kevin32 ago

Hi. Are there plans to increase the character limit of subverse names to 21 like Reddit?

I suggested this a few months ago and would like to keep the original name of my sub. Thanks.

Whatswithhams ago

Good to know

the_magic_man ago

Any update on this happening?

Edit: looks like the complete opposite has happened, more restrictions

smallpond ago

Some users are seriously against these changes.

Whatever you do, I suggest doing it incrementally over a significant period of time rather than as a large step change. You'll get more information on genuine unforeseen effects that way, and saboteurs won't have an obvious trigger to work with.

wincraft71 ago

Besides a spam button for comments and submissions, you could also use janitors who are more reputable than a regular user, but less so than a moderator. That way if X numbers of janitors all separately report a submission or comment as spam it can be removed.

Branching off of that, I think each subverse should have a right to defend itself from spam AND low-quality or irrelevant posts by having quality standards that are upheld by the moderators (and janitors if you choose to have them). If a submission is deemed to be watering down the discussion of the subverse then it can be moved to a secondary subverse. For v/pizzagate that would be v/pizzagatewhatever.

The mods can then message the person asking them to improve their post and list specifically what they should improve if they want to make the cut. That way their free speech is still somewhat protected, and they just get their post moved to a related subverse with lower standards until they step their game up to meet quality.

For comments this a little more tricky and downvoats certainly help identify repeat offenders. For negative users, you can use an RES flair, automatic minimize, or some sort of punishment that they have to work off. Yet, I feel this is addressing the symptoms and not the underlying issue that different subverses will all have different reactions to ideas. And I believe all users who are authentic and genuine (and not just trying hard to be shitty) should have a place to voice their opinions and be heard by like-minded individuals.

So I think the solution is:

  1. Identify who is a real authentic user trying to express their opinion and who is obviously just choosing to consistently be shitty at the nuisance of others

  2. Stronger subverses who have the right to defend themselves against low-quality posts, some policing of comments but still letting negative ccp post (with a further discussion needed on how we should restrict or punish them to prevent them from clogging up a specific subverse, or the whole site if they're repeatedly horrible everywhere)

  3. Organization of users and ideas in specific subverses so that everybody (if they're a real, authentic user) has a place to express their own voice and be heard by their community base, whatever that group's opinions may be. So this means creating more subverses, with a strong centralized theme and enthusiastic user base willing to defend themselves and validate each others opinions.

That way, no one user can cry about how their post or comment wasn't getting any play in Subverse A, when they can always go to Subverse B and have a field day. Free speech, just better organization.

ThorTheWonderful ago

Good cuz I was banned from pizzagate by a evil mod after I was trying to post impertinent information exposing and connecting an organization to pedophile orgs

Talc ago

The results are that spammers spew more crap than ever to the site (17/25 in all/new earlier today), but we're still restricted for downvoting the stuff. Well done, you've shitted up the place more efficiently than SRS/Shariablue/Amalek/SaneGoat/MH101/Errol combined.

voat is now nothing more than an end-run around the reader's adblocker, spam is slide-censoring the real content and preventing free speech, it's great if you want to see endless adverts for vietnamese airlines, paki hookers, shitty pirate streams, low quality diet supplements etc tho!

PuttItOut ago

We are working on this as down votes do nothing to help v/all/new.

Also voat has been running the same rules for years, so hence this post.

Talc ago

right this very minute, 14/25 on /v/all/new are spam, 15/25 on /v/all/new?page=1 are spam. This is absurd, it's hardly worth picking thru the spam to find the content, 2/3 spam is the threshold at which you will start losing users. Your slow-motion spam bans are encouraging spammers to stick around, they know their posts will stay up here for days or weeks, and it's a damn site cheaper to buy a new domain once every few weeks and steal advertising than it is to buy advertising (true for any business which is seeking to grab a quick profit rather than build a trusted brand name).

Whatever you do about the spam problem, you need to make the ban hammer fall on spammers within hours or less of them being reported if you want to deter them, currently there are spammers being reported and still spewing literally weeks later (this deters the site user from reporting, encourages the spammer to keep spamming).

Prediction: If you don't do something effective, voat will be just like the late 90s FFA boards within another 18 months, lots of spambots posting ads but no humans posting content or even reading the site.

Tor1 ago

How about a Voat sweatshop where low CCP users can go work to repay their CCP deficits. Maybe pay them 50 CCP / per hour.

Maybe we can reform and rehabilitate even the worst offenders. Voat can be the go to place for second chances.

goranko ago

It is a good idea.

Tor1 ago

If you don't want him to pursue this, your best option is to offer an alternative improvement.

This is a rare chance for him to make major changes at Voat.

You're right in that the new lower cost code is going to replace the existing code. Things will definitely change when Preview Vout goes live.

Be bold and suggest something truly revolutionary, yet executable.

Maybe there is a place at Voat for commercially viable content. Which means strong rules and greatly empowered editors. Or it needs its own domain. Maybe Voatlr. Maybe we need InstaVoat where we all make snarky profiles, and where new users might take the process seriously and use it as directed.

Besides Night Mode and Day Mode. Create something called Sunshine mode. A new look and a new filter for voat normies where everything is PG 13 and you don't have to see those evil bare breasts or mean racial slurs ever again.

I think Voat's biggest mistake has been offering a single one size fits all forum. I am doubtful that appeasing a few dishonest complainers that Voat lacks free speech is going to do anything to help matters.

Why not include a page where you can travel to multiple forums beside the Voat Main Site. Sort of like they have at 8chan.

fairytisya ago

good. a post should not be taken over by when harry met sally etc. or some other useless poster and their followers. Oh did I go off topic here sorry? I don't like it when a thread is taken over and their followers over run the thread and talk crap. Is this what we are talking about here.

mah0785 ago

Hope kind-Hearted people will watch this video and help others by sharing. Thank you

Crensch ago

PG seems to be getting hit as well since putt's announcement.

I think that announcement triggered movement of these "unproved" shill organizations.

IllegalBits ago

The delay should probably depend on subverse activity: if on average the subverse only has 1 post per hour, then 10min could still be to fast. Or on a hot subverse with 2 post per minute, 3-5mins could be reduced further.

IllegalBits ago

some broad thoughts:

1) spam and unpopular opinions have different voting statistics: the upvoat/downvoat ratio goes towards 0 for spam. with unpopular posts it also approaches a small value, but its significantly larger than 0. example: lets say 10% of Voat hold an opinion that the rest disagrees with by downvoating. If the 10% also upvoat each other, then the up/down ratio will approach 0.1 as votes accumulate. So given enough votes, software can differentiate between spam and unpopular opinion. The only questions left would be: "how large should a unpopular group on voat be so that their posts are not dismissed as spam? 10%? 5%? 1%? ".

2) Its logically impossible to have a spam free /new . No matter what anti spam solution you use, it will always lag behind in time. if there was any type of review-queue for new posts /new wouldn't be really new anymore.

3) its easier to identify spam on niche subverses compared to /whatever, because what is ontopic on a offtopic subverse? :) So if there is any way to encourage posting in small and focused subverses instead of catch-all, that would help no matter what anti spam solution is in place.

4) spam has low information content, in theory you could run a compressor(zip, rar, gz..) over the recent 5 posts concat-ed to determine if they contain repeated text: spam would compress to a small amount of bits. The reference would be compressing each post individually.

5) If the goal of the next anti spam solution is to allow few dedicated users to do most of the filtering work, then there must also be a way to vote them out of that power in case they abuse it. This could be implemented even without additional separate "voting events": let a random 10% of the posts marked as spam by these "janitors" through. If a post ends up beeing interresting determined by upvotes, then trace back which janitor made that spam decision and remove him if it occurs too often.

Gake_The_Cake ago

A lot of people are suggesting that the subverse for anti-spamming be used as a means of getting rid of spammers.

At that point all ShariaBlue CTR has to do is infiltrate that. They would use bots to mark "hateful" posts as spam and use bots in that subverse to auto-ban. Not a solution.

Jaga ago

This is a tricky one. If you implement system-controlled spam prevention, you run the risk of opening up new venues for system abuse (like spammers abusing IP bans by accessing Voat via public wifi, or necessitating moderator power structures as seen on Reddit). Maybe let people create public user ban lists that other users can opt to use (Voat mods)? So nobody will be censored, but users can opt-in to the community ban-list (which they could further modify to their liking) with the press of a button to get their "optimal" Voat experience up and running as quickly as possible by eliminating spam for them personally.

revfelix ago

If someone has negative CCP but is not spamming I say let them keep digging, but perhaps flair their username or change the color. Something to forewarn the community that this person may not be entirely reasonable without censoring them. Then the community can decide whether any individual comment warrants enough downvoats to hide it.

As far as spammers, perhaps a graduated system. 1 hour ban for first offense, then 1 day , then 3 day, then one week, one month, one year, permban. Something like that. That way retards who don't know or simply don't consider that they're spamming don't get shafted because of a mistake, but it's got a steep enough curve that bots and shills will be weeded out fairly quickly.

roznak ago

"Unsafe for SJW's"

TheRealAmalek ago

You will never stop me. Embrace me.

10268979? ago

You are not Amalek, blasphemer.

NeoGoat ago

If it ain't broke, don't fix it.


I've programmed for almost 40 yrs, and people are insanely obsessed with changing things in software.

Adding items to control spam is useful. However, I've looked at the histories of some low vote accounts. It is not lack of political conformity. It is that they are assholes. Voat will not be improved if they are allowed more comments. Moreover, you may simply pave the way for ShareBlue and many others to destroy this community. If you, as the overseer, wanted to destroy Voat, this is how you do it.

Tor1 ago

There isn't even a single legitimate user in the negatives that I can find. They're not just assholes, they seem hell bent on disrupting things and trying to get the site shut down or at least muzzled.

Tor1 ago

What I would do is create new areas of Voat, while leaving the existing areas unchanged for the most part.

Consider what already exists. The current voat which is /v/all.

Look at how 4chan has /b/, /pol/, and dozens of other top level forums. Each independent of the other.

I would just refer to each board as a single letter. Not give them each names. the boards /v/, /w/, /x/, /y/, /z/, /a/, /b/ would differ based only on the rules, though I suppose you could name each board. /v/ would be classic voat. /w/ would be limitless. /x/ would be experimental. /y/ would be called positive. /z/ would be numberless. /a/ would be quant, /b/ would be called nameless...

Why not do that on Voat.

You could create /w/all. In this new top level forum, you could bring over all the shells of subverses themselves. But have them all be unowned. And without content. Or you could bring over all the existing users and content and replicate it if you wanted to.

In the /w/all subverses there would be no restrictions. You would have a /w/news where voting had no effect on users at all. If this is a better system. It would eventually become more popular than all the old /v/ subverses.

In the /x/ subverse. Everything would be experimental. Users would have all the powers of devs in this subverse. It might break from time to time, but that would be up to the /x/ users to set things right.

In the /y/ top level forum subverses. There would be no down voats.

In the /z/ top level forum subverses. There would be no voats of any kind. Just post things in a category.

In the /a/ subverses there would be even more maths and statistics. Every user would see how much CCP and SCP he gains from an average post.

There would be all kinds of reports where users could compare themselves on a numerical basis. Who is the most popular poster. /a/ would be a dick measurers paradise.

In the /b/ subverses there wouldn't be any usernames. You would put things wherever you felt they belonged. But there would be no history of who did what.

These are just a few examples of what could be done. This would be more intune with the true experimental esprit of Voat in my opinion.

tehlolman ago

It's easy. Let me downvote submissions. Lots of content DESPERATELY needs to be downvoted on this site. In fact, I want to downvote more submissions than I upvote. The current system makes this impossible. I can't downvote ANYTHING at ALL. I can almost exclusively upvote submissions.

This is not how this system should work. Generally speaking, there are more shitty submissions than there are quality posts, which means I should be able to downvote more than I upvote.

Pls remove the downvote/upvote ratio, or maybe it shouldn't be 1:1, more like 5:1 or 10:1.

HACKhalo2 ago

There are a few things that need to be fleshed out as well as the voting restrictions:
1. A system in place to recognize account creation abuse to bypass spam and voting restrictions. I've been playing around with hashing and then running that hash through a whirlpool encryption to make a decently unique string to identify an IP address without knowing that IP address. It's not foolproof, but it gets the job done as a anonymous way to store a unique string.
2. Tiered User Levels. Each new user will start at level 3, which will give all normal permissions (like now with accounts that have over 100 ccp). Based on SCP and CCP, number of posts/comments, upvoat/downvoat rate, plus whatever else, the User Level will go up (for more trusted users) or go down (for users that normally post junk and spam), granting and removing permissions (like randomly being selected to confirm spam, vote on subverse moderators, maybe even help with other sitewide functions?). This should help curb vote brigading, since people who vote brigade will also be restricted based on the CCP and SCP plus upvoat/downvoat rate, and should take care of spam accounts quite well.
3. User moderated spam system. Like other root discussions, Placing the spam filtering into the hands of random users will be the best way to do this, since "normal" spam buttons can and will be abused. Using the system above, more trusted users will see the spam button, and should keep the quality of the reports up as well. Having a human verify the spam is also needed, since there will be false reports that get through, and dropping reports into v/ReportSpammers is an amazing idea. Also using points 1 and 2, People abusing the system will get their accounts restricted/banned, and any known alts as well
4. Give users the ability to set a Downvoat threshold to auto minimize comments, and maybe default it to the current sitewide limit while also removing that limit. It'll make Voat more dynamic, and allow users to custom tailor their feeds.

This system is going to need a lot of tweaking, but it should be a lot more forgiving than the current system as long as the user isn't trying to actively be an annoyance (Shareblue, CTR) and give users a second chance at getting to have a conversation without being restricted.

SotiCoto ago

I vote against that.

Giving over total control to the popular vote just results in "popular" people leading... which isn't the same as being qualified to do so fairly.

maltespier ago

just provide an option in settings to turn on/off default visibility of shit comments

DangerWolf ago

Raise the CCP requirements based on the age of the account. New account must earn 100 CCP in the first month to comment (restrict new users to certain verses). After two months old the account must earn 200 CCP and so on.

The numbers are flexible of course, but you need some system in place to limit new users from turning into fast moving spam accounts..

Jixijenga ago

Anomalies will exist in all things, kevdude, but thank you for reminding me to check my cynicism.

10261179? ago

When a Voater gets banned form multiple subverses, it should collate to an invisible list (calm down, hold your #TRIGGEREDs and keep reading) where the bans are tallied. Any bans in a subverse where the Owner or Mods are the same as in another subverse that the Voater has been banned in should be ignored. That is to say that if I banned PuttItOut from /v/bigboobscosplay and /v/comicbooks--subverses of which I'm listed as the [O], the list would only count as PuttItOut having a "ban score" of 1. But, if PuttItOut is banned in /v/bigboobscosplay and /v/fatpeople hate--the latter of which I am not an [O] or [M] of--then PuttItOut would have a "ban score" of 2.

Then, use the list to investigate and evaluate the post history of a top percentage of people with the highest ban scores for further (or more permanent) action. It should be pretty easy to see whether or not they're actually contributing anything more than spam right away.

Either the bans are justified in a majority of cases, or they are not. If the ban is justified, then more permanent action can be taken for the offending account and they can be removed from the list or otherwise ignored. If the ban is not justified, reset their ban score to "0" (this could be done without undoing their existing bans in any subverses), effectively removing from the list.

Tor1 ago

Spam is one bad thing, but there are two worse things.

Infiltrators that are malevolently trying to destroy the site.

Autists who are using all kinds of gimmicks to get revenge against someone, or also trying to destroy the site.

The majority of the internet doesn't want the kind of free speech Voat has to be allowed to exist.

This notion that Voat can be some kind of free speech haven for all things to everyone is unrealistic. Voat needs to make sure it can continue to exist first.

It can offer as much freedom as possible only after it has taken necessary precautions to protect itself from all of its many enemies first.

Jixijenga ago

I'm going to disagree about his intentions, but ultimately I likely won't be affected too badly no matter what happens. If my own crappy writing sub becomes overrun with slobbering retards brigading me I'll just go somewhere else, and honestly, people like him have made it abundantly clear that "free speech" only exists here because Putt believes in it.

At the end of the day this is not a place for rational discourse outside of a few isolated pockets. That's sad and unfortunate, but nevertheless a reality.

Jixijenga ago

I'm "whining" about his argument, I don't give a fuck about my CCP and I've said as much before. To you, if I recall correctly.

His "ya its free speech here but freedom aint free u gotta conform" does not fly with me and it never will.

Jixijenga ago

Interesting definition of "concern trolling" you have there.

I was calling out bullshit in his argument that voat needs a bouncer to determine if you're 1488 enough to be here.

Sorry, that's not free speech, that's reddit.

Thereunto ago

I just got banned from a subverse for disagreeing with the popular opinion. Are rulings like that going to be reversed?

Mick ago

Sounds a bit shit. Care to share a link to the deleted comment?

Thereunto ago

Look at under low rated comments. He loves playing ban hammer wackamole on FPH.

Mick ago

Ah, FPH. Yep, you're gonna get banned from there if you don't conform. That's one issue that regularly crops up regarding usermade subverses.

Amadameus ago

Personally, I'd like to be able to track people I've downvoted and automatically mute their posts once they're below a threshold.

Problem with this is that it seems a little heavy to implement on the server side and would be better lent to something like RES.

CreativeCriminal ago

seems like you need a way to create a vector that recognizes when the behavior occurs, versus tracking a specific user.

RowdyBusch ago

Bring back Jailbait and other controversial but legal subs.

Tor1 ago

Surely there are other sites that carry such things, if that is what you seek.

Why should Voat increase its already staggering load of risky behavior.

Voat is doing its part and then some.

RowdyBusch ago

Either you're a principled supporter of legal free speech or you're not.

Sounds like you're not.

Mick ago

Hahaha why am I laughing.

Would make for a great "Member when Voat meta'd itself to death"

Mick ago

It would be interesting as a social experiment on real Voat. I'm guessing that chaos would be minimal, what do you reckon?

10258542? ago

The /v/AnarchoCapitalism and /v/GoatsGulch communities would unite to structure us around a moral and NAP-based legal system so that we could create order out of chaos. That's my guess.

Mick ago

I like to think so :)

Mick ago

Hahahaha that wouldn't happen in even my wildest dreams. Come on Putts, just for one day?

10258237? ago

Maybe my fault was assuming that you had? Anyone who follows the logic sees the end and what other motive could there be to continue to promote it under the guise of "the poor trolls and the restrictions they brought upon themselves".

You assumed a motive and a characterization of my self based on a single comment, which was half-realization of where my proposal had led, half-"I'm too tired to properly identify this flaw just yet". You took that and exploded it into a thread where you pinged many users I know and respect. I admit to resenting that, but I do not fault you for your conclusions given your history.

Shillfest2017 ago

What about all the blatant child porn? Do something about that.

Tor1 ago

Voat is not your pizzagate personal army.

I'm glad you're here and this place is here for you. But only so long as you respect the other users here and aren't an existential danger to the site itself.

I don't want your kind leaking into Voat as a whole and bringing your Puritan Insane Clown Posse to Voat in general.

People like you don't necessarily have Voat's best interests at heart.

You are such a zealot for your cause that you'd destroy this entire forum so long as it served your morality crusade.

Shillfest2017 ago

What in the hell are you talking about? Hosting child pornography is illegal. Maybe I'm misunderstanding you, but you seem to be advocating for it to stay. I hope I'm wrong in that assumption.

When did a dislike of pedophilia ever go against anyones best interests?

Also, fuck you.

Crensch ago

Hosting child pornography is illegal.

... and cannot be handled by anyone but law enforcement and putt. So if you see any, it is up to you to report it to the proper authorities.

So if it's still here, and is actually CP, then you haven't done your job. It's nobody else's fault but your own.

Tor1 ago

This unhinged response is what I'm talking about.

You aren't here on Voat to merely have your say.

You are hysterically agitated about something that's beyond your control.

You are seeking exceptions to other users abilities to have their say.

There is a procedure to deal with what you dislike. You are free to follow that procedure, or find some other more restrictive forum elsewhere.

What's great about Voat is this kind of behavior is not long tolerated here.

Go ahead and make some more hysterical claims and threats until you accumulate enough downvoats that no one has to listen to you.

That is the genius of the current restrictions, I see no reason to lift them.

They exist to keep destructive users like yourself from wielding any power or ruining the peaceful use of Voat free of your islamic outrage.

Shillfest2017 ago

I think you're really grasping buddy. When did you decide I was Islamic? Haha

These comments of yours are great.

Tor1 ago

You're some kind of holy roller I'd bet.

Pizzagaters are at their best when focused on the criminal elites and their oppressive shenanigans.

Leave us plebs and mundanes in peace please.

Shillfest2017 ago

You seem to know us "pizzagaters" pretty well. I'd be more than happy to leave a bigoted and ignorant fool like yourself alone. Please go crawl back under the rock you came out from.

Tor1 ago

I like you guys, but surely you understand Voat's hosting of your investigations is a brave and risky stance for free speech.

It's kind of galling, your complete lack of gratitude.

Do you know what situational awareness is. You are poking some very powerful hornet's nests, and Voat is nearly completely powerless and without allies.

Shillfest2017 ago

So you're trying to say that by asking for child porn to be removed from the site, I am not showing gratitude? When did it become okay to have child pornography anywhere? And what made you assume you would have to be religious to be against the child porn industry?

I can't figure out where the vehemence you are displaying against me is coming from. Are you trying to make an argument for keeping it on Voat? Please explain your point to me, because right now it's looking pretty murky.

EDIT: After taking a quick look at your profile, I noticed you're a moderator of Islamhate. No wonder you went straight to calling me an Islamist. So today you moved from generalizing an entire religion, to advocating for pedophile rights. Good for you.

VieBleu ago

great rebuttals. It's exacty this kind of idiot that makes me wonder - why oh why in the hell be here at all. It's clearly a hostile environment and to top it off, I constantly hear this call for "gratitutde" which is hysterical, but just like how abusers act - be grateful for your abuse.

Shillfest2017 ago

I'm a grown adult, I could care less about some Islamophobic dude on Voat blabbering at me. What really bothers me about it is that I am responsible for my kids. It hurts me very much to think that a site that isn't in the farthest corners of the deep web is propagating child pornography.

Voat is a great site, and I'm here because it gives more freedom to be able to speak your mind. There is no limit to free speech, and there shouldn't be in any sense. Even old Tor1 here can come around and hate on Muslims, and that is their right. But there is a HUGE difference between freedom of speech and the posting of child porn. It should go without saying. That's why anyone arguing against removing child porn from any website, anywhere, ever, baffles and horrifies me.

10258126? ago

You have outlined my logical process correctly, and notice that the "mod intervention" is at the end. When I reached that point, and even tired I was hesitant in writing those conclusions, which I think to you should be evident, I first began to realize the flaws in what I was proposing. This was of course amplified when you brought that final conclusion into public view in order to slander me as a concern troll. I now have many reservations about what I have been suggesting. That is the point of discussion, in case you have forgotten -- to discuss ideas and weigh how they might affect reality before introducing them into reality. There's that ideas/reality duality I mentioned earlier. Huh.

10258105? ago

You have showed me only one comment of my own that I have not liked to read, one that I have rescinded. Thank you for bringing that back to the surface so I could better reflect on it in a less tired state.

iate2manytacos ago

We should limit the amount of subs one user can moderate.

Honestly, I think 1 is enough.

Dark_Shroud ago

There already is a limit and its set to 10. Which is plenty fair.

10258090? ago

a stuck up prick who thinks he's the smartest guy in the room.

Far from it. You conclude this based on a single "arrogant" comment? My my...

I am not the one advocating for changing a functional system because some trolls might have to fill out a few more captchas.

It was for the benefit of innocent users I spoke, not trolls specifically -- but if they are to troll that is their freedom. However I will not and have not advocated for any change so long as it has been demonstrable that a change is inferior to what we have now -- this is the last time I will say this to you.

Tor1 ago

Not just he will flood. Voat will be flooded with thousands of shills running all kinds of schemes.

The end goal of all the schemes will be the destruction of Voat and the ending of it being an uncontrolled haven beyond the reach of the majority thought police squads.

Mick ago

@Peaceseeker certainly was part of it, probably under a different SN

Mate, i don't think they were. I'm not saying give them the big power hammer but I would trust @PeaceSeeker not to abuse that power if they had it and I'd be the first to bash down Putts door if it was abused :)

10258144? ago

Thanks Mick. I came to a logical conclusion upon pursuing the suggestion for a new restrictions system that I was considering, a conclusion that determined the only way to deal with non-spamming trolls or shills was mod intervention. By stating this kevdude has been able to launch a witchhunt against me, even though upon a simple reflection on that conclusion I am able to see that the system I am proposing, if that is the logical conclusion, if obviously not desirable.

But whatever; he can have his fun.

Mick ago

Hey, these ideas rolling around are good and worthy of debate. I looked back at the suggestion I made yesterday and thought, "yeah nah, I've changed my mind. Instead, lets just lift restrictions quietly and see what happens," which I mentioned to @kevdude earlier. You up for some anarchy, Kev, Peace? :)

10257986? ago

I have a vested interest in freedom and truth, and you have spat in the face of the truth this day. Of course I am determiend to correct you.

10257967? ago

That user votes should not impact other users.

I never argued for this. I maintain and have always maintained that downvotes as a ranking system, and even the collapsing of comments, should remain. It is only the use of downvotes for assigning restrictions that I objected to.

That votes are true censorship

I also never said this. I said the consequences of accruing too many downvotes are not in the spirit of freedom (I explicitly said that it is not censorship, that it is just at the same time not appropriately free!)

And finally that actions should not have consequences.

What a ridiculously sweeping statement. I never argued for this; I argued for the opposite -- that specific actions should have specific consequences and that only those who commit the crimes should do the time. If this is how thoroughly you've misunderstood me it is no wonder you have started a totally unnecessary and counter-productive witch hunt against me. Do you know how desperately I want Voat and its freedom to flourish? Enough to reply to every single one of your slanderous comments to defend myself. Enough to dedicate large hours out of every day to test bugs for the Voat port. Enough to keep track of everything that happens on Voat and ensure actions taken are still in the interests of freedom.

Fuck you for all of this. We ought to be working together to defend Voat and its freedom, but instead you've done this.

10257924? ago

And what is "it", kevdude? Do you even understand that? If an entire community comes together and says: "this user is disrupting every thread, please delete their spam comments", you would under no circumstances even consider that course of action, when public modlogs keep track of every ban? I don't even think this is the proper solution but you are treating this like simply proposing it when desperately trying to support a separate proposal that I am cursed for life to be viewed as nothing but a malevolent force on Voat. It is absurd and you are being incredibly irrational.

Tor1 ago

This seems like a poor use of scarce programming time.

Can anyone point to a single person who is restricted from commenting due to negative CCP that should have their restrictions lifted.

I've never seen one.

The only type of people who stick around here long enough to go deeply in the negatives do so because they are on a personal mission to destroy Voat, disrupt Voat, or demoralize Voat users.

Any normal person who has beliefs that are unpopular on Voat can simply go to Reddit, Facebook, Twitter or anywhere else that allows their mainstream beliefs to be discussed.

This is a solution in search of a genuine problem.

No platform has a suicidal obligation to support those who are actively trying to disrupt and destroy it.

Many opinions are unpopular here, but are popular everywhere else on the internet.

If indeed their are any unpopular opinions that are being prevented from being voiced, and the holders of those opinions aren't trying to damage Voat, specific actions can be taken in those few cases.

I don't think there's any kind of programming that can identify and protect these minority dissenters, should they even actually exist.

10257853? ago

If you fail to see the relation between ideas and reality then you are doomed to bring nothing but ruin on anything you touch.

10257726? ago

No. They technically have those powers in their mod tools. But when they try to use them they get attacked by the community.

And the only removals I hypothetically suggested were ones compelled by the community -- i.e. content that was giving some trouble to the community, thus provoking some kind of response. But you have conveniently left that out of all slanders.

If not then surely you must know that you are echoing arguments that were soundly defeated 2 years ago

Please state exactly what argument you think I am echoing so I can clarify for you once and for all that I am not in support of said arguments.

10257718? ago

this is who you are opening the floodgates for.

When no floodgates are yet being opened. Fear-mongering.

10257706? ago

And yet you will issue no corrections or follow-up posts in light of all the context and explanations I have provided. Your true colours are shown publicly.

10257466? ago

Peaceseeker certainly was part of it, probably under a different SN

Now you're just pulling slanders out of thin air. Your dedication and irrationality with this entire fiasco has proven to me certain things about your true nature. Furthermore no pushes for powermods were made by me. None. I made a statement about mods with the powers they have now removing spammy content, and I have rescinded those words. Kindly stop slandering me.

10257439? ago

No decisions have been made at all and I am doing no opening. I attempted to formulate a system that might be better than the one we have. Perhaps I failed. You are fear-mongering.

roznak ago

Not all spamming and trolling is bad. People get exposed to spamming and trolling but in the end they create an immune system to the spam. If the cost of spamming and trolling does not bring down voat or cost then it should be part of Voat.

What makes Voat interesting is that it is an unique place where you are not shielded from harmful messages. The front page should warn you "Enter at your own risk!"

Tor1 ago

Mislabeling your enemies as mere trolls is dangerous behavior.

There are people here who want Voat banished from the internet. Who will go to any lengths to stop the free speech that is commonplace here.

If it becomes easier to clog comments and downvoat certain ideas, this is a bad thing for free speech.

If there are some users that don't deserve to be restricted, lift their restrictions on a case by case basis.

The vast majority of users with negative CCP have nothing positive to add to Voat. Rather they would go back to actively trying to disrupt and disable Voat if given another chance.

roznak ago

But they do contribute in the sense that it makes Voat stronger. They contribute to the fact that Voat evolves. They do contribute to the fact that snowflakes go back to Reddit and natural selection keeps the strong people here.

How else can we learn to resist these trolls, enemies, SJW's when we have no place to train on them? Without these trolls SJW's voat would become very boring a echo chamber. These people exposes us to the evil world, but in a controlled way. Like anti-vaccines.

Voat without the trolls would be just be just like boring Reddit.

What makes Voat this interesting is that it survives anything. What makes Voat interesting is that its community accept the reality that when this site is taken down by DoS for weeks they still stay here and post. What makes Voat interesting is that we fight together against Amalek for months, years....

10257418? ago

Baseless claim. Putt has stated that I have not spoken to him about this matter at all, and even if I had my words would have no greater weight than yours.

10257407? ago

Peaceseeker's comments about mods making rules on "thread derailing" certainly would suggest that this is the direction things will go.

Putt's words and actions are all that matter. My single comment from an over-tired state in a faulty attempt to justify a separate proposal in support of user freedom is irrelevant to the path Voat is taking.

CrudOMatic ago

So, at a time when shills are hammering the fuck out of the site, you want to get rid of the site's immune system?

Guess Amalek and Sane were both right when it came to Voat; why should the government & the left fear what they already control?

Tor1 ago

Changing the restrictions is a bad idea in almost all cases.

But I don't see how Amalek and Sane's fuckery has anything to do with anything.

Any user who seeks to destroy rather than build and socialize risks being banned or restricted on Voat.

To say or act otherwise is to invite ruin and destruction of the free speech that's currently hosted here.

10257357? ago

You are incorrect in that supposition, entirely. I desire nothing more than freedom for the entire userbase and my comments on mods contributing to a smaller problem was not well-thought-out.

10257275? ago

I disagree because those restrictions are not necessarily applied to spammers. You would potentially punish the unpopular or compel them to state ideas that are not their own in order to game the system and earn the CCP necessary to comment freely. I disagree with this fundamentally in defense of innocent users' freedoms and if you truly cared about freedom you ought to at least be concerned by the prospect yourself.

the_magic_man ago

Is captcha too easy to bypass?

PuttItOut ago

Captcha doesn't work with the API. We need a better system than just what a GUI can provide.

iwasthey ago


Dark_Shroud ago

Down voated for all caps.

And no asshole, CP is not allowed on Voat.

PuttItOut ago

I agree with you. Entirely. But the principles upon which Voat is founded override this.

Tor1 ago

These pizzagate zealots are probably some of the most dangerous users here.

They don't care about Voat per se.

They are warriors for their cause above all else.

Mick ago

No idea. TBH I would lift every restriction for a few days and see what happens.

eagleshigh ago

Commenting restrictions on negative CCP accounts that aren't spamming their comments

Limiting any account that spam comments

Please get rid of it. It's stupid and goes against the "have your say" motto of voat. With the restriction it basically says "have your say---but only if you agree with the hivemind".

@Antiracist10 @SarMegahhikkitha @bojangles

Tor1 ago

Users that are out to destroy Voat are worse than spammers.

It's Have Your Say.

Not Have Your Unlimited Free Shots at fucking up Voat until its completely unusable.

Antiracist10 ago

How's Nagel, goy?

@bojangles @sarmegahhikkitha

eagleshigh ago

Still need to order it.

What do you think about my proposal? Isn't the restriction against the "have your say" motto of voat?

Antiracist10 ago


@bojangles @sarmegahhikkitha

eagleshigh ago

I told you that I returned the book after I read half of it. @bojangles @SarMegahhikkitha

I'm much more open to differing views now so I'll definitely read it and get back to you soon.

patrickhelman ago

that's cool news .

