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13976107? ago

Okay. So Neon Revolt started the original sub on VOAT. Yesterday he posts some really weird Anti-Q rant and then Q sends everyone to a new Voat sub. Meanwhile the mods here were being attacked by Neon and Q's trip code was compromised? Can someone clarify this for Boomer anon (lol).

13978259? ago

I can’t keep track of it. All I want is a place to send normies not really into the whole niggerkike thing, savvy? Q drops and discussion of the drops and any news links that might be relevant. Tweets from Trump and any others that seem relevant. Focused. It’s as simple as that. The Reddit group, for whatever faults it had, was good for that. That place plus The Donald helped me red pill a lot of people.

“9/11 planes are CGI created by Saurians at the Dulce blacksite using the Gray Alien version of ProTools” doesn’t help swing votes in November.

13987818? ago

v/greatawakening are where the elders are. This is what happened: