Kekalicious ago

If you were a government, or group with enough resources. Why would you not make a bunch of sleeper accounts in case you need them later. They have figured a few things out over time. If you can't stop the flow of information than you attempt to corrupt the method. This is a short tern tactic. Unless they are pulling an Amakek,they will run out of old accounts. With Plebbit killing subs. It gives them a new time window to get goats to let down our guard a bit. They can regroup and hit us with both old and new shills. Others watch this site, they would be dumb not to. The hive mind force is strong here.

SearchVoat ago

Bleep bloop, someone mentioned this submission!

'Useful @NeonRevolt links' was posted in v/Shitlist by @Crensch and refers to this submission.

This notification (#823) was posted automatically by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress this notification by adding a query(?) to the Voat link. More information here.

heygeorge ago

I bet he was nickle**** posting.

Blacksmith21 ago

They've been dribbling out for the last 20 months. Deep ones moreso lately. Try to engage them in off-topic, everyday life conversations. Pretty funny to watch. Shillbusting.

NeonRevolt ago

And what's more - you're just not playing fair. You send in all your bots to downvote all my comments the second they go up. I've had CCP eroding every single day because of you - because you want to muzzle me and can't stand that I have a voice.

That's not fair. That's not free speech. That's you stacking the deck dishonestly.

Like this comment here.

Nothing I said in that was rude or offensive or not contributing. You just had everyone brigade it in your continuing effort to silence me. Within seconds, it goes into the negative. That's not fair. That's dishonest. That's manipulation.

And then you want to somehow present this "challenge" to me? Like, "Here, I have this cup of poison! Why won't you drink it, Neon?"

Gee, I wonder why??

Try being honest for a change. It will serve you better. Right now, you're not trustworthy about anything, so it should be no surprise that I'm not accepting your "offer," but countering with my own.

You can discuss this on my site, where there aren't any bots to muzzle you, at least.


We're all russian bots n shieet. This tired old excuse belongs on cuckit and shitter.

Hand_of_Node ago

You send in all your bots

Nah, voat user who hates reddit fags and shills thinking they're going to turn voat into a mini-reddit and become king.

Shizy ago

So you just can't fathom that you are getting so many downvoats because legitimate users don't like your message? Sounds rather narcissistic to blame it on bots rather than to consider people can see through you.

ESOTERICshade ago

Those are not bots. Those are real people down voting you. You pissed off a LOT of people when you threw shade on @srayzie. @srayzie runs the tightest ship on Voat probably. You fucked up when you did that.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

you wouldn't get downvoated like that if you didn't try to cheat the system in the first place. America the country believes in free speech but it still has immigration laws.

kneo24 ago

You send in all your bots to downvote all my comments the second they go up

This is you not understand Voat. You have attacked a community you know nothing about multiple times. It's not bots attacking you, it's users, because you keep playing the victim like a jew, and striking out at us.

All of this could have been avoided had you simply apologized to @srayzie (sorry for pinging you so much) when she contacted you, though really you should have never written it in the first place.

Try being honest for a change.

Way to project your lack of honesty onto someone else. Please, tell us again how a ping list means something is comped?

NeonRevolt ago

I'm setting it straight right here, right now. You're a liar who continues to misconstrue my words and spam up the boards in order to satisfy your petty ego. You're not interested in honest debate. You're only interested in puffing your chest.

13970881? ago

Check my account age- I've been a Voater in good standing for years and have interacted w/ @kevdude plenty. He's an honest, straight-up man that always has our community's best interest at heart.

You, on the other hand, you sell t-shirts.

Blacksmith21 ago

Empress and I have never met, but she is right. I can make the same vouch for many others I've interacted with over the last 2 years, solely on v/PG and v/GA. Not 4000 posts to whatever and shitstirring just to voatfarm.

NeonRevolt ago

I'll be explaining things in my next article, thanks. Feel free to bring your friends to the comment section there, instead.

Astupidname69 ago

rubs rat paws in a mercantile fashion

GoBackToReddit ago

I said long ago (one, many two years) that the database should be cleared of all accounts with no points who are over something like 6 months old. As I recall it was not a popular idea at the time. Sure would have prevented this kind of shit though. I also think a point/post assignment should be made before someone can create a sub, take ownership or get added to the mod list under any title. Not that these things would happen.

HateCumbuckets ago

Pretty sure it was heygeorge, he said you wd run back to sbbh to ban me there, then get upset he had already done so. I just ended up looking like a dick.

HateCumbuckets ago

I am not a good shitposter. Only a goat that likes to play and join in. This fuckery has me worried for, and about voats future.

Also, apologies for a shitpost in one of your subs, It was done at someones suggestion a while ago.

HateCumbuckets ago

Even before the migration, I have seen more and more become active. Is there some coordination to it? Coincidence? That's what I meant by what is going on.

ESOTERICshade ago

I hit the block button in that QRV sub an hour ago and it still shows in v/all. Does it take a few hours to activate?

HateCumbuckets ago

I replied to a comment of yours regarding sleepers. And almost instantly had someone getting defensive about the subject. Wtf is going on?