVER included. He doesn't like what I comment.

Blacksmith21 ago

@srayzie @shizy @molochhunter @vindicator @kevdude

"When a page gets as large as mine"

ℕ𝔼𝕆ℕ ℝ𝔼𝕍𝕆𝕃𝕋 @NeonRevolt PRO 4 hours ago

Some people mistakenly think being a #QAnon follower means you just hop-to, like a good little soldier, and that there's no room for pushback, no room for questions, no room for feedback, or even for doubt. They simply can't handle when I deliver negative feedback through my articles.

So go ahead. Call me Mossad. Say I'm a "concern-troll." Say The Cabal has "gotten" to me. Think whatever you want to think. When a page gets as large as mine, it doesn't matter what kind of moves you make - someone, somewhere is going to have a problem with you, no matter what you do.

And so, I will continue to do exactly what I've always done since the beginning - which is say exactly what I think - even if that means saying something incredibly unpopular.

If you're too weak to handle that, by all means, go somewhere else.

I will not be rate-limited by other people's cowardice or dishonesty.

I continue to do what I've always done - with or without others.

ladyliberty_Q ago

so much envy, you guys need more to do

Lurker1955 ago

Blacksmith21 just curious. Are you a content provider?

Blacksmith21 ago

Negative. The only place I am found online is v/PG, v/GA, v/MKU, and Voat with my whopping 77 followers. Period.

Lurker1955 ago

Just wondered.

Shizy ago

Someone sure is full of himself!

Blacksmith21 ago

You should read the comments.

MolochHunter ago


Blacksmith21 ago

Dude. Latest Q Post:

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 27c3e6 No.3130330 📁 Sep 21 2018 19:39:53 (EST) /BO/ thank you for your service People are scattered since Reddit termination What about starting a trusted VOAT board under your direction? If you build it - they will come. Q

Vindicator ago

Dude's an ass.

Blacksmith21 ago

Have you read the boot lick comments? LOL.

Vindicator ago

Too nauseated to read that dude's comments. I stopped reading him a month or so ago.

Do you think his shit on "Payseur" = [P] is disinfo?

Commerical_Storage ago

yeah Ive made a few observations of my own as a follower of neon..and she (I think hes a she) is really getting up my nose with her whinging about Q .. and yes she does speak English Im a colonized Kiwi I feel very comfortable with her writing style..but alas I think you might be right about her as Ive suspected for awhile an attempt to divide us..much like AJ (who I used to follow)

Type-o-Negative ago

Nice try on the disinfo but dont forget, your dumbass co-worker doxed himself to me. I even know where he lives now. :)

Blacksmith21 ago

ℕ𝔼𝕆ℕ ℝ𝔼𝕍𝕆𝕃𝕋 @NeonRevolt PRO 4 hours ago Some people mistakenly think being a #QAnon follower means you just hop-to, like a good little soldier, and that there's no room for pushback, no room for questions, no room for feedback, or even for doubt. They simply can't handle when I deliver negative feedback through my articles.

So go ahead. Call me Mossad. Say I'm a "concern-troll." Say The Cabal has "gotten" to me. Think whatever you want to think. When a page gets as large as mine, it doesn't matter what kind of moves you make - someone, somewhere is going to have a problem with you, no matter what you do.

And so, I will continue to do exactly what I've always done since the beginning - which is say exactly what I think - even if that means saying something incredibly unpopular.

If you're too weak to handle that, by all means, go somewhere else.

I will not be rate-limited by other people's cowardice or dishonesty.

I continue to do what I've always done - with or without others.

Don_Tomaso ago

The answer is pretty simple, you´we had it for a long time now.

..there is only Q!

Blacksmith21 ago

Not a religion. Not a Qult. Just a reliable source of information and intelligence which has never been proven untrue. To not follow the truth is to blind yourself.

Don_Tomaso ago

If you know all is true there why is this thread up then?

Blacksmith21 ago

I didn't say it was all true. I said none of it has been proven untrue. Theories require endless testing and validation.

The "truth" you follow should be what you prove to yourself to be true. Socratic method.

Don_Tomaso ago

Obviously that approach is not working en masse or need I remind you to:

"Tell that to half the blue pill population"?

A lot of sheep require to be led and where they are to be led is not up for interpretation. It is enough that AJ turned out to be a plant, imagine how many blues turned reds on that "truth" will now go back ashamed.

There is only Q

StormVet6 ago

In both subs, ever since we jumped in. Shills.

Blacksmith21 ago

They never left.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

the whole selling shirts thing didn't tip you off? are you retarded?

Blacksmith21 ago

The first Q posts had pop up ads. 'Member?

crownedfive ago

has Q ever even linked to anything NR related? we know Q has linked to praying medic before (I think) and SB2 even. they have the tech to know who's an infiltraitor and who's not.

Blacksmith21 ago

No. But "revolt" did:

"Some things must remain classified to the very end. NK is not being run by Kim, he’s an actor in the play. Who is the director? The truth would sound so outrageous most Americans would riot, revolt, reject, etc. The pedo networks are being dismantled. The child abductions for satanic rituals (ie Haiti and other 3rd world countries) are paused (not terminated until players in custody). We pray every single day for God’s guidance and direction as we are truly up against pure evil."

RussianBot_1776 ago

I never read any of his articles for decodes or opinions on Q crumbs. I only read research like the stuff around the cabal, Payseurs, Arkansas connection, etc. I found it all quite interesting, but overflowing with speculation and no really solid connections. I appreciated all the work put in, but I don't think it moved the ball forward in any meaningful ways.

Blacksmith21 ago

You should read everything as an analyst when reading from an unknown, unverified source.

RussianBot_1776 ago

Agreed. I "think differently" than just about anybody I've ever come across. But I've certainly felt some comaradarie with a lot of the Q movement followers over the past 10 months. It's been fun. Thought I was nearly alone in the world with the "way I thought". I'm an old-school, black belt, tin-foil hat-wearing conspiracy factualist. I literally never believe a single thing I read until I can find strong, verifiable confirmation.

Further, I find it pointless to read 3rd party Q decodes as I understand most with a simple direct reading on 8Chan. Whatever I don't "get", somebody in a (formerly Reddit) or Voat post usually fills in the gaps.

I just don't understand why go to NRs blog or for that matter, spend 40-minutes listening to Praying Medic. I love the guy and think he does a fantastic job, but it's just a rehash of what I read the day or two before on 8Chan.

Anyway, I suppose this thread is all about whether NR is a uniter or a divider. I'll let the community work that out and keep on keepin' on.


Holymolyballz.. Sure makes a guy appreciate his quality mods & fellow Patriades!

StormVet6 ago

That was the worst, most critical article from Neon I have ever read. If his intent is to ensure that folks drop from his site and not buy his merch, he has succeeded.

Blacksmith21 ago


StormVet6 ago

I also came over in the great wave. I was hoping to connect again with those I was working with over there and folks that moved over here before I started. I am shocked at the change by Neon, and it does make me a bit suspicious. Keep in mind I'm a free thinker and researcher, but I did like his analysis in the past and it did help. Ever since the jump, I've been wanting to see who was involved in getting us kicked out, especially any infiltrators (spies). They will get theirs in the end.

Blacksmith21 ago

Affix bayonets.

StormVet6 ago

Roger that. It's getting a bit sporty here.

Blacksmith21 ago

Where. I tend to zone in on certain things and ignore others. Limited time. I'm supposed to smoke 8 lb pork shoulder in the morning. Dry brining now. Mephis dry rub. About 250 for 8-9 hours. Need to check dope.

StormVet6 ago

Critical of Q. It was very strange, considering how the rest of his posts have been.

Blacksmith21 ago

Apply Occam's Razor in 3, 2, 1...

We are watching integrated All network warfare in the information warfare battlespace. All Command & Control Warfare (C2W) is working to control everything for the friendlies. Everything is coordinated. Did you watch Trump's appearance last night? Theater. It sounded like a college football game prior to start. Friendly PSYOPS.

Here is where we win the war.

StormVet6 ago

Agreed. Classic stagecraft. And you are speaking my language. Bio has a little of my history. ;)

Blacksmith21 ago

Did you notice how commercials and Tucker and Hannity are now being interspersed into live POTUS appearances? Full production value. Pure fucking genius.

StormVet6 ago

They can loose the commercials and stop cutting him off. that would be nice. Just started a discussion on that subject.

Blacksmith21 ago

Thank you for your service. It's about that time of year when the shit smoke starts settling in on Kabul, isn't it?

I don't have a bio. But I do have a long list of OPs you may want to read on. Some suck. Click my handle ^ prepare to be amazed. LOL. Bullshit. J/K - I've barfed up a few good morsels on info over a long period of time.

StormVet6 ago

You're right on Kabul. Thank God I never had to go there. Iraq was enough for this one. One clue: Victory!

I'll take a look at some of the stuff when I get a chance. :)

SwampDonkey318 ago

Damn redcoats.....good catch. I wonder how NR will try to crawfish from this

Blacksmith21 ago

Ignore. NR ignored my requests for explanations, instead choosing to attack me. Time wounds all heels.

boutfiddy ago

Yes, fair points. My defense is even more ridiculous.

I have been abroad. IP spectrum and comms filtered. I am happy to be back in America.

PeachyPatriot ago

We are new to all of this, freshly red pilled so we’re new to all the folks reporting as well. After reading his post, I no longer trust him. Simple as that. Either you’re for Q and POTUS or you aren’t. IMHO there just is no grey area. It was saddening to read that post but now that I did, I’m done with Neon until further notice. I take no chances after a lifetime of sleep. JS

Lurker1955 ago

Looks like you're still asleep. Really after reading one post ( and I assume from your self-admitted "newness" none of the other articles) you no longer trust the source. Zip. Done. Dead to you. If you actually read the article in question ( which I did ) NR never said that he was off either the Trump or Q train. Never. I've noticed that none of the NR bashers here are actually discussing NR's complaints about the Qdrop which was discussed in that article. Q seems to have said that 1. The moon landing was real. I was six. I remember watching the footage. I didn't question it at the time but I do now. Who knows. 2. Q seems to have said that a plane hit the Pentagon. Anyone with normal vision knows that this is not the case. 3. Q seems to have confirmed that ET exists. O.K. That's either cool or terrifying ... or both. NR's comments on Q in this article focused on why Q chose to respond to those questions and why Q told a fib about a plane hitting the Pentagon. NR said that he was still on the Qtrain . I wonder why Q made these drops also. I would have rather had other questions answered. Like "was Jacob Rothschild taken out in that helicopter crash?" or "is John McCain really dead or in his bunker in SA?". Q proofs bore me but I believe in Q because Trump has not disavowed Q and I trust President Trump implicitly. I don't see Q calling out NR. Do you?

