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awhiteguyuno ago

Lmao it's funny because as soon as they left, normal civil discussion continued here. We were dicks to them to weed out the snowflakes. Guess it worked

freshmeat ago

It's fun to be dicks to people when you have a basis but you just turned away potential Voat donaters and supporters just so you could shock current reddit refugees with dumbass nigger shit posting by being a dick? That is not how the old goat were to newcomers when Reddit initially fucked us.

Here is what needs to be considered if it isn't already too late; they came from reddit which has major subs implementing rules about "whataboutism" and "troll concerning" so these people are coming from a bigger bubble than when most arrived on Voat. The rule about supporting Q only being allowed because they didn't know you didn't have to worry about reddit shills here.

You guys just split an entire Trump supporting userbase because you wanted to be edge lords instead of explain to them why censorship is bad and why voat even exists. Probably too late though since ShitRedditSays are the top commentors and posters on the Voat Q subverses. Good work kike shills.

VoatsNewfag ago

they didn't know you didn't have to worry about reddit shills here and that could have been explained without shitposting jew memes and scat porn.

You guys just split an entire Trump supporting userbase because you wanted to be edge lords instead of explain to them why censorship is bad and why voat even exists.

If you bothered to observe the drama you cannot tell me that you have not seen plenty of users explaining things to them in a reasonable and calm manner. In fact, you can find some of them in the "deleted comments" list of their subverse. They contained no slurs or insults.

One of their mods, when told that mods aren't gods here, replied with "You will find out how wrong you are".

And some other goat pointed out to them that Q, the guy or group they are supposed to follow, condemned censorship himself. I can't find that thread right now, but here's the Q post condemning censorship:

When they delete criticism on their subverse and act smug when confronted with criticism outside their subverse and openly taunt their god-complex they don't deserve to be portrayed as poor innocent victims that could've been easily reasoned with. Authority figures that delete criticism (without racial slurs and insults!) of themselves deserve everything they get.

freshmeat ago

If you bothered to observe the drama you cannot tell me that you have not seen plenty of users explaining things to them in a reasonable and calm manner. In fact, you can find some of them in the "deleted comments" list of their subverse. They contained no slurs or insults.

I saw who was posting there, it was SBBH. They posted stupid shit to get banned rather than explain to them what Voat is. It was intentional.

One of their mods, when told that mods aren't gods here, replied with "You will find out how wrong you are".

You mean a fucking reddit mod? Guarantee that was one of the reddit admins who also took over T_D and other shit. It's theater and now a big demographic is fighting over SBBH crying nigger faggot.

And some other goat pointed out to them that Q, the guy or group they are supposed to follow, condemned censorship himself. I can't find that thread right now, but here's the Q post condemning censorship:

Spamming uncontrollable shitposts, vote manipulation, organizing brigades to set narratives seems like it should be condemned right? Would you call that censorship to prevent it?

When they delete criticism on their subverse and act smug when confronted with criticism outside their subverse and openly taunt their god-complex they don't deserve to be portrayed as poor innocent victims that could've been easily reasoned with. Authority figures that delete criticism (without racial slurs and insults!) of themselves deserve everything they get.

If you don't see how this was entirely planned (like every other exodus) then you need to pay better attention. Fuck Q, Fuck SBBH, Fuck everyone about this topic.

At the end of the day this hurts the right voters. It's all part of the San Fransisco and New York kike's plans to censor the web and you guys are playing right into it. One set off reddit mods got in a bitch fit with reddit mods who have already been on Voat for years, and now everyone should fuck off to eachother?

What the hell happened to you Voat

VoatsNewfag ago

Spamming uncontrollable shitposts, vote manipulation, organizing brigades to set narratives seems like it should be condemned right? Would you call that censorship to prevent it?

Speaking of vote manipulation, their mods did or rather tried that too.

And they acted entirely disgustingly smug about it, too.

You mean a fucking reddit mod? Guarantee that was one of the reddit admins who also took over T_D and other shit. It's theater and now a big demographic is fighting over SBBH crying nigger faggot.

You guarantee that one of their mods is a reddit admin? It could be true, but can you actually prove that or are you just spewing conspiracy theories that are slightly plausible? What about all the other mods? What about their websites that steered to that board? Are they all part of reddits plotting?

If you don't see how this was entirely planned (like every other exodus) then you need to pay better attention. Fuck Q, Fuck SBBH, Fuck everyone about this topic.

How many of them decided to check out the rest of voat? Those that are willing to face freedom and truth and the ugliness that comes with it, those who do not care about petty things, reputation, appearance, optics etc. are the only ones that matter in my opinion. I'm convinced the rest will eventually follow and they can follow on some other normie website.

