notyouraveragellama ago

Voat Goat brand goat cheese. I'm sure some artisanal cheesemaker could be persuaded to make something. Goat cheese generally is on the younger end of the cheese spectrum so it wouldn't take too long either.

revfelix ago

I thought that said the beer necessities, and then I realized. Voat can/bottle coozies!

Nuke_meccA ago

A hat --- and something to nuke mecca with, that needs a bacon goat on it

TheOddball ago

Oh no, they are easy to slap onto people without them noticing.

digitalentity1497 ago


digitalentity1497 ago

Small vinyl car decals! I want to slap a goat on my car and I want it to last.

Jeez ago

Voat fleshlight

Scrooblemeyer ago

I'm new here but I know you can get an account at and they print and ship tons of items besides screenprints on clothing. Go to the website and click on the 'Create Your Own' link in the upper left corner of the page to see all the stuff they'll print your designs on. Hold your cursor over all the links to the right of 'Create Your Own' to see the drop-down menus of all the merchandise categories they can create & fulfill for you. They might reject some edgier non-PC designs but you could have that made by someone else with less scruples and ship it yourselves. And does the same kind of thing - Click on 'Design Your Own' in the upper right hand corner to see what they offer.

The number of items that could be offered by one of these two websites would be many times more than could be managed by voat staff. All you'd have to do would be upload artwork and select which items you'd want to offer. Set it & forget it. Let someone else take care of the production and fulfillment of orders. could even have contests for submitting artwork that would be turned into voat merchandise. Just my humble suggestion...

kestrel9 ago

Not the same. Rhymes with VOAT, plus it's a baby goat, super cute, bleats, stamps it's feet and probably farts a lot. Black cats get a bad rap too, very sad.

kestrel9 ago

There are Swag companies that have a variety of merchandise they will customize... How about a Voat tote? LOL I think there's a company that will create AND ship when orders come in. Don't know, maybe someone mentioned that already.

kestrel9 ago

Who the heck came up with #38? LMAO! Is that a regional thing?

sinclair ago

A Halloween mask.

FandyRandy ago

A t-shirt with the Voat logo that says "I survived the migrant crisis, and all I got was this lousy t-shirt" or something like that.

MuslimFaggot666 ago

I'm autistic enough to wear a goat t-shirt

whisky_cat ago

You can buy white labelled cannabis vape pens for cannabis for buds, dabs, or oils. Also could do e-cig vapes, not my thing but maybe there's some interest.

Hall_of_Cost ago

I don't have a mouse pad. I would buy that. I already have a t shirt and hoody

Wowbagger ago

Could we make the mug hea sensitive so that it's day mode when it's cold and night mode when it's hot? That would be slick.

FireSauce ago

For better grip ;)

Rotteuxx ago

There's only been 2 (?) Merch trial runs so far, one of the funding options is to get it going full time

GoBackToReddit ago

I would say putt has a lot on that (official, voat branded) plate right now. Idk about trusting it to a 3rd party... cheese pizza poster with a goat on it and voat gets shut down for a week and loses the paypal account.

kestrel9 ago

That's crazy. WTH

kestrel9 ago

LOL...I thought "it's crazy that VOAT was shut down for a week and lost the paypal account."

But now I see you were talking future tense.

GoBackToReddit ago

Well, I don't really remember how long it was down for but that did happen.

kestrel9 ago

Then I stand by my 'that's crazy' statement!

GoBackToReddit ago

It's a fairly standard attack when one group is attempting to shut down another. In this case, with zero links to back it up, I'll say it was redditors going after FPH by way of taking a stab at voat.

kestrel9 ago

I do know that some redditfugee came up with a bloody shot through the 'O' in VOAT meme to comfort themselves from the trauma of their short lived migration. I imagine it must have been a libtard, as they are the most hateful, vengeful, violent minded people I know.

GoBackToReddit ago

When it comes to site to site warfare, cp tends to be a nuke. Shit was posted to an old image host, then to voat, then it was reported, not to the admins but to the sites webhost and paypal.

E: I'll drop a "as I recall" qualifier. I am a bit fuzzy on some of it.

Rotteuxx ago

No, I don’t do business on Voat.

GoBackToReddit ago

A place for users to sell their shit would be nice. Pay to post your shit (flat) and voat gets another cut (percentage) from the actual sale. I would love to get a voat goat butter tray.

TheOddball ago

Velcro patches.

FireSauce ago

Gonna be that fag. 11 was my idea a long time ago when shirts first came out, and they should have the goats butt on the base

jaceame ago

nah, portuguese flags.

Rotteuxx ago

Yeah I'm also a machinist but I don't have direct access to machine tools where I work. My boss's friend owns a machine shop & we work together quite often, deals can be made for sure.

Pllatinum ago

Night mug.


goship ago

Option to pay with Bitcoin

MrPim ago


jaceame ago


dontforgetaboutevil ago

Yeah but every now and then the guy swinging that hammer misses and hits his finger real hard.