PeachyPatriot ago

Actually I did read it. It was negative and was questioning the legitimacy of Q. I think his own words were it caused him to doubt Q. I read it like a long whiny rant. What I actually do not know firsthand is if this dude sells T-shirt’s like some have accused. Just being honest. From that post like I said, until further notice, I’m done. I have no reason to keep reading. It’s not the kind of “information” I want or need. I appreciate the work he’s done, but in a time of lies and “sleepers cells” and everything else, I don’t need to hang on to someone who’s still (apparently) teeter tottering between belief or disbelief. Neon said from the start that we could just “not read “ but it’s “his page” so he’s entitled to say what he wants. True to both, Neon. Just like it’s my right, as a reader, to continue reading. If that makes me a “sleeper” in your opinion, then so be it. Fortunately we don’t answer to one another and we live in a place where we can agree to disagree. No bad feelings at all for disagreeing with what you feel or for you saying I’m still asleep for my choices. I wish ya nothing but the best in your journey and I wish the same for Neon. His stuff was pretty awesome before. This is why I said “until further notice” too btw. The door is never really shut, but for now, I’m questioning a lot with him. Hope that helps you understand. God bless.

Lurker1955 ago

You may have read it but it appears that your understanding was selective. NR said that he found the drops discussed disappointing and explained why. He also stated that in spite of his disappointment and frustration he was still on the Q wagon. I doubt that anyone is becoming fabulously wealthy selling t-shirts and if you were correct about NR being a turn-coat wouldn't he have shot himself in tbe foot by "denying Q's veracity" and in doing so destroy his t-shirt empire! (He only sells QAnon gear as do many other content providers. So no Q no one buying Q t-shirts.) Get real please. BTW I believe you ask for donations. Does that make you a PAY-TRIOT? Who isn't frustrated by the pace of progress against the DS? I am but I trust Trump so I trust Q. Also I notice that none of you attacking NR are actually discussing the content of the Q drops. You are just making ad hominem attacks on the blogger which is the trademark of someone without an arguement. What did you make of those drops? Bueller, Bueller.... anyone??? Crickets. Nice to know that you blindly follow without questioning anything. Why the heck would I continue to subscibe to your YouTube channel if you're going to just read Q posts without providing insight? I can read them myself. Also, imo, you and others are causing harm to an important movement for whatever reason. Abandoning Alex Jones and Unirock I understand. Obvious shills. Crucifying NR because he wasn't enamored of a couple of Q drops is either ridiculous or nefarious. I've always been suspicious of people who overtly profess to be religious or omnipotent. I don't mind being called a "faggot-kike-nigger" (very limited lexicon on this site) on Voat. In fact it amuses me but your "God Bless" and " best wishes for my journey" are offensive. You don't know any more than the next guy. You just think you do.

Type-o-Negative ago

Welcome Patriots! \o/

Blacksmith21 ago

Thank you for your honesty. I have no agenda or ulterior motive. Read through my OPs (some suck pretty bad) and my comments. I'm an American. I'm a Patriot. And I continue to serve this nation with skills I was born with and ones that I was taught. No agenda. No tshirts. Form your own decisions. Question everything.

God bless, Patriot.

"We" - I'll assume that you have the technical skills and hubby is watching the iPad while nestled next to you?

PeachyPatriot ago

“We” meaning myself, my older child, husband, brother in law, mother, best friend, sister + a couple friends and thanks I’m staying tuned for further info #WWG1WGA #TogetherWeAreStrong

PeachyPatriot ago

Hopefully there will be more added to the we sooner rather than later.

Blacksmith21 ago

Good for you! I've driven by the White House 3X this week. I'm in the Swamp.

EyeOfHorus ago

You're bat shit crazy. Stopped reading at

I think Corsi is Jones’ father, based on similar type tactics and an extremely strong familial resemblance, and ages which could support this theory

Regardless, why do you spend so much time on this Neon fag? Who fucking cares? Why are you writing about it in GreatAwakening? Go for a walk around the neighborhood, get some fresh air.

Blacksmith21 ago

What's up AWS? Damn you are one squeaky fucking wheel. Methinks I ruffled a few feathers.

EyeOfHorus ago

what the fuck is aws? god you are gay. gay and paranoid. step away from the keyboard.

Blacksmith21 ago


EyeOfHorus ago

you sound like such a fag, i bet you were hall monitor in elementary school. in the last 5 hours i jogged with my dog, met my son at his college, had dinner with the family and check on line for a used gun.

You spent the day jerking off to neon. he lives in your head rent free,

Blacksmith21 ago

Sorry you have to buy your guns used.

EyeOfHorus ago

So am I !!! Its the only way to get anything good in Kalifornia other than manufacturing your own. "Off-Roster" guns are firearms that CA has banned for new sales over the last 6 years. They are common, regular, every day guns that are still being sold NEW in 49 states. The only way to obtain one is to purchase a used one that was registered in CA before the ban. Grandfathered.

Used guns costs more than when they were new. It absolutely sucks tranny dick. If I manufactured my own, I would not be able to register it CCW. Carrying a loaded, unregistered (self made) gun is a felony 3X over.

Blacksmith21 ago

Fuck California. I hope the whole state falls into the Pacific.

dmusered ago

It was a frame of reference not a judgment. National Socialists used many classical greco-roman symbols.

BlessedToTeach ago


I think you are correct.

I just read the entire Neon Revolt post and it's not only offensive, but disinformation classic techniques. For instance, the large picture of Q with the kids in the picture was INSPIRING for me and my listeners on my nightly Q show heard my excitement. Now I read Neon Revolt mock it with "Yea, I guess we'll see". Then he moves in to telling how we should think and feel at the end. "If you’re angry that I’m reacting this way to the drops, you shouldn’t be.

Frankly, you should be asking the same questions I’m asking, and voicing your own concerns.

Anything less isn’t thinking critically.

It’s just being a different kind of sheep."

That is classic psyOp disinformation. He has moved into telling how we should think and saying we are a sheep and not critical thinking if we don't feel and think like he does.

Nice analysis and thanks for the insight.

God Bless

Lurker1955 ago

You are a full of shit hypocrite shill. You sell fucking VPNs on YouTube and harrass people if they don't call your fat wife back about her stupid home business. I'm going to start a campaign to report and down vote all of your YouTube videos. Two can play at this game You will never qualify to be a nigger faggot. You are a holier than thou cunt!

ladyliberty_Q ago

haha haters

Lurker1955 ago

Diappointed in you "Blessed to Teach" if you're the YouTuber. I disagree with you're analysis and I read the post also. Perhaps you can explain the weird Qdrops. Why the heck is Q talking about extraterrestrials, moon landings and advancing the obvious false narrative of a plane hitting the Pentagon. Don't we have enough trouble trying to enlighten the public without bringing ET into the equation? And why antagonize those who know that a commercial jet did not hit the Pentagon? It's confusing and I can understand people being annoyed. I don't understand the savage attacks against someone who was voicing his opinion on his own blog. Also he did NOT say that anyone who does not think as he does is a "sheep". I really do not understand the attacks on this guy who's brought us good info for months. The DS is laughing at us right now. I assume that since you are a self-professed Christian you will not reply to this by calling me a faggotnigger ( Apparently Voat terminology for "Hello".) not that I care.

BlessedToTeach ago

I may have been a little harsh, but here was my comment to Neon Revolt that is still in review:


I apologize if you think my analysis was unfair, but let me explain. First please see my email I left if you want to communicate at all.I have respected your posts and have driven many of my 40K subscribers to your site, but this is the 3rd time you have offended me and this last one was a MOAB to me personally.

I personally was excited about the post on Thursday. The meme of the large Q board with a teacher and children was personally emotionally motivating for me. But you literally mocked it with “Maybe. We’ll see” and went on to tell me (and everyone else) that if we were not negative about the Thursday posts like you and were not questioning Q more than ever we were “sheep” and were not using “critical thinking”. That is disinformation techniques. Telling us how we should feel and think. And no, I read and studied and decoded those same posts and did a video Thursday night and I felt great about Q and WAS using critical thinking and am NOT a sheep. If you want my support, I am ok with you criticizing Q and thinking differently than me. However, I am not ok with you calling me (and my subscribers) a sheep and telling us how to feel and to think only like you. I read your post Thursday carefully and it was negative, offensive and read like a full on hit piece. Please consider your wording when your down on Q. Others may not be at that moment and we don’t deserve being disrespected by someone we respect. And don’t get me wrong, we have great respect for your decoding capabilities, so being called a sheep and lack of critical thinkers by you hurts.

God Bless,


P.S. Great analogy about the Bible and showing the truth of the disciples and people of God vs. making them look great. I am not expecting you to always be positive on Q.

Lurker1955 ago

As I've stated I think that you've misinterpreted the post. No one was called a sheep. It was stated that to follow blindly without ever questioning anything ( in this case NR was referring to an action and not the veracity of Q or the Q team) is to behave like sheep. I agree with that. We're talking about mortals here not a deity. Are you following blindly without every wondering what the hell is going on? That's not normal. It is my opinion that you've over reacted and that your actions have increased derisiveness in the Q community. Then there's the BS about t-shirt sales. Are you kidding? I assume that some content providers do this for a living or use garment sales or Patreon donations to help pay for the expenses associated with producing content. I've watched your videos and you ask for Patreon donations so the hypocrisy is mind-numbing. I was disappointed and surprised to see you join the shark feeding frenzy on Voat. Also ( and I don't know whether this is the case) your note to NR came after you joined in the attack. Is that in fact the case?

Blacksmith21 ago

Deep shills. This OP has been in the works for a long time.

anotherdream ago

How do we bust these fucks. I've been downvoating any bullshit that his the front page of the GA sub by members less than 6 months old, but I think even that isn't enough. How can we tell with these fuckers coming out of the woodwork that have been here for years doing nothing? - Fuck! I'm so pissed right now about this reddit bullshit. Gotta do something. I hope /BO/ and Q actually get something secure worked out here.

boutfiddy ago

I respectfully disagree. He definitely has intel background and has time in the trenches disseminating volumes of information and composing briefs.

He just thinks extemporaneously and writes vigorously. I do not agree with much of what he thinks, but he comes from a genuine place and is just trying to assert his voice in this very important time in history.

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Blacksmith21 ago

I appreciate constructive criticism and functioning as a sounding board. This ^ is what we are supposed to do, not call each other niggerfagkikes.

Food for thought:

1) NR is a SHITTY writer. Stream of consciousness. Nothing academic. Nothing wrong with that, but don't confuse quantity over quality?