Gamergate had lots of moderator drama and exoduses and was limited to a containment board on reddit and to the ugliest websites out there, 4chan and 8chan. Yet it still changed culture forever. Quite a handful of journalists still blame gamerate for the trump presidency.

freshmeat ago

Speaking of vote manipulation, their mods did or rather tried that too. And they acted entirely disgustingly smug about it, too.

You mean like all redditors? By the way you realize those restriction are by definition censorship? How many of those users actually tried to join in regular posting but already got hit by SBBH downvotes so they just fucked off. The system unironically helps those who seek more than censorship but pure subversion. There is no free speech on a site where one person can destroy anyone's voice they want.

You guarantee that one of their mods is a reddit admin? It could be true, but can you actually prove that or are you just spewing conspiracy theories that are slightly plausible? What about all the other mods? What about their websites that steered to that board? Are they all part of reddits plotting?

Fuck yeah i know they are at least one reddit admin, in fact if i put money on it, it would be srayzie all along. Knew the exodus was incoming and made sure no integration could occur. No i'm not spez, i dont have the evidence of IP logs and reddit admins of activity. But the FBI does, it was subpoenaed after Trump won.

How many of them decided to check out the rest of voat? Those that are willing to face freedom and truth and the ugliness that comes with it, those who do not care about petty things, reputation, appearance, optics etc

That is not what they were met with, they were meant with SBBH sperging as racist nazis. Which pisses me off because im a racial natsoc and I know they are just trying to make the rest of us look dumb.

Gamergate had lots of moderator drama and exoduses and was limited to a containment board on reddit and to the ugliest websites out there, 4chan and 8chan. Yet it still changed culture forever. Quite a handful of journalists still blame gamerate for the trump presidency.

Yeah and now the opposite is happening and the lolcows of Gamergate now run the internet, including major subs here.

VoatsNewfag ago

By the way you realize those restriction are by definition censorship?

If I recall correctly the restrictions are not being able to downvote and only 10 comments per day.

Yeah and now the opposite is happening and the lolcows of Gamergate now run the internet, including major subs here.

I would argue that gamergate transformed. Change of culture is more important overall and crazy websites even if they're niche for freedom loving people like 4chan originally has been are in my point of view highly influential. Memes created on a small niche website that fosters humor and wittiness can influence the whole world.

Furthermore the world can be changed by a handful of important people. For example let's say that Trump and his advisors read 8chans /pol/ - if that is true, it doesn't matter that 8chan doesn't reach all the braindead normies on reddit directly.

There is no free speech on a site where one person can destroy anyone's voice they want.

How so? 10 comments per day are still plenty of opportunity to make your voice heard on a small website like voat, and you can always just create a second account to get another 10 more comments / day.

Besides getting a positive CCP isn't that difficult. I'm a libertarian who is every once in a while at odds with voats more fascist side and I still manage to have positive CCP very easily. I know a bunch of commies/socialists that visit voat regularly and who have positive CCP. Just don't be too overly smug and you're halfway there to maintain a positive CCP.

Fuck yeah i know they are at least one reddit admin [...] But the FBI does, it was subpoenaed after Trump won.

An admin, not just a moderator? You KNOW it? How? Are you part of the FBI?

freshmeat ago

If I recall correctly the restrictions are not being able to downvote and only 10 comments per day.

It just makes it easy to get new accounts censored, then call them shills when they make a new one.

I would argue that gamergate transformed. Change of culture is more important overall and crazy websites even if they're niche for freedom loving people like 4chan originally has been are in my point of view highly influential. Memes created on a small niche website that fosters humor and wittiness can influence the whole world. Furthermore the world can be changed by a handful of important people. For example let's say that Trump and his advisors read 8chans /pol/ - if that is true, it doesn't matter that 8chan doesn't reach all the braindead normies on reddit directly.

That only worked because there wasn't mass censorship. Gamergate indeed did not go anywhere, now they are controlling the infrastructure of the internet. The era of the internet havign a larger anonymous power than the MSM are almost gone, if not already. They did it before the midterms too, didn't even hesitate.

How so? 10 comments per day are still plenty of opportunity to make your voice heard on a small website like voat, and you can always just create a second account to get another 10 more comments / day.

And then 2 users from SBBH can nuke you into the negatives then you cannot do shit and are censored. It's censorship. I have plenty of accounts this has happened to despite me just regularly posting. If i said I was MYG my CCP disappeared in hours and 2 SBBH users can use up all your replies in a single comment chain.

Besides getting a positive CCP isn't that difficult. I'm a libertarian who is every once in a while at odds with voats more fascist side and I still manage to have positive CCP very easily. I know a bunch of commies/socialists that visit voat regularly and who have positive CCP. Just don't be too overly smug and you're halfway there to maintain a positive CCP.

