14072035? ago

Neon didn’t turn on Q

14076884? ago


14051974? ago

I'm not downvoting you Neon. But I do expect you to at least do some self examination and "correction" in the direction you lead people in "doubting" Q and the plan. You brother, are down by your own doing. And calling those who question you shills does NOT help your case.

Does it make you a shill then for questioning Q if it makes those who question you a shill? Didn't think so..

14050577? ago

I like your posts. You didn't deserve the shit from shills.

14051321? ago

Reflected. Stay strong brother +o+ Stay genius

14049726? ago

Q chose to operate on an anonymous board for a reason.

You want to help the country out? Great, do it. Nobody needs to know what your name is or where to send the checks to.

14048226? ago

Not here that's for sure...;) https://voat.co/v/QRV/2742263

14045729? ago

I want a Q interpreter that isn’t afraid to hold Q’s feet to the fire when he feels it necessary, the way Cynthia McKinney praises Trump on Twitter but still calls out the bullshit going on with the administration. Critical feedback from allies is constructive and necessary. If Neon was a simple cheerleader I’d have stopped paying attention to him long ago.

14032003? ago

Kyle (guest on AJ show) aka Punisher Kyle or something (on twitter always posting AJ links on q hashtag) aka Neon Revolt. As Kyle the Military special ops guest he has called in to AJ show ever since q came along. AJ would say “this our q, etc etc. Bashing some things and mimicing some others. Hell today if you read the Mike Adams piece on Infowars it sounds like they are advocating everything q says concerning gitmo and cleaning out the swamp. Yet AJ always wants to bash q. Its been a trip to witness. All I can say is, SOME PEOPLE HATE COMPETITION; “Information” was their widget. Need I say more?

14044547? ago

Wow! Is this refutable?

14031153? ago

I have it on good authority from my girlfriends second cousins aunt that NeonRevolt

Does not go to church regularly !

Likes Tom Hanks films !

Eats pretzels !

Has a black cat !

What more PROOF do you need !!

Ged ged yah !

14030766? ago

It seems to me those preaching "think for yourself" and "come to your own conclusion" are bullying and name-calling those do and that are not into "group thinking"!

We knew from Q about Alex Jones and Infowars, I didn't know Q did the same for neon revolt. Damn, how could I miss something like that?!?

All you assholes think if somebody disagrees with Q , they are automatically a shill/clown.

I have learned a lot from neon revolt decoding Q. Im greatful for Patriots like NeonRevolt, Rex and PrayingMedic. The time it takes to research and get all the facts straight is enough to make a normal person pissy, let alone writing it all into an easy to understand essay.

I keep seeing post about neon revolt and famefagging etc. There are people in here that although just numbers now, can be easily identified because of their narcissistic posts. Just like they had over it Reddit. Must really kill you guys, reduced to a number.

Maybe Neon has turned, but what if he hasn't? I'm not gonna condeme anyone because they had a bad day.

14030815? ago

"Maybe Neon has turned, but what if he hasn't? I'm not gonna condeme anyone because they had a bad day." agreed - we are brothers in arms and must concentrate on fighting the very real bad guys

14030732? ago

It's pretty simple. Neon does what he does. Individually you either approve or not. I like his work. Others don't. Everything else is irrelevant.

14048503? ago

It's not irrelevant that the actual "result" of his current personal "frustration fit" that he chose to throw out there among the rest of us is that he is leading people AWAY from trusting the plan, AWAY from voat, and AWAY from trusting Q? Might I add completely expectale outcome to have anticipated "before" he threw it out there? Especially to someone as intelligent as Neon?

Begs one to actually question whether this negative result was the goal right? https://voat.co/v/QRV/2742263

14030551? ago

He revealed himself as a sleeper cell anon.

Ever wonder how easy he kept getting all those 'server upgrades'?

Who is financing this clearly full time guy?




14030368? ago

Fed up of hearing all the me me me and Q negativity from Neon recently.

