14075519? ago

I've read him a lot and gotten a lot from his articles in the past. Clown or not, young and frustrated or not, after reading that article, and the following one, not interested in reading any of his stuff again.

14077388? ago

Good to hear man because I haven't looked at too much of his stuff but what I did see from those two articles is a ton of misinformation. We could argue that the disinfo is not purposeful or is whatever. But it's still disinfo regardless. And given the negativity he has in Q's tactics, as though he knows better so he constantly questions the plan...how in the world can that do ANYONE who follows him any good? Especially newbies? He's just confusing ppl...ugh

I quit following AIM, Corsi, AJ, Isaac Green, and oh man George Webb was a bummer to have to drop. But you HAVE to when you see them turn on Q like that. I continued to watch them just a little longer after they outed themselves just to see right? And I saw them leading ppl so off target. Yet their followers still have no clue. They're more attached to these clowns than they are to Q. How some ppl call that "just expressing frustration" boggles my mind.

14062205? ago

Bleep bloop, someone mentioned this submission!

'Observations on Neon Revolt's Latest Article' was posted in v/GreatAwakening and includes this reply from julzee2:

Imo he is a clown. But it doesn't matter whether he is or whether he's coming from a "genuine" place. The end result is the same. He leads ppl AWAY from trusting Q and the plan, not towards trusting Q/plan. https://voat.co/v/QRV/2742263

This notification (#1307) was posted automatically by the SearchVoat.co Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress this notification by appending a forward-slash(/) to the Voat link. More information here.

14053847? ago

Some of the best articles I've read concerning this movement were written by Neon Revolt. I can't say that about you! It seems you are the divider here and this is attention seeking bullshit.

14055641? ago

Sorry you feel that way but trying to insult me means nothing in this war. But think about this ok?

Remember in the beginning when you first heard about Q? And we all couldn't trust that it was real? So we did exactly what Neon is doing now right? Questioned the authenticity. I don't know about you but that was an entire year ago! Yet Neon is acting like he "still" needs proof? Maybe not that Q is Trump but obviously on the plan itself.

So here we have a whole slew of newbies being introduced to all these crazy rabbit holes that freak them out. Our job, as stated by Q, is to be the "calm during this storm". Neon is not that, as shown with that article. Neon actually "adds" to the newbies' fear/doubt/[insert emotion here] by thrusting his own doubts onto their shoulders as well.

Whether it's purposeful clown intent or not isn't the point. It could just as easily be all due to ego or he just has a deep thinking mind, whatever. It could have nothing to do with an op on his part (although like I just state my opinion that he is way too intelligent to not see what he is doing). The point is, after an entire year of following Q and Neon "still" doesn't get our role? Still doesn't get that the newbie-like behavior of questioning the plan itself "should" be way behind HIM at this late stage so that he can help newbies clarify, not plunge them deeper into the mind-blow abyss.

After that terrible, anti-plan article, he clearly showed that he is not a leader in this respect. And that ANYONE who continues to follow him will also be thrust into that mountain of doubt and frustration he sucked ppl into. He now becomes part of the chafe that needs weeded out for the destructive role he's playing. If you feel that too harsh a reality I'm sorry but we don't have time to be snowflakes. You want truth? Or do you want to save what you believe to be hurt feelings of Neon? That is, if Neon's feelings even really are hurt. Are you really THAT sure that they are?

If he "really" wanted to help the Q movement? He would accept and admit this reality, accept what is, and continue his questioning the plan if that's where his head is. He's too unsure, after all this time, to play the role we were told by Q we NEED to play. He's an old-timer acting like a newbie confused & frustrated. And dogging Sara Carter and every Q posted that day just doesn't cut it.

Or am I mistaken and this is not about the war but more about PC to spare feelings?

14056125? ago

No, its really not that complicated. If I read 10 articles and I like 8 of them and 2 of them suck, I'm great full for the 8 good ones. I never expect anyone to be perfect and I don't allow anyone to decide for me what to believe. What I'm most uncomfortable with is the "group think" mentality of this thread you started and idea that if someone sins they must come before the committee and confess or risk being sent to the proverbial Gulag. Not trying to be a prick but you should read what you write.

14061254? ago

Well then you aren't "thinking" you're "feeling". You are more concerned w/Neon's feelings, which btw, you don't even truly know if his leading people down anti-plan, anti-voat & anti-Q path is even purposeful or not. Do you? But that doesnt even matter at this point. He just outed himself as something that's too confused and frustrated to play the role old-timers are "supposed" to be playing. CALM DURING THE STORM not let's get everyone to follow along with distrusting Q & the plan.

So you think it valid to question the comander demanding to know what the battle plan is as you march to the front line? It's too late! Neon should KNOW already to trust that Q has a "reason" for posting those particular posts. Now we're all supposed to demand that Q change them because we are "bored" with them all? Wow

14053546? ago


14052917? ago

stop the drama already. Get over yourselves!

14055697? ago


14052734? ago

Q is weeding out the weak and faint of heart. Brace yourself. If you knew all, you would not be able to sleep. You can only learn such evil on Voat.

14052666? ago

I really believe we are in movie #2, which Q sent us here to red pill those of us who can take it, some really terrible and evil scenes that pushy Reddit and normie that get offended coming here, would not be able to take what is to come. Stay here, trust the Plan and keep following Q. Forget the anti-Qers.

14052164? ago

Neon is a critical thinker. He does not drink the purple kool-aid. I would like to influence Q if I could also. Cut him some slack

14055832? ago

Sure. Would you still say that if it actuallt meant life or death? Remember, this is war. We need a strong, determined army not squishy afraid to hurt feelings for stating "realism". You think Neon is a soldier doing what Q told us our roles would be? A calm during this storm?

Is Neon, after an entire year, helping newbies to clarify and trust Q & the plan? Or are ppl who follow him only going to add Neon's doubts & frustration to their own tyring to find their way through this forest? I am not trying to "hurt Neon's feelings" or whatever meanie some of you think I am. You want truth or do you want the pc snowflake route? Because I'm sorry but snowflake ain't gonna win this war.

Is not hurting Neons feelings more important to you than waking him up to the damage he is doing? You'd rather let him continue on none the wiser? Really? TOUGHEN UP SOLDIER!

