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boutfiddy ago

I respectfully disagree. He definitely has intel background and has time in the trenches disseminating volumes of information and composing briefs.

He just thinks extemporaneously and writes vigorously. I do not agree with much of what he thinks, but he comes from a genuine place and is just trying to assert his voice in this very important time in history.

Blacksmith21 ago

I appreciate constructive criticism and functioning as a sounding board. This ^ is what we are supposed to do, not call each other niggerfagkikes.

Food for thought:

1) NR is a SHITTY writer. Stream of consciousness. Nothing academic. Nothing wrong with that, but don't confuse quantity over quality?

2) What makes you think he comes form a "genuine" place? Wasn't the same thought of AJ, Corsi, and others? Genuine?

3) Of course NR is trying to assert their voice. Isn't that what everyone is doing right now? Just because one is loud, doesn't mean they are right.

4) What makes you say "He definitely has intel background"?

julzee2 ago

Imo he is a clown. But it doesn't matter whether he is or whether he's coming from a "genuine" place. The end result is the same. He leads ppl AWAY from trusting Q and the plan, not towards trusting Q/plan.

Blacksmith21 ago

Crensch did a helluva job compiling all of the evidence. What amazes me is NR could've put the whole thing to rest by leaving v/GA alone, responding to questions I raised above, shown a little humility, and tossed in a little apology for a misunderstanding would have gone a long way.

But that is difficult for people who are high on themselves.

julzee2 ago

I peeked at it but didn't have time to reaaly go through his whole thing. Looks like NR was inserting himself as a wanna-be leader or something..? That's why I called him out in my video. "If" he truely were "genuine" he could have slso come out with a better response to this blowback he got from the first article. Maybe take an "honest" look at how his negativity hurts ppl's ability to discern wtf is going on ya know? But no, he took that entire 2nd article to do nothing but defend his negativity and wear it like a coat of honor to question Q's plan! Like it's honorable to question other things in life so it's just as valid to question Q. Completely oblivious or could care less about what effect his uncertainty has on those who follow him.

And I agree, he doesn't even decode the damn He puts them up as a screenshot, ads some news article inbetween and maybe a blurb sentence re: what the actual post means and takes the entire space up freegin belittling Q!...omg But ppl don't want to hurt his feelings, or they "like" him....barf Well plenty of ppl liked Obama and look where that got us.