SaneGoatiSwear ago

hey you fat inbred lil nigglet, how's being retarded going?

you join your buddy in necro child rape yet?

CrudOMatic ago

FFS, I figured that shit out months ago as I dissected his claims about how the site operates, and after being told quite a few times continued to put forward the same lies.

Mr_Dusk ago

and what will banning his main do? he'll just get a new alt. there's no way to stop him from being as little bitch. And most of the ways I can think of turn people into hypocrits. You can't have free speech without someone like Sane.

Mr_Dusk ago

to ban him is to deny him free speech which means he wins and everyone who was involved in insisting on the ban will become hypocrits. Banning alts? sure that's fine. but ban him altogether and he wins. Plain and simple.

Disappointed ago

Awesome comment. I've been ignoring these clowns for a long time and there a certain satisfaction in still seeing them ping me so often and call me a shill and just not giving a fuck about it at all.

go1dfish ago

That is exactly what I've been thinking.

But longer term I want to replace the postresql api backend with something more distributed/federated

I think of this as the final solution to censorship.

A true safe space in the form of a crypto anarchy.

I am fascinated by Tim May's crypto-anarchy. Unlike the communities traditionally associated with the word "anarchy", in a crypto-anarchy the government is not temporarily destroyed but permanently forbidden and permanently unnecessary. It's a community where the threat of violence is impotent because violence is impossible, and violence is impossible because its participants cannot be linked to their true names or physical locations.

Mick ago

Obviously I don't understand any of this but, GG, seems you have got this issue by the balls.

auto_turret ago

I understand that this is all geared towards bringing the operating costs down. I'm curious on exactly (well, roughly) how much this will save Voat. I trust your team's judgement.

PuttItOut ago

That made me laugh.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

too bad you didn't choke on the necropheliac child rapist's dick after he pulls out from adhdferret's buddy's dead daughter.

oh you don't remember that hate post by adhdferret, fattitout?

you support censorship and sjws, you code in censorship and behavioral controls on all users. you ban users for no reason.

you are worse than zuckerberg.

23429082 ago

Right. Because gardening gets censored all the time on Voat. You guys are fags.

so you admit there is censorship on voat, how nice

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

go watch the japanese live action spiderman show from the 60s it's amazing

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

nah dude lets be the heroes and defend the place like in a sentai show


Plant_Boy ago

@SaneGoatISwear, shut up.

PuttItOut, not pinging you but if you read this, you're doing a good job!

Goater ago

I've never been more proud of a group of anonymous strangers, you guys all are awesome.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

i have ADHD myself :)

Grifter42 ago

Then why don't they confirm that?

Lag-wagon ago

I'm a windows systems engineer, I've also worked on juniper firewalls and switches. I've done a lot over my years. Anyway I can help, let me know.

chronos ago

Great news! Wish I had skills to offer for the port. Just know many are watching and hopeful of your progress!

Rotteuxx ago

Is that copyrighted or we can all use it ?

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

than they've really lowered their standards he's not worth how ever little it is they're paying him

23429082 ago

If you'll excuse me, we are currently discussing the pro and cons of tilling versus cultivating soil for a garden bed. And also what variety go well in certain climate zones.

you see @kevdude we are on another level on voats discord server. A place where actual discussion can take place without fear of censorship.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

same person honestly and he's just some retard, I've met JIDF and CTR on the chans they're just as annoying but far more competent

23429082 ago

Except people that the sanegoat bunch have decided are "shills".

this is fake news, again Kevdude you or anyone are always welcome to join voats discord server.


Grifter42 ago

Go back to your circlejerk at SBBH, with your pedophile friend Hecho, and your junkie friend, Beatle.

In short, kill yourself, you degenerate faggot.

It's no surprise that it'd be YOU that'd be leading the attempt at consensus cracking.

We don't have a free platform when faggots like you brigade inconvenient information down into the depths of hell. It's just censorship by another name.

I know a bunch of people who care, and we've been targeted by your wastes of oxygen for speaking out against it.

dingomeat ago

Yep, same.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

dude just stop

23429082 ago

I dont like you, and you smell funny.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago


Rainy-Day-Dream ago

i don't think it's a group it's just fucking amalek with a bunch of bots

CrudOMatic ago

Isn't Amalek in jail? I remember someone talking about that the other day...