14052156? ago

I love Neon for the very reason that while being loyal to the movement he is not a mindless sheep and speaks his mind. Ones that call others sheeple simply because they don’t brown nose their leaders are simply projecting their own sheeple mentality.

14055933? ago

Lol It was Neon who called solid, unquestionable Q followers sheep first. I was the one saying it was offensive to call Q followers sheep like he does.

If you aren't confused, like Neon is, and you call him out for not being soldier material (calm during the storm) then you're the sheep? According to Neon (and apparently you) you are. Really? All because meanie me hurts your/his feelings...sfeelings...sigh Toughin up buttercup. This I do believe is why Q sent you to voat...;) #wwg1wga

14050903? ago

He sure was making a killing selling gear to you gullible boomer clowns!

14052816? ago

How much did he make?

14053454? ago

He has a generic bright red baseball hat with QANON on in white letters for only 27.00 bucks.

14054142? ago

What's his cost?

14054263? ago

He doesnt have a brick and mortar store No rent Therefore no utilities, No employees No workmans comp No liability insurance No taxes No health insurance plans

You tell me

14054538? ago

I don't know but the margin dictates how much profit you make. Not trying to be a dick but its easy to assume someone is making a killing. I checked out the hat and I havn't seen anybody wearing one.

14054732? ago

Does he have a business license too? All that combined costs would make sense, but all he is doing is buying a bunch of crap that is usually used as business gifts. He orders, gets it shipped, he takes out of one package and into another and ships to anons..

14055302? ago

Yes sir, we live in a great country. I would have a big problem with someone who's goal is to monetize Q, like some of the others that we know about. It doesn't look like NR is even trying to move much merch and if he is he sucks at it. Havn't seen his stuff advertised anywhere else but his site. I have been wrong once before though.

14055369? ago

I understand that it costs money to sell gear, but o sell it for official sports gear prices is fucking bullshit when they dont have hardly any overhead in the first place.

14055607? ago

True enough bro but I guess we really don't know for sure.

14056152? ago

I don't want to sound like a dick either, but I was right after all.


Aint that something?

14056205? ago

Yea, I knew the price of the hat. Thanks anon.

14056306? ago

Then you should know he owns a virtual store too. LoL @ overhead and @NeonRevolt.

14056422? ago

Its probably the same with two listings. Or overhead is the shipper. Thanks anon.

14057222? ago

The shipping costs is something a customer would pay, so he can pass off that cost in itself and yes he charges his customers.

14050776? ago

if you want the anons research nicely compiled and presented as digestable sandwiches, NR is the place to go. just beware not to take a bite from the shit he bakes into them.

practise discernment, folks, and stop making other people leaders whom you follow!

most of those people you put on pedestals fall into some kind of guru trip, be it due to narcissism or compromise. misleading is the result, and the sheeple are either frozen in cognitive dissonance or disillusioned and hurt that their trust has been betrayed.

time to end this followerhip pattern. THINK FOR YOURSELF. discern yourself. follow yourself.

14050775? ago

Good grief people. Here’s a piece of advice to anyone posting these: Live and Let Live.

14050703? ago

Go to https://qmap.pub/ and read the last 30 posts.

If they don't make complete sense to you without needing a "decoder" then you're a retard.

14053505? ago

If they are that retarded, maybe they should start with the Ovaltine Decoder from The Christmas Story.

Some peeps need to crawl to walk first.

14050422? ago

Cognitive dissonance is the real enemy. Consider the vastness of space...


Nothing to see here.

14050301? ago

Neon Revolt is a clown.

14050100? ago

It's good to have dissenting positions and ideas. It keeps us researching and validating info. That's a good thing!

14050061? ago

He has done too much to push the QAnon narrative to be realistically considered an enemy agent. I actually felt he was only trying to push the President to give us more.

14053599? ago

I think you meant to say he has done too much to line his pockets.

14054466? ago

I never felt like he was pushing me to buy one of his t-shirts (do a "Q+ 2020" shirt and I may buy it). Yeah he has a profit motive, but we all have our gigs. I don't think he was all about hawking his goods though. I think some bad actors are just butt hurt, and want Neon destroyed because he kept the movement from fragmenting.

14051508? ago


You mean like lying to the whole community and dividing it, specifically against what Q said to do?

14050561? ago

And who exactly is Neon to push our President to do anything? Our job is to trust the plan not "help" Trump design the damn...lol

And so you believe Neon is not intelligent enough to have anticipated what we see to be the actual "consequences" of this childish tyrade he performed? People wanting to stay away from voat because "Neon" doesn't trust the place? Yet, Q obviously does for whatever purpose Q's got us collecting ourselves here for. And Neon steering the movement into "doubting" Q as though it's some badge of honor to question why Q is posting these timestamp proofs? As though Neon seems to think he knows something Q/Trump doesn't?

Gotta hand it to you. I get not wanting to let go because you've invested faith in Neon but seriously. It's pure Clown-speak given my experience re: how they have proven to us they operate. I've had to let go a few times of people I really thought were legit. It gets easier once you get backstabbed a few times like this.

Remember, Q imo is above ANY Q followers' opinions. Sure, we relate to frustration. But that's the emotional card Neon seems to be playing here. You'll see it if you keep following his work. Prove to yourself by watching which direction he leads you. To be a faithful Q warrior? Or a faithful "Neon" warrior with sympathy for Neon?


14052316? ago

OMG. Our job is not to “trust the plan”. Our job is to hold our leader’s feet to the fire and make sure they do the RIGHT thing. Q is an tremendous way for Trump to get his message across despite the MSM, but neither Q nor Trump merit the trust that only belongs to God. They are imperfect humans, not Demi-gods, for Pete’s sakes!

14050661? ago

You sound like the one with trust issues. Also there is nothing wrong with members of the audience calling out for some action. It means they are engaged. The President is a showman and can respect that. He doesn't want weak willed (or paranoid) followers.

14050048? ago

OMG, the comments. Did I really have to read about suffering Shredder? I hope he's okay. Noone to call for a ride? Poor kitty!

14050616? ago

I know right? I can't stand thinking of the poor thing laying there with a broken leg! Omg...:(

14067912? ago

I wanted to let you know, I left the tab open on the video and just refreshed. Four hours after the post, he had posted again. Cat leg not broken and bitched about the cost of vets. So I guess cat is okay. Still feel bad it waiting all that time for care. Glad I wasn't alone in sending kitty good thoughts!

