14248378? ago

Q...I'm unsure you'll ever see this but hopefully you'll hear me someday. You've given me deep inspiration and hope since 10/17 first post. I have waited for 26 years to see the take down of evil thru the Clintons. I have lost the confidence of my entire family including my son and his family completely disowning me for my support of POTUS. While I can never heal from this loss and more, I can't think of a better consolation than standing in the White House watching POTUS reactivate Gen. Flynn for a day to receive his 5th Star before retiring again. He clearly deserves the honor! P. Mirabelli

14039790? ago

‘Q’ Research Voat - deciphered! Duh.

14001897? ago

The reality of Rod Rosenstein saying he would wear a wire in conversation with the President Of The United States and attempt to invoke the 25th amendment to remove @POTUS is outrageous and contemptuous. He should be removed by Congress immediately @SpeakerRyan @HouseGOP @POTUS

13999310? ago

Good to know

13996133? ago

This is a test somebody please upvote me, I love Q !!!!!!!!!!!!! MAGA...

13996025? ago

Ready Q.

13995858? ago

Bleep bloop, someone mentioned this submission!

'Time to UNITE, ONE MIND with Q at the Helm. The Truth is More like the X-Files than most are ready or able to handle. We need to help Steer the ship.' was posted in v/QRV by @2737448 and refers to this submission.

This notification (#686) was posted automatically by the SearchVoat.co Cross-Link Bot. More information here, including how to suppress these notifications.

13993395? ago

Saw the connection immediately, glad to be here. 73 from W1 land.

13992133? ago


13990865? ago

I believe there’s a lot of Q in Ham Speak!

13988328? ago

We should be establishing a HAM network to communicate in the event of darkness.

14002393? ago

Good idea.

13988295? ago

Ready Willing Able Q! I've been following since Oct 2017, and everyone was anxious to get this over with once reality started setting in! I include myself as the corruption began opening up. I won't list all of the evil topics as we all know by now what they are. We went through many ups and downs during this past 11 months, but I am grateful, The Plan was NOT played out as I wished it would be. Q and Potus' methodical Plan in exposing the VASTNESS of the bEAST, has not only been breathtaking, shocking, stunning, eye-opening etc.. but has trusted the Patriot Americans to view first hand what the hell we are up against, and it is UGLY Thank you Q, Thank you Potus, Thank you Anons. Keep the Faith, Trust the Plan, and God Bless America!

13987824? ago

14002321? ago

I bet they do.

13987706? ago

Damn. My dad is a HAM. I shoulda caught that. Busy day.

13987527? ago

I am ready.

13987339? ago

Follower of Q since way back when. I'm glad for this source which I hope will not be taken away. Twit Co has abused me & keeps harassing my account. Ready for Internet Bill of Rights and antitrust legislation to put the persecutors back in their places!

13986924? ago

Ha! That's very clever! Gotta love Q for their subtlety! It's getting hard to not look at life anymore without wondering if there are 'hidden messages' in everything.

13986835? ago


13986731? ago


13986419? ago

I am ready.

13985911? ago

NeonRevolt is as solid as they come imo ... agree with what he said ... those posts were kinda dumb. His contribution is excellent and we need him.

14002468? ago

I support Q wholly and am dependent on others to interpret what I may not see. I have 3-4 anons I follow for that. I take the info and avoid negativity. Love all the points of view.

13985824? ago

I'm born ready.

13985787? ago

Glad to find everybody here.

13985656? ago


Me: I am ready, standing by.

Q: Grab some popcorn, buckle up and enjoy the show!

13985613? ago

Q Research Voat

13986158? ago

ahhhh! think yur onto something mate

13985547? ago

Semper Paratus

13985188? ago

That's an outstanding find. Thank you.

13985109? ago

maybe this means they're trying to confuse the censors by ddosing them? didn't someone point out there's an organization to look for antisemitic internet content? wasn't it revised like a week ago? wasn't this the second revision this year, first year with multiple revisions since created in 94? This board would be blatant antisemitic qualification and just give them a focus while doing something somewhere else but now there's less resources?

13984938? ago

Hillary Clinton appeared as a guest speaker at a witch’s coven in New York City on April 3, 2018 and was awarded a lifetime membership in the coven, known as “The Wing.” While this might sound like “fake news” details on Hillary’s night out with a room full of occult-practicing feminist witches appeared in several news publications and we checked it out.

This is not information coming from a Russian bot on Twitter or a questionable piece of journalism on an amateur site. Hillary Clinton attended a coven of witches right out in the open and it was covered by a “mainstream media” magazine in New York.

Rumors about Hillary Clinton’s occult practices have swirled around her for years, but the media has always stepped in to denounce those stories as half-baked conspiracy theories. It will be interesting to see how George Stephanopoulos and other former Clinton employees — now gainfully employed as “journalists” — will spin this story.

13996139? ago

Do you have a source (sauce) link to the journal article?

13984804? ago

Ready, willing and able Q.

13984449? ago

Sharp eyes Patriot. We're ready!

13984071? ago

Subtle, indeed. Great post. A little more for the curious. . .https://www.qsl.net/w5www/qcode.html

13984046? ago

Nice one!

13983858? ago

lmao i thot it was Q, Reddit, Voat

13983714? ago

I am ready. MAGA

13983277? ago

I hope this doesn't mean we need a Ham radio coming up.....

13983074? ago

"Are You Ready" aka The Storm is Here

13983003? ago

Whoa, Nellie! Did they think Q wouldn't find out about their licenses for ham radio communications? LMAO.

13982874? ago

Send it!

13982751? ago


Many of us have suspected that elections were rigged. POTUS orders Declas of FISA this week, we'll learn how it all goes down.

