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kneo24 ago

I don't think there's anything inherently wrong with a Q follower being British, or any other nationality. The cabal is world wide. It affects everyone. It doesn't add anything to your analysis.

Some of us other goats have been digging and prodding the mod team at that other place and their connection to NR. They deny any connection to him with fluff, but will casually mention, "I have no clue what the other hand is doing and it's not my concern." (I'm paraphrasing here.) - They speak out both sides of their mouth, and refuse to address why NR writes as if he's one of them when you bring up specifics that aren't ground level oriented - but more leadership oriented.

For example, they claim that when NR says "we", he means the whole community, not the mod team, but one has to question how the whole community can undo bans here on Voat in that place, when really, it's the mod team who can undo bans. One gets labeled a shill and derided for bringing that up.

For further context, go here.

Blacksmith21 ago

NR mentions himself 59 times in that short article. Nothing wrong with being British, but writings are prepared in a colloquial way as to present an American persona. That is minor deception by assumption. Why wouldn't all of the other words be spelled in a British manner?

Q_Watch ago

"spelled in a British manner" - As a Brit, I notice that spell-checkers tend to use American English as the default. I am not sure if I can actually spell in English English any more! Maybe he just accepts what the spell-checker says?

UK2USA_patriot ago

Spot on - Am also a fellow Brit - married to an American for 20 years and working internationally and using American English as the 'default.' So many sites, even UK ones, are default set to American English you feel pressured to 'correct' your Brit version to fit in. Am genuinely shocked to read this about NR. But I can now see he could be another AJ or Corsi. Very sad. He did write some great earlier articles. As Q warned us, we must do our own research and be vigilant.

Blacksmith21 ago

When was the last time you set up an OS or an Office product? Every single one of them asks you what type of English you wish to use. I have NEVER selected "English - UK" by accident.

Q_Watch ago

You make it sound so easy. I have just checked my OS settings and they point to English(UK). I have checked my Office settings and they say English(UK). I have checked my settings in Firefox and English(UK) is the only language installed. While I am posting this reply it still tells me that "colour" is incorrect but "color" is OK.

Blacksmith21 ago

Maybe y'all will finally start speaking like PAtriots instead of effete fags ; )

kneo24 ago

You know, I never considered that. That's a pretty interesting insight there.

Blacksmith21 ago

Hold my beer....

kneo24 ago

Only one beer? You should be double fisting that!

Blacksmith21 ago

I like to keep one hand free in case I need a gun.

Vindicator ago