14077856? ago

Hey waddup man?...lol Who posted again? NR? Yeah man so glad the cat is ok. You know cats are my FAVORITE animals in the World. You might hear mine sometime meowing in the background of some of my videos.

So voat's not so bad so far right? Maybe I should do another video on it. I was a little freaked out when I did that first one.

14078309? ago

Nah, not Neon. Just thought you and others might want to know how the cat was.

14050783? ago

Hope the girlfriend: has more sense than him, lit his dumb ass up good, got the cat to the vet in time and Shredder will recover.

14049945? ago

Nope, Neon is awesome. when Q says we did go to the moon, and a plane hit the pentagon, most all of us know it's not true, so then you have to try and figure out why would he say that? He also said disinfo is necessary.

14051525? ago


Lying to the lot of you and dividing the Q communities. AWESOME, amirite?

14050711? ago

Yes but he also said trust the plan. And the tone of Neon's arguements were anything BUT that. It's ok, you'll prove it to yourself the longer you follow Neon. Just watch which direction he leads you. Towards trusting Q/the plan? Or critiquing it as though Q needs Neon's help? And towards doubting Q & voat. You'll see.

14049749? ago

There is no defending Neon over Q as the two are on the same page. You simply do not understand the Q movement. To say that Neon is against Q is a flat out indisputable lie.

14051451? ago


He seems to not give a shit about lying to the Q community and dividing it. TOTALLY Q, AMIRITE?

14050942? ago

I didn't say Neon was "against" Q. I said that he was not trusting the plan and that he is leading people in the opposite direction that Q tells us to go. Because in Neon's mind, if he personally doesn't understand why Q is doing things and he follows anyway? He defines it as a sheep.

Well I'm sorry but if you don't have enough faith BY NOW that Q knows what he's doing? And therfor Q needs you to question the plan as though it's a good thing? Then you aren't doing the movement any good. Neon is questioning (and convincing others) that we can't trust the QRC subverse and his followers not only don't want to come here, but they're also spreading the word themselves how horrible a place this is and that maybe we shouldn't be here.

We all get burnt out & frustrated. I get it. But this is more than that and you will see for yourself as more Neon posts come out. Just watch is all.

14080571? ago

Neon gave a reasonable argument for not trusting the, as you put it, QRC subverse. Then Q confirmed his line of thought and asked that QRV would be started as the official camp for Reddit refugees. I go to all of them as anybody can. When Q confirms what Neon said, that is hardly a reason for me not to trust Neon or to think he is misdirecting. Besides, this movement is far bigger than Neon, Voat or anything else. Future will prove past and whether someone likes Neon or AJ or Prosobiec, the plan will go forth regardless of what anyone does.

14081311? ago

Whatever. If NR is your guy then follow him. You'll see in time what I'm talking about. You've got to go with what makes sense to you. And if what I say doesn't? Then you heard my piece, thought about it, and moved on right? I just put it out there ya know?

14084264? ago

Thank you for the reply. Still can't quite figure out why you would even bother to attack NR. You didn't bring anything of substance as to why you think he is compromised. Evidence and examples are more persuasive than feelings and opinions. I've read nothing from NR to justify your attacks against him and I have read nothing from you to validate your accusations.

14088762? ago

Seriously? Did you watch the video? I freegin went through LINE BY LINE of BOTH articles critiquing them giving my take on precisely WHY I think what I think about NR and you actually say "evidence and examples" are more persuasive? Itxs almost hard to even take your reply seriously.

Look, I've been following Q as long as NR. And if you believe that Q is real, like he does, and after an entire year you are "still" questioning whether Q's plan is adequate? And acting as though "you" somehow know better? Then I would think that "logical" ppl would at minimum SEE that NR isn't the brightest bulb in the pack. If after an entire year you're still at the beginner levels of questioning Q? Then you need to get out of the decoding business.

Whatever ya know? Think what you want to think doesn't bother me in the least. I put my 2 cents out there, you do what you want with it right? Oh, and btw, imagine that you are seeing a psychiatrist to get over a fear of flying. Do you go to the Dr who is afraid of flying himself? Do you go to the one who freaks out at the sight of the plane himself and questions whether this is even a good idea or not? Which naturally only increases your own fear? Or do you trust the one who exudes confidence, reassurance & calm and walks you through the fear?

This is what NR is. He does NOT reassure ppl re: Q, the plan, "or" voat. He does the opposite. Ppl have enough questions & uncertainty with all these rabbit holes of corruption. And please don't twist this (like many do) into that I say ppl shouldn't question things or even Q. "Newbies" HAVE to question Q because they just jumped into the game and haven't had that 11 months to prove things for themselves. THEY'RE still questioning! Long time Q followers like NR "should" NOT have to question Q anymore. If they do? They're like the psychologist who's afraid of flying. You go to him? You'll only become more confused and chances are, never fly again...lol

14133663? ago

I've read every Neon Revolt article and he is brilliant. His support of the ideals expressed in this movement is unquestionable. You completely misunderstand this movement. You seem to mistakenly think that Q wants sheep, you seem to think that Q wants people who "exudes confidence, reassurance & calm and walks you through the fear" What nonsense! You actually say that people should not question Q. I can't even fathom that kind of thinking and how you do not comprehend the disastrous consequences of such idiocy. History has demonstrated over and over again the death and destruction that results in that type of mindset. Mao, Stalin, Hitler, and our present-day Obama and Clinton regime demand that type of obedience. The whole purpose of the Fake News MSM is to pressure people into adhering to the party line. Q is not God. I will question everything that he posts as I will use logic and think for myself. This movement is unique in that this is what Q asks of those who follow him as he has never sought what you are advocating.

This much I absolutely know to be true. Q values greatly pushback from people like Neon Revolt in order to assess how their message is being received. Do you honestly believe Q gains any value from sycophants who just follow lock step with everything posted without critical thought, evaluation and feedback? If that were the case, Q would not have created the mess with the Q&A session. I can't tell you how many people scoffed and stopped following Q after reading the answers to the questions that Q chose. I got emails from people I've redpilled as that was just nonsense - and it was. Q intentionally sowed chaos in the movement and that was for a purpose. I believe that purpose was to destroy the mindset that you are advocating. Ponder that for a moment. Timelines change. Plans change. Strategy changes as unforeseen events arise. Q needs our feedback. Q needs to know how their message is being received so that it can be adjusted appropriately.