2) What makes you think he comes form a "genuine" place? Wasn't the same thought of AJ, Corsi, and others? Genuine?

3) Of course NR is trying to assert their voice. Isn't that what everyone is doing right now? Just because one is loud, doesn't mean they are right.

4) What makes you say "He definitely has intel background"?

julzee2 ago

Imo he is a clown. But it doesn't matter whether he is or whether he's coming from a "genuine" place. The end result is the same. He leads ppl AWAY from trusting Q and the plan, not towards trusting Q/plan.

Blacksmith21 ago

Crensch did a helluva job compiling all of the evidence. What amazes me is NR could've put the whole thing to rest by leaving v/GA alone, responding to questions I raised above, shown a little humility, and tossed in a little apology for a misunderstanding would have gone a long way.

But that is difficult for people who are high on themselves.

julzee2 ago

I peeked at it but didn't have time to reaaly go through his whole thing. Looks like NR was inserting himself as a wanna-be leader or something..? That's why I called him out in my video. "If" he truely were "genuine" he could have slso come out with a better response to this blowback he got from the first article. Maybe take an "honest" look at how his negativity hurts ppl's ability to discern wtf is going on ya know? But no, he took that entire 2nd article to do nothing but defend his negativity and wear it like a coat of honor to question Q's plan! Like it's honorable to question other things in life so it's just as valid to question Q. Completely oblivious or could care less about what effect his uncertainty has on those who follow him.

And I agree, he doesn't even decode the damn He puts them up as a screenshot, ads some news article inbetween and maybe a blurb sentence re: what the actual post means and takes the entire space up freegin belittling Q!...omg But ppl don't want to hurt his feelings, or they "like" him....barf Well plenty of ppl liked Obama and look where that got us.

boutfiddy ago

1) Agreed, NR is a shitty writer. He just hammers away with little structure. More regarding this on 4) below.

2) His intonation is consistent. Very raw as he is formulating his opinions as he writes. AJ is/was just a sensationalist shill. Same could be said of Limbaugh, but he did not capitalize enough on his fame. Corsi is more complex.

3) Agreed.

4) The pattern of his writing. It is staccato. The dissemination of sensitive information has to be sharp and fast, hence his disdain for Carters' work. Imagine running alongside brass or a suit, trying to convey as much as possible in short order. Keeping pace going down a hall into a boardroom or across a tarmac into a plane or chopper.

NeonRevolt ago

1) I don't force anyone to read what I write. If they think they can do better elsewhere, they have always been free to tune out. I also intentionally keep thing very basic, because Q is often very complex. I can wax academic with the best of them, but I'm not trying to write a PhD thesis. For this medium, and this subject matter, it's better if I just keep things at a very easy reading level.

2) I follow the drops live, but sitting down to write about them forces me to try and explain what I think I have a handle on. It's like the old saying: you don't truly understand something until you can explain it to someone else.

3) I get loud, yes. This tends to make the weaker among us uncomfortable, especially if they don't like me, or have decided I'm a shill (because they don't know understand and know what a whois page looks like).

4) I don't have an intel background. I have a screenwriting background, and I've said this many times. Read the original Alien script, and it looks like haiku half the time, it's so sparse. It's a style I've adapted in my own work, as it forces expediency. It has the side-benefit of keeping things moving, and readers don't get bogged down. You get a rhythm going.

It's actually much harder to write with few words, because you have be direct, say what you mean, and own your words, than it is to keep needlessly expanding your sentences, and waffling around intended meaning.

boutfiddy ago

ok, so I understand why you get defensive about your writing. Maybe you are good with dialogue, but you really are a shitty writer.

I did mistake you for an analyst asset. You have a talent for this.

You are correct. It is much harder to write with few words. This is my talent and experience.

boutfiddy ago

Wow! Great retort!

Blacksmith21 ago

There is nothing staccato about NR's writing style. It is stream of consciousness. I've done all of the above (4).

The last thing I would do is state "Some people don’t like that. They think I’m getting pissy, and complain that it’s not my job and Q knows better, and yadda yadda yadda, cue the boring, trite, dead-horse boomer-logic. Too bad. It’s my site; I do what I want. I say what I want, And I’m not a sheep."

Try using "yadda yadda" over comms while in a mission forward posture and see what happens.

Agree or disagree?

boutfiddy ago

I want to be careful about devolving into opinion tit-for-tat. No good can come of this.

I am more interested in the notion that NR may be a pied piper plant. I understand the controversy from jumping ship. And I read others' balk about how NR was less than graceful (rather clumsy) in his 9/14 post.

I agree that we should be skeptical. I just also wonder if maybe our watchful minds are working overtime. Do you know what I mean?

I do have to say thank you, because you have introduced doubt and I will absolutely be more suspicious of NR.

Blacksmith21 ago

Good response. It is possible to overthink many things. But, not when we are unraveling the "mysteries of the universe". Information overload comes to mind. Manage the signal-to-noise ratios.

Understand what "epistemology" means.

boutfiddy ago

Yes, and I am well studied in epistemology.

I maintain that NR was just caught-up in his moment of fame. I think maybe a GS11 analyst, though not currently active. He is hoping he can make a book or script deal.

I think he is more noise than signal now, which is troublesome. This is why I also disagree with much of what he conveys. I just want to tell him to STFU!

Over-reading into the signal and Q messages is a problem. It defeats the purpose.

BTW, thank you for the discourse.

MolochHunter ago

Jerome Corsi is BILL HICKS' FATHER !

woah this is heavier than Luke & Darth, man

Blacksmith21 ago

Watch the shills explode now that word has gotten around.

Blacksmith21 ago

That's what my gut tells me:

Blacksmith21 ago

Target of opportunity and signal-noise-ration. If you wanted to get a message into NR's ears, which platform would you use?

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

well i here a lot of jews read the forward and other jewish publications

angelCole ago

Maybe all these fake MAGAs are teaching us a great lesson, how to spot a fake and walk away. I am starting to question others as well, their intentions seem good, but are they really.

Vindicator ago

This is a brilliant observation, angelCole, and it may well be part of The Plan. The reason Q doesn't just out them the minute they appear. Remember, "we have it all." If there is one thing that has become abundantly clear with the Q operation it's that it is as much about rehabilitating the inborn curiosity and skepticism of the folks as much as it's about taking down the Cabal. It has to be...otherwise the Cabal will just come back into power as soon as Trump and the Q team retire.

divine_human ago

the quick rise and fall of the neon star.

wait, next post, he will start 'debunking' Q; the stage is already set.

great right-up, blacksmith, well thought through, pretty much along the line of my own take. thanks for putting it out.

there has never been a better time than now to flex our discernment muscels.

Crensch ago

No need to be modest about your own Slaughter of neon faggot.

designing1 ago

really good points - thank you. he popped up with his polished blog very quickly and there is a lot to be suspicious of now that you've pointed it out.

dmusered ago

The header image on NeonRevolt is a picture of a statue by Arno Breker. It is in a Greek classical style but was used as an idealistic depiction of the Aryan race in Nationalist Socialist Germany.

Type-o-Negative ago

I always wondered what that was about, and it is always annoying espcially on mobile devices. Thanks for the knowledge Patriot!

Blacksmith21 ago

Isn't that interesting. It looks like Antinious, the boy lover of Roman Emporor Hadrious and the choice image of James Alefantis.

Vindicator ago

I noticed that similarity as well.

dmusered ago

I wasn't aware of which of the Greek characters were being depicted. Symbolism will be their downfall. Antinous was guilty of the most heinous of crimes, that of disregarding xenia the custom of making guests welcome. A very unusual symbol being chosen by neonrevolt if it is Antinious.

GlendonHawke ago

We were warned by Q about people like NR who will use the movement for personal gain to be honest I Trust NR as much as I do Corsi

MrIgnition ago

“Truth is like poetry. And most people fucking hate poetry.”

Blacksmith21 ago

Poetry is for faggots and limp-wristed soyboys.

Vofar ago

If he's shit talking Sara, then he can burn in hell. Not only has she been focused on casting light on all the deep state antics, but she's got some kind of snaggletoothed sexy thing going on that I am personally a fan of. I'll not pay attention to NR's crap talk from here on out. He's just noise in my book now.

stens ago

The "" domain is registered in the bahamas.

ladyliberty_Q ago


Lurker1955 ago

Do you have more info.?

qucho ago

That's the REGISTRAR, not the location of the server. Registrars can be anywhere.

boredTech ago

That's actually incorrect. is stating that it's registered to the bahamas.

Type-o-Negative ago

Wouldnt it be a hoot if it originated from the British Virgin Islands more specifically Necker Island. We have seem stranger coincidences right?

stens ago

Thanks for the reply.

If you have any info, is the degen ronswangsong from the U.S.? IIRC, he did use DMY instead of MDY when posting Q drops.

DankOrganism ago


(great break down, great post)

Lurker1955 ago

Then I guess you can't trust the phony YouTube holy roller shill cunt Blessed to teach whose YouTube followers are too stupid to tie their shoes without help. See above post.

Lurker1955 ago


Type-o-Negative ago

Good looking out Patriot.

scoripowarrior ago

My opinion...Trust what Q has to say in his drops. Follow the anons/autists on 8chan RESEARCH. They are more serious at digging for truth. They also don't have an invested financial interest involved in what they are finding.

truthseekQr ago

I agree....I only read a small portion of the Neon Revolt article but I found it not helpful ...he seemed to full of himself

kneo24 ago

I don't think there's anything inherently wrong with a Q follower being British, or any other nationality. The cabal is world wide. It affects everyone. It doesn't add anything to your analysis.

Some of us other goats have been digging and prodding the mod team at that other place and their connection to NR. They deny any connection to him with fluff, but will casually mention, "I have no clue what the other hand is doing and it's not my concern." (I'm paraphrasing here.) - They speak out both sides of their mouth, and refuse to address why NR writes as if he's one of them when you bring up specifics that aren't ground level oriented - but more leadership oriented.

For example, they claim that when NR says "we", he means the whole community, not the mod team, but one has to question how the whole community can undo bans here on Voat in that place, when really, it's the mod team who can undo bans. One gets labeled a shill and derided for bringing that up.

For further context, go here.

Blacksmith21 ago

NR mentions himself 59 times in that short article. Nothing wrong with being British, but writings are prepared in a colloquial way as to present an American persona. That is minor deception by assumption. Why wouldn't all of the other words be spelled in a British manner?

Q_Watch ago

"spelled in a British manner" - As a Brit, I notice that spell-checkers tend to use American English as the default. I am not sure if I can actually spell in English English any more! Maybe he just accepts what the spell-checker says?