Rotteuxx ago

I prefer to work with stainless, TIG welding it is my specialty. But I'll fabricate anything with any materials rly.

MyNameIsMud ago

Bottle openers

kestrel9 ago

Really VOAT needs it's own IPA. LOL!

hungry_mungry ago

I'd imagine there are wholesalers or manufacturers of all sorts of things who will put anything we would want on the packaging

crazy_eyes ago

Goat cheese

Wargasm ago

License plate holder.


Pens and stationary.

Lamp shades.

Tiny flashlight that you can put on your key ring.

Floor mats for cars.

EDIT: Ballcap and beanie.

recon_johnny ago

Nothing, you idiot faggot.

dontforgetaboutevil ago

I agree. It's a risk too because in some circles having that on your phone would be like walking around with a swastica on your shirt. But that's the fun really. And what better object to display your loyalty to freedom of speech on?

MrPim ago

I want a T-shirt w a picture of Uncle Sam pointing and it says I Want You, To Go Fuck Yourself Nigger. And a VOAT logo on the back.

I cant imagine anyone buying it and actually wearing it anywhere. But I still want one.

Bluetoothache ago

A plain gray shirt with a large goat logo that resembles night mode. Must be safe for kids. Says I'm a goat or do you goat or have your goat.

rocketrouser ago

How bout a reversible shirt with night and day modes on either side?

doginventer ago

Iirc the reason given was that the site required a logo and voat rhymes with goat


NeedleStack ago

I do hope it is set up auction-style. I've suggested that to Putt so we shall have to see how that can be accomplished.

Empire_of_the_mind ago


Empire_of_the_mind ago

Understated gray tshirt. Just the goat - not too big.

gazillions ago

Small things that keep the shipping costs down. Distribution from the continent they're going to.

NeedleStack ago

Thanks for the ping and kind words! I'm donating this voat goat I crocheted to the store. :-D

notyouraveragellama ago

If you want to share the pattern for that my GF said she would give it a shot, maybe make a couple more. She's not as good as you yet, but she's not completely incompetent.

NeedleStack ago

Of course! An old voat user who's no longer on the site created the pattern. She may want to wait until there's confirmation on where to send it but that's totally up to her!

kestrel9 ago

I REALLY would love to send money for one.

VoutGuy ago

kestrel9 ago

That's what a reddit goat looks like.

crazy_eyes ago

Shoes. A Cape, an automobile or motorcycle sticker set. Cheese

doginventer ago

A Cape ! : seconded

Rotteuxx ago

I offered Putt to do some keychains & desktop ornaments (laser cut stainless steel), I've got some samples on order already of the Voat goat & Voat logo.

digitalentity1497 ago

Can you start a thread with examples? I'm sure this would get this going. Sort ton Kodak.

Rotteuxx ago

I should have my samples this week so I will as soon as I get them.

Since not everyone here is technically litterate in metallurgy I'll wait to post pictures of what @Hell (My CAD bitch from down under :) ) and I prepped and then I'll voice my other suggestions based on the visual references we'll have.

Bon pour toé ça mon minou ?

digitalentity1497 ago

Thanks man, I can't wait to see them. Parfait big.

dontforgetaboutevil ago

Goat cell phone protectors.

kneo24 ago

Alright, here's my serious reply. IF I was to buy merch, Mugs and USB drives is what I would get. I'm not sure I'd wear the Voat clothes. A polo maybe.

hungry_mungry ago

Any way the store can offer either novelties or recurring purchases?

As far as novelties, not just voat and goat merchandise but conservative or libertarian themed merchandise as well, i.e. shirts with common sayings, American flags, MAGA hats, that kind of stuff. The markup can help keep voat afloat while meeting the need of helping spread the predominant messages voat stands behind.

Things like mugs and pins are one time purchases and won't keep the site supported long term. I'm trying to think of items people could use but also purchase more. Things like Voat candy, gum or chocolate - you can eat it yourself or give it to people and spread the message, but just as important (if it's good) you'll buy more and continue supporting the site. Or maybe conservative themed toilet paper (Obamas face, the ISIS logo, etc - also works as a novelty). I was thinking maybe business cards with a conservative message or information with the Voat logo. I hope this helps.

The_Prophets_Profit ago

I agree I'm pretty sure this was a problem the last time voat merchandise was brought up.

hungry_mungry ago

Healthy snacks with a link to FPH would be awesome

o0shad0o ago

A better frog statue than the ones on Amazon.

AmaleksHairyAss ago

Voat email address!

kneo24 ago

Goat butt plugs so HPOP could be happy.

GoofyGrape ago

I would definitely buy a coffee mug. I also suggest mouse pads.

Astronautilus ago

Pins, stickers, key chain. In that order.

Maximum50 ago

USB drives with Goat heads, a Goat bong, a "fast pass" kind of thing were you can pay for admins to look into your mod transfer request within 24 hours.

pipispapas ago


MrWicked ago

I would buy a t shirt, polo, or hoodie.