Read Neon's post today. There is no way you can honestly hold onto your views or accusations against Neon with the masterpiece he put together this morning.

Q said in post #2284
Think for yourself Trust yourself Logical thinking

This is exactly what Neon Revolt and many others are doing. We are not sheep and are not asked to be.

14146515? ago

lol I'll finish his brilliant article maybe later. Strapped for time. I got down to his "insight" that Omarosa might be part of Trump Op. And that was after going through the loong explanation of how he's now almost sure that RR is also working with Trump. Glad to see he's finally catching up because me and a few others have been saying this for a looong while..lol And he "could" have gotten the Omarosa idea from watching my video from about a week ago when I said as much to my subs (about 1:12) https://youtu.be/IZRKb_FYRyg

Will have time later to see if he finally got to actual decoding of Q posts whether they still "bore him" or has he did a 180 on that?

And you want to see brilliant? This is what you call a masterpiece https://youtu.be/2hDBN9lA6w8

14173734? ago

I liked your video and I'll pass on your YT channel to my brother. I don't like listening to YT as it takes too long and I can read the information much faster. My brother doesn't like to read, he likes to sit back in his chair and listen.

14173926? ago

Thanks! Except, looks like my channel will probably be shut down when this twitter, yt, fb ban begins...sigh

Yeah there's TONS of info there though. I've been following Q from day one making videos along the way. Did you see "Operation Kavanaugh yet? https://youtu.be/2hDBN9lA6w8. We're keeping our eyes open to these current maneuvers re:K cause it's looking like this might actually be playing out! Time will tell.

14146099? ago

You, obviously like NR, do not get it. I'll have to go check his "masterpiece" out.

14056741? ago

You're suggesting people be sheep, instead of thinking for ourselves.

Sheep no more Q

14078613? ago

If that's what you want to call a soldier heading into battle who trusts their commander and thinks it completely asinine to question the commander in the middle of battle on the front line? Then yes, I am a Q sheep.

There are MANY things out here to question. Whether Q is competent enough to have a successful plan in place without your input? Hmmm...just not one of them.

14061026? ago

At this point I expect those who have been following Q as long as Neon has to freegin actually trust the plan already and "act" the role we are meant to be.. Yes, we longtimers are Q soldiers (not sheep like Neon puts it) and our JOBS are not to make things even more difficult for new eyes by piling massive "personal" frustrations & questions onto the already confusion these newbies are experiencing. If Neon is "still" unsure of Q and the "reason" for these posts and our roles? Then he needs to get out of the way and not be a leader-type figure.

14079386? ago

The more you ignore him, don't feed the animal, the faster he will fade into the nothingness, if he has indeed decided he can't take it any longer.

14061451? ago

You described exactly my concern now about Neon Revolt. I guess this thread is now “old” as threads go, but I’m really trying to solidify how I feel about NR’s recent behavior. I’m committed to what Q Patriots are fighting for, this is not a game. How the Kavanaugh nomination is playing out is disgusting. We are dealing with pure EVIL and public rants at the very time when this board was developed to be a meeting place/info hub is ridiculous at best...or something worse.

14078526? ago

It's hard when a decoder you really trusted turns into not the person you thought they were. My first shock to my system was AIM. I freegin totally loved those guys. It took me a little time to let it sink in but thank God I was able to open my eyes & accept the truth., not what I "wished" was.

Then it was Corsi. He taught me a lot through my journey following him. He gave such awesome and truthful info man. But again, I had to face reality and let go. Since then there's been Isaac Green but I wasn't in love with him so no biggie there. But it was still shocking because I REALLY thought he was a genuine regular Joe ya know?

The last one was George Webb. Thought he was the greatest source of fact & info out there man. I devoted my yt chsnnel videos to him almost exclusively for a little while cause his info was so valuable to share in an understandsable format. He's tough to follow so I made it easier for others.

Point being, there will be others to come so buckle up buttercup. They usually out themselves simultaniously in small groups of 3 -5 and "circular report" to make eachother seem legit. Ixve been busy so haven't noticed if anyone else has outed themselves since NR. Just give yourself some time. You'll get over it.

Maybe it'll help if you continue to follow him & compare his articles to other decoders out there and see whether NR is leading his ppl toward understanding & trusting Q, or away. It gets easier & easier to spot (and accept) once you learn the lessons Q teaches us. Bottom line, the biggest "tell" is when the old-timer starts attacking Q. Newbies you understand cause we've all been there. But long time followers? Not a chance...;) #wwg1wga

14084018? ago

Thank you for the thoughtful reply! Your mention of George Webb was insightful to me also. Started listening to him shortly before Jen Moore’s death. I was really upset and wanted to honor her efforts. Now I’m not even sure what is true about her situation. Anyway, thanks again.

14089094? ago

Her's the video I did on GW https://youtu.be/ppZW2LqUA5s

I did a followup too where he, Posobiek, and Conte started doing the ole "circulat reporting" crap to make each other look more legit like msm does https://youtu.be/y3Z0ng8EMmQ

But you should check out my channel tho cause GW actually gave GREAT info before he turned. It was complicated stuff so I added images etc to make it easier to follow so yeah, These clowns do give good info...at first. But you can always see the turn. And that's exactly what NR did.

14097475? ago

Thanks for the link! I will check out your video. Also, re Jen Moore, no I don’t know about death cert. I stopped watching him. In a way, I hope that it is a scam. Would hate to think a brave investigator lost her life and...nothing. No follow-up. Case dropped. A lot of details about it all started to seem very improbable and I felt as a viewer I had been played. Take care.

14098849? ago

You too anon...lol (Sounds funny calling you that). But yeah, my spidey senses went up as well.

You have GOT to check out my last video man. It's Q/Trump freegin 4D chess at it's finest if it's what's actually playing out. Which...looks to me like it is! Definitely popcorn worthy...;) https://voat.co/v/QRV/2747582

14103035? ago

Thanks, will do!

14088853? ago

I know I wonder to about what's real or not re: Jenny. Do you know if GW ever produce the death cert like he said he would? I quit following him after he outed himself. I do have to admit tho, he did give some excellent info before he turned. I watched a few times after I my "GW clown video" and saw how he was taking ppl waaay off track. Last I saw he was saying that Q was Nellie Ohr & Flynn...lol. omg, his poor followers.

