TNQuilter18 ago

Who cares what the UK wants. We deserve to know the truth and their citizens need to know also so they can Elect a Trump to fix their country.

natione-suecos ago

The Queen, and the bloodlines associates are scared

SidtheDestroyer ago

Latest Q post.........uK/Aus [+others] should learn the meaning of the word Ally. If I were a betting man, I’d say that the plus others q is writing about would be MOS. We’re saving Israel for last ;););)

Laskolurch ago

The UK wanted a duly democratically elected President of The United States of America assassinated and / or taken out any way they could. Are they also responsible for the attack at his Golf Course in July? We owe you NOTHING but we do have a few choice words for you. Fuck Off.

undine2006 ago

If only the Brits could get rid of their corrupt government and tell them to Foxtrot Oscar. Sadly, there is no democracy in the UK: Police state, rigged elections, all politicians are globalist puppets. We can only hope that Trump's Storm will clear out the corruption and set us free. I pray for that daily.

Laskolurch ago

Time to start forming alliances before they jail you for talking to people. Remember Egypt & Facebook? Millions came out. They ousted that evil asshole by their shear numbers (although I'm sure Obama helped in order to get in the Muslim Brotherhood). Still...Your strength is in your numbers. Way more of you then of them. Use Gab, or Voat or a different Facebook Alternative if Trump's storm isn't enough. WWG1WGA

Triple_Agent ago

Million Goat March !!!

PatriotsTruth ago

Also, due to the fact UK and Aus tried to use and set up Popodopoulos to spy on the Trump campaign.

novictim ago

This is deeper than just GCHQ and Mi6. How far up the Australian spy agencies and Israeli spy agencies does this go?

HOW SHALL WE PUNISH THEM? The British people do not support Theresa May and her anti-Brexit clique, the people who have persecuted Tommy Robinson and continue to do so. So how do you go after these responsible parties while not harming the public underneath? Or do you just go scorched earth as a lesson the populace to be more responsible for what kind of idiots and villains they allow to be put into office??.

Speed_Bernicia ago

Scorched earth is the only way! Burn it down and something greater will hopefully rise from the ashes. IMO Trump needs to declas it all and bring down their house of cards. I hope he brings down the Crown and the people of Britain no longer have to be "subjects" to the criminal, inbred scumbags going by the name of Windsor. Our royals and politicians are nearly all bought and paid for by Soros, Rothchilds and and Saudis. The higher it goes the better.

Slimpickens1 ago

Why did he agree novictim

novictim ago

It ain't over til the fat lady sings! We have to wait to see how President Trump plays his cards. My feeling is that he is assembling a Royal Flush to use exclusively to support his America First Agenda. In other words, if he can leverage British Intelligence wrong doing to advance America First, then that is the better trade than just going for pure retribution.

Speed_Bernicia ago

Yeah fair point well made. I am British so I have to admit to being biased. I can't think of anything red pilling the general public quite like the BBC being forced to cover the royal family and their handlers being served justice for their many crimes against humanity. IMO They are a cancer needing to be removed or else it will continue to linger and spread again in the future

Triple_Agent ago is vastly different propaganda than for us markets.

How do these slimy journalists even live with their conscious at night.

novictim ago

Ooops. Sorry Mr. President.
It was an accident. We slipped up and fell and our GCHQ boss and members of MI6 ended up attempting to have you removed from office and imprisoned using lures Joseph Mifsud, Stefan Halper, Alexander Downer, Christian Cantor, and Charles Tawil among others. Sure, we lied about evidence and tried to plant evidence on your campaign and transition staff but, oops, bygones will be bygones, right?

HerrHaller ago

This is looking pretty bad for them, and for Australia. Imagine the leverage Trump is holding over those two countries right now...

novictim ago

Trump had to walk a landmine and wade through the infested swamp stocked with backstabbing RINOs and turncoats to get that leverage. It has been a miracle (or a sign of pure genius) that he has been able to keep it together, stave off the attacks, all this time. So when he uses that leverage, he needs to make it count in a big way. I trust him to do that.