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KKOH ago

Thanks for this perspective. I read some of NRs posts, and liked his writing style. I wasnt an avid reader, but thought he was one to follow if I wanted to "be in the know." Buut after the exodus here, his tone changed. I look at him suspiciously now. It saddens me in a way because I am sick to death of people I admired being jerk-offs, idiots, etc., because that means I AM A JERK-OFF, IDIOT, ETC. Depressing. I am historically naive. For example, I believed until the age 12 that my mom wrote the story Cinderella, and didnt know which end a baby came out until I was 16. It's hard for me to catch on sometimes.

So, NR told everyone to go to theawakening sub. He said "trust me." I never trust someone when they say, "trust me." THEN the QMAP site had the banner that directed us to go to theawakening site. So...WHO controls / changes that banner feed?? Hard to trust a site that endorses where NR told us to go.

Blacksmith21 ago

Who runs QMAP?

KKOH ago

Who controls the banner that told us to go to theawaking sub after NR told us to go to theawakening sub?

Blacksmith21 ago

I don't use QMAP, which is why I ask. Who runs QMAP? Does anyone know?

Alice89 ago

I think @aQMapPubCurator is one of them. Here is his explanation about the banner:

aQMapPubCurator ago

We’ve since changed it to s/GA after taking time to understand what a set was and found it a better way to keep folks together.

Alice89 ago

I saw you changed the link. Thanks!