14055678? ago

You do not understand nor do you speak for Q in that you do not know what the plan is. You do not know what is disinformation and misleading yet is vital to the plan. Neon does just what Q asks - to think for ourselves and to think logically. That guarantees that there will be disagreements and Neon has frequently said he could be wrong in his opinions.

You don't need to have faith to believe that Q knows what he is doing as there is too much knowledge to know that Q knows what he is doing. This much is demonstrated by the evidence - the black hats have faith in what Q is doing and they are responding "like clockwork" and demonstrating unquestionably that "these people are stupid." To ignore all of the evidence over the past year can, in my opinion, only be described as ignorance or willful self deception.

14061304? ago

That article was thinking logical to you? Seriously? It was nothing more (and he admitted it himself) bust a frustration fest where he happily threw HIS disgust & frustration out to the rest of us so that what? We'd have more clarity? Or sympathy for "him"?

14076732? ago

I feel that you are just in attack mode. His "disgust" and "frustration" are those of many people and that's a good thing. Just a thought, do you think the Q team would find it important to understand how people are reacting to "the plan?" Criticism and feedback are good things. Neon is my greatest asset in understanding Q.

14077785? ago

Well if NR is your greatest asset in understanding Q you're about to be hit in the face by reality soon so buckle up buttercup. As you continue to follow him (and check out other Q decoders) you will slowly realize that NR is leading you down the disinfo path.

I know I seem like a horrible, hurtful, cold, insensitive, [insert favorite adjective here] person to you because you "feel" for NR, but just keep your eyes open to what I'm telling you. My only goal is to plant that seed into your head so that when you're ready to go to the next level of your awakening I'll still be here for you. #wwg1wga. If that's never? Then fine. I can only lead the horse to water. Can't make him drink.

14080396? ago

Oh please, I read dozen's of sources, follow all comments on Voat and Qresearch on a regular basis and I find that Neon is my favorite as his writing is superb and fun to read. There is nothing he has written that in any way is disinformation. I disagree with some of his conclusions, but they are well thought out and I respect them. I suspect that his destruction of Microbrain and Prosobiec is the basis for your attack. Those two along with AJ are definitely disinformation rabbit holes and it was quite entertaining to watch Neon take them down. Your accusations are baseless and not in touch with reality "buttercup." You have an agenda and it has been exposed.

14081319? ago

Okee dokee.

14049680? ago

Neon has been a real faggot lately.

14057743? ago

Better not tell RonaldSwansong that. He will be so pissed.

14053321? ago

I think he's holding on too tight. He seems to be taking a break for the past few days. Q's mega-posts haven't helped.

This is a century-old deep rabbit hole with a lot of nefarious players in it. One can't know it all. I hope NR realizes that.

I've been reading this crap for 30 years and I'm still learning a lot (I'm read "Hidden History: The Secret Origins of the First World War" by Gerry Docherty for an eyeopener on the Great War and the hidden forces who started it--and I'm learning a lot).

Q's the biggest spade in years to uncover more about it and its tentacles.

14050977? ago

Yep. It's only going to get worse though. Usually once they out themselves they kind of lose it a bit.

14049529? ago

When I first heard of Q, I had the luxury to be able to listen to several different decoders, read blogs, joined reddit and lurked. I've heard things from every single source with which I've disagreed, even with those to be leaders in the autists. One of the things we are supposed to be able to do is read intelligently and winnow the chaff. The only one I fully believe is Q. As far as we are concerned he is the only one that sees the entire big picture.

14051042? ago

My point exactly! Well said...:) Until Q tells me to get off of voat, I'm here to stay. Whether I understand it or not. But..according to Neon? That's belittled as being a sheep...ugh

14049469? ago

NeonRevolt does some great work and his breakdowns have never lead me to believe he doesn't trust the plan. He disseminates information as he sees it and its up to the reader to either buy into it or not. Granted he has been wrong on his takes from time to but he is ALWAYS quick to point that out (he has never been shy on falling on his sword and that is admirable), but I'm not willing to ignore someone because they interpreted something differently then how I see it. In the end we are all flying blind here, and we all must be diligent in who we trust but information is information and for people who can't surf the Chans his breakdowns are very informative and insightful. I see nothing wrong with the information he presents how he sees it. WWG1WGA!

14053758? ago

NeonFaggot pieces other 8 chan anons work together worse than Helen Keller trying to make an afgan blanket. He is even too lazy to fix the font and its size.

This fucking scammer is also plaguarizes others work off the 8 chan board.

14053320? ago

Awesome response! WWG1WGA

14051395? ago


He doesn't believe in not dividing the community. He doesn't believe in telling the truth. That's some hella consensus cracking you have going on there.

14051228? ago

Agreed. I loved Neon myself. But who do you trust more? Neon or Q? Keep following Neon and your eyes will start to see. Whether purposeful or not isn't really my point. It's the fact that Neon is leading ppl the wrong way. Could be completely innocent on his part doesn't matter. He is now proven to be pushing disinfo regardless of whether he's aware of it or not. And given his high intelligence? I tend to think he knows.

But that's ok, just keep following his work. I'll be proven one way or the other. Does he correct himself and stop leading ppl down the path of doubt? Or does he straighten up and become the calm during the storm that we're "supposed" to be? We shal see right?

14053161? ago

I read both NR and Q. And PrayingMedic, too. And I read a lot of other things for myself, too.

No one is going to find the answer from just one source. Remember, Q is not a prophet: he's a Socratic instructor. That is a rare talent to find in modern education, let alone be a political movement.

14052272? ago

Excellent link with lots of sauce.

14049450? ago

This is silly.

14049397? ago

agree. anyone who questions Q is out.

14053753? ago

Q would not agree with your statement, 14049397

14168148? ago

disagree. but no use in arguing. it is what it is. your interpretation vs. mine.

14051311? ago

And it's not even the actual questioning of "things" that bothers me. It's how he "characterizes" it as though if you DON'T question "Q" then you are nothing more than a sheep. We don't need to second guess the plan which is what Neon is doing. We need to "watch" the plan unfold...;) #wwg1wga

14052203? ago

absolutely. we have the most brilliant team leading us. the best there is in the country for MI. Neon is 'toast'.