PuttItOut ago

let the users pick


dailymostviral ago

nice post

Daily Most Viral

Cantilever ago

Don't change anything. We are facing a well funded machine. Automation is the only way for a forum like this to defend itself. What you're calling for here is essentially opening our borders.

ExpertShitposter ago

Filled with gasoline!

everlastingphelps ago

My main concern is that we keep an option to hide people with negative CCP (even if it isn't the default) and effectively keep the same behavior. I honestly don't give a shit about listening to someone who is so distasteful that they get constantly downvoated.

Give people a way to opt into all the crap. Put in an option to "Show Users with Negative CCP." Put a "show moderated posts" checkbox on each subvoat that puts all the stuff modded out back in. Freedom of speech isn't freedom to force others to listen to your shit. If a user wants to see it, they can. If they don't, don't make them. I don't know the back-end, but hopefully the current mod logs give you enough to hook that back in without a total rebuild.

If I were building the site, I think I would even call the master switch "The Shitshow" that would turn off all moderating site wide. You would get the firehose of bullshit. I think that a few hours of that and people will be clamoring to turn it back off and wanting more moderating.

Disappointed ago

Btw as someone who is very close to the pulse on how v/reportspammers works all this talk of handing over spamming reports to it is almost almost laughable. There are handful of users who report things but even less who actually investigate spamming groups and look at spamming trends on the site. Namely just one @Cynabuns. I occasionally do it for v/technology and v/sports and it's very time consuming, so I hope the people suggesting it are ready to roll up sleeves and do it themselves. People are talking like they already have a dedicated team running smoothly where all the reports are legit.

VIP740 ago

Add settings for users allowing them to screen out pests themselves. Give them an anti-spam level that blocks all users who've been flagged a given number of times, over a given period of time, up to eternity (if alerts have been found to be false, they should be discounted). Also give users a setting that lets them block all users below a given level of contribution points. Also allow users to set a threshold allowing them to block users who've already been blocked by a given number of people.

Disappointed ago

Well he is just one regular user.

surprisecockfag ago

I say keep the restrictions tbh. Perhaps the restrictions should only become active when comments consistently have above a certain downvoat:upvoat ratio?

digitalentity1497 ago

Damned if you do, damned if you don't, huh? Not an easy task to run the show.

Fukensmoken ago

RIP Amalek, he died for our sins.

Sikozen ago

Slowly increasing amount of time between posting to the same post/same subverse/ posting period? POst, 30 second wait, post, 60 second wait, etc. ?

geovoat ago

Here is an idea

Have an option to have subs be created thst are not can never can be moderated.

There can still be modersted subs .

Eventually users will grsvitste toward whateveris the best and ths t will change overtime and thts fine.

So for example i coukd createa sub called whatever and declare that it is not and can never be moderated. Snd then it woukd gsthernew users a d of it got tsken overbyspam peoplecouldjistform a new unmoderstoedsub witha differentnsme.

obama_sin_laden ago

users given a number of report abilities ,once these reports are used members have to pay to re credit conversely once a user has been reported they too have to pay to be re entered .somewhere along the lines of 5 to 1?

geovoat ago

Reporting spam doesnt work. Thst just empowers maleusers and commonthink mobs to become censors of other people.

The best system is everyone gets a certain number of post points a day and they cant comment further after that. There is no perfect soltion but this lets unpopular opinions still be heard withoit censorship but stops abusive commnenting spam by numbers.

Unfortunately it does stop tje 80/20 rule where80% of your good stuff comes from 20% of the people beicase they now cant post 400 good things a day.

There is no perfect solution.

But just reporting people as spammers is terrible because it makes voat become an echo chamber for whichever group numerically dominates.

And you really really want the one guy with the very unpopular far fetched theory to be able to post because he might be the next galileo or darwin or ... And because its important to know what everyone is thinking...even the stupid people. Sometimes knowing what the stupid people are thinking is the most important of all.

Adminstrater ago

The problem I see with every implementation is the unknown, unknowns. We may never truly be able to combat spammers, and the like, but it might be the price that will have to be paid for the freedoms allotted.

Let's take things slow, so that we can make the right changes necessary in the right timeframe. The one thing that scares me is the ability for those that disagree to abuse a system that was meant to help the real users, not the vindictive users.

PuttItOut ago

unknown unknowns

The fear of every wise man

TauCeti ago

Not sure if you can't already, but the ability for individuals to block certain accounts from appearing in their own browsing session would help a lot.

OracleofEpirus ago

The core problem as I see it is that voats are currently both single-dimensional and rate-unlimited. You literally have no way (that is not NP-complete) of differentiating between "This is spam" and "This is a waste of my time", and you have infinite amounts of it. Long story short, there's no way to do what you want while those two attributes exist -- even one of them can be very hard to deal with. Add that to all the users and the posts and comments each user can make, and it gets out of hand very quickly.

Both those issues need to be dealt with before any solution can work. Otherwise, you're going to run straight into a lot of issues that already exist in other places.


One of the methods I've seen on making voating less single-dimensional is to add a descriptor to the vote. That way both posts and comments can be voated as +1 Informative, +1 Pron, -1 Old, -1 Illegal, and especially -1 Spam. A previously very well functioning and popular site had this feature (which died due to allowing full user-inputted html and javascript). There may even be users of said floating around here. This is actually the way Steam games are tagged. A game is privately tagged by a user, and the publicly facing tags are generated from all private tags. It operates independently of the user ratings, and is indescribably better than searching with the pile of garbage that is the Google Play Store. (I was interested by a "Offline Games" list, and the second one was Summoner's War.) This is not the only way to make voats multi-dimensional, but it is one good way.


As for the other part, the only way to make something not rate-unlimited is to limit it in some fashion. It's going to be unpopular with some people, but there needs to be a quantitative cap on upvoats and downvoats that a single account can hand out per duration. That alone will both severely impair the ability to spam and allow unpopular opinions to a degree.

If an account can't downvoat until a certain condition is true, then fake accounts lose that much value, because the entire point of such a thing is to invest as little resources as possible for a gain. Legitimate users will use downvoats to hit spam, and not some random guy asking questions.

If an account can't upvoat unconditionally, then it becomes much harder to undo legitimate downvoats on spam and hater accounts. Legitimate users will upvoat things important to them, instead of every little thing they're interested in. Of course, it's entirely possible to have unconditional upvoating, but it requires safety mechanisms.

Think of voats as a resource. If a user has infinite of a particular resource, every single game ever devised will crash and burn. Every single thing somebody likes will be upvoated. Every single thing they dislike will be downvoated. There is zero neutral ground. But when people have to choose between spending limited resource on something they like and something they dislike, very close to 100% of people will spend that resource on something they like. If somebody spends a limited resource on a dislike, it's incredibly unlikely that they're doing it just to be a dick. (EX, you have ten dollars. You can spend ten dollars to spike that asshole's drink with laxative, or you can tell him to fuck off and buy yourself a [INSERT FOOD HERE]).

The method and particular limit on how many upvoats and downvoats a user can exercise can and should be discussed. The particular voat descriptors can also be discussed.


Also, I am against completely removing the part of the system that limits a user's ability to post or comment. It's not something that should be utilized frequently, but it's a tool that solves a particular problem. Refusing to use that tool is just an open invitation to let that problem run rampant.

el_cordoba2 ago

Here are a few thoughts

  • Since voat's userbase is so belligerent it doesn't take much for an person (or group) to decide to troll with them.
  • Voat's userbase is highly concentrated at this point and this means that people of differing opinions get gagged by the low ccp rules.
  • Adding spam button will most likely get abused by both sides. Trolls will use it to cause grief and some voaters will spam it anytime they think someone is up to no good.

That said, since a spam button will probably make things worse how about an alternative. Make it easy for you (or whoever) to boost a user's ccp. That way they can enjoy the site, and potentially dilute the population again. Also maybe punish those who don't know how to properly down voat by stripping their ability to down voat for a week.

Hopefully with time the userbase will equalize and you won't have to do this long term. Since down voats will be might will be might with a number of up voats..

Gamio ago

In the user profile why not have a visible chart of vote history (both received and given if given votes are shown) so that users can themselves check. Crowd source it, theres no elegant one solution fits all spam prevention algorithm you can program that the human brain can't spot in 20 seconds of effort.

Scenario A: "This guys account is a month old and has one submission and which has gotten 250 upvotes, I wonder if hes a spammer hmm the chart says that within the first hour of the accounts creation it earned enough CCP to submit a link using one comment, this is probably a spam account and I have cause to report it"

Scenario B: "This submission / comment / contains information that directly contradicts the groups widely held beliefs, maybe it spam from agitators and would be paid influences. Oh okay so this month old account built up CCP over that month, maybe I should check the comments that got upvotes, okay they look like regular comments and observations. This submission / comment / information is probably worth looking into"

HomerSimpson ago

Any chance you can add a search function in both the ban page and the ban log page? Unbanning people in /v/fatpeoplehate who were banned awhile ago is a real pain atm

Mick ago

I'll look into it for ya mate

HomerSimpson ago

Thanks boo. I got the idea from trying to unban you.

critias ago

If you want to fix something, put a mark all as read feature in the user page. I've had 6 unread responses sitting there for months and I can't find them.

10252221? ago

Sure it is. You are using his definition of "censorship".

No, it is not an argument. You are comparing my ideas to his ideas (by really comparing my character to his character, for when you compare to SaneGoat you are really insulting my character, for that was the main issue people took with him), and in any case it is irrelevant. If you take issue with my definition then structure your argument around that definition, and leave other people's characters and ideas out of the discussion -- or if you are compelled to include them, do no pretend they are relevant to the argument.

So if you are arguing against restrictions put in place to stop people like SaneGoat from rendering the site unusable using his definitions you can expect to be called out on it.

And at what point was I arguing against the restrictions themselves? I was arguing against the method by which they are imposed.

10252023? ago

I'll help find good examples of users unfairly targeted.

Hey SBBH/SDBH. Which users are you ass clowns downvote brigading these days?

Ina_Pickle ago

lol. Don't they just brigade each other?

rwbj ago


Seems like a fun problem to solve. I have a simple idea, but one I think should be likely to work. The first thing is that the following algorithm would only be used after an account has been been reported by a sufficient number of humans as being spam. That way we can be fairly resource intensive without concern since it will run infrequently.

  • Create a structure of Dictionary<string, Dictionary<string, int>>
  • Go through each post the user has made and insert each unique word as a key. Its value will be the word that follows it. If said value is already present then you increment it.
  • After completion, traverse the dictionary and get the average number of repetition in the value dictionary.
  • Divide that number by the number of posts used to populate the dictionary.

That number should be something 'x' for a regular user. It should be something much higher for a spammer. The idea here is to try to prevent spammers from slightly changing a word or two to avoid spam detection. This example goes only one node deep but you could actually go arbitrarily deep.


  • Two identical posts: "Go to" "Go to"
  • (Go -> (to -> 2)) (to -> ( -> 2)) ( -> (EOF -> 2))
  • Average repetition factor is obviously 2.
  • 2 / 2 posts = repetition factor of 1 = the user is likely repeating the same thing over and over = spam

  • Two slightly varied posts: "Go to" "G0 to"

  • (Go -> (to -> 1)) (G0 -> (to -> 1) (to -> ( -> 2)) ( -> (EOF -> 2))
  • Average repetition factor is (1+1+2+2) / 4 = 1.5
  • 1.5 / 2 = reptition factor of 0.75 = the user is almost entirely repeating themselves with some minimal variation

Sample Implementation

    float BotValueTest(string s, int totalPosts)
        var results = new Dictionary<string, Dictionary<string, int>>();
        var words = s.Split(null);

        for (int i = 0; i < words.Length; i++)
            string word = words[i];
            string nextWord = (i < words.Length - 1) ? (words[i+1]) : "";

            if (!results.TryGetValue(word, out Dictionary<string, int> wordHit))
                wordHit = new Dictionary<string, int>();
                results[word] = wordHit;

            if (!wordHit.ContainsKey(nextWord))
                wordHit.Add(nextWord, 0);


        int totalKeys = 0, totalValue = 0;

        foreach (var secondWordDictionary in results.Values)
            totalKeys += secondWordDictionary.Count;
            totalValue += secondWordDictionary.Values.Aggregate((a, b) => a + b);

        float result = totalValue / (float)totalKeys / totalPosts;

        return result;


In playing with it it seems to work extremely well. An interesting aside is that it also picks up posts like "fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck" as spam, which they generally are.

I don't think this would be likely to miss much spam until we get to adversarial examples, like somebody ensuring each word they spam is followed by a new unique word such as: "Go to" "Go _ to ! #" However this becomes impractical as the amount of spam increases and obfuscates their spam. And if necessary the algorithm could be trivially expanded to go to further depths. Anytime a word is the 'nth' word following another, we would increment the counter. And in fact this could even also be done algorithmically. Perform what's described above as a relatively low cost first pass. If it's results are unclear then bump it up to two words and so on.


All code/ideas in this post are released by the author under the unlicense. In other words you're free to do anything with them.

rwbj ago

Complete Implementation with GUI:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Windows.Forms;

namespace VoatBotCheck
    public partial class Form1 : Form
        private System.Windows.Forms.TextBox inputTextBox;
        private System.Windows.Forms.TextBox outputTextBox;
        private System.Windows.Forms.Button goButton;
        private System.Windows.Forms.Button clearButton;
        private System.Windows.Forms.NumericUpDown numericUpDown1;
        private System.Windows.Forms.Label label1;
        private System.ComponentModel.IContainer components = null;

        public Form1()

        /// <summary>
        /// Clean up any resources being used.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="disposing">true if managed resources should be disposed; otherwise, false.</param>
        protected override void Dispose(bool disposing)
            if (disposing && (components != null))

        #region Windows Form Designer generated code

        /// <summary>
        /// Required method for Designer support - do not modify
        /// the contents of this method with the code editor.
        /// </summary>
        private void InitializeComponent()
            this.inputTextBox = new System.Windows.Forms.TextBox();
            this.outputTextBox = new System.Windows.Forms.TextBox();
            this.goButton = new System.Windows.Forms.Button();
            this.clearButton = new System.Windows.Forms.Button();
            this.numericUpDown1 = new System.Windows.Forms.NumericUpDown();
            this.label1 = new System.Windows.Forms.Label();
            // inputTextBox
            this.inputTextBox.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(12, 12);
            this.inputTextBox.Multiline = true;
            this.inputTextBox.Name = "inputTextBox";
            this.inputTextBox.ScrollBars = System.Windows.Forms.ScrollBars.Vertical;
            this.inputTextBox.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(410, 212);
            this.inputTextBox.TabIndex = 0;
            // outputTextBox
            this.outputTextBox.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(12, 230);
            this.outputTextBox.Multiline = true;
            this.outputTextBox.Name = "outputTextBox";
            this.outputTextBox.ReadOnly = true;
            this.outputTextBox.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(410, 50);
            this.outputTextBox.TabIndex = 1;
            // goButton
            this.goButton.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(347, 286);
            this.goButton.Name = "goButton";
            this.goButton.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(75, 23);
            this.goButton.TabIndex = 2;
            this.goButton.Text = "Go";
            this.goButton.UseVisualStyleBackColor = true;
            this.goButton.Click += new System.EventHandler(this.goButton_Click);
            // clearButton
            this.clearButton.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(266, 286);
            this.clearButton.Name = "clearButton";
            this.clearButton.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(75, 23);
            this.clearButton.TabIndex = 2;
            this.clearButton.Text = "Clear";
            this.clearButton.UseVisualStyleBackColor = true;
            this.clearButton.Click += new System.EventHandler(this.clearButton_Click);
            // numericUpDown1
            this.numericUpDown1.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(103, 289);
            this.numericUpDown1.Name = "numericUpDown1";
            this.numericUpDown1.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(120, 20);
            this.numericUpDown1.TabIndex = 3;
            // label1
            this.label1.AutoSize = true;
            this.label1.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(9, 293);
            this.label1.Name = "label1";
            this.label1.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(85, 13);
            this.label1.TabIndex = 4;
            this.label1.Text = "Number of Posts";
            // Form1
            this.AutoScaleDimensions = new System.Drawing.SizeF(6F, 13F);
            this.AutoScaleMode = System.Windows.Forms.AutoScaleMode.Font;
            this.ClientSize = new System.Drawing.Size(428, 318);
            this.FormBorderStyle = System.Windows.Forms.FormBorderStyle.FixedSingle;
            this.MaximizeBox = false;
            this.MinimizeBox = false;
            this.Name = "Form1";
            this.ShowIcon = false;
            this.Text = "Spam Checkifier";



        float BotValueTest(string s, int totalPosts)

            var results = new Dictionary<string, Dictionary<string, int>>();
            var words = s.Split(null);

            for (int i = 0; i < words.Length; i++)
                string word = words[i];
                string nextWord = (i < words.Length - 1) ? (words[i+1]) : "";

                if (!results.TryGetValue(word, out Dictionary<string, int> wordHit))
                    wordHit = new Dictionary<string, int>();
                    results[word] = wordHit;

                if (!wordHit.ContainsKey(nextWord))
                    wordHit.Add(nextWord, 0);


            int totalKeys = 0, totalValue = 0;

            foreach (var secondWordDictionary in results.Values)
                totalKeys += secondWordDictionary.Count;
                totalValue += secondWordDictionary.Values.Aggregate((a, b) => a + b);

            float result = totalValue / (float)totalKeys / totalPosts;

            outputTextBox.AppendText("Score " + result + "\t\t" + totalKeys + " Keys\t" + totalValue + " Value");

            return result;

        private void goButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            BotValueTest(inputTextBox.Text, (int)numericUpDown1.Value);

        private void clearButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)


All code/ideas in this post are released by the author under the unlicense. In other words you're free to do anything with them.

robabo ago

I love actual coding an answer to a problem. There are many suggestions here that would be a puzzle to code but Ideas that work are always a plus. I use to be a code junky back in the day when it was convenient to count to 1024 on my fingers.

Crensch ago

My new favourite gif!

knightwarrior41 ago

think about checks and balances and human behavior.cheers!

smokratez ago

What about Shroomcloud aka beetlejuice, who has been spamming people's inbox accusing them of being pedos to get them off the site?

JimboBillyBobJustice ago

My .02 on a solution. Make a separate tab for conversations that either go totally off topic or get so many negative comment points. This way they may continue to converse but the mainline readers don't feel spammed. Place a marker in the mainline stating this comment is controversial and is continued in that conversation chain

10251133? ago

Two words: mag nets

PuttItOut ago

I really like how radical of an idea this is.

As far as brain storming goes, A+.

Thank you for submitting this.

TimberWolfAlpha ago

The downside so far as I can tell, is that it requires a user to get into bitcoin to create an account. This is going to be a big bottleneck, lots of people aren't going to go to the trouble.

Crensch ago

a P.O. box that you send envelopes with $10 in and your username. No return-address needed, and wear gloves touching the bill, envelope, and stamp. BOOM.

TimberWolfAlpha ago

a fine suggestion, just not one encompassed by the proposal. I'd be onboard with this.

10250791? ago

But nothing I have proposed goes against user moderation or initiates power mods, and it is not on behalf of shareblue shills but on behalf of anyone who wants to have their say on Voat and do so in a non-platform-violating manner. And comparing anything I've said to SaneGoat or anyone else is not an argument.

Diogenes_The_Cynic ago

You could place a throttle on new account creation. For example, every new account would cost $5, or needs a unique email address from a recognized email provider, or require sms verification. Each has drawbacks, but sms has the least.

This might also throttle growth, so its not necessarily great for the future of the site. But raising the "price" of a new account would make users value their accounts more.

These are not my actual suggestion, however. My real suggestion would be to have an iceberg-model for voat. Surface voat would stay the same, but voat could avoid bad-faith users by making more of the site, like the internal chat functions on designated subverses invite-only with a reasonable donation. Something like $50. This would make funding for the site more opaque, but it would give problem users a specific space for them to fling their shit.

10250769? ago

To infringe is to encroach upon or violate. Freedom is the enjoyment of personal liberty and the state of not being subject to forces in violation of this. To limit one's speech through force is an infringement of liberty where Freedom of Speech is concerned -- it is an impediment, a limitation that is not in place necessarily through the violation of some other's liberty. When the restriction is applied to the spammer it is just because the spammer violated the platform and thus the other users' liberties. When a non-spammer is subjected to these restrictions it is an impediment, an infringement. It also happens to be an inconvenience.

10250620? ago

Fuck niggers.

PuttItOut ago

Oh Voat

10254702? ago

Love you too buddy :)

TerribleTroll ago

Rules be damned no rules this isn't free speech if you have rules.

You talk the talk but you won't walk the walk.

PuttItOut ago

You say that but you wouldn't even use Voat if we abandoned all rules. It would be completely unusable.

I feel I'm wasting my words, but the idea is to have a beneficial balance.

GODFREY1096 ago

Spam will clog the system up and then VOAT will die. Most web sites have these popup ads that are very annoying and I try to stay away from them. Banning spam is good but the free flow of speech is good.

10250186? ago

How about a different example. Child porn.

We don't screen for that, but if we find it, we delete it.

If I propose two situations, I want you to tell me which one is more favourable:

0.01% of users are unjustly restricted with minimal effort.

0.0001% of users are unjustly restricted with minimal effort.

And before you cry "fallacy", let me make clear that I am saying setting up a false dichotomy -- I am not saying these are the only possible two outcomes. What I am saying is that it is justifiable to try to reach the second option, and if we fail or find that too much effort is required for what it is worth, * we will revert back*. This is not just some arbitrary hypothetical we are talking about, kevdude -- this is the unrestricted freedom to speak of users on a Freedom of Speech forum we are dealing with. IF WE CAN WE OUGHT TO TRY.

10250149? ago

You're treating it as if I were committing a logical fallacy (which I was not). I was simply stating the the fact that I am not a small minority in my thinking, which does lend some credence to my position. The same is true for you. I am amazed by your present hostility.

smallpond ago

At the moment all CCP restrictions do to prevent spam is stop comment/post flooding by unpopular users. The sensible alternative is to make rules that directly prevent flooding. You can look through the data and see the frequency distribution of users' daily posts/comments - this is a good reference point. (At the moment low-CCP users are limited based on a 24-hour window, I think moving to a 48 hour window would be less of an inconvenience for genuine users - what follows doesn't depend on the window chosen.) Take for example the 98th (or xth) percentile relative to the frequency distribution above and set this as a global comment/post limit for all established users regardless of CCP score. Nobody can comment/post more than this within the chosen 24/48 hour time period. Apart from this fixed limit, let users post/comment without captchas until they get to say 80% (of whatever you want) of the maximum, introduce captchas for posts/comments from 80-95% of the maximum, double the necessary captchas for 95-100% of the maximum. This should kill flooding by individual accounts while only inconveniencing a few genuine users. Users who regularly hit 100% of their limits despite the apparent inconvenience of captchas would be red flags for administrators to investigate further.

I also consider the ability to upvote/downvote as an important aspect of free-speech, and think they should also be subject to universal limits for established users similar to the above.

In my opinion, discriminating against users who are not 'established' on voat is not an infringement of free speech so long as becoming 'established' has nothing to do with the popularity of users' ideas. Clearly CCP is a terrible measure of a user's patronage or sincerity. I suggest a new measure whereby a user becomes established when they have accrued 50 (or whatever) days when they logged in, voted on something, and commented/posted at least once. This may be overly harsh towards lurkers, so perhaps just logging in and voting is enough, though this has greater 'security' risks for voat regarding establishing the reputation of a user and guarding against some manner of hostile takeover by newbies. I also think such an establishment score should be degraded steadily if a user is inactive for more than two weeks (or whatever). This acts as a measure against sleeper accounts. Something like 25% (or whatever) of established users' commenting/posting/voting limits for newbies might be appropriate.

I don't view the ordering of content via up/downvotes or the mere act of reporting a CCP score as real impediments to free speech, especially when we have the option to order from the 'bottom' as well as the top. This type of user control of how they view content could be expanded: firstly by giving a 'Bottom' ordering for posts that complements 'Top' by swapping the role of up and downvotes. Various 'Middle' type orderings could also be introduced for comments and posts.

I am against increasing moderator powers - most people accept that this path is easily subject to subversion. The ideal is to have the site owners/PuttItOut doing the vast majority of moderation algorithmically.

When it comes to preventing intelligent subversion, CCP restrictions are useless. People or organizations are free to open as many accounts as they like, and many smart professional operators who wish to steer apparent opinions on voat are not dumb enough to draw attention to themselves by posting commenting too frequently from single accounts. CCP restrictions are also easily gamed by saying whatever voat wants to hear, posing no impediment all even to isolated individuals whose goal is subversion. I cannot think of any way at all to counter professional subversion while preserving user anonymity. I see this as an unsolvable problem unrelated to voat upholding free speech for its users.

The exact details of spam rules may reasonably be subject to secrecy. However, I think CCP-restrictions have little to do with spam, and are instead related to free-speech. Whatever rules you decide on regarding user-limits on commenting/posting/voting should be made painfully obvious to all new users, preferably before they open an account.

Crensch ago

This "user" posts a disclaimer at the bottom of almost EVERY comment he makes whining about downvoats.

I'm almost certain that if he was a legitimate user, and stopped doing that, he would have positive CCP.

He's just another one of a long line of trolls/shills that are case studies for the rest of us about why the comment restriction is a good idea.

MadWorld ago

Disclaimer: If we’re conversing, I will soon fall silent. I may want to continue, but because my views are unpopular here I have less than 100 CCP, and am temporarily banned as soon as I make 10 comments in a day. Voat does not respect free speech. Don’t be a hypocrite and pretend that it does.

Now I remember that fucking irritating disclaimer on almost every comment he made while whining about that "censorship" crap over and over again.

Tor1 ago

Smallpond isn't here to merely voice opinions. He is here to disrupt and even shut down Voat if possible. He is an enemy of free speech. He is worse than mere spammers who are here trying to make a few bucks using deceptive practices.

He is deceptively claiming to be a victim of anti-free speech policies, when in reality he is here to disrupt and end the free speech of everyone on Voat.

Neither spammers nor people who are here to destroy Voat deserve any special consideration. His restrictions should continue, until he starts doing something seen as constructive or useful by other Voaters.

Smallpond has never once done anything positive for Voat or free speech in general.

the_magic_man ago

This is the problem with voat. "everyone I disagree with is a shill. Downvote".

This very soon means if you post anything left wing, you are restricted.

TheonGreyjoy ago

What's stopping you from downvoting something you don't like and moving on? Oh wait, it's because you have no karma because you kept spamming soros sites, lol.

Crensch ago

Yeah, nobody buys that, faggot.

the_magic_man ago

Nobody buys that? Has the entire OP just gone over your head?

Crensch ago

Not at all, the examples of legitimate users being harmed were completely and utterly dispelled already. Not a single one has been presented that held up to any scrutiny whatsoever.

smallpond ago

Most people have no doubt that I'm a legitimate user. My disclaimer 'whines' about free speech - for over four months now I've been using most of my less than 10 comments per day trying to highlight exactly what this post is addressing as a serious problem. PuttItOut himself didn't complain about the disclaimer when replying to a recent comment of mine. Here is the disclaimer for reference, though I've edited it recently to acknowledge PuttItOut's stated intentions to improve things:

Disclaimer: If we’re conversing, I will soon fall silent. I may want to continue, but because my views are unpopular here I have less than 100 CCP, and am temporarily banned as soon as I make 10 comments in a day. Voat does not respect free speech. Don’t be a hypocrite and pretend that it does.

You on the other hand have been a consistent and staunch critic of free speech in this regard and continue to support ongoing censorship even in this thread. Unable to deter me with your usual bullying and shallow, insincere arguments you even became desperate enough to promote ridiculous lies about me that of course you've been unable to support with any manner of proof. Of all users, I think you're the prime suspect regarding subversion of voat actually being aided by exploitation of CCP restrictions - still think Israel would gladly employ you if they haven't already. I've seen you openly express the sentiment that winning is all that matters more than once - you view principles (whether they be intellectual or moral) as weaknesses: hence you have no credibility and cannot be trusted.

Chiefpacman ago

Its just a little whiney. You drone on about how no cares, and it makes us not care.

Just have your say and move on. Dont ask for pity

smallpond ago

The disclaimer just uses my own account as a simple example - I've stated many times what I'm really concerned about is the overall stifling of dissenting opinions and all the new users who quit shortly after joining: that is, the safespace/echochamber effect on voat as a whole.

Its just a little whiney. You drone on about how no cares, and it makes us not care.

This says a lot about your own mental faculties. Are you incapable of considering the truth of a message when you interpret it as 'a little whiney'? I have never said that nobody cares, but do I really just have to tell you that no one cares, to make you not care?

@Tor1 Your nonsense is hardly worth another comment: Almost all I do is harp on about free speech in order to improve voat. You repeatedly state the exact opposite, and of course you can't support your claims with any reasoning or proof.

Edit: To your reply below: Thanks + good to hear you give a shit. I'm clearly not a politician, and probably could have crafted my message a lot better, but better to say something than remain silent. I don't care if my CCP never goes positive - my downvotes don't concern me: censorship on vote does.

Chiefpacman ago

I actually do care though. I groan about dissenting opinions being buried plenty.

I upvoated you and hope you get restrictions taken down or that your ccp goes positive. Good luck

Tor1 ago

I've looked at your early comment history.

The one where you called for the elimination of the cess pit that you believe Voat to be.

You are a liar, and fraud. Not a very good one fortunately for those of us who authentically value Voat.

smallpond ago

The one where you called for the elimination of the cess pit that you believe Voat to be.

More bullshit without proof. Are you incapable of linking to specific comments that might support what you say?

It's true that I have a very low opinion of the level of discourse on voat - it's a notorious echochamber/circlejerk when it comes to contentious ideology. I directly associate voat's cesspit status with its failure to live up to the propaganda: the all-encompassing censorship on a website that's supposed to be for free speech. Voat still has critical mass and many reasonable users - it still has the potential to become an actual bastion of free speech, that potential is why I spend so much time discussing CCP-based censorship.

Edit: Regarding your reply below

In your own words...

I am here firstly advocating for free speech, but also view voat as a dangerous safespace that creates hateful/violent racists out of weak-minded people. Donating towards that is a non-starter right now: if voat ever decided to adopt free-speech as a serious priority in future that could change.

Another cherrypicked/fake story of a woman being stupid so you losers can imagine you're better than something: Yep, voat is the Usain Bolt of internet retardation.

Sorry, repeating the lie you tell your morons doesn't make it true. CCP rules mean people with unpopular opinions have their speech severely restricted compared to your run-of-the mill voat racist/sexist. I don't think shit content like this would survive without voat's severe inbreeding by design.

I see links are still beyond your capabilities, but from memory those are my words.

I've looked at your early comment history.

The one where you called for the elimination of the cess pit that you believe Voat to be.

Of course there's nothing in there about calling for the elimination of voat - clearly you're still the liar.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

assholes like you piss me off, the userbase of voat is mostly people who have been chased off other platforms for wrongthink and you have the gall to suggest we're censoring you? HEY DUMBASS people need to see and read your bullshit to downvoat it, if you're getting downvoats you're not censored; people heard what you had to say and they didn't like it. You're guaranteed a platform here, not an audience if people don't like you and what you have to say that's your own fault. Kill yourself.

smallpond ago

The only absolute censorship is death. The 'free speech' accorded to me is not even close to yours - hence users like me are being censored. You have virtually unlimited votes/comments/posts compared to me because you're 'popular' according to your CCP score. Seriously upholding free speech does not entail giving speaking rights in proportion to a person's popularity while throttling unpopular users.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

The 'free speech' accorded to me is not even close to yours

yeah because you think free speech means a captive audience, you think it means we need to put up with your bullshit. You had the same opportunities as everyone else here and you fucked it up all on your own and all I see you doing about it is whining about how the rules should be changed because people don't like you. You're annoying, people not liking you is your own fault, and they don't owe you anything for it. You don't want free speech you want attention your comment is right here I can read it just fine and you could've used it to say ABSOLUTELY ANYTHING, so how are you censored? Kill yourself.

smallpond ago

Try to slow down and think.

You had the same opportunities as everyone else here and you fucked it up all on your own

You could say the same about any censorship: You always have the opportunity to say just what those in power want you to say. When you don't, and they censor you, well that's just your own fault isn't it? You're just reaping the consequences of your actions aren't you?

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

no you can't you retard. The daily stormer doesn't have the same opportunity as other sites because it was removed from the web by it's hosting companies, it's back now but that's censorship. You're not censored, you're just a whiny faggot who can't deal with the fact that people don't like them. You had a fully fair and equal chance to speak your mind and people didn't like what you had to say or how you said it so you have negative CCP, all of that is your own fault and we don't owe you anything. Kill yourself

smallpond ago

Seriously, you can write, so you should have some ability to reason as well...

Just like users on voat the Daily Stormer was not completely silenced - they had darkweb options, their representatives could still speak, and as you say they're back now. They were temporarily silenced just like users on voat are when they run out of comments.

You had a fully fair and equal chance to speak your mind and people didn't like what you had to say or how you said it so you have negative CCP, all of that is your own fault and we don't owe you anything.