13982749? ago

From what I can understand, impatience comes mainly from an exaggerated focus on punishments. The Cabal and it's minions deserve to be isolated somewhere out of the collective, which means in jail :-). BUT sometime focusing on revenge makes you forget that 1. We have the responsibility to red-pill others in order to have a critical mass of opinion assuring the vote in the midterms. 2. And we can't do that if we don't understand deeply what is going on in the deep state, their agenda, their playbook(s), their history. Not knowing that leads to emotional response which is not what we want here. When you look at the far-leftists, you see children, not adults, playing with fire for power they do not deserve. You see impulsive and childish manipulation of truth in order to achieve that. IMO, you can't grow without the will to be the best version of yourself. And these people are not models of growth but models of fixation to a world of fantasy (Alice and Wonderland) where killing people is not seen for what it is: an attempt to assassinate your very own soul. When you see the need to have and digest information first, impatience is less overwhelming.

13982470? ago

INT ZBZ INT ZEV...QRU M8?...k/ =)

13982329? ago

Q posted Randy Quaid The Source. Look hard....It Doesn't Exist! .

Google: Q Source is common Bible material.

Q comes from Greek Ϙ, meaning “piercing-the-veil” of ignorance, separateness, the veil of the sky .

"Source" comes from Lating surgō : to ascend, awaken, take the floor, lift, break up, "rapture" .

Q400 NextGen Q plane posting: Catch the message? Do you believe in coincidences? .

Google: "Q NextGen is omnipotent", "Q-bot is a NextGen robot", "Q experience is NextGen TV", "Q is a NextGen Pentax camera", "Q Marshal is a NextGen smartwatch by Q Fossil", "Q-Dance features NextGen Madness" .

Google: "Q remarked Songs From The Big Chair". . Everybody Wants To Rule The World by Tears For Fears, covered by Lorde. youtu.be/DRJTH_Df5Zc?t=1m7s

Unday Records youtu.be/grw7Wobc5rs?t=1m17s

Sad But True youtu.be/O_4OfD-wmGs?t=4m42s

Out Of Time youtu.be/ybjIV0a88ng?t=1m49s

D5 youtu.be/R6JmNEemFSo?t=2m2s

Do you believe in coincidences?

13982156? ago

WOW!! Cool. I love to learn something new and I just learned something new. ThanQ WWG1WGA

13982036? ago

QRV=Are you Ready?

13981838? ago

Great catch! Thank you!

13981579? ago

Ha! Nice!!!!

13981245? ago

Yes Q I am ready.

13981236? ago

"A total of forty-five Q codes appeared in the "List of Abbreviations to be used in Radio Communications"

13980816? ago


13980731? ago

A couple of Neon haters wrote scathing post filled with conjecture! projection and accusations. Then all the sheep upvoat those post. Yesterday all these “woke redpilled” sheep jumped on that bandwagon to burn Neon after Neon doubts Q. Guess no one noticed Neon intentionally didn’t post about the most important strategic moves Trump is making now! Yes, you children are too outraged and impatient to realize distractions and other players are a necessity, Read a bully post and the easily led think Neon is the enemy! Grow up, wise up, you have been had! Even Blessed to Teach jumped in and cast stones! Neon isn’t compromised. He told you who the trouble makers are and the sheep went runnng

13982925? ago

I regret I have but one up vote to give. Seems every thread devolves into trashing neon.

13980716? ago

Where did you see that? 😎⚠️ Hit me up!

13980652? ago

I think it means Q sub for Reddit folks and Voat folks so QRedditVoat

13980647? ago

I am ready

13980618? ago

Bleep bloop, someone mentioned this submission!

'QRV...a "Q" Code' was posted in v/FactCheckQanons by @2736240 and refers to this submission.

This notification (#581) was posted automatically by the SearchVoat.co Cross-Link Bot. More information here, including how to suppress these notifications.

13980522? ago

Q was preparing you for the knowledge you will receive here on race realism and the truth about Zionism . Keep your mind open and pay attention.

13980407? ago

When Praying Medic Posted the new site I caught that too and that is why Im here. Never Been on this site so I need to get up to speed. But Im ready

13980226? ago

"Ham" = Amateur radio operators for you non-geeks out there.

14002598? ago

Ahh... no wonder I didn’t get it.

14019530? ago

I have a Ham license and I didn't catch it at first. lol

13979877? ago

True, I just studied up on the whole Q code in HAM speak. Perhaps we can QRO some "requested output" during the next Q&A session.

13979803? ago

The longer this takes the better....

13979708? ago

I need a lesson for this Voat.co site! Someone please help! Thanks WWG1WGA

13979679? ago

This made me wonder, people have been speculating about Q as a department of energy security level, maybe Q just a nod to Ham Q codes from Q's background in comms.

13979630? ago

Something interesting -- the rally last night was held at the JQH arena -- QJH is "shall I run ... 1) my test tape? 2) a test sentence?" Possibly a message similar to the music stopping for them?

13979566? ago

Re NeonRevolt... New something seemed off. He spoke of himself too often... He's also profiting off the movement. Beware the "Paytriots"

13979313? ago

QRV? Semper Paratus!


13979138? ago

Is that you Nellie?

13980513? ago


13979026? ago

Speaketh the Ham my bretheren!

13979016? ago

Q sent me... Rock on fellow Pats!

13979000? ago


KNOW UR MORSE MEMES: Note to hamfags: -------is old American Morse for "HO HO" and means "a good belly laugh" just like LOLZ. It isn't International Morse/Service Code [mistranslation] "HI HI" which is just gay!

13978757? ago

I LOVE how everything with our boy Q has SO many levels!! It's never just what you see on the surface!

14002670? ago

Pure Genius!