14049349? ago

Read it. Don't read it. Believe his interpretations. Don't believe them. That's the point of the whole "Q" movement. THINK FOR YOURSELF. You are entitled to your opinion, if you think he's working against the plan, that fine. Do your research and present it. But just because someone whines (and Neon does do that a fair amount) doesn't make them a shill, or Clown or whatever. Just makes them impatient and frankly, young. I'd caution against posting anything that might divide this group unless you have solid "sauce" to back it up. Stay together. WWG1WGA!

14062532? ago

<if you think he's working against the plan, that fine. Do your research and present it. >

Uh, isn't that what the video is?...lol

< But just because someone whines (and Neon does do that a fair amount) doesn't make them a shill, or Clown or whatever. Just makes them impatient and frankly, young. I'd caution against posting anything that might divide this group unless you have solid "sauce" to back it up>>

Again, I actually state in the video that I can't say for sure what Neon's motives are or whether he's an actual clown (cia)or not right? Did you miss that part? The "sauce" imo is the lame argements and constant dogging of Q and anything relating to Q (Sara Carter).

And one thing you should understand is that this movement is constantly separating the wheat from the chafe. He just happens to be chafe. We call that clown whether you're actual cia or simply a bumbling idiot whose "effect" is the same. Making people distrust Q.

People need to throw off this BS Leftist PC crap ya know? I had valid points in my arguement. I am not simply "shilling" or "bullying" Neon. And cautioning against "dividing" the movement by calling Neon out for his BLATANT negativity and DISHONESTY in decoding those posts equates to what in your mind? We should all sit back and not say anything and let him continue HIS degradation of the movement because it might "hurt feelings"? Do you not consider the damage HE does by purposely leading people to doubt Q, the plan, "and" voat? Sounds to me like you're trying to act PC rather than speaking truth.

14053160? ago

Thank you. I very much agree that this crusade against Neon is an unjust jump to false conclusions and harmfully divisive to the movement.

14063930? ago

Then why hasn't he bothered to respond to any of the allegations and/or questions directed at him?

14078061? ago

Why should he play tit for tat with the lot of you? I'm sure he's preparing his next blog for when he's damn ready.

14062553? ago

Lol So his "decoding" in that article was awesome to you?

14053059? ago

NR, like Praying Medic, is at least taking a lot of their time to present their analyses of Q, what his quatrains mean, and his opinion.

It's his site, and we can read it or not. It's our choice. It's OUR choice as Americans to have the freedom to read anything political we want to.

And there is nothing stopping any of us from devoting the same time and resources to discovering our own thoughts on Q and what he's asking us to research.

I think at times NR may be latching onto some pretty obscure threads and drawing out larger conclusions that may not fit, and is a wee bit emotional in his writing, but I still choose to visit his site every day. He really digs deep into some deeply buried stuff, and I always learn something new from him.

Keep it up, young NeonRevolt. You're helping Q guide his messages so the masses understand his narrative. That's a terrific service in itself to America.

14051448? ago

I tend to view his article as more divisive than my calling him out on his lame "evidence"? And no, we do NOT need to question Q or the plan itself like Neon is doing. Question what the Q posts mean maybe. And even be curious and wonder "why" Q posts particular things sure. No issue at all with that. But Neon is going above and beyond that. He's doubting Q "and" the plan as though he somehow knows better than Q? Really?

14056707? ago

It would seem that everyone has this God given right, not just you. If anyone questions "the plan" after all of the shit this gov't has put us through for decades, I can't blame them. Just leave him alone, and do what you need to do for you. Why do you care if he is going through some soul searching, or not? Again, everyone has the right to their own opinions/thoughts.

14078775? ago

Tell that to these clowns who are helping the DS by misleading ppl k?

14079173? ago

What a stupid, childish reply. Are you three??? We all have the right to our opinion of what we're being shown, since we aren't being shown all of the evidence. Why do you have the right to your opinion, AND the right to dictate others?

14078746? ago

And you equate "this government" to Trump/Q? Really? The force that has put their entire lives on the line, who are GIVING BACK our power & freedom, the ones who are dismantling the DS before our very eyes, ending the DS induced wars, freeing the entire world from the aweful DS chains, giving nations their sovereignty back "and" giving us tranparency like we've never experienced before etc etc and you're still questioning Trump?...lol Seriously, you've gotta come up with a better justification for it being ok to not only distrust but DOG OUT these super patriots ya know? Don't they deserve at least that much?

14061725? ago

You must misunderstand my point. I'm not saying that Neon doesn't have the right to think/say whatever the hell he wants. Ditto for me right?

Just don't expect us Q followers to follow you if after an entire year you still don't trust the plan that's all. I called him out on it and ppl like you feel offended. Fine feel offended. In the meantime I'm busy fighting a war and don't have time for PC. I spoke truth period. Neon is NOT acting like the CALM DURING THE STORM like Q needs us to be in this battle. He is acting like a child taking a tantrum because Q isn't doing things up his way.

Neon has been around since day one. You don't think it odd that he not only questions the plan itself but then goes even further expecting Q to change tactics (posts) because he is personally "bored" ?

Go ahead, you follow & defend ppl like that who thrust their personal shit onto newbie shoulders who are already confused enough. That doesn't sound like someone concerned with the Q movement to me. We're supposed to help clarify this mess to others, not add more negativity & frustration to their plate. You give too much credit acting like he's just "questioning". I see that article as so much more.

But just wait and watch. You will see. Where does Neon go from here? Does he continue to add only negativity to the movement and attempt to confuse ppl further? Or does he step up and fight the fight with us? I bet you any money his thing now will be crying to everyone for focus on "him" and his "feelings". The importance of Q and trusting the plan won't even be on his mind. And ppl like you will fall for it because I hurt his feelings....ugh

14079339? ago

Q warned, time and time again, "be careful who you follow". No one should be following anyone else. No one has the full picture. THIS is my point, and Q's. Only a tight knit group has the full picture (less than 10). Do your own research, read others' and see what you come up with. Neon Revolt is such an unimportant cog in this wheel. You're making a bigger deal out of one person than is necessary.
After 8 years of 9/11 research and red pilling for almost 3 decades, I've seen people go in and out, shill, and not shill. Ignoring this crap will get you farther in the research game. Focus on YOU, and what YOU want to accomplish. Just as Alex Jones put up barriers in our way, and we moved around them, you have to do the same here.

