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NeonRevolt ago

I have no affiliation with the above account.

I suppose you could ask Putt to verify, if you don't believe me. Which, given that you've been shilling against me for two weeks straight, I imagine you don't.

kneo24 ago

Hey kikefaggot, you still owe @srayzie and apology for the hit piece you wrote about her sub. A ping list is no indication that a subverse is compromised.

Maybe, just maybe, if you expressed the tiniest amount of humility, people just might lay off a little. What you've done instead is double down relentlessly.

SearchVoat ago

Bleep bloop, someone mentioned this comment!

'Qanon Requests New Subverse After seeing NeonGayRevolt Take All followers and Move them To Location where they can be manipulated and censored without reprocussions.' was posted in v/GreatAwakening and includes this reply from @Crensch:

This is your guy right now.

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SearchVoat ago

Bleep bloop, someone mentioned this comment!

'Qanon Requests New Subverse After seeing NeonGayRevolt Take All followers and Move them To Location where they can be manipulated and censored without reprocussions.' was posted in v/GreatAwakening and includes this reply from @Crensch:

Just in case you were interested in more NR stuff

@TwitterBannedIt @finessa

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srayzie ago

Didn’t you say you were working with board owners to investigate the sock puppet situation?

NeonRevolt ago

Yes, but what does that have to do with the account referenced above?

VetGoat84 ago

You are a divisive faggot. Do u/kevdude's AMA. prove us wrong

NeonRevolt ago

Nah. I won't be backed into a corner by dishonest commentors, just because they find new ways to express their rage every day.

If he was honest, I would consider it, but he's not. Just look at his comment history.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

hey Moshe, how's the t-shirt business treating you?

NeonRevolt ago

Hurhurhur, hey guys! He called me Jewish! Isn't that just soooooo edgy and original!

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

now now shlomo it's okay

Crensch ago

If kevdude gets paid to do what he does, then someone is paying him to stick to what most closely resembles reality.

You, on the other hand, had an ulterior motive in keeping your fans under your thumb. Don't worry, no matter what happens going forward, the goats here will make sure everyone knows what you've done.

Everyone tried to warn you before, and you took no note and continued on as if you could survive anything; regret affecting your sleep?

NeonRevolt ago

No, he's not. He's deliberately misrepresenting me at every turn, multiple times a day. It's such a gordian knot, I don't even know where to begin with him, because you can't argue with someone who is fundamentally dishonest.

And the thing is... the mods you have now? The ones Q endorsed for v/QRV?


I'm going to explain this more in my next article, how I tried to explain this without doxxing anyone, but you braying idiots couldn't listen long enough, and kept pretending like I was trying to persecute you in order to, idk, feel special or something.

So now, you literally end up with the exact same people at the helm as /v/TheAwakening.

Heck, Pen friggin NAMED /v/TheAwakening.

So congrats. All you morons disrupted 10+ days of research, scared thousands of good users off your site, and were able to call everyone who was trying to help the whole time all sorts of horrible things.

Real effective. Yeah, real good job, you utter mouthbreathing morons.

Crensch ago

No, he's not. He's deliberately misrepresenting me at every turn, multiple times a day.

Is that why all the new people seem to accept that you're a lying piece of shit now? Good evidence and arguments will do that.

It's such a gordian knot, I don't even know where to begin with him, because you can't argue with someone who is fundamentally dishonest.

You showed up and were fundamentally dishonest. Your blogpost was fundamentally dishonest, and instead of apologizing and directing your fans to a non-compromised subverse, you persisted and got blasted over and over.

And the thing is... the mods you have now? The ones Q endorsed for v/QRV?


Then Q either made a mistake, or knows that the goats on this website will continue to destroy you and your ilk until the users finally wake up and go somewhere without compromised mods.

That you and they are shady, lying, divisive fucks is a matter of public record.

I'm going to explain this more in my next article, how I tried to explain this without doxxing anyone, but you braying idiots couldn't listen long enough, and kept pretending like I was trying to persecute you in order to, idk, feel special or something.

You are meaningless to most on this website. You made a mic-drop moment of a long-winded horseshit blogpost out of a complete fabrication and hilarious absurdity.

That's all I needed to decide to wreck you, and the goats here decided to make sure to leave you with not even an ounce of dignity.

So now, you literally end up with the exact same people at the helm as /v/TheAwakening.

And they will be destroyed in the exact same way; their own stupidity.

Heck, Pen friggin NAMED /v/TheAwakening.

I don't know who that is, and nobody that matters really cares. The lot of you are low intellect, as evidenced by your non-stop 'mistakes' that you keep doubling down on despite offers from goats to help, and you'll continue making openings for goats to attack and convince users that something is very wrong with you.

So congrats. All you morons disrupted 10+ days of research, scared thousands of good users off your site, and were able to call everyone who was trying to help the whole time all sorts of horrible things.