UK2USA_patriot ago

Spot on - Am also a fellow Brit - married to an American for 20 years and working internationally and using American English as the 'default.' So many sites, even UK ones, are default set to American English you feel pressured to 'correct' your Brit version to fit in. Am genuinely shocked to read this about NR. But I can now see he could be another AJ or Corsi. Very sad. He did write some great earlier articles. As Q warned us, we must do our own research and be vigilant.

Blacksmith21 ago

When was the last time you set up an OS or an Office product? Every single one of them asks you what type of English you wish to use. I have NEVER selected "English - UK" by accident.

Q_Watch ago

You make it sound so easy. I have just checked my OS settings and they point to English(UK). I have checked my Office settings and they say English(UK). I have checked my settings in Firefox and English(UK) is the only language installed. While I am posting this reply it still tells me that "colour" is incorrect but "color" is OK.

Blacksmith21 ago

Maybe y'all will finally start speaking like PAtriots instead of effete fags ; )

kneo24 ago

You know, I never considered that. That's a pretty interesting insight there.

Blacksmith21 ago

Hold my beer....

kneo24 ago

Only one beer? You should be double fisting that!

Blacksmith21 ago

I like to keep one hand free in case I need a gun.

Vindicator ago


DillySquilly ago

Very well put together post. I think you are onto something. Thanks for the heads up!

SylviaStone1 ago

Gonna put this in my pipe and smoke it. SO MANY LIES, I can't believe anything I hear with my ears or read (or see!) with my eyes! I will DEF consider all these things. Thanks for the observation. Very valid points.

Alice89 ago

@Blacksmith21 I appreciate your analysis about NR and I share the same feelings that you described in your text. I liked his work. He has the merit of having given good guesses on a website that is a good gateway for those who are starting to follow Q. The topic about Sara Carter should raise a red flag, it ultimately discourages people from reading what she writes to read his version of what she wrote.

Countless times I've caught him subtly criticizing Q. Either by being too repetitive, or by disagreeing with his view of Nazism:

Nazi ideology was a direct response TO Marxist ideology – and the US only “won” WWII because FDR partnered us with the Marxists. There’s no real moral high ground here, no matter what pedoberg’s many WWII films (read: propaganda) would suggest.

Seems to me his always impatient with Q and a little bit angry and jealous for never having been mentioned by him. In some articles I can almost read: “PLEASE DADDY LOOK AT ME!”.

He’s obviously full of himself when he stated things like:

Honestly, I’m basically one of the only intermediate “translators” you’ve got, Q, because frankly, it takes someone with an IQ over 140+ and a ton of time, technical ability AND creative skills, to not only understand your COMPLETELY CRYPTIC AND OFTEN INDECIPHERABLE posts or

(And really, why do you think so many people even call it “The Cabal” to begin with? I popularized that name. And I’m not trying to hang on this or toot my own horn here – but just trying to highlight the communication gap we have going on here).

Don’t get me wrong. I think it's healthy to be cautious and research before believing everything blindly. But something is off about this kind of disagreement. And not only because he sells some crap stuff. For me this recent attempts against v/GA and others only showed that he’s desperate because he’s losing control.

Type-o-Negative ago

Maybe Kieth Raniere of NXIVM fame is penning these article from his jail bunk at the federal detention in New York. After all, he is the 3rd smartest man in the world according to himself.

That was the best sauce I could find, my apologies I do better next time.

Alice89 ago

But you do have a point, because we can relate people who are full of themselves with guys like Keith Raniere. Is a clear sign that we should not underestimate this type of behavior.

digitalrevere ago

Seems to me his always impatient with Q and a little bit angry and jealous for never having been mentioned by him.

I've seen that kind of behavior by online personalities several times. Some personalities get super mad when someone shows up on the scene and becomes popular. The offended person feels like the other person, in this case Q, stole something that belonged to them. Something that they feel they earned a right to. There was a WoW podcaster that was sooo pissed off about Leeory Jenkins ( viral youtube video) because this podcaster had been at it for a long time and Leeory got fame quickly. This podcaster was hot about it. It's very weird and very wrong. It's a problem with the podcaster claiming something that is not his to claim and then blaming others when he is faced with loosing something that wasn't his to begin with.

Lurker1955 ago

Except that NR is rarely impatient with Q and has done battle with many Qdeniers and Qfrauds. Q has also " borrowed" items from the NR blog which I believe counts as a mention. I'm pretty sure that it's you and your anti-NR posse here who feel threatened ( because you're on the wrong team) or jealous. You all seem to have very fragile egos here.

digitalrevere ago

You can see the problem in NRs ego and super duper higher IQ. He’s a spotlight douch who is drunk on the attention. Q pointed us to another board location and NR is hurt and wants his worshippers back.

Lurker1955 ago

I am looking at other sources but having followed NR for some time I can see that your complaints of NR statements are out of context and/or not valid. One comment about "IQ" which can be interpreted as self-depreciating humor does not make one a narcissist or even an egoist. One article questioning the purpose of a few (very weird) Q drops does not make a source unreliable. "Think logically" as someone we know says .... and it's "you're" not "your".

Alice89 ago

Yes. It is a quite common human behavior, but it is still wrong and show his true colors.

Blacksmith21 ago

If I meet someone who tells me how high their IQ is, red flags go off, I shut down, and I'm out of the conversation as soon as I can pass smarty-pants off to another dumbass. I'm barely able to fog a mirror and it looks like my dumb ass is figuring out the NR game.

Lurker1955 ago

None of you NR bashers sound like real people having a real discussion. You all sound like shill propagandists and I hate people who gaslight others. Your comments are obvious efforts to cherry pick NR comments and spin them out of context. I know this because I've read the blog for months.NR must be over the target for so much flack to be headed his way.

JackBeowulf ago

lol. good one.. I always ask the IQ back clappers, ** " what is your compression in that engine you're driving bubba "..** the pure look of WTF ? is funny.

Blacksmith21 ago

I like to ask them about guns. Just like the Nazishills who call everyone kikes. I like to ask them about WWII German small arms. I figure any good Nazi worth their weight in dogshit, could answer basic questions. Crickets.

JackBeowulf ago

thats funny, i sorrta know guns.. i may use that one.. when i first joined i made a mistake.. i defended a church deacon and pushed back. doghouse every since, but didn't quit and no way i change name to make them clowns laugh more. again nice post.

Vindicator ago

I'm barely able to fog a mirror and it looks like my dumb ass is figuring out the NR game.

Right. ;-)

Neon is legend in his own mind, which makes him a fool.

NeonRevolt ago

Womp womp.

Alice89 ago

Lol it’s so embarrassing mentions his high IQ. I’m glad the at least in here people is starting to figuring out his game. I hope more people will wake up.

KKOH ago

Thanks for this perspective. I read some of NRs posts, and liked his writing style. I wasnt an avid reader, but thought he was one to follow if I wanted to "be in the know." Buut after the exodus here, his tone changed. I look at him suspiciously now. It saddens me in a way because I am sick to death of people I admired being jerk-offs, idiots, etc., because that means I AM A JERK-OFF, IDIOT, ETC. Depressing. I am historically naive. For example, I believed until the age 12 that my mom wrote the story Cinderella, and didnt know which end a baby came out until I was 16. It's hard for me to catch on sometimes.

So, NR told everyone to go to theawakening sub. He said "trust me." I never trust someone when they say, "trust me." THEN the QMAP site had the banner that directed us to go to theawakening site. So...WHO controls / changes that banner feed?? Hard to trust a site that endorses where NR told us to go.

Lurker1955 ago

Didn't Q tell us to come to Voat. Seems like a shitty idea since Voat doesn't want to be invaded by the clueless. Not that I blame you.

hfkmfn ago

I for one have been pleased to migrate here, even if it has distracted my attention from elsewhere.

divine_human ago

THEN the QMAP site had the banner that directed us to go to theawakening site.

thats changed now. the link goes to to combined sub (set)

KKOH ago

Yes, but who controls / changes that banner feed? That is the key question. Because as soon as as NR told us to trust him and directed everyone to theawakening, then the banner feed told us to go there. That is suspect, imo.

divine_human ago

its an illusion to think the movement hasnt been hijacked from the get-go. this is how they roll. from my pov, they all belong to the same chaos crew. different fractions maybe, various agencies, but all with the same intent, to control information flow and people.

aQMapPubCurator ago

We were just following the herd. We got blindsided by the whole thing. We removed official from the banner when people started raising the debate and later moved to s/greatawakening when we understood what the Voat sets were.

We did our best to keep folks together.

Vindicator ago

You're doing a fine job. It's very, very challenging. :-)

magavoices ago

Praying Medic is the only one remaining who I respect ... he better not jump off the deep end.

KKOH ago

Did Praying Medic come to Voat? I have not seen him here.

BadMonk ago

I used to follow him on YT but now on A few posts back he was talking about getting off YT to other platforms. Haven't seen him here.

KKOH ago

Thanks, I just signed up for his mailing list.

Blacksmith21 ago

Who runs QMAP?

Type-o-Negative ago

Dont forget, they have the banner too.

KKOH ago

Who controls the banner that told us to go to theawaking sub after NR told us to go to theawakening sub?

Blacksmith21 ago

I don't use QMAP, which is why I ask. Who runs QMAP? Does anyone know?

Type-o-Negative ago

I ran a WHOIS on NRs site pretty much private although there is a tech phone number.

boredTech ago

The GDPR fucked over whois for about a year now. But NR has a privacy company keeping people from looking at the info.

Type-o-Negative ago

I remember something about Hussein was going to give away our internet stake, apparently he went through with it.

boredTech ago

Yes, but that's got nothing to do with this particular issue.

EU made a law, rest of world followed so they would not be sued by EU. Bit crazy really.

Blacksmith21 ago

Probably a stock tel no from the registrar. Or a Google number.

Alice89 ago

I think @aQMapPubCurator is one of them. Here is his explanation about the banner:

aQMapPubCurator ago

We’ve since changed it to s/GA after taking time to understand what a set was and found it a better way to keep folks together.

Alice89 ago

I saw you changed the link. Thanks!

anotherdream ago

Thank you @Blacksmith21. After looking it over, I think I completely agree. Nice to read a post that is in stark contrast to the garbage that has been littering this sub for the past few days. Hang in there guys! @srayzie @bopper


I'm not an acolyte of NR. With that said, if even half the shit about Arkansas is true then he/she was worth their weight in caps. The effort to get said info doesn't even come into play. No one else was exposing how a William Clinton is chosen for the dark side. And if they did I missed it and I should go back and find it. Because that is some eye poppin shit. If NR has gone bad I'm glad you were here to expose that as well. Even Solomon went bad after batting 1000 for a long time.