Also, the Daily Stormer had a "fair and equal chance" to speak their mind, they were fully aware of risks of, attitudes towards, and legislation against hate speech, they did their best to provoke cloudflare and others by writing that ridiculous condemnation of the woman that was killed at the worst possible time. People "didn't like what [they] had to say or how [they] said it", all that they experienced in their "own fault" and nobody "owes them anything". Unlike users on voat, which are on a website that is supposed to be a bastion of respect free speech, and so might reasonably expect to not be censored; the Stormer didn't even have a reasonable expectation of not being censored: they really did ask for it.

Anyway, I wouldn't have bothered replying as it seems clear all this is beyond you, but it's a slow day. Voat has no shortage of people like you who aren't bright enough to work things out and are full of hate - I hope that will change if the censorship ends and the echochamber eases up a little.

Edit: respect above.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

Seriously, you can write, so you should have some ability to reason as well...

I can reason just fine, one could assume you should have some ability to be intellectually honest, but clearly that isn't going to happen.

Just like users on voat the Daily Stormer was not completely silenced - they had darkweb options

you're conflating things, if cloudflare and google had left options for the daily stormer to continue being hosted that'd be one thing but otherwise your comparison makes no sense.

Also, the Daily Stormer had a "fair and equal chance" to speak their mind

no they absolutly did not, they were at a disadvantage from the start and we both know it

supposed to be a bastion of respect

according to who? even if that was true respect is earned and someone like you doesn't deserve any no matter where you are.

so might reasonably expect to not be censored

they'd be fulfilled in that expectation, no matter how much you insist in your nonsense no censorship has befallen you.

and nobody "owes them anything"

cloudflare owes them the service that they paid for in regard to the terms of service they didn't actually break

Voat has no shortage of people like you who aren't bright enough to work things out and are full of hate

ad hominem

if the censorship ends

there isn't any you're just retarded

and the echochamber eases up a little.

this doesn't even deserve a response. kill yourself

Since you're resorted to conflating largely dissimilar things and all manner of logical fallacy, I'm going to assume that you at least subconsciously know you don't have any real argument hear and you're full of shit. You might think I keep repeating this just to be "edgy" or something but it's perfectly well-reasoned and sincere advice that could solve all your problems; kill yourself.

smallpond ago

This conversation is ugly as hell. I think you still have absolutely no idea what you're talking about, and I probably just made things worse with my last comment (including the 'respect' typo that you swallowed without even noticing).

For the record, and so I can ignore you with a clear conscience, this manner of reasoning that you put forward is bullshit:

You had a fully fair and equal chance to speak your mind and people didn't like what you had to say or how you said it so you have negative CCP, all of that is your own fault and we don't owe you anything.

You can excuse any censorship with that type of logic, including recent censorship of the Daily Stormer. As I was saying earlier:

In an environment when censorship is active, you always have the opportunity to say just what those in power want you to say. When you don't, and they censor you, it might well be your own fault for willingly breaking the 'rules', but it is still censorship when the rules equate to censorship.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

you're the one who has no idea, what's happening to you isn't censorship plain and simple in the first place. Putting that aside it's something you could have easily avoided and something you could've easily fixed, and I don't mean by changing your views merely presenting them better. You seem really whiny and annoying to me so it's no big surprise you get downvoats. I don't support censorship but I have no problem with bullying whiny faggots like you deserve it.

smallpond ago

This whole thread is about making voat consistent with the principle of free speech - as far as I can tell you think speech is already completely free on voat - this must be a confusing time for you with us moving from your apparent "free speech" to an even more pure form of free speech. If the restrictions being removed to make speech more free aren't censorship, what are they? Apart from censorship, what stops speech from being free? Or is this whole thread just a big mistake that people would be embarrassed by if only they were as smart as you?

Putting that aside it's something you could have easily avoided and something you could've easily fixed, and I don't mean by changing your views merely presenting them better.

There are many people out there who sincerely think Hillary was a force for good and that Trump is concentrated evil, others that sincerely believe that society would be better if we completely eliminated binary gender roles. There is no way for them to fairly have their say here on voat without "changing their views", even if they were naive enough to try to carefully craft their message while pitiful creatures like yourself tell them to kill themselves.

Like so many other angry stupid people, you support censorship when it affects people you don't like, and condemn it only when those you like are on the receiving end.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

you support censorship

I'll keep saying it as many times as I need to, what you're experiencing isn't censorship. At worst it's bullying and I support that because you deserve it.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

while pitiful creatures like yourself tell them to kill themselves.

why am I the "pitiful creature" when they and yourself can't take simply reasonable advice like that, which would improve their situation?

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

that society would be better if we completely eliminated binary gender roles.

how would society improve by denying simple realities of biology? "gender" doesn't exist in the first place

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

There are many people out there who sincerely think Hillary was a force for good and that Trump is concentrated evil

wew, you're really drinking the cool-aid there lad. Name one good thing hillary did in her entire life? maybe when she was a lawyer and couldn't pass the bar exam? or when she put together a defense that was basically slut shaming a little girl who got raped? how about when she was first lady of Arkansas and used unpaid black prison labor to do her housework? or when she was first lady and fired a bunch of tenured staff to replace them with her friends? or said horrible things about the victims of her husband even though she knew they were telling the truth? or how about when she was senator for new york, and as she said at his funeral "learned a lot from her mentor" Democratic Senator Robert C. Byrd, a recruiter and grand cyclops of the KKK? how about when she was secretary of state and shut down a pedophilia investigation in the state department to avoid a scandal? Libya? Benghazi? The Russia Reset? The Uranium One deal? or are you going to tell me about the Clinton Foundation of which the overwhelming percentage of the money they receive doesn't go to charity, all their wonderful work in Haiti where they didn't help the people at all (in fact the haitian people and their government hate the clintons) and just gave a bunch of money to her corporate buddies? accepting money from several state sponsors of terror even when she knew at the time they were funding ISIS? Taking obscene amounts of money from big banks, corporations, and special interests?

ALL of that can be verified easily from wikileaks and news, mainstream news, reports. All without even touching any of the alleged death and conspiracy that seem to surround her. Explain to me how such a woman could ever be a force for good when she's never been anything but a force for herself making money by any means necessary?

smallpond ago

Are you at all capable of abstract thought? How do you manage to survive?

I'm not saying that I sincerely believe that! I'm saying that many people exist that have those sincere beliefs. If you give them their free speech on voat, you can have fun chatting with them. That wall of text is wasted on me - I certainly have no love for Hillary, nor do I believe that society would be better without binary gender roles.

You can say it's not censorship as much as you like, you can't answer my questions trying to probe the logic of your beliefs, I doubt your ability to understand the questions at all. Good luck - I find you deserving of pity because of all your anger, and your inability to reason - the world must be a scary place for you.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

you say those views are censored here, but you just voiced them. How retarded are you? do you have brain damage?

Tor1 ago

In your own words...

I am here firstly advocating for free speech, but also view voat as a dangerous safespace that creates hateful/violent racists out of weak-minded people. Donating towards that is a non-starter right now: if voat ever decided to adopt free-speech as a serious priority in future that could change.

Another cherrypicked/fake story of a woman being stupid so you losers can imagine you're better than something: Yep, voat is the Usain Bolt of internet retardation.

Sorry, repeating the lie you tell your morons doesn't make it true. CCP rules mean people with unpopular opinions have their speech severely restricted compared to your run-of-the mill voat racist/sexist. I don't think shit content like this would survive without voat's severe inbreeding by design.

Crensch ago

Archive that shit, man. He's the type that will delete his comments to preserve his current narrative.

Lag-wagon ago

Woah woah woah. Hold your horses. Don't go putting words in my type field.

Reddit_traitor ago


Lag-wagon ago

Great question! I downvoat.

Shiggz ago

Ask George Soros for help?

wesofx ago

Comments can be flagged as "likely spam" and users have a "hide spam" checkbox. Comments are flagged as "likely spam" if X users report it or if the commenter's account is flagged as "likely spammer". The "likely spammer" flag could be sub-based so that being a "likely spammer" in one sub doesn't make you a "likely spammer" in other subs. The user flag could be removed after X amount of time or after getting X ammount of PP in the sub or never.

Reddit_traitor ago

/v/noobftw needs some action.

10249875? ago

I'm not trying to convince Putt of anything, and I think you're missing the point entirely.

For one: if whatever system is devised is shown to be worse than what we have now, we will revert back.


Limiting comments requires you to make a new account. Which people do

The suggestion is not to remove this but replace it with something that only affects actual spammers. Why not try if we can come up with something better?


Downvotes collapse comments but do not delete them so they can still be seen.

No one is talking about removing this functionality. The only proposition at present is to dissociate downvotes (specifically where negative CCP is concerned) and the ten comments a day restrictions. The restrictions are not supposed to go away, only the cause is supposed to be more deliberate and controlled.

Call me a troll all you like, but these are identified issues and I am only trying to think my way through proposing potential solutions. As far as I am concerned, the possibility of innocent people who have done nothing more than post unpopular opinions being limited in how much they can use Voat is worth trying to change the system for. I am not alone in thinking this.

brandon816 ago

I have a grievance with post restrictions for new accounts.

One on hand, legitimate new users feel unfairly throttled. Many people coming in from other places ( not just Reddit ) complain about this.

On the other, someone can still create a bunch of new accounts and spam or troll away, as long as they have the patience to keep creating new accounts. Case in point:, check out all of the day-old accounts shitposting there.

I propose that you:

  • loosen / remove the general post restrictions for new accounts
  • add new post restrictions per subverse for new accounts
  • make new post restrictions per subverse for new accounts configurable in the subverse settings ( e.g. restrict users younger than _ amount of time from posting or commenting more than _ times per _ ) ( yes, this means a subverse owner can prevent newer users from posting at all in their subverse by using a "0" for that second number )
  • use a sensible default for all subverses that don't have this set, to compensate for the loosening / removal of the previous general restrictions

This is intended to allow subverse owners to temporarily or permanently lock down their subverse in response to spam / trolling from new accounts, as well as giving legitimately new users more freedom throughout the rest of Voat while they remain "new". It still won't be able to help system owned subverses, or ones with an owner that went missing, but it can help more active subverses to withstand abusive users.

TelescopiumHerscheli ago

Pretty sure it's too late.

10249803? ago

No, but the users should be permitted (and given the means) to protect themselves.

They still have that with downvotes and spam reports! If your argument is that users should have the ability to use downvotes to reduce certain users to 10 comments a day based on what the disliked shills are saying, that is absurd from the get-go.

Until you give names of actual users I am accusing you of lying about this.

Then call me a liar, because I cannot recall the names of others. Putt has confirmed that there is a small minority of users with restricted accounts who are not guilty of spam, however, and I don't see how it matters whether or not they are shills where Freedom of Speech is concerned.

wrok-wrok ago

Accounts with negative should scale appropriately (TBD)

ex. An account with -100 or less can only post 5 times a day. => The idea is that they should be contributing, eventually they will be able to recover if they are not spamming.

An account with -500 or less can only post 1 time a week,

An account with -1000 or less can only post 1 time a month.

The numbers are variables, but the idea is restricting the account the more and more they go into "karma debt" so-to-speak. The user should always have the ability to "recover", which is why they should still be able to post, but on a stricter and stricter basis

10249762? ago

What about creating multiple accounts and then using those accounts to have conversations with each other to steer a narrative?

It is not Voat's desire or role to protect the users from disinformation tactics.

What about then using the votes from those accounts to start collapsing comments.

There are going to be systems in place to prevent people from upvoting their own alts -- it will be detected as vote manipulation and they will be banned. If legitimate users upvote their disinformation, again that is "legitimate" and they have "earned" their downvoting ability. If they use it to target specific users Putt will also detect that and ban them.

Again, can someone show us real users that have been affected?

I have met close to ten, most seemed innocent. Unfortunately the only one whose name I remember is p0ssum, whom you have brushed aside based on being ShareBlue. But even with his case, if it's just unpopular / forced response-type comments he's posting, and not spam, why should he be restricted? Us downvoting his bullshit out of sight (or just bloking him) should be sufficient. The point is that it is totally conceivable that new users could fall victim to unpopularity downvotes. Crensch has argued that such users should assimilate, and while that argument can be compelling, it is fundamentally in contradiction to Voat's principles. This is not 8chan -- anyone can say anything here, as long as they say it responsibly (no spam or manipulation!) The current system does not allow for unpopular opinions right off the bat without restriction, and that is simply wrong and we should try to avoid that system if we can. If we can't, oh well, we would have tried.

mudcatca ago

I didn't say a thing about their mod point system. I think random juries best.

chmod ago

Justin, no, don't do it.

We're here for free speech. If you limit it, even for spam, you're going down the wrong road. Free speech isn't for popular speech, it's to protect unpopular speech!

Now, if you want to limit spam then do so. Just give the mods a spam button, then watch us become Reddit.

We're pretty good at policing this site ourselves.

PuttItOut ago

How is removing restrictions limiting free speech, shouldn't the inverse hold truer?

chmod ago

You wrote this:

The main areas of concern:

Commenting restrictions on negative CCP accounts that aren't spamming their comments.

If I'm reading this wrong then I apologize. I actually think I am wrong.

You need help. I've volunteered, as have many others. Don't let this place die. We need ya buddy.

PuttItOut ago

We are in the beginning stages of building something great here. I just want to make sure we question ourselves and don't fall victim to a bias we don't see. I am constantly on guard to make sure we don't become that which we despise.

I want freedom of expression here at Voat and I think we can do better. How much better is yet to be seen.

I will state again that if we can't improve our system we will return to this one.

heygeorge ago

Myg is part of the 75% of restricted accounts Putts recognizes as hostiles.

10249612? ago

Yes, those affected are a small minority, but if something can be done to give justice to that minority without jeopardizing everything else, we ought to at least try. Freedom of speech means people can be mean -- doing so won't gain them any love, attention, or respect, but as long as it isn't spam they should be free to end every comment with "I hate you, you literal faggot".

heygeorge ago

There are janitors who can remove posts (with a given reason) in every system-owned sub. The problem with manipulation is that it's hard to prove without admin-vision.

Personally, I find utility in letting the upvotes run their course so that all the accounts involved can be flagged and eliminated if worthy.

10249561? ago

Literary faggot lives!

Zanbato ago

I did that, and I was here for months with barely a few upvotes. Then I started trolling a bit and making white supremicist comments and my rating shot up pretty high, got over 00 pretty quick once I realized the dance you have to do here. I am not a white supremict, I just dislike certain parts of Reddit and want to come here to avoid BS once in a while.

Tallest_Skil ago

You’re right, of course. The question of balancing ‘right to lie’ and ‘right to do harm via lie’ is always a tricky one… I’m starting to appreciate more how Voat’s owners are apparently actually committed to freedom of expression. They’ll sort this out.

10249491? ago

The topic of this thread is that people with negative CCP are only allowed to post ten comments a day. This is an unjust restriction for people whose only crime was posting nothing but unpopular opinions -- in the spirit of Voat unpopular opinions should be allowed. Auto-collapsing will still be present, so will comment sorting based on score. Spam can still be buried -- the spammers just won't be automatically restricted in their daily comments through downvotes if a change is made. The restrictions will come into effect some other way, such as in response to a spam report being flagged as actual spam.

PuttItOut ago

You absolutely know the answer to this kevdude.

Just because we don't have an army of programmers making it happen overnight doesn't mean that we are not committed to the direction we have stated.

PuttItOut ago

The great thing about how we designed Voat's rule system is we can turn off and on rules easily. They are not hardcoded into the code base.

So, let's say we make a huge mistake with a new rule... we can turn off that rule and turn back on the old ones.

glennvtx ago

How about a community tagging system. Everything, users, comments, subs, can be tagged. I.E. "CTR", "antivax" but also "enlightening" "patriotic" "idiotic". etc, etc. Perhaps limiting the number of tags one can use in a period, like the spam button mentioned earlier, but more universal in nature.

MartinTimothy ago

PuttItOut says "I have made a decision to .. remove restrictions."

Noble sentiments indeed, however someone has set my subverse to private against my will whence it remains hidden, where after I change it back and save the changes it reverts back to private again .. so how about fixing things up so ppl can read it.

PuttItOut ago

Fixed. We have a bug in this code but we are not making updates to it. I apologize.

P.S. Let cache expire then your sub will show the right setting.

MartinTimothy ago

Ok thanks for the reply ..

PuttItOut ago

I'm banning you!

(this is a joke everyone, calm down)

pessimisticsteel ago

This is surely the turning point. How authoritarian will it be in the end?

The best part of the restriction was that they were set in hard code. The law was king and it was set. Now we are going back to an oligarchy; the likes of which I fear will be the end of voat. However well intended.

10249587? ago

If anything is changed that breaks Voat it can be EASILY reversed. Easily.

PuttItOut ago

If I hadn't heard that a policy change would be the end of Voat hundreds of times now I might be inclined to believe you.

If you don't trust Voat's direction yet there is no amount of persuading we can do to change your opinion. We will just have to prove it. Again. And again.

pessimisticsteel ago


I just ask that the law be clear and simple. Not shaded with ambiguity and unnecessary complication; or need for interpretation by appointed leaders(mods).

PuttItOut ago

Well then we have the same mission. I do not intend to complicate anything, the reverse is true.

bananapie62 ago

Can we also have the default comment sorting to 'new'? if we have it on top the only comments people will see is the 'popular' opinion echo chamber like Reddit and the unpopular opinion at the very bottom because of it being down voted below everything.

PuttItOut ago

Go into your profile and change it. That is how I have mine set and why I responded to you so quickly.

bananapie62 ago

I understand that, but I know many people just don't care about doing it, and that partially causes echo chambers in debate threads, especially when only one side of the argument is upvoted and everything else is downvoted. Maybe subs or threads can choose to be labeled as 'debate' or 'discussion' by the creator to have a thread sort by new for X amount of time and then switch to the user's default setting. This could also help put a stop to alt farms.

However this is a topic for after the spam is fixed, I have seen some good ideas and it seems like the best solution could be a combination of some ideas, but im sure you will make the best decision!

Thanks for all your hard work.

PuttItOut ago

Ok, I misunderstood you. The truth is we don't think the comment layout and presentation is good either, but until we have the time to address it, it's the best we have.

10249404? ago

It does not accurately reflect the extent to which people disagree when all you see is a top comment that was upvoted 300 times. If downvotes were enabled that same comment might have been downvoted 400 times -- it's only a top comment because the people who disagree could not find a contrary comment to upvote more. It is fundamentally unbalanced.

Tallest_Skil ago

Does it matter as long as we know that it IS one?

common_sense ago

Any word on self-destructing comments? Comments that don't show up on my profile after a time period so somebody can't go in my post history and doxx me if they tried hard enough.

Awhile ago you said you were thinking about it, but I have not gotten a response yet.

aileron_ron ago

If possible block the IP address of offenders after being warn against spamming say 3 times. Banning user names is useless by the way.

Bacchus_GodOfWine ago

There is no reason putt would do this to benefit you guys unless he plans on making you and your SRS crew part of this team people are suggesting.

There isn't anything you can find on me that's shilling except for the discord server. And that was only because of the restriction in chat caused by your group. Putt mentioned it in here.

10249232? ago

So we report and wait? Ask the subscribers of v/chicago and v/canada how that has worked out for them.

Putt is going to introduce code to give subscribers more power in their own communities, de-throning power mods etc.

Putting the power in the hands of a select few. Why not just go back to reddit then? Seriously? There is more content there.

kevdude, this is not power, it is a transparent marking of content as true or false so others can act on it accordingly. All of this is done transparently, something reddit lacks entirely. Hierarchies of competence as essential for advanced systems to function efficiently; what is important is that everyone involved remain accountable, and the modlogs ensure that.

It will create a situation where subs can be overrun. The community will lose its powers to police itself.

I do not see how this is the case. If people are spamming they will be restricted and then banned as usual, and downvotes will still hide content after a certain threshold.

I don't think that where we are really merits any change. Show me actual users who were affected.

This is the main important argument; perhaps a change truly is unnecessary based on how small a percentage are affected by this, when compared to the additional amount of changes and work that would have to be put forth to compensate for this group. Putt has confirmed that the group, though small, does exist. He will have to decide whether the change is worth it once the decided upon system is presented.

Zanbato ago

This is a good move. When I first got here, I felt like I just had to post a bunch of white supremecist/comments to get 100 upvotes to actually be able to participate fully and by pass the 100 limit.

00100100-0001 ago

I wrote this long thing but to break it down simpler. A mod to mod mods with another mod to mod those mods.

PuttItOut ago

More mods. Got it. ;)

Tallest_Skil ago

  1. If the entire community is an alt farm, there's no point in having the alt farm.
  2. If the abuses of power are publicized, the ability to vote to remove power users is granted additional legitimacy.

captainstrange ago

bloodguard posted this and I think it is worth reposting so it is near the top of the pile:

Until I have the ability to click on a Mod's nick and unmod* them from my perspective I really don't want to give them that power. *unmod them (for me) and see everything they've spiked, banned, censored and blocked. If other people want to keep them as -their- mod that's fine as long as I have the ability to "fire" them.

Liber ago

We can’t rely on one person to consistently manage all aspects of voat. Unless this changes I don’t see it improving drastically. I’m not insulting Putts efforts, he does the best he can but its not a job for one person.

cool_and_froody ago

Just compare what people are trying to post to their recent previous posts. Ez.

23749012340 ago

it will take over a year to repair the damage its cause

captainstrange ago

Dude, I could

  1. write a script to scrape social media for conversations,

  2. connect over vpn or other methods,

  3. create dozens of profiles with faked useragents for a headless browser, do this every day to age some of the accounts,

  4. let some of these accounts age, while I use others to auto-post and cross-post with the aforementioned scrapper

  5. use a dictionary to find+replace words in the scrapped conversations with synonyms

  6. even vary the writing style, with or without emojis, with or without caps, inserting ums and ahs, preference for commas or not, shorter or longer responses, etc.

  7. Manually log in to a handful of accounts each day to push more important, specific agendas on multiple fronts, like getting Puttitout to favor committees, or abusable spam buttons, or even user take over of subverses--or creating the impression that manual solutions where every report has to be reviewed is the answer (and then abusing the hell out of that system in order to slowly push a crisis where he reconsiders bringing on mods or community members who are really just the hypothetical shill accounts.)

I'm not saying I do any of this. I don't, but I'm a mediocre scripter and it is well within my reach. Imagine what the share blue cunts and other private disinfo bitches have available in terms of tools?

Edit: The ONLY thing that will work is being willing to adapt to the changes, on a semi-regular basis, like every 3-6 months to account for abuses of the system--and providing as MUCH transparency as possible.

Germ22 ago

All that can be done with scripts? Damn.

captainstrange ago

yep, Be suprised what you can do with perl, python, or any number of other languages and the libraries provided.

Kleyno ago

The system could be set so that in order to raise a no confidence vote, you would need to complete a complicated, multiple step captcha. And in order to vote, you also had to complete a captcha.

That should stop bots being able to auto raise and then vote on a no confidence vote in order to sway the result.

Won't do anything about someone determined enough to log into each alt individually and vote, but then again, what can be done against people willing to waste that much of their time?

captainstrange ago

Could just be solved with any off the shelf reinforcement algol or neural program interpreter system running on top of something like tensorflow. It would take a grad student hired off the internet maybe a weekends worth of wages. Captcha isn't the answer unfortunately.

xortuna ago

You'd want to wall off new users when a vote starts, i.e a user must of contributed to a sub before the vote started.

10248947? ago

When those liars make multiple accounts to manufacture consensus. When those liars post the same shit in multiple threads, even if it is off topic. See there are things that require moderation. Either you are going to put it in the hands of the few, or leave it in the hands of the many.

If it gets to such a point as to be overwhelming surely it can be identified as spam. The entire community (the many) maintains the ability to report anything as spam. We can either entrust a vetted group of people to flag these reports as spam or try to manage it with the entire community doing the flagging -- I think the former method would be more efficient and more reliable without significant issue since their actions would be logged. In any case, if threads are being derailed by off-topic ramblings the community can report as spam and if judged by whomever to be spam the accounts might be banned. More likely a moderator could delete the off-topic ramblings. There are many possible avenues that need not restrict the unpopular.

Show me one that does not require increasing moderator powers substantially.

What about the system I proposed here increases moderator powers? All it does it give a few people the janitorial ability to flair a post as SPAM so that Putt can ban them. And these people's actions will be publicly logged for everyone to see and anyone can replace them if they do not do their job properly.

Macdaddy5000 ago

In Smokratez case it's child psychology.

Owlchemy ago

Yeah, I kinda know how ya feel, When they are mentioning giving v/reportspammers more power I felt the same. I don't report spammers for badges or glory, but just because I see the jerks as stealing from us all and it's part of my little way of giving something back to Voat. Cynabuns already does a great job filtering through the reports and sending them on to Putt for bans and such. I don't need or want the power to do that myself. But on the other hand, Putt can't do everything and does need to delegate more. So it's a conflicting thing I 'feel' on this whole thing. The Putt will figure it out ... and the gods of Voat will smile upon us.

10248844? ago

And yes, to preserve the site as a whole I can sleep with one or two dolphins getting caught in the tuna nets.

I understand that, but the entire point of this thread is instituting a change if a better system can be devised. What is wrong with restricting accounts solely based on actual spam instead of how unpopular they are? I've heard a number of people rambling about shills and their lies, but I frankly don't see how it is our perogative to censor liars. Let us downvote them to hide their lies from sight, but only ban them if they are actually spamming the website. Maybe we need to put out a more stringent definition of spam, but it seems to me that there are ways of only punishing the guilty -- or at the very least punishing fewer innocents.

TimberWolfAlpha ago

if a better system can be devised

I am skeptical of the described changes being for the better. It seems like opening the doors to a lot of trouble, noise and grief. I hope at the very least we can get personal visibility threshhold settings if the sandbags come down. If we're going to be dealing with more assholes, I'd atleast like the option of not having to smell their shit.

10251603? ago

As fair a desire as any. There is certainly a great deal to discuss before any changes are made.

tinyhousesbrah ago

Charge a nominal fee in bitcoin per user e.g. 50c, $1. That goes towards the servers.

Everybody else must type capcha.

captainstrange ago

One thing is for sure. Whatever system is implemented make it as transparent as possible. Give us access to the logs of moderators to see who they banned, who they muted, how often, and on what SPECIFIC posts, if any. Put a deadline for bans/mutes on any given post. Require that when mod permissions are used, such as banning, the mod has to enter into a field the particular post banned for, and they cant ban on posts that don't have a certain number of 'spam/shill' votes, and require x amount of referenced posts in the given field in order to effect the ban.

In this way we can see who is doing what, why in general it has been done, and the specific origin of the action. What this does is prevents mods from banning/removing posts that the community doesn't want removed (only the community can be complainants, not the mods themselves), requires an overwhelming voat so a small minority of shills have to work harder, and more importantly, mods can't troll old posts in bad faith just to silence a user for something that was recently posted.

Transparency means even if we dont have the means or rules in place to limit bad behavior now, we can catch it early because otherwise anonymous moderators have nowhere to hide. Reasons for actions need to be concrete and referenceable, to make 'arbitrary' censorship difficult.

logos_ethos ago

Manufacturing consent is not free speech. The current rules, which were intended for spam only, actually address it quite well. It would be a shame to loose our manufacturing consent protection. This community is too small to weather a sufficiently large and/or lengthy attack.

10248742? ago

Fundamentally users ought to be able to express disdain or disagreement as easily as agreement; YouTube and Facebook voting systems have always been broken because you can only upvote. The downvotes are not the issue; the consequences potentially are.

10248716? ago

What does it matter if there is a single innocent involved who might be saved by a systemic change?

Disappointed ago

If your alternative involves user moderators deciding who is welcome or not on subs then that is the reddit model and destined for massive abuse eventually and failure. You only need to look at how many moderators you have had to remove on system subs and how many unmoderated subs there are, to see that good mods are hard to find. Look at the elections in any country to show you that any choice people are given in elections the choice is usually between stir-fried shit or boiled poop.

I think the more important gate is the one restricting people to three posts per hour in each sub and ten per day.

Anyway you have a model already for your ideas in ProtectVoat. We don't remove anything but repeat posts. NSFW and commercial spam. Bear in mind if you look back through the /new section more than 80 percent of "spam" posts by legitimate users have been removed by virtue of them deleting their accounts.

LostandFound ago

Allow mods to rate limit in their respective subs, max of 7 days can make x posts and y comments per day, public list. Get rate limited by x number of subs in y number of days and go on trial in public sub for global rate limit for z days. Simple upvoat downvoat duke it out in the comments publically, have your say at least. Disregard scp for rates be as unpopular as you like. Naughty step if your a time waster.

Complete spammers flagged via spam button, bots, direct linkers etc either rate limit to 1 comment / post per day if they are real and want to say fuck you, let them.

derram ago

Might want to actually define what counts as spamming.

PuttItOut ago

Maybe we should define what doesn't count as spamming, because repetitive posting is universally considered spam and covers every example behavior I listed.

Tor1 ago

Once a user has -5 ccp or less, can his future comments be immediately collapsed by default?

PuttItOut ago

This is interesting to think about. A user setting controlling what they want collapsed based on various criteria. Lots of work but worth exploring.

heygeorge ago

If you were admin, what would you do?

Owlchemy ago

And the Owl has determined after reading through all of this that the answer is there is no answer. My thoughts on this are simple. I've never liked the whole up vote, down vote system, but it is what it is. Though my personal opinion falls in the mainstream of thought here on Voat, I've always wished we could see more opposing views. So yes, there is a problem ... but how to fix that is a mystery. I'll leave it up to you, Putt ... and after you've read through all this, and come to a decision which way you wanna go, I promise I'll give it a chance, as will most good goats. I wish you luck though, for this certainly seems like a conundrum, damned if ya do, damned if ya don't situation. No matter whatcha do ... you'll take heat ... so go with your instincts, they've always got us through all this in the past.

10250856? ago

I always enjoy reading your comments, Owlchemy. You're such a swell fella c:

Owlchemy ago

I just try to be a good camper - LOL. We have enough of the others.

10250880? ago

True enough.

uvulectomy ago

I'm late to the party so this will probably get buried, but what about a randomized screening system? New accounts are flagged for several random users to look at and see if they're spamming or not. If they are, the account goes. If not, they stay, and get checked again at certain points (maybe every week or so for the first month, then they're in the clear) by a completely different random group.

That way they can still post whatever they want, but the training wheels only come off after they've shown they won't abuse that ability. And with each check being done by a different group of randoms, you can avoid a directed effort to silence someone.

And if any of the users are reporting spam when it's really just something they don't like hearing, they get a temporary site suspension, and are also eliminated from the "jury pool".

TimberWolfAlpha ago

I find the presence of upvotes without the presence of downvotes to be an overly saccharine, forced, stepford sort of positivity. It feels fake and plastic. If this place becomes pleasantville, the shills can fucking have it, I'm out.

uvulectomy ago

Back in my Slashdot days, I went for YEARS without ever getting any mod points. Then suddenly I got them every time I turned around. Never did anything different, but suddenly it was "You have moderator points", even when I couldn't have cared less.

Crensch ago

The rules Voat uses were put in place in to combat this behavior. They are old rules, mostly remaining unchanged from the initial versions of this site. Most, if not all, of the rules were in direct response to spam attacks. It was never Voat’s intention to limit non-spam accounts, but this is what has happened as an indirect result of these rules.

I'd like to know who these non-spam accounts are.

10251428? ago

Same here.

Please link some of those "good" accounts hit unfairly.

FedupOtaku ago

For number 1 that is a legit issue. It's creating an echo chamber.

Similar with the downvoting mechanic... you needed like 100 ccp or something?

Either way it meant I tended to avoid the racist topics and just let them circle jerk, and only posted the things I had in common with the Voat zeitgeist.

Still doing better than reddit, but far from free speech.

TimberWolfAlpha ago

If downvotes no longer restrict an account's ability, I want User-Configurable Silence Threshholds. I want to be able to say "Don't show me posts from a user with negative CCP" or "Don't show me posts from a user with less than 1000 SCP"

That way, downvotes still have meaning, assholes can still release their shit, but I don't have to smell it.

TrumpTheGodEmperor ago

I agree as long as this is off by default as it allows only popular opinions to be seen.

TimberWolfAlpha ago

The default should be set to whatever we would see if the feature didn't exist. Ideally then you would be able to set your own thresholds.

Owlchemy ago

This is a good idea. Owl endorsed. @Slayfire, @gabara ... you win the coveted 'give a hoot' award! It doesn't address the overall issue at hand, but what a great way to limit YouTube clicks!

10248382? ago

Probably. I can refute him just like the rest.

Owlchemy ago

Would it be of any help to give v/protectvoat some real powers in this area? Give you guys who are all old school original Goats the ability to actually take a report you've been sent, determine that the user reported is legitimately a troll or shill deserving an axe, and put them in a penalty box or something. They could still make alts and go on and go, but sooner or later, the luster would wear off for them on that. Especially if new users alts are forced in the Captcha stuff with every new account. They'd burn the alts they've hoarded quickly and be stuck with nothing but accounts in a time out more or less, or new restricted ones.

I trust you guys to handle something along these lines, some won't, but that's another story ... in the meantime, v/reportspammers can handle the legit spam. Same as usual.

10248270? ago

The only way they could be corrupt is if they flag something as spam that is not spam, and if they do this all of us will know and we will have grounds for replacing them.