13978674? ago


MUST WATCH: Stop at 0:18

Clearly shows a missile, not a plane!

Download & save, this may be the only video as proof.

Stop clip at 18sec:


13978586? ago

Roger that.

13978561? ago

Q mentions Nellie Ohr used a ham radio to communicate, mistakingly thinking she could avoid NSA. I don't think there are many coincidences in the Q world, but I cannot think of a reason for that connection, if it was even intended.

13978509? ago

Q Research Voat: Are You Ready?

13978437? ago

Very interesting! Great resource, TYVM! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Q_code

13980799? ago

Thank you for the link!

13993176? ago

My pleasure! :)

13978433? ago

Thanks for the info. Wasn't sure of meaning.

13978410? ago

Q 2261 5:5

13978302? ago

Looks like we’re moving out of the shadows. Time to regroup and get ready for the main event.

13978263? ago

By the way, FLAnon here, in need of a few upvotes, thanks Patriots!

13991618? ago

Needing a few upvotes of my own so I can post. Many thanks to any Patriots willing...

14002300? ago

Same here! I thought it was supposed to be "rude" to ask for votes but it seems many are asking. I'm here because I've JIHAD enough of the Cabal's BOLSHEVIK! Full Armor of GOD, Sword of Truth, so let's STORM the gates of the Deep State!!!

13980579? ago

Done. Please return the favor.

13984902? ago

Done for both. Trump army strong!

13985012? ago

All 3 of you get one.

13978240? ago

Kinda like how the “honk for Q” proof. The honk sequence was Q in Morse code.

13978485? ago

_ _ . _

13978177? ago

Great find! That's what makes our movement powerful, the fact that we are sourcing and finding the info.


13978148? ago

I’m a Qcode fag

Great find OP

13978049? ago

QEK= Are you ready for take off?

13977995? ago


13977922? ago

Q Research Voat QRV

13977722? ago

It is and we are! Was this week's Q&A at 8ch a measurement of how many people are keeping up with Q now? We overwhelmed 8ch that night. Why did Q say "In the coming weeks it will be important to have one central location (non 8ch)." Popcorn is ready!

13977772? ago


Get up, get up

Well, are you ready now For the revolution For too long your power has been taken away It’s been taken away Does your heart feel heavy now Savor the solution Take those mental shackles off and throw them away You’ve got to get them out of your mind Don’t you let their vision leave you blind

Moving steady now It’s a revelation For so long your focus has been taken away Now you’re breaking away They may think they know you, but Here’s an education No, they can’t control you Once you’ve broken away They’re done patrolling your mind

When they’re searching for you, they will find A force they aren’t ready for

They aren’t ready for you to be strong They aren’t ready for you to prove them wrong They aren’t ready for you to be turned into someone Who cannot be preyed upon

That’s enough already now You don’t want to take it All your reservations have been taken away They’ve been taken away So you think you’re ready now For the revolution Yeah, they can’t control you Once you’ve broken away You’ve got to get them out of your mind

When they stand before you they will find A force they aren’t ready for

They aren’t ready for you to be strong They aren’t ready for you to prove them wrong They aren’t ready for you to turned into someone Who cannot be preyed upon

(Are you ready)

When they stand before us they will find A cause they aren’t ready for

They aren’t ready for you/us to be strong They aren’t ready for you/us to prove them wrong They aren’t ready for you/Let me know you’re ready to be turned into someone/people who cannot be preyed upon

We cannot be preyed upon

(Get up)

Are you ready?

13977628? ago

Once again The Q shows their Genius

13977564? ago

nice...and here comes the pain!!! 8)

13977522? ago

13977491? ago

Dash. Dash. Dot. Dash. = Q :)

13977456? ago

Ham Radio = Pioneer of the Q movement. QRO


13979458? ago

I still remember my older cousins call sign from when I was a kid. We would sit up late at night contacting people all over the world. It was really an eye opener for a kid to be able to randomly talk to people in a foreign land depending on what the skip allowed that night. We had a little mars station in Guam that came in handy for checking in with the family in our down time before the internet when overseas calls were expensive. Over.

13977436? ago

I am ready. #WWG1WGA In their words after 9/11 Let's roll..

13977401? ago


13977384? ago


13977382? ago

QRV? QRV! I'm a ham and I didn't catch it. Haven't used morse in quite some time, guess it's time to dust off the ol' paddle.

13977063? ago

CQ CQ CQ (Ham radio operators will appreciate).


13981358? ago


13976853? ago

10-4 good buddy. This is our new 20...;)

13976828? ago

Wow. Good find. It definitely makes sense.

13976655? ago

Nice catch, Anon! Very nice!

13976505? ago

Man what a find!

13976340? ago

currently uploading as much of my SHTUFF as possible to here and https://github.com/larsontim1978/STQRM TLUTH is REAL and FUN

13976217? ago

HamPatriot here. Tickled by the QRV Ham Q-code - ready to receive traffic (messages). Thank you BO. ThankQ too

13976107? ago

Okay. So Neon Revolt started the original sub on VOAT. Yesterday he posts some really weird Anti-Q rant and then Q sends everyone to a new Voat sub. Meanwhile the mods here were being attacked by Neon and Q's trip code was compromised? Can someone clarify this for Boomer anon (lol).

13995994? ago

No. Neon did not start the original. He started a conflicting one and then afternoon to destroy both. The result was destruction of the community.

The original is /v/GreatAwakening it's still there and still functioning.

Anything Neon Revolt has touched on Voat has been cancerous.

13994759? ago

I contacted neonrevolt a few months back after I found some amazing information. Needed to get it out there. (Ps: first time here. First comment as well) and he canned me big time. Jumped of twitter for a while due to abuse I copped from him.