Blacksmith21 ago

Gotta shake out the confirmation bias from time to time. I never considered NR gospel, but I did I find the articles compelling for a time. Push yourself to question. Push yourself to ask why? Don't settle for the easy answer. Thank you.

anotherdream ago

My pleasure. I was talking with @srayzie the other night about the NR articles. Everything took a sharp turn a little while ago. I was really into NR articles as well. They gave me some inspiration, and even pride; I didn't like that he was setting up merch sales etc. I also asked myself - how is it that these mother fuckers always get their shop/setup up so fast? - I mean if we really want to know about NR we can simply look at his timeline. When he appeared, what he did, how fast he had things going. - Part of me is still on the fence, and grant that everyone can become skeptic at some point, but one leg is planted firmly on the side of a pied piper op.

Also has anyone identified the face in NR's sculpture header image? What is that sculpture?

Vindicator ago

if we really want to know about NR we can simply look at his timeline. When he appeared, what he did, how fast he had things going.

This would make a great thread

anotherdream ago

Alright. - Give me some time. I'll get started on it.

Blacksmith21 ago

That was an interesting question. The sculptures look a little different, but hmmmm:

Could it be Antinius?

@are_we_sure - You're good with this shit. How about helping a brother out?

anotherdream ago

I don't think it's Antinious. It's got PS effects on it, so I wasn't sure it'd bring back many results in a reverse lookup.

FogLight_Q ago

The timing of doubt - with show many statements from Q coming to fruition, shows either a deep lack of discernment or a deliberate attack against the truth. While I will not always understand the motives behind each Q post (ie latest Q&A) it would be absurd to throw away the whole thing - especially when we are about to cross the red line

Thoutzan ago

He also doubted the significance of FISA report, and complains Q's comparison of Antifa to Nazi.

Churlish_Rogue ago

It IS Jews who like to compare everything they don't like to Nazis.

It stands to reason the Q operation is Zionists trying to check Cultural Marxists, who went off the reservation under 8 years of Hussein and now pose a threat to all or part of the operation the Zionists initially created them for.

Frankenstein's lost control of his creation, so to speak.

And if NR is British, well we all know the role British Intelligence has played with the Steele Dossier.

I know a lot of Q believers are ardent in their faith and want to believe Q isn't just a Mossad operation working with our Zionist-surrounded POTUS, but much of what I keep reading continues to indicate that very well could be the case.

That said, I fully concede that I am quite new to this whole Q thing. I'm basically flying by instinct with all of this. And that instinct says: be very skeptical. Of course, it always says that.

Type-o-Negative ago

I bet useful idiot David Hoggwash already called it to be leader of the brown shirts.

MrDarkWater ago

keep researching, asking questions. Israel is the final boss. Q names mossad as an enemy.

Churlish_Rogue ago

Does he? That is quite curious. In the interest of saving me some time, you wouldn't happen to know what post # mentions that, would you?

MrDarkWater ago

no, and im heading off to dinner with the family. if i remember i can help you later. but in the meantime, see if one of the Qanon pages has a search function. mos = mossad

Churlish_Rogue ago

I found em. #1751, #1871 & #2088. They certainly contradict the Zionist v CultMarx narrative I was mulling over.

Also didn't realize Qanon has been mentioned on MSNBC. That's pretty wild.

Reminds me of the maxim about 'only taking flak when you're over the target'.

MrDarkWater ago

Good job.

It IS wild. Donald J Trump is our freaking president AND he's /ourguy/. Id about given up hope. I was totally gonna storm DC of she'd 'won'. But ... We might have bought a few more years before that's required

Churlish_Rogue ago

Yep. And I am using those precious few years to relocate my family to somewhere both geographically and demographically safer than where I am now. Do not want to be in a major population center when the SHTF.

MrDarkWater ago

Righto. I'm aiming for a little homestead outside of town

Churlish_Rogue ago

Will do, thanks.

Blacksmith21 ago

ANTIFA = Nazis. History proves it.

Churlish_Rogue ago

What history is that? They look and act more like NeoBolsheviks.

Blacksmith21 ago

The real history. The fact that the Nazis drew their racial laws from the Klan. You may want to read a book or two. If you read one, I recommend The Big Lie by Dinesh D'Souza.

Churlish_Rogue ago

based on extermination

You can stop right there. That's not the real history. That's wartime propaganda that was never lifted. Of the easily and routinely debunked variety, I might add. I must've drifted out of the redpilled side of Voat and into normie land. I'm still learning my way around here.

And Dinesh D'Souza is a twat who thinks white nationalism has nothing to do with America's founding values. Apparently he's never read the founders' original immigration policy for America. How much more mainstream cuckservative can your sources get? Talking about real history with sources like D'Souza. Please. Try reading something the Jews try to suppress. Something from an author they actively persecute. Start with David Irving and move down the rabbit hole from there.

I'll just leave this here:

Blacksmith21 ago

I love it when shills expose themselves. I'm curious, what is your favorite small arms platform?

Churlish_Rogue ago

Lol. That's exactly how ANTIFA would reply. Ignore everything I said because you can't refute a word of it and go straight for the personal attacks instead. The truth does not fear investigation, but you sure fear investigating. How very, very telling.

And what did I do/say to "expose myself" exactly? Was it my failure to mindlessly agree while you unironically regurgitate (((MSM))) propaganda about Nazis and call it "real" history?

How about this. You find me one WWII document from the NSDAP leadership citing genocide as a goal and I'll concede I am wrong. Because the

But we both know that, just like ANTIFA, you will desperately avoid actually having to prove anything you claim. Because your kosher sources, like you, rely entirely on silencing dissent with petty name calling.

Meanwhile, I have link, after link, after link, after link of evidence that thoroughly debunks everything you believe to be "real" about the Nazis and WWII.

5 links there and plenty more where they came from. Now lets watch you ignore every single one of them in favor of cowering from the truth behind more asinine crying (or is it projection, wonder?) about "shills".

Vindicator ago

CR, you sound like an old goat who has been on Voat a long, long time.

Are you aware of the Q drop about WWII and the Nazi's that he deleted shortly after posting? He basically implied the Allied victory was a school play and the Nazis were puppets of the Cabal who didn't really lose. The losers were the regular folk of the US, the UK, Germany etc.

Churlish_Rogue ago

I was not aware, still working my way backwards in time through a lot of decidedly vague and cryptic posts that I have to constantly consult 8chan records to decipher in any meaningful way. That said, it's always been a scenario that I felt couldn't be ruled out as a reasonable possibility. Which really isn't saying much since I'm not wholly convinced of anything regarding WWII and the NSDAP other than that I'm definitely not getting the whole picture no matter how deep I dig. I don't think we'll ever see a time period that's more difficult to extract anything concrete from with regards to the truth.

Is there anywhere I can find his archived deleted post(s)? I've been looking around a bit, but no luck. I'm not even sure what drop #s I'm looking for.

Vindicator ago

I will try to find the links for you. Q just made a board on Voat, and we've got a new shitshow to deal with, LOL. v/QRV.

Laskolurch ago

I love how you guys/gals take the time to put together all the information. It allows the rest of us to then make up our own mind what is is. thank you!!!

Type-o-Negative ago

Autists rock because we are nuclear!

anglojibwe ago

Wow dude. You pay attention. Got me thinking.

Guliensebb ago

How much does Soros pays you to discredit one of the guy who helped the movement the most? Oh its you again microchip and co.

Type-o-Negative ago

Wow first person to bring up Soros! You win the projection of the day award and your name will entered for the shill raffle at midnight.

Guliensebb ago

member for 6 days, and caugh blasting vets here since you are here, really wonder who is doing the projection comrad

Type-o-Negative ago

Doesn't matter anymore now there is a "Official" Q boards, please kindly fuck yourself faggot.

Type-o-Negative ago

If that is the strongest argument you got, it is probably best I put you on block so I dont waste anymore bandwidth on you. I like to engage intelligent anons, clearly you are not that. Good day to you sir.

Blacksmith21 ago

And as a master shill hunter, I have an awesome bag of tricks. But I don't need them for you, since you are a drug addict.

anotherdream ago


Blacksmith21 ago

You might want to take a minute or three and read through every one of my posts, which will show otherwise. Analysis of Competing Hypothesis (ACH) would yield I am: 1) A Patriot who has a certain set of KSAs who allows them to see through advanced intelligence operations, 2) a black hat operative who is feathering the next uplayering in preparation for when NR gets exposed, allowing me to take the more advanced thinkers to the next step of an operation or 3) very fucking lucky.

What does Occam's Razor tell you?

Azurulia ago

It's a real shame. This should be a valuable lesson though.

Always question people if their behavior begins to change and they do or say things that don't align to their previous aims or goals.

Blacksmith21 ago

I thought a few folks were going to need O2 when Q outed Corsi and AJ (to a lesser extent). Though Shalt Not Follow False Prophets.

Azurulia ago


Admittedly I was a little sad when AJ was outed, as I liked AJ. But as more was revealed, I began to realize how much I was being lead astray from the actual true, not just sprinkles of it.

Blacksmith21 ago

AJ/Corsi is interesting. I think they have the MOssad interests at hand, which isn't fully aligned with the Deep State motives. I followed AJ for years. Lot's of interesting tidbits which got me called crazy. Some still ring true, some don't.

Azurulia ago

Makes you wonder what their actual agenda really is.

Blacksmith21 ago

Divide, conquer, dominate, control, consume, obey.

WhiteRonin ago

Just saying that if I said hi Mate and decided to call you a wanker and to piss off would I be a Limey, an Aussie or a Kiwi?

Blacksmith21 ago

Written, I'd say you are from the UK or a British colony. Spoken, well that's a different story...

WhiteRonin ago

I can do a Scottish And British accent. I prefer the American trans-Atlantic one though. My southern is getting better too.

I guess the US is a British colony ... lol

Type-o-Negative ago

You would be 100% right on your country still owning us.

WhiteRonin ago

Wait!! Who is owning who???

I just listened to Cruz battle O’Rouke ... I guess Texas owns the US???

Type-o-Negative ago

Oh my apologies, the way you said that, I mistook you for Q Britanon.

Blacksmith21 ago

Nope. We kicked their asses. Twice. We are not subjects of the Crown anymore.

WhiteRonin ago

Military wise yes. Look at the companies though ;-)

LostandFound ago

You had me at the first sentence. 100% agree and tbh even the TA locals are not downvoating comments saying the same so looks like everyones perception is finally coming around.