10250809? ago

You are comparing a group of people who voluntarily classify spam reports in full transparency to the seven most powerful families on Earth? Seriously? That is the argument you people are making now?

UlyssesEMcGill ago

I was suggesting a subverse name.

I don't know about families, but it was intended to be a nod to Imaginationland's Council of 7 (Aslan, Jesus, Gandalf, Superman, Popeye, Santa, and Captain Planet (or 7 different characters, I don't remember)).

I think it's a good idea, but is it a site wide priviliege? 1000 users? 50? 7?

10250904? ago

It's just one approach of many. We could try to send reports out randomly to users to confirm, but there are many issues with that. We could host polls to be voted on for every report, but that's too slow. Having a team of vetted users who are focused on flairing spam as spam and not-spam as not-spam, whose actions are logged publicly, seems the best solution to me if we are to use reports to impose restrictions instead of downvotes. That said, the more the merrier I guess, as long as everyone does their job properly. Those who don't get the boot.

pushthis ago

Average upvoat and average downvoat per thread

Knowing an account is getting upvoats from bots or shitty accts would be nice

captainstrange ago

What if shills just use bots to upvote (over and over) a user they want to silence?

pushthis ago

Those bots would vote up prob at a suspicious rate. And if the bot accounts were delved into theyd be id'ed as bots probably easy

pushthis ago

this is what im trying to address.

If we can lookinto some analytics on voats thad be ticket

captainstrange ago

Maybe upvoats/downvoats do nothing? And we just have regular mods of subverses. And we can subscribe/unsubscribe to a given mod at the click of a button. Removes all powers from mods at an individual basis, while still allowing them to manage their verses--and without giving any power to alts and shills.

pushthis ago

4chan(an example of novote time indexed bbs) and here develop different users.

Another idea i have, a good one, is to be able to see what another user has subscribed to as a function of subscribing to them.

Example.. You subscribe to me and get shill-blocked(i blocked craptons of shills me and muh leet friends got a secret running list) subvoats im on.

Pizzagate would never be the same

Typo ago

MH101 and Amalek are gone right now. Submission spam is much more problematic than comment spam. Keep the restrictions in place but make it for submissions and not comments. That will slow the spammers down. See how it works out and then find a new solution if that doesn't work.

Maybe this isn't the best way to do it because it will cause problems for people with unpopular opinions but I feel like at this point, comments aren't a problem when it comes to spam. Any system in place restricting how many comments someone can post is unnecessary at this point in time.

Crensch ago

I posit that comments aren't a problem because of this limitation. Only spam gets a free ride until the small group of spamlords finally gets to them.

ratsmack ago

Implement a "report spam" button and a "not spam" button and an indicator showing the smamyness level. Once you reach a specific threshold, the comment or submission is nuked from orbit.

Unfortunately, this is a vector for brigading.

Crensch ago

I started trying to use it - stopped as soon as I saw that. Not wasting a minute of my time for each spamfaggot post out there. I can report faster than that - if you want my reports, don't limit me on them.

Crensch ago

We need to allow unpopular opinions while preventing comment spam.

If it was just unpopular opinions, I'd agree with you.

We have paid opinions to worry about. We know Shareblue has been here, and it'd be naive to think they've left.

Is there something separate in store for that issue? If so, I suggest that both changes be made on the same day.

VoutGuy ago

The real problem is alts.

Require 3 captchas to register. Require unique email, maybe? Anything to minimize automation of account registration.

New accts: 2-5 posts a day, for a month.

As to voting. I dunno. Allow a certain number of votes early on. I'm more concerned with 3-4 alts plastering all/new with the same spamporn site than who gets points.

Crensch ago

Require 3 captchas to register. Require unique email, maybe? Anything to minimize automation of account registration.

Easily gotten around, and even botted.

New accts: 2-5 posts a day, for a month.

Make 50 accounts today, 50 accounts tomorrow, 50 accounts the next day, and in a month, you have 150 unrestricted accounts.

VoutGuy ago

Captchas can be automated/circumvated?

Crensch ago

Edit: *

I'm pretty sure I came across a wave of news articles about this, actually quite long ago. So I have to say, yes.

Actually, if I'm not mistaken, Captcha-brand captchas were found to have a bug that allowed circumventing them. I don't* recall hearing that it was fixed.

Regardless, how long would it take you to make 50 accounts with 3 captchas each?

captainstrange ago

Captchas dont really test what you think they do. See Bots 'move the cursor' and navigate the page differently from what an actual human does. The captcha checks to see if navigation is straight-line perfect to the submit button, like it has been automated. Meanwhile humans never draw a straight line with their mouse. Captcha bots creators figured this out ages ago and use it to buy up all the concert tickets for example. Pretty standard stuff actually. When you do captcha the system is just measuring how 'human' your mouse movements are. The task you do to complete the catpcha is largely meaningless, and in fact the designers of captcha take your hand-labelled image data and sell it to machine learning companies, getting you to do the work for them. Funny that.

PuttItOut ago

No, it just introduces a different set of issues. Yes or no are two fundamental choices for every option, you remove one you violate a basic law of nature.

ExpertShitposter ago

I don't understand your question. What/who is a "Hotep" ?

Don't concern your self with a downvote, most people have some angry downvote fairy that -1's anything they post or say.

VIP740 ago

Here's an option that could mitigate forms of spam to an extent: Rather than just testing for duplicates when submissions are given, simply put a filter on the user end that shows the first link posted, and ignores duplicate posts so the user doesn't see them. This would make alt accounts useless for flooding v/all.

For users who are penalized or restricted for any reason, allow them to respond to posts on their own thread or responses to their posts; and allow them to post in their own sub-verse.

Give each user a value contribution rating that levels out over time. When users get upvotes their value rises, and it falls when they're down-voted. This rating will be factored into the comment sorting along with the up-votes/down-votes on the post itself. So the posts of someone who's been consistently bad for a day start with a penalty, and someone who's received more upvotes essentially gets extra points factored into their posts.

captainstrange ago

It's trivial to write a script that will take anything you write and replace a subset of randomly selected word with randomly selected synonyms and equivalent phrases.

Crensch ago

Here's an option that could mitigate forms of spam to an extent: Rather than just testing for duplicates when submissions are given, simply put a filter on the user end that shows the first link posted, and ignores duplicate posts so the user doesn't see them. This would make alt accounts useless for flooding v/all.

It's been explained to me that the spam isn't just for users to click on, but helps their SEO ranking when VOAT links to them. Webcrawlers see this even if users don't. Or even if the submission is removed.

ExpertShitposter ago

Stifles growth of the site.

I dont agree. Consider the fact that you have been here for over 2 years. What if 2 years ago, you had to take an extra step with a throwaway email, that you probably alread have anywy? What difference does it make.

If you re a real user, and you plan on actually contributing to the site with posts and comments, will these few extra clicks make you chose not to? I doubt it.

Spammers on the other hand...when they want to make 100 alts need about 15 minutes to do so. Well now they first need to register 100 fake emails, copy paste those into the field, and then go verify them in the email, all while changing their IP 100 times. It messes with their shit from 15 minutes, to 4 hours. And since those alts dont last more than one post due to reports.....they might just give up on the mass approach.

a banhammer for alts

I meant bannhamered by putt against Chinese spammer alts, as well as myg alts, because as soon as those restrictions get lifted, you know he will start again.

Also the sleeper accounts. Those 1 year old faggots with no posts or comments or given upvoats. Then when that blonde jew threatens them on reddit, they show up in v/thedonald by the thousands and demand the sub to be handed over.

You_are_a_bitch ago

ive been asking for that forever lol

You_are_a_bitch ago

i attacked the censorship. I haven't done anything to disrupt Voat's operations. I simply use words in a way that has gotten your entire shill group focused on me. I welcome putt to log into my accounts and see for himself.

He is helping people who have been brigaded. I can see why that bothers you

You_are_a_bitch ago

yeah im not farming alts. As far as im concerned you made those and add them to your conspiracy that everyone you dont like is SaneGoat or someone.

You_are_a_bitch ago

How do you define the behavior of creating multiple alts?

There would be no need without restrictions.

This thread is full of hours/minutes old accounts arguing with each other.

That almost seems intentional. Originally that post started out with people shitting on it and the ones supporting it getting downvoated. You specifically said you wouldnt allow it in PG because of your shitty ruleset that stifles discussion. Now all of a sudden new accounts pop up shilling and you respond to every one of them. Not suspicious at all.

What you are talking about right now is limiting the ability of the userbase to moderate content.

Thats what voting is for. There doesnt need to be censorship.

Without those restrictions trolls will overrun subs.

I have a feeling the only trolls overrunning subs will be from your subs and /v/SoapBoxBanHammer and the rest of the mods from there and the subs they own.

That will force mods to start banning abusive users because the users will no longer have the power to deter the behavior as a group.

We will watch mods closely.

That power in the hands of a few mods (as opposed to being spread out over the "herd" as it were) will lead this site to become reddit 2.0.

Removing the censorship is a step away from reddit. I'm curious to see how you shills handle these changes. Putt made it clear he is investigating. My conscience is clean, is yours?

ExpertShitposter ago

This is why i want a banhammer for alts as well as a harder process for registering accounts.

KikeFree ago

Reasons for your upvote/downvote need to be added. Then people can set their own threshold for "spam" and be able to legitimately downvote non-spam for other reasons, eg. "asshole".

You_are_a_bitch ago

still at what? BTFO your beta ass again?

10247747? ago

Arguably correct, but it was through restated and reworded opinions over time that got to where he is, and that potential is not something Voat needs. This system can be optimized without possibly restricting the voices of those who have not spammed at all. If a brand new user from reddit shows up and starts rambling about how they really think communism is the way to go, chances are they'll start they're time on Voat with negative CCP. That should not condemn them to only 10 comments a day right from the get-to.

ExpertShitposter ago

As the machine god replaces more and more of your body parts with machinery, you will need less and less blood. We make a deal with the blood god, he gives us the PUREST and FINEST WHITE motor oil! We will need that more than blood in time.

Vhaine ago

Putting any person or people in charge of deciding what is or isn't spam seems like a really bad idea. Just hide comments with enough negs. Id rather decide for myself if I care enough to look.

Crensch ago

Imagine a username that goes around and lies on purpose. Every comment. Constantly. In order to make himself seen and heard.

No downvotes can stop him.

Now there's 10 of them.

Or 20. Paid for.

Only some small amount of mods or admins or council members to deal with them. Only nobody can, because they're not spamming.

Every political post, and comment in that post, is now responded to by 20 of these "users".

No hail of downvotes can stop them. 20 clicks of downvotes by five real users to even hide them - if they don't get upvoted a bit by each other.

Tallest_Skil ago

Just make the spam confirm/deny log public. That way abuses of power are always visible if the community knows a user not to be spamming.

Tallest_Skil ago

Given that your example lists specific, apparently notorious, user accounts, I assume that this discussion is not in reference to the massive amounts of BOT spam with which we're inundated, right? So is the concern "shilling" (universally or simply mass-posting content from a single source or single ideological source) or simply "trolling" behavior?

ExpertShitposter ago

Give him our blood?

CarpetDime ago

Ycombinator (basically a reddit clone for nerds) has a feature where downvoted comments are less visible, or are collapsed. you can still read them if you want but they don't clutter up the real conversation. I think that may work well.

PuttItOut ago

You know... I don't know. I haven't thought about it since digg died and reddit took over.

cynicaloldfart ago

For anyone interested, here's an imperfect, quick guide to how easy it can be to choose whether you use YT or HT.

blame ago

This isn’t Free Speech as I see it or as I want it.


10247679? ago

Desiring freedom of speech as best as he can tell is "RIP VOAT"? Alright then...

We're all human and we are limited by the extents of our senses and perceptions. The fact that Putt is making an announcement about this asking for feedback is proof that he's not just going to enforce his personal perceptions of ideas. But go on thinking this is somehow the death of Voat.

piratse ago

I've said this idea time and and time again. NO restrictions. Let the mods do their job. And have a report feature where a small committee that the USERS choose investigate the account and vote to remove or limit. There should also be the same thing happening to mods that get reported. The committee can change every 6 months, and a person can only join the committee every 2 years or something. This can stamp out user abuse and mod abuse. They can still say what they want (outside illegal content bans) but you take away their ability to abuse the system. The people requesting committee spots must also meet certain criteria. Or you can just choose them putt. Edit: forgot to add, just remove up and DV. It works for 4 chan. I know posts disappear and that helps, but votes are just retarded. People can agree or disagree while reading comments, having a voting system just ruins subs and sites.

Owlchemy ago

More subs than you can count have no mods, the mods have abandoned Voat ages ago, or just don't care. See v/SubverseAdoptNotices for just the tip of the iceberg on unmodded subs.

10247604? ago

More likely people who have been dedicated to fighting spam for years, like the /v/ReportSpammers folks. Their actions will be public. They will have no power you will not be able to see or criticize. If someone flags something as spam that is not spam you will be able to see it and call them out on it.

What exactly are you complaining about, in that case?

toobaditworks ago

Like me! Woot woot!

Except people do call you out on it even when it's completely obvious they are spamming the same domain... over and over and over.. like 20 post all the same domain but those people then attack me and claim I'm manipulating votes. Then they make post saying I'm banning websites from voat (this actually happened by the way). So then I have to go into my history and show I'm just reporting users who are spamming certain domains.

Meh. Whatever.

I want to continue to help. But being public is not such a great idea. Maybe being public to the admins and the moderators of reportspammers... but it sucks being put on a list by evil spammers who are breaking the rules and then try to get revenge on you.

Same shit happened on Reddit. I got banned by someone who I reported. I report a person breaking the rules and I get banned.... makes perfect sense...

10251636? ago

Except people do call you out etc

I respect what you and others go through to keep Voat clear of spam. If these changes are passed I suspect a more specific log citing your decision to flair certain content and what posts you are citing when making the flair will be made, in which case it should be more outwardly obvious to potential critics that your decision was justified.

But being public is not such a great idea. Maybe being public to the admins and the moderators of reportspammers... but it sucks being put on a list by evil spammers who are breaking the rules and then try to get revenge on you.

Unfortunately for you or anyone doing this it remaining fully public will be a necessity. I would not support that direction otherwise. It is important that anyone and everyone have the ability to see what decisions were made and why. Fortunately there should be infrastructure in place to better equip you to defend yourself. As for retaliation, depending on the nature it might be bannable.

Same shit happened on Reddit. I got banned by someone who I reported. I report a person breaking the rules and I get banned.... makes perfect sense...

There is less of that on Voat. Soon we will even have ways of dethroning power mods -- and mods who ban based on grudges will not be free from such criticism, again because we keep things public here.

toobaditworks ago

Thanks for the comments. I appreciate the time you took to even consider my points of view.

I'll continue doing my temp work (because I know others do more than I) reporting spammers and doing whatever I can. If it hurts some spammers feelings well I won't take a grudge. If I have to be public then so be it. No worries here.

ExpertShitposter ago

It was more the work of alkehol + machine god music.

You_are_a_bitch ago

i disagree

ExpertShitposter ago

@system gets the gas.

PuttItOut ago

Like Digg?

You_are_a_bitch ago

Id like one account immune to your brigades please, thanks for the post Putt

You_are_a_bitch ago

hurr durr i was only pretending to be retarded

bloodguard ago

Until I have the ability to click on a Mod's nick and unmod* them from my perspective I really don't want to give them that power.

*unmod them (for me) and see everything they've spiked, banned, censored and blocked. If other people want to keep them as -their- mod that's fine as long as I have the ability to "fire" them.

surprisecockfag ago

I really like this idea!

Liber ago

Not too bad an idea, especially if you can select multiple mods. The problem is all of the censoring and filtering is then the efforts of one person rather than a group.

captainstrange ago

Holy shit thats a fucking BEAUTIFUL idea.

Aged ago

Tell me my username if you know so much about me then. C'mon.

GuyRomaine ago

Used to play WoW with an Amalek. Was a little Paki kid. That guy was an annoying shit also.

PuttItOut ago

How come I find this hard to believe?

GuyRomaine ago

I'll bite. What was hard to believe?

PuttItOut ago

This part:

That guy was an annoying shit also

Just joking, this part actually:

Was a little Paki kid

GuyRomaine ago

Ahh. Thought maybe it was the Warcraft part. Almost had to charge my Pyroblast. ;)

Aged ago

I don't need to see anything. That's just a drawing, just like nigger is just a word. I just want freedom.

gringo ago

People who have negative CCP can apply for an "official Troll" status, that allows them to carry on normally as long as they are not spamming. They loose the "official Troll" status if they are caught spamming and get reported and sentenced. As @KingoftheMolePeople said, abuse of the report spam button to silence trolls should be taken very very seriously.

Edit: Ceremony to hand out "official Troll" title:

Lobotomy ago

Comment Meanie is broken. I'm tired of having been here for as long as I have, and being unable to downvote things.

PuttItOut ago

I've always wondered... is up voting that hard or is there nothing to up vote? I personally don't get why this particular rule is so overbearing.

Some others have mentioned this same thing, so let me know your thoughts.

Lobotomy ago

Finding quality posts is not as easy as finding shit ones, basically, and I don't think 1:1 U/D parity is really going to work here. I would at least set a timer on it, so that it gives you some number of downvoats per day.

PuttItOut ago

You don't seem to be voting on content much. I can see the comment meanie is in play for your account though.

Lobotomy ago

Is that as it should be?

carlip ago

No its a bot that prevents you from down voting submissions, only submissions not comments, if you have more down votes than upvotes.

I get that its to encourage uovoting and community involvement, but its easily gamed and prevents users from trying to stop spam.

10247281? ago

The only itsy bitsy tiny change I would make is that when you post a comment, it defaults to one up vote instead of no upvotes.

The problem with that is then users would get 1 CCP for every comment, eliminating the utility of 100 CCP downvoting restrictions etc. All a spammer or shill has to do is post 100 non-spam comments and suddenly they can downvote. Submissions have a default upvote because SCP doesn't matter.

Slayfire122 ago

Not on fucking mobile. Why don't you just replace youtube with hooktube? Give us the option instead of forcing us.

10247270? ago

As a long-time contributor to v/ReportSpammers (hell, my entire history of submissions on Voat is more than 75% for that subverse), I am annoyed that my (~2) years of dedication to "keeping this site free of spam" has left me unable to downvote any submission whatsoever (when posts are normal, I am more likely to avoid voting at all rather than mindlessly upvoting or using the downvote as a "disagree button", while when posts are spam, I just go through everything and hit that downvote button on as many posts as I can find from the spam issue: long story short, I still need to upvote over 900 more submissions before I am even allowed a single downvote on spam posts).

If we're removing the restrictions from both the spammers and the people who have been mindlessly shouting opinions that the majority of Voat seems to oppose (just based on their inability to ever find a crowd that agrees with them enough to get a positive CCP again), then we should also remove the restrictions on the people who have experience dealing with the worst of the spammers.

Fambida ago

Yeah, that's an issue. Judging by my comment downvote ratio i'd guess 80% or more of my submission downvotes are from spam and I'm getting closer to your ratio by the day.

Mick ago

Yes, true, but the users with the power can sit in all/new and send them to account hell with the click of a button.

Techman ago

I downvote and also report spam comments. The downvote eventually will collapse it in the thread and the spam button hopefully gets to community moderators at some point so that they can remove the comment.

PuttItOut ago

Hey, you've turned this account around (hopefully legitimately) because last time I looked it was in the negatives.

The reporting option is surely on the table, but it would have to be a fairly sophisticated to work half way decently.

Techman ago

Hey, you've turned this account around (hopefully legitimately) because last time I looked it was in the negatives.

I don't remember really having a negative record, but you can bet it's from the Techtronix (me) vs Baphonet vs GoatChat vs Moe vs Failure vs whatever if I really did have a negative record.

I submit user accounts to /v/reportspammers when I see obvious spammers. It's like /r/spam before they shut it down.

ExpertShitposter ago


GoldShekelSteinBerg ago

I'm upvoating allot i dont normaly would to keep a positive score to downvoat spam in v/all/new.

123_456 ago


I've got an idea that could work, but I don't know if you can implement this. Please patent this for our website, so reddit can't use it. Ha-ha.

This is how it goes:

1 - Comments, and submissions have a report spam button. People click that button.

2 - The report goes to the sidebar, or another area of the website, and it asks RANDOM users if it's spam. They can voluntarily click to verify if it's spam. This way the power to judge something isn't in the hands of a few people.

3 - If a user's account gets too many verifications of spam, then they will be banned. However, if they want to, they can appeal, and ask for an un-banning.

4 - Of course what will motivate random users to moderate? Users will get points, and badges for identifying spam.

So, this is almost like the system we have now, except moderation is in the hands of many users. It's not necessarily bullet proof, but it leads us away from certain groups, and a few powerful people ganging up on an individual.

SotiCoto ago

Two major flaws with that:

  1. As with any system left to random vote, it will come down to popular opinion, which probably isn't the best way to judge the validity of content. This will result in the general populace utilising the spam function to censor unpopular opinions.

  2. Motivating randoms with points and badges for identifying spam? That is the quick-route to a spam-modding circle-jerk scenario where spam is made specifically to artificially boost users' points / badges.


glennvtx ago

This is a good idea.

smallpond ago

Random users aren't qualified to judge whether something is spam - nobody has clearly defined spam on here because it's subtle. Some are confused on the difference between spam and 'opinions I don't like' - some will flag 'opinions they don't like' as spam vindictively, unless they are carefully policed. In the end it all needs to come back to some "experts" who need to make the calls while also being accountable/transparent.

TrumpTheGodEmperor ago

I like the idea of decentralized moderation for simple things like spam verification.

euthanizethepoors ago

Look, I can write a bot that will create a new account every time the spam limit is exceeded and I receive notification that the spams have ceased. There is a very low barrier to overcome this type of system. You're going to have to shadowban these accounts without notification to the user if you want this to work out even in the short term.

10281467? ago

The problems with that system become "how do we keep it out of the hands of power-hungry moderators who would use it against anyone they disagree with?" and "how do we make sure that normal users are almost entirely unable to be banned in this way?".

No system is ever going to be 100% perfect for 100% of the cases. Voat is trying to focus on Freedom of Speech (as a direct response to sites like Reddit, Twitter, and Facebook focusing on Censoring "Hate Speech"/Wrongthink), so we're willing to deal with a little more spam and unfriendly behavior if it means that we are more likely to have free and open discussions on any topic we need to have a discussion about. If we try to focus more and more on dealing with the spam, we'll slowly move towards site-wide censorship and start an arms race between the spam-bot creators and our anti-spam software that will only result in either "the site getting overwhelmed with spam via high-quality spambot accounts", "the company going bankrupt after spending all of their money on new anti-spam R&D rather than their main product", or "the company offering ways for advertisers to directly pay the company in order to let the advertisers run shill bots on the site as they pleased".

ForgotMyName ago

A lot of spam is cut & paste. I think we can do a lot to combat spam simply by factoring in a user's history when a report comes through.

10281474? ago

Voat already checks to see if comments you made were literally just "Cut and pasted" into the comment box, particularly if you've done it shortly after a previous comment.

PuttItOut ago

We have the beginning stages of publicly viewable reports here:

SaneGoatiSwear ago

admits to censoring users

begs users to help crowd-source 'new and improved censorship'

i am not spam. i proved you're SJW shills that took the site from atif, against his will - - that's why you downvote brigaded me 30,000 points, attacked me 24/7 for 10 months, upvote brigaded harassment, well poisoning and character assassination posts against me to the front page every day for months, thats why you took out ads attacking me, that's why you coded in bots to the API to auto-downvote my posts before they even hit v/all/new so no one would ever see it, that's why you made a chat bot using my comments on voat to practice against, that's why you had to manufacture drama in order to steal the subs i modded that were free to discuss your criminal shilling against voat and your sjw takeover of voat.

i did not hijack comments. i was and am being censored on voat, and voat needed to hear about it - so i spoke up about it. and that's what you couldn't stand. that someone wasn't putting their head down, being silent about your illicit activities against voat, inc.

you can correct the record all you want, adolf puttler.

i know what you are and i know what you've done to voat and what was once the voat community.

as hate speech goes from protected free speech to criminal speech, let me remind you and all the SJWs, antifa, r/ shitredditsays, CTR/shareblue, blm, soros, and the rothschilds.. and you fake justin chastain: i hope you get raped and murdered and it's published on liveleaks.

Jixijenga ago

i hope you get raped and murdered

This is part of why you're a pariah here, you cannot take accountability for the fact that you made this situation worse. I defended you, I stood up for your message, I've upvoated you to counteract brigading, but then I saw why you were being treated this way.

You need to go back on your meds or whatver it was that made you a relatively normal person.

10281404? ago

Good on you for trying and acting as the Devil's Advocate when you first saw his automatic downvotes, it can take a lot more courage (or just a total lack of care about any blowback) to do that on a semi-anonymous forum like this. When someone is actually willing to calm down and have a discussion, it is always better than angry rants aimed at each other, no matter what the actual views or the perceived truth of the two sides are.

That said, even the most patient mediator has his limits, and some people just refuse to see reason or compromise.

Jixijenga ago

I just do what I think is right, but thank you for the kind words.

HACKhalo2 ago

Complains about not being a spammer, and doing good on the site

Literally posts the same thing across multiple subverses, comments, and threads

Is paranoid that everyone and everything is against him

Wonders why nobody likes him

You did it to yourself, Sane. If you didn't REEEEEE like a 4 year old over EVERYTHING, maybe people would actually listen and conversate with you like an adult. People are just tired of your shit, and it seems like you literally cannot comprehend it. And it's sad.

Maybe one day, when it finally clicks, you'll finally be able to get your points across in a why where people will listen.

dooob ago

What do you think about making votes public? We can click on the vote count and see who votes up and who down.

Mick ago

The only suggestion I have is to remove comment restrictions entirely and have a small army take care of any resulting spam flood - I don't mean reports, I mean reviewable bans.

fagbotanalraper ago

Stop. In the name of all that is holy leave it the hell alone. It works fine the way it is. laissez faire

10247336? ago

It works mostly fine. It is completely conceivable that a system that works much better could be designed. If we find that this is not the case we can return to the system as it exists now.

fagbotanalraper ago

sure there's spam. so what, down voat and move on. When you start talking about people being able to report etc bad shits gunna happen. Spammers don't give a shit they'll just make another account and keep going. But you just opened a naughty door. Now people can report people they just don't like, and you might favor it until it turns against you.

10247767? ago

bad shits gunna happen.

Such as?

Spammers don't give a shit they'll just make another account and keep going.

This is true of the current system. The non-spammers who get restricted, however, probably would have preferred to just keep the account with which they started.

Now people can report people they just don't like, and you might favor it until it turns against you.

The system I've proposed makes it so that only confirmed reports lead to restrictions, and those doing the confirming are forced to be transparent. I see no issue with this.

fagbotanalraper ago

yah ive seen the report thing mentioned somewhere else maybe going to elected assholes to make a decision i guess I'm okay with it. or the other option of having it on the sidebar with people voting yay or nay. maybe only allowing people to vote if they have a large enough points

Lemongarb ago

I don't know if I want to click on that. What is that sub?

Schlomo_Kikenburger ago

Thats why putt made this announcement. Thank god too!

Let me have my original account back i deleted @MightyYetGentle

ExpertShitposter ago

Timeaaa, ludla ludla, timeeeeea

ArsCortica ago

Could we have a post limit on accounts with little or no CCP? Especially on /v/gaming , we have a gorillion of accounts who only use the subverse to shill their own site or Youtube channel, which effectively means only 1 in 10 users actually watch and comment on content.

10247314? ago

I think this is a step in a wrong direction in terms of eliminating restrictions based on CCP...

I get that it's annoying but unless they're spamming they're just exercising freedom of speech, right? If /v/gaming wants to make it a rule that there will be no YouTube channel shilling that's a different issue, since that's a private subverse (or is is @system? I don't know).

HarveyKlinger ago

They take over subs, create alt accounts and cuck the shit out of it. v/Chicago is currently the worst one. There were others. Most of us were banned for merely submitting articles about Chicago. Mine came from the Chicago Tribune and there were no comments on it. The mod got kicked and he merely used one of his alt accounts to continue to cuck it. Go take a look. All of those mods are the same guy. He also tried taking over my Chicago Cubs sub using his primary and all alt accounts to do the same thing to it.

TerribleTroll ago

You sound like a cuck you know.

Schlomo_Kikenburger ago

ah fuck

Aged ago

Eat some ice cream

10247100? ago

I think someone is downvoting mostly everything in this thread.

But that won't matter if there are no downvote restrictions; downvotes will only be a means of ordering posts, as they should be.

ChillyHellion ago

Well said

ExpertShitposter ago

All i see is a link to jail bait with a request to do something to stop it. Thats not posting CP

jhaluska ago

It's not an easy problem to fix. You are probably better off not being open how it will be done because it opens up to how it can be gamed.

PuttItOut ago

I've thought about this and I've decided that I'd rather have a fully open system with flaws than an obscured system.

Trust me, it isn't without consequence. Nearly all of our ddos attacks are directed towards areas in code that are exposed. But, because of our open system, we are becoming less and less open to attack. This is how open and transparent systems evolve and I've made my decision to stay on course with this philosophy.

jhaluska ago

I sent you a method that I think would work, even if it was disclosed.

PhilaFerret ago

Too many comments for any one opinion to be heard. Sort them into categories, and allow people to discuss and vote. Then cultivate a shorter list of viable ideas for a final discussion.

PuttItOut ago

Will Should do

ExpertShitposter ago

We don't care, i just posted my comment in favor of removing the restrictions, pinged you in it.

ExpertShitposter ago

To my knowledge, nobody has ever been restricted by -100 with the exception of @MightyYetGentle1488 aka sanegoat aka amalek.

He is literally the only person that has suffered from this, and had to make 1000 alts and an upvote bot to combat this. There have been a few more obvious trolls who probably don't care and enjoy the reputation of "the most downvoated person".

And the only reason why the above mentioned user receives so much dowvoats from everyone is because of his spam campaign against you and Atko. We actually believe that aggression played a role in atko's leaving, even tho he never said it did.

Everybody was laughing when amalek was about the anti-jew spam. Its when the hostility was turned against you two and fuzzy that everybody started pushing back against him.

In my opinion, you should have been more aggressive with the ban hammer back then. Memebr when you threatened to ban him and your comment received 6milion upvotes? Absolute support from the community because we knew that that situation had nothing to do with "freedom to state an unpopular opinion" but obvious destructive behavior due to mental illness and a complete lack of a life. Possibly even money involved tho various findings that came later just show mental illness.

So i don't think you need to feel bad because in the end those restrictions affected only one user that should have been banned long time ago for destructive behavior anyway.

With all that said, now that things have calmed down, removing that restriction might be a good idea, but ONLY if you can get decent control over spammers with a combination of both ban hammer and ALT CONTROL/limitation, something that was never even attempted. If it can even be controlled.

Here's one that people don't agree with: registering a voat account should require an e-mail and have a delay. It doesn't raise privacy concerns because everybody has a throwaway email, or can easily make one.

That extra step, plus a 24 delay means nothing to a real user who needs one account, but make it one more annoying step for spammers.

Who ever doesn't have the patience for that once, probably isn't here to contribute anyway. Think voat is passed that point where it needs to make it super easy just to attract as many users as possible just to get up and running.

Also, you mentioned you would clean up all the "sleeper" accounts that all the shithead redditor scum from r/thedonald made in an attempt to overpower v/thedonald . Deleting those accounts, requiring an e-mail and a 24h delay for new ones, would keep those kinds of mass actions at bay to a small degree. That's something to keep in mind.

Fambida ago

Fuck requiring email. Fuck that very very hard. That reduces anonymity, and being anonymous is an essential aspect of this site.

ExpertShitposter ago

How does it reduce anonymity? Everybody has a throwaway email specifically for this purpose.

You_are_a_bitch ago

nice wall of text jew liar

ExpertShitposter ago

Says the non white ehehehe

10247084? ago

To my knowledge, nobody has ever been restricted by -100 with the exception of @MightyYetGentle1488 aka sanegoat aka amalek.

I know of many ordinary users, as many as 10, who are restricted in their daily comments because of negative CCP. I can only name one or two of the top of my head though, but they are out there -- and as long as there is even one user who's voice has been restricted based on opinions, we should pursue a better system.

ExpertShitposter ago

I agree, tho post some of those 10 accounts that you can think of, I'm interested in that.

10247127? ago

p0ssum is the only one I can think of right now. He's a massive faggot, but he deserves to have as much a voice as the rest of us.

10251498? ago

P0ssum? What an "ordinary user"...

Next example, please.

10251616? ago

Evidently I should have been keeping a list of every one of them I encounter. People are (quite rightly) desiring specific examples. For many (such as myself) the idea that the system is obviously structured in a way that does not directly punish spam is enough to motivate a desire for change, but I do understand and respect the desire to have concrete evidence of those actually negatively affected. I fear that some desire this so they can look at the affected users and say "Well he was obviously asking for it" either by being aggressive or otherwise. I just don't see how that matters. The restrictions were only ever designed to slow down spammers but by no stretch of the imagination do the restrictions necessarily only apply to spammers.

10251753? ago

Start with a single example of a user unfairly targeted. One user that isn't a trolling, destructive retard.

