djr0828 ago

Where can i find info on neon revolt? I was disturbed by his last post that i read but rumblings of shady practices is news to me. If anyone has info i would appreciate links to research myself. Graduate from youtube/newbie in the extreme.

lynnmar ago

He said NEON GAY REVOLT. Not the same as NEON REVOLT right?

realnstuff ago

It was just a matter of time till Q had to intervene. The enemy within is always the worst one.

ouroboros1311 ago

Q sent me here! Glad to have a new place to hang out.

jpcfamily1 ago

This is all love and welcome back slapping. Where's the Q clue discussion?

Q-ality1776 ago

Q send me too, greetings from Spain!! God bless you all patriots!! WWG1WGA.

The_Real_QpDoll ago

Happy to be here! Could we get the restrictions lifted for the GreatAwakening board? Q, would appreciate your assistance...for this community. Love and much thanks!

The_Real_QpDoll ago

Please lift restrictions on GreatAwakening board so we can contribute without delay! Hello, Q? Can you please help? Much love and thank you!

nikitis ago

Please up voat me so I can contribute to the Q movement more effectively please!

Jaycephus ago

All you have to do is make decent comments to others. Literal begging can get you downvoted faster than upvoted.

So, just reply where you like what someone says, or where you want to add your own pertinent comment. You'll get the upvotes quicker.

Anoneeemooss ago

I’ll trade you an upvote.

ArthurPhilipDent ago

Begging for voats is considered rude around these parts. Knock it off.

(May the seed of your loin be fruitful in the belly of your womaaaaaan) :)

Anoneeemooss ago

Ok, I’ll take that on board. Thanks for the advice.

Neil. ;)

Little_Woo_Woo ago

Yes, I too am happy that q endorsed a voat board - now all I need to know is, am I in the right place? I see GreatAwakening in the address, not QRV? Dumb Gay Newbie here. Lots of love to the community. Hate. I mean rancid, vile Hate. Is that how we show love here? <3

The_Real_QpDoll ago

Happy to be here! Could we get the restrictions lifted for the GreatAwakening board? Q, would appreciate your assistance...for this community. Love and much thanks!

nikitis ago

Please up voat me so I can better contribute to the Q movement.

divine_human ago

CCP whoring deserves downvotes. you need nothing but interact with people for a few days and you will have your points the real way. no CCP begging, and esp. not twice in one post. brrrrr.

p1zzap1zza ago

top kek

Bulldog1776 ago

Need a place without the restrictions and 30 day wait period. HELLO Q. Can you hear us?

divine_human ago

what waiting period?

Little_Woo_Woo ago

What do we have to wait 30 days for? I thought we needed 10 CCP?

kestrel9 ago

That was my impression until reading some of the posts on the new site. Seems like NR disciples came back with the wave.

PacaGoat ago

Was just over at the new sub and was lurking around looking at comments. Bad attitudes. Hate it all they wanted to do is through shade at the locals. I will stay here for awhile and watch how this develops. Want it to work. But we need those who are legends in their own minds to get down here with the rest of us. I ain't to big on celebs in this movement. Don't cotton to it at ALL!!!!

Gorillion ago

Keep updating here please. I blocked QRV for all this voatfarming fuckery and ALL spamming.
GA has seemed the most steady of the Q subs here. So I'll stick with you guys for the time being.

Cleanhobo ago


FuTz ago


alcogiggles ago


Neuroradguy ago

Glad to see this happening. I just could not ever get into Neon Revolt posts. Something always seemed off the mark. Glad Q stepped in to clarify the situation for us all.

letortfort ago

I'm here. You're here. Patriots are here. Thank-you Q for leading us here. WWG1WGA

TheMechanic_47 ago

How about this is the reason we are here? I believe we are being forced out of our silent majority to begin a new era of self governance where the people review the issues and debate is presented evidence is weighed and decisions are rendered, by the people for the people, an incorruptible multitude of opinions and evidence possibly sorted by AI and choices rendered are weighted and a decision is derived from that as a course of action. I like all of it except the AI part. What's your opinion?