I think people are afraid to lose subs/followers etc. It's like an ego thing

13996003? ago

I think he's a maladjusted individual. Nice way of putting it (lol). He can't just do the analysis on the Drops and give the info. He has to make it all a drama about himself and his angst. Also, his analysis stinks. He's wrong a lot and just throws out theories that are junk. He knocks Q and POTUS regularly. I have just stopped reading his stuff.

13987781? ago

How about this Patriot. From a sub-Boomer, but empty nester. What happened is I pulled the pin on the hand grenade: https://voat.co/v/GreatAwakening/2733999

13984561? ago

The actual original sub is v/GreatAwakening, and it was started EIGHT MONTHS ago

NR works with the cancermods from r/greatawakening (or IS a cancermod) to bypass the existing sub here and set up a containment sub

The containment sub is set so that people can't get credit with the rest of voat there and none of the posts will show up on v/all, effectively shadowbanning themselves

The containment sub starts banning people left and right, and says they are doing it with Q's endorsement, because "he would call them out" if he didn't agree

Q starts posting stuff that crosses cabal red lines (ayy), and NR starts speculating that there's a hack and concern-trolling Q's posts

Q orders a new board created that is NOT run by cancermods

NR claims that this vindicates him and is NOT Q calling him out, and claims that the mods here are "the same mods as v/TheAwakening" despite NONE of the mods here being the cancermods from there, meaning that Q has retroactively endorsed v/theawakening (despite this being an obvious rebuke.)

I think that covers it all.

13996085? ago

Thanks. That clarifies it perfectly. I thought NR was strange the first time I read his stuff. His energy is disruptive.

13981325? ago

I was surprised at Neon Revolt's post yesterday too. I honestly don't know what to think about him right now, because I thought he was a Patriot. As Q said, this is not a game and taking a time-out from this open cyber warfare and publicly ranting was disturbing.

13980753? ago

Dont panhandle for up votes, earn them. Also you have to earn them on other subs because this one is anonymous so you cant accumulate upvotes

13980885? ago

Okay. That makes lots of sense.

13980448? ago

Neon Revolt has a post about this he published today - suggest reading it.

13996194? ago

The first part of it is all about the NEON soap opera again. I just quit following him. I don't care about his personal BS and drama.

13978623? ago

I think certain sources were infiltrated.

13978569? ago

Begging for upvoats is frowned upon at voat. Niggers demand gibs. Humans earn points by interacting.

13980898? ago

So Niggers aren't human?

13980960? ago

They are sub-human.

13978259? ago

I can’t keep track of it. All I want is a place to send normies not really into the whole niggerkike thing, savvy? Q drops and discussion of the drops and any news links that might be relevant. Tweets from Trump and any others that seem relevant. Focused. It’s as simple as that. The Reddit group, for whatever faults it had, was good for that. That place plus The Donald helped me red pill a lot of people.

“9/11 planes are CGI created by Saurians at the Dulce blacksite using the Gray Alien version of ProTools” doesn’t help swing votes in November.

14005864? ago

Very true. I would not refer my fellow latter-day saints here. They would find the level of discourse to be too contentious and vulgar. Free speech doesn't have to be vulgar and believing that a criminal conspiracy is afoot doesn't equate to believing that the Grays are laser-zapping cattle anuses in eastern Colorado because NORAD is controlling the HAARP weather modification machine.

13994205? ago

whynot learn the facts thoroughly, and then explain them to normies. Having a lot of people logged onto this group is a great ego booster, but it causes problems too. If you don't know enough about a redpill to properly explain it, you should go back and re read it. Simply telling people how to get here isn't enough. WE are the boots on the ground. A company commander doesn't send an email explaining the entire campaign to each swinging dick. He tells jr officers thier roll, who tell ncos thier specific roll, who tell squad leaders thier specific roll, who tell thier boys to kill. Those who belong here, should be smart enough to get here on thier own. If you red pill someone enough to make them ask you where you're getting your info, then tell them how to get here. Do you want to be an officer in Q's Army, or do you just want to share the link to this group so they can maybe redpill themselves. Take charge. This isn't a game. We need to step it up.

13989104? ago

People need to get used to free speech

13987818? ago

v/greatawakening are where the elders are. This is what happened: https://voat.co/v/GreatAwakening/2733999

13986441? ago

I agree. I was also like to discuss Q Drops and what they might mean and other related topics. I'm not tech savy really, and just want normal conversation. WWG1WGA!!!!

13985127? ago

This isn't really a place for newbies, but I have noticed that the niggerkikefaggot thing is much less in this group than in other groups. Good place for us to hang out and research and share info.

I don't really have a suggestion on where to send newbies, sorry.

13980696? ago

I agree.

13980180? ago

Why not create a group that redpills people. This group doesn't have to be that. Once you redpill them in your own regulated board you can begin to show them the main one and all the "wonderful" things that come with it. There is no one way to red pill. As long as its honest, free and done with care of course.

13980330? ago

That’s kind of what I was saying. People keep thinking I’m saying to censor established places. All I’m saying is there’s a place in the world for a Q board with constant niggerkike faggotry. This really isn’t that fucking difficult to understand. I’m not the bogeyman. I’ve been on Voat for years. I just don’t have issue with a new group trying to be a place for normies and doing it’s own thing. I thought that was the point. The individual groups can do their own thing.

13978616? ago

Kikes are behind most bad things.

13983937? ago

So while immigrants were going through Ellis Island, the illiterates were told to sign an "X" on the immigration papers/list whatever they used to sign in. The Jews who came over, those that may have been illiterate or just didn't know the latin alphabet, and in order to be different and set apart from the 'Goyim', signed with a CIRCLE... a circle signature. The Yiddish word for "circle" is kikel.

