9832667? ago

LOL- that was a fun thread.

arnalek ago

seems like you are talking to someone else but you directed your comment to me. Good luck

arnalek ago

who are you even talking to lol

tranny_gecko ago

you are a coward, im calling you out bitch!

9829023? ago

True- they aren't talented. They're "more is more" type of shills.

arnalek ago

you morons always cry "muh shills" when you get btfo and pointed out for what you actually are. I love how you SJW faggots need to constantly reassure eachother in all these threads.

9828925? ago

I just want to see their pay stubs. What amount of money does it take for them to do what they do?

tranny_gecko ago

No see I don't need to be a white knight. I treat people with respect until given a reason not too. Your acting like a pathetic child who had their toys taken away. Naturally you want to lash out. Well grow up and get over it.

Whatever you say tranny lover. Go suck some more feminine cock.

I have actually seen empress and I can assure you she isn't a trans

Yeah sure, i fuckin believe you.

It doesn't need to be archived sanegoatiswear persona. It is still on my channel. Plus we covered that it wasn't me in those videos lol. You are omitting that part as per usual.

Yeah right faggot. Post it here and let lurkers see it for themselves.

Me me me and my fake points is all that matters.

does it look like i give a fuck about karma. That wasn't my point, my point was i was top poster without even trying. People liekd what i post, which i stopped doing because it's not the same demographic of right-wing regular people that it once was. I'm not pandering to the faggots that came here from the shill operation with pizzagate.

Lol go die shitting you worthless Reddit trash.

You triggered you SRS kike?

Who gives a fuck respond to those that comment in a respectable manner and ignore the others. Or you can bitch and moan when you stop gaining relevance just like sanegoatiswear did.

Keep getting emotional. The facts are militant trannies and homos run this site and it's being used to mock the right lately and if you think im lying just click /v/RidersOfTheReich. Nothing you say is going to change this fact.

9828700? ago

Ugh- he needs to go back to reddit.

tranny_gecko ago

if you doxed yourself then you better keep up that white knight act because you already fucked yourself. Which oyu probably do literally because you are a faggot yourself.

Then leave and make a better one. Wouldn't that be a better use of your time?

that's already happening

tranny_gecko ago

/v/traditionalwives is one of the most positive influences on this site for younger women.

It's ran by a fucking actual tranny. I do my part to make sure any female who accidentally ends up there is aware of that. It's a LARP sub. Le_Squish and Empress are trans.

Then guess what? She actually followed my advice.

Oh wow an attention whore did just that. These faggots only exist because you retards give them attention you fuck stain.

So you can try and lump that subverse in with the others, but when she started it she asked me to help her moderate

Nice, you love trannies don't you. I recall you even uploading a video of you in drag on youtube, i wonder if that was archived.

As for the mentions of you ......like I give a flying fuck. It is likely you are not helping or adding meaningful content users value.

I was one of the top 50 posters on voat before i started going after SRS, pedos, and the SBBH ROTR trannies. My posts regularly got 5k views when now a top post, even stickied announcement from put, is barely 2500. we are flourishing

tranny_gecko ago

What you fail to realize here is that by being here so long and keeping the same account I have credibility in what I say where as you don't

LOL. Yeah, sure. It's not like grandfathered accounts haven't been used to shill lately /u/junesunflower /u/noobftw etc etc etc etc

Account dates mean nothing, SBBH already took care of that by calling all new accounts sock puppets and getting tons of people to leave Voat. How is that for flourishing lol

junesunflower ago

There's a website where you can sell old accounts. We tried to buy adhdferret but got outbid.

tranny_gecko ago

i fixed a typo and missed a comment you made. Relax you fucking retard. Keep deflecting what I say instead of addressing the points i made. That totally not what a shill does.

I only want the site to flourish.

Too late for that

tranny_gecko ago

You don't like the politics of this place you sure seem to want to stay. Lol.

Incorrect. I don't like a small group of degenerate faggots and trannies from SRS running the site with subs like /v/TraditionalWives, /v/RidersOfTheReich, /v/SoapBoxBanHammer, SoapDickBanHammer, /v/anontalk, and /v/ProtectVoat

Simple really. You don't like it go somewhere else. Yet you decide to stay and bitch about it.

I provide truth where it is needed to keep you shills on your toes. If you don't think it is effective i can show you 40+ posts related to me in the last 2 days

tranny_gecko ago

Lol, looks like he did the admins job for them. Just reinforces my claim that the admins dont give a fuck about this site and the stories about them being oh so busy and working and stressed is fucking bullshit.

Thanks, I haven't seen that. Makes me kind of miss that faggot. He was the canary and this site became shill haven after admins sided with the shills.

tranny_gecko ago

thats what i thought shill.

Sanegoatiswear was spamming a great number of subverses. He also did the strike thru error that affected the site and really fucked shit up. I have the screenshot where they admitted it. That right there is what got me involved. Malicious acts time and time again then denying them over and over.