I have wondered what kind of op NR is, usually these things are all tavistock linked but it all feels a bit sloppy. First sign of trouble and the wheels came off the bus, tavistock or mi5 crushed by a modlog what a nice thought.

MrDarkWater ago

tavistock or mi5 crushed by a modlog what a nice thought

so true. Its great how powerful the freedom of speech works. Uncensored thoughts, not even necessarily truth but intuition, is a part of what is shaping the near future. The military is doing the hard work getting us here, but its because of 4chan, 8chan, and voat's commitment to freedom of speech that will be the shining beacon for guiding the new society after revelation.

Blacksmith21 ago

It's a multi-layered counter-PSYOP property. Work the disinformation at different levels. Work in disinfo and humor for the low info voters. Build in disinfo for the TV and MSM outlets. Convert disinfo to academia for the education markets. At the highest levels of group interaction, one must be acceptable on almost all issues, as in the case of deep Q research.

The timeline has accelerated and the bottom is about to fall out. If NR is high-end disinfo operation, now would be the time to make the "pivot", as seen by many of the points made in the latest NR article. Let's see what the next article reveals.

Narcissists are creatures of habit.

Lurker1955 ago

Thanks for detailing your disinfo plan. Hopefully people will go to the blog which, I believe, is archived. They'll then be able to read all of the posts and know how completely off the wall your comments are. I've got an unrelated bone to pick with you. Don't use the term "narcissist" to describe pathologic behavior unless you understand the medical definition. Otherwise you just sound stupid. You might wish to read the authoritative book by Robert Hare on the subject.

Blacksmith21 ago

My disinfo plan? Sorry buddy, I didn't create the plan. Only trained to recognize them.

And don't tell me what words I can and cannot use. Isn't that censorship?

Lurker1955 ago

I just feel that you should have an understanding of terms that you use. You are certainly free to mis-use them to your heart's content. If you are stating that NR comments seem egotistical that is very different from stating that NR has Narcissistic Personality Disorder which is a medical diagnosis about which I'm betting you know nothing.

Blacksmith21 ago

"Occasional egocentric errors such as these are understandable and easily remedied. As we progress along the continuum to narcissism, however, egocentrism starts to take on a much more complex and problematic form. In egocentrism, you’re unable to see someone else’s point of view; but in narcissism, you may see that view but not care about it. Going even one step further, people high in narcissism become annoyed or even enraged when others fail to see things their way. At extremes, narcissism leads people to becoming exploitative, particularly among the subgroup known as entitled narcissists."


Do you really want to have this debate, shithead? @vindicator @srayzie @kevdude @molochhunter

Lurker1955 ago

Your understanding is limited and I don't need to post links to Psychology Today because I do this for a living. To paraphrase Q ... Laypeople are stupid.

Blacksmith21 ago

"To paraphrase Q ... Laypeople are stupid."

And you are a fucking idiot. No one says that. Except a douche.

I'm off to go enjoy beer and BBQ

Lurker1955 ago

Enjoy! I didn't realize that you were old enough to drink. 😊

MolochHunter ago

this thread is the funniest thing ive read in a while

you obviously have an ego identity complex that makes you feel you are a superior authority on ... of all things ... Narcissism 😂🤣😆 @Blacksmith21 sucked it right out of you, you glow in the dark

Lurker1955 ago

Really? How could that happen when he's completely uninformed and needs to rely on some fluff piece (written by a Ph.D. who doesn't seem to back her argument up with any actual data) to try to make his point? The cornerstone of NPD or psychopathy if you prefer is the lack of any capacity to feel empathy. They can't do it. Not possible. NPD has little to do with what you perceive as "conceit". There are covert narcissists you know and they are more dangerous than the ones who "brag on themselves". I hate to see the term trivialized. People ( if you can even call them people) with significant NPD are dangerous. Always. They always do harm and they do it knowingly. You seem to have some opposition to becoming more informed on tbe topic. Why is that?

MolochHunter ago

If modern psychology has entirely divorced the term 'narcissism ' from its archetypal root of Vanity then I'll go with the wisdom of the ancients, not modernists with their vain sense of moral superiority. Why do you think we're in this mess? We ignored the wisdom of antiquity

Lurker1955 ago

Perceived narcissistic behavior can certainly be a component of the disorder (and btw psychopaths, which is the term I prefer, don't see themselves as disadvantaged) but it's not the most significant defect. It's the lack of capacity to feel empathy that defines this disorder. Egoists can sure be obnoxious but not all egoists are evil and/or actual malignant narcissists. Thank God.

Lurker1955 ago

Well the ancients didn't have interactive MRI technology. That was a problem for them. To which particular "wisdom" are you refering?

MolochHunter ago

facepalm the type that, in the very least, understands the distinction between knowledge and wisdom

Lurker1955 ago

Never heard of it.

Blacksmith21 ago

LMAO. Time for company.

LostandFound ago

*puts on popcorn

Corsi was fun, lets see how these niggers melt

Type-o-Negative ago

If a socialist leftie seen this, they would call you racist because the dog paws were in the sink.

Speed_Bernicia ago

Great work and incredibly well written and put together post patriot! Being British I knew exactly what a ZX Spectrum was so I found the reference mildly amusing and it didn't set of any flags... I'm pleased you picked up on it! Reading that post today, I initially thought HE HAS TO BE MOSSAD due to AJ/JC similarities but UK intelligence (MI5/MI6/SIS/BBC) are largely fucking scumbags and probably have the same playbook. Now, I'm kind of expecting NRs next article to tell us that RonaldSwansong played golf with Q and was told that the whole operation was compromised on the night of the Q&A and then Q reached out to neon himself to let him know that this is the case.

Lurker1955 ago

Fuck you limey sholl. Your Quenn is a fucking pedophile and drinks baby blood. Your fucking traitor country was in on the coup to take down Trump. Kill yourself before you breed and the fuck your corpse.

Speed_Bernicia ago

Look, you are making yourself look like a fucking spastic. I've had considerably more intellectual conversations with bots trying to sign me up for porn! I'll put "sholl" down to a typo, we all make them. "I don't know whether you're a shill". They are you're words! "Kill yourself before you breed and the fuck your corpse." That just makes no sense, no matter how you try to read it. I actually feel sorry for you so I'm going to try and help. If you go to a users profile you can see some of the comments that people have made. I'll make this one easy for you, As you can see, you are preaching to the fucking choir. Now, unless you are going to make some comments that don't make you sound like a nigger, LURK MOAR or fuck off to your v/QRV echo chamber, safe space. You can profess your love for neon there all you want and everyone else will think you are just a swell dude. Honestly though, VOAT might not be the place for you and that's fine, it's not for everyone. The chans aren't either. There are a few groups on gab that might suit you better! Sign up at and check out Also, you can follow your idol there too He is even so kind as to let you give him sheckles for premium content!

Lurker1955 ago

I wasn’t supposed to be an “intellectual conversation “. I was trying to mortally offend and shame BTT for being disingenuous and sneaky. I was just using the “ fill in the blank” Voat form used for attacking anyone on Voat who posts something you disagree with. It can be located using the scroll down menu. I’d fit in perfectly here because I come from Fight Club NOT reditt for crying out loud. There we are more explicit and tell people to shoot themselves with a nail gun. So haze away. Look I have no idea whether NR is a secret agent for MI6? It seems unlikely but we’ll agree to disagree on that one. My post today was to BTT because I hate fucking liars, hypocrites and people who think they can know “who’s saved.” Please. You don’t think that it’s a wee bit hypocritical for people to complain about people on YouTube selling t-shirts while he’s selling some VPN and nagging people to buy his wife’s credit card processing service. So to address your other suggestions. I’m on Gab. If any site is an echo chamber it’s laughable that you think there’s no censorship on Voat. What do you call gang downvoating. Maybe Voat’s not the place for you if you can’t tolerate an opinion different from your own. I’m not going anywhere if only to piss you off so downvoat away.

Speed_Bernicia ago

Excellent, you are capable of communicating without sounding like a bot. Now, I'm assuming that BTT is Blessed To Teach. If so, having watched the first 4 seconds of the video on their youtube channel homepage, I can promise you that they aren't limey. Their logo looks like a US flag. I don't suppose they give a fuck about the queen. I have nothing to do with BTT though, whoever they are. If you are trying to mortally offend someone, it may help if you address them directly. Not some random on an obscure post that they might never see. I do like that you tried to use necrophilia, even though you don't agree with it. Didn't quite work but it could with a bit more practice! I have no idea if he is British intelligence, US, or Israeli. I don't even know if he is intelligence or just an anon that found himself way over his head and handled the whole reddit situation really poorly. I too regularly read neons blogs. I tend to trust most people, until they give me a reason not to. Neon has given us several reasons recently to question his judgement and/or motives. Fact is, we need to have the same level of scepticism for any Q "decoders" as we do any of the MSM. (((They))) worship a golden calf, we should not. I also hate liars and hypocrites, we have no disagreement there. As for Voat, I've only been here 10 days. I don't remember claiming that there is NO censorship on voat or anywhere else that I have no control over. From what I can tell, from my short time here, is that most people welcome different opinions so long as they are thought out, logical and actually contribute to the discussion in some way. Gang downvoating is used by v/ProtectVoat as a counterbalance against ccp farming. The goats have been here a long time and value the culture that they have cultivated and are prepared to fight for it. I certainly can't fault them for that and wholeheartedly support them in doing so. Of course, we all have free speech here and you are welcome to say whatever you want but, you clearly aren't as stupid as you have previously demonstrated. I hope to read some better comments and posts from you in the future, something that I would be tempted to upvoat. Give them some thought and you could prove to be an asset to the movement. Anyway, assuming that you follow Q posts then we are on the same team and WWG1WGA.

Lurker1955 ago

  1. You are a shill?
  2. You are crazy? Pick one.

Speed_Bernicia ago

  1. You are a nigger? Hang yourself.

  2. You are a kike? Gas yourself. Pick one

Lurker1955 ago

  1. Nope. Fuck you pencil dick.
  2. Nope. Ditto. I worked in an ER for years. You are way out of your league.

Speed_Bernicia ago

Pencil dick? I can live with that due to the fact your granddaughter said it fits her tight little cunt just perfectly. Worked in ER? Do cleaning staff get to say that too? Or is that because you got sacked for fucking the corpses you created because of your incompetence? Out of my league? In... faggotry? You are correct! You win that one hands down. Now, saying as you are so fucking clever who am I shilling for? When you are the one that can still tastes neons jizz in the back of your throat. Were you also a psychiatrist? Or are you just full of shit with absolutely nothing to contribute?