Just a bit of context information.

13978759? ago

Maybe. I dunno. That doesn’t help me swing Aunt Ethyl’s vote which is now only weeks away.

13981878? ago

It's been established that certain behavior patterns can be linked to genetics, do you really think sociopathy is exempt from this?

13978599? ago

Agree. We need a place to send normies for INFORMATION, without all the drama that makes the MSM's negative description of the Q movement appear correct. Remember, this is all about bringing information to the light.

13984635? ago

Give it a week or two and all of the drama and racist talk will fizzle out a bit.

13981154? ago

I’ve always found you tubers to be the best/cleanist redpil. Once there hooked then direct them in to the chaos (Reddit, VOAT, 8chan). SGT Report has been a go to that works every time. The reporting is consistent and the quality hooks newbies in. Of course praying medic but I feel this still is throwing a newbie in to a calculus class without any forknowledge of mathematics.

13977883? ago

All neon did was share some doubts. He’s burned out. Most of us are.

14039905? ago

Enough of Neon Revolt. He has become redundant with MSM. Move on and delete him.

13982149? ago

Truly burned out, but the scope of what has to be done is massive!

13980941? ago

Neon makes it too much about himself. The Neon show is getting old. He should stick to the facts.

13980821? ago

Neon's smart and regularly puts together the best summations of Q activity anywhere on the internet. He's not without ego, though - or any of the other human frailties that plague us all. Clearly, his patience could use some work, too. But I'd be a lot more suspect of him if he was somehow perfect!

14039923? ago

At this point we don’t need BS!

13981249? ago

Best I've found, by far.

13979705? ago

NeorRevolt showed alot of disrespect toward Q. NR needs to respect who Q is.. Q is not just one of us, he is POTUS and our USMILITARY. We are better off without NR.

13987837? ago

13978641? ago

Indubitably, but eventually we return and Stay the Course . TRUTH is the Inevitable Force .

13977844? ago

There 'ya go, fellow boomer. A point for you. :-) Q is separating the wheat from the chaff, my friend. Neon flamed me with insults to my intelligence and other vitriol not long ago for calling him out for encouraging anons to be mad about needing to be patient while POTUS lays the trap. He was trying to start a ruckus in the ranks. Q has directed us to out the fake MAGA's when we spot them. Dustin Nemos is a good guy who is doing just that. Suggest you look him up. He exposes the methods the deep state uses to try to divide and conquer us. Prime Q Directive: Together we are strong. Stay Together. Did that help you boomer anons and newbies? If so, throw me a point. Blessings on all!

13988868? ago


13987223? ago

meh, Neon's explanation for it rang true... and you are doing a lousy job of changing my mind by whining so much.

13986982? ago

well said!

13983614? ago

Boomers Unite.

13983293? ago

Excellent, thank you for your input 😊

13981864? ago

Yes I agree, it was a very odd post from Neon yesterday. I couldn't believe the dividing he was doing when reddit went down and directing people only to theawakening. And his reasoning was because he didn't trust or know the other mods? Must use discernment! Thank you patriot will check out Dustin Nemos.

13981158? ago

After nearly a year, Q hasn't mentioned NR once, unlike SR & PM & LMC ETC

13980630? ago

I think that's unfair. We All get frustrated at the progress and give it voice, if not to others, to ourselves. I noticed after Neon wrote that post, Q started giving us more meat and less pablum. We are All only human, but the wise ones use a faith crises to clarify faith, it makes us stronger.

13982280? ago

I agree. Just because someone gives voice of concern or a call out, does not mean, they have turned. We are only human and shit is crazy right now. Testing everyone's resolve and faith. #TeamQ #WWG1WGA

13982056? ago

I agree with you. I just finished reading Neon's last post. He is not a fake MAGA. He puts a whole lot of work into this movment. He was trying to help in the midst of the Reddit ban and was crucified for it by some. I really wish everyone would come together for the cause. Neon's blog is very informative and he has an uplifting attitude for the most part.

14010387? ago

You're new, not in life, but to what happens to people who seek fame, power and get a taste of being a celebrity.

The vast majority are corrupted by it. Their decisions tend to be guided by keeping their power and shutting down dissent over what is good for the community.

The ones that find moderation tedious

13980063? ago

Thank you.

13979976? ago

Good to know. Thank you .

13978590? ago

Very helpful, thanks.

13977298? ago

I noticed the same thing with neon yesterday as well, seemed weird. Then the move, seems much better here without the discord of the other sub.

13984315? ago

NR has a new posting today reminding us how Q has acknowledged his research multiple times in the past and how Q could have called him out when he has offered up his frustrations re: Plan. We have all had our reservations and lost patience. To follow blindly would be Cultish in my view. I am not for breaking rank as it were but this should be the place to bat around ideas, express frustrations, and share research. NR continues to fight the good fight and contribute more than his fair share.

13979651? ago

Yea the initial interactions on the other subs here after the ban left a sour taste in my mouth

Wasn't goin to be a part of that, signed up last night thanks to Q, can already see the r/GA unity again

13983964? ago

Right. I was wondering where everybody was. Glad to be here.

13976080? ago

I’m definitely ready!

13976035? ago

Thank you for some intelligent talk. I have had it with all the new thread on here this morning that are anti-jew boards. We don’t need to turn QVR into that!

13975742? ago

We will gladly fight these shills and those who cannot open their eyes.

13975741? ago

As long as he never issues a CQD (Distress)...

13975650? ago

Did he get that from Nellie Ohr? :-)

13975633? ago

Well Nellie Orr will be right at home here. I have never heard who she speaks too with her Ham radio. Comment and upvote others Comment and upvote others

13979296? ago

She was talking to Q, she just didn't realize it. kek.