I dont care about sane. any problem he caused will get my praise. You want to pretend this site is legit and isn't a containment site created by SRS and reddit admins. Just look at who mods the most controversial subs. It's all the same shills.

tranny_gecko ago

I only saw sane in voats shitty onsite chat for awhile and that was it. He was one person with users from SBBH making false accounts and posting it in every sub to get people to think sane was spamming.

If you don't want to admit that or believe it then fine, show me you still have some credibility and admit that is a very real possibility and more likely than not. As crazy as sane was, he had one consistent message and that hurt SRS's agenda here.

Also no real Sane account was ever deleted.

Make no mistake these people are still here and still operational. They are trying numerous ways to infiltrate subverses to gain control of them and gain influence

The irony of you saying this

End_Times ago

its pretty funny actually. too bad it's not true

End_Times ago

hopefully fuzzy is next, and hopefully you OD today you junkie addicted to Xanax

End_Times ago

sure thing beatle. you forgot to ping @Kevdude @Trigglypuff @heygeorge @FuzzyWords

End_Times ago

I haven't seen it. I think Womb just doesn't like the fact you guys have to constantly lie and shill to maintain that tiny power on voat that is actually driving users away. I know i know that is intentional.

End_Times ago

Literally everyone in discord hates sane. How could they be a group for him. Keep peddling your jew lies merchant.

End_Times ago

Lmao, no he cannot. And you are the best proof of that fakesane.

End_Times ago

I'm starting to think most of you who accuse people of being sanegoat never actually encountered him. You can not emulate him, nor would I want to. All you are doing is using an SRS shill tactic to push lies.

Sanegoat is gone, if you want to find him look on Gab.

9826689? ago

https://voat.co/v/TraditionalWives/1988136/9791588 another alt of his, he admits he would love to fuck a 13 yo pussy. This guy then goes to accuse @Kevdude @BeatlejuiceX3 @Zyklon-b @nogarbagetrashonly and @RussianIvantheCrazy of being one guy and a pedophile. So a guy who uses multiple accounts and has said he would "love to be a kid again and fuck 13yo pussy" accuses other of being shills and pedos.

9972620? ago

This guy then goes to accuse @Kevdude @BeatlejuiceX3 @Zyklon-b @nogarbagetrashonly and @RussianIvantheCrazy of being one guy

Not sure about Russian and Kevdude, but I'm pretty sure the rest are. Or at least run by the same group.

JohnCStevenson ago

This is rich, coming from a site that has v/youngladies as one of its top Google results. Also, have you forgotten about the time that Trump walked in on a room full of naked teenagers? In a sane world, he and Voat would both be punished for their crimes.


9838073? ago

Forgetting about reddits https://np.reddit.com/r/fillyfiddlers ? You are an idiot, google manipulates the results to make us look bad. This is nothing, top results used to /v/nigger. We already talked about banning the pedos, we do stand for FREE SPEECH so as long as they dont break the law, we cant do shit.

Well, I'll tell you the funniest is that I’ll go backstage before a show, and everyone's getting dressed and ready and everything else, and you know, no men are anywhere. And I'm allowed to go in because I'm the owner of the pageant and therefore I'm inspecting it. You know, I'm inspecting, I want to make sure that everything is good.

You know, the dresses. ‘Is everyone okay?’ You know, they're standing there with no clothes. ‘Is everybody okay?’ And you see these incredible looking women, and so, I sort of get away with things like that. But no, I've been very good.

U are pushing allegations as truth, look what he said. So what? He likes beautiful women? Are u mad that he aint gay, bisexual or a women? Are u mad he isnt on your "sex spectrum" or whatever degenerate term u have now.

MightyYetGentle1488 ago

You leave out the part about Voat censorship and how the site will censor you if you are brigaded

Lame ass shill post, keep running in circles idiots.

love to be a kid again and fuck 13yo pussy

Nah, i don't want to fuck 13 year olds. But i did fuck when i was 13. Easy distinction to miss when you are a shill faggot starting witch hunts.

9827183? ago

Also i wish i was 13, think of all that tight poon I could have another go at.

Do you often fantasize about 13 year old pussy? Nobody is brigading you, people just see through ur bullshit.

MightyYetGentle1488 ago

Do you often fantasize about 13 year old pussy?

No i just use my memory.

Nobody is brigading you, people just see through ur bullshit.

Oh yeah? Prominent voaters have said the same thing many times before they left the site. The best part is everything I say is a very real possibility and that bugs you shills because all you can do is say im bullshitting when I have no motive to do that. I speak the truth, not my fault if you want to deny reality.

9829605? ago

Prominent voaters have said the same thing many times before they left the site.

Give me proof, what part of that you dont understand. Stop making claims like that if u dont have the links to cover what u are spreading.