FreeRebel ago

Fake. No real law enforcement professional would state: I am able to state with complete conviction that all of the allegations are true. .... when the actual evidence is not on record, and the case has not had the benefit of a proper trial with cross examination of witnesses and vetting of all evidence. I've followed this case and it's up in the air.

meowski ago

The video of this girl has been making my spine shiver all day. For one thing, if this is a hoax, it's child abuse to even put these thoughts in a child's mind, let alone to carry out the act. Sometimes I think I'm getting close to the bottom of this rat hole then I see more like this. It's hard but it is time for more people to start looking in these holes. I'm down here and perfectly willing to exterminate whatever we find. I will pull the lever let's get this party started.

  • LEGALLY SPEAKING IN A METAPHORICAL SENSE to any pedo protecting law enforcement types that might construe that into a threat.

meowski ago

Child in the video does not appear to be lying.

cantsleepawink ago

In the above video clip, we hear their school shipped in babies in “TNT and DHL” boxes.

Well, coincidentally or not, the latest warehouse fire at Festival Park in Basildon started in P2P Mailing Ltd and TNT was another mailing and courier service located there.

Huge fire at UK warehouse park last night, Ferndearle Child Care Services fraud case and possible MI5/6 connections. Let's take a look.

slickleg64 ago

I am able to state with complete conviction that all of the allegations are true.

You're going to have to do better than that...

Vindicator ago

I never saw the posts, either. I did talk to MF, though, who said he banned a bunch of Amalek alts the other day and thought Jem was one of them. I think he is planning to unban him at this point. The only reason he gave was "spam". I didn't have enough info to research properly either.

Bacchus_GodOfWine ago

None of them type like anyone i recognize. It seems like a false flag against yourself. I know you are crafty enough to have thought of shit like that before.

Jem777 ago

I was not unbanned. I thought for a second this was on pizzagate. I made no posts except as indicated by @Northern_Soul regarding New Zealand Christchurch that I contributed to and we were banned from. Subsequently proven true and it has been reposted with many people with only a small amount of time involved.

MF knows exactly why this has occurred. Please review and unban this account I have contributed nothing but truth to this forum.

Bacchus_GodOfWine ago

first off i attack injustices. I've talked shit to the admins since the first week i got here but I never crossed any lines. Atko and putt both used to bant with me.

There have been many obvious issues that haven't been taken care of but this move will effectively end you and your group of shills efforts of censoring people simply for being too meta.

I really hope @PuttItOut does not hand you the keys.

That's a cute suggestion but i dont want any sort of authority anywhere on the internet. I simply want free speech and the ability to generate meta discussion about things affecting the majority of users. Let's hope after these restrictions are lifted, we can focus on who curates /v/all/new the most often and see if it's biased or not.

Bacchus_GodOfWine ago

People join this site and right away know to come here and call me out and defend you.


I remember when you were in PV boasting about an army of accounts that you were going to use to take over the site.


Bacchus_GodOfWine ago you stickied this when it was totally a lie. Your sub is another shitpost sub.

You are fake.

Bacchus_GodOfWine ago

you are getting a little paranoid. You really are worried about these changes, it brings out the shills true colors.

Keep downvoting me, no longer will it matter. You literally downvoat every comment i make to you. Butt hurt bitch

Bacchus_GodOfWine ago

I see more and more people calling you out, now almost daily. And it's obvious you were worried that your downvote brigades are no longer effective.

I hope putt is watching.

10248472? ago

It's the subreddit "Shit Reddit Says". It was the home of SJWs before SJWs were even a thing. MightyYetGentle (and many other spammers) have routinely tried to label the people who call them out as spammers by saying that their accusers are "SRS alts/trolls trying to take over Voat!" and use the ensuing wave of blind rage (by Voat users against people believed to be SRS regulars) to cement their place on this site without anyone calling them out on their bullshit.

It isn't true in the slightest (which is why I and many others have a "Spam Reporter/Expert" tag next to our names whenever we post on v/news , thanks to a megathread about one of the first big concerted efforts to label us as such), but they'll seize on any opportunity to try and use slightly-disagreeable comments by the people they oppose to place that fake label on them and get the mob riled up against them.

10248455? ago

At least he was kind enough to follow his old naming habit of "two clearly-defined common adjectives and/or nouns, first letter capitalized for both words".

Tanngrisnir ago

The info had been minorly discussed before but not nearly enough. It is good to know that if you are really a seasoned detective that you believe the little girl's testimony and think there should be a true investigation into the claims. Thank you, OP!

Unbelievably creepy stuff.

ramultyleveachan ago

This is a fake as "helpful" post if I ever saw it. I'm backtracing your IP now to find out who you work for.

mudcatca ago

or... an insane goat... who thinks he's sane...