Lurker1955 ago

Nope. I disapprove of necrophilia. Corpses can't give consent. My point was that I'm unimpressed with your flowery but limited vocabulary. Anyone going through medical training has already been exposed to much worse than the verbal abuse the prepubescents that appear to populate this site can dish out. . I don't know whether you're a shill. I'm trying to come up with an explanation for your negativity and misdirected hostility. Enlighten me?

Speed_Bernicia ago

You wonder why you get met with negativity and perfectly well aimed hostility? "1. You are a shill? 2. You are crazy? Pick one" what kind of response did you expect this to get? Are you a shill? Are you crazy? pick one and then fuck off back to reddit

Lurker1955 ago

Well as I said when I was fiive "you started it". I'm not complaining about your hostility to me. I deliberately provoked you. I don't understand the animus towards the reddit great awakening group. Perhaps you'd like to explain. I've never been on reddit.

Speed_Bernicia ago

Perhaps you'd like to explain this ??

Lurker1955 ago

Nothing to do with me but thank you for pointing this out. Great idea! I've got lots of upvoating to do.

Speed_Bernicia ago

I think that you are the result niggers in breeding, a total waste of valuable resources and should fucking kill yourself

Speed_Bernicia ago

Perhaps you'd like to explain what exactly you mean by "the animus towards the reddit great awakening group"? You've lost me. I already said that when it comes to faggotry you win. Are you happy that I had to repeat it for the world to see?

Lurker1955 ago

I think you're adorable.

NeonRevolt ago

My reference explanation is actually simpler than that.

Hard sounds, like C's, K's, and CH's are just... funnier for some reason.

Go through all the best jokes you can find. You'll be shocked to see how often the pattern emerges.

Devs8tor ago


Keep up the good work, everyone's perspective is important.

Type-o-Negative ago

Well he would be talking about himself (Ronald) then IMO.

Speed_Bernicia ago

It is no coincidence that I used RonaldSwansong.. Your post on matter the was incredibly well put together, thanks again for that.

Type-o-Negative ago

Your quite welcome. I am not a nigger anymore because I redid all the screen shot links with the cat link, so it reads a lot better. After all the comments swirling in my head and rereading all the shots, I added a bit more to it after self reflecting on it.

I really do not know why RS would tell me these things in the first place out of the blue to begin with. Mossad should fire his ass, but too late now in the game to be making change ups, this isnt baseball.

These people are stupid -Q

Speed_Bernicia ago

Kek I just gave it another read and @everlastingphelps certainly can't claim you to be a "lazy bitch"! It definately looks, reads and works better. They are stupid as well as desperate, a dangerous combination for them. They are making so many mistakes and their narrative is falling apart. Its a great time to be alive. WWG1WGA

Type-o-Negative ago

Next time I run into @everlastingphelps, I am going to tell to start pulling some weight around here, cant do all the heavy lifting myself. /s

Blacksmith21 ago

I'm glad you can confirm my reaction. If he had said "Timex Sinclair" versus "Spectrum VX" would that have raised an eyebrow with you?

madhatter67 ago

Second brit confirmation of a great spot by you

And yeh MI6 have obviously been on trumps case from the word go....what with the piss dossier and all....I hope we have some white hats in there...but I'm not so sure as they work for the crown not the people

Type-o-Negative ago

So you think they are MI6 then? RonaldMcdonald accused FoT of “literally being Mossad.” Hmm, makes you wonder if he is a double agent the way he that.

madhatter67 ago

Who knows....I just agree with Blacksmiths suggestion that NR is likely British

To be honest the whole thing has been so retarded in its execution it has more of a ring of shareblue about it than professional spooks

Blacksmith21 ago

The SAS community is solid. GCHQ is pretty solid from what I can tell, as well. Good to get a second confirmation on my suspicions.

madhatter67 ago

Dunno about GCHQ.....I guess the body in a bag guy was likely onto something...hence ending up as a body in a bag....I always assumed that was because GCHQ offed him....but I guess it was whoever he was about to spill beans on so not necessarily them

Up until Q I assumed NSA were bad guys mebbe GCHQ will surprise me too

Blacksmith21 ago

What part threw you about "military intelligence" saving the day?

madhatter67 ago

Well I guess our agencies are structured differently to yours and I don't really trust any of them! Time will tell...but it'd be nice if one of them is for the people this side of the pond....our swamp is very deep and very stinky!

Blacksmith21 ago

NSA, DIA, and other .mil members of the IC are white hats. Sure there are black hat elements. As much LTG Flynn is a hero, former DIRNSA ADM Rogers is equally heroic for his efforts to thwart the Deep State.

madhatter67 ago

I'm with you on all that....more negative about any British counterparts existing...but we will see

Blacksmith21 ago

Time will tell.

Speed_Bernicia ago

I'll be honest, I had assumed that he was posting from the US so probably not. I'd have had to have searched for it. I had also overlooked the "cheekily" and "piss-off" because we use them all the time and I didn't know that these weren't part of the US vernacular. Now I'm thinking about it though, they aren't exactly in any famous lines from US films or TV I've seen.

Blacksmith21 ago

@kevdude - This may be of interest to you.

CovfefeFan ago

I've never read anything about Neon Revolt, but suddenly see many negative posts about him.

I'm a SerialBrain2 fan, that's about the only one I have always followed, on reddit and here... People say nasty things about SB2, but I think they just can't understand SB2.

Type-o-Negative ago

After his actions with coming to v/theawakening and not telling others about the comped mods has been giving serious doubt on who's side is really on.

I used to check daily for his posts. No anymore, after that shit he was involved with the voat farming bothered me too because that occured with with all the comped mods, he is lucky I dont dowvote his decodes anymore. I will continue to watch War Drummer though although he narrates SB2 decodes, because it really feels like watching the show with his awesome productions he does.

CovfefeFan ago

I love War Drummer's voice.

Type-o-Negative ago

He plays piano and has Christian type videos Sunday. Dude is friggin awesome. When I did read SB2's posts I could easily hear War Drummer's voice inside my head.

CovfefeFan ago

me too

dmusered ago

Not understanding SB is not a reason why anyone would say nasty things about him. I don't understand modern art but don't hold an opinion on it.

SB makes some interesting but tenuous links. NR has tried to monetize Q and is a self styled decoder of drops. I dont know about anyone else but I have to work in a job for a living and don't think writing my thoughts on the internet would provide a living. Beware of false prophets.

CovfefeFan ago

I'm Bewaring. I used to trust Cori's interpretations. I was betrayed.

MrDarkWater ago

well SB2 is just using big words and numbers while connecting dots that dont exist outside his ramblings. seriously, that gematria shit or whatever, does not hold water at all.

CovfefeFan ago

The more you embrace being uncertain and not knowing, the more comfortable you will feel in knowing that you don't know. Uncertainty removes our judgements of others; it preempts the unnecessary stereotyping and biases that we otherwise feel. Uncertainty also relieves us of our judgement of ourselves. The only way to succeed is to remain uncertain and be open to finding them out through experience. The person who believes he knows everything learns nothing. The more we admit we do not know, the more opportunities we gain to learn.

SB2 isn't divisive. It doesn't hurt to attempt to understand. I don't understand everything, but sometimes it makes sense to me. I'm not good at math. Just because I don't understand it fully, doesn't mean that it's not a real thing. I think it's kinda good to work my brain like that. It's not for everyone, obviously.

MrDarkWater ago

im incredible at math. What hes doing isn't math. its coded gibberish. its street magic, slight-of-hand, infomercial vacuum demos. I dont think hes hurting anybody or the movement (unless he just gets too big and leads the herd) I've just tried reading through his stuff enough to see through the trick-show: anybody can make those numbers say whatever they want, as long as they stick to the rules of the game: hide the bullshit behind a curtain of numbers

CovfefeFan ago

Well, I like it. Gives my brain a good workout trying to understand. Perhaps one day I will understand or perhaps I will figure out it's BS. I'll figure it out on my own and in the meantime, my brain will get the exercise it needs.

slumbermachine ago

I like your thinking. Trust no man, but take what you can from each of them. SB has done some good connections and some rather poor (to the point of silly) ones. I still think sometimes he gets it right on though and it's good mental exercise for sure.

Gotrek ago

Is imperator Rex and Neon REvolt the same person? Why do they use the same Roman/Greek statue as a logo?

MrDarkWater ago

just fashwave memes

DaraChaos ago

No I don't think that NR and Rex are the same person. In fact, if I'm not mistaken, I think that Rex used the statue first.

CovfefeFan ago

I've seen some of Imperator Rex, come to think of it. He seems legit.

larryhuston ago

SB2 is the super trustworthy guy that tried upvoat farms here. He can go choke on schlomo dick.

SandHog ago

Sure seems like he is trying to poison the well.

Mumbleberry ago

NR wants to sell merch. That alone should tell you everything you need to know.

QTPi ago

Ding ding ding! #paytriot

Lurker1955 ago

It doesn't. It just tells me that he doesn't have a trust fund.

Lurker1955 ago


Ina_Pickle ago

NeonRevolt sells merch... So how many of you guys gave up hour real names, home addresses, and banking info to this CIA agent just to get a t-shirt?

Lurker1955 ago

Now I know that you are completely full of shit. I'm an outsider to the world of geekdom looking in. I want to destroy the psychpaths running the world. That's why I'm here. Your comment makes me wonder whether you work for said psychopaths because I know 100% that you are spreading misinformation. I started to read Neon Revolt's blog about six month's ago. I have access to any content that he posts on his blog or on his Gab site for free ( as does everyone else on the planet). I hate fucking liars=you.

Ina_Pickle ago

Sounds like you bought a shirt and doxxed yourself.

Lurker1955 ago

No shirt. Could care less about being doxxed. Non-geeks could care less.

Ina_Pickle ago

There are a lot of "non geeks" in the last 2 years who have lost their jobs or been suspended from school due to doxxing. Considering your online hobby and political beliefs, you are not taking your online security seriously enough.

Lurker1955 ago

I've never said anything on-line that I wouldn't say in person. Anyone attacking me for voicing my political beliefs is in for the fight of their lives. My online hobby is shopping.

Ina_Pickle ago

I gathered that. I hope at least it was a good quality combed combed cotton shirt.

Lurker1955 ago

Hey if he sold one say featuring Karl Lagerfeld sporting a WWG1WGA tote on it I'd totally buy it. There's a marketing idea for you guys. There are Q followers who only wear couture. The C_A has my info because I make patreon donations to NR and a few YouTubers so no worries.

Mumbleberry ago

Quite a few of the Qsheep is my guess.

Blacksmith21 ago

I'm not opposed to selling merchandise because it winds up on TV at Trump rallies. I am opposed to exploitation and deception. Is there much difference between "buy my shirt" or "donate to my Patreon, etc."? Many of the research personalities attempt to publish their findings for a living - very difficult to pay the bills.

Lurker1955 ago

Who is being deceptive and exploitive?

realnstuff ago

NR did start to beg for donations after a few hours of opening the sub. Trustworthy, right?

NeonRevolt ago

No, I had taken donations for months - but the creators of Gab rolled out tiered donations the day prior, so I added a few tiers.

Also, I never had any moderation power in the sub. I talked to some of the mods on occasion, but there was a clear separation of powers there.

stray502 ago

That doesnt mean anything. It takes money to live and if you spend your life doing what some of these guys are doing they have to try and recover. Dont make it sound like people that need donations are bad or on the wrong side. If you have a problem with NR then state what it is but do not use donations.

realnstuff ago

Negative, it's always about behaviour, attitute and action and in case of NR the combination is more than fishy. We are talking about him, like the submission title could tell you. Besides comments usually have the submission in context, even if they answer someone else.  

Yes donations aren't evil in itself but joining a new site and asking more or less from the get go for donations, are at least for me fishy. Especially if you observed, that from the beginning a huge amount of comments and submissions were deleted. Majority of those were about the shadow ban and censoring issue of the sub.

My 2c

digitalrevere ago

One of the pitfalls are when people put a paywall gateway to information or participation that is valuable to save the country. Q has said, information is meant to be free. No elite discussion groups, no pay for access only special documents that show the "REAL" truth (just $7.99/mo for exclusive access).

Also being money focused and operating in a manner to serve income over the message. If you slow trickle out your decodes or the discussion to maximize your money making opportunities, you're doing it wrong. If you're trying to steal away viewers from someone else so that they come into your monetized world, that is just wrong. We've seen that with several online personalities who trash others as fake and tell you that you need to come to their camp.

Selling merch I see no issue with. Asking for patreon donations I see no issue with. It is important to understand this is an information operation and everything we can all do to get the information disseminated, heard and understood should be the focus. Anything that slows that process down or hides that information behind a paywall should be avoided.

Lurker1955 ago

Who is charging $7.99 for exclusive access to "REAL" truth?

digitalrevere ago

I don’t know the amount but Corsi was charging for access to his decode group.

Lurker1955 ago

Corsi is the enemy. I don't think that NR is.

digitalrevere ago

It's an example of what not to do.

Lurker1955 ago

NR's content is free. What do you mean?

digitalrevere ago

I never said his content wasn't free. I was explaining the pitfalls of serving revenue instead of the message. The only think I know about NR is he sells shirts and that is fine.

Where people may run into trouble, is when they get a group of followers and then they start generating revenue from them, ad revenue, youtube revenue etc. They then learn what makes money and what doesnt, could be things like sensationalism makes money but boring facts really doesn't make as much money. At what point do some of these personalities start serving the stories that brings in the money over the facts and the message? People that start to do this also get very territorial over their followers.

Lurker1955 ago

What makes you think that is the case here? I don't understand the venom being directed at this guy. Most of the YouTubers I watch ask for donations or sell some merchandise. None of them imo use click bait to draw in followers. That's the provence of the Tylers at Zero Hedge. I don't think that people are bored at present. Freaked out? Yes. Bored ? No. You might have noticed that none of the Voat pundits opining here have discussed the actual content of the Q posts mentioned on the NR blog. Agenda or insane? Hard to know.

DaraChaos ago

I agree. I have no issues with people trying to cover the cost of hosting, bandwidth, etc. In fact I remember that a few months ago, NR's site went down for a short time due to exceeding bandwidth allocation. I don't consider trying to make ends meet the same as Corsi-type profiteering.

However, I have become very disturbed by NR's posts and behavior since The Great Diaspora from Reddit. I did not like or appreciate his unfounded attacks on @srayzie and @Shizy. He didn't present any proof that anything was amiss with mods on this sub, but rather just pretty much said, "They're rotten. Trust me because I say so." I was already aware, before landing here, of Voat's reputation for hazing newfags, and I'm fine with that. But @srayzie reached out and welcomed us with open arms, and I thanked her for that.

My opinion of NR has definitely diminished because of all of this!

NeonRevolt ago

For the record, I never said anything bad about srayzie or shizy. The article gave them the benefit of the doubt.

But it doesn't matter now. Q gave us a new home.

(Of course, all three of those people involved in creating v/QRV were involved in the creation of v/TheAwakening - but I couldn't talk about that then. Now, I suppose I can). All were all there, coordinating on a chat server together to deploy the new sub when r/GA was taken down. One of the current mods even thought up the name "v/TheAwakening."

It's why I kept trying to urge people to trust me; we had good people behind the new sub. I couldn't inadvertantly doxx anyone, though, so I held back usernames at the time. I had hoped people would listen, but the shills saw their opportunity and capitalized on it, nonstop, for the past, what? Two weeks?

(Seriously, you should see my inbox).

And now, you've ended up with basically the same moderator team anyway. Wouldn't be surprised if a lot of the mods from v/TheAwakening get added, soon, but I can't say, one way or another.

Shizy ago

Thank you for this! It's hard to see those types of attacks directed at this sub and the mods, but I know the people here more so than just about anywhere else are able to employ logic and reasoning and think for themselves. Those type of "trust me cause i said so" tactics work on dumbed down sheep not free thinkers!

KKOH ago

"My opinion of NR has definitely diminished because of all of this!" SAME, sadly. His ego reveals his weakness.

GranimalSnake ago

Truth has no ego.

KKOH ago


Blacksmith21 ago

Hazing NewFags is a great way to ID shills out of the gate. Shills have many common traits and react very, very consistently 90% of the time.

MolochHunter ago

look around

leaves are brown

its a Hazing shade of NewFags

Blacksmith21 ago

Paraphrasing The Bangles may result in mandatory surrender of your Man Card. Be advised.

MolochHunter ago

I plead Simon and Garfunkle

White_pride_cis ago

I do love some Simon and Garfunkel.

GranimalSnake ago

People need to drink from the tap and stop expecting someone to bottle up the truth for them.

Lurker1955 ago

I agree that people should learn to think for themselves but not everyone is a geek or has the skill set to "drink from the tap" so blogs like Neon Revolt's and QTuber sites are critical for "red pilling". It's hard to get the people I know to even have any interest in the highly contested Govenor's race in the currently (and I stress currently) Red state where I live. This movement is an uphill battle outside the Voat echo chamber. You don't want to make it more difficult for " normies" to get information.

e1337ninja ago

Amen. People that can't use critical thinking skills for themselves do not deserve the truth it the freedom it brings.

Lurker1955 ago

Gee maybe we should just euphanize all of them. Learning to use "critical thinking skills" is taught. Everyone deserves the truth and freedom. Your job is to teach and help wake them up.

e1337ninja ago



Lurker1955 ago

I find your attitude unhelpful.

CaptnObvius ago

We're working on getting people to think for themselves, but apparently critical thinking is about as rare as hen's teeth these days.

Lurker1955 ago

Please tell me how you are helping people to think for themselves. Carrot works better than the stick .

CaptnObvius ago

To a degree, yes, but beating them over the head with a stick isn't helpful at all.

anglojibwe ago

I don't have time because I am too busy paying taxes. Further, I unplugged the TV and internet at home, so researching on a 5" android is cumbersome, at best. I need a board like Voat to compile information; yet even easier, Neon wraps it up very nicely. I find @Blacksmith21 's analysis very enlightening. I am of the wait and see camp. Nevertheless, the information is changing daily and very difficult to follow if you can't go at it full time. Happy Hen

Vindicator ago

There are two much better sources for this than NR on Twitter: Praying Medic and Lisa Mei Crowley. Neither of them has ever pulled a "Corsi" or a "Neon".

CaptnObvius ago

I don't see how anyone does anything on a phone, seriously. I have to work on a laptop or desktop. Not a phone/pad guy here, hate the damn things. Anyway, yes Neon does do a very good job, its only one perspective, but a good one.

anglojibwe ago

Same. I research from my work PC. I don't have one at home because I stare at 2, 19" screens 40 hours a week.

Blacksmith21 ago

In intelligence, patience is not a virtue, it is SOP.

GranimalSnake ago


anglojibwe ago

I don't see the harm waiting for his next post. I'll read it and compare.

Blacksmith21 ago

Absolutely. I will be doing the same.

GranimalSnake ago

I honestly didn't realize it was so bad. People are afraid of being wrong or outsiders... so they merely follow whomever the group seems to herd behind.

That's completely unAmerican.

CaptnObvius ago

Man I am wrong all the time, and I am not afraid to admit it. The great thing is that all of us together make a great team for removing the chaff and getting to the wheat. We all have one common goal, find the truth and share it.

AllHeadsDowntoBow ago

I love goats for this like no forum Ive seen since the early 2000s

GranimalSnake ago

Learning requires mistakes and errors. People seem to forget that and only want a filtered preapproved opinion that will fit within everyone else's.

We will end up with people debating in the streets like Ancient Greece by the time we're done. People need to care.

Vindicator ago

Learning requires mistakes and errors

Yes. In fact, without mistakes and errors, do you ever really learn anything at all?

GranimalSnake ago

I didn't... had to learn the hard way.

NoisyCricket ago

Worse, these dopes will tell YOU to start "critically thinking" by refusing to do any type of research and only believe what is satisfactory to one's own confirmation bias. Usually as spoon fed from a propaganda outlet. The propaganda affects people in every walk of life. It's as insane as it is frustrating.

CaptnObvius ago

I know, I have to change my position all the time as new information comes in. I find I am rarely 100% correct. It should be apparent to people that if you are "always" right, you're in an echo chamber. In the real world we are always shifting our positions and opinions as we analyze new data.

jzerocoolj ago

At the very least they should be discussing it with other anons and getting multiple perspectives on the drops.

Lurker1955 ago

Anons are not the only people involved in this battle and you need people who can act as a bridge to the "normies." You also need the "normies".You need to be less dismissive of the bulk of humanity. Everyone has value ( except my ex-husband.) You are starting to sound like the evil overlords we're fighting. As Q says this is not a game. This is a battle for the future of the world. Good vs Evil. Those plastic coffins were for us. Get over yourselves.

GranimalSnake ago

That's helpful... having someone spoon feed you is how we got to Anderson Cooper though... that and his mama's satanic sacrifice.

SukkhaMadiqqa ago

Something stinks to high heaven with NR. Thanks for the excellent breakdown. It brought some new things to my attention.