10252202? ago

My point is that this:

One user that isn't a trolling, destructive retard.

is entirely irrelevant. Are we not allowed to troll, to speak like retards on Voat, without our speech being limited as a consequence? That does not strike me as a freedom platform for all, but instead a freedom platform with a conditional -- you can speak here freely not only if you respect others' liberty (which is the justification for banning spam), but also only if you respect your own.

Frankly my liberty is mine to handle, not yours or anyone else's. If I want to use it to act like a moron, any true freedom platform ought to allow me to do so.

10252232? ago you are defending VoatIsForNiggers, SGIS, MHM101 etc?

10252246? ago

Not if they spam; if they spam they have violated the platform and ought to be banned (although the first entry on that list was not really an abusive spammer and more than a joke account). Who I am defending are those who finds themselves with negative CCP without ever having spammed. I do think that I have encountered some, but even without being able to cite exact names the point remains that it is easily conceivable that it could happen to someone with the current system. It is that possibility that likely motivated Putt's writing of this announcement to begin with.

10252311? ago

Why do you defend trolls?

10252370? ago

I defend freedom. Trolls are not exempt. The only people who have surrendered their freedom are those who through action or expressed intent to act have jeopardized the lives or liberties of others. Spam is an example of this where forums are concerned, and so I do not defend spammers against these restrictions or account deletions. I will defend paid shills, ordinary blue-pilled folks with naive ideas, or people with tourettes. They have as much right to speak as freely as you or I on this website which is dedicated to precisely that freedom.

10252391? ago

You defend people who wants to tear down what others build, then package it in a broad package with innocents who are not affected.

10252406? ago

You assume I am only defending those you dislike, while I am defending everyone unjustly affected by this, only some of whom are those you dislike. Furthermore what the shills intend is irrelevant; Voat is structured in such a way that they are incapable of truly destroying what we have. We have transparent modlogs to save us from corruption and unchecked censorship; we have protection against spam so if any force begins to overwhelm a thread of community we can justify removing them; we have protections against vote manipulation to stop them from building up their accounts; we have captchas on the account creation to reduce their number considerably; we have downvotes that still hide posts from sight; we have a user block feature that hides all posts from certain users from sight.

ExpertShitposter ago

Wow what a faggot. Still, he posts away......

weezkitty ago

System subs don't really have mods though. So that's a problem

Schlomo_Kikenburger ago

No, that's my alt, and because of the restriction i cant comment until this fix is implemented.

I never once had an inclination to do harm to Voat or it's users (nor am i capable), in fact i've been highly vocal for the opposite. There are people intentionally keeping Voaters from networking on a larger scale and pointing that out makes you a target.

I've made many posts here that shed light on the subject of voat manipulators. My original account @MightyYetGentle was the first account to ever be hit with a massive bot brigade resulting in a loss of 8k ccp in 4 hours. I deleted it because there was no stopping it at the time. Atko even reset my CCP but it went right back to -3000 an hour later and nothing else came of it.

Even SaneGoat and Amalek weren't trying to destroy voat. They were just trying to point out something that was being suppressed and handled it poorly. Some of the top posters on this site are the ones trying to slow-kill and subvert the site. /v/ProtectVoat, /v/RidersOfTheReich, /v/SoapBoxBanHammer /v/SoapDoxBanHammer /v/ShitpostersTavern etc etc are the ones who want to ruin the site, and have been successful in changes in behavior of the demographic.

AnTi90d ago

I 100% do not support the removal of restrictions from negative CCP accounts.

The first thing that will happen is the CTR/ShareBlue cunts come back and endlessly post their outright lies, again. If you let those people have fully enabled accounts, you're just asking them to act in concert and upvote each other's posts. (They all work in one office. It's easy for them to organize behind the scenes.)

The next things that opens Voat up to are hostile takeovers like r/the_Donald has outright said they will try to do, again or r/SRS, as they never really gave up.

Taking away negative CCP restrictions sounds so great and altruistic on paper, but that's one of the main things that have protected Voat from organized groups of subversive cunts that aim to control and change this place to their own whim. You aren't helping new users, you are only helping our enemies to attack us and attempt to gain control of the site to change the entire culture of Voat.

I like this place, as it is, and I'm not even a Christian or a Republican. I like being able to stand up and say, "NIGGER-FAGGOT," at my whim. The people that this change will help most are the people that fully intend on downvoting every instance of what they consider, "offensive speech." First, they're allowed to exist and post as much as they want, then they organize a large group to upvote eachother, then they use that large group of now positive CCP accounts to impose their own brand of cultural Marxism on this site, just as they have done, everywhere else.

This is going to be your greatest mistake, @PuttItOut. This could potentially be the beginning for the end of Voat as your current userbase is concerned. If you want to make life easier for new users, that's one thing, but unrestricting negative CCP accounts only serves to empower Voat's enemies.

the_magic_man ago

You are literally saying you don't want to hear opinions you don't like. Voat is a free speech site, people mass downvote users to give them negative ccp. It's a terrible system and leads to no one being able to use the site unless they agree with the voat hive min6 which is right wing.

Howie ago

You are here to disrupt and destroy Voat. And for no other reason

the_magic_man ago

No, I just think all opinions should be heard on a free speech site, not just the circle jerk right wing story

Howie ago

Looking at how much negative CCP you've accumulated, I know that isn't true.

You have been here all this time as some kind of an hero for free speech.

You're like a Muslim in his early invader stage.

At first he just wants freedom to practice his belief system he claims.

The more his invasion progresses, the bolder he gets in executing his plans for jihad and submission.

You can label Voat whatever you like. But your true actions and intentions speak for themselves.

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

I second this, negative CCP restrictions are the only thing preserving voat culture in the face of the horde of "squeak" /r/the_donald and other degenerates.

PuttItOut ago

I think my track record is pretty good when it comes to not ruining Voat. I don't plan on starting now.

I've read your comment and I agree with many things you say. I fully understand the forces at work here and I'm not planning on giving them a win.

If we can't develop a better solution we leave it as is. I seek only improvements and this is an area I believe we can improve.

You notice that I'm soliciting feedback and not acting like a dictator. If I had malicious intent I wouldn't come to the community and get feedback well before making any decisions.

AnTi90d ago

In no way am I trying to imply that you have any malicious intent. I place immeasurable value on you and your time helping to keep Voat alive and I thank you for that. I also am grateful that you voice your future plans with us instead of just changing things and telling us what you did, after the fact.

I just think that the removal of restrictions from negative CCP comes from a place of hopeful, good natured optimism.. and that is the kind of sentiment that has come back to bite many a nation.

PuttItOut ago

I have opinions on the current system that I am not sharing because I want feedback from users.

Thanks for posting your thoughts. I value the feedback.

redpilldessert ago

I like having my opinions challenged at every turn. If hill shills come along for the ride, the more the merrier. I still think mods ultimately shouldn't be able to ban people from subs, or even remove comments (unless they're spam, illegal or doxxing). The upvote/downvote system should cater to that.

SotiCoto ago

From Reddit experience, the upvote / downvote system is generally just used to censor the unpopular and flaunt the popular... and popularity is a poor measure of value.

10247094? ago

The first thing that will happen is the CTR/ShareBlue cunts come back and endlessly post their outright lies, again. If you let those people have fully enabled accounts, you're just asking them to act in concert and upvote each other's posts. (They all work in one office. It's easy for them to organize behind the scenes.)

Upvote manipulation, especially with alt accounts, is going to be limited on the new Voat and it is also a bannable offense. Also lying is not grounds for censorship.

Crensch ago

The first thing that will happen is the CTR/ShareBlue cunts come back and endlessly post their outright lies, again.

Also lying is not grounds for censorship.

No, but saturating this place with obvious lies, and manufacturing popular support will reduce the amount of real estate for legitimate users. If I have to scroll through 3 paid-for 'opinions' for each decent comment I want to read, it won't be long before I find the juice isn't worth the squeeze.

For every paid-for opinion, the amount of visible real estate for legitimate users shrinks, and it will continue to shrink until the non-paid-for opinions stop showing up, because it's not worth fighting for the small spaces left.

10248379? ago

If there are that many paid opinions to block out actual content chances are something is being spammed and those involved will be banned and the content removed. If content isn't being spammed then refute their points, or downvote and move on. Downvoting will still enable us to push undesired content to the bottom and even collapse bad comments. It just won't be the force responsible for getting accounts restricted and then banned.

Crensch ago

My other response works for most of this, so let's continue most of it there. The only thing I'll say here is:

If content isn't being spammed then refute their points, or downvote and move on.

How many downvotes will be needed when it's found that Shareblue can't be fettered by the users? Having to downvote the same user in every political submission will really put a damper on use of this site.

People are going to either stop, or write a bot to do so for them, so they don't have to do it themselves.

I'm interested in who these supposed legitimate users are that are limited from posting. I'd love to see their comment history.

guinness2 ago

Having to downvote the same user in every political submission will really put a damper on use of this site.

Also, Putt said he will ban anyone for brigading... which leaves us defenseless.

10248641? ago

How many downvotes will be needed when it's found that Shareblue can't be fettered by the users?

But they can be. It takes four or five downvotes to collapse a comment out of view.

I'm interested in who these supposed legitimate users are that are limited from posting. I'd love to see their comment history.

I've encountered many, p0ssum the only notable one whose name I can remember. Most of them are either trolls or affiliated with ShareBlue, but there are much younger and unseen accounts who get downvoted immediately after joining because they said something negative about Trump or criticized conservatives, and thus begin their time at Voat with 10 comments a day. It is an imperfect system and some of the suggestions in this thread can achieve the same restrictions without imposing restrictions on possibly innocent users.

Crensch ago

"I love it when boys make things easy on me"


LO fucking L, dumb and dumberer

Is this like a fan fiction sub?

In /v/whatever.

No, she(Hillary) didn't do anything illegal ... there's a difference.

there are much younger and unseen accounts who get downvoted immediately after joining because they said something negative about Trump or criticized conservatives, and thus begin their time at Voat with 10 comments a day.

There's a concept on the chans where people that have not been there long are told to "lurk moar".

"Lurk Moar" is a phrase used by image board and forums posters alike to inform other users they need to post less and study the community before posting again. Our "lurk moar" is those 10 comments per day.

The user has demonstrated their ignorance of the customs and social expectations of this community, or otherwise makes an idiot of themselves online.

It is an imperfect system and some of the suggestions in this thread can achieve the same restrictions without imposing restrictions on possibly innocent users.

Are we to inconvenience long-time users with having to do more, or be entirely unable, to keep their website clean, or are we to inconvenience new "users" that won't even take the time to understand the culture of the website they're joining?

Howie ago

How is p0ssum an example of a legit user?

His every submission and comment is antagonistic against Voat as a whole.

He hates Voat.

He is here to disrupt and destroy. And for no other reason

Crensch ago

That was my point. PeaceSeeker brought him up, though I think he has since more or less retracted p0ssum as a legitimate user.

Howie ago

I checked his history. Nothing but vitriol and shareblue regurgitation. Without exception.

What is PeaceSeeker even talking about.

He should not be listened to in this instance.

10249125? ago

"Lurk Moar" is a phrase used by image board and forums posters alike to inform other users they need to post less and study the community before posting again. Our "lurk moar" is those 10 comments per day.

The user has demonstrated their ignorance of the customs and social expectations of this community, or otherwise makes an idiot of themselves online.

It is an imperfect system and some of the suggestions in this thread can achieve the same restrictions without imposing restrictions on possibly innocent users.

Are we to inconvenience long-time users with having to do more, or be entirely unable, to keep their website clean, or are we to inconvenience new "users" that won't even take the time to understand the culture of the website they're joining?

This is probably the most compelling argument you've made, at least to me. I understand this perspective and its value. Just discussing possible solutions with you and others I have seen many potential feasibility issues, and in general it does seem that our current system "mostly works". That is not something Voat will jeopardize; whatever Putt changes will only remain changed if we all decide it is a better system. Otherwise we will revert back.

Crensch ago

That is not something Voat will jeopardize; whatever Putt changes will only remain changed if we all decide it is a better system. Otherwise we will revert back.

This is a huge relief to me. Thank you.

Crensch ago

@kevdude peaceseeker's comment above

sakuramboo ago

That was my idea for a site a few years ago. It would look like Voat but operate like 4chan.

cynicaloldfart ago

Maybe the default sort in a post should be "top". This currently only affects the parent comments only though. Make the sort apply to the children comments also. That way the most upvoted comments would be in descending order with the lesser voted comments at the bottom. Of course, brigading would need to be eliminated.

TraditionalHusband ago

Can you tie restrictions to IP addresses rather than individual accounts? If someone like sanegoat is hopping between alts on the same IP (or multiple IPs used in the past), the codebase could automatically slow down his posting.

Making spammers burn an IP address for each alt seems like a decent way to slow them down.

PuttItOut ago

IP restrictions are useless. System has to be dynamic and based on user activity.

TraditionalHusband ago

I was thinking along the lines of "you're doing that too fast". If it's tied to each account, ten guys can sit in a room and shill every X seconds. If it's tied to an IP, the group of ten can't post any faster than an individual.

If combined with a list of previously associated IPs, they could be slowed down even if each posted from a separate location (at the cost of slowing down people in coffee shops.)

ExpertShitposter ago

Yes, amalek the jew.

oiseaulibre ago

Ayyy, finally. Will this apply to chat CCP restrictions too?

Thanks Putt!

PuttItOut ago

I know. I know.

oiseaulibre ago

Thank you.

Goathole ago

We need to allow unpopular opinions while preventing comment spam.

With that in mind let's evaluate what "free speech" is, what it consists of and why it is important. Freedom of speech is needed to challenge popular and unpopular ideas alike. It is meant for a free people to acknowledge and address the behavior or thoughts of others. It is paramount that it remains unrestrained.

That said, here at voat people do not downvoat without cause. I'm not saying it doesn't happen, I'm saying there isn't usually a coordinated mass effort to silence people. There are accounts that are downvoated into oblivion because they are purposely trying to achieve that.

I'll use my own account for an example. I hate cops. I mean I FUCKING HATE COPS! and say so regularly which IS an unpopular opinion here at voat. I don't ever, ever restrain myself and I do so fully aware of the "consequence". A quick look at my most downvoated posts shows this...I'm sorry, my cop hate has seemed to have been dwarfed by my veteran hate. So a -16 was the best they could do. So what are those people doing that have negative CCP? Something awful. They do not belong here. We all have freedom of association and we obviously don't want to associate with them.

Now, if they truly wish to interact and the CCP restricted account is a problem then they can make a new one. It's not a problem.

Limiting any account that spam comments

Spam has nothing to do with freedom of speech. They aren't speaking for or against an action, they are selling something. That's capitalism not freedom of speech. BAN THEM. BAN THEM OFTEN AND QUICKLY.

ExpertShitposter ago

@inthetimeofnick will call anyone he doesn't like a tranny or pedo if he hates him even more.

He has 0 proof every time...but hey who cares about proof right?

Womb_Raider ago

Are you seriously complaining about accusations made without proof? You hypocritical son of a bitch

ExpertShitposter ago

I always provided proof about my accusations unless it was an obvious joke like the 1990 thing.

For this insult you will receive a shot ban from a sub you don't even know exists.

Womb_Raider ago

The joke is in you, I knew that crappy SBBH sub existed. And you say the jokes are obvious, but I think you genuinely seek to alter the opinions of voat users by being insincere and I think you do so with a consistency the likes of beatle.

ExpertShitposter ago

I didnt ban you from SBBH. And shitposting subs ar among the few worth visiting. Its not my fault you're boring discord boy.

Alter their opinions about what? That myg is a killer? Implying the mindless political news posters on this site know or care about who me, myg, or you are. Its the internet. We eint ruining presidential campaigns here.

Womb_Raider raped and killed a girl in 1990. OH SHIT, ITS SO REAL, NOW EVERYBODY WILL THINK WOMB IS A KILLER.

You're kind of weird mane.

Womb_Raider ago

You claim to be genuine, and in the next stride you admit to being a farce. I'm trying to help everyone else see through your influence.

ExpertShitposter ago

cheap retarded nigger

Womb_Raider ago

Thank you for your help

bdmthrfkr ago

I honestly think that Voat is just fine the way it is. Spam gets downvoated to hell and if there are cancer mods in a sub smart Goats stop going there and start their own alternative sub (v/canada is just one example).

The Ameleks etc basically get DVed and ignored.

My Grandpappy had a saying that I have always listened to: "if it 'aint broke don't fix it!"

PuttItOut ago

It's broken for a small percentage of users. We are trying to fix it for this segment. If we can't we leave it.

KingoftheMolePeople ago

Yeah the spam flooders are an problem unto themselves. Its the one real problem w the Reportthespammers system. It takes a bit of time to verify and ban. The spam flooders can swamp a forum quickly.

CrustyBeaver52 ago

LOL - the opposite of what I just posted:)

No easy answers here I guess:)

carlip ago

Can we get down vote meanie removed first?

Aged ago

@gabara, that sub knows nothing about anything. They couldn't catch a pedophile if a pedophile put a dildo inside a child's mouth right in front of them. They're a bunch of retards that think something is part of their stupid pedophile conspiracy for the thinnest of the reasons. You didn't even get me into any trouble, unless trouble means a bunch of downvoats that ceased after two days.

goodluvin ago

Real issue is identifying spammers verse useless downvoted posts/threads. Don't see a need to restrict down voted comments.

For Posts/Threads.
Make easier to report spammers. (From home page view, not inside comments section )

Wish the spam removal process was a little faster.
How long does it take for reported spam get removed? Who is making these decisions?

Can we automate it?
Just an idea..
(user based spam reporting accuracy determined by current top 10 logged in. Atleast 5 vote as spam then automatic suspension. Final Atko Puttitout review)

Troll ago

We need to allow unpopular opinions while preventing comment spam.

How do we do it?

Subverting free speech starts with subverting the mind of the recipient.

Find accounts that are connected in a group, they upvote each other for vote manipulation and site subverting. Also, such accounts will be mass brigading threads and other accounts. Once you figure that out, just outright ban them all and make a vote manipulation a permaban offense. Make the site usable for people, not Prolog written AI that runs on server farms.

10246976? ago

Users have already been banned from Voat for vote manipulation and Putt has scripts in effect that catch guilty users, I think.

MadWorld ago

:-) So greedy...

Dibgick ago

Stop restricting accounts. Focus on repetitive content.

If a user or many users post the same thing with the exact same wording and links over and over again, auto-mark the posts as spam and ban the linked site.

Since most spammers are clickbaiters that should do.

A spam button is easily abused as you can see in Twitter and Facebook where unpopular stuff is constantly false-reported as spam by manchildren.

PuttItOut ago

We will build in a confidence interval if we use the spam reports as a metric. I will not allow brigading of reports to trigger actions unless I can verify some accuracy.

Dibgick ago

Thresholds are very easy to defeat. Some one could build their own little army of spam-reporting bots to silence opposing views.

Making it expensive to report spam would solve the problem if you want to go that way.

If the reporting account gets subtracted 20 ccp points every time it reports a post would fix frivolous reporting.

ExpertShitposter ago

What a faggot. @MightyYetGentle1488 is. Fucking satan worshiper wigger.

mudcatca ago

Jury duty for common Voaters.

Back in the day, had a pretty good system. It was optional, and invites were random. The system had its flaws, but... worked better than nothing, and it felt good to partcipate in judging what was spam and what wasn't.

harry_nash ago

I support your decision to remove the restrictions, but I'm not smart enough to provide a solution to the original problem. I, for one, am willing to put up with it to avoid any form of censorship.

PuttItOut ago

You made me laugh. I feel the same way sometimes regarding the solutions I come up with.

harry_nash ago

Glad I made you laugh. Sorry I couldn't be more helpful.

10246715? ago

America, some corporate provider at work. I don't feel it necessary to reveal more identifying information, but I'd think my anecdote is at least one data point indicating that people would be negatively affected by a ban. More obviously, why force people to not use a popular domain?

PuttItOut ago

Not telling. But maybe.

Edit: Totally thought you said mod not admin. Hmmm... I like both.

SexMachine ago

No way, dude, you're not passing the buck off to anyone else.

Lag-wagon ago

Good fucking luck, lol. This place will become a trash heap.

PuttItOut ago

Not if it is done right.

10246667? ago

I have a friend who can only receive a few popular sites, like YouTube and Imgur, but not, imgoat, etc. It's not that uncommon on restrictive work networks.

repoman ago

Let each user create a list of trusted anti-spammers such that he/she does not see anything flagged as spam by someone on the trusted anti-spammer list.

Then let users audit their lists by seeing all posts flagged as spam by each of their "trusted spam fighters" so each user can confirm on occasion that they aren't abusing that trust.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

mods should have some leverage and it shouldn't be a chaotic free for all (read pure democracy) but it's still better to move towards a system where the users have more control over the site

10246638? ago

Voat seems like it'd benefit from a benevolent philosopher king who has a massive amount of time on his hands. Failing that, a representative system of anti-spam mods I suppose, but that sounds like it'd be open to corruption about as quickly as it'd take users to realize they could only pretend to have the site's best interests in mind so that they could get elected.

Tzitzimitl ago

Voat seems like it'd benefit from a benevolent philosopher king who has a massive amount of time on his hands.

what doesnt?

InternetUser ago

Can we resurrect Marcus Aureliis?

KingoftheMolePeople ago

I am their King. Are you really a germanshepherd? :)

Slayfire122 ago

No. But I like the youtube app. Someone else might be though. I'm just saying to give the option to opt in or out.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

shouldn't they just have the number of posts they can make per day restricted so they need to make an effort to make quality posts and slowly rebuild back to positive CCP, I don't like alts being an answer to anything it feels dishonest. Having a username ties your actions on the site to you, if you don't like that go to an image board but you shouldn't just erase all your negative history and start over if that becomes the norm then what's the point of having accounts in the first place?

SexMachine ago

Overly censorship happy, owning and squatting a large number of subverses.

acheron2012 ago

I am FAR from any sort of expert on this, but one thing "I" think is spam is posting the same thing to many subverses. Now maybe you post to News, World News, and MAYBE Politics because you have a breaking story about Germany invading France (AGAIN) or something like that. But honestly a very little of that goes a long ways. Most people that care about this sort of stuff already subscribe to all those subverses - and like a friend of mine said about going to an airshow: seeing 120 P-51s is not 120 times more awesome than seeing 1.

Downvotes is MUCH harder. I don't know a way to automate this well. BUT I think most of the other sites that must not be named have proven that having a person do it yields FAR worse results. I am confident "I" could moderate without banning people that disagree with me. But "I" don't want to spend 8 hours a day doing that job. It is EXACTLY like government. The people attracted to that sort of thing are more often than not the last people in the world you want doing it!!!!

Perhaps some sort of velocity based governor such that as your downvote count grows you are restricted from posting to NEW threads. Then you could continue to rant and rave on a given thread, but couldn't pick new fights. As time passes this could age off and restrictions could be loosened. The idea is to while not preventing someone from defending an unpopular idea it would still prevent them from spamming the whole system with garbage. The biggest problem I see there is that someone could make 10,000 spam posts before the downvotes started piling on.

I have only a limited concern for banning spammers, perhaps too little. But maybe as a check such an action could be voted on by proven moderators of MULTIPLE mainstream boards e.g. if the moderators of board A,B,L,Z (all of whom have over X thousand happy subscribers) unanimously agree this ID is toxic, kick them off.

In criminal cases people go to prison because the Jury was Certain Beyond Reasonable Doubt -- there is rarely PROOF in the form of "See, here's video of THIS guy killing John Doe".

Too often we are so concerned about becoming that we hate we let people with no morals at all use our own high standards as a weapon against us.

KingoftheMolePeople ago

Its a totally spur of the moment idea. There are certainly things I havent considered and problems Ive overlooked.

UlyssesEMcGill ago

I'm surprised at the number of users who bitch about this.

Don't be a fag and you won't get downvoted to oblivion.

Andalusian1 ago

"Dont be a fag" is subjective to what you deem as faggotry. I would say youre being a fag if you have a dick in your mouth. Other people would say you were a fag for disagreeing with them.

UlyssesEMcGill ago

We're engaged in discourse, and are both genuinely representing our beliefs without ulterior motives.

Fags push agendas that they're paid to.

Fags don't read responses, just continue one-sided diatribes/copypastas.

Fags don't admit when they're wrong, or if other users refute something they've claimed.

E: removed an apostrophe

Slayfire122 ago

But that's shit if I prefer youtube. Maybe hooktube is blocked or I prefer using the youtube app.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

henrycorp is a go to example, and there were also those fuckin redditors who ran v/thePedes, basically the issue is with deleting posts and comments that don't violate any stated rules and basically just enforcing your views on your sub. Such a thing is unnecessary generally moderation should be mostly for spam, the voting system is sufficient to curate what content is on the site. There's also what happened with v/niggers and v/chicago where someone got the top mod position and tried to change the existing subverse against the wishes of the existing userbase, the users should be able to fight against such a thing without waiting for an admin to help them.

10246530? ago

Keep the current fucking system unless you are looking to sell out like reddit. What a shit show this site will become. @PuttitOut are you just trying to make this place more profitable?

10246959? ago

How on Earth is anything in this thread suggestive of increased profitability? And the current system silences users based on opinions alone. That, if anything else, makes Voat more like reddit. Just because you disagree with someone is not grounds for silencing them. We can keep Voat spam-free without censoring the unpopular.

PuttItOut ago

I'm trying to promote Freedom of Speech for all users

In case you missed it, people hate me a lot but I still want them to be heard.

10246522? ago

Not everyone's connections have whitelisted it

Slayfire122 ago

/u/HenryCorp is a power mod that literally holds subverses hostage. Also look at the /v/Chicago mod

Schlomo_Kikenburger ago

Not anymore! Now it will be harder for you to call everyone a SaneGoat alt.

ExpertShitposter ago

Fuck off sanegoat alt.

Schlomo_Kikenburger ago

lets ignore the fact that you and the recently banned @BeatlejuiceX3 made fake sanegoat accounts such as @SaneGoatsISwear and @MightyYet_SaneGoat and spammed everywhere.

If Putt is undoing restrictions, maybe he can unlock my original account I deleted @MightyYetGentle so we can end the alts once and for all. That account was brigaded past -3000 CCP in one night so i closed it out of spite.

@PuttItOut :)

ExpertShitposter ago

We didn't make those fake sane accounts. Somebody from SBBH? Probably. But not me nor beatle and i don't know who it was. Nether of us are programmers, and the only reason those accounts managed to spam or downvote is because of bots.

heygeorge ago

Probably someone from sbdh aka phuks

Schlomo_Kikenburger ago

i believe you

Derpfroot ago

@HenryCorp and maxing out the allowed # of verses to mod and banning everyone for no reason whatsoever.

Aged ago

Leave it to the mods to detect spam and leave to the community to detect abusive mods.

The site has to self-guard itself, manually. Using automatic systems can make a mob easily take control of the site. Hell, we can say that already happened.

Owlchemy ago

There are so many subs with either no mod or one that doesn't really exist on Voat, it's scary.

Schlomo_Kikenburger ago


HarveyKlinger ago

You mean the cucked mods that own many of the once popular subs? Those fuckers need to be banned as well.

Damnpasswords ago


Andalusian1 ago

Thats mature and classy

NeedleStack ago

  1. Commenting restrictions on negative CCP accounts that aren't spamming their comments

Definitely remove such restrictions. Unpopular opinions deserve as much say as the others.

PuttItOut ago

Agree, we need to eliminate or modernize.

The particular problem with this one is that roughly 75% of heavily down voted accounts are uncharacteristically hostile and imo are purposefully seeking this response. The other segment is the side that is hurt by these restrictions.

VictorSteinerDavion ago

have negative CCP exist with a timed expiry.

As in, after n hours CCP reverts to the previous 24 hour period.
This prevents long term effects of one off pitchfork emporium sales events, but also permits an auto control on accounts that consistently gain negative CCP on purpose.

If an account gets 3 consecutive resets of negative CCP they enter into a 7 day expiry cycle. After 3 consecutive 7 day resets they account enters a 30 day reset envelope,

This can still be abused of course and mechanisms need to be conceived to prevent that, but the overall goal is to not have "trusted" users become the arbiters of what this community is and is not.
What it also might do is encourage the less civil users to find other means of communicating what they care about that don't involve hostility to the participating users.

The recent 'botting' events and other things I encounter daily show a clear need for the types of reforms you're proposing, but something I'm very weary of is assigning any kind of authority to subsets of users.
Reddit has shown, consistently, the enabling of cabal user groups is the first step to removing free speech of the community.

Almost all the tasks involved in stopping spammers and abusive users can be designed into automatic responses as a software tool, including remediation and reconciliation for when it goes wrong.

JohnCStevenson ago

Yes, you would be hostile too if people kept calling you a k * * e, f * * * ot, and so forth. The people on Voat have slandered my good name, and you have the nerve to act as if people such as myself are at fault? You remind me of the people that claim that both the neo-Nazis and the counter-protestors at Charlottesville were equally bad; it's classic victim-blaming.

But sure, go ahead and act as if people like me are at fault. I will be glad once these restrictions are removed, so that I can freely inform Voat of Donald Trump's misdeeds and upming impeachment.

Macdaddy5000 ago

Yes, you would be hostile too if people kept calling you a k * * e, f * * * ot, and so forth.

Man up and shut your pie hole, you faggot kike.

ChanceofRain ago

The people on Voat have slandered my good name.

Looks like you did that all by yourself, big boy.

that claim that both the neo-Nazis and the counter-protestors at Charlottesville were equally bad

They are paid protesters trying to start shit, just like you! Do you even read this site? No-one here is buying your martyrdom BS. Your posts use a lot of words trying to seem smart (lol), but I don't see any citations to back up your claims. It's all emotional appeals to people smart enough to use facts and logic. You add nothing to the discussion.

I will be glad once these restrictions are removed, so that I can freely inform Voat.

Just look at your downvotes bud. It's not just a couple. Your message is gettting out...then blown the fuck out.

chuckletrousers ago

Why don't you shut your ass and give your mouth a chance once in a while?

Jixijenga ago

They are equally bad, it's not "victim blaming" to point out that violence has little place in a free society.

logos_ethos ago

Some of those hostile accounts act like community stalkers or people who use Voat to practice their 17 techniques for truth suppression or other things. They are technically not spammers, but their posts share the same lack for mutual dialog and share the same irritation as spam. I do not think such accounts should share the same unrestricted access as honest community users, and the current negative post limit addresses that. If these accounts become more active, then I can see myself and others become less interested in spending time on Voat. That is what they want.

10247580? ago

Your concerns are legitimate, but you should realize that the current system does little to actually limit these users. They are the ones with the most alts; if they reach restrictions they make another account and keep shilling.

If you care about freedom of speech and not a safe space from shills you will understand that the current system does more to hurt innocent and established users than it does to suppress shilling. Just downvote their nonsense and move on, don't let them chase you off of the website because they annoy you...

logos_ethos ago

There are markets for buying down votes for Reddit and Voat, and Voat is more expensive to buy downvoats for. It does affect their operating costs, and it does deter them to some degree. If you want an objective measurement for how well your shill protection works, just monitor their cost per downvoat after changes have been made for a while.

I value freedom of speech in the classical liberal sense. "Live and let live" and "remove those who won't." People often forget that second part. Both are necessary. If an account goes negative, then that satisfies the "remove those who won't" part. Ignoring that second part means that you are not a liberal with a viable philosophy for a sustainable community (like the modern left). Classical liberal philosophy does not translate to no consequences for community agitators.

The system that we have now is far superior to outright bans and shadow bans. I fear that if we abandon what is working for us right now, we might go down the outright ban or shadow ban road some day, or maybe something else that is worse than what we have right now. So as far as freedom of speech goes, don't let perfect be the enemy of good. We will never have perfect freedom of speech, so lets be willing to settle for good freedom of speech. For politics, those who think that they can bring about a utopia end up bringing about the most misery, suffering, and death. I am not accusing you of that. I am just pointing out that perfect is a horrible goal to shoot for, so we need to be willing to settle for the best that human nature allows for, and no more.

10248316? ago

It does affect their operating costs, and it does deter them to some degree.

Downvotes are more expensive for Voat because we require 100 CCP to be able to downvote in the first place, which makes it harder for shills to build up downvote capable accounts. Making it so that restrictions are only applied to proven spammers instead of anyone who winds up with negative CCP is only an improvement as I see it and does not weaken us at all.

Ignoring that second part means that you are not a liberal with a viable philosophy for a sustainable community (like the modern left). Classical liberal philosophy does not translate to no consequences for community agitators.

But we are not removing restrictions altogether; we are finding a more efficient and accurate system for identifying those who deserve the restrictions.

The system that we have now is far superior to outright bans and shadow bans.

There will never be shadow banning on Voat; Atko stated this years ago. We already do ban spammers, though. The negative restrictions are only in place to slow down their spam until Putt can get around to banning them -- this is in line with the "remove those who won't" philosophy, by the way. Again, we are not discussing removing restrictions altogether; we are trying to structure a better system.

I fear that if we abandon what is working for us right now, we might go down the outright ban or shadow ban road some day, or maybe something else that is worse than what we have right now.

If we take steps that are un-transparent or anti-freedom I will be the first to speak up against it.