14081337? ago

I made a video, said my piece, and move on...:)

14066818? ago

I didn't say that I feel offended. Projection …
I don't care whose feelings you hurt. "Ppl like you". Who are people like me? People like me are people who believe everyone has the right to their opinion, without coercion. People like me believe we all wake up at our own speed. People like me follow no human being. People like me are TEAM players. People like me are "Sheep No More". Who are YOU? Who are people like YOU?

14078134? ago

Exactly! Ppl wake up at their own speed. But how do you wake someone up if you're filling them with uncertainty & distrust in the MAIN player (Q) that is THE MOST important to trust? Like I told the last guy, I just put it out there. You want to see it? Then see it. You don't? Then don't. I planted the seed and you wake up at whatever pace you're comfortable with. I personally did not want to believe AIM, Corsi, George Webb etc were steering me wrong either. I too gained immense knowledge from them and believed them geniune as you do/did with NR. Key word is "did" because NR just turned so, most of what you get from him from here on in will be sprinkled with disinfo. In time you may realize that as you compare his decoding with others'

Continue to "feel for" & follow NR. Just buckle up buttercup because when the reality finally does hit you that NR is not who you think he is it's going to feel like a ton of bricks. As you compare his articles to other decoders out there, if you're willing to open your eyes you will see that the path he is taking you is not the innocent and helpful path you thought it was.

14079238? ago

Simply put … you shouldn't be following ANYONE. The clues are there for us to get an idea of what is going on. We aren't being told everything, because it would not be in the best interests of the Q Team. People get frustrated, and will go in and out of "the plan" as they can handle it. Some will take their anger out on Q, and some will take it out on others. Again, no one should be following anyone. People should be following the clues. Doing their own research, and come to their own conclusions.
When people don't have all of the pieces to the puzzle, not all of the puzzles are going to look the same when the pieces are put together.

14061119? ago

I did what I needed to do. I exposed him for what he is doing. If after a year of following Q he still doesn't trust the plan then go for it. Just don't expect to be a leading figure is all. Does he look like a clam during the storm to you? Or someone whose muddying the waters and taking people down his personal frustration & hissy fit road "distrusting" EVERYTHING.

This is not confusion re: what a post means here or there. This is someone pissed off at everything Q posts! Really? And that's called simple questiong?

14051302? ago


Lies, more lies, already dividing Q followers, so calling him out on it is NOT, by definition, dividing the Q followers.

14053807? ago

This "everyone has their own opinion" and "be careful what you say about a fellow patriot because you might divide the Q followers" talk reminds me of Leftists. I agree with you. Neon outed HIMSELF as someone (whether purposeful or not) who is separating the wheat from the chaff. I'm just pointing it out.

Like we all don't get frustrated. Like we all haven't had our doubts. But at this point? With the time Neon and many of us have spent from day one! gaining our own personal proofs that Q is real? If you aren't 100% sure at this point? Then I'm sorry, you're probably part of the chafe that needs separated and aren't really someone who should be considered as being wise to follow imo.

New eyes need direction from solid Q supporters who have gained this massive understanding we have from following for a year and "share" that comfort og KNOWING. They don't need people who are only going to make them question more than they already do because they're just jumping into this vortex of rabbit holes ya know?

We are the CALM DURING THE STORM not the "hey newbie, let me confuse your head even more by adding MY freegin doubts to yours along with all these crazy rabbit holes you have been thust into" type of mentor. Especially since longtimers "should" be free of doubt by now WITHOUT QUESTION!

14050252? ago

good post.

14050213? ago

Exactly. Guy's immature....

14049289? ago

The only time that Q purposely deceived us (in my opinion) was the recent confirmation of a plane into the Pentagon. Based on the track record of Q, I assume that there is good reason for that little piece of misinformation...because he CHOSE that question (or planted it himself for all we know) - out of hundreds - to respond to.

Perhaps he's keeping Israel off the scent to the fact that they are next...until it's time to deal with them.

I trust the Q team completely.

14051637? ago

You know what I've been contemplating? You know how voat is full of Jew haters who as Neon followers put it, "bully" people? And the goats here think it is we who were sent here to be red-pilled by them?

Well, what if the truth is somewhere inbetween (Jew hater & Jew lover) and our purpose of being on this board is to red-pill all of us simultaniously? The goats "and" us...lol

14062745? ago

The Jew-haters won't accept the fact that their religion was hijacked by the Khazarian Mafia - and those Satanists who rule this world use Judaism to mask their Church/Synagogue of Satin religion. The Jews are also slaves, just like us - but at a higher level. THIS is what is being dismantled.

14078181? ago

I agree. Although I can't really say I'm that knowledgeable on the subject. But I think enough to see that there is plenty of DS to go around.

Did I tell you my thoughts as to why I think we might have been led to voat?

14052394? ago

I really think this is movie #2 that we are being red pilled further by Q with stuff so intolerant and evil that it can't be seen on pussy reddits and this information is so, deep, deep to your soul. Some people won't be able to take it. Esp. people who have a problem with the absence of p.c. on Voat.

14051412? ago


No, he deceived you far more often than that.

14048896? ago

Neon has done a lot of good for this community, this kind of post smacks of divide and conquer shillery. If he was a shill, by this point Q would have done something to hint toward it.

14051865? ago

Maybe. But I can't see Q agreeing with the direction AWAY from trusting Q, the plan "and" this subverse that Neon is leading ppl. I've had my own frustrations & doubts throughout this year following Q too. But I didn't blurt them all out there until I thought really hard first knowing that my videos effect my followers. I may not have a fraction of what Neon has (which makes his dragging us all through his tantrum all the worse) but I thought before I spoke.

Do his arguements actually seem rational & at par with his intelligence to you? They seem completely lame to me given how smart we all know he is. Bottom line to me is, I don't care how smart you are, your freegin arguements at least have to make some actual sense...lol

14051594? ago

Exactly. This post is doing what he is calling Neon out for doing

14051328? ago

https://voat.co/v/Shitlist/2739003 Divide, lie, control, mislead.

14049861? ago

This. Neon is full of himself, but I really doubt he is a shill.