InfiniteCurator ago

Big problem is QRV is being spammed with shills and crap content. Half of the "new" posts are garbage.

Lfaber36 ago

So glad we can all be together in one place again. Sharing information and encouraging each other. God Bless! WWG1WGA

the504ever ago

No CC points in v/QRV so upvoat here and let’s help each other out

Imtexan ago

I rest my case about VOAT. This would not be allowed to happen on GAB.

PeachyPatriot ago

Hallelujah for this. #ScrewNeon

CryptoQueen ago

No rules, no filtering! (unless your a libtard)

betadynamique_ ago

Q made no reference to Neon.

Vladimir_Komarov ago

I thought that too, but the same would have to apply v/ga mods also. I'd rather think Q knows that the division was not going to cure itself.

crownedfive ago

"neongayrevolt" lol

Light_Guard ago

I hope this ends the drama and I hope this new board is not manipulated to prevent new users from gaining enough CCP points to be able to post like TheAwakening was.

USAPatriots ago

Agreed. I am glad to be able to comment here despite being new. Thanks voat, BO, Q, Patriots.

scoripowarrior ago

My plan is to continue checking all of them...GA, TA, QRV. I don't discriminate! LOL

Light_Guard ago

I was tired of bouncing around so I think I'll gravitate to QRV but you need to get CCPs on a different sub to be able to post. You can't get CCPs on QRV.

MAGASpinster ago

Yeah, that bit is annoying. If I want to post as anon I need to come namefag for a while. Hope this upvote helps : )

AUSAFVet ago

I made that comment a few hours ago and got "bitch slapped" by a few ignorant s Looking at things with new eyes going forward

Bluesky356 ago

It’s up. No CCP points as all users are anonymous. If you need points you’ll have to earn them in a sub like v/GA

foreveryoung ago

Same here, I haven't gotten any comment points and I've made a few comments.

the504ever ago

There you go, hit me back fren

Qmongous ago

Q sent me. Canadian. New to Voat. Waiting for BO to do his thing. Been following Q since Nov. All I can say is thank God for ALL good courageous Patriots, Anons and POTUS. Our world is a better place because of you all. God bless and protect you. Guard against dissension. Stick together, remember the prime directive, to defeat evil. We need to be strong to overcome the darkness... Dark to Light! WWG1WGA♡

Fergielady ago

If I could up vote this a hundred times, I would. Your words are much appreciated.

Qmongous ago


Alice89 ago

Welcome! ;)

Qmongous ago

Thank you! Pleased to "meet you" :-)

Alice89 ago

I went to Canada this year, it’s a beautiful country. I wish the best for your people.

Qmongous ago

Same to you and yours. We visit the US often. It's a magnificent country... we love it! And we have lots of family there. You hold the beacon of freedom for the whole world. We are watching and supporting you all the way!!♡

tury ago

Dude, BO did his thing a while ago, get with it. v/QRV

accurite ago

Is the new Q board or is GreatAwaking?

divine_human ago

do you ever read Q?

Q2271:📁📁📁📁📁 [Reddit Replacement] Q

accurite ago


Lotus369 ago

Last night, Q asked the Anons to create a new Q subverse here on VOAT as the primary source of Q information to gather the 300,000 people that were on Reddit before. So the new subverse is named QRV.

Qmongous ago

Nvm figured it out. Had to adjust settings.

angelCole ago

Had the same problem last night. Those little boxes were so small I couldn't see them bout the size of an ant's eyeball on my device, haha.

Qmongous ago

Lol, sooo true! :-D

Qmongous ago

I've tried that link several times. It tells me its a restricted page. Can't get to it. Advice?

divine_human ago

adjust your settings to NSFW - why did they have to do that shit, put the sub on NSFW? - and you get to the QRV board.