We will never have perfect freedom of speech, so lets be willing to settle for good freedom of speech.

But if we can do better, we should try. If in trying we fail. we'll revert back.

I am just pointing out that perfect is a horrible goal to shoot for, so we need to be willing to settle for the best that human nature allows for, and no more.

Perfect is a fine goal to shoot for; those doing the shooting just need to have the wisdom to recognize that it is impossible to reach it. What is possible is continuing to get closer when we can.

logos_ethos ago

Thank you for your helpful reply.

As @Crensch also pointed out, there are some "voices" that are not interested in having a 2 way conversation and will consume the community's time and enjoyment. Some of these are either paid for, or people who have more time on their hands than brain cells required participate in the workforce. Some of them do not spam in the technical sense. They do not copy and paste. They will give the appearance of starting a genuine discussion, but they always fail to follow through and abandon discussions by quickly moving on to the next fake discussion or run out of techniques. These people do not get banned, but they are currently limited and will become uninhibited if we make these changes. Would you now ban these people, let them post more than they do now, or is there another way of addressing this issue? Remember, Voat is still a small community, and this community can be overwhelmed if some people make the right effort. We can still end up with an artificial, bland, advertiser friendly community because some organization does not like our free speech and found a way to manufacture consent.

10248816? ago

They do not copy and paste. They will give the appearance of starting a genuine discussion, but they always fail to follow through and abandon discussions by quickly moving on to the next fake discussion or run out of techniques

Sounds like the Khazar technique.

These people do not get banned, but they are currently limited and will become uninhibited if we make these changes. Would you now ban these people, let them post more than they do now, or is there another way of addressing this issue?

Downvotes will still hide submissions and comments from sight; they just won't be responsible for restricting or banning users -- reports, or something else, will. Maybe. Maybe nothing will change; it just depends on whether or not we can come up with something better.

NeedleStack ago

Hah, you are reminding me of the case of my darling friend JohnCStevenson (whose sole purpose is to antagonize/troll voat with Shareblue tactics).

uvulectomy ago

I still don't know if he's actually trolling or not. Everything is way too well written to be your run of the mill SGIS-type screeching. Unless he's like, legit autistic. Then it makes much more sense.

MadWorld ago

Troll him, if you have time. It's easier to just ignore the drama queen and move on.

10246470? ago


Spam is an issue and we don't want it overrunning the website. But at the same time you're right, these restrictions have been inhibiting people who have done nothing wrong but share too many unpopular opinions, and it isn't in the spirit of Voat.

We should consider what tools we have available. The /v/ReportSpammers community is very hard-working and dedicated to keeping Voat free of spam, and it is a community very capable of growing. Spam is against Voat's rules; accounts that spam get permanently banned from the website. We determine that accounts are spamming by responding to user reports against specific accounts, evaluating their comments / submissions, and then deciding if they have indeed spammed. If they have, you eventually ban them. I think that's the basic process.

Waiting for a spammer to accrue negative CCP is actually relatively slow. What we could do instead is this: if an account receives spam reports, and one of the trusted community members in /v/ReportSpammers marks the report as actual spam, then upon that marking the account could be restricted until such time as you or someone else is able to review the reports and ban the guilty users.

As far as I am aware this follows the same process as right now, except it will not restrict any account's commenting ability based on CCP, only on confirmed spam reports. As I understand it this should restrict guilty accounts much faster than negative CCP would have, without restricting non-spam accounts. All we require is a sufficiently large and trusted report marker section of the community, and then the awareness of the Voat community at large to place spam reports instead of downvotes in the first place.

The community at large can vote on who they want / trust to mark reports as actual spam, and we can keep those who have been doing a perfect job already (@Cynabuns namely. I'm sure @NeedleStack would do well also).

I can adjust anything I've written above for feasibility reasons but I think some interpretation of this will work for Voat well without punishing the innocent.

Howie ago

p0ssum in not an innocent. He hates all Voaters.

No one has named a single innocent yet.

I don't think they exist.

10275053? ago

I proposed that there was a potentially innocent group affected by this system, and it is conceivable that these restrictions could be applied to non-spamming users. My argument is founded on this potentiality. What some people dispute is that the restrictions should apply to only spammers, and there are arguments that can be made for that. My proposition seems to have failed in the case of dealing with non-spamming shit-disturbers, for moderator action seemed to be the only solution without downvotes being able to restrict comments.

So I'm not even sure anymore. Inaction may be wisest, but I suspect we are going to try something at least once to see if some system could be better. Of course if whatever is tried fails, I am certain Voat will revert back to what we have now.

Howie ago

In theory you can have non compliant users in your midst. Look at the Innuit in the Canadian Nunavut territory as an ideal.

In an ideal world I wish Africans and Native Americans could still be left in peace to live a life off the land the way things were for thousands of years.

The trick is how do you coexist with people who don't share your values and consider you their sworn enemy.

It seems like we are going to be disarmed, and then risk being banned if we use the downvoat button too frequently to add insult to injury.

Because we are a tiny minority on the web. It's going to go planet of the apes around here real fast most likely.

A whole bunch of moderator action is the last thing I'd like to see. Anywhere that has much of a mod presence, is not somewhere I like to spend much time in.

Guess I'll have to be ready to do battle once the new system kicks in

10279891? ago

As I've said, if whatever new system kicks in is worse for the community than what we have now we will surely revert. Mod action won't come into play, as it shouldn't. Excessive downvoting will only earn a ban if it is actual brigading -- and hopefully a more accurate depiction of what that means will be released sometime soon.

Howie ago

I appreciate the work you guys are doing to make Voat less expensive.

But making Voat into some kind of administrative minefield seems gay.

"Excessive downvoting" sounds like something thats ripe for abuse.

Once you release your downvote fatwas, the enemies of Voat are going to use them against legitimate users.

Anything that is manual is mod action, and there's quite a bit of it here already.

I get that there is an admin and mod distinction from the insider's POV.

But won't regular users experience changing of rules and bans based solely on downvoats as "mod action."

I've been active on these type of forums for over 5 years, and I would say "brigading" is just some buzzword that gets thrown around.

I hope brigading doesn't become an official concept on Voat. As far as I can tell, it's not even a thing.

10361040? ago

"Excessive downvoting" sounds like something thats ripe for abuse.

These are just my words and interpretations / phrasings and expectations. Nothing I say is formal and it should not be treated as such. Downvote brigading is downvote brigading; that's all I meant by "excessive downvoting", and like I said, we will be given more insight into exactly what constitutes brigading, I am sure.

won't regular users experience changing of rules and bans based solely on downvoats as "mod action."

I've been active on these type of forums for over 5 years, and I would say "brigading" is just some buzzword that gets thrown around.

I hope brigading doesn't become an official concept on Voat. As far as I can tell, it's not even a thing.

When you have a user going through all 19 pages of someone's comment history and downvoting every comment such that they go from 1000 CCP to 0 in a day, it is downvote brigading and users who do that will be banned from Voat (as far as I can tell, anyway; users have been banned for "Vote Manipulation" already. Perhaps only users who do this with bots are banned. I don't know for sure).

That's an extreme case but I don't think Putt looks for anything less than that level of manipulation because, with the current system, it allows a single user to debilitate other users. That's probably part of why he wants to try another system.

Howie ago

I'm lost already. This is all very depressing from a users standpoint. By definition the word brigading means people acting in concert.

I don't understand how one highly committed angry sperglord can be accused of brigading.

He's just one user.

How long would that even take in minutes.

Wouldn't that take days?

Maybe I don't want to know how the Voat sausage is made.

Thanks for taking all your time to answer, how is preview.voat going?

10361547? ago

By definition the word brigading means people acting in concert.

I believe that is the traditional meaning: multiple users collaborating to do as I described. Perhaps my "lone wolf" example is simply vote manipulation. It is certainly a confusing topic and I assure you that any actions taken against non-bot accounts will come with more clarification than I have been able to supply. You should not be depressed; normal users should not be affected by vote manipulation bans, I suspect.

Wouldn't that take days?

No, it could be done in one day if the user / bot was dedicated. Plus at present 1000 comments cannot even be accessed, only 475 or something (25 comments/page X 19 pages) but that's still a large hit to take from only one user, and I think it is against the rules but it might only be against the rules if multiple bots are used. I don't frankly know.

Thanks for taking all your time to answer, how is preview.voat going?

Pretty well. We're on the third environment (one more to go after this one) and a rather damaging bug was found, which is good (better to find it now than after the Port!). Things are proceeding nicely. Many of Voat's usability issues should be solved after the Port.

NeedleStack ago

Thanks for the ping but this level of power should be up to the users rather than individuals.

The ReportSpammers process works. It's slow-going but it eventually works alright once Putt sets the bots on the reports (or however he does it).

Cynabuns (who you also pinged) and I and the rest of the users who report spam do so in the spirit of service; as worker bees trying to protect the hive.

10257302? ago

but this level of power should be up to the users rather than individuals.

The only power I proposed was a janitorial ability to flair reports as spam or not spam, which Cynabuns already does and which Putt already uses when banning spammers. My proposition was to add more than just Cynabuns to this team in the event that spam reports were used to replace negative CCP restrictions.

If this "power" ought to remain up to the wider community and not just individuals, why is only Cynabuns in possession of this power now?

I just want to make sure you understand what I am actually proposing.

guinness2 ago

I like this idea, but the current CCP restrictions works well against bots... I'm not so sure your idea would survive malicious script kiddy attacks that create new accounts for immediate farming and spamming or flood /v/ReportSpammers with random reports just to keep the mods overworked and unable to keep up with legitimate reports.

10252237? ago

Now that is a compelling argument. At the very least the current system does not give bots a reason to generate spammy reports. Doing so after implementing my suggestion could effectively derail the system. Some CCP requirement would likely be necessary just to submit reports (just like we had the 100 CCP to downvote) in order to prevent this. Maybe a higher requirement level, 1000 CCP or something. Only one report is necessary, perhaps, to draw someone's attention to the spam account in question, so fewer community members are required to have the ability to report. And anyone with less than the threshold could still contact someone above the threshold and ask them to file a report, whereas that was not possible or meaningful with downvotes.

There is certainly a great deal to consider.

guinness2 ago

There is certainly a great deal to consider.

When trying to solve any problem, I think it's always worth asking "Have I solve this problem or just moved it?".

Some CCP requirement would likely be necessary just to submit reports (just like we had the 100 CCP to downvote) in order to prevent this.

But without the existing voting and posting CCP restrictions, farming with bots and new accounts would be even easier and the extra CCP constrains on the submit reports function could be quickly overcome.

The problem of CCP restrictions on voting and posting hasn't been solved, it's just been moved to the Report button.

'It could be really nasty!

10252365? ago

But without the existing voting and posting CCP restrictions, farming with bots and new accounts would be even easier and the extra CCP constrains on the submit reports function could be quickly overcome.

Vote manipulation is still vote manipulation, and Putt can detect it easily. If so the guilty accounts would be banned.

The problem of CCP restrictions on voting and posting hasn't been solved, it's just been moved to the Report button.

The thing is, by only assigning comment restrictions to people who have been successfully reported for spam, only actual spammers will ever face the restrictions, which was the intention from the beginning. In this case "moving the problem" has some justification -- because it is the location that is the problem.

guinness2 ago

In this case "moving the problem" has some justification -- because it is the location that is the problem.

I disagree because in both cases you are using human intervention to fight bots... and that's not a winnable strategy.

The malicious purpose of bots will be to create so much work for Putt and the Report Spammer mods that they can't keep up with deleting farming alts and dismissing fake reports... while spamming or brigading is taking place.

Currently, a malicious user is required to manually create and tend to a set of alts in preparation for a single brigading or spamming event, which takes human intervention and time and effort... whereas bots without posting / comment / voting CCP restrictions can tend to themselves at lightning speeds to rapidly gain enough CCP to begin fake Report attacks.

10252546? ago

The malicious purpose of bots will be to create so much work for Putt and the Report Spammer mods that they can't keep up with deleting farming alts and dismissing fake reports... while spamming or brigading is taking place.

This is the fundamental issue with my suggestions, I agree.

whereas bots without posting / comment / voting CCP restrictions can tend to themselves at lightning speeds to rapidly gain enough CCP to begin fake Report attacks.

Could not CCP restrictions similar to those in place for downvoting stymie this enough, though? I know others have suggested ways of limiting the formation of reports -- a CCP requirement plus ten different reports on one comment for a report to actually be generated, in combination could probably keep bots away, somehow, maybe?

guinness2 ago

Could not CCP restrictions similar to those in place for downvoting stymie this enough, though?

If a new alt can up-vote comments, then no... because then bots have control over farming each other's CCP... and they wouldn't need to be blatant about it either because each alt would only need to up-vote another once and then it's served it's purpose. I wonder if Putt's farming / brigading logic could cope with that: a bot that creates a disposable alt that only votes once?

I know others have suggested ways of limiting the formation of reports -- a CCP requirement plus ten different reports on one comment for a report to actually be generated, in combination could probably keep bots away, somehow, maybe?

No, alts are disposable and creating one that posts one fake report is as easy as creating ten that each post one fake report.

All solutions would need to place up-vote and down-vote restrictions based on CCP and then you've recreated the existing solution, but with extra steps.

Think of how the poor Voat database would feel after such abuse!

10252638? ago

I wonder if Putt's farming / brigading logic could cope with that: a bot that creates a disposable alt that only votes once?

I think if they are either coming from the same IP or the same machine he gets alerted by that, in which case he would be able to ban those accounts before they started flooding RS with reports.

All solutions would need to place up-vote and down-vote restrictions based on CCP and then you've recreated the existing solution, but with extra steps

It's not the 100 CCP restrictions that currently exist for downvoting that we are considering changing, though. Those work and would remain. It is the negative CCP restrictions that would be moved to have a different cause, potentially. If accounts are required to have a certain amount of CCP to submit reports, then it seems we would have as much issue with bot reports as we have with bot brigaders now -- in short, not too much of an issue, less so if we up the requirement of CCP.

guinness2 ago

I think if they are either coming from the same IP or the same machine he gets alerted by that, in which case he would be able to ban those accounts before they started flooding RS with reports.

I wonder how that works with anonymous proxies?

then it seems we would have as much issue with bot reports as we have with bot brigaders now -- in short, not too much of an issue, less so if we up the requirement of CCP.

Fair enough... but I suspect the lack of bot attacks thus-far is no guarantee the future won't be dominated by bot attacks, especially when the other vulnerabilities are mitigated.

MadWorld ago

Yes, feedback on negative ccp to determine spamming is way too slow and undesirable as this can be mixed up with unpopular opinions. I have thought about using neural network or plagiarism detection. It sounds interesting at first. But it's really just a game/evolution of the cat and the mouse. Sooner or later, the spammers will always find new ways to cheat the system. Human elements will remain to be the best judgement.

@PuttItOut, I would propose something like this toward the spammers:

  1. Use a threshold on the number of spams been reported on a potential spam user.
  2. Then automatically generate a /v/ReportSpammers (or relevant subverse) submission, along with relevant info, when that threshold is triggered.
  3. Like any other subverses, the subverse users vote, discuss, and decide the accuracy of the report been submitted.
  4. If the report is correct(true), give warnings to the user and further ban persistent abusers.
  5. If the report is a lie(false), keep an abuse score on users who abused the spam report. Keep the thread ids/content if possible.
    1. When the threshold(spam report abuse) for this abuse score is triggered, like any other spammer, we can automatically generate another submission to the subverse for review.
    2. If the user who falsely and repeatly reported with the spam button is identified, restrict his account, like any other confirmed spammers.
    3. Relax this user's restriction when the user stops abuse on false reporting over a certain time period.
  6. If the report contains ambiguous(uncertainty, the grey area) content or not obvious enough to been classified as spammer, we should let it slide without any side-effect.

Something optional to keep the users motivated, but I suspect voaters might not care much since they love voat so much.

  • Reward the users who reported the spammers accurately. Reward them for their dedication and hard work. They can become the Protectors of Voat.

PuttItOut ago

I really like the idea of automatically making a post in v/reportspammers when any trigger level has been detected. This is a very transparent way of verifying the accuracy of the code.

If we move into any sort of reporting system, we have already decided we will have to build a confidence interval for users. If done right the system would be able to flag spam based on reports very quickly depending on who is reporting content and their history of reports vs outcomes.

This can also be gamed so we will have to still have accountability and not trust the system fully.

guinness2 ago

But how would this solution cope with shit like:

  • bots that create a single new accounts just so they can maliciously down-vote a random post in a sub or on the front-page;

  • bots that create a single new account just to make random false reports to /v/ReportSpammers so the mods are too busy dealing with fake reports to keep up with dealing with real ones;


MadWorld ago

The new code base will have Vote Identity 2.7/2.8 built in to restrict the number of alt accounts that can vote on submissions and comments, assuming the bots have acquired minimum of 100 ccp. With a few exceptions, I believe it won't be possible to simply keep on creating new accounts to get around the barrier. When fake reports are identified, the bot accounts will be restricted or banned. This ban, in combination with Vote Identity 2.7/2.8 could be used to prevent bots from creating new alt accounts. Note that both spammers and false accusers can be restricted or banned.

In the case of sole upvoting/downvoting that doesn't leave any trace of spamming, how would a bot acquire enough ccp points to perform the downvote? It cannot earn enough ccp without making meaningful comments that generate ccp to permit downvoting action. If it is smart enough, possibly using AI, it would be the borderline between legitimate user and spammer.

guinness2 ago

Ha ha: Vote Identity 2.7/2.8 sounds fantastic!

Thank you for being made from pure awesome!

Hearing this makes me even more excited about Voat's bright future!

MadWorld ago

Yeah it is awesome! Both rules were discovered while testing on the preview site. I thought it was the pre-existing rules, but it turned out to be new features. The vote identity is probably hashed based on some hardware attributes of the machines.

guinness2 ago

Ha ha ha: I can't wait for "certain users" to throw a fit when they learn about this... they'll claim malicious spamming and brigading attacks on other users is how they express their free speech!

10249524? ago

That's why I mentioned some sort of flagging system like what Cynabuns does now. Of course if this is to replace downvotes in terms of restrictions Cynabuns won't be able to manage it alone.

At first I was thinking that you could just give more people Cynabuns' janitor abilities in /v/ReportSpammers, but then I considered that we could use a certain upcoming feature to community-decide on reports. Probably wouldn't be fast enough though. I definitely think that auto-restricting based on a certain number of spam reports would just result in the same issues we have now, without some kind of confirmation.

MadWorld ago

I didn't suggest auto-restricting based on number of spam reports. I suggested generating a submission to the /v/ReportSpammers subverse for review when the spam report passes certain threshold. Automated restriction is good if the confidence(as Putt mentioned this terminology) level is high. But human reviews will be most accurate, plus the logs will keep the users accountable should the users decided to abuse/corrupt the review process.

10249703? ago

I didn't suggest auto-restricting based on number of spam reports.

I wasn't specifically referring to your suggestion, but other root suggestions. Sorry if it came across as referring to you. I was just making a general comment based on something Putt said.

MadWorld ago

It's a tough problem, any system can be cheated, even the human review, if there is no log to keep the process accountable.

10249765? ago

No matter what is done we'll definitely want logs. Even then we might find the whole thing isn't viable and switch back to way things are now.

Crensch ago

Spam is an issue and we don't want it overrunning the website. But at the same time you're right, these restrictions have been inhibiting people who have done nothing wrong but share too many unpopular opinions, and it isn't in the spirit of Voat.

The problem is that some of these "unpopular opinions" are actually paid-for opinions.

I know of people with unpopular opinions that don't garner downvotes. I've seen it happen all the time, actually.

The ones with downvotes were rude, or expected everyone to agree with them without supporting their position. Or they were MSM narratives that are very obviously manufactured and being espoused by suspicious usernames.

Jixijenga ago

paid for

Prove that. I want you to prove every single allegation of this nature to be, without a doubt, completely true.

I can't begin to count the number of times I was accused of being CTR and then ShareBlue simply because I'm not a far-right nutjob and didn't agree with the thread's circlejerk. A bunch of downvoats because I didn't accept the tired narrative pushed by morons parroting an old post on Stormfront.

These unpopular opinions are often fabled to be the work of whatever bullshit bogeyman morons cook up, but I rarely see any evidence supporting that.

Crensch ago

Prove that. I want you to prove every single allegation of this nature to be, without a doubt, completely true.

I want you to prove that they're legitimate users. We already know that shareblue and CTR have been here, so your claim will need just as many assumptions as mine.

I can't begin to count the number of times I was accused of being CTR and then ShareBlue simply because I'm not a far-right nutjob and didn't agree with the thread's circlejerk. A bunch of downvoats because I didn't accept the tired narrative pushed by morons parroting an old post on Stormfront.


parroting an old post on Stormfront.

If you had been around for the full 2.1 years you've supposedly existed, you'd know that stormfront parrots us. You'd also know that bringing up stormfront as a pejorative here will get you downvoted because it isn't considered an insult, and is absurd.

These unpopular opinions are often fabled to be the work of whatever bullshit bogeyman morons cook up, but I rarely see any evidence supporting that.

When their points match CNN's narrative, which has been proven to be a fake-news outlet of LIES, well... it's not really that big of a leap to conclude that they're likely being paid to post here about it.

2.1 years, 120scp and 2k ccp with profile "I'll lurk on here"

@kevdude if your cabal/designed-subversion narrative is true, this guy is just about right on time to show up as a "poor downvoted legitimate user".

None popped up for 24 hours, but now one finally shows up. I'm not really sure why, because his comments don't appear to be downvoted for their opinions.

Jixijenga ago

Uh? Stormfront's been around far, far longer than voat or it's predecessors. It's old, and it's tired, yet old talking points made on there are still touted as an undisputed truth.

My point was, as you've so eloquently proven, is that this site is populated by the dumbest motherfuckers and that doesn't mean they're paid to be this way. On the contrary, it makes little sense to assume that some paranoid fantasy is automatically true because you feel threatened by other people. I know you feel threatened, by the way, or else you wouldn't have pinged @kevdude to back you up and then try to pigeonhole me as some ~poor downvoated legitimate user~ too. Desperation makes the stupid do interesting things, why else would you do that when I have positive CCP and none of my posts, ever, fit your version of events.

In short, you're talking out of your ass because what you seem to want is an ultra-right reddit, something voat was never supposed to be.

Crensch ago

Uh? Stormfront's been around far, far longer than voat or it's predecessors. It's old, and it's tired, yet old talking points made on there are still touted as an undisputed truth.

And we don't take after them at all. We don't parrot shit from them, we have our own culture.

My point was, as you've so eloquently proven, is that this site is populated by the dumbest motherfuckers and that doesn't mean they're paid to be this way.

The site is populated by idiot consumers like you, and content providers like me, empress, and kevdude.

In short, you're talking out of your ass because what you seem to want is an ultra-right reddit, something voat was never supposed to be.

Showing your true colours here.


Jixijenga ago

I've never hid my colors, Crensch, that's why I'm here.

This is precisely the shit I was talking about, you don't want me to have a voice because I genuinely want a free speech platform where people can't arbitrarily decide a type of wrongthink needs to be purged. Get fucked if you don't like it, but I won't change my opinion because you're offended.

Crensch ago

This is precisely the shit I was talking about, you don't want me to have a voice because I genuinely want a free speech platform where people can't arbitrarily decide a type of wrongthink needs to be purged.

You have a voice, and you use it for fuck-all, apparently. In 2 years you contributed a net 2,046 ccp, and peanuts for scp.

In short, you're talking out of your ass because what you seem to want is an ultra-right reddit, something voat was never supposed to be.

What voat was supposed to be is a bastion of free speech, and all I see around here are faggots like you begging the question about how limiting how often you get to comment because you're being a douchenozzle is not free speech.

Tell me who is silenced for their opinions.

Because nobody is.

Jixijenga ago

I mostly keep to myself rather than flying all over the site like the super COOL ~content creators~ such as yourself, a strange concept I know, but I'm just not that vain. I guess only when I aspire to collect the maximum amount of internet points will I truly fit in, oh how humiliating to be so mundane.

Of course I need to remind you that all of the above is sarcasm, lest you think I actually give a fuck about your incessant need to dick measure because you're a sniveling, insecure bitch. I don't. My 30 submissions to my out of the way sub are intentionally discounted because I don't believe in farming internet points. Unlike some people. Everything proposed likely won't affect me at all, I have positive CCP and SCP, I rarely post links, I don't spam, and I tend to shower everyone in upvoats because in spite of my bitter attitude I'm generally a positive person. You keep trying to make it seem like I'm only making this argument because I'm "begging" to be "unrestricted." Odd, I never had any restrictions. What I am doing is pointing out what you truly are and holding you accountable, so far all you've done is downvoat me (lol) and throw a fit.

As for who's silenced you bragged elsewhere how you "personally identified" all these oh so terrible people invading voat. A little investigation into your post history shows me a different story, my first demand in my first post is quite relevant here.

You're full of shit and a danger to the purpose of this site, you demonstrated it here, with me, by trying to call in support to more effectively brigade me. Problem was, kevdude's seen me before and knows I hate shills of any stripe.

That is why I said something to you in the first place.

Crensch ago

I keep to myself rather than flying all over the site like the super COOL ~content creators~ such as yourself, a strange concept I know, but I'm just not that vain.

"Guys, I'm too cool to create content - creating content is so vain"

I guess only when I aspire to collect the maximum amount of internet points will I truly fit in, oh how humiliating to be so mundane.

Well, at least you admit you contribute fuck-all to the site, and don't think much of those that do. Good start there, buddy.

Of course I need to remind you that all of the above is sarcasm, lest you think I actually give a fuck about your incessant need to dick measure because you're a sniveling, insecure bitch. I don't.

Attacking me because I've gotten under your skin.

My 30 submissions to my out of the way sub are intentionally discounted because I don't believe in farming internet points. Unlike some people.

My points are nothing but an indicator that I provide information and viewpoints that people have chosen to upvote.

Everything proposed likely won't affect me at all, I have positive CCP and SCP, I rarely post links, I don't spam, and I tend to shower everyone in upvoats because in spite of my bitter attitude I'm generally a positive person.

I'm sure your virtue-signalling would help your case on a libtard website. It doesn't really work here.

You keep trying to makr it seem like I'm only making this argument because I'm "begging" to be "unrestricted."

You need to read my words again, apparently:

all I see around here are faggots like you begging the question about how limiting how often you get to comment because you're being a douchenozzle is not free speech.

Since you're showing yourself to be somewhat absurd, and a little stupid, I'll translate:

Faggots like you are begging the question; you say limiting how often you get to comment means that there isn't free speech here. The fact that the limitations don't actually force you to agree with anyone doesn't really seem to register with you. Also the fact that no one has been shown to have been downvoted into limitations because someone disagreed with the narrative here seems beyond your ability to grasp. The only ones downvoted to limitations are spamalek shill douchenozzle types.

Odd, I never had any restrictions. What I am doing is pointing out what you truly are and holding you accountable, so far all you've done is downvoat me (lol) and throw a fit.

I never said you did, and I don't really care to put in the effort for a "what I think I'm doing" comic for you, but that's not what anyone else sees. Nice try though.

As for who's silenced you bragged elsewhere how you "personally identified" all these oh so terrible people invading voat. A little investigation into your post history shows me a different story.

No, it doesn't. Nice try though.

You're full of shit and a danger to the purpose of this site, you demonstrated it here, with me, by trying to call in support to more effectively brigade me. Problem was, kevdude's seen me before and knows I hate shills of any stripe.

I didn't call him there to brigade you, you're literally the only one defending these faggots, and he was the first to post that this seemed like an organized effort. Also, I don't believe you about what he's seen or thinks about you. @kevdude

That is why I said something to you in the first place.

Nah, you said something to me in the first place because you didn't do your homework, and thought I might be an easy target.

Jixijenga ago

I didn't read any of that except the part with the pretty blue @kevdude mention. Sorry. (not really)

I'm not defending anyone, I saw something that was bullshit in your post and responded. That's it. So far I haven't seen you actually define "these faggots" so I'm not exactly sure who I'm supposed to be defending in the first place. If anything they're props for my argument in that you're a paranoid loon claiming the site's full of paid shills and to that I'd say slow your roll, Sanegoat, no it isn't.

A quick scan through your post tells me I'm not far off the mark, the part about "you say limiting how often" made me laugh because I don't recall saying that at all. Please quote me.

You're projecting whatever insane bullshit you have in your head about all those damnable shareblue shills behind every corner on me. Sorry, champ, but I'm actually for the downvoat restrictions staying as-is because they're the least-worst option we have.

Crensch ago

Since you don't read anything but my pings to kevdude: @kevdude Feel free to comment if you want, I'm done with this shill.

Jixijenga ago

quote me

Your answer? Run away. I'm really not surprised.

Crensch ago

You didn't read my words, so I didn't read yours. I'd say that's a fair deal, and you expecting more from me than you're willing to give just really shows your character.

Jixijenga ago

I read some of your words, though, and then I gave you the courtesy of briefly browsing over the rest of your post.

I'd really like you to actually marry your projections and whatever the fuck you have in your head with my actual comments please, because most of our exchange has been marred by a gross disconnect from reality. We haven't been able to find common ground because you keep trying to hammer round peg of "defending these faggots" into the square hole of my posts, I don't think you've actually read anything I've posted besides the bits necessary for you to continue this behavior.

We have nothing else to say otherwise.

Crensch ago

Maybe you'll read your own words:

I didn't read any of that except the part with the pretty blue @ kevdude mention. Sorry. (not really)

I read some of your words, though, and then I gave you the courtesy of briefly browsing over the rest of your post.

So either way, you're a liar.

Jixijenga ago

From the archived post directly:

A quick scan through your post tells me I'm not far off the mark, the part about "you say limiting how often" made me laugh because I don't recall saying that at all. Please quote me.

A quick scan through your post tells me I'm not far off the mark, the part about "you say limiting how often" made me laugh

A quick scan through your post tells me I'm not far off the mark

A quick scan through your post



What lie?

Jixijenga ago

Point out how I'm a lair. You're full of shit, proof is in the very post you tried to use as evidence.

I say I read one part, and then after responding to that part (this is still some of your post) I "did you the courtesy of briefly browsing over the rest" and said as much by stating I did a "quick scan through the rest of your post."

Pathetic. If you want to stop this grow a fucking spine and just say, "let's stop." Don't resort to literally making shit up just so you can pretend like you're taking the high road as you run away.

EDIT: I'm still waiting for you to do this:

I'd really like you to actually marry your projections and whatever the fuck you have in your head with my actual comments please, because most of our exchange has been marred by a gross disconnect from reality.

10248263? ago

I don't disagree with any of that, but at the same time we cannot say with certainty that a bunch of people behaving like autists or aggressively and espousing unpopular opinions are necessarily paid shills. Are we not, who possess free speech, strong enough to refute their baseless claims without limiting the number of claims they can make per day? If they spam their paid viewpoints they will get banned for spam; if they manipulate votes so that they can downvote they will get banned for manipulation -- but if they are just commenting as much as any other user and they happen to get downvoted for it, what justification do we really have for restricting their speech? We are stronger than that, and they are weaker than for us to need to restrict them.

Crensch ago

I don't disagree with any of that, but at the same time we cannot say with certainty that a bunch of people behaving like autists or aggressively and espousing unpopular opinions are necessarily paid shills.

What we can do currently is force them to jump one single hurdle to continue posting here. A hurdle I posit is extremely trivial to overcome.

Are we not, who possess free speech, strong enough to refute their baseless claims without limiting the number of claims they can make per day?

I think you're missing some of my point here. When 5/6 of the comments are from those paid-for liars, those looking for the truth will stop looking and upvoating, and those writing the truth will conclude that their input is not appreciated.

The truth is strong enough to survive when not drowned out by bullshit. If the lies had to meet some kind of criteria that the truth requires by definition, the truth would always win.

I think we've seen the truth lose plenty of times IRL to a hailstorm of lies, because lies are held to absolutely no standard, and the liars go unpunished.

If they spam their paid viewpoints they will get banned for spam

Is not the definition of spam currently just posting the same words over and over? How would you justify calling it spam when it's really just 12 "users" in cubicles posting their "thoughts" that aren't just copy-pasted?

As it stands, I think it's difficult enough pinpointing these users when the users of the site are working to do so. We seem to be right often enough, though.

but if they are just commenting as much as any other user and they happen to get downvoted for it, what justification do we really have for restricting their speech?

The users downvoated into restrictions didn't get there from simply unpopular opinions. Or if they did, they only posted unpopular opinions, which I posit is simply trolling.

Anyone can get plenty of upvotes here without much effort. Even those heavily downvoted users can make comments with +7 if they set aside their "unpopular" opinions for a single comment. Are we saying that asking them to do that more is too much?

We are stronger than that, and they are weaker than for us to need to restrict them.

The truth is only strong when it's not drowned out by half-truths, lies, and irrelevancies.

All of which would have garnered downvotes, and allowed the users to limit that username.

Imagine a username that goes around and lies on purpose. Every comment. Constantly. In order to make himself seen and heard.

No downvotes can stop him.

Now there's 10 of them.

Or 20. Paid for.

Only some small amount of mods or admins or council members to deal with them. Only nobody can, because they're not spamming.

Every political post, and comment in that post, is now responded to by 20 of these "users".