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

it was probably him talking about it honestly, faking his own death esentially

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

also @sangoatiswear downvoats still aren't censorship you fucking retard

european ago

A variety of methods can be called upon to censor if outright deletion is not an option. Downvotes are one and upvotes can be utilised as noise to flood and drown out the signal. There's not much that can be done about that though.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

people have to see a post to downvoat it, and can still see it after it is downvoated. If it's not getting censored, how is that censorship?

european ago

People tend to see posts and comments which have been upvoted. Maybe censorship is misleading but what people see can be manipulated by voting and if you have a determined player with resources to spare they can affect or change what gets seen.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

what they do see, and not what they can see. It's simply nit censorship at all even if the userbase decides you suck and your comments are shit people can still scroll down and see them

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

great job with everything putt :) but bad move at the end there you gotta ignore shills and trolls as all they want is attention he doesn't actually care about anything he's doing or saying he's just a shill

MadWorld ago

That psychopath won't go away haha.

goatboy ago

Weaponized autism is very scary and glorious to behold.

OhBlindOne ago

Hell yeah! Awesome work Putt and team! Wish I was smart enough to help.

Keep it up! I'll be here when you need help breaking stuff!

NeedleStack ago

Hi! Not sure if you saw but @AmericanStockc1630 put together a list of items goats would be happy to pay for in the merch store:

PuttItOut ago

Needle, would you be willing to help Voat out in this area? I'm going to need someone to more or less take over merchandising and I trust you enough that if you are willing and able to take on this challenge, Voat would only benefit.

Email me.

NeedleStack ago

I am humbled by your trust and appreciate it deeply. However I will have to decline because my talents are best suited to helping voat by creating and donating more handmade items (like the crochet goat) for the store. That is what I want to do and will be best at devoting my time to.

Please be assured that if you make one post requesting merchandising management you will get trustworthy goats (who could handle the task far better than I ever could) apply for the position.


thehivemind ago

@PuttitOut We are sorry to see you go, unfortunately we had been enjoying a time of peace and collaboration, until Sane showed up, and I hate to say our moderation ability was not ready for a bunch of shills to show up. The problem has since been removed and should not pose an issue in the future. It really helps having you there to guide the community; however, I understand if you are reluctant to come back. If you have another solution for easy discussion on the port progress don't hesitate to alert us. We still want to help, and don't want the actions of one person to derail the progress we have made.

PuttItOut ago

I should set up a daily time I can stop in for an hour or so to the slack group.

Who leads the slack efforts?

thehivemind ago

I'm on a lot of the time, so you can contact me or @donbuster.

cantaloupe6 ago

@PuttItOut great to hear!! You got through that PL/SQL fast; hopefully we'll be able to help you more on the .NET Core port. If it is convenient consider asking Microsoft to extend the lower rate for a period. I notice the postgresql.sql contain GO statements that may not work well with some tools. If there is a good way to identify parts you'd like to delegate it may be helpful; the code is new to us, but some areas may be best for delegation. If anyone has tool chain recommendations it may let others assist; perhaps put the PostgreSQL DB with data in a Docker like we did for the initial go at MySQL DB. It may help spread the work load. We appreciate all you do and hope to help you.

PuttItOut ago

LOL about the GO statements....

@FuzzyWords already hated on me for this:

That's why it didn't run for you, you have that 'GO' thing, remove it

So, this was a quick hack to get the unit tests up and running as I separate the T-SQL batches by GO, I sent the Postgre through the same mechanism as running that procedures.sql in one command would generate an error in the unit test database creation.

Sorry for these small hacks, they will be gone soon.

Disappointed ago I've made another sticky on v/linux, one I can change as things progress. If you want anything added there let me know. Please remember that penguin when you design the badges for anyone who volunteers.

Grifter42 ago

Hey, Putt: Where'd the seed money for Voat initially come from?

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

weren't they running it as a hobby witg money from their part time jobs and then on donations? where do you think it came from? like what your actual basis for asking this?