Lotus369 ago

I got the same message, so I went to Subscriptions (upper left corner), click on Discover, click on Search, type QRV and you will subscribe to it.

letortfort ago

Go to settings wheel and on the drop down menu click the box that says not suitable for work NSFW, Hit save. Return to the link and it should now open since you are allowing adult content so there is no censuring.

Qmongous ago

ThanQ ;-)

scoripowarrior ago

Need to go to the settings wheel/gear in the upper right corner. Go down to preferences. Click Accept Adult Content. then SAVE

Qmongous ago

Thank you! Figured it out already but you get an upvote from me for taking the time to help ;-)

DamnLiquor ago

Agreed, the subversives that tried to divide us will be remembered and will not be able to walk the streets when this is complete.

QOnTheWall ago

Love that QRV is anonymous. No more NR casting shade or SB2's Q mocking nonsense.

the504ever ago

Upvoat in here to collect ccp, hit me back with upvoat

Light_Guard ago

Q doesn't think SB2 is mocking him. He has reposted him more than once and confirmed that his decoding was correct more than once as well.

divine_human ago

i remember 1 time, when SB2 disclosed the corsi theater. where are the other reposts/links?

Horsegrl67 ago

Not to sound naive, but I thought SB2 was the nutcase, not Neon. I guess I got out before the drama. Or couldn't find it on this dam site. Someone give me the info please.

Alice89 ago

Many people here don’t like SB2 because after Reddit exodus, he try to do vote farming and the members here don’t allow that. Probably he didn’t know it, but was too late lol Neon is another case and a more long one. Do it your research, we have many posts here about the case. But in short he asked people to participate in the other sub and the mods from there did do dubious things like delete multiple posts and ban members. A campaign against censorship began. And then Neon made a post saying that probably this sub was compromised.

alcogiggles ago

It wasn't SB2 that tried to do vote farming, it was NEON you fag. Correct yourself.

Light_Guard ago

SB2 is definitely not a nutcase. I don't know what is behind people negative comments about Neon Revolt. He's seems like a great patriot to me.

Horsegrl67 ago

I thought so too, but apparently we are missing something

ThesePeopleAreStupid ago

Source? Never saw what you mention and my opinion was that brain guy was a little out there.

angelCole ago

This question was asked several weeks ago so I looked it up because I was on rGA when Q linked to sb2's decode. It's post #1340 on keybase, date May11th.

ThesePeopleAreStupid ago

Thanks I appreciate it

Light_Guard ago

I'm the source. I saw Q post acknowledgements and confirmations of his posts on 8chan Patriots Fight

ThesePeopleAreStupid ago

So you can't prove anything? Darn. Would've cleared a lot up to see Q acknowledge that dude...

I'm sure you understand me not just blindly trusting're a random person on the internet.

Light_Guard ago

Makes me none whether you do or not. You can scroll through the Q posts and see it yourself.

ThesePeopleAreStupid ago

Makes me none whether you do or not


You can scroll through the Q posts and see it yourself.

Nah I'm going to sleep.

FeCpig ago

He did, "Did you catch it?" SB2 has said this many times in the past

ThesePeopleAreStupid ago

.....thats a very common phrase.

hardly him acknowledging anyone....

Imanalias ago

yes - fully agree - arguments should be won based on merit, not name recognition.

PrimitiveScrewhead ago

Sounds kind of like begging so not going to get upvotes there.

BeenLurking ago

Copy that. Thank you.

Dktrogers6250 ago

Trump at War full movie. Spread far and wide🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

finessa ago

I got all riled up and I've only seen half the movie! It's over an hour long!

ThesePeopleAreStupid ago

holy shit I got goosebumps.



isprobablyhigh ago

I am just glad Q actually sponsored a subverse. I was always confused about which one to be on.

TwitterBannedIt ago

Reddit sucked so hard. When we got banned, I deleted my account and went back to twitter. Twitter is also the suck. Welcome Home Patriots!

Matairow ago

Well and Voat is a great place to gather, research and post. WWG1WGA!

