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14049469? ago

NeonRevolt does some great work and his breakdowns have never lead me to believe he doesn't trust the plan. He disseminates information as he sees it and its up to the reader to either buy into it or not. Granted he has been wrong on his takes from time to but he is ALWAYS quick to point that out (he has never been shy on falling on his sword and that is admirable), but I'm not willing to ignore someone because they interpreted something differently then how I see it. In the end we are all flying blind here, and we all must be diligent in who we trust but information is information and for people who can't surf the Chans his breakdowns are very informative and insightful. I see nothing wrong with the information he presents how he sees it. WWG1WGA!

14051228? ago

Agreed. I loved Neon myself. But who do you trust more? Neon or Q? Keep following Neon and your eyes will start to see. Whether purposeful or not isn't really my point. It's the fact that Neon is leading ppl the wrong way. Could be completely innocent on his part doesn't matter. He is now proven to be pushing disinfo regardless of whether he's aware of it or not. And given his high intelligence? I tend to think he knows.

But that's ok, just keep following his work. I'll be proven one way or the other. Does he correct himself and stop leading ppl down the path of doubt? Or does he straighten up and become the calm during the storm that we're "supposed" to be? We shal see right?

14052272? ago

Excellent link with lots of sauce.