Grifter42 ago

My basis for asking it is that finding out who's behind the funding would explain a lot about certain behavior.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

what behavior? are you basing these allegations on evidence of any sort? this sounds like the democrats stupid russian conspiracy "you need to investigate and see all his information to even decide exactly what it is you're looking for" you're full of shit and i'll think so til you prove otherwise

Grifter42 ago

How would you feel if the money for Voat was revealed to be from Conde Nast, as a way of quarantining certain opinions from Reddit?

Over time, Reddit has disgruntled a lot of people, and those people would probably return to Reddit to cause trouble if there wasn't a run-off valve.

Also, your whataboutism is irrelevant.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago


i asked for evidence you fuckwit, as in proof and information but it should be clear to anyone that you have nothing but unsubstansiated allegations. KILL YOURSELF YOU SHILL

Grifter42 ago

Okay, how about this?

There's evidence that Hecho is a pedophile.

SRS member Beatle, threatened to have Hecho flood my inbox with CP.

I brought it to Putt's attention multiple times, but each time, he just had his lackey PeaceSeeker come out and tell me that it's OKAY to have known pedophiles, as long as their free-speech isn't infringed upon.

I debated it again and again with him, but it became clearer and clearer that there is a stand-down order in regards to SRS and SBBH members. If you won't ban someone for conspiracy to distribute child pornography, there's somethin' fuckin' wrong with you.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

so you got bullied by the kid fiddling retard, so what? other than that you're pathetic what exactly is that supposed to prove? if that even happened in the first place mind you, you're just making more unsubstantiated claims so far

DukeofAnarchy ago

Silly question. Everyone knows Atko got the money from Mossad.

Grifter42 ago

It ain't a fuckin' silly question, and the average voater deserves an answer.

"Waaah... My time is extremely valuable, so I'll ignore every question that might paint me in a negative light."

Putt ain't some Jesus figure. He ain't some infallible fuckin' messiah.

Boyakasha ago

Ungrateful twat.

Grifter42 ago

Putt hasn't done shit except create a beg-a-thon during the eleventh hour of the so called "funding crisis".

He never made the finances of the site transparent, and he allows SRS to run rampant on the site, because they enforce his agenda.

He's not in favor of censorship. No, his favorite tool to control what the average voater is to use brigaders to shout down any inconvenient posts that question his leadership. Censorship by another name.

Why won't Putt tell us where Voat's initial funding came from?

I find it shady as fuck that he constantly dodges the question.

Boyakasha ago

Why is it any of your business? It's a free discussion site. If you don't like it, fucking leave. He doesn't owe you explanations for anything.

Grifter42 ago

It's my business because I choose to make it my business. There's something rotten about Putt.

Atko was atleast semi-transparent.

Why is it such a controversial question to ask where the seed money for Voat originally came from? The only reason not to answer that question is if it were money from Reddit. More and more, it seems that the extent of free-speech on this site extends to saying nigger. Ask any hard questions about Putt's agenda, and you'll get downvoted to oblivion, but no one will ever engage you in a legitimate debate.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

seriously on what basis are you making these ridiculous claims?

Grifter42 ago

Looking at your post history, it's clear you're just a dick-rider for the establishment. I've given evidence before, and it's been downvoted to oblivion time and time again. You people don't respond to evidence. You just shout it down.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

then link to the posts and comments where you gave evidence. If you really did so it must still exist but you're probably full of shit and won't deliver

Grifter42 ago

Here's Beatle implying he's going to have Hecho flood my inbox with CP.

That's to start with.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

alright you've proven that you got bullied by a retarded pedophile, great work. Since you have some understanding of what evidence is let's see some related to your claims about putt

Boyakasha ago

Please send me your earnings and banking related information. It's my business because I'm making it so. You should find this to be reasonable based on your logic.

Also, what agenda is Putt pushing? He makes mostly system/dev related posts. He typically doesn't get overly involved in discussions and doesn't have stated political intentions (from what I've seen). The only people making any level of stink about anything is SaneGoat with his "everyone is a shill" rhetoric. He gets downvoated for spamming bullshit. You likely get downvoated for acting like an ingrate and attacking Putt for not sharing his personal finance situation with everyone. It's not a publically traded company and he doesn't have to share shit.