LightWins ago

I agree..although I will still be visiting all 3

scoripowarrior ago

I read on both GA and TA. Happy to have GRV also now.

skyisthelimit ago

That's what i felt like when Pizzagate on reddit got shut down, then CBTS got shut down, and finally GA got shut down, ya i certainly felt like chicken with a head cut off but i m glad voat is here. I m very thankful to these guys and their hard work.

AUSAFVet ago

Q had to jump in .."The Plan", on a certain level, would have crumbled if we were not united. WE are apart of the plan

Vornash ago

I thought we're just enjoying the show.

AUSAFVet ago

The Popcorn is a great pacifier! US being out there (WWG1WGA) is getting the word out to the public..Therefore, WE are a major part in making this come to life

CryptoQueen ago

Help me

bopper ago

You will learn quickly don't worry.

Varangian ago

Im evenmore happy that they made it anon so its the content of the post that holds merit and not the person who is saying it

Only-one-solution-1 ago

Its difficult to maneuver this ap...

AlwaysDeplorable ago

I've been going back and forth between the 2, which is a PITA. Glad we can all get on just one and be done with it.

kestrel9 ago

NR convinced people to avoid v/GreatAwakening, and eventually Voat provided this so people did not have to toggle: (shared by both boards).

Who knows how successful it could have been, it's only been a few days. NR's rational for leaving voat was that it was going to disappear along with twitter etc. I believed he misinterpreted Q but anyone who even thought about questioning NR is considered 'compromised', so why do a silent scream in that echo chamber?

Turns out He was wrong, otherwise why would Q choose Voat as the non chan site?

And we were getting back to Q research and we will continue to do Q research and we have 3 boards now where we can post it.


No matter which sub was your fave you cannot deny Q sent NR packing!

Guliensebb ago

In which drop, I really didn't see that one?

Kirka ago

Roger that! Hope to see this site even more successful than the Reddit board. Build it and they will crumb😬

Lotus369 ago

Agree. One site fully endorsed by Q is exactly what we needed to keep the community in one trusted subverse.

patrat102 ago

Amen to that.

BeenLurking ago

I think most people had that problem and is why Q stepped in to solve it.

AbsolutelyZak ago

For what it's worth I believe Q did the whole Q&A thing not because he was bored but to gauge how many people on the Chans. When he saw the figure at 400k he thought shiiiit we gonna have some problems in the near future so stepped in with an alternative. He's probably in contact with CodeMonkey and knows how many users the Chans can handle. Remember the old owner of 4Chan? Arrived home to his gated community house one day to find a huge Q on his bed along with a little message. So no ones anonymous really.

Lotus369 ago

So what did the message say? Do you know?

XeoStyle ago

8ch is owned by a military contractor, so Q is in full control.

finessa ago

That's kinda scary really.

YoikesandAway ago

My guess was the feuding. He is trying not to have us separate.

I like Neon, you don't have to. Voat was a new platform for him, he didn't know v/GA is a good sub and he was worried about walking into a trap. In order to Stay Together, we have to cut each other some slack and allow people to make mistakes. Jus sayin

Kirka ago

Agree, he has contributed a lot to Q movement. Nobody is going to get everything right

finessa ago

I'm going to be watching his future posts for his attitude/tone. I hope he's still onboard.

Crensch ago

Yeah, NR got destroyed here with facts and evidence from his own words being shown to everyone. NR is NOT good people.

TwitterBannedIt ago

Can you do a post on this topic in QRV or here? I didnt know this and I'm sure others dont either. I dont think we should fight among ourselves but known bad actors should be exposed!

Crensch ago

He was. As I said above in a comment, I started the ball rolling, but the other users here really took chunks out of his life.