14051359? ago


Lies. Dividing over stupid reasons. Controlling boomers. Yeah, not a shill or anything, just a PAYtriot like AJ and Corsi

14050185? ago

Exactly. His emotional swings damage his credibility. But, he's done some good things...

14049438? ago

NR's not big time enough, and Q was probably waiting for us to lesrn NR is a divisive shill

14049181? ago

perhaps butthurt Microchip made a Voat account...

14048649? ago

I do not believe in people, I believe in ideas.

Put Serial Brain2 in there too, seen him come out with some interesting things. But I have also seen him come out with garbage as well. And I called him out on it.

Really, I think there is at a higher level a real spiritual battle going on, and many people whom we all trust can become part of the beast that wishes to destroy mankind.

14051872? ago

Yep. For sure.

14049319? ago

Truth to build a following, garbage comes thereafter.

14048846? ago

serialbrain2 is OUT THERE...I mean I'm all for reading theories and having a discussion, but in my personal opinion he goes way too far and assumes too many false connections.

14054105? ago

I've heard there's been a bit of question about him too. Of course we don't want to become rabid-like turning on eachother with suspision if suspicion isn't warranted. We'll know for sure soon enough. If he starts acting like Neon and questioning Q that will be the tell. And especially if his "evidence" is lame (which it will be) because actual evidence to doubt Q doesn't exist so in making it up, it always looks so stupid.

And if we never see that from SB2? Then we'll know he's cool. Time will tell. I don't trust ANYONE. Even the biggest of the big and the seemingly smartest of the smart can fool you. Just best to keep our eyes open to the tells.

I'm sorry but at this point you have got to be SOLID (not call it sheepish) to have 100% faith. And you surely don't need to air your frustrations onto the rest of us. A newbie who's still questiong fine. Because we've all been there. Neon's behavior is newbie behavior, not longtimer behavior.

14053948? ago

This is ABSOLUTELY true. His take on Q and Trump drops is as simplistic as a kindergartner's. People, he uses the Boggle method mixed with word search. I love telling the story about how one guy used SB2's method to "decode" a certain Trump tweet and it came out saying: "Trump wants to oil our tits". I laughed and laughed and laughed.

14061840? ago


14050800? ago

Ala Alex Jones...I knew he was a spook after a few shows, they all have a tell, it is in their comms.

Q has been teaching us some of that, as have others.

14053866? ago

Q is precisely why I can spot them imo. He trained us well...;) #wwg1wga

14049553? ago

Yeah, that is good point.

Give them enough truth and then start selling them a lie.

14048727? ago

Is serial selling shirts? Who is trying to market merchandise on the backs of patriots?

14050022? ago

Neon is selling merch. And this video was accurate. Neon turned on a dime.

14049393? ago

SB2 is paid in people stroking his ego. He has a real cult following that shower him with adoration and label him brilliant every post he makes (unless they're his alt accounts).

Either that or he's a C_A psyop designed to make Q movement look crazy.

14048840? ago

I have no idea, I would not buy one.

But I do support Alex Jones and Jerome Corsi from Mossad.

Simply put,none of us is perfect,

14048931? ago

Not sure if mentally ill, retarded, or troll

14049369? ago

These three adjectives are not mutually exclusive you know? In fact at least one of them is a pre-condition to being a troll wouldn't you agree? 😜

14048979? ago

Has my Doctor contact you? I not supposed to use interwebs.

14048521? ago

Bleep bloop, someone mentioned this submission!

'NEON REVOLT - where is the support for this hardworking super patriot?' was posted in v/QRV and includes this reply:

It's not irrelevant that the actual "result" of his current personal "frustration fit" that he chose to throw out there among the rest of us is that he is leading people AWAY from trusting the plan, AWAY from voat, and AWAY from trusting Q? Might I add completely expectale outcome to have anticipated "before" he threw it out there? Especially to someone as intelligent as Neon?

Begs one to actually question whether this negative result was the goal right? https://voat.co/v/QRV/2742263

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14048460? ago

https://invidio.us/watch?v=kIAu-_aDHec :

Did NeonRevolt Out Himself as a Deceiver? #GoodbyeClown - YouTube

This has been an automated message.

14048403? ago

Oh Julzee, where can I send money for you and Blessed to Teach. You have nothing better to do than trash the competition! You used to ride his coat tail!

14053827? ago

I unsubbed from B2T. He sounds so arrogant now since he's turned on NR.

14054953? ago

Yes B2T can’t even decode!

14048346? ago

Bleep bloop, someone mentioned this submission!

'NEON REVOLT - where is the support for this hardworking super patriot?' was posted in v/QRV and includes this reply:

Exactly! Because he WANTS you to know who he is and feel sorry for him https://voat.co/v/QRV/2742263

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14048311? ago

Bleep bloop, someone mentioned this submission!

'NEON REVOLT - where is the support for this hardworking super patriot?' was posted in v/QRV and includes this reply:

That is not how you determine who to "continue" to follow. I've been highly disappointed at least 4 times now. I totally trusted AIM, Corsi, George Webb & Isaac Green (anti-school). But you trudge on right? You trust Q or Neon more? Just trust your own instincts and keep following Q and you'll soon figure it out. https://voat.co/v/QRV/2742263

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14048306? ago

exactly why shills like neonrevolt and srayzie shouldn'tbe trusted, nor their subs.

14048771? ago

neon is a merchandise peddler. srayzie is just a mod of a small forum. no sales

14048871? ago

bullshit, srayzie is comped.

14054921? ago

And Neon is a fag, at least we can agree on that.

14049843? ago

If she shows me her tits, she’s not comped

14048908? ago

no proof, not even evidence vs. liar openly dividing movement and hawking merchandise

14049016? ago

theyre both equally terrible

14048239? ago

Bleep bloop, someone mentioned this submission!

'NEON REVOLT - where is the support for this hardworking super patriot?' was posted in v/QRV and includes this reply:

Not here that's for sure...;) https://voat.co/v/QRV/2742263

This notification (#1148) was posted automatically by the SearchVoat.co Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress this notification by appending a forward-slash(/) to the Voat link. More information here.

14049407? ago

We are stronger united than divided! We are for the American Dream and we are all Capitalists and free market Patriots. Bloggers and Qtubers do a tin or research and time away from family to bring the news to normies! Don’t be a hater, we all have special talents and gifts. I would rather support someone selling merch or being sponsored in the name of truth than throw money to the Deep State