I'm thankful for being able to say my peace and not be censored for offending some idiot.

Grifter42 ago

Putt is pushing the slow Redditization of the site. He's allied with SBBH, and SBBH is crooked as shit, and organizes brigades on private IRC channels.

I'm not asking for his fuckin' social security number, you straw-man fallacy using faggot.

What I want to know is where the start up money came from, and whether it originated from corporate investors playing the long game.

Boyakasha ago

What evidence do you have for the SBBH claims? Also, who has he organized brigades against?

I didn't ask for your SSN either. I just want to know who's paying you and how much. You could be a Soros paid shill here to build distrust. How will I know otherwise unless you completely brief me on your personal financial situation?

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

still haven't seen anything even resembling evidence, suicide would be a much beter use of your time and energy than this

Grifter42 ago

Drink bleach, you fuckin' faggot. Go suck up to the admins again.

If you think this site is any less controlled than Reddit, just because we can say nigger, and faggot, you've been tricked. But you strike me as narrative control.

When people like me come out and question the corporate connections to Voat, people like you come out of the woodwork, telling everyone to shut it down, the goys know.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago


Zanbato ago

wow that was quick

Wolfspider ago

"Voat Runs on PostgreSQL!"


LostandFound ago

Ping for any user acceptance testing, have experience documenting functionality and reproducing bugs. Keep up the good work and congratulations on the porting first milestone. Also fuck sane.

Le_Squish ago

This is wonderful!

My knowledge if c# is only some logic. Wish I could help...but yah!

digitalentity1497 ago

Keep up the great job!

saintPirelli ago

Gosh I wish I could code in C# so I could be of any help ....

standing by for frontend-stuff and updating to ES6 doe...

PuttItOut ago

I would LOVE a js reorg my friend! If you are serious we should do it.

I would also need help creating js based unit tests for the api and the ui components as they often have bugs we don't catch in dev.


saintPirelli ago

Well I'm hoping I can get some help, but sure, I'd be totally available to do/try it, I just need some pointers (lol) since I've literally never worked on a .NET project.

thehivemind ago

This is part of what we are working on. Some of the users working on the rewrite, are looking at a python/flask REST API backend to sit on top of postgres. With this we get modularity because the JS frontend, REST Backend, and database are essentially separate elements.

Genr8r ago

I would wager that a rebuild in js is likely to have a much higher participation rate than reworking the C#

go1dfish ago

@saintPirelli I'd also be more useful for a js reorg

If you think doing this at the same time as the rest of the port would make things easier (I doubt it) we could jump in on that now, but otherwise probably best to wait.

I used to be a Ember guy, but React would be the platform of choice for this these days.

saintPirelli ago

I've honestly never really took an in-depth look at React because I never needed to and I hate Facebook, but I'm open to getting familiar with it and using it, if everyone agrees it's the best choice.

go1dfish ago

It being made by Facebook is honestly the only negative thing I have to say about it. License is good so I can overlook that.

saintPirelli ago

So how are we going to go about this? Should be just fork it on github? I obviously have an account, but it's connected to my real name and I'd like to avoid that, so I'd set up a new account for that.

go1dfish ago

For now just familiarize yourself with react and we can organize that sort of stuff once the backend is in a more solid place.

I have an api key I've been meaning to play with, I need to get working again.

saintPirelli ago


saintPirelli ago

Okay cool, then I'm going to read up on it!

Plant_Boy ago

I wish my coding was up to standard so I could help... only at start of angularJS tutorials and PhD is taking a lot of time away from practice. I will be useful one day!

1moar ago

Awesome. If you're looking at new hosting that gets away from azure/aws, let me know. And when it's time to break stuff.

Snort ago

I find Slack to be more noise than signal some days.

heygeorge ago

Great job, Putts! Great job, team!

When you get to a point where you need user testing, you know I'll break whatever I can!

PuttItOut ago

When we have some more work done will bring up a preview site running on new stack(s), so everyone can break it and get badged.

alele-opathic ago

[...]so everyone can break it [...]

I can't wait. That's like my favorite pastime!

sakuramboo ago

Congrats! Great work, everyone!