13977108? ago

Doubt she was talking and likely using her rig for packet radio -

Your own wireless internet

13976188? ago

she is talking over the pond I bet mostly

14001657? ago

Unlikely if she observed the restrictions of her Technician class license. Techs only get voice privileges at 10 meters and above - with the solar cycle being what it is, getting an opening to anywhere outside the US on 10m is rare right now.

13980752? ago

Or reporting home to Mother Russia/CHY-Na

13975690? ago

Sorry, didn't see your post before I left mine.

13975535? ago

I figured it means Q Research (on) Voat. I'm a retarded faggot!

13975518? ago

I was born ready!

13975204? ago

Copy that.... I am ready.

With all the codes and such we've been used to this as well be true if tradition holds.

13975191? ago

This is the power of the Q team, and why they should fear us. A literal horde of researchers adding their crumbs soon make for an overwhelming loaf.

13975668? ago

Woohoo...we have power..they can't stop this

13975012? ago


13974894? ago

It stands for Recreational Vehicle, Clark

13974878? ago

The waiting is starting to bug me. RR should be in jail. Shit they did is worse than Watergate. LL should be in jail. HRC should be in jail. Can't POTUS at least take away HER clearance since she gave access to her email server to CHINA? Mueller should be in JAIL. It's like...we have no justice system at all. This shit with Kavanaugh is comical. They pulled the same shit with Clarence Thomas.

The inmates are still running the asylum. Q followers know who they are now, which is good, but... the real garbage is still out there having their way. It's all been small potatoes so far. Let's get this guy confirmed so that the ball can start rolling.

We're on the precipice? How long we gonna be there? LOCK RR UP. Swamp needs some more hard core drainage, and if it means black bag teams for some of these above-the-law scum, SO BE IT.

We can't just let these now very public crime lords run our country into the new world order. If rule of law doesn't cut it, if this garbage accusation against Kavanaugh flies, if RR remains and Schumer and Schiff and all the other scum...I'd like to see POTUS do something more DIRECT.

I'm not calling for violence, but I am calling for ACTION. The other side plays dirty. If they FORCE it, go get um POTUS.

13999784? ago

Patience is hard I get it. I struggle with it everyday myself. If this isn't done right by rushing in and taking out a few henchmen we won't get the generals pulling their strings. Trust the plan.

14012939? ago

Yeah, when I think about it, my way might be faster, but better to do things the formal way. WE are in the right. WE have the truth, the Constitution, and God on our side. Just gotta bite the bullet while the dems put on their little drama.

13980555? ago

This is the way I look at it. We need Kavanaugh on the SC. Then we need to do our part during the midterms. If I do not see something happening by January 2019, then maybe I willl start to fidget. Until then I will keep busy red pilling and taking as many as I can to vote so our president can get the job done.

14012998? ago

Yeah...as far as taking people to vote, I think the lines are drawn. The cool thing is, it appears STRONGLY that minority voters are starting to see Trump for the man he is instead of the names the MSM have called him. They are starting to see that he stands for the United States, not for whites. I think our chances are good in November.

13980314? ago

Don't forget to count the blessings, there are many. I don't get the game so I have to trust that those that do are going to win. Those in the past who did not fully understand the rules always got beat. We must remain objective else we fall into the subjective emotion trap that has kept us here for centuries.

14013064? ago

You're so right. Matt Lauer, Weinstein, Al Franken, McCain...lot of trash taken out... Plus, Q is the most awesome means of communication in political history. The attacks from the left just verify it. The damned investigation is so bogus though...drives me nuts. Makes me want to get involved in a personal way.

13979769? ago

From my understanding, all hell is going to break lose once RR gone, need patience, Kavanaugh confirmed first, then declas and RR gone,

14013078? ago

Hope you're right. Just hard to wait.

13979617? ago

My thoughts are similar, HOWEVER. I have to keep reminding myself the following.

1) most US citizens are not following things closely so if Trump is reckless he will appear exactly as the MSM try to paint him.... “out of control, Russia asset, DICTATOR!”

2) optics matter. Trump cant just kill the Muller investigation. MSM would whip the public into a frenzy, and under other circumstances, rightfully so. He has publicly discredited (witch hunt) it but he must also show beyond a shadow of a doubt that it was corrupt at its core and inception. The DECLASSIFICATION will of course do this....

3) if he declassified the FISA, 302s, texts and too soon the public wouldn't have “got it”. The slow bleeding of corruption has gotten the public ready for what is about to drop. The process was important.

4) Trump cant appear reckless in the DECLASSIFICATION either, enter the IG expedited review prior to release of the declass.

5) a mass incarceration prior to the midterms would not be tactically smart. I personally expect the first half of 2019 to be very revealing and now the the public has been brought along at a digestible pace, a lot of charges levied.

This is all my opinion though.

14013133? ago

One of the things that bugs me the most is...if we fought fire with fire, if we got our hands as filthy as the Clintons, all it would do is make Trump look bad. They get away with it. We sit on our hands.

Supposedly, GW Bush was quoted as saying, if the American people knew what we did, they would drag us through the streets...

13978815? ago

I have a hard time with the wait also. Luckily I have others patriot friends and we calm each other down. WWG1WGA.

14013186? ago

See, I DONT! My family and friends are like...conservatives, but Republicans fed by the MSM. I dont know anybody who even knows who/what Q is. All I have is the chans, this board, and discord.

13978291? ago

PSYOPS take time. Those who think they are in power must be made to believe that they are still in power. If you remove all of the pawns quickly the King is aware and will take action. The board has to be played in such a way as to eliminate only those that are easily removed and cause others to attack while leaving the King vulnerable. Those that remain will cause the King to be cornered with no move. You cannot have arrogance in strategy. Arrogance will be their downfall.

14013233? ago

Is Soros a US Citizen? POTUS is CoC of the military...would it be so bad if he hit that Nazi collaborator with an air strike and called it a plane crash then seized his assets? Clintons have done far worse.

14032713? ago

Soros' time will come. If we act too soon many DS will be left out of the light.

13977267? ago

Lol, it pays to observe nature anon. Take the big cats fr'instance. They carefully observe their prey from concealment, patiently waiting for them to panic, make mistakes. At the right moment they strike! Owl does the same from a tree then drops down for the grab, silent but deadly. This is what POTUS and team are doing. I'm loving watching the chase!

14013253? ago

I hope you're right.

14002372? ago

Illuminati also use the owl as THEIR symbol (as seen on the $1 "bill" USD). Another proof that Q & POTUS are using symbolism AGAINST the Cabal, as you've referenced, Patriot.

13977006? ago

Why oust him? His is a lame duck at this point and a dead one once everything is released. He will go down on the evidence of his deep involvement without Trump needing to do anything. Protecting an alleged chicken fucker (By MSM, Dems) is far easier when there is no evidence of chickens actually being fucked. He will be taken down by those that defended him.

13976426? ago

Patience Grasshopper. Trust the Plan.

13978317? ago

I try, but it’s hard. Peoples lives are still being destroyed. Children are still going missing.

14004975? ago

It's painful for us all to just sit here and wait while nothing happens on the surface. At the same time, I want them to go deep and dig up every root they can find while we're in the phase where the targets haven't quite yet realized that they should really be running for their lives.

The rats outside of the net will scatter once the trap is sprung, so I'm willing to grant the time to bait it well.

13976061? ago

I know that you are anxious, but that's some serious armchair quaerterbacking.

You can't take down the mob by arresting the messengers. Our viewpoint offers us a small fraction of the information in a complex game. We don't even know who the all of players are, or where the fort is, yet you are suggesting that we Leroy Jenkins it?

Be patient.

14013379? ago

LOL, you have a valid point. I certainly am....LEEEEEEEEEEROOYYYYYYYYY.....mmmmJENKINS..... ((((Black bag Schumer, Feinstein, Schiff, and Waters, take them to Gitmo, and feed them to an alligator who lives in the sewers there)))

14015323? ago

I was with you until the animal cruelty part! ;)

14015344? ago

lol, I apologize--that would spoil the alligator's stomach...

14015766? ago


13979249? ago

But we really want to LEEEEROOOOOY JEEEENNNNNNKIIIIIIIIINNNNNNNSSSSS!!!!!!! it so bad, fuck the welps!

13977510? ago

so you make some excellent points - this is NOT just the US Politicians or CEOs - the deep state is world wide - we are only being given bits and pieces of a much larger puzzle.

14002456? ago

Yes. Watch, Listen & surely, you'll learn. Cross reference what you find. Corroboration from several sources will solidify what you find. Gather & compare what you find, then dig deeper on your own. YouTube has some good decoders, like: War Drummer (narrates Serial Brain 2's research efforts) Praying Medic IPOT (InPursuitOfTruth) there's others, as well, but if you want info from the main vine go here: https:/Qmap.pub

13974725? ago


13974508? ago

QST, QST, QST Amateur radio operator here, QRV...QSL!

13981370? ago

59 73

13974121? ago

or Q Research Voat

13974545? ago

Why not both? Double meanings can exist.

13974081? ago

I hope there is plans for something better than VOAT. With all the resources...this place is worse than reddit.

13974584? ago

You coding a new app? Because if not this is the best available replacement with 0 censorship. Count your blessings before bitting the hand that feeds you

13974065? ago

Am I ever ready! Can't get any work done, always checking for new Q drops.

13973982? ago

I believe that we will win

13973744? ago

Thanks for this, was wondering why that name.

13973740? ago

wow, that's a great find. I guess there are no coincidences right Q. There's always double meaning as Q says. Q Research Voat or QRV Are you ready? I am ready. fakeapedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Q_code

13975632? ago

Ready set

13973433? ago

Nice find!

13973432? ago

Originally used on CW (Morse code dots and dashes) Spoken Q codes can quickly convey meaning. QSL is message copied. QSY is change frequency... is in QSY from reddit to voat.

13985352? ago


13973420? ago

Wow! This makes sense! Yes, we are ready!

13973398? ago

Fuck off you dumb boomers

13973769? ago

Fuck yourself off you little cunt.

13973358? ago


13973253? ago

Excellent find. Also found this explanation, but it doesn't include the third letter. The International Q Code can be arranged in three types of code groups according to the second letter in the three-letter Q Code.

The Q Code comprises :

A. General Codes, second letter of which is R, S, T or U. (Some used by Hams).

B. Maritime Service Codes, second letter of which is O, P or Q.

C. Aeronautical Codes, second letter of which is A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M or N.

13978427? ago

So for everyone questioning Neon Revolt I ask YOU this ... Are you UNATCO , or NSF ? Choose Wisely

13979616? ago

So, I am to make a choice between acronyms? Not sure what these represent and found various meanings. Civilian, Military, Medical, Scientific, Union, etc. Please let me know what they are. Thanks

UNATCO? United Nations Anti-Terrorist Coalition, Ultimate Nut And Totally Crazy?

NSF? Needy Student Fund, Not So Fast, North Shore Frogmen?

14002339? ago

You forgot "Non Sufficient Funds", Fellow Patriot

14005651? ago

LOL, yep forgot that one

13979851? ago

North Shore Frogmen is hilarious KEK . Sounds like an Industrial Band from Chicago in the early 90's . Might have to use that . Thanks !