And you could have stopped all of that by communicating with the natives, but you were too full of yourselves to think that a bunch of racists on a small website could repel thousands and destroy you in the process.

Real effective. Yeah, real good job, you utter mouthbreathing morons.

We might be morons, but we beat you like a side of beef, and it shows.

@kevdude @srayzie @Trigglypuff @Vindicator @gabara

NeonRevolt ago

Is that why all the new people seem to accept that you're a lying piece of shit now? Good evidence and arguments will do that.

No, you're wrong. Very few people believe your garbage logic.

You showed up and were fundamentally dishonest. Your blogpost was fundamentally dishonest, and instead of apologizing and directing your fans to a non-compromised subverse, you persisted and got blasted over and over.

No, I wasn't. You were just an entitled jackass.

Then Q either made a mistake, or knows that the goats on this website will continue to destroy you and your ilk until the users finally wake up and go somewhere without compromised mods.

Okay, so for the record, you, u/Crensch, are saying Q is wrong.

You are meaningless to most on this website. You made a mic-drop moment of a long-winded horseshit blogpost out of a complete fabrication and hilarious absurdity.

That's all I needed to decide to wreck you, and the goats here decided to make sure to leave you with not even an ounce of dignity.

You didn't even make a dent, buddy. Not one scratch. You just made yourself look bad, and you UTTERLY FAILED in your mission to disrupt anyway, because the community ended up with the same mods I endorsed.

You're not setting the pace here, buddy. You're half-a-dozen laps behind everyone else.

And they will be destroyed in the exact same way; their own stupidity.

Nah. You've gone against Q now, and his selected people.

You will be the one worse for the wear.

I don't know who that is, and nobody that matters really cares.

Yup, because you're dumb and don't pay attention.

The lot of you are low intellect, as evidenced by your non-stop 'mistakes' that you keep doubling down on despite offers from goats to help, and you'll continue making openings for goats to attack and convince users that something is very wrong with you.

You didn't offer to help. You spammed up the board with racist BS, hid behind "free speech," created bots to mass downvote, and generally acted like morons.

And you could have stopped all of that by communicating with the natives, but you were too full of yourselves to think that a bunch of racists on a small website could repel thousands and destroy you in the process.

So entitled. You don't behave this way to anyone else who joins voat. So entitled.

We might be morons, but we beat you like a side of beef, and it shows.

Nah, like I said, barely a scratch. Your incessant hateposting makes you look weak, and makes no one want to associate with you.

Crensch ago

No, you're wrong. Very few people believe your garbage logic.

And the ones that do all seem to be tossing you out of their lives. Don't worry, those numbers will continue to grow - faster than your replacement numbers.

No, I wasn't. You were just an entitled jackass.

Says the guy that invaded with a censorious, ban-happy mod team and didn't even bother to ask or respond to the locals. You felt entitled to perform your Reddit censorship and fan control here, didn't you? Trying to keep them in a safe-space bubble so you could sell your hats, right?

Okay, so for the record, you, u/Crensch, are saying Q is wrong.

Did I, or did I not, give two options there?

You didn't even make a dent, buddy. Not one scratch. You just made yourself look bad, and you UTTERLY FAILED in your mission to disrupt anyway, because the community ended up with the same mods I endorsed.

Powerless to enforce what you want them to enforce. Powerless to do anything to keep your audience from finding out what a scumbag you and your ilk are.

You're not setting the pace here, buddy. You're half-a-dozen laps behind everyone else.

Which is why you tucked tail and ran off to 8ch, right? This is your brain on Reddit. Somehow the locals that repelled you are behind you; kek.

Nah. You've gone against Q now, and his selected people.

Says the great divider, and liar. How 'bout that ping list, buddy? Oh, and your latest blog post? Yeah, looks like you're TOTALLY on board. Kek.

You will be the one worse for the wear.

You really don't understand how badly you got stomped here, do you?

Yup, because you're dumb and don't pay attention.

I don't care. All you namefags like AJ and Corsi and NeonRevolt all have some merch to sell, and you all will be exposed in the same way. Well, at least you'll be in good company, for someone of your caliber.

You didn't offer to help. You spammed up the board with racist BS, hid behind "free speech," created bots to mass downvote, and generally acted like morons.

Except many did, and nobody cares about your poor feefees. Your Reddit fans are gobbling up every single link we make where you've tried to defend yourself, and they don't really seem to care that I'm a racist anymore. What does that tell you?

So entitled. You don't behave this way to anyone else who joins voat. So entitled.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA @kevdude @Trigglypuff @Vindicator @ExpertShitposter @gabara

This faggot thinks we don't do this to every wave that comes in. That we didn't repel The_Donald.



Oh, man. I couldn't buy better entertainment than you.

Nah, like I said, barely a scratch. Your incessant hateposting makes you look weak, and makes no one want to associate with you.

Your support dwindles in every submission we make. We get to see it real-time.

They'll take that info and spread it, because it's true. That's what you don't seem to get.

We won't let you call it a draw.