It is extremely difficult if you are an SBBH target. And good, you areanother lolbertarian who doesn't want to associate with natsoc ideas because of faggots like /r/RidersOfTheReich, larpers who are trying to make sure nazis are a dead meme. All of this is playing the game by SRS's rules. Being smug is exactly what they do, if you call out their organized manipulation they take you down. I wouldnt even be using this dumbass account if I could have stayed on a preferable one like @Texan_Pride or @cock_slap

An admin, not just a moderator? You KNOW it? How? Are you part of the FBI?

I fucking wish I were FBI, then I wouldn't be here screaming into my own asshole because people don't acknowledge or accept or outright deny how easily Shills run Voat and destroy communities for, well pick a reason. It's because like I've said for 3 years, SBBH is SRS radical homosexual lefties who think fucking with us is more fun than talking to other braindead leftists. But I can assure you PV and Reddit admins have communications, which also include 4/8chan owners.

relevant pic

VoatsNewfag ago

It just makes it easy to get new accounts censored, then call them shills when they make a new one.

How often do you need more than 10 comments / day? 20/30/40 if you create alts if you really have too?

If it weren't for the recent drama I would write about 10 comments / week or so.

I have plenty of accounts this has happened to despite me just regularly posting.

Can't you still post with them 10 times each?

It is extremely difficult if you are an SBBH target.

How do you know it's SBBH and not a bunch of people who dislike you for some other reason, like making accusations or claims without evidence to back them up?

And good, you areanother lolbertarian who doesn't want to associate with natsoc ideas because of faggots like /r/RidersOfTheReich, larpers who are trying to make sure nazis are a dead meme.

It's not because of them. The most compelling arguments in favor of NatSoc I've heard so far were from some George Lincoln Rockwell speeches someone posted on 8ch /pol/ and he does make some good and convincing points. Libertarianism is simply more appealing to me. Though if I really had to choose a dictator it would be someone like augusto pinochet.

I fucking wish I were FBI

Then how do you KNOW that one of their moderators is a reddit admin? Knowing something is different from being really confident, knowledge requires evidence.

freshmeat ago

How do you know it's SBBH and not a bunch of people who dislike you for some other reason, like making accusations or claims without evidence to back them up?

Because they have done this to literally everyone who calls them out. @Amalek @SanegoatiSwear @9-11 @smokratez, myself, and many others. They dont give a fuck about an individual, they care about having the pwoer to control the narrative instead of letting Voat genuinely curate it's community.

It's not because of them. The most compelling arguments in favor of NatSoc I've heard so far were from some George Lincoln Rockwell speeches someone posted on 8ch /pol/ and he does make some good and convincing points. Libertarianism is simply more appealing to me. Though if I really had to choose a dictator it would be someone like augusto pinochet.

Well that is good to hear but labor based currency in a nationalistic country that focuses on it's natives and not degeneracy or any type of jewry sounds a lot better than just having you right to be a fag or whatever libertarians care about now a days. Authoritarianism is the only way, and this country (US) was that for most of it's history. Maybe not facist but we did criminalize harmful lifestyles and degeneracy.

Then how do you KNOW that one of their moderators is a reddit admin? Knowing something is different from being really confident, knowledge requires evidence.

This is difficult trying to explain who has no idea what they are defending. Because every single exodus, and attempted exodus, had one of the reddit admin's sock puppet come here and fuck around before they went back to Voat because they didn't care about whatever subreddit they were modding, they just wanted to make it such a clusterfuck they can go back to spamming in /r/politics about Trump.

This all started with @She

VoatsNewfag ago

9-11 smokratez

They have positive CCP. Smokratez latest comments have positive CCP or are at 0.


Hasn't this guy abused voat? I specifically Recall puttiout mentioning him a few times in this regard and always giving examples of him being an asshole or spamming.

"Voat has always had a problem with spam. @Amalek would spam posts and hijack the new queue making it unusable. MH101 and then later @SaneGoatiSwear would hijack comment pages making them unusable." - Puttiout

"Also, sorry I left Slack but I don't have time to deal with Sane's tired as fuck shilling. My time is extremely valuable. If you need my attention or need my involvement it will have to take place in this sub." Puttiout

"I’ve banned all Sane alts (while leaving the main account alone) for spamming. If Sane (or his group) wants to post on Voat, they can do so without using alts to hide behind, thus preventing their main accounts from being downvoted and thus restricted. I am done letting this group stomp all over Voat unfettered like a spoiled toddler and pushing me to enact draconian rules to prevent them from doing so." - Puttiout

I trust puttitout more than you.

This is difficult trying to explain who has no idea what they are defending. Because every single exodus, and attempted exodus, had one of the reddit admin's sock puppet come here and fuck around before they went back to Voat because they didn't care about whatever subreddit they were modding, they just wanted to make it such a clusterfuck they can go back to spamming in /r/politics about Trump.

How do you know it's a reddit admin and not just some lefty or some teenage girls who enjoys drama or shareblue or some mentally unstable autist or whatever?