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novictim ago

This is deeper than just GCHQ and Mi6. How far up the Australian spy agencies and Israeli spy agencies does this go?

HOW SHALL WE PUNISH THEM? The British people do not support Theresa May and her anti-Brexit clique, the people who have persecuted Tommy Robinson and continue to do so. So how do you go after these responsible parties while not harming the public underneath? Or do you just go scorched earth as a lesson the populace to be more responsible for what kind of idiots and villains they allow to be put into office??.

Speed_Bernicia ago

Scorched earth is the only way! Burn it down and something greater will hopefully rise from the ashes. IMO Trump needs to declas it all and bring down their house of cards. I hope he brings down the Crown and the people of Britain no longer have to be "subjects" to the criminal, inbred scumbags going by the name of Windsor. Our royals and politicians are nearly all bought and paid for by Soros, Rothchilds and and Saudis. The higher it goes the better.