14030252? ago

This needs to be discussed

14030681? ago

Go back to reddit and do it.

Fag cultists

14049517? ago

Stop diving you fuck, you mean nothing, stop claiming to be the decider of where people belong.


14030095? ago

I heard Neon was turning on Q. Sure looked like it from the one post of his I saw. Don't trust him anymore. Too many clowns out there "act" like they with Q but you can spot them the minute they turn.

14030292? ago

He didn't turn on Q! You gotta keep up with the dude and not listen to rumor

14030428? ago

So I am relatively new to Q, Started in July. Read a few posts from Neon from then and up to now. Just thought he was a casual dude that could get me up to speed on a few things like old conspiracy type stuff, 13 blood line particularly, but he never struck me as anything special. Why do people actually care if this dude is a supporter or not? Use him for whatever useful info he might have and if he turns out to be a hack, give him the boot. Just like what happened with Alex Jones and Info Wars. He does kind of remind me of a televangelist though, sure he criticizes Q now and again, but he directly profits by selling Q related products. That bit is unsettling for me personally. Just be mindful of what someones motivations may be.

14029948? ago

So just because Neon vented at some boring posts (yes they were ! ... especially the gratz for a simple screencap derp!) you turn on him ?

Get a fkg grip srsly !! ... what kind of ppl are you that would turn on a bro so quick ?!

The work he has done has been sterling and open many eyes !!

Stop infighting like fucking children and get with the plan.

14030685? ago

To shit on Q is what NEEDS TO GET A GRIP.





Planting poison pills for later on.

They get people to turn on Q by showing we're all a bunch of bigots.

Fuck those NR idiots.

Put them in the same dumpster as AJ and Corsi.

They're all getting exposed by an uncontrollable digital army

14031783? ago

He didn’t shit on Q

LTR cretin

14032863? ago

Yes he did you AI bot.

14030138? ago

Why don't you stop acting like you're up his ass and look at the damn EVIDENCE. We've all seen supposed Q supporters out themselves as clowns (Corsi, AIM, George Webb, etc) and so far that's exactly what looks like Neon did. It's one thing to have a doubt about a thing or two about Q but Neon went 180 on him.

What? he was just having a bad day?...pff

14029964? ago

here here

14029888? ago

All I have seen out of this guy is self promotion and arrogance. He divides the community and insults a lot of people. He thinks he is just as important to all of this as Q. Fuck that guy.

14029831? ago

NEON REVOLT had put out an article that was lengthy and very negative about the recent Qdrops and I don't think it was well justified. Sounded more like he was having a bad day and decided to dump on Q. He has rubbed alot of people the wrong way.

14029830? ago

I Dunno... I'm a bit skeptical of the guy after the r/GA ban. He did a great job contributing to a divide here between the two voat boards before Q directed us to this one.

14029844? ago


14029516? ago

NeonRevolt now doubts Q and the plan? (archive.fo)

submitted 3 days ago by kevdude

132 comments save report

14029557? ago

Nah - read the article. Guy just venting. Got heaps of bad guys on his ass spreading rumour like they do fake news

14029463? ago

NeonRevolt now doubts Q and the plan? submitted by kevdude to theawakening

NeonRevolt -21 points (+18|-39) 1.9 days ago

14029392? ago

Famefagging is famefagging, plain and simple.

14029426? ago

neon has been huge in bringing me over to Q - v grateful to him

14048292? ago

That is not how you determine who to "continue" to follow. I've been highly disappointed at least 4 times now. I totally trusted AIM, Corsi, George Webb & Isaac Green (anti-school). But you trudge on right? You trust Q or Neon more? Just trust your own instincts and keep following Q and you'll soon figure it out. https://voat.co/v/QRV/2742263

14049102? ago

:( yeesh. tough business WWG1WGA

14030678? ago

Bait and switch.

Let it go.