13980922? ago

LOL, you're welcome.

13973214? ago

We are ready!

13983832? ago

**QRK **

13992976? ago


13984494? ago


13981184? ago

Good, now say it with me: Jews did 9/11.

13978409? ago

... willing and able! Let's Roll!

13972849? ago


13982876? ago


13972819? ago

Well shit....sure enough, it is! Great find patriot!


Its a good ways down the page.

13983699? ago

Thanks for the link

13982712? ago

Do you believe in coincidences?

Q posted Randy Quaid The Source. Look hard....It Doesn't Exist! .

Google: Q Source is common Bible material.

Q comes from Greek Ϙ, meaning “piercing-the-veil” of ignorance, separateness, the veil of the sky .

"Source" comes from Lating surgō : to ascend, awaken, take the floor, lift, break up, "rapture" .

Q400 NextGen Q Bombardier plane picture: Autists catch the message? Think missile. Do you believe in coincidences? .

Google: "Q NextGen is omnipotent" "Q-bot is a NextGen robot" "Q experience is NextGen TV" "Q is a NextGen Pentax camera" "Q Marshal is a NextGen smartwatch by Q Fossil" "Q-Dance features NextGen Madness" . "Q is a genius inventor"

Google: "Q remarked Songs From The Big Chair".

Everybody Wants To Rule The World by Tears For Fears, covered by Lorde. https://youtu.be/DRJTH_Df5Zc?t=1m7s

Unday Records. https://youtu.be/grw7Wobc5rs?t=1m17s

Sad But True. https://youtu.be/O_4OfD-wmGs?t=4m42s

Out Of Time. https://youtu.be/ybjIV0a88ng?t=1m49s

D5. https://youtu.be/R6JmNEemFSo?t=2m2s

13983227? ago

Soooo good! Thanks for sharing. I love it... CODE vs SYMBOLS!

13985537? ago

(My apologizes, deleted by accident. New to this site. Here is some more.)

Do you believe in coincidences?

Q posted Randy Quaid: The Source. Look hard....It Doesn't Exist! .

Google: Q Source is common Bible material.

Q comes from Greek Ϙ, meaning “piercing-the-veil” of ignorance, separateness, the veil of the sky .

"Source" comes from Lating surgō : to ascend, awaken, take the floor, lift, break up, "RAPTURE" .

Q400 NextGen Q Bombardier plane picture: Autists catch the message? Think missile. Do you believe in coincidences? .

Google: "Q NextGen is omnipotent". "Q-bot is a NextGen robot". "Q experience is NextGen TV". "Q is a NextGen Pentax camera". "Q Marshal is a NextGen smartwatch by Q Fossil". "Q-Dance features NextGen Madness". "Q is a genius inventor".

Google: "Q remarked Songs From The Big Chair".

Everybody Wants To Rule The World by Tears For Fears, covered by Lorde. https://youtu.be/DRJTH_Df5Zc?t=1m7s

Unday Records. https://youtu.be/grw7Wobc5rs?t=1m17s

Sad But True. https://youtu.be/O_4OfD-wmGs?t=4m42s

Out Of Time. https://youtu.be/ybjIV0a88ng?t=1m49s

D5. https://youtu.be/R6JmNEemFSo?t=2m2s

Q+ said: Trust must be earned. Trust is not blind, nor is truth. Do not glorify us.

There is no time. Many become one. - ARRIVAL aka The Story Of Your Life (2016)

E.T. phoned home. Collect call. Earth friends are awakening. The One is the All, and the All is the One. Beautiful time. 0010110 >> [ . . - . - - . ] >> ..- .--. / .. -. -- . / .. - .-- . / ..- .-- . = UP, IN ME, IT WE, U WE in Morse code.

Do you believe in coincidences?

13986964? ago

awesome lol

13986692? ago

Terrific meme...I saw it earlier & copied it to my Facebk timeline!

13983717? ago

Amazing. Wow.

13981254? ago

Good one, thanks for sharing!

13978122? ago

Wish I could upvote you twice for the meme! Love it!

13976042? ago

Ahhh, was wondering if that had meaning! Figured it would. #QRV1QRVA

13982328? ago

I was wondering if "How about a nice game of chess?" might be a timeline reference like 'every dog has it's day' was a reference to national dog day, giving us a date for McCain's death. National chess day is October 14th this year. https://www.worldnationaldays.com/national-chess-day-2018/ And all the QAnon posts that reference a game of chess seem to be talking about the IG looking into the Deep State's coup attempt and treason.

14001949? ago


The reality of Rod Rosenstein saying he would wear a wire in conversation with the President Of The United States and attempt to invoke the 25th amendment to remove @POTUS is outrageous and contemptuous. He should be removed by Congress immediately @SpeakerRyan @HouseGOP @POTUS

14011247? ago

QAnon post 2252:


While it is outrageous like you said, it is only a rumor. Trump has no evidence it occurred like it is being told. They want this to be the reason Rosenstein is fired, so they can say Trump used this as an excuse to instill an AG that would get him out of this Russia mess.

13990576? ago

Actually that quote "how about a nice game of chess" is from a movie called WarGames. The meaning is effectively "the only winning move is not to play". The alternative is mutually assured destruction.

13999294? ago

I know where the quote originated, but I'm trying to find why Q posted the quote, what was he trying to tell us. "every dog has it's day" is a very old quote that has nothing to do with national dog day, QAnon posted the phrase to be a timeline marker, so when we looked back on it that it would be obvious that he was referring to national dog day.

13973110? ago

The "calling" of all Q supporters! Very good dig, here is an upvote patriot!

13983268? ago

Actually, that would be CQ.

Normally it's thought about as "Seek You" but in this context, I think it would be "See Q"