No hail of downvotes can stop them. 20 clicks of downvotes by five real users to even hide them - if they don't get upvoted a bit by each other.

But maybe I'm missing something. Some puzzle-piece of information that didn't fit.

10248596? ago

What we can do currently is force them to jump one single hurdle to continue posting here. A hurdle I posit is extremely trivial to overcome.

Though is is rational and reasonable on the surface, what it boils down to is: "Behave the way I want you to or have your speech restricted" which just isn't freedom of speech. If people aren't spamming or otherwise breaking the site, they ought to be able to post a bunch of incoherent nonsense as often the rest of us can post our coherent nonsense. We can downvote them and push their incoherence out of sight, at least.

I think you're missing some of my point here. When 5/6 of the comments are from those paid-for liars, those looking for the truth will stop looking and upvoating, and those writing the truth will conclude that their input is not appreciated.

But we will identify the paid comments if they are so evident, we will downvote them, and they will be pushed to the bottom, leaving only the quality comments we are looking for at the top, no?

As it stands, I think it's difficult enough pinpointing these users when the users of the site are working to do so. We seem to be right often enough, though.

And we can continue to moderate in this way as a community. If only a few words are changed from a two paragraph rant, it will still be considered spam. If the same argument is made, but re-typed every time, and it is posted to twenty threads in five minutes, that's probably spam. These are the judgments we can make transparently and act on, and if there is outcry there can be reversals.

The users downvoated into restrictions didn't get there from simply unpopular opinions. Or if they did, they only posted unpopular opinions, which I posit is simply trolling.

Again, a fair point, but they are free to troll without consequence so long as the trolling is not actual spam etc..

The truth is only strong when it's not drowned out by half-truths, lies, and irrelevancies.

Notice the key words in that definition: short span. If the bullshit is essentially the same then the community might decide it's spam. Of course we have to be careful about this which is why its all transparent. But if five 30 minute accounts show up and fill a thread with different ramblings about how great Stalin's USSR was, we can probably safely deduce it's spam and ban the accounts if it is truly agreed to be spam. IF NOT we can downvote and the comments will collapse out of sight anyway.

magine a username that goes around and lies on purpose. Every comment. Constantly. In order to make himself seen and heard.

No downvotes can stop him.

Downvotes push his comments out of sight. Same with the other 20. If they spam (or the accounts are linked, thus confirming the spam) they'll be banned. All the arguments I'm making from the point of "ban the spammers" depends on it being obvious spam, though, which is why generally I'm responding with "downvotes still hide the shills/ lies"

Crensch ago

Though is is rational and reasonable on the surface, what it boils down to is: "Behave the way I want you to or have your speech restricted" which just isn't freedom of speech.

No, I view it as paying for that freedom of speech. Freedom isn't free. Some things must be sacrificed in order to have a government that will protect you from the other assholes that want to come in and make you not free.

When you come to this site, you are entering a community, and while you have the right to say what you want, there's still a bare minimum effort needed to be a part of this community. Voat exists because people contribute things here. They contribute things here because there's a community here to share their ideas with.

It's like moving into a neighborhood. Keep your damn grass cut, or you ruin the place for everyone around you.

If people aren't spamming or otherwise breaking the site, they ought to be able to post a bunch of incoherent nonsense as often the rest of us can post our coherent nonsense.

I'm not really sure I believe what I just read. I don't want to jump to any conclusions, so please, explain yourself here. To give you an idea, this sounds a lot like Merkel of Germany style rhetoric.

We can downvote them and push their incoherence out of sight, at least. But we will identify the paid comments if they are so evident, we will downvote them, and they will be pushed to the bottom, leaving only the quality comments we are looking for at the top, no?

Until we can't, or until it's not worth it.

To continue the neighborhood analogy, neighbors have to come and mow your lawn to keep the place up. Then more lazy fucks move in, and more neighbors need to mow their lawns. At some point, those neighbors are just going to stop or move away.

And we can continue to moderate in this way as a community. If only a few words are changed from a two paragraph rant, it will still be considered spam.

All it takes is a few people paid to say about the same thing constantly. They won't be copy-pasting, they'll be rewording it entirely. No, they're not "spamming" but they're not legitimate either, and their comments encroach on the legitimate real estate of the site.

If the same argument is made, but re-typed every time, and it is posted to twenty threads in five minutes, that's probably spam. These are the judgments we can make transparently and act on, and if there is outcry there can be reversals.

Some small group of volunteers are needed to make these judgments that will likely pile up like the current submission spam. These volunteers will get to parse how much of these "users" crap before making a decision?

At what point do those volunteers decide that it's not worth it?

Again, a fair point, but they are free to troll without consequence so long as the trolling is not actual spam etc..

Of course they are, but because they are limited by the users on how much real estate they can cover, the trolls never became more than a small group of semi-irritating staples of the Voat diet. Once the limitations are gone, they'll have no reason to not take up as much real estate as they can.

And like I said, users are going to just stop mowing their lawns so other users don't have to see their comments.

Notice the key words in that definition: short span.

No... no no. That is absolutely, 100% addressed by pointing out that any length of time will result in exponentially more bullshit than truth. Please don't go there, this is the second line of yours that I cannot accept.

If the bullshit is essentially the same then the community might decide it's spam. Of course we have to be careful about this which is why its all transparent. But if five 30 minute accounts show up and fill a thread with different ramblings about how great Stalin's USSR was, we can probably safely deduce it's spam and ban the accounts if it is truly agreed to be spam.

Those 5 accounts with their 30 minutes just caused how much work for us? How much time and effort and resources? Are we talking all hypotheticals here or are we actually addressing the realities of these situations?

A simple equation:

Troll/shill/spammer time X

Voat volunteer time Y

If X - Y is not a decently-sized number, Y will be buried in actions by X.

Some small, in-control group of neighbors have to now not only mow the lawns, but pick up the trash in the yard.

And we're not even talking about the accounts that aren't just 30 minutes old.

All the arguments I'm making from the point of "ban the spammers" depends on it being obvious spam, though, which is why generally I'm responding with "downvotes still hide the shills/ lies"

I realize this, but that small group determining spam is just going to get completely snowed under now. Bannings don't really work, since you can just make a new account in 10 seconds.

The only thing combating this was that every user could waste a troll/shill's 10s, and cause them to waste 5s switching between usernames constantly. We'd crowdsource mowing their lawn and picking up their trash between ALL of the users, and I posit that's why comments aren't really an issue now.

I'm arguing from a position of, "it's working, things are good now, everyone has to pay property taxes". Property taxes being another form of the mowing the lawn analogy. If you're not free because you have to mow your lawn, or pay property taxes, then nobody is free, and the concept of freedom in the context it's being used here is an absurdity.

10249070? ago

No, I view it as paying for that freedom of speech. Freedom isn't free. Some things must be sacrificed in order to have a government that will protect you from the other assholes that want to come in and make you not free.

If someone bursts down your door with an ax the government isn't going to save you or your family. That's why we pursue liberty (i.e. maximized power over self) -- so we can bear arms and defend ourselves. Now, freedom does come with substantially increased responsibility, because it is a form of power. That responsibility includes not going into the town square and screeching at the top of your lungs for hours, and speaking in moderation so that others have the opportunity to speak themselves. In a forum setting this translates to: don't spam. That's why spamming is a bannable offense. Lies, though, should fall within freedom, not an abuse of freedom. Same with "well-manneredness".

The grass analogy is good. Mowing lawns should not be enforced by laws, but they should still be mowed out of respect for neighbours. Likewise, spam should be enforced, but manners and truth-telling should not be -- but users should still be well-mannered and tell the truth. Sometimes they won't; that's their own immorality coming to light, but it is not our place to ban them for it. What we can do is downvote them so their words are hidden, at least.

If people aren't spamming or otherwise breaking the site, they ought to be able to post a bunch of incoherent nonsense as often the rest of us can post our coherent nonsense.

I'm not really sure I believe what I just read. I don't want to jump to any conclusions, so please, explain yourself here. To give you an idea, this sounds a lot like Merkel of Germany style rhetoric.

I don't understand what issue you are taking with it. If people want to post incoherence, let them. That's their freedom. If they want to spam it that's another issue, for the reasons I stated above.

Until we can't, or until it's not worth it.

If we find ourselves unable to downvote obvious shills it is because those shills are buying upvotes, which Putt can now easily detect and ban them for. As for our energy to downvote, that's not going anywhere unless the shills are so overwhelmingly present that surely a community will be able to identify spammers.

At what point do those volunteers decide that it's not worth it?

We've had users doing this for two years, suffering through all the reports, and they still think it's worth it. Because they care about Voat and freedom.

Once the limitations are gone, they'll have no reason to not take up as much real estate as they can.

But the restrictions aren't going anywhere! They're just being assigned in a different way.

I'm arguing from a position of, etc.

I get that. We are only discussing possibilities. No system will be introduced that works worse than the one we have now. If we make changes and all of a sudden Voat is unusable no matter how hard we work, we will return to the previous system. But is seems possible to me that using a report feature instead of downvotes can achieve the same effect without jeopardizing innocent users. That's all.

Crensch ago

Apologies, I'm in a situation right now where I cannot respond to each point as I'd like, but a smaller response is something I can manage, so here goes:

I had the feeling there was some information I wasn't privy to. I think your response here has alluded to some of that.

My concerns are that putt and the spammer groups will be overwhelmed with reports. That this change will cause the burden to be pushed upwards.

That even if these spammer groups are identified, it won't hurt them because they can have hundreds of sleeper usernames. But if Putt can combat that as well, then there's no problem.

We've had users doing this for two years, suffering through all the reports, and they still think it's worth it. Because they care about Voat and freedom.

My concern is when/if it becomes a situation where their efforts don't actually make a dent in the workload. Instead of all the users sharing it, they get all of it - and it'd be an easy weakpoint to attack if you wanted to subvert this place.

10249454? ago

I fully understand those concerns; they are legitimate. We won't be able to properly know how manageable such a change -- if implemented at all -- will be unless we try. With enough people on board I think we could manage it. We could assign the responsibility of flagging reports to random users, but then we run into the issue of inactive users winding up with calls for jury duty.

Andalusian1 ago

Wonderfully put

SexMachine ago

I like this idea, actually was about to suggest something similar, give someone trusted a limited admin account to restrict accounts that have been reviewed and revealed to be posting spam.

Maybe even have an automatic limiter in place for new accounts that are posting 20+ comments/links within an hour to be reviewed as well.

absurdlyobfuscated ago

Maybe even have an automatic limiter in place for new accounts that are posting 20+ comments/links within an hour to be reviewed as well.

Yes please!

And a possible alternative to deal with spam flooding that would be friendlier to new users could involve having the system to automatically report sudden surges of posts or comments. I'd envision something that would detect lots of posts from the same domain or user or IP address - or if any other metrics exist to detect the same source it could use those. Then all those reports would end up in a queue along with the stuff that gets lots of user reports, and a human can review the domain/user/etc. and filter or ban as appropriate. The important part is that certain actions should set off some alarms so they can be dealt with, and flooding and a high number/percent of spam reports should both be easy to detect.

If an automatic system is set up so some kind of rate limit is imposed when an account starts flooding, then when a report goes to the spam review process it should also have the option to flag that source as not spam and at least temporarily remove the restrictions on it. That way you aren't stuck with reddit-like restrictions and wouldn't end up with new accounts begging for karma to get around the filters. I really like ideas like PeaceSeeker's that don't negatively impact normal users, and I think we can build something that can deal with the spam problem and at the same time not be all that obtrusive or put up too many barriers.

10246743? ago

The best part about this suggestion is that whoever is doing the marking will still be accountable the way that all Voat mods are. Every action they take will be logged publicly for the community to see. If ever there is a "Spam Flagger" who steps out of line, remove them and replace them with someone else. Very simple, and no one innocent has to suffer.

1moar ago

We do already block various domains for various reasons. I'm not 100% sure how hooktube works, who owns it, etc, but if it can mirror anything on youtube without giving them traffic, I don't see it as censorship per se. Would rather just not give them the traffic.

JuiceTown ago

Blocking links to the planet's largest repository of video content seems a bit...crazy

cynicaloldfart ago

Hooktube isn't a repository, they don't host anything. It's a mirror/re-direction. I doubt anyone wants to block YT, just an easy way to post a link as HT if the poster prefers.

10246452? ago

Proposal: limitations are removed or lessened for users with negative CCP, but their names show up in a color indicating that there's a greater chance they're a detractor from the site. This would remove limitations for most, but could end up punishing some unlucky few (who happen to have unpopular opinions on enough topics to be downvoted). The benefit, however, would be that negative CCP ends up being like pink hair on an SJW: Aposematism, a warning to others.

10246673? ago

A stylish suggestion, but I don't like it. The problem is that negative CCP does not come about only because of spam. In fact it most commonly comes about from people with ideas or opinions that most of Voat disagrees with, or just all around annoying folks. As annoying as they may be, the extent to which they are annoying, or their opinions, should not be grounds for restricted speech in any way at all. Putt is considering implementing new features to tackle this issue, and so we as a community can make use of spam reporting features and flagging teams or something along those lines instead of relying on groupthink and popularity votes. We need something more accountable.

SexMachine ago

I don't like this idea. Each comment should be judged by the contribution to the conversation. Putting a Jew star on people with negative CCP will make people judge them immediately, without reading their comment.

10246620? ago

A username is already a type of Jew star: it helps you form an impression as to how a person argues and what their motivations might be. Why not just make all of Voat anonymous like 4chan? And if you do that, you can't then say "oh, it's @Amalek, I know from his 500 spammed threads that he's here to detract from the site, and any good points he make are accidental and even tangential to his obvious purpose."

SexMachine ago

There are anon subverses. If there's a user posting bs consistently in the comments, the subverse owner can alter the CSS to tag the user as a problem user.

I think this should be left to the subverse owners' discretion, not the admin. Maybe include the feature as an option for subverse moderators, but not make it site wide.

ChillyHellion ago

I think the fact that you're asking the question is encouraging, whatever the solution ends up being.

Slayfire122 ago

Don't outright ban YouTube. Just give an option to automatically replace YouTube links with hooktube and visa versa.

cynicaloldfart ago

I personally prefer HT, but since that's a personal opinion, having a checkbox appear when submitting a YT vid that asks "Would you rather post that as HT?" would be a good option. The person that prefers the other can still get there if they want after the post is posted. The post is created by one person, and as such, should have the decision what site they prefer.

Currently, since I don't like giving YT any clicks, when I see a post goes to YT, I copy/paste that address lnk into a new tab, edit to HT, and view that. It's my choice, so I go to the trouble of selecting that option.

Slayfire122 ago

I was thinking an individual setting in that says "Open YouTube links in Hooktube. Then underneath it would be an "Open Hooktube links in YouTube" option.

cynicaloldfart ago

In fact, would that be an idea you could send to

cynicaloldfart ago

That sounds like a great idea. Leaves the choice up to each individual user and isn't forced on anyone.

smokratez ago

gabara is leftie redditt trash

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

how would he recover his ccp then?

JuiceTown ago

He should be given one CCP for each day he isn't a faggot

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

just let the users decide how much of a faggot he's being with any given comment, the voting system can simply run it's course from your perspective it's clearly working seeing as that guys in the negative

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

can you give the users more control of the site? like being able to voat out power mods?

Olivered ago

The canary hasn't been updated in 10 months stupid

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

you're mother hasn't been updated in 10 months :^)

ExpertShitposter ago

I want to voat out @system from v/whatever. I need that sub for my CSS experiments.

10246482? ago

Pure democracy is easily subverted by factions. We should trust only the admins with the ability to decide whether or not a mod is acting against the interests of his community.

10247645? ago

This. I support Voat as a site for FREE speech, not hive-minded echo chamber speech from a single specific ideology that currently makes up the majority of the userbase due to Reddit refugees.

teatime ago

This is exactly why I'm against any element of human interaction with this spam blocking. I'd rather deal with a little spam than a whole lot of crazy factions pushing people out.

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

Suppose the positive vote result mandated admin investigation and action on the issue instead of a user generated ban outright.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

then make it a republic and place restrictions on who can vote in the system

10246652? ago

Only land-owners, perhaps? Accounts can be bought or transferred, or, more plausibly, SJWs/ShareBlue/other infiltrators (who certainly exist, look at 4chan and Reddit) could just lay low and then fuck things up.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

it's a good use for SCP finally, and no system is perfect but let putt work on it and see what he comes up with before you concern post so much. Can you say the current system is protected against such subversions? look at what happened to v/niggers and v/chicago when someone infiltrated the top mod spot

HarveyKlinger ago

^^^^^^ THIS GUY ^^^^^^ gets it. So many subs got cucked and there's nothing we can do about it. v/Chicago comes to mind. We already know that transferring subs is almost impossible here so there needs to be a way to un-cuck a sub. Hell, I applied to take over a dead sub months ago. Nothing ever became of it.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

I think as long as we restrict it's use to active participants of the sub in question it'd be a very nice thing to have

HarveyKlinger ago

No good. The faggot that's running v/Chicago banned everybody that was posting there (see so none of us would have been considered "active participants." That cunt (@Clueless-Joe-Jackson) had multiple accounts so when it was taken away from him, he merely took it over with one of his alt accounts (@noobftw) and even bragged about it. Take a good look at all the mods of that sub. They're all the same faggot (which he again admitted to). In case you're curious, I got banned for posting a Chicago Tribune Article about something that happened that weekend on the south side. There was no commentary.

@puttitout: until v/Chicago gets fixed and a system is put in place so that it can be resolved quickly if it ever happens again, @VOAT will always be slightly cucked by SJW's and trolls.

noobftw ago


PuttItOut ago

v/Chicago is my case study. You think we aren't going to solve that?

HarveyKlinger ago

HA! It's been so long since it was cucked I thought you gave up on it. I know most of us certainly did. As long as you know that all of those mods accounts are his alts... When he started posting gay porn on my Chicago v/Cubs sub I banned him. He immediately started posting porn again from each account until I banned each one. Take a look at my ban list. All the same guy.

PuttItOut ago

Soon. (and this time I mean it) Soon soon.

thrus ago

The issue I see with this is how to decide on the vote number? if it is a set number burner accounts become an issue for larger subs, if it is a percentage this could be just as easy to abuse for small subs or nearly worthless to small subs if there is a minimum number of votes required. the big thing I see though is to not allow for voting in of mods only out or there could be some major reasons for people to use burner accounts.

pangaea ago

This sounds like it opens the door to raids. Bad idea.

Citizen ago

I've thought about this a great deal. In my opinion, the best solution would be a declaration that a subverse belongs to its users and not to its mods. On That Other Site, subs belong to the mods to do with as they please. By stating that subs belong to the users, abuse of mod powers becomes a thing that you can explain.

With that said, I'm not sure how to handle a sudden influx of users who have the intent of disrupting a community. For example, let's say /v/powerboats has an active community that loves all things nautical, including sailboats, and not just powerboats. Let's say /v/motorboats mass subscribes to /v/powerboats and tries to oust the existing community. I'd say the community that previously existed should have priority, even if the new community has numerical superiority.

Although I would imagine this would be a lot less of a problem than a single rogue mod saying, "I own you."

captainstrange ago

Let the person who created the subverse decide. Like a big experiment. That way the users on here can adapt to any attempts to rule-lawyer.

10249397? ago

that would not work for /v/feminism, as the original creator of the sub was a squatter and would delete anything posted in the sub before mod logs were implemented, then passed through 4 or 5 hands before it died and i gained control. the latest ~150 subscribers are there from the troll nature the sub now has, with maybe 1 or 2 of the original ~580 subscribers still being active on other parts of the site.

That 1 person still posts like the place has not changed, but the new crowd is decently active. the pro feminism content is either down voted, or ignored in single digits, while the troll content gets 50+ up votes on a regular basis. it is rather amusing to watch the silent community judge content on its merits instead of "rallying around the vagina's".

PuttItOut ago

We have thought a lot about this particular situation. We plan on flipping the world on it's head soon. Stay tuned.

Tor1 ago

Subverses could be controlled automatically by CCP.

A subverse creator gets 100 CCP for creating a new sub. But from then on its fair game. Whoever has the highest CCP in a sub has standing to give themself owner powers.

Those in the top 10 in CCP would have the ability to make themselves moderators. Above a certain threshold you can appoint yourself a janitor.

Certainly there would be potential for abuse. But a completely automated system would at least be objectively fair, and admins wouldn't have to get involved in subverses any more.

The race for highest CCP would also encourage a lot more quality comments and timely support of new threads in popular subverses.

Jixijenga ago

That is an awful idea. My private sub could easily be nuked by a mild brigading, I never intended it to be under anyone's control but myself.

Tor1 ago

This is in the response to the calls for more user control of Voat.

I don't see any reason to change any coding myself.

But this would force subverse owners to participate in their subs.

I don't think Voat needs a special safe space for those who curate content.

Who cares what your intentions are? You earn ownership it isn't granted in perpetuity under this new system.

Not sure what you're worried about. You're the only poster in your sub and must have an impregnable amount of CCP there.

Jixijenga ago

I post here because I don't want to be censored.

You're proposing a method of censorship, I might have well stayed on reddit.

Tor1 ago

I'm adding input to a process that is already in movement.

Personally, I think Voat is fine the way it is.

I've been on Preview Voat and Linux Voat and both of them are already different than current Voat.

Everything you don't like and that is a change isn't necessarily censorship.

The site has been outstanding so far.

Why are you so afraid it's suddenly going to change because a few users are providing feedback for the new and improved lower cost version of the site that's soon to be rolled out.

Jixijenga ago

Why am I concerned? That's precisely what happened with reddit, it was so impossible to see back then but now I am hyper-aware of it. I know I don't fit in over there like I did years and years ago, I nuked my account and went here because the process that began with "oh we just need a way to protect our users from X" turned into a system of suppression and thought control.

Your suggestion would result in the same thing that happened over there, I offended SRS and they managed to silence me. Why wouldn't I be opposed to that happening again?

Tor1 ago

This is your chance to speak up.

Go through the comments in this thread and voice your concerns.

Nothing comes from complacency.

Jixijenga ago

I have been, seems I've upset Crensch.

Tor1 ago

Maybe that's a good thing from your perspective.

Jixijenga ago

I don't really care, I've been sticking to my own little corner for the most part.

Tor1 ago

You called him a right wing nut job.

What does that even mean in a Voat context.

Do you have any suggestions for ways to improve Voat?

Are there any things currently being discussed in this thread that are of grave concern to you?

I wouldn't worry about my ideas that have no or maybe one upvoat. They're not under discussion.

Big things like getting rid of downvoats. Removing all restrictions on users with negative CCP are on the table.

What do you propose that would make Voat even more better than Reddit than it already is?

Jixijenga ago

I did in a roundabout way, I'll stand by my words though.

As for suggestions... Well, a bigger account creation process would help. We're only better than reddit because the staff is so sparse and it's basically the wild west here, beyond that the site is primed for a repeat of history the moment Putt stops caring.

All my other ideas were suggested already by other people.

BezM8_5o ago

This is an excellent thing!

Slayfire122 ago

Soon soon tm

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

thanks I think it's an important thing, a lot of mods have run wild and you usually fix it for us which is great but the userbase should have more independent agency over how the site is run

Dibgick ago

This is as bad an idea as giving control of enterprises to employee unions. Never works.

MightyYetGentle1488 ago

I've never bragged, i said i have to use different accounts sometimes because of the exact thing Putt just announced he is fixing. It's too easy for you and your (((discord group))) to go around and put people in negative CCP which restricts your speech.

This move by putt totally eliminates one of the most effective tools you shills used. Now i can stay on one account fucking finally.

Downvoats never bothered me except for the censorship part.

smokratez ago

You are going to restritc lefite niggers? I don't believe you. You suck letie dick.

10246506? ago

You're a good example as to why highly downvoted comments should appear lower on the page. Otherwise idiots like you would be successful in forum sliding.

10246996? ago

Appearing lower on the page is fine and will not be changing; it's preventing users with such scores from commenting as much of the rest of us that is the issue.

smokratez ago

Sure jew boy.

UlyssesEMcGill ago

Try typing after you clean the vaseline/shit/cum/blood mixture off your fingers. You'll find it much easier to convey your thoughts when you can spell.

Macdaddy5000 ago

He's drunk, his EBT came in again.

smokratez ago

Stop projecting homo.

PuttItOut ago


Damnpasswords ago

Drugs are bad, m'kay?

smokratez ago


KingoftheMolePeople ago

Remove restrictions from Negative accts. Put in place a Spam button. Once an account has X number of Spam button reports, acct restrictions go into effect. To prevent abuse, if the restrictions are refuted("I am not spamming"), upon investigation, anyone found to be abusing the Spam button faces consequences, from restrictions themselves to a full on site ban.

SumTingWong ago

Limit spam reporting proportional to contributions. In other words, if people want to report spam, that's fine, but they cant report spam haphazardly/excessively or they will count out of their ability to do so.

curiouserdude ago

You should implement a bayesian spam detection algorithm. It's not a hard algorithm and you can train it by hand and then auto-flag accounts when they post more than 5 90% probability spam messages in an hour.

KingoftheMolePeople ago

uhhuh. You go ahead and talk to Putt about that, since Im not involved in the back end.

KingoftheMolePeople ago

Can you not read?

teatime ago

I can see this being abused by people who are angry with someone or just scream "shill" because the user doesn't share the same beliefs.

If it's spam we're worried about just put a cool down commenting period (you can only make x comments per x seconds per thread) and a cool down posting period. Increase the counter as the person attempts to post and go on your merry way.

KingoftheMolePeople ago

and you are determining what is spam how exactly? If we are getti g rid of the CCP restrictions then we have to determine What are is spam. Do the internet spam faries come to Putt and tell him UserX is a spamming faggot?

Knight_Commander ago

That seems smart, yet could also lead to everyone shitting on someone they don't like to get him shut down, or just to piss off moderators, b/c they'll need to read all reports. I guess when using the spam button, we could have a minimum character length description of why you're reporting someone.

Turnip_Time ago

That's all well and good but it still requires a human to wade through all this bullshit.

KingoftheMolePeople ago

As it is done now. Do you think this is all an automated process right now? In point of fact if you boil my idea down all Ive done is add a spam button which creates a Reportthespammers post. Which then kicks off the humans wading through bullshit, exactly as it is done now.

A6-EGO ago

I am not sure how I feel about this. This could easily be exploited by people who want to get rid of certain opinions and once enough of these reports are flying around there will not be time or man power to give each one of them a proper investigation.

geovoat ago

Spam reporting doesnt work.

People just report as spam stuff they dont agree with.

OrwellianChronicle ago

I think this makes the most sense

NiklausTheNaked ago

I like this. In addition, don't hide comments with negative scores. Only hide spam.

Maybe, get rid of the downvote button altogether? I don't want that to encourage people to use the spam button instead, but that could be mitigated via punishing the spam button abusers. What's the point of the downvote button if we have a spam button?

TerribleTroll ago

Fuck you cock sucker this isn't a safe space for you fags and your rules.

guinness2 ago

But doesn't that just move the problem rather than solving it because then we'll need restrictions on the Spam button to stop spammers from creating an army of alts just to attack legitimate users?

KingoftheMolePeople ago

Well, there are two types of spammers. The ones who spam submission links, and the Amalek/Sane spammers in comments. The link spammers I dont think would do that(I could certainly be wrong). The other type will get flagged as spam report abusers.

I am certainly not saying this system will be perfect. Im not even saying its what we want to do. I spent all of maybe a full minute thinking it up, I said there were probably flaws w it. But there are always going to be ways to game the system, any system. Its all in how we then deal w those gamers abuse.

Hashing out the different ideas and the details are why we're discussing it after all.

guinness2 ago

The link spammers I dont think would do that(I could certainly be wrong).

Shills will use whatever weapon they can to attack Voat.

Take a quick look at

KingoftheMolePeople ago

That just looks like the SBBFags spamming PV like they do on occasion. Which would be the second type. PV mods will delete it. They then report those as spam and get those alts banned, and whoever is on the creating end has to start over w new alts.

Unless we go w no bans just have users block people there is going to have to be a way to deal w spammers. No system is going to be perfect, and there will be a way to game and abuse it.

I never said my I idea was perfect or preferable. And I (and I think everyone) would listen to anyone elses proposal.

guinness2 ago

That just looks like the SBBFags spamming PV like they do on occasion.

But it doesn't just happen to PV and it is continuous, month after month after month.

This is reality, even if you want to pretend otherwise.

KingoftheMolePeople ago

I never pretended anything. And I know they do it all over voat.

I have given my little idea on addressing it. If you have another or just want to use the Block button this is the thread for it.

Basically I see it this way; If were going to have a way to address spam of both kinds there is going to be a way to game that system. The only thing we can do is try to minimize that abuse. Or we can go full out and ban VPNs and Tor so that you can be IP banned. That isnt going to be very popular here. Or we can do nothing and just have users block other users. But that has its own problem as a spammer can creat 100 alts and flood /All all day long. Two or three of those would make the site unusable as you couldnt block them fast enough.

idk what the best solution is. Id love to be able to IP ban certain useless dickbags, but Im not sure how to get that done short of banning VPNs and Tor. Email registration doesnt really work because of throwaway email, and a real address compromises anonymity.

So, idk. If youve got ideas, we're listening.

guinness2 ago

I have given my little idea on addressing it. If you have another or just want to use the Block button this is the thread for it.

And I think your solution just moves the problem rather than solving it.

This is a free speech forum and I am free to disagree with your "idea" even though I don't have an actual solution at this time. This is my opinion, even if you don't like it.

KingoftheMolePeople ago

a little touchy this evening? I never said a single thing about your opinion. I said exactly the opposite more than once. But since you want to be a dickbag, and since youve got nothing,how about downvoating and shutting the fuck up.

guinness2 ago

and since youve got nothing,how about downvoating and shutting the fuck up.

But I do have a suggestion: not to entertain your "solution" because moving the problem solves nothing.

And no, your "idea" still solves nothing even if I do shut the fuck up... but this is a discussion post, so you shouldn't become excited if people disagree with you.

KingoftheMolePeople ago

Ive listened to you for hours now douchefag. I have been entirely polite the entire time until now. Go the fuck away if you have nothing to actually add. PM Putt that you think its a terrible idea. Start a new thread stating you think its a terrible idea. I dont give a fuck. Just go the fuck away, you are no longer worth my time responding to.

guinness2 ago

I disagree with your idea because moving constrains from voting and posting to a report button solves nothing.

Moving the problem solves nothing.

If you don't like people discussing your "solution" then perhaps you shouldn't have posted it here?

Censoring people who disagree with you isn't a solution either because it doesn't improve your idea.

KingoftheMolePeople ago

Shut the fuck up. Ive listened to your point repeatedly. Jesus fucking christ you are an insufferable cock. Ive listened, Ive been nothing but polite, youve had your say ad nauseum. Noone has censored your idea. I for one havent downvoated you if youve received them. Ive discussed the idea w others, so I obviously have no problem w that. Jesus wept, you must have no friends if you behave this way irl. Now shut the fuck up or take it elsewhere you unmitigated shitbag.

guinness2 ago

Let it go: all I did was disagree with your bad idea in a public free speech forum.

Nobody ever died from hurt feelings.

KingoftheMolePeople ago

Yes. Repeatedly. For Hours. All while having no idea of your own. Shut. The. Fuck. Up.

Noones feelings are hurt you ignorant cocksmoker, Im just sick of your stupidity.

guinness2 ago

Shut. The. Fuck. Up.

I'd rather express myself freely within a free speech forum, thank you.

(At this point, I'm just poking you with a stick to hear you sequel)

KingoftheMolePeople ago

no thats who you really are. Too stupid to generate your own idea, yet critical of others. With a need to hear yourself talk. You are an insufferable jackass loser with no real friends irl, because you behave the same way irl.

Nekochan11 ago

How would a person know that they were flagged for spamming or if their account is restricted for another reason (or even a newcomer who just assumes that they have a normal account that is not restricted)?

KingoftheMolePeople ago

Right now there is only CCP restrictions and Ban. Putt proposes we vet rid of CCP restrictions. If you were to be restricted or banned then you would be told why(I imagine anyway).

deanna ago

our username shows up as "reported as spam" on the post or appended to the post for full accountability

DasReich ago

Do play devil's advocate, who reviews spam reports and retorts? This looks like you're putting too much power in the hands of a few individuals/mods/admins.

guinness2 ago

I agree and this "idea" simply moves the problem rather than solving it: we're replacing voting and posting restrictions with report button restrictions... plus creating extra work for the mods and problems if the mods are asleep.

AmaleksHairyAss ago

This can be gamed by making a few dozen new accounts to report from.

23749012340 ago

yup, been saying this pre-25 days

funny...I'd get downvoatvoated

23749012340 ago

this is no different

captainstrange ago

This wont be abused at all.

Alois_sticklgruber ago

Then someone makes 100 accts and gets someone shut down. I don't like it.

Spam is natural, its annoying but one cannot counter spam unless one limits free speech. We should be able to block user, or block user comments, that would make spam be seen only by those who want to see everything. Every site has spammers, reddit just bans people, the chans temp ban i.p. addresses.

Voat shouldnt ban people, just make it so those accounts get zero visibility. Banning is a limit of speech, just make it so we can choose to ignore some

KingoftheMolePeople ago

Which does nothing when a spammer makes 100 alts and floods /All w -10 Things To Do W Your Dog This Weekend. There has to be a way to deal w spammers or the site will become unusable.