He's tried to save face since. If you want to go to his profile and find the weak defenses of his actions and put them all together in a nice little "FUCK YOU NR" v/GA post, you'd make front page of non QRV voat at least.

scoripowarrior ago

Well, I did like some of what he wrote, but since reddit shut down, I disliked his "tone" about the other subs. That has made me somewhat skeptical of him at the moment. As I said elsewhere, I trust Q drops and the research autists/anons on 8chan the most. I do realize that 8chan has it's idiots/skanks as well.

StormAnon ago

Your first impression is always the correct one, Scorpiowarrior. Trust yourself! Your gut knows what is right and what isn't. Jus sayin' :-)

Crensch ago

I enjoyed some of his reads in the past, myself. Now I need to question my state of mind at the time, or re-read and see why there's such a disconnect between what I thought he was and what he showed himself to be.

Kirka ago

Wow, that's news to me. I've heard only positive things about him.. I guess . " The more you know" .

Crensch ago

I started the ball rolling but the comments were just savage. He lost all kinds of respect in that submission.

Kirka ago

That's too bad,, I got a lot out of some of his articles... Popularity go to his head? Or did I it seem more devious than that?

Crensch ago

More devious, IMO.

If you want to dig deeper, every time he tried to respond or say something it would be divisive, backhanded, gaslighting nonsense. The old goats here kept tearing him a new ass until he and the reddit mods decided to move to 8ch.

The continued doubling down suggests he had a motive - possibly more than selling merch - that forced him to try and salvage the remains of his dignity and celebrity.

A LOT of people were disappointed in his actions and words; he was a favourite to many; you're not alone there.

Kirka ago

Well thank you for the enlightenment. "The more you know"

Crensch ago

Just in case you were interested in more NR stuff

@TwitterBannedIt @finessa

Crensch ago

Anytime. Welcome to Voat, and if you have any issues, feel free to ask me.

alcogiggles ago

You must be new and don't know the real story. I suggest you go back in time on GA and see how NR got exposed as a shady shill. EVIL.


v/QRV see ya there!_ff

ThesePeopleAreStupid ago

For others: don't forget to turn on NSFW setting to be able to see the sub.

scoripowarrior ago

THAT'S IMPORTANT for them to know!

bopper ago

Aren't you an 8channer, are you on the livestream patriots?


yep I was back in the beginning of this journey now most of my work is behind the scenes... havent been in PatriotSoapbox since March... but yes. I was the one who started that discord. Honor'd to work amongst ya

bopper ago

Yeah your name kinda went off the radar but I certainly remember you and am indebted, appreciate everything.


Were you in the discord? or just a listener on youtube? have we met?

bopper ago

No, we've not met, and never was in discord, mostly I think I would see you on the Reddit board, maybe CBTS before it was shut down.


I'm still here. =] just with BO and BVs.. not as much with youtuber crew. United We Stand. CANNOT SAY THANK YOU ENOUGH! _ff

bopper ago

Very glad to see you and have you!

letortfort ago

Sent everyone to "the awakening" on voat.


v/QRV BO from official Qresearch board

bopper ago

Where did Neon take them, 8chan?

YoikesandAway ago

No, the Redditt GA created a different sub on Voat.

bopper ago

Yes, I just got slightly confused there for a minute, thanks.

babywayne ago

To this board, ironically. "The replacement for /r/greatawakening on VOAT: VOAT Link" at the top of QMAP links to this sub lol

bopper ago

There you go, one upvote for YOU. You could use a few lol.

You'll prob'ly reach a comment limit as well.

defpatriotanon ago

This'll take some getting use too. First time voat-er.

bopper ago

Glad to have you, Voat can be abrasive but lots of great and genuine people here, all sorts. It won't take long.

defpatriotanon ago

Been helpin giving upvotes....


v/QVR see ya there! NO ONE LEFT BEHIND!

ThesePeopleAreStupid ago

See you all there! Turn your NSFW "on" so you can go to the new sub. It's set as anonymous which is also nice.

bopper ago

Oh, yes, I thought maybe you were talking about yet another place...confusing stuff.

WhyAserverWasBuilt ago

Get down! Go Q