14030109? ago

Looks to me like Neon turned on Q. I don't trust him anymore

14031560? ago

Too much ego.

14029228? ago

Upvote you dawgs! Heave the mainsail!

14029588? ago

Neon is that you?

14029735? ago

nah - it's an old sailor from the south seas ! WWG1WGA

14029118? ago

I love Neon Revolt! Blessed to teach pissed me off with his rant about neon. Blessed to teach says he is such a big christian and he was personally offended by neon’s post. I got personally offended when I listened to blessed to teach asking for money money money, donations my ass!

14030159? ago

Remember Q says careful who you follow. I see some people here seemingly more loyal to Neon than to Q. Shame on you. Blessed to teach simply went over Neon's "turn-coat" article and you're mad a blessed? wow

14029481? ago

[–] feckyerlife 4 points (+4|-0) 2 days ago

It goes back farther than the Q&A's it actually goes back a few months with Neon. My issue with Neon is lately he jumps to conclusions way to fast. There have been times where i would see his article and he's bashing Q over a drop, then i would be on r/ga and i would see someone post an elaborate break down of the drop that neon is bashing. Then i would check the posting time stamps, and the r/ga post would've been hours before Neon posted his article. It would always mind boggle me. But i don't think neon ever trusted any poster or autist in r/ga he would only trust autist from the chans. He only started posting r/ga stuff after Q linked it in one of his drops. Also what has me extra skeptical of Neon now is he always telling people to follow him (subscribe) to him at GAB, but if you wanna subscribe too him its at the minimum 1.99 a month. I think neon started out with good intentions and he probably still has some, but greed has also come into play at this point, When you are selling tshirts for 25-30 bucks a pop when they cost 5 bucks to get made, then its more than about some servers and security. its pure fucking greed.

permalink parent save source reply report

14031800? ago

And what have YOU contributed ???

14030176? ago

Well said I totally agree. You can always tell who the clowns are. They out themselves with the way they act. Neon imo is one of them now...:(

14029429? ago

Neon Revolt is controlled opposition here to confuse. Think for yourself already. You have more than you know.


14029523? ago

Eh? What has he posted that's caused confusion? So far I've only seen him shed much needed light. I take issue with his stance on praying to angels, but besides that, he's solid.

14030254? ago

"was" solid imo

14029061? ago

UPVOTE Anons, show the love ffs

14029535? ago

You realize OP posts in bold even though anon?

14029026? ago

ℕ𝔼𝕆ℕ ℝ𝔼𝕍𝕆𝕃𝕋 @NeonRevolt PRO a day ago

Can't even comment/downvote on Voat right now. They've effectively silenced my account through systematic downvote brigading. Make no mistake: enough downvotes = censorship on voat.

In addition, this hatebrigade keeps tagging my account in with post-ops pics of trans individuals, among other things. Like, still bleeding on the surgical table.

Oh what a wonderful community they have there.


14049993? ago

Try being fucking anonymous and stop fame whoring and maybe the problem will go away.

14030658? ago

Ever consider that people don't like you?

14030656? ago

Fuck off JIDF

14029514? ago

Ever notice the twitter profiles of the deep state actors all use abnormal utf characters for their names? Ever notice those bit swarms that harass forum threads will use alternating patterns of odd utf replacement characters for their messages?

14029885? ago

no. interesting. example?

14030446? ago

Kate from the rally look at her alt personas on Twitter and her friends on Twitter.

14029256? ago

He knows he can post on a different account right... Why does everyone have to know who he is? Information should speak for itself regardless of usernames. Plus why does he care about the ability to downvote others..

14048344? ago

Exactly! Because he WANTS you to know who he is and feel sorry for him https://voat.co/v/QRV/2742263

14029277? ago

fair points deserving reply - if you see this Neon bro - sup? @NeonRevolt

14029045? ago

I'm for free speech, so you got my upvote. peace-

14029068? ago

got your back cuz