Alois_sticklgruber ago

Mass censorship (its wat it is) will inevitably lead to the wrong people being banned, especially the noobs.

We need constant growth, or it die. When someone googles something a reddit link pops up, we need it to be voat right under or above

GumbyTM ago

This, some kind of probation for confirmed offenders where limits are still in place.

One other quick thought, perhaps a vote limit on the theoretical spam button similar to the post limits now to prevent abuse.

Thanks for revisiting this issue and keeping the focus on the big picture.

free speech.

blipblipbeep ago

If this becomes a thing, there should be a record of who pressed the spam button.


TheDaoReveals ago

Seems like a double edged sword.

SotiCoto ago

More like a Mandelbrot Sword... with iterative edges all the way down.

KingoftheMolePeople ago

a public log would be pretty cool. I think that alone would help squash abuse.

Jixijenga ago

As long as there's a way to recind the button press or that yes/no "are you sure" thing I'm all for this one. My phone goes full retard at least three times a day so sometimes buttons get pressed and yeah, it's annoying.

I have no way of knowing what I'm doing, a user-viewable log of what spam reports they sent would also be helpful. Maybe include a way to tack a small text message to it? Being able to say, "haha I'm retarded ignore this please," would be helpful for everyone.

weezkitty ago

I'd honestly like to see public logs of most (report and moderation) functions.

KingoftheMolePeople ago

I would too. The more the better I think.

Public logs of up and down voating on submissions and comments would be interesting. Not sure if it would be a net gain or loss, but it would be very interesting to see done.

captainstrange ago

How can you be 'not sure'? This isn't even a debateable point. Transparency is always going to be a net gain on a site like this.

Logs of everything. Everything out in the open for everyone to see. No powers or decisions kept in the dark "to protect the community / mod privacy / decision making process" or any of that other fucking horseshit that we've heard before.

ShinyVoater ago

There's a reason real-world elections have secret ballots. Making spam reports public is far enough; at worst you have people downvoating instead of reporting, which is what tends to happen anyway.

KingoftheMolePeople ago

Because Im willing to admit Im not omniscient. Things often have unintended consequences. It may result in enough genuine users not voating at all that it ends up squashing speech.

There is also the potential overhead costs on the site itself, which I cant speak to since Im not privy to the infrastructure.

I like the idea. I think it would make brigades very obvious for one. But it might also incite revenge brigade via alts. And it wouldnt change my voating habits personally. Id love to see many things have public logs. But Im willing to admit that just because it fell out of my head it might possibly not be the best idea. Its an admission of falibility and that Im open to listen to others input.

captainstrange ago

This should be posted as a public response instead of a message, it made me reconsider. Make brigades obvious. I'd say that is smart, and something I overlooked.

KingoftheMolePeople ago

If you like you can make it a suggestion at /voatdevs. I like the idea of many public logs myself. We agree on that point. Feel free to run w the idea if you want.

captainstrange ago

Congrats you have an advocate.

go1dfish ago

^ this

Let the community bring real abuse to attention to keep the automation in check.

JoeKerr ago

hear, hear

10246632? ago

I have suggested this in the past, and I think it is close to the best solution. However, as you've identified, people can abuse the button, meaning innocent people can very easily be shut down if ten or so people cooperate to "report them for spam". Notice how you've said "if the restrictions are refuted" -- well who refutes them? A team of trusted community members, surely -- Putt can't do it himself. Well, if we're going to have a team on Voat dedicated to flagging spam reports as real or not (we have this already, by he way, with /v/ReportSpammers, and they do fantastically) then we might as well alter their approach. Instead of applying restrictions after X number of reports, apply restrictions after the "refutation team" has flagged the report as legitimate spam. That way no innocent account will be wrongly restricted (unless the refutation team messes up, but they will be accountable for that, it will be easier to keep track of, and historically they've been good at not messing up as far as I can tell.).

teatime ago

Humans make biased decisions better to let the machines handle this.

glennvtx ago

We can avoid "trusted users" by creating a spam button, that can only be used X number of times in a period, and this period could increase or decrease based on a number of factors. When a post is marked spam, it could be minimized for a specified period, and it's spam button indicate the community has marked it as spam, possibly allow you to "unspam".

10263208? ago

There are ups and downs with this system. Bots could game it and non spam could be hidden

glennvtx ago

The spam button would cease to function for a period of time afterwards, dependant upon different factors, this would lessen the effect bots could have. Once something is marked as spam by enough users, the content could be shown in the sidebar to random users, asking if it really is spam or not.

Tzitzimitl ago

why not have a varying but not known to anybody but the owners themselves number of reports be required to flag someone, and that number able to be changed easily by the owners and to do so as they feel like, again without telling anybody?

10249772? ago

We want to be as transparent as possible. There are a number of ways to approach this method, but no matter what we want people to be accountable for their actions.

heygeorge ago

The problem with "trusted users" is that every trusted/prolific user here becomes subject to FUD attacks.

SotiCoto ago

Trusted Bots? Mod-Bots? I, for one, welcome our new robot overlords.

ISellDownvoats ago

No it is true, so many users have turned 180s and I'm just a casual observer. Users are volatile and are always a risk.

heygeorge ago

Example noted.

9347723491 ago

A team of trusted community members, surely

ABSOLUTELY FUCKING NOT, are you fucking high?

geovoat ago


ForgotMyName ago

A team of trusted community members, surely

Let's call them "mods". Let's collude with them to influence the content on the site. Let's call ourselves "reddit."

10248364? ago

@9347723491 the only power these people would have would be to assist with the process of spam-flagging. You two realize that with Voat's system we cannot ever possibly become reddit? All moderator actions are logged publicly. You can't just ban users or comments without others being able to see it or know. The flagging of spam is something we already do in order to ban spammers; this would just remove the necessity for negative CCP restrictions and consequently we would need more people doing the flagging. If said people flag something as spam that is not spam, we will all know and that person will be removed.

Colluding with the flaggers to influence site content? How exactly would that be done? They have no power to influence content.

captainstrange ago

Until the 'community' voats for keeping those logs private. No to insiders. Ever.

10248863? ago

Won't happen; public logs is like an axiom for Voat.

If modlogs as private are ever proposed I and the rest of us will speak out against it. You underestimate Putt's wisdom; he knows the importance of that transparency and it is not going anywhere.

captainstrange ago

I'm saying the exact opposite though. Make everything mods do public. I haven't "underestimated Putt's wisdom", and in fact I'm advocating for more transparency. Read it again.

10249186? ago

I see that, but I am saying that no moves towards opacity will be made. Everything in any new system proposed will be transparent.

captainstrange ago

Well congratulations we agree then. Allow me to just say what I'm thinking..

I see that, but I am saying that no moves towards opacity will be made. Everything in any new system proposed will be transparent.

You should know that and understand that no moves towards private mod logs will happen, thats against everything we stand for here.

See what I just did there PeaceSeeker?

I'm agreeing with you, but I'm making it sound like you're against transparency you shit eater. So if you don't like it being done to you don't do it to others.

10249261? ago

I was not trying to misrepresent your thoughts or ideas. I responded based on your wording. I'm not really concerned with how you portray my ideas; it's how I portray my ideas that is relevant.

captainstrange ago

Well heres a tip, if you don't want people to respond and read ill will into what you're writing, don't overly generalize the others posts in some wild-eyed attempt to suggest they are against something as fundamental as transparency--at least not without trying to understand their original objection.

Point is, whats more reasonable: He doesn't like this idea because (reading comprehension) hes against creating a public list of people who HAVE NOT EVEN been verified as spammers, or inflating that to GUYS GUYS!, HES AGAINST TRANSPARENCY AND COMMON WISDOM ITSELF.

Like give me a fucking break dude, I can't see how you imputed the obvious, that im against treating people as guilty-until-proven-innocent, into something like all transparency is bad.

It would be like me saying

"PeaceSeeker rape is bad. Any suggests that rape should be okay are gonna be shot down."

You see how that reads? It reads like you support rape.

UlyssesEMcGill ago

You kinda went off the rails with this one.

I think you misread or misinterpreted something PeaceSeeker said as an insult, or him somehow misrepresenting you.

captainstrange ago

The misrepresentation was very obvious and very clear unless his reading comprehension is that bad.

UlyssesEMcGill ago

No, you freaked out over nothing, move on.

v/settleadispute make your case if you want

captainstrange ago

This isn't event a dispute. I'm just giving him shit back. And anyway, who are you guy?

UlyssesEMcGill ago

who are you guy?

Ulysses E McGill

captainstrange ago

The question was rhetorical.

UlyssesEMcGill ago

Please explain, were you trying to convince me of something?

I'm not understanding your usage of "rhetorical".

captainstrange ago

I'm asking who you are because this subthread which is likely buried at this point has jack shit to do with you. Another way of asking it would have been "whats your business with our petty internet argument?"

In other words it is a kindler gentler way of saying "Stay out of it. We're busy talking shit and you're not invited."

UlyssesEMcGill ago

Oh, you didn't tag me so I can't read it or comment on it?

Then use private messages faggot.

captainstrange ago

This is the correct answer.


UlyssesEMcGill ago

The correct answer is that if you want a private conversation you should use private message?

Thank you for agreeing with me.

captainstrange ago

Jesus christ Ulysses, can't a guy insult you to your face and agree with you at the same time.

Get off my case!

9347723491 ago

Voat's system we cannot ever possibly become reddit?

in some respect it is already very much like reddit.

All moderator actions are logged publicly.

there you go, with @puttitout future improvement to out "power"mods problem solved.


you reaaaaaaly shown who the fuck you are peaceseeker in this post, all you fuckers have.

10248437? ago

in some respect it is already very much like reddit.

How so? A couple of subverses have been taken by power mods? Putt is going to introduce code to allow communities to vote out power mods.

And you're typing incoherently. You still haven't explained what exactly is wrong with a group of reliable users (transparent!) flagging reports as legitimate spam so that spammers can be most efficiently dealt with. Any "false flags" will be seen and those responsible can be replaced. You're just REEEing here mate.

9347723491 ago

youre a fucking retard and my analysis of you has always been correct. once again im proven correct

9347723491 ago

assist with the process of spam-flagging.

ABSOLUTELY FUCKING NOT, are you fucking high?

10248390? ago

Copypasta, really? How about you make an argument for why this is bad so I can explain to you why your argument is a non-issue? These people will have no real power and anyone can replace them if they don't do their janitoriral job properly.

9347723491 ago

my time is valuable, unlike yours.

you never answers my question regardless...therefore you lose

captainstrange ago

Because PeaceSeeker is a faggot shill whos trying to push this idea for his other shill friends to game the community like they do on redshit.

10248888? ago

Nothing I have said gives any user any real power; I am simply a student of engineering who understands how to produce a functional system. We need people to flag (transparently) to increase efficiency, especially if this method is going to replace negative CCP restrictions. It's possible none of this will come to fruition at all. I'm just putting forward suggestions that I have been able to justify. There is nothing wrong with my suggestions as there are axiomatic checks and balances in place to prevent corruption or abuse.

captainstrange ago

As a means of moderation it will be used to attack reputations and ignore people who haven't even been found to be spamming or not. I could see it working for people who have spammed, especially if we're looking to avoid those people. But even when I was a total noob to voat it wasn't hard to recognize people like sanegoat for the shills they are.

As a suggestion goes it was a worthy effort.

10249176? ago

As a means of moderation it will be used to attack reputations and ignore people who haven't even been found to be spamming or not.

I'm not sure what you mean by this. Either reports are accurate and thus deemed true, or they are false and ignored.

captainstrange ago

Its because we shouldn't trash people like some shit watchlist before they have been 'convicted'. Thats the idea I'm against. How you got "he against transparency" from that is anyones guess.

KingoftheMolePeople ago

Notice how you've said "if the restrictions are refuted" -- well who refutes them?

What I meant was that if I get tagged as spam, I refute that I am spamming. The team then needs to verify what is true. But other than that yeah.

My idea just shifted the work from being done pre restrictions (as now) to post restrictions. Now, the Reportspammers look and verify and ban the spammer, mine is verified after auto restrictions.

sakuramboo ago

And if the reports come from throwaway/alt accounts, what's the real punishment for the brigaders?

KingoftheMolePeople ago

I think Peaceseeker solved this by tweaking my/his idea and having Reportthespammers verify that something is spam before any actions are taken. And if alts are used and it becomes a real problem Putt can (and has used) the tools to look for alt abuse. I think if someone is abusing the antispam system to brigade they should be site banned.

In the end any system we create will be gameable. There will always be a way and people who take advantage of the cracks w/in that system.

sakuramboo ago

And how do you verify that? What's to stop me from creating 10 alts, each with its own purpose (ie, use one to post news and politics, one to post funny stuff, etc) and build up the SCP and CCP, do everything behind tor and proxies, then use all 10 alts to report one account?

While I can understand you can look at patterns to see if its the same accounts targeting the same users, but then you need someone dedicate their time to verifying this.

10247253? ago

The point is that simply reporting an account will have no effect whatsoever. Once you use those ten accounts to report some random user, your reports will go to /v/ReportSpammers to be vetted. If the team there looks at what you've reported and says "Yup, this is spam" the accounts will be restricted until Putt bans them for spam.

All of the decisions made by the /v/ReportSpammers team will be public and they will be accountable for their decisions, so if someone is wrongly flaired as having spammed we can reverse their restrictions or ban and ask why the team member flaired it as spam in the first place.

sakuramboo ago

That's not a bad system, but how do we make sure that RS doesn't become operated by SRS-types? They were able to take over many subs on Reddit, how would we prevent something similar from happening here? That one subverse, with that much power, is a prime target for authoritarians to take over.

10247494? ago

The mod logs and flairing logs and anything else we require will be public. If someone working with RS is outed as being corrupted they will be removed. Putt has even said that the new codebase will allow communities to vote out power mods. So if someone from RS is not doing their job, they'll be removed and removed quickly, and the community will replace them with someone who will do their job properly.

sakuramboo ago

If a mod gets outed by the community forcefully do their actions get undone?

10247594? ago

I doubt every action they've every performed will be reversed -- that would be too difficult. But if a corrupt mod bans an innocent user from a subverse, or deletes acceptable content, or flairs non-spam as spam, surely these things will be undone by the non-corrupt mods that replace them.

KingoftheMolePeople ago

That is unfortunately how Putt had to do it last time. There isnt an easy solution to the problem youre asking about. It is definitly a problem, just one w/o an easy solution. You could ban VPNs and Tor, but people wont like that. You can require an email upon registration, but that doesnt really solve it, and compromises anonymity. Im not sure there is a solution for that other than a time consuming process of going thru logs and crosschecking things. Which is Still not 100%.

All I can say is that right now I dont have a solution to the issue you bring up. But its something we all need to put some thought into. Maybe someone will crack that nut, but its a tough one.

sakuramboo ago

There are solutions, but no one would like it.

For example, Voat could require a browser extension that would create a unique tag id, so even if you use Tor, the extension would keep your Alt's together.

Cookies are an easy way to implement something similar but cookies can be edited, so rather useless for the experienced.

Or, custom apps to browse Voat, which, again, makes unique ID's stored on the backend. For example, browsing from a web browser would set your account in a semi-restricted mode, but if you use the app you get more features, etc.

But, non of them are logical and in the end a total waste of time because no one wants to use a dedicated app to browse some website (unless you are on mobile, apparently mobile users want apps for everything).

KingoftheMolePeople ago

All of that compromises anonymity which many people would not find acceptable.

And Im forced to use mobile right now. I use only my browser to view Voat. I fucking hate apps. So, I wouldnt want that one myself.

I guess I should say, its a solvable problem. Until you start adding all the other Anon, VPNs, Tor issues. Which are things net users right now value. That total problem is hard, and maybe impossible.

10246781? ago

I'm just trying to propose a method that never restricts anyone unless they are actually a spammer. Restricting them after spam reports have been confirmed seems the most reasonable to me.

KingoftheMolePeople ago

Yeah I agree. Maybe if the button just sent the report to Reportthespammers and we didnt have to make a post in that sub. Maybe it would mail the mods of that sub.

edit. I think the button should auto generate a post in v/reportthespammers. Using the permalink url and username of the reported spammer. That way it remains a publicly viewable repository of all reports. Mail isnt public.

captainstrange ago

This will be abused to the effect of "you have been on the spam log x amount of times someGuyIAmShillingAgainst, no one should trust or read a word you write", and is the same exact reason people who have been accused of crimes and never charged can have their record expunged.

10246844? ago

Increasing the efficiency like this is of course a good idea.

SexMachine ago

I like this in combination with this:

10246515? ago

Sounds like a big workload for the admins. And if users are placed into these positions, they can become like Reddit powerusers.

Zanbato ago

it doesn't have to be work for Admins. There could be a volunteer subvoat section where people could review cases.

NamelessCrewmember ago

Maybe volunteers who get a que of reviews at random to make sure they are being fair and not part of any clique.

SotiCoto ago

Could work. Would probably require context for fair judgement though, and odds are that the randoms wouldn't care much about that and would put minimal effort into it. Ostensibly neutral, but with a hidden bias against anything unclear.

NamelessCrewmember ago

I've made the same argument or government. Senators and representatives should be randomly assigned to registered voters, one year terms, same pay as they had plus expenses, stiff penalties for any provable instance of corruption involving payment. Through randomized crowd sourced rule, many of the problems of government could be removed.

fortyfiveacp ago

Either way it takes a lot of "eyes" to make something like this happen. Maybe there can be a formula to judging content that can make it easier. For instance, comments that are primarily emotional in nature have less inherent value than objective statements.

teatime ago

I like this. You could probably look for # of keywords per words and the use of CAPS and !!!!!!!

PuttItOut ago

We should discuss this option in detail.

uruneidiot ago

Knowing that over a year has passed and you are still a completely clueless, censorship loving, fuckwitted cuntbag is sad.

~ registereduser

Liber ago

Have a site wide ‘potential spammer’ flair for people who have been reported for spam more than x times. Upon evaluation you could remove this flair if the user is victim of report button abuse.

derram ago

Big fish eats little fish.

redpilldessert ago

As a simply precautionary measure, it might be wise to restrict who can press the spam button to those with high karma.

23749012340 ago

you are reddit scum, and fuck off, im the iron fist

10249428? ago

from the 1.4 hour old account.

Let me greet you in the traditional Voat way:

Welcome to Voat! Fuck you nigger!

KosherHiveKicker ago

Put in place a Spam button. Once an account has X number of Spam button reports, acct restrictions go into effect

Such an option could easily be exploited by people known to have multiple alt / burner accounts, which could be used to easily hit "the X number of Spam button reports"

SotiCoto ago

It is an inevitability that people will find ways to exploit systems like that.

As long as the folks in charge can see the IP address of the reporters, it'll be obvious if someone is sock-puppeting to make multiple spam reports. They can get the usual "Oi, don't be a dick" message... or get an IP-ban on spam-report privileges.

O'course they might have a VPN or two if they're canny, but how many people are going to go THAT far just to false-report spam on Voat? ... Wait... don't answer...

glennvtx ago

We could institute a time limit, that adjusted, to determine how often an account could use the spam button.

glennvtx ago

Consequences for multi / alt accounts being gamed could be a much more lengthy period between the spam button "unlocking".

AmaleksHairyAss ago

A "this is not spam" button could mitigate this.

KosherHiveKicker ago

I suspect that you are one of the people that I am specifically talking about.

You have made multiple accounts combining many ( Voat user's names + an insult. ) in the past. Which you then specifically use to stalk, chain downvoat, and harass the specific user named.

AmaleksHairyAss ago

Not I

eyeVoated ago

How about adding a bot challenge?

KosherHiveKicker ago

I doubt it is a bot problem.

It is more likely a few ((( neckbeards ))) creating multiple "burner" accounts by hand... all on a daily basis.

CrustyBeaver52 ago

Perhaps it can be altered to tag the spam report with the name of the reporter as well.

As in User X reports User Y for spam. Repeat abuse by multiple alt/burner accounts would show up here.

Also, just clicking a button - like the downvoat, is supper easy, perhaps a spam form that requires some interaction, like the mods have when they ban somebody, so at least if you report for spam, you probably really mean it because you have to make a partial effort. Not something of major inconvenience - but I have noticed some of the ban messages are quite creative and entertaining in their own right.

AssFaceSandwich2 ago

Also, form a list of improperly-accused-for-spam to be on an permanent-not-spam setting. Earned status.

SotiCoto ago

Permanent? NOT a good idea.

Maybe temporary though... until stuff dies down.

Pattoe ago

Create account, use it normally, create a bunch of alts, report it for spam. When restricted, refute the restrictions. Get put on "permanent not spam" setting, start spamming.

This is bound to happen.

AssFaceSandwich2 ago

Yeah, people fucking suck.

jeremiahk ago

The spam button still works, but when the status is set, it goes to manual review before the account is permanently banned.

MagicalCentaurBeans ago

i suspect the cracks will show when whomever is tasked with investigating is swamped with "i didn't do it" refutes.

brandon816 ago

Keep in mind that this really needs to be done only once per person, very likely that the user always was or never was abusive. Hardly anybody just decides one day to change their ways.

Le_Squish ago

How about a new option under user info that shows how many of that person's post have been flagged for spam and how many post have been removed, deleted, etc. with links to said posts?

heygeorge ago

I like the basic idea of this, but with any new system comes a new potential for abuse.

Le_Squish ago

There will always be abuse. The goal should be to minimize not eliminate because that is impossible.

SotiCoto ago

I'm inclined to add that the aim should be to make one deliberate, semi-subtle avenue for abuse and attempt to close all others... end result being that those who seek to abuse the system will all attempt the same method... making it easier to track them and covertly deal with them.

And then of course this becomes recursive as you find those who can bypass the trap... and set about closing all the bypasses but one... which becomes a second trap-within-a-trap... and so on.

... Am I getting too Machiavellian about this?

heygeorge ago

It's important to note minimizing the scope & type of damage may be just as the important as the amount of abuse.

10247510? ago

Depending on how the system is implemented this may not even be necessary.

RevanProdigalKnight ago

Just because it isn't necessary doesn't mean it shouldn't be there, though. The greatest aid to free speech is complete transparency.

10247793? ago

I agree, I'm just saying the system might be designed in a way that the transparency is elsewhere and simpler.

RevanProdigalKnight ago

Maybe putting a summary in the username hover pop over would be handy on that count

Lemongarb ago

Maybe have a "council" that reviews the post/comment being refuted. That way it's not just one person.

SotiCoto ago

That would be subject to groupthink and the usual pitfalls of democratic action: i.e. tyranny of the majority. Outliers would be left powerless.

10247209? ago

If this is going to replace negative CCP entirely it should be a group of trusted users.

KingoftheMolePeople ago

Its a totally spur of the moment idea. There are certainly things I havent considered and problems Ive overlooked.

Lube-N-Blisters ago

I dig this alot. that would work extremely well.

MightyYetGentle1488 ago

If putt was smart he would just watch all accounts associated with whatever IP you are using. I know you will be one of the first people to make an issue for him lightening restrictions on users who have been brigaded by bots and farmed accounts.

10246382? ago

Or he should be able to comment, but only once every few minutes. And attempts to use alts to get around these deserved limitations should be subject to the same limitations, such that they don't give a user any relief from the earned punishment.

10246570? ago

@Andalusian1 makes a good point. Unpopularity should not be grounds for limiting someone's speech. The negative CCP restrictions were /only ever intended* to slow down spammers until Voat could get around to banning them. What really happens are the most annoying users, or just users with really unpopular views, end up only being able to place 10 comments a day. It's absurd.

Imagine this: one day reddit completely implodes, and all those insufferable Marxists come flocking over here. All of a sudden race realism, white nationalism, conservative principles, religion, anything that is a common or populr opinion on Voat is suddenly really unpopular. And we all get downvoted into negative CCP. Should our speech be restricted? No. That is the flaw here.

10246605? ago

I'm not sure any system could protect our culture from unchecked immigration, but if negative CCP does nothing then what's to stop a small faction from running a few accounts and constantly detracting and forum sliding? 4chan suffers from this, and the voting system is a weapon that can actually be used to combat it, but not without downsides, as you and the parent poster pointed out.

10246772? ago

what's to stop a small faction from running a few accounts and constantly detracting and forum sliding?

If they are spamming anything the community can stop them. If they are not spamming then they are just saying stupid things; you can still downvote stupid things. Doing so simply won't stop them from continuing to say stupid things, as it shouldn't. The community here, as long as it remains free, will maintain the ability to challenge the claims of stupid people. As long as the stupid people aren't spamming their stupid ideas, they will not render the website unusable. This maximizes Voat's respect for freedom.

Andalusian1 ago

Why? Because you personally don't like him?

10246554? ago

No, because negative CCP is often a reflection of the site at large finding that a user isn't a contributor, but a detractor. Normal users can share plenty of controversial opinions and take the hit to their CCP. Only people who are here primarily to drag down the site end up in the negative.

Andalusian1 ago

"Detractor" and "drag down the site" are based on personal opinion.

10246727? ago

A person only has 1 vote per comment. By personal opinion you mean an opinion shared by a vast number of users on the site, which is the purpose of a voting system: consensus.

Andalusian1 ago

So you would believe the sky was green if everyone told you and agreed it was green? Even though, with your eyes, it was blue? Diverse opinions shouldn't be censored.

sakuramboo ago

Why not get rid of the points entirely?

SexMachine ago

I say make it an option for subverses owners.

smokratez ago

Then he couldn't helpt his leftie homos.

Damnpasswords ago

Dude, take it easy on the uppers

smokratez ago

I don't take any drugs

PuttItOut ago

This is an extreme option that is on the table.

Tor1 ago

That would be great if it was offered as a true additional option.

Taking away what exists and replacing it with something different based on mob preferences is the same problem that's been making the real world so terrible.

Why is there always this concerted effort towards scarcity and denial of things that have already proven themselves valued and useful.

The real problem is most users want things for free. And not only that but they want to have complete control over what's offered for free without giving up anything of value themselves.

sakuramboo ago

You could hide the points from others. For example, only I can see how much scp and ccp I have.

There's other things that can be done, too. Like hiding a posts score. If it's on the front page, it's clearly got more upvoats. No need to show us how much.

absurdlyobfuscated ago

The older voat users remember, but lots of people might not know that one of the first reddit migrations to voat came after they removed the downvote counts. People here probably value knowing what the actual, non-fuzzed, non-obscured scores are and for that reason, I think it should be all or nothing. There are still definitely good arguments for getting rid of it altogether:

10246582? ago

I have considered this in the past but I do not think it is necessary or desirable. The points are too intrinsic a part of these forums, and they do attract a lot of people. Removing votes should not be necessary; we can make use of communities and report features to deal with spammers.

JuiceTown ago

I spent years accumulating my points specifically for the purpose of cashing them in one day for a WInnebago.

Taking these points from me is comparable to theft. You at least need to give me a chance to get the Winnebago which I've essentially earned 12% of already.

How would you feel if someone threatened to take 12% of YOUR Winnebago?


PuttItOut ago

We aren't taking your Winnebago! You earned it!

Lube-N-Blisters ago

Putt I've been here awhile and honestly it would stop the problems that have faced voat. I've been contemplating ways we could work around it too because I enjoy voat. I do agree it's an extreme option but it's one worth discussing.

MightyYetGentle1488 ago

sweet, take that /v/SoapBoxBanHammer. Now your brigading will be pointless.

Good move putt. There has been a lot of abuse to people who don't agree with "certain users" and get targeted. More people are becoming aware of this like in the PG sub and others. Targeting users for censorship has been the bane of this site and the most effective tool for people who like to control narratives. Keep an eye on who is going to be abusing this change because i sense SBBH and SDBH are going to abuse this and then complain to you about it.

PuttItOut ago

One thing I've learned over and over is that anything and everything will be abused in one way or another. No system is perfect, but we can do better than the one we currently have in place.

Tor1 ago

The reddit system itself is probably the greatest coding break through since the search engine.

How did it all go so horribly wrong?

To this day I'm still surprised at the triumph of idiocy over intelligence.

10246343? ago

Will Amalek, SGIS, and his/their alts still be banned?

The way I see it, if negative CCP no longer rate limits accounts, the only thing keeping subverses clear will be moderator action. We've seen what overactive mods did to Reddit.

Even in this thread one of his alts (-448, and he's earned a net negative of CCP in the thousands) is celebrating the cessation of limitations. Consider too that people who wish to detract from a free speech forum are most likely going to have time and resources that casual users will not; they can operate dozens of accounts (as we've seen in Amalek's case), either because they're multiple individuals or because he's a spergelord who goes through manic episodes.

If one earns a punishment, is that really an undeserved limitation?

Tor1 ago

SCR you are bringing up a very important issue.

There are worst things at Voat than spammers.

Spammers have been around forever, there are all kinds of tried and true ways to deal with them. The only decision is one of cost benefit. How much spam are you willing to tolerate.

The majority of the internet see us as an enemy. If policies are changed so they can come here and attack Voat easier. It won't be long before they do so in droves. Current Voat users who value this forum could quickly find themselves in the minority here.

If the defensive tools in place are subject to some kind of gun control and confiscated in the name of free speech idealism, who knows what would happen.

Another user who is more damaging than spammers is the Amalek Sane Goat spergelord.

The important issue isn't whether there's any kind of punishment. But whether your peaceful Mom and Pop users are free to navigate the subverse paths of Voat freely.

Already there is leftist mobisms of all sorts that constantly erupt from time to time.

Don't repost that. Don't link to the New York Times. Don't use imgur. Don't mention Reddit. Don't use YouTube use HookTube. Use archive don't directly link to certain sites. Don't post a girl with boobs spilling out of her swimsuit with out an NSFW tag. And on and on.

These are all valid arguments, but the way they are constantly shoved in everyone's faces is not warranted. For most users, it degrades the utility and enjoyment of the site.

Look at how everytime Putt comments he hears about Discord. Or sob stories about free speech being limited. Maybe Putt just wanted to use the site to talk about his golf game or his struggles with the site.

Does it make sense that no one can have a moments peace, without some spergelord getting hysterical about whatever issue he sees as of vital defcon 5 level immediate action and sitewide concern.

I don't see why anyone needs to be banned right now. It seems like things are pretty good for the most part. The only problem I see is there isn't as much good content in v/all as there could be. But isn't that always the case?

9347723491 ago

Will Amalek, SGIS, and his/their alts still be banned?

I read this as

will you ban people who I dont agree with or dont like?

this is reddit style behavior, and will not be tolerated.

Boyakasha ago

Because disagreeing with someone and not liking assholes who spam and/or manipulate SCP/CCP are exactly the same thing, right?

9347723491 ago

you are a fool never comment to me again

Boyakasha ago

Good talk.

Schlomo_Kikenburger ago

Everyone in the negatives isnt the same person nigger. You leave this emotional comment with no proof, simply because you don't like anyone who doesn't agree with you.

And speaking of sperging, that is a lot of projection. I can screen shot the multiple daily submission and comment pings from SBBH users and kevdude and hecho that has been going on for awhile now. I dont even respond but they still do it.

Andalusian1 ago

Mods can be held accountable for banning/removing comments of non-spam. We wouldnt need this if people only dv'ed spam and not dv'ed people they disagreed with.

VieBleu ago

It takes a lot of work to hold mods accountable, often with negligible results. Work to the point of unreasonable burden. At least at the PG forum, this has been the experience.

EDIT to add - Here is a thread that overwhelmingly shows the community calling for a minimum of 100 points to comment, due to the level of shill attacks on the forum.

The mods are fully aware of this vote, yet take no steps to implement change or even address it. Just a massive shoulder shrug and a return to their pizza party.

10246569? ago

Mods that seek to circumvent a report system can also spawn 50 alts and invite them all as mods, and those alts would have alts. Just look at Reddit, which is moderated by a spiderweb filled with nepotism and fake accounts. Once a system like that is in place your only option is to devote admin time to playing whack-a-mole.

PuttItOut ago

This brings up a good point.

We have a report feature now that is under utilized.

UlyssesEMcGill ago

I think users are hesitant to report because the only options are "Spam, illegal, and Dox"

I won't report a troll for spam, because it's trolling, not spam.

Maybe my standards for what I should report are misguided.

Cynabuns ago

What other categories might you add? It's occurred to me too that it might be helpful to have more.

heygeorge ago

If you were to add more reporting categories, what would you add?

UlyssesEMcGill ago


No substance


cynicaloldfart ago

Aren't those already handled by voting?

UlyssesEMcGill ago


Andalusian1 ago

Honestly Putt I would remove DV abilities and have people utilize report for things that are spam

10246499? ago

See my root comment in this thread. That is my suggestion.

PuttItOut ago

I don't want to ban anyone. I'd rather have a universal system in place that governs all users equally.

Voat will continue banning spamming accounts and spammed domains.

teatime ago

The only way to do that is to exclude human bias from the process. I see nothing wrong with a system that checks for specific keywords, CAPS, bold, large font, frequency of posts, and frequency of comments that determines if someone is spamming.

People make too many irrational decisions but machines don't care who you are or what your sob story is. A fair system doesn't include people.

glennvtx ago

In addition to a "spam button" we could enable sub owners to have the option of +V people, akin to IRC. Only users "voiced" could post in that particular sub.