RoBatten ago

Wow. Must be some kind of record in here . . .

RoBatten ago

Lots of new members in this thread . . .

10247531? ago

Yeah it's me fucktard

Every1 should kill his account once in a while

DumbChristen ago

Please ignore the shills. Its the norm when hero's like yourself drop bombshells.

WeirdHappenings ago

WOW.. Some people are really hating your INFO Detective.

Just be careful. You've got my voat.

madhatter67 ago

Good point...our detective seems very similar to the journo who couldn't spell catalyst the other day

But whatever....this place is dead and controlled anyway

If anyone knows somewhere that is seeking the truth up

KangarooCourtier ago

Google's involvement in the Pizzagate/Hampstead Situation MKULTRA schools

Abe The Handler Laughing

heartywomen ago

Your a disgrace to humanity!

Jem777 ago


heartywomen ago


Jem777 ago

Back at you equinluvr

Schlomo_Kikenburger ago

i think a lot of people are looking here right now Kev.


AngB23 ago

I didn't think this was really possible making shoes out of human skin. Um,'s done

Schlomo_Kikenburger ago

That is how the community basically communicated in the half-month long discussion that led to the ruleset.

You mean you and /v/SoapBoxBanHammer forming a false consensus then forcing a new ruleset that stifles discussion because you are reddit mods.

Why don't you go jerk off in discord with Amalek? Oh wait, they kicked you all off.

Damn dude are you just using that accusation on everyone? You really are worried aren't you.

equineluvr ago

^^ 100% bullshit! ^^

AngB23 ago

Bullshit? the links

equineluvr ago

"The PG sub is an investigative journal."

LMAO! More self-aggrandizing bullshit!!!

aria_taint ago

Nice try FBI..fuck off.

10245964? ago

Why the shoes ?

Why do they need baby skin shoes ?

It's like it gives them super powers or something ? Any analysis of the said shoes would reveal the presence of human tissues, borderline as if one found the remnant of a victim's body

Ladybird777 ago

Thank you so much for this, your such a brave person for taking on the satanist pedophiles.

It's decent folk like you which restores hope.

546gfdd575 ago

The most intelligent comment I've read all night.

Up voat 4 you.


MightyYetGentle1488 ago

This post brought out like 5 SRS shills in an hour. All the negative commenters in here are deliberate.

heartywomen ago

I second that

rgtregefwe ago


Funny you got 5 donvoats

ForestTygerPeach ago

There's only one of me.

Aelfred ago

Hey guys, have you noticed that all comments questioning the authenticity of this have been down voted. This bloke's a fake loser!!

Fuckofshill ago


10245981? ago

"Hey guys, have you noticed that all comments questioning the authenticity of this have been down voted. This bloke's a fake loser!!"

Northern_Soul ago

Blah Blah Blah... High-quality, grade-A, prime-cut, pure bullshit.

Why would you defend a pedo-defender?

This dip-shit Falcon, has turned into a menace. He has banned all our best posters so his kike Shill Sock Puppet Accounts can influence the threads with more steaming pile of red-white-and-blue, all-JEWISH bullshit.

@Redditsuckz @Jem777 @camarcity @ESOTERICshade @Northern_Soul Users banned Just to name a few.

Fuck you Kev Dude.

Jem777 ago

OMG After four days of being banned by Millenial Falcon for exposing the truth and trying to prevent child trafficking I am finally unbanned. Thank you @Northern_Soul it is about time... I have appealed to @Vindicator @Kev Dude numerous times.

What we were banned over was proven true with in hours.

madhatter67 ago

Welcome back.Jem

Jem777 ago


MightyYetGentle1488 ago

you are 100% correct. Him and Crensch are SRS reddit goons who take over subs to protect their pedo friends. Just look at /u/Hecho

Dfens ago

Have you seen his website: Fucking Nazi.

ForestTygerPeach ago

You are acting in a manner which dehumanizes people.

dooob ago

OP can you post a pic of your badge and a paper with todays date?

Northern_Soul ago

What claims would that be kevdude?

Millennial falcon instantly deleted citing rule 3

Look at the public backlash... Its a fucking Joke and that prick needs to go!

DefenderOfTruth ago

Oh, right. The pizzagate sub is pretty stickler about that....for good reason. It makes it hard for an "anonymous insider" to present a case though. How would you provide proof in that situation?

Aelfred ago

Bit suspicious, in England we don't say "fall", we say Autumn & we don't say "constable detective", it's detective constable. Fake loser posted this.

pizzagatecharlotte ago

And we spell it 'organised' rather than 'organized'

brandon816 ago

I don't normally comment in this subverse, but that's 6 brand new accounts attacking you and your responders in this comment tree alone. I'm going to go ahead and assume that OP is a larping troll.

Concerned_Citizen ago

A member for nearly two years with hardly any contribution points... @KevDude is this your alt?

DAMNING EVIDENCE; Video Footage Of Jewish Ritual Sodomizing A New Born Baby.

@Optick @DefenderOfTruth @Northern_Soul @TheGodHead @XenaPrincess @MightyYetGentle1488 @ForestTygerPeach @AngB23 @sunaug @goatfuckit @Aelfred

This is how we wake up the Normies to the very Jewish Pizzagate. This is how we cause a revolution & reclaim our freedoms.

2559 Shares on FB. @KevDude I'm just gettin' warmed up. I'm gonna pull the whole thing down. I'm gonna bring the whole fuckin' diseased, corrupt temple down on your head. It's gonna be biblical.

XenaPrincess ago

The fact your getting so defensive and name calling to spread malware makes me highly suspicious of you. You cherry-pick pointless data without even processing the rest. Not only that, did it ever occur to you this detective might be trying to protect identity and location.

Your either very dumb or a shill.

A quick look at your comment history tells me your the latter!!

Now fuck off you Kike Jewish Shill

DreidelDance ago


Stop trying to divide people.

Aelfred ago

Wow! you're so wrong. I'm an ordinary English bloke who's pointed out a couple of simple mistakes this poster made with everyday English words. He/she is NOT English. Just stating s fact nob-head.

WeirdHappenings ago

Crawl back under the stone you came from.. MAGGOT!!

KangarooCourtier ago

Google's involvement in the Pizzagate/Hampstead Situation MKULTRA schools

Abe The Handler Laughing

GrandpaPepe ago

Funny how little euphemisms and word choices can determine the authenticity of a person.

10250306? ago

Black people, or niggers as i like to call them.

KangarooCourtier ago

Google's involvement in the Pizzagate/Hampstead Situation MKULTRA schools

Abe The Handler Laughing

DumbChristen ago

Bring in our brothers and sisters from v/pizzagate

Fuckofshill ago


ardvarcus ago

You were fired because you are a nut job.

heartywomen ago

Your the nut job pedo defender

Optick ago

Be careful or you'll be suicided.

WeirdHappenings ago

That seems to be the narrative nowadays.

Paranoid times.

TheChiefdom ago

OK guys this is very important and will take down the evil ones.

At the end of this video, it talks about one of the fans of the Hampstead cults artwork being a psychologist...

This is important, she worked with the Mohawk children of Canada...

They were put under MKUltra... The Queen visited them there...

Google's involvement in the Pizzagate/Hampstead Situation MKULTRA schools

Abe The Handler Laughing

The children who discussed heinous abuse, were under the impression babies were killed but what if this was part of the MKultra apparatus to terrify them into submission?

Crowley Christ Church Choir Boys Singing Manson Lyrics

Christ Church Hampstead Promoting Evil? [Embed]

Why the hell would the church of England, allow people singing out Manson to record in their premises, as well as The Hellfire Caves (connected to Crowley)

Let's think about this for a moment...

Why does the school have an upside down cross? [Embed]

Why does Chelsea Clinton wear an upside down cross? [Embed] OK, now consider this...

A very well respected Journalist in the UK actually blocked a parent of children who attended Hampstead on account of him and his followers views on child abuse... [Embed]

What's weirder still, is that the very same trolls involved with Hampstead, are also involved with The McCann case and The Holie Grieg Case. [Embed]

The School erasing teachers from their records when the scandal broke [Embed]

Ricky Dearman erasing records of his connection to 88-90 Hatton Gardens, which was a few months later robbed, the men involved said they had previously found child porn photos of a tory MP [Embed]

Anonymous (ID: W4jVKKYK) KN 08/21/17(Mon)23:05:41 No.138519404▶ Lifting The Veil On Pizzagate 138403879 →

ForestTygerPeach ago

Be quiet vampire.

DefenderOfTruth ago

I'd post this in v/Pizzagate

MightyYetGentle1488 ago

I wouldn't. That sub is compromised by SRS users on the site, one of them ((kevdude) is already in here concern trolling.

Anything of interest will get removed from that sub so I'd say stick to system subs.

ForestTygerPeach ago

Yeah, he's also claiming I have other accounts which, if it were true, would be in breach of any reasonable data security policy. Highlighting, voat doesn't have one.

Run out of Switzerland, home of CERN.

MightyYetGentle1488 ago

they claim anyone who points out their shady shit as being the same person. pizzagaters need to make their own sub, out of the reach of heygeorge crensch and the rest of the pedo sympathizers.

Dfens ago

So true. Those miserable Nazi bastards. Socialism always sucks, but